diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2020-09-23 22:23:49 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2020-09-23 22:23:49 +0200
commit1edbbbbef3eac44d3a5b08a35c003f8e7d1ae292 (patch)
parent6f4be056a52020242f7ddd55e8528bc9a7b1ab7f (diff)
removed old clutter
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/arch-mirror b/arch-mirror
deleted file mode 100755
index 392fba2..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$(whoami)" != 'http' ]; then
- if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
- >&2 printf 'Too many arguments: %s.\n' "$#"
- >&2 printf 'usage: %s\n' "$0"
- exit 1
- fi
- exec su http -s /bin/bash -c "$0"
-rsync_options='-rtlHp4 --safe-links --timeout=600 --contimeout=60 --no-motd --partial'
-if stty &>/dev/null; then
- rsync_verbose='-v'
- wget_verbose='-v'
- rsync_verbose=''
- wget_verbose='-nv'
-retrieve_listing() {
- local url="$1"
- case "${url%%://*}" in
- 'rsync')
- timeout ${total_timeout} rsync "${url}" \
- | grep '^d' \
- | awk '{print $5}'
- ;;
- 'https'|'http')
- curl -fSsL --max-time ${total_timeout} "${url}" \
- | sed '
- s@^.*<a href="\([^"]\+\)/">\1/</a>.*$@\1@
- t
- d
- '
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'Unknown protocol: %s\n' "${url%%://*}"
- ;;
- esac
-retrieve_file() {
- local url="$1"
- local file="$2"
- case "${url%%://*}" in
- 'rsync')
- timeout ${total_timeout} rsync -q "${url}" "${file}"
- ;;
- 'https'|'http')
- curl -fSsL --max-time ${total_timeout} "${url}" -o "${file}"
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'Unknown protocol: %s\n' "${url%%://*}"
- ;;
- esac
-retrieve_content() {
- local url="$1"
- local destination="$2"
- local extra_options
- local timeout
- if [ -z "${destination##*/archlinuxarm/}" ]; then
- extra_options='--exclude os'
- else
- unset extra_options
- fi
- if [ -z "${destination##*/archlinux32/}" ]; then
- timeout='timeout 36000'
- else
- timeout="timeout ${total_timeout}"
- fi
- case "${url%%://*}" in
- 'rsync')
- ${timeout} rsync ${rsync_options} ${rsync_verbose} ${extra_options} "${url}" "${destination}" \
- || return $?
- ;;
- 'https'|'http')
- ${timeout} wget --mirror --prefer-family=Ipv4 -nH -np ${wget_verbose} -P "${destination}" --cut-dirs $(
- echo "${url#*//}" \
- | tr -d '\n' \
- | tr '/' '\n' \
- | sed 1d \
- | wc -l
- ) "${url}" \
- || return $?
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'Unknown protocol: %s\n' "${url%%://*}"
- ;;
- esac
-resolve_complete_mirror() {
- local host="$1"
- local pre="${host%%//*}//"
- host="${host#${pre}}"
- local post="/${host#*/}"
- host="${host%${post}}"
- {
- dig +short "${host}" A \
- | sed '
- /^[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\{3\}$/ !d
- '
- dig +short "${host}" AAAA \
- | sed '
- s/^[0-9a-f:]\+$/[\0]/
- t
- d
- '
- } \
- | awk '{print "'"${pre}"'" $1 "'"${post}"'"}' \
- | while read -r url; do
- retrieve_listing "${url}" \
- | grep -v '^\(merged$\|\.\)' \
- | sed 's@^\(archlinuxfr\|quarry\)$@\0/os@' \
- | awk '{print "/" $1 "/#'"${url}"'" $1 "/"}'
- done
-fetch_archlinux_mirrors() {
- curl -fSs --max-time ${total_timeout} '' \
- | sed -n '
- s@^[^[]*"urls": \[@@
- T
- s@][^[]*$@@
- T
- p
- ' \
- | sed '
- s/}, {/},\n{/g
- ' \
- | grep -F '"protocol": "rsync"' \
- | grep -F '"isos": true' \
- | grep -vwF \
- | grep '"country_code": "\(DE\|CZ\|NL\|CH\|AT\|DK\)"' \
- | {
- date -u +'%FT%TZ CUTCUTCUT' -d@$(($(date +%s)-3600))
- sed '
- s@^.*, "last_sync": "\([^"]\+\)",.*$@\1 \0@
- '
- } \
- | sort -k1r,1 \
- | sed '
- / CUTCUTCUT/,$ d
- s@^\S\+ {"url": "\([^"]\+\)".*$@/archlinux/#\1@
- t
- d
- '
-fetch_lastsync() {
- local tmp_file=$(mktemp)
- while read -r proximity url; do
- rm -f "${tmp_file}"
- if [ -n "${1}" ]; then
- if ! retrieve_file "${url}${1}" "${tmp_file}" 2>/dev/null; then
- rm -f "${tmp_file}"
- fi
- fi
- for file in 'lastsync' 'lastupdate'; do
- if [ -s "${tmp_file}" ]; then
- break
- fi
- for dir in '' 'os/'; do
- if [ -s "${tmp_file}" ]; then
- break
- fi
- if ! retrieve_file "${url}${dir}${file}" "${tmp_file}" 2>/dev/null; then
- rm -f "${tmp_file}"
- fi
- done
- done
