path: root/doc/tech-notes/config-notes.html
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authorEduardo Chappa <>2013-02-03 00:59:38 -0700
committerEduardo Chappa <>2013-02-03 00:59:38 -0700
commit094ca96844842928810f14844413109fc6cdd890 (patch)
treee60efbb980f38ba9308ccb4fb2b77b87bbc115f3 /doc/tech-notes/config-notes.html
Initial Alpine Version
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+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Alpine Technical Notes: Notes on Configuration and
+<H1>Notes on Configuration and Preferences</H1>
+<H2><A NAME="fkey">Alpine in Function Key Mode</A></H2>
+The standard <EM>Alpine</EM> uses alphabetic keys for most commands, and control keys
+in the composer. Despite possible appearances, the current bindings are
+the result of much discussion and thought. All the commands in the
+composer are single control characters. This keeps things very neat and
+simple for users. Two character commands in the composer are a
+possibility, but we're trying to avoid them because of the added
+complexity for the user. <P>
+<EM>Alpine</EM> can also operate in a function-key mode. To go into this mode invoke
+<EM>alpine -k</EM> or (on some UNIX systems) <EM>alpinef.</EM> On a UNIX
+system, you can link or copy the <EM>Alpine</EM> executable to
+<EM>alpinef</EM> to install <EM>alpinef.</EM> Alternatively, users and systems
+administrators can set the <EM>use-function-keys</EM> feature in the
+personal or system-wide <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration file.
+The command menus at the
+bottom of the screen will show <EM>F1-F12 </EM>instead of the alphabetic
+commands. In addition, the help screens will be written in terms of
+function keys and not alphabetic keys. <P>
+One of the results of using <EM>Alpine</EM> in function-key mode is that users can
+only choose from twelve commands at any given time. In alphabetic-key
+mode, a user can press a key for a command (say, q to quit) and that
+command can be fulfilled. In function-key mode, the command must be
+visible on the bottom key-menu in order to be used. There are some
+screens where four screens of commands are operational;
+function-key users can get to all of them, just not all at once. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="domain">Domain Settings</A></H2>
+<EM>Alpine</EM> uses the default domain for a few different tasks. First, it is
+tacked onto the user-id for outgoing email. Second, it is tacked onto all
+"local" (unqualified) addresses in the "To:" or "Cc:" fields of messages
+being composed (unless they are found in the address book or on an
+LDAP server). The domain
+name is also used to generate message-id lines for each outgoing message
+and to allow <EM>Alpine</EM> to check if an address is that of the current <EM>Alpine</EM> user.
+<EM>Alpine</EM> determines the domain name according
+to whichever of these it finds.
+The list here is in decreasing order of precedence.
+<LI> Value of the variable
+<A HREF="config.html#user-domain"><EM>user-domain</EM></A>
+in the system fixed configuration file
+<LI> Value of the variable <EM>user-domain</EM> in the personal
+configuration file
+<LI> Value of the variable <EM>user-domain</EM> in the system-wide
+configuration file
+<LI> Value from an external database (DNS, <CODE>/etc/hosts</CODE>, NIS) as
+modified by a system fixed configuration file if
+<A HREF="config.html#use-only"><EM>use-only-domain-name</EM></A>
+set to <EM>yes</EM>
+<LI> Value from an external database (DNS, <CODE>/etc/hosts</CODE>, NIS) as
+modified by a personal configuration file if <EM>use-only-domain-name</EM>
+set to <EM>yes</EM>
+<LI> Value from an external database (DNS, <CODE>/etc/hosts</CODE>, NIS) as
+modified by a system configuration file if <EM>use-only-domain-name</EM>
+set to <EM>yes</EM>
+<LI> Unmodified value (host name) from an external database <P>
+<P> The easiest way for this system to work is for <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>
+users and UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> system administrators to
+set the <EM>user-domain</EM> variable. The
+variable <EM>use-only-domain-name</EM> is helpful if your site
+supports/requires hostless addressing, but for some reason you don't want
+to use the <EM>user-domain</EM> variable. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="collections">Syntax for Collections</A></H2>
+In many environments, it is quite common to have collections of archived
+mail on various hosts around the network. Using the folder collections
+facility in <EM>Alpine</EM>, access to these archives is just as simple as access to
+folders on <EM>Alpine</EM>'s local disk. <P>
+"Collection" is the word we use in <EM>Alpine</EM> to describe a set of folders. A
+collection corresponds loosely to a "directory" containing mail folders.
