path: root/ldap/disptmpl.cfg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap/disptmpl.cfg')
1 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/disptmpl.cfg b/ldap/disptmpl.cfg
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f08e3b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldap/disptmpl.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# LDAP display templates
+# Version must be 1
+Version 1
+# U-M Person template
+# template name and plural name come first
+"U-M Person"
+"U-M People"
+# name of the icon that is associated with this template
+"person icon"
+# blank-separated list of template options ("" for none)
+# addable - end-user should be allowed to add these types of entries
+# modrdn - end-user can change the name of these entries
+# altview - this template is referred to in another template's
+# "linkact" item
+# objectclass list
+umichPerson person
+# name of attribute to authenticate as ("" means auth as this entry)
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries (DN; "" means no default)
+"o=University of Michigan, c=US"
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# list of items for display
+# each line is either:
+# item (type) (attribute) (attr name) (extra args...)
+# to define an item or
+# samerow
+# to keep the next item on the same row as the previous
+# valid types are:
+# cis - case ignore string
+# mls - multiline string
+# dn -
+# mail - case ignore string that contains an RFC822 mail address
+# bool - boolean value
+# jpeg - inlined JPEG image
+# jpegbtn - JPEG image button
+# fax - inlined Fax image
+# faxbtn - Fax image button
+# audiobtn - audio button
+# time - time value
+# date - time value displayed as a date only
+# url - labeled URL for links to items in WWW
+# searchact - search action
+# linkact - link to another template
+# valid options (comma separated list appended to the type) are:
+# ro - attribute is read only; don't let user edit it
+# sort - order the values of this attribute
+# 1val - disallow entry of multiple values
+# required - this attribute should have at least one value
+# hide - don't show this item if attribute has no values
+# hideiffalse - hide item if value is FALSE (for type 'bool' only)
+item jpegbtn "View Photo" jpegPhoto "Next Photo"
+item audiobtn "Play Sound" audio
+item cis,ro,sort "Also Known As" cn
+item mail "E-Mail Address" mail
+item cis "Work Phone" telephoneNumber
+item cis "Fax Number" facsimileTelephoneNumber
+item cis "Pager Number" pager
+item mls "Work Address" postalAddress
+item cis,sort "Title" title
+item cis,ro "Uniqname" uid
+item mls "Description" multiLineDescription
+item cis "Home Phone" homePhone
+item mls "Home Address" homePostalAddress
+item url "More Info (URL)" labeledURL
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item cis "Favorite Beverage" drink
+item cis "Notice" notice
+item bool,hideiffalse "On Vacation" onVacation
+item mls,1val "Vacation Message" vacationMessage
+item bool,hideiffalse "Do Not Allow Updates" noBatchUpdates
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item searchact "Find Groups Added To" "" "-dnt" "(&(objectclass=rfc822mailgroup)(member=%v))" "multiLineDescription" "Description" ""
+item searchact "List Owned Groups" "" "-dnt" "(&(objectclass=rfc822mailgroup)(owner=%v))" "title" "Title" ""
+item linkact "Other Addresses" "" "other addresses"
+# Person template
+"person icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# list of items for display
+item jpegbtn "View Photo" jpegPhoto "Next Photo"
+item audiobtn "Play Sound" audio
+item cis,sort "Also Known As" cn
+item cis,sort "Title" title
+item mls "Work Address" postalAddress
+item cis "Work Phone" telephoneNumber
+item cis "Fax Number" facsimileTelephoneNumber
+item cis "Pager Number" pager
+item mls "Home Address" homePostalAddress
+item cis "Home Phone" homePhone
+item cis "User ID" uid
+item mail "E-Mail Address" mail
+item cis "Description" description
+item cis "Favorite Beverage" drink
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Group template
+"group icon"
+# template options
+addable modrdn
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+"ou=User Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US"
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+constant "associatedDomain" ""
+constant "joinable" "FALSE"
+addersdn "owner"
+addersdn "member"
+addersdn "errorsTo"
+addersdn "requestsTo"
+# list of items for display
+# each line is either:
+# item (type) (attribute) (attr name) (extra args...)
