path: root/crypt-expiry-check
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crypt-expiry-check')
3 files changed, 691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypt-expiry-check/PKGBUILD b/crypt-expiry-check/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..367d6df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypt-expiry-check/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Maintainer: Erich Eckner <arch at eckner dot net>
+pkgdesc="Surveilance of expiry of gpg-keys and X.509 certificates"
+depends=('openssl' 'gnupg')
+ 'etc/crypt-expiry.checks'
+ 'etc/cron.daily/crypt-expiry-check'
+ "${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ "c0cb97f22d14305784f778fb4fbc05867f6f05d588461126a278d2dc54970428"
+package() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ install -D -t $pkgdir/usr/bin/ crypt-expiry-check
+ install -D crypt-expiry-check.cron $pkgdir/etc/cron.daily/crypt-expiry-check
+ touch $pkgdir/etc/crypt-expiry.checks
diff --git a/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check b/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68e4a4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+# Program: Expiration Check for Cryptographic Keys and Certificates
+# <crypt-expiry-check>
+# Author of ssl-cert-check: Matty < matty91 at gmail dot com >
+# Maintainer of crypt-expiry-check: Erich < crux at eckner dot net >
+# Purpose:
+# crypt-expiry-check checks to see if a digital certificate in X.509 format
+# or a GnuPG-key has expired. ssl-cert-check can be run in interactive
+# and batch mode, and provides facilities to alarm if a certificate is
+# about to expire.
+# License:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Requirements:
+# Requires openssl gnupg
+# Installation:
+# Copy the shell script to a suitable location
+# Usage:
+# Refer to the usage() sub-routine, or invoke crypt-expiry-check
+# with the "-h" option.
+export PATH
+# Who to page when an expired certificate is detected (cmdline: -e)
+# Number of days in the warning threshhold (cmdline: -x)
+# If QUIET is set to true, don't print anything on the console (cmdline: -q)
+# Don't send E-mail by default (cmdline: -a)
+# Don't run as a Nagios plugin by default (cmdline: -n)
+# Don't print issuer by default
+# Print header by default
+# Do not validate by default
+# NULL out the PKCSDBPASSWD variable for later use (cmdline: -k)
+# Type of certificate (PEM, DER, NET) (cmdline: -t)
+# Protocol version to use (cmdline: -v)
+# Enable debugging
+# Location of system binaries
+AWK=$(which awk)
+DATE=$(which date)
+GREP=$(which grep)
+OPENSSL=$(which openssl)
+PRINTF=$(which printf)
+SED=$(which sed)
+TEE=$(which tee)
+SORT=$(which sort)
+TAIL=$(which tail)
+MKTEMP=$(which mktemp)
+GPG=$(which gpg)
+# Try to find a mail client
+for executable in sendmailadvanced sendmail mailx mail
+ for prefix in /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin
+ do
+ [ "${MAIL}" == "cantfindit" ] && [ -f "${prefix}/${executable}" ] && MAIL="${prefix}/${executable}"
+ done
+# Return code used by nagios. Initialize to 0.