+Folders within a defined collection can be manipulated (opened, saved-to,
+etc) using just their simple name. Any number of folder collections can
+be defined, and <EM>Alpine</EM> will adjust its menus and prompts to help navigate
+them. <P>
+The way collections are defined in <EM>Alpine</EM> is with the
+<A HREF="config.html#fold-coll"><EM>folder-collections</EM></A>
+variable in the <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration file.
+<EM>Folder-collections</EM> takes a list of one or more collections, each
+(optionally) preceded by a user-defined logical name (label). Once
+collections are defined, <EM>Alpine</EM> adjusts its menus and behavior to allow
+choosing files by their simple name within the collection.
+Consider the following:
+ folder-collections= Local-Mail C:\MAIL\[],
+ Remote-Mail {}mail/[]
+The example shows two collections defined (a comma separated list;
+newlines in the list are OK if there's one or more spaces before the next
+entry), one local and one remote. Each collection is a space-delimited
+pair of elements-first an optional logical-name and second the collection
+specifier. The logical-name can have spaces if it has quotes around it
+(but keeping the logical name short and descriptive works best). <EM>Alpine</EM>
+will use the logical-name (if provided) to reference all folders in the
+collection, so the user never has to see the ugliness of the collection
+specifier. <P>
+The collection specifier can be thought of as an extended IMAP format (see
+the <A HREF="#remote-folders"><EM>Remote Folders</EM></A> section
+for a description of IMAP format names).
+Basically, a pair of square-brackets are placed in the fully qualified
+IMAP path where the simple folder name (the part without the host name and
+path) would appear. Like IMAP, the path can be either fully qualified
+(i.e., with a leading '/') or relative to your home directory. <P>
+An advanced feature of this notation is that a pattern within the square
+brackets allows the user to define a collection to be a subset of a
+directory. For example, a collection defined with the specifier:
+ M-Mail C:MAIL/[m*]<BR>
+will provide a view in the folder lister of all folders in the PC's
+"C:MAIL" directory that start with the letter 'm' (case insensitive under
+DOS, of course). Further, the wildcard matching will honor characters
+trailing the '*' in the pattern. <P>
+From within <EM>Alpine</EM>, the "Folder List" display will be adjusted to allow
+browsing of the folders in any defined collection. Even more, you'll
+notice in the <EM>Goto</EM> and <EM>Save</EM> commands a pair of
+sub-commands to rotate
+through the list of logical collection names, so only a simple name need
+be input in order to operate on a folder in any collection. <P>
+The first collection specified in the <EM>folder-collections</EM> has
+special significance. That folder is the "default collection for saves".
+By default, in cases where the user does not specify which
+collection should be used to <EM>Save</EM> a message,
+the default collection for saves will be used.
+Also, if the <A HREF="config.html#def-fcc"><EM>default-fcc</EM></A>
+is a relative file name, then it is relative
+to the default collection for saves. (See also
+<A HREF="config.html#saved-msg-name"><EM>saved-msg-name-rule</EM></A>. <P>
+The notion of collections encompasses both email folders and news reading.
+The variable <A HREF="config.html#news-coll"><EM>news-collections</EM></A>
+uses nearly the same format as <EM>folder-collections</EM>.