+# to define an item or
+# samerow
+# list of items for display
+item cis,sort "Also Known As" cn
+item mls "Description" multiLineDescription
+item cis "Phone Number" telephoneNumber
+item cis "Fax Number" facsimileTelephoneNumber
+item mls "Address" postalAddress
+item dn,required,sort "Owner" owner
+item url "More Info (URL)" labeledURL
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item dn,sort "Errors To" errorsTo
+item dn,sort "Requests To" requestsTo
+item cis "Associated Domain" associatedDomain
+item cis "Moderator" moderator
+item bool "Suppress 'No E-Mail Address' Errors" suppressNoEmailError
+item bool "Others May Join" joinable
+item dn,sort "X.500 Members" member
+item mail,sort "E-Mail Errors To" rfc822ErrorsTo
+item mail,sort "E-Mail Requests To" rfc822RequestsTo
+item mail,sort "E-Mail Members" mail
+item cis "Notice" notice
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item searchact "Subscribers" "" "-dnt" "memberOfGroup=%v" "title" "Title" "joinable"
+item verifyact "Verify Members" "member" "mail" "E-Mail Address"
+# Organization template
+"organization icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+constant "o" "foo"
+# list of items for display
+# each line is either:
+# item (type) (attribute) (attr name) (extra args...)
+# to define an item or
+# samerow
+# list of items for display
+item cis,sort "Name" o
+item cis "Location" l
+item mls "Address" postalAddress
+item cis "Phone Number" telephoneNumber
+item cis "Fax Number" facsimileTelephoneNumber
+item cis "Description" description
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Service template
+"service icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+"ou=Services, o=University of Michigan, c=US"
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+addersdn "owner"
+# list of items for display
+# each line is either:
+# item (type) (attribute) (attr name) (extra args...)
+# to define an item or
+# samerow
+# list of items for display
+item jpegbtn "View Photo" jpegPhoto
+item cis,sort "Name" cn
+item mls "Description" multilineDescription
+item cis "Provider" provider
+item cis,sort "Service Area" serviceArea
+item mail "E-mail Address" mail
+item cis "Phone" telephoneNumber
+item cis "Fax Number" facsimileTelephoneNumber
+item mls "Postal Address" postalAddress
+item cis "Hours" hoursOfOperation
+item url "More Info (URL)" labeledURL
+item dn,sort "Depends On" dependentUpon
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item cis,sort "Platform" platform
+item cis,sort "Product" product
+item cis,sort "Keywords" keywords
+item cis "FCE Rating" serviceRating
+item date "Date Rated" ratingTime
+item mls "Rating Description" ratingDescription
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item dn,required,sort "Owner" owner
+# Organizational Role template
+"Organizational Role"
+"Organizational Roles"
+"person icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# list of items for display
+# each line is either:
+# item (type) (attribute) (attr name) (extra args...)
+# to define an item or
+# samerow
+# list of items for display
+item cis,sort "Name" cn
+item cis "Description" description
+item dn "Role Occupant" roleOccupant
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Organizational Unit template
+"Organizational Unit"
+"Organizational Units"
+"organization icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Organization Unit Name" ou
+item cis "Title" title
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Application Entity template
+"Application Entity"
+"Application Entities"
+"application icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis,sort "Name" cn
+item cis "Location" l
+item cis "Description" description
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Document template
+"document icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Document ID" documentIdentifier
+item cis "Title" documentTitle
+item cis "Series Title" documentSeriesTitle
+item cis "Version" documentVersion
+item cis,sort "Service Area" serviceArea
+item mls "Abstract" multiLineAbstract
+item url "More Info (URL)" labeledURL
+item dn,sort "Availability" documentAvailable
+item dn,sort "See Also" seeAlso
+item cis,sort "Platform" platform
+item cis,sort "Product" product
+item cis,sort "Keyword" keywords
+item dn,sort "Author" documentAuthor
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item dn,required "Owner" owner
+# Document description template
+"document description icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item mls "Description" multilineDescription
+item url "More Info (URL)" labeledURL
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item dn,required "Owner" owner
+# Image template
+"image icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Name" cn
+item mls "Description" multilineDescription
+item jpegbtn "View Photo(s)" jpegPhoto
+item cis "Citation" citation
+item cis "Copyright" copyright
+item cis "Keywords" keywords
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+item dn,required "Owner" owner
+# Country template
+"country icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Country Name" co
+item cis "Country Code" c
+item cis "Description" description
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# Locality template
+"locality icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Name" l
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy
+# "Other Addresses" template
+"Others Addresses"
+"Other Addresses"
+"other addr icon"
+# template options
+# objectclass list
+# name of attribute to authenticate as
+# default attribute name to use when forming RDN of a new entry
+# default location when adding new entries
+# rules used to define default values for new entries
+# Item list
+item cis "Street Address" streetAddress
+item cis "Locality" l
+item cis "State or Province" st
+item cis "Postal Code" postalCode
+item cis,hide "X.400 Address" mhsORAddresses
+item cis,hide "X.400 Address" textEncodedORAddress
+Item cis "Other Mailbox" otherMailbox
+item time,ro "Last Modified" lastModifiedTime
+item dn,ro "Modified By" lastModifiedBy