+# Set the default umask to be somewhat restrictive
+umask 077
+# Purpose: set RETCODE at least to the given value
+# Arguments:
+# $1 -> minimal RETCODE
+ [ ${RETCODE} -lt $1 ] && RETCODE=$1
+# Purpose: Print a line with the expiraton interval
+# Arguments:
+# $1 -> Hostname
+# $2 -> TCP Port
+# $3 -> Status of certification (e.g., expired or valid)
+# $4 -> Date when certificate will expire
+# $5 -> Days left until the certificate will expire
+# $6 -> Issuer of the certificate
+ if ${ISSUER} && ! ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ MIN_DATE=$(echo $4 | ${AWK} '{ print $1, $2, $4 }')
+ if ${NAGIOS}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %-4s %-30s\n" "$1:$2" "$6" "$3" "${MIN_DATE}" \|days="$5" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ else
+ ${PRINTF} "%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %-4s %-30s\n" "$1:$2" "$6" "$3" "${MIN_DATE}" "$5" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+ elif ${ISSUER} && ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "%-35s %-35s %-32s %-17s\n" "$1:$2" "$7" "$8" "$6" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ elif ! ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ MIN_DATE=$(echo $4 | ${AWK} '{ print $1, $2, $4 }')
+ if ${NAGIOS}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "%-47s %-12s %-12s %-4s %-30s\n" "$1:$2" "$3" "${MIN_DATE}" \|days="$5" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ else
+ ${PRINTF} "%-47s %-12s %-12s %-4s %-30s\n" "$1:$2" "$3" "${MIN_DATE}" "$5" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+ else
+ ${PRINTF} "%-35s %-35s %-32s\n" "$1:$2" "$7" "$8" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+# Purpose: Print a heading with the relevant columns
+# Arguments:
+# None
+ if ! ${NOHEADER}
+ then
+ if ${ISSUER} && ! ${NAGIOS} && ! ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %-4s\n" "Host" "Issuer" "Status" "Expires" "Days" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ echo "----------------------------------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ----" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ elif ${ISSUER} && ! ${NAGIOS} && ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-35s %-32s %-17s\n" "Host" "Common Name" "Serial #" "Issuer" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ echo "----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ elif ! ${NAGIOS} && ! ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "\n%-47s %-12s %-12s %-4s\n" "Host" "Status" "Expires" "Days" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ echo "----------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ----" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ elif ! ${NAGIOS} && ${VALIDATION}
+ then
+ ${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-35s %-32s\n" "Host" "Common Name" "Serial #" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ echo "----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+ echo "Dear admin," >> ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+# Purpose: Describe how the script works
+# Arguments:
+# None
+ >&2 echo "Usage: $0 [ -e email address ] [ -x days ] [-q] [-a] [-b] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-v]"
+ >&2 echo " { [ -s common_name:port] } || { [ -f cert_file ] } || { [ -c certificate file ] } || { [ -g email address ] }"
+ >&2 echo ""
+ >&2 echo " -a : Send a warning message through E-mail"
+ >&2 echo " -b : Will not print header"
+ >&2 echo " -c cert file : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificate in cert file"
+ >&2 echo " -e E-mail address : E-mail address to send expiration notices"
+ >&2 echo " -f cert file : File with a list of FQDNs and ports"
+ >&2 echo " -g E-mail address : E-mail address to check expiry of gpg-key from"
+ >&2 echo " -h : Print this screen"
+ >&2 echo " -i : Print the issuer of the certificate"
+ >&2 echo " -k password : PKCS12 file password"
+ >&2 echo " -n : Run as a Nagios plugin"
+ >&2 echo " -s commmon_name:port : Server and Port to connect to (interactive mode)"
+ >&2 echo " -t type : Specify the certificate type"
+ >&2 echo " -q : Don't print anything on the console"
+ >&2 echo " -v : Specify a specific protocol version to use (tls, ssl2, ssl3)"
+ >&2 echo " -V : Only print validation data"
+ >&2 echo " -x days : Certificate expiration interval (eg. if cert_date < days)"
+ >&2 echo ""
+# Purpose: Connect to a server ($1) and port ($2) to see if a certificate
+# has expired
+# Arguments:
+# $1 -> Server name
+# $2 -> TCP port to connect to
+check_server_status() {
+ if [ "_${2}" = "_smtp" -o "_${2}" = "_25" ]
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="-starttls smtp"
+ elif [ "_${2}" = "_ftp" -o "_${2}" = "_21" ]
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="-starttls ftp"
+ elif [ "_${2}" = "_pop3" -o "_${2}" = "_110" ]
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="-starttls pop3"
+ elif [ "_${2}" = "_imap" -o "_${2}" = "_143" ]
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="-starttls imap"
+ elif [ "_${2}" = "_submission" -o "_${2}" = "_587" ]
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="-starttls smtp -port ${2}"
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ "${VERSION}" != "" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ then
+ TLSFLAG="${TLSFLAG} -servername $1"
+ fi
+ echo "" | ${OPENSSL} s_client ${VER} -connect ${1}:${2} ${TLSFLAG} 2> ${ERROR_TMP} 1> ${CERT_TMP}
+ if ${GREP} -iq "Connection refused" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "Connection refused" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ elif ${GREP} -iq "No route to host" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "No route to host" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ elif ${GREP} -iq "gethostbyname failure" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "Cannot resolve domain" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ elif ${GREP} -iq "Operation timed out" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "Operation timed out" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ elif ${GREP} -iq "ssl handshake failure" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "SSL handshake failed" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ elif ${GREP} -iq "connect: Connection timed out" ${ERROR_TMP}
+ then
+ prints ${1} ${2} "Connection timed out" "Unknown" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 3
+ else
+ check_file_status ${CERT_TMP} $1 $2
+ fi
+### Check the expiration status of a certificate file
+### Accepts three parameters:
+### $1 -> certificate file to process
+### $2 -> Server name
+### $3 -> Port number of certificate
+check_file_status() {
+ HOST=${2}
+ PORT=${3}
+ ### Check to make sure the certificate file exists
+ if [ ! -r ${CERTFILE} ] || [ ! -s ${CERTFILE} ]
+ then
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: The file named ${CERTFILE} is unreadable or doesn't exist" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Please check to make sure the certificate for ${HOST}:${PORT} is valid" | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 1
+ return
+ fi
+ ### Grab the expiration date from the X.509 certificate
+ if [ "${PKCSDBPASSWD}" != "" ]
+ then
+ # Extract the certificate from the PKCS#12 database, and
+ # send the informational message to /dev/null
+ ${OPENSSL} pkcs12 -nokeys -in ${CERTFILE} \
+ -out ${CERT_TMP} -clcerts -password pass:${PKCSDBPASSWD} 2> /dev/null
+ # Extract the expiration date from the certificate
+ CERTDATE=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERT_TMP} -enddate -noout | \
+ ${SED} 's/notAfter\=//')
+ # Extract the issuer from the certificate
+ CERTISSUER=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERT_TMP} -issuer -noout | \
+ ${AWK} 'BEGIN {RS="/" } $0 ~ /^O=/ \
+ { print substr($0,3,17)}')
+ ### Grab the common name (CN) from the X.509 certificate
+ COMMONNAME=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERT_TMP} -subject -noout | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/.*CN=//' | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/\/.*//')
+ ### Grab the serial number from the X.509 certificate
+ SERIAL=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERT_TMP} -serial -noout | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/serial=//')
+ else
+ # Extract the expiration date from the ceriticate
+ CERTDATE=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERTFILE} -enddate -noout -inform ${CERTTYPE} | \
+ ${SED} 's/notAfter\=//')
+ # Extract the issuer from the certificate
+ CERTISSUER=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERTFILE} -issuer -noout -inform ${CERTTYPE} | \
+ ${AWK} 'BEGIN {RS="/" } $0 ~ /^O=/ { print substr($0,3,17)}')
+ ### Grab the common name (CN) from the X.509 certificate
+ COMMONNAME=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERTFILE} -subject -noout -inform ${CERTTYPE} | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/.*CN=//' | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/\/.*//')
+ ### Grab the serial number from the X.509 certificate
+ SERIAL=$(${OPENSSL} x509 -in ${CERTFILE} -serial -noout -inform ${CERTTYPE} | \
+ ${SED} -e 's/serial=//')
+ fi
+ # Convert the date to seconds, and get the diff between NOW and the expiration date
+ CERTDIFF=$[$(date +%s -d "${CERTDATE}") - $(date +%s)]
+ if [ ${CERTDIFF} -lt 0 ]
+ then
+ CERTDIFF=$[$[${CERTDIFF}+1]/3600/24-1]
+ else
+ CERTDIFF=$[${CERTDIFF}/3600/24]
+ fi
+ if [ ${CERTDIFF} -lt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "The SSL certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" has expired!" >> ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ prints ${HOST} ${PORT} "Expired" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 2
+ elif [ ${CERTDIFF} -lt ${WARNDAYS} ]
+ then
+ echo "The SSL certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" will expire on ${CERTDATE}" >> ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ prints ${HOST} ${PORT} "Expiring" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 1
+ else
+ prints ${HOST} ${PORT} "Valid" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+### Check the expiration status of a gpg-key
+### Accepts one parameters:
+### $1 -> E-mail address to check
+check_gpg_key_status() {
+ ### Check to make sure gpg is available
+ if [ ! -f ${GPG} ]
+ then
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: The gnupg binary does not exist in ${GPG}."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${GPG} variable in the program header or ommit testing of gpg-keys."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ GPG_ADDRESS="${1}"
+ KEY_INFO="$(${GPG} --list-keys ${GPG_ADDRESS})"
+ echo "${KEY_INFO}" | \
+ ${GREP} "\[\(expire[ds]\|verfallen\|verf..\?llt\):[^]]*]" | \
+ ${SED} "s#^.*\[\(expire[ds]\|verfallen\|verf..\?llt\):\s*\(\S[^]]*\)].*\$#\2#" | \
+ ${SORT} | \
+ ${TAIL} -n1
+ )"
+ if [ -z "${KEY_DATE_STR}" ]
+ then
+ echo "No valid gpg-key found for ${GPG_ADDRESS}." | ${TEE} -a ${MAILOUT_TMP} >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 2
+ else
+ KEY_DATE=$(date +%s -ud "${KEY_DATE_STR}")
+ fi
+ KEY_DIFF=$[${KEY_DATE} - $(date +%s)]
+ if [ ${KEY_DIFF} -lt 0 ]
+ then
+ KEY_DIFF=$[$[${KEY_DIFF}+1]/3600/24-1]
+ else
+ KEY_DIFF=$[${KEY_DIFF}/3600/24]
+ fi
+ if [ ${KEY_DIFF} -lt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "The GPG key for ${GPG_ADDRESS} has expired!" >> ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ prints "GPG" " ${GPG_ADDRESS}" "Expired" "${KEY_DATE_STR}" "${KEY_DIFF}" "" "" "" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 2
+ elif [ ${KEY_DIFF} -lt ${WARNDAYS} ]
+ then
+ echo "The GPG key for ${GPG_ADDRESS} will expire on ${KEY_DATE_STR}" >> ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ prints "GPG" " ${GPG_ADDRESS}" "Expiring" "${KEY_DATE_STR}" "${KEY_DIFF}" "" "" "" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ set_retcode 1
+ else
+ prints "GPG" " ${GPG_ADDRESS}" "Valid" "${KEY_DATE_STR}" "${KEY_DIFF}" "" "" "" >> ${STDOUT_TMP}
+ fi
+### Start of main program
+while getopts abc:e:f:g:hik:nqs:t:x:v:V option
+ case "${option}"
+ in
+ a)
+ ALARM=true
+ ;;
+ b)
+ ;;
+ c)
+ ;;
+ e)
+ ;;
+ f)
+ ;;
+ g)
+ ;;
+ i)
+ ISSUER=true
+ ;;
+ k)
+ ;;
+ n)
+ NAGIOS=true
+ ;;
+ q)
+ QUIET=true
+ ;;
+ s)
+ HOSTS[${#HOSTS[@]}]=${OPTARG%:*}
+ PORTS[${#PORTS[@]}]=${OPTARG#*:}
+ ;;
+ t)
+ ;;
+ v)
+ ;;
+ V)
+ ;;
+ x)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ ${OPTIND} -le $# ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Too many arguments."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure a openssl utility is available
+if [ ! -f ${OPENSSL} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: The openssl binary does not exist in ${OPENSSL}."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${OPENSSL} variable in the program header."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure a date utility is available
+if [ ! -f ${DATE} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: The date binary does not exist in ${DATE} ."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${DATE} variable in the program header."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure a grep utility is available
+if [ ! -f ${GREP} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: The grep binary does not exist in ${GREP} ."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${GREP} variable in the program header."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure the mktemp and printf utilities are available
+if [ ! -f ${MKTEMP} ] || [ ! -f ${PRINTF} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Unable to locate the mktemp or printf binary."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${MKTEMP} and \${PRINTF} variables in the program header."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure the sed and awk binaries are available
+if [ ! -f ${SED} ] || [ ! -f ${AWK} ] || [ ! -f ${TEE} ] || [ ! -f ${SORT} ] || [ ! -f ${TAIL} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Unable to locate the sed, awk, tee, sort or tail binary."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${SED}, \${AWK}, \${TEE}, \${SORT}, \${TAIL} variables in the program header."
+ exit 1
+### Check to make sure a mail client is available if automated notifications are requested
+if ${ALARM} && [ ! -f ${MAIL} ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: You enabled automated alerts, but the mail binary could not be found."
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Please modify the \${MAIL} variable in the program header."
+ exit 1
+# Send along the servername when TLS is used
+TLSSERVERNAME=${OPENSSL} s_client -h 2>&1 | grep -q -- '-servername'
+# Place to stash temporary files
+CERT_TMP=$(${MKTEMP} /var/tmp/cert.XXXXXX)
+ERROR_TMP=$(${MKTEMP} /var/tmp/error.XXXXXX)
+STDOUT_TMP=$(${MKTEMP} /var/tmp/stdout.XXXXXX)
+MAILOUT_TMP=$(${MKTEMP} /var/tmp/mailout.XXXXXX)
+### Touch the files prior to using them
+if [ ! -z "${CERT_TMP}" ] && [ ! -z "${ERROR_TMP}" ] && [ ! -z "${STDOUT_TMP}" ] && [ ! -z "${MAILOUT_TMP}" ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Problem creating temporary files"
+ >&2 echo "FIX: Check that mktemp works on your system"
+ exit 1
+if [ $[${#HOSTS[@]} + ${#SERVERFILES[@]} + ${#CERTFILES[@]} + ${#CHECKADDRESSES[@]}] -eq 0 ]
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Nothing to check."
+ usage
+ exit 1
+for (( i=0; i<${#HOSTS[@]}; i++ ))
+ check_server_status "${HOSTS[${i}]}" "${PORTS[${i}]}"
+for (( i=0; i<${#SERVERFILES[@]}; i++ ))
+ while read HOST PORT
+ do
+ if [ "${PORT}" = "FILE" ]
+ then
+ check_file_status "${HOST}" "FILE" "${HOST}"
+ elif [ "${PORT}" = "GPG" ]
+ then
+ check_gpg_key_status "${HOST}"
+ else
+ check_server_status "${HOST}" "${PORT}"
+ fi
+ done <<< "$(egrep -v '(^#|^$)' ${SERVERFILES[${i}]})"
+for (( i=0; i<${#CERTFILES[@]}; i++ ))
+ check_file_status "${CERTFILES[${i}]}" "FILE" "${CERTFILES[${i}]}"
+for (( i=0; i<${#CHECKADDRESSES[@]}; i++ ))
+ check_gpg_key_status "${CHECKADDRESSES[${i}]}"
+if ! ${QUIET}
+ cat ${STDOUT_TMP}
+if ${ALARM} && [ ${RETCODE} -gt 0 ]
+ (
+ echo "To: ${ADMIN}"
+ echo "From: $(whoami)@$(hostname)"
+ echo "Subject: $(basename $0) at $(date)"
+ echo ""
+ cat ${MAILOUT_TMP}
+ ) | ${MAIL} -t
+### Remove the temporary files
+if ${DEBUG}
+ echo "DEBUG: Certificate temporary file:"
+ cat ${CERT_TMP}
+ echo "DEBUG: Runtime information file:"
+ cat ${ERROR_TMP}
+### Exit with a success indicator
+if ${NAGIOS}
+ exit ${RETCODE}
+ exit 0
diff --git a/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check.cron b/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check.cron
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e067e7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypt-expiry-check/crypt-expiry-check.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/usr/sbin/crypt-expiry-check -qa -e -f /etc/crypt-expiry.checks