+Newsgroups can be defined for convenient
+access via either IMAP or NNTP. There are advantages and disadvantages to
+both access methods. In the IMAP case, your news environment state is
+maintained on the server and, thus, will be seen by any client. The
+downside is that, at the moment, you must have an account on the server.
+In the NNTP case, server access is mostly anonymous and no
+state/accounting need be maintained on it. The downside is that each
+client, for now, must individually maintain news environment state. <P>
+An example pinerc entry might be:
+ news-collections= Remote-State {}#news.[],
+ Local-State {}#news.[]
+Only newsgroups to which you are subscribed are included in the collection. <P>
+The pattern matching facility can be applied so as to define a news
+collection which is a subset of all the newsgroups you subscribe to. For
+example, this could be a valid collection:
+ Newsfeed-News {}#news.[clari.*]
+Collection handling is a tough problem to solve in a general way, and the
+explanation of the syntax is a bit ugly. The upside is, hopefully, that
+for a little complexity in the <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration file you get simple
+management of multiple folders in diverse locations. <P>
+Collection setup is handled by the
+<EM>Setup/collectionList</EM> screen. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="remote-folders">Syntax for Folder Names</A></H2>
+Remote folders are distinguished from local folders by a leading host name
+bracketed by '{' and '}'. The path and folder name immediately following
+the closing bracket, '}', is interpreted by the remote server and is in a
+form compatible with that server (i.e., path delimiters and naming syntax
+relative to that server).
+The full syntax for a <EM>Alpine</EM> folder name looks like
+The square brackets ([]) mean that the part is optional.
+If there is no remote-specification, then the folder name is interpreted
+locally on the computer running <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+Local folder names depend on the operating system used by the computer
+running <EM>Alpine</EM>, as well as the configuration of that system. For example,
+&quot;C:&#92;ALPINE&#92;FOLDERS&#92;OCT-94&quot; might exist on a PC, and
+&quot;~/mail/september-1994&quot; might be a reasonable folder name on a
+system running Unix.
+<EM>Alpine</EM> users have the option of using folders which are stored on some other
+computer. <EM>Alpine</EM> accesses remote folders via IMAP (the Internet Message
+Access Protocol), or in the case of news, via NNTP (the Network News
+Transport Protocol). To be able to access remote folders in <EM>Alpine</EM>, the
+remote host must be running the appropriate server software (imapd or
+nntpd) and you must correctly specify the name of the folder to <EM>Alpine</EM>,
+including the domain name of the remote machine. For example,
+could be a remote folder specification, and so could
+Note that in the case of remote folders, the directory/file path in the specification is
+determined by the operating system of the remote computer, <B>not</B> by
+the operating system of the computer on which you are running <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+As you can tell, the name of the computer is in &#123;} brackets
+followed immediately by the name of the folder. (In each of these cases the
+optional namespace is missing.) If, as in these
+examples, there is no remote access protocol specified, then IMAP is
+assumed. Check
+<A HREF="#server-name-syntax"><EM>Server Name Syntax</EM></A>
+for a more detailed look at what options can be placed between the brackets.
+If there are no brackets at all, then the folder name is interpreted locally
+on the computer on which you are running <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+To the right of the brackets when a server name is present, or at the
+start of the foldername if no server is present, the sharp sign,
+&quot;#&quot;, holds special meaning. It indicates a folder name
+outside the area reserved for your personal folders. In fact, it's
+used to indicate both the name of the folder, and a special phrase
+telling <EM>Alpine</EM> how to interpret the name that follows.
+So, for example, <EM>Alpine</EM> can be used to access a newsgroup that might be
+available on your computer using:
+The sharp sign indicates the folder name is outside your personal
+folder area. The &quot;news.&quot; phrase after it tells <EM>Alpine</EM> to
+interpret the remainder of the name as a newsgroup.
+Similarly, to access a newsgroup on your IMAP server, you might
+use something like:
+There are a number of such special phrases (or &quot;namespaces&quot;)
+available. For a more detailed explanation read about
+<A HREF="#folder-namespaces"><EM>Namespaces</EM></A>.
+Note that &quot;INBOX&quot; has special meaning in both local and remote folder
+names. The name INBOX refers to your &quot;principal incoming
+message folder&quot; and will be mapped to the actual file name used for your
+INBOX on any given host. Therefore, a name like
+&quot;&#123;}INBOX&quot; refers to whatever file is used to
+store incoming mail for you on that particular host.
+<H2><A NAME="server-name-syntax">Server Name Syntax</A></H2>
+This section describes the syntax which may be used for server names
+which may be associated with remote folders or SMTP servers.
+A server name is the hostname of the server.
+It's a good idea to use the host's fully-qualified network name.
+However, IP addresses are allowed if surrounded
+with square-brackets.
+An optional network port number may be supplied by appending
+a colon (:) followed by the port number
+to the server name.
+By default, the IMAP port number, 143, is used.
+Besides server name and optional port number, various other optional
+parameters may be supplied that alter <EM>Alpine</EM>'s interaction with the server.
+A parameter is supplied by appending a slash (/) character followed by
+the parameter's name and,
+depending on the particular parameter, the value assigned to that
+name, to the server name (and optional port number).
+Parameter names are <EM>not</EM> case sensitive.
+Currently supported parameters include:
+<DD>This parameter requires an associated value, and is intended to
+provide the username identifier with which to establish the server
+If your SMTP server offers SMTP AUTH authentication, adding this
+parameter to the
+<A HREF="config.html#smtp-server"><EM>SMTP-Server</EM></A>
+option will cause <EM>Alpine</EM> to attempt to authenticate to the server using the
+supplied username.
+Similarly, if your NNTP server offers NNTP &quot;AUTHINFO SASL&quot;
+or &quot;AUTHINFO USER&quot; authentication, adding this parameter to the
+<A HREF="config.html#nntp-server"><EM>NNTP-Server</EM></A>
+option (or to the server name for any folder collection using NNTP)
+will cause <EM>Alpine</EM> to attempt
+to authenticate to the server using the supplied username.
+An example might be:
+Normally, when a new connection is made an attempt is made to
+negotiate a secure (encrypted) session using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
+If that fails then a non-encrypted connection will be attempted instead.
+This is a unary parameter indicating communication with the server must
+take place over a TLS connection. If the attempt to use TLS fails then
+this parameter will cause the connection to fail instead of falling
+back to an unsecure connection.
+This is a unary parameter indicating communication with the server should
+take place over a Secure Socket Layer connection. The server must support
+this method, and be prepared to accept connections on the appropriate
+port (993 by default).
+<EM>Alpine</EM> must be linked with an SSL library for this option to be operational.
+<DD>Do not validate certificates (for TLS or SSL connections) from the server.
+This is needed if the server uses self-signed certificates or if <EM>Alpine</EM>
+cannot validate the certificate for some other known reason.
+<DD>This is a unary parameter (that means it does not have a value)
+indicating that the connection be logged in as
+&quot;anonymous&quot; rather than a specific user.
+Not all servers offer anonymous
+access; those which do generally only offer read-only access to certain
+&quot;public&quot; folders.
+<DD>This is a unary parameter indicating that the connection use the
+most secure authentication method mutually supported by <EM>Alpine</EM> and the
+<EM>Alpine</EM> is capable of authenticating connections to
+the server using several methods.
+By default, <EM>Alpine</EM> will attempt each
+method until either a connection is established or the
+list of methods is exhausted.
+This parameter causes <EM>Alpine</EM> to instead fail
+the connection if the first (generally most &quot;secure&quot;) method fails.
+<DD>This is a unary parameter for use with the
+&quot;SMTP-Server&quot; option.
+It indicates that the connection should be made to the Submit server
+(<A HREF="">RFC 3676</A>)
+(port 587) instead of the SMTP port (25).
+At the time this help was written the submit option was equivalent to
+specifying port 587.
+<DD>This is a unary parameter indicating that the connection be established
+in a verbose mode. Basically, it causes <EM>Alpine</EM> to log the communication with
+the server in <EM>Alpine</EM>'s debug file.
+Normally, the alpine -d command-line flag would be used instead.
+<DD>By default, <EM>Alpine</EM> attempts to login using &quot;rsh&quot;,
+the UNIX remote shell program.
+Including &quot;NoRsh&quot; will cause connections to this server to skip
+the &quot;rsh&quot; attempt.
+This might be useful to avoid long timeouts caused by rsh firewalls, for
+<DD>This parameter requires an associated value. The default value is
+&quot;IMAP&quot; which indicates communication with the server based
+on the IMAP4rev1 protocol (defined in RFC 3501 -- see
+<A HREF=""></A>).</DD>
+Other service values include:
+ <DL>
+ <DD>This value indicates communication with the server takes place via
+the Network News Transfer Protocol. Use this to define a collection
+of newsgroups on a remote news server. So
+or just
+is the way to specify NNTP access.
+ </DD>
+ <DT>POP3</DT>
+ <DD>This value indicates communication with the server takes place via the
+Post Office Protocol 3 protocol.
+or just
+Note that there are several important issues
+to consider when selecting this option:
+ <LI> POP3 provides access to only your INBOX. In other words,
+secondary folders such as your &quot;saved-messages&quot; are inaccessible.
+ <LI> <EM>Alpine</EM>'s implementation of POP3 does not follow the traditional POP
+model and will leave your mail on the server. Refer to the
+<A HREF="#maildrop"><EM>Mail Drop</EM></A>
+functionality for a possible way around this problem.
+ <LI> See the discussion about new-mail checking in <A HREF="config.html#reopen-rule"><EM>Folder-Reopen-Rule</EM></A>.
+Note that it is possible to include more than one parameter in a server
+specification by concatenating the parameters. For example:
+<H2><A NAME="folder-namespaces">Folder Namespaces</A></H2>
+A <EM>Alpine</EM> folder name looks like
+The local part of a folder name has an optional &quot;Namespace&quot; which
+tells <EM>Alpine</EM> how to interpret the rest of the name.
+By default the folder name is interpreted as defining a section of your personal
+folder area. This area and how you specify it are defined by the
+server, if one is specified, or, typically, the home
+directory, if no server is defined.
+If a namespace is specified, it begins with the
+sharp, &quot;#&quot;, character followed by the name of the namespace
+and then the namespace's path-element-delimiter. Aside from the
+path's format, namespaces can also imply access rights, content
+policy, audience, location, and, occasionally, access methods.
+Each server exports its own set (possibly of size one) of
+namespaces. Hence, it's likely communication with your server's
+administrator will be required for specific configurations. Some of
+the more common namespaces, however, include:
+<DD>This specifies a set of folders in the newsgroup namespace. Newsgroup
+names are hierarchically defined with each level delimited by a period.
+<DD>This specifies a folder area that the server may export to the general
+<DD>This specifies a folder area that the folder may export to groups
+of users.
+<DD>This specifies a folder area that is the same as that it may have
+exported via the &quot;File Transfer Protocol&quot;.
+<DD>This specifies the personal folder area associated with folders
+and directories that were created using the MH message handling system.
+<DD>This namespace is interpreted locally by <EM>Alpine</EM>. It has an unusual interpretation and format.
+The <CODE>#move</CODE> namespace is followed by two folder names separated by a delimiter
+The delimiter character may be any character which does not appear in
+the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE> name.
+The meaning of <CODE>#move</CODE> is that mail will be copied from the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE> to
+the <CODE>DestinationFolder</CODE> and then deleted (if possible) from the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE>.
+Periodic checks at frequency
+<A HREF="config.html#mail-check"><EM>Mail-Check-Interval</EM></A>, but with a minimum time between checks set by
+<A HREF="config.html#maildrop-check-minimum"><EM>MailDrop-Check-Minimum</EM></A>,
+are made for new mail arriving in the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE>.
+An example which copies mail from a POP inbox to a local folder follows
+<CENTER><SAMP>#move+{}inbox+local folder</SAMP></CENTER>
+To you it appears that mail is being delivered to the local folder when it
+is copied from the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE>, and you read mail from the local folder.
+Note that if the <CODE>DestinationFolder</CODE> does not exist then the messages are not
+copied from the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE>.
+A <CODE>#move</CODE> folder may only be used as an
+<A HREF="config.html#enable-incoming-folders"><EM>Incoming folder</EM></A> or
+an Inbox.
+When you are in the FOLDER LIST of Incoming Message Folders (after turning
+on the enable-incoming-folders option)
+the Add command has a subcommand &quot;Use Mail Drop&quot;
+which may be helpful for defining the folder in your <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration.
+The same is true when you edit the
+<A HREF="config.html#inbox-path"><EM>Inbox-Path</EM></A>
+option in Setup/Config.
+Each of these configuration methods will also create the <CODE>DestinationFolder</CODE>
+if it doesn't already exist.
+If you are having problems, make sure the <CODE>DestinationFolder</CODE> exists.
+In addition, the server may support access to other user's folders,
+provided you have suitable permissions. Common methods use a prefix
+of either &quot;~<VAR>user</VAR>/&quot;, or &quot;/<VAR>user</VAR>/&quot; to
+indicate the root of the other user's folder area.
+<H2><A NAME="maildrop">What is a Mail Drop?</A></H2>
+In some situaions it may make sense to have your mail delivered to one
+folder (the Mail Drop) and then when you want to read mail that has been
+delivered to the Mail Drop folder <EM>Alpine</EM> will move it to another
+destination folder.
+Often the Mail Drop will be a remote folder and messages will be moved from
+there to a local destination folder.
+One example where this might make sense is if the Mail Drop folder is accessible
+only with the POP protocol.
+You could designate your POP inbox as the Mail Drop folder and have <EM>Alpine</EM> move
+mail from there to a local (on the same machine <EM>Alpine</EM> is running on)
+destination folder, where you'll read it.
+A Mail Drop may only be used as your Inbox or as an
+<A HREF="config.html#enable-incoming-folders"><EM>Incoming folder</EM></A>.
+There is no attempt to synchronize the contents of the destination folder
+with the contents of the Mail Drop folder.
+All that happens is that all of the messages in the Mail Drop folder are
+copied to the destination folder and then they are deleted and expunged (if possible)
+from the Mail Drop folder.
+The next time a check for new mail is made, any messages in the Mail
+Drop folder are once again copied to the destination folder and deleted
+and expunged from the Mail Drop folder.
+(If the Mail Drop folder is a news group, then the messages can't be
+expunged from the newsgroup. Instead, only Recent messages are copied from
+the newsgroup to the destination folder.)
+Configuration of a Mail Drop is a little different from configuration of
+a folder which does not use a Mail Drop because you have to specify two
+folder names instead of one.
+The two folders may be any types of folders that <EM>Alpine</EM> can normally use.
+They don't have to be a remote folder and a local folder, that is
+simply the most common usage.
+When you use a Mail Drop folder <EM>Alpine</EM> will periodically re-open the Mail
+Drop to check for new mail.
+The new-mail checks will happen at the frequency set with the
+<A HREF="config.html#mail-check"><EM>Mail-Check-Interval</EM></A> option,
+but with a minimum time
+(<A HREF="config.html#maildrop-check-minimum"><EM>MailDrop-Check-Minimum</EM></A>)
+between checks.
+Because of this minimum you may notice that new mail does not
+appear promptly when you expect it.
+The reason for this is to protect the server from over-zealous opening and
+closing of the Mail Drop folder.
+If the user initiates the check by typing ^L (Ctrl-L) or the Next command when at
+the end of the folder index, then the check will happen, regardless of how
+long it has been since the previous check.
+If there is new mail, that mail will be copied to the destination folder
+and then will be deleted from the Mail Drop.
+Note that using a Mail Drop with a local destination folder does not make
+sense if you read mail from more than one machine, because the mail is
+downloaded to the destination folder (which is accessible from only one
+machine) and deleted from the Mail Drop.
+The feature <A HREF="config.html#maildrops-preserve-state"><EM>Maildrops-Preserve-State</EM></A>
+modifies the operation of Mail Drops.
+The actual syntax used by <EM>Alpine</EM> for a folder that uses a Mail Drop is:
+The brackets are not literal.
+is a single character which does not appear in the <CODE>MailDropFolder</CODE> name.
+If the name doesn't contain spaces then it can be a space character.
+The two folder names are full technical
+<A HREF="#server-name-syntax"><EM>folder names</EM></A>
+as used by <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+Here are a couple examples to give you an idea what is being talked about:
+A #move folder may only be used as an
+<A HREF="config.html#enable-incoming-folders"><EM>Incoming folder</EM></A> or
+an Inbox.
+When you are in the FOLDER LIST of Incoming Message Folders (after turning
+on the Enable-Incoming-Folders option)
+the Add command has a subcommand &quot;Use Mail Drop&quot;
+which may be helpful for defining the folder in your <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration.
+The same is true when you edit the
+<A HREF="config.html#inbox-path"><EM>Inbox-Path</EM></A>
+option in Setup/Config.
+if it doesn't already exist.
+If you are having problems, make sure the <CODE>DestinationFolder</CODE> exists.
+<H2><A NAME="sorting">Sorting a Folder</A></H2>
+The mail index may be sorted by arrival, date, subject,
+from, size, score, to, or cc order.
+Each sort order can also be reversed. The <EM>$</EM> command will
+prompt the user for the sort order. The sort order can also be specified
+on the command line with the <EM>-sort</EM> flag or (equivalently) with
+the <A HREF="config.html#sort-key"><EM>sort-key</EM></A> variable in
+the <EM>pinerc</EM> file.
+When a user changes folders, the sort order will go back to the original
+sort order.
+The command line (<EM>-sort</EM>) or configuration file sort specification
+(<EM>sort-key</EM>) changes the original sort order. <P>
+When a folder is sorted and new mail arrives in the folder it will be
+inserted in its properly sorted place. This can be a little odd when the
+folder is sorted by something like the subject. It can also be a little
+slow if you are viewing a large, sorted <EM>INBOX</EM>,
+since the <EM>INBOX</EM> will have
+to be re-sorted whenever new mail arrives. <P>
+The sorts are all independent of case and ignore leading or trailing white
+space. There are actually two forms of subject sort. One called
+<EM>Subject</EM> and the other called <EM>OrderedSubj</EM>.
+They both ignore "Re:" at
+the beginning and "(fwd)" at the end of the subjects.
+<EM>Subject</EM> sorts all the subjects alphabetically.
+<EM>OrderedSubj</EM> sorts by subjects alphabetically,
+groups messages with the same subject (pseudo-threads),
+then sorts the groups by the date of the first message of the group.
+Sorting by <EM>Thread</EM> was added after <EM>OrderedSubj</EM>
+and is usually a better method.
+Thread sorting uses information in the message headers References,
+Message-ID, and Subject.
+It is possible the sort will be slightly slower with a Thread sort than
+with an OrderedSubj sort.
+sort by sender sorts by the user-id (part before the "@"), not the full name.
+The arrival sort is no sort at all and the date
+sort depends on the format of the date.
+Some dates are in strange formats and are unparsable.
+The time zone is also taken into account. <P>
+Sorting large mail folders can be very slow since it requires fetching all
+the headers of the mail messages.
+With UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM>, only the first sort is slow since <EM>Alpine</EM>
+keeps a copy of all the headers. One exception is sorting
+in reverse arrival order. This is fast because no headers have to be
+examined. <EM>Alpine</EM> will show progress as it is sorting. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="alt-ed">Alternate Editor</A></H2>
+In the <EM>Alpine</EM> composer you can use any text editor,
+such as <EM>vi</EM> or <EM>emacs,</EM> for composing the message text.
+The addresses and subject still must be edited using the standard
+<EM>Alpine</EM> composer.
+If you include the feature
+<A HREF="config.html#enable-alt-ed"><EM>enable-alternate-editor-cmd</EM></A>
+in your <EM>pinerc</EM> you can type <EM>^_</EM> while in the body of
+the message in the composer and be prompted for the editor.
+If you also set the <A HREF="config.html#editor"><EM>editor</EM></A> variable
+in your <EM>pinerc</EM> then <EM>^_</EM> will invoke the configured
+editor when you type it. <P>
+Turning on the feature
+<A HREF="config.html#enable-alt-imp"><EM>enable-alternate-editor-implicitly</EM></A>
+will automatically invoke the editor you have defined with the <EM>editor</EM>
+variable whenever you enter the body of a message you are composing. For
+example, when you move out of the last header line and into the body of
+the message, the alternate editor will be automatically invoked. <P>
+We know that many people would like to use the alternate editor to edit
+the mail header as well. We considered several designs for this and
+didn't come up with one that we liked and that was easy to implement. One
+of the main problems is that you lose access to the address book. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="signature">Signatures and Signature Placement</A></H2>
+If the file <EM>~/.signature</EM> (UNIX) or
+<EM>&lt;PINERC</EM>directory&gt;\PINE.SIG (PC) exists, it will be included
+in all outgoing messages. It is included before composition starts so
+that the user has a chance to edit it out if he or she likes. The file
+name for the signature can be changed by setting the
+<A HREF="config.html#sig-file"><EM>signature-file</EM></A>
+variable in the <EM>pinerc</EM>.
+If the feature <A HREF="config.html#sig-dash"><EM>enable-sigdashes</EM></A>
+is turned on then the line consisting of the
+three characters "<CODE>-- "</CODE> is prepended to the signature file.
+When Replying or Forwarding a message different signatures my be automatically
+included by configuring them in the
+<A HREF="config.html#role-config"><EM>Roles</EM></A>
+setup screen.
+It's easy to include different signatures by hand, by having multiple
+signature files (<EM>.sig1, .sig2, .sig3, etc</EM>) and choosing to
+include (^R in the composer) the correct one for the message being sent.
+<EM>Alpine</EM>'s default behavior encourages
+a user to put his or her contribution
+before the inclusion of the original text of the message being forwarded
+or replied to, This is contrary to some conventions, but makes the
+conversation more readable when a long original message is included in a
+reply for context. The reader doesn't have to scroll through the original
+text that he or she has probably already seen to find the new text. If
+the reader wishes to see the old message(s), the reader can scroll further
+into the message. Users who prefer to add their input at the end of a
+message should set
+the <A HREF="config.html#sig-at-bot"><EM>signature-at-bottom</EM></A> feature.
+The signature will then be appended to the end of
+the message after any included text.
+This feature applies when <EM>Reply</EM>ing, not when <EM>Forward</EM>ing. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="feature-list">Feature List Variable</A></H2>
+<EM>Alpine</EM> used to have <EM>feature levels</EM> for
+users with different amounts of experience.
+We found that this was too restrictive. <EM>Alpine</EM> now has a
+<A HREF="config.html#feat-list"><EM>feature-list</EM></A> instead.
+Each user may pick and choose which
+features they would like enabled (simple to do in the <EM>Setup/Config</EM>
+screen). There is a short