path: root/NEWS
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Diffstat (limited to 'NEWS')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 3224b3007..38fd4fbc3 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -4,6 +4,21 @@ GNU coreutils NEWS -*- outline -*-
** New features
+ As a GNU extension, 'chmod', 'mkdir', and 'install' now accept operators
+ '-', '+', '=' followed by octal modes; for example, 'chmod +40 FOO' enables
+ and 'chmod -40 FOO' disables FOO's group-read permissions. Operator
+ numeric modes can be combined with symbolic modes by separating them with
+ commas; for example, =0,u+r clears all permissions except for enabling
+ user-read permissions. Unlike ordinary numeric modes, operator numeric
+ modes do not preserve directory setuid and setgid bits; for example,
+ 'chmod =0 FOO' clears all of FOO's permissions, including setuid and setgid.
+ Also, ordinary numeric modes with five or more digits no longer preserve
+ setuid and setgid bits, so that 'chmod 00755 FOO' now clears FOO's setuid
+ and setgid bits. This allows scripts to be portable to other systems which
+ lack the GNU extension mentioned previously, and where ordinary numeric
+ modes do not preserve directory setuid and setgid bits.
dd now accepts the count_bytes, skip_bytes iflags and the seek_bytes
oflag, to more easily allow processing portions of a file.