- if [ -s "${tmp_file}" ]; then
- printf '%s %s %s\n' \
- "$(head -n1 "${tmp_file}")" \
- "${proximity}" \
- "${url}"
- else
- printf '%s %s %s\n' \
- "$(($(date +%s) - 120 + 60*proximity))" \
- "${proximity}" \
- "${url}"
- fi
- done
- rm -f "${tmp_file}"
-remove_unindexed_packages() {
- find "$1" \
- -type d \
- -name any \
- -printf '%p\n' \
- | while read -r any_repo; do
- {
- find "${any_repo%/*}" \
- -name 'any' -prune , \
- -type l \
- -name '*.pkg*' \
- -printf '%f\n' \
- | sed '
- s@^@'"${any_repo}"'/@
- p
- '
- find "${any_repo}" \
- -mindepth 1 \
- -maxdepth 1 \
- -printf '%p\n'
- } \
- | sort \
- | uniq -u \
- | xargs -r rm -v
- done
- find "$1" \
- -type d \
- -name pool \
- -printf '%p\n' \
- | while read -r pool; do
- {
- find "${pool%/*}" \
- -name 'pool' -prune , \
- -type l \
- -name '*.pkg*' \
- -readlink -e {} + \
- grep '^'"${pool}"'/'
- find "${pool}" \
- -type f \
- -printf '%p\n'
- } \
- | sort \
- | uniq -u \
- | xargs -r rm -v
- done
- find "$1" \
- -name '.~tmp~' -prune , \
- -name '*.db' -printf '%p\n' \
- | while read -r db; do
- db_file="${db##*/}"
- {
- {
- find "${db%/*}/" \
- \( \
- -name "${db_file}*" -o \
- -name "${db_file%db}files*" \
- \) \
- -printf '%p\n'
- bsdtar -Oxf "${db}" \
- | sed '
- /^%FILENAME%$/ {
- N
- s@^%FILENAME%\n@'"${db%/*}"'/@
- t
- }
- D
- ' \
- | sed '
- p
- s/$/.sig/
- '
- } \
- | sed 'p'
- find "${db%/*}/" \
- -mindepth 1 \
- -maxdepth 1 \
- -printf '%p\n'
- } \
- | sort \
- | uniq -u \
- | xargs -r rm -v
- done
- find "$1" \
- -type d \
- -name '.~tmp~' \
- -exec rm -rf --one-file-system {} +
-if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ "$1" = 'mirror' ]; then
- to_sync="$2"
- for file in 'lastsync' 'lastupdate'; do
- for dir in '' 'os/'; do
- if [ -f "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}${dir}${file}" ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ -f "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}${dir}${file}" ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- >&2 printf 'synchronizing %s ...\n' "${to_sync}"
- {
- if [ -f "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}${dir}${file}" ]; then
- printf '%s 0 ME\n' "$(head -n1 "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}${dir}${file}")"
- else
- unset dir
- unset file
- fi
- {
- sed 's/^/1 /' "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/close-mirrors"
- sed 's/^/2 /' "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/far-mirrors"
- } \
- | sed '
- s@^\([12] \)'"${to_sync}"'#@\1@
- t
- d
- ' \
- | fetch_lastsync "${dir}${file}"
- } \
- | sort -k1nr,1 -k2n,2 \
- | sed '/ ME$/,$ d' \
- | sort -k2n,2 -k1nr,1 \
- | {
- last_successful_level=0
- while read -r _ level url; do
- if [ "${level}" -le "${last_successful_level}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if retrieve_content "${url}" "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}"; then
- last_successful_level="${level}"
- fi
- done
- if [ "${last_successful_level}" -eq 2 ]; then
- >&2 printf 'clean up %s ...\n' "${to_sync}"
- remove_unindexed_packages "${mirror_dir}${to_sync}"
- fi
- }
- >&2 printf '%s done.\n' "${to_sync}"
- exit
-if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
- >&2 printf 'usage:\n'
- >&2 printf ' %s\n' "$0"
- >&2 printf '( %s mirror /sub-destination/ )\n' "$0"
- exit 1
-mkdir -p "${mirror_dir}"'/.tmp'
-exec 9> "${mirror_dir}/.arch-mirror.lock"
-flock -n 9 || exit 0
- resolve_complete_mirror 'rsync://'
- fetch_archlinux_mirrors \
- | shuf -n10
- printf '%s\n' \
- '/archlinux/#rsync://' \
- '/archlinuxarm/#rsync://' \
- '/archlinuxfr/os/#' \
- '/quarry/os/#'
-} \
-> "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/far-mirrors"
-resolve_complete_mirror 'rsync://' \
-> "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/close-mirrors"
-cat \
- "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/close-mirrors" \
- "${mirror_dir}/.tmp/far-mirrors" \
-| sed 's/#.*$//' \
-| sort -u \
-| parallel -j0 --lb -L1 "${0}" mirror
->&2 printf 'refreshing symlinks ...\n'
-find "${mirror_dir}/" \
- -name '.*' -prune , \
- \( -name '*.files.tar.?z' -o -name '*.db.tar.?z' \) -printf '%p\n' \
-| sed '
- s@\.\(files\|db\)\.tar\.[xg]z$@@
- t
- d
-' \
-| sort -u \
-| sed '
- s@\(/\([^/]\+\)/os/\([^/]\+\)\)/\2$@\1 \2/os/\3@
- t
- s@\(/\([^/]\+\)/\([^/]\+\)\)/\3$@\1 \3/os/\2@
- t
- d
-' \
-| while read -r link_target link_name; do
- link_target="$(
- echo "${link_name%/*}/" \
- | sed '
- s@[^/]\+/@../@g
- '
- )..${link_target#${mirror_dir}}"
- link_name="${mirror_dir}/merged/${link_name}"
- mkdir -p "${link_name%/*}"
- rm -f "${link_name}"
- ln -s "${link_target}" "${link_name}"
->&2 printf 'symlinks done.\n'
->&2 printf 'refreshing timestamps ...\n'
-declare -A dates
-while read -r var date; do
- if [ "${var}" != 'lastupdate' ] \
- && [ "${var}" != 'lastsync' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ -z "${dates[${var}.min]}" ] \
- || [ "${dates[${var}.min]}" -gt "${date}" ]; then
- dates["${var}.min"]="${date}";
- fi
- if [ -z "${dates[${var}.max]}" ] \
- || [ "${dates[${var}.max]}" -lt "${date}" ]; then
- dates["${var}.max"]="${date}";
- fi
-done < <(
- find "${mirror_dir}/" -maxdepth 3 \
- -name '.*' -prune , \
- -type f \( \
- -name 'lastsync' -o -name 'lastupdate' \
- \) \
- -printf '%f ' \
- -exec head -n1 {} \; \
- -printf '\n' \
- | grep -vxF ''
-for key in "${!dates[@]}"; do
- printf '%s\n' "${dates["${key}"]}" \
- > "${mirror_dir}/${key}"
->&2 printf 'timestamps done.\n'
diff --git a/arch-mirror-git-pull b/arch-mirror-git-pull
deleted file mode 100755
index 9bb0abb..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror-git-pull
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")
-user=$(stat -c%U "${dir}")
-if [ "$(whoami)" != "${user}" ]; then
- exec su "${user}" -s /bin/bash -c "$0"
-git -C "${dir}" pull --ff-only
diff --git a/arch-mirror-resync-failed b/arch-mirror-resync-failed
deleted file mode 100755
index 8daa6dc..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror-resync-failed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-cd "${mirror_dir}"
-journalctl -u nginx -b 0 \
-| sed '
- s@^\(\S\+\s\+\)\{7\}\[error] \([0-9]\+\)#\2: \S\+ open() "/srv/http/arch/\(\S\+\)" failed (2: No such file or directory),.*$@\3@
- t
- d
-' \
-| grep -v '/[^/.]\+\.\(db\|files\)\(\.old\)\?\(\.sig\)\?$' \
-| sort -u \
-| while read -r f; do
- dl=$(
- readlink -f "${f}"
- ) \
- || continue
- readlink -e "${f}" \
- >/dev/null \
- && continue
- {
- dig +short '' A
- dig +short '' A
- } \
- | while read -r upstream; do
- rsync -av --progress "rsync://${upstream}/archlinux-all/${dl#${mirror_dir}/}" "${dl}" \
- && break
- done
- chown http:http "${dl}"
diff --git a/arch-mirror-resync-failed.service b/arch-mirror-resync-failed.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb9520..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror-resync-failed.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Description=try to download failed content of arch mirror again
diff --git a/arch-mirror-resync-failed.timer b/arch-mirror-resync-failed.timer
deleted file mode 100644
index cf4b6ee..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror-resync-failed.timer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Description=repeatedly try to download failed content of arch mirror again
-OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*:00
diff --git a/arch-mirror.service b/arch-mirror.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a5921..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Description=update arch mirror
diff --git a/arch-mirror.timer b/arch-mirror.timer
deleted file mode 100644
index 600a27a..0000000
--- a/arch-mirror.timer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Description=repeatedly update arch mirror
-OnCalendar=*-*-* *:00/10:00
diff --git a/sync.php b/sync.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c84ac37..0000000
--- a/sync.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-exec('screen -d -m /usr/bin/arch-mirror');
-$f = fopen('/srv/http/arch/lastsync','r');
-$s = trim(fgets($f));
-print 'Mirror update initiated. (Last update was at ' . date('c', $s) . ')' . "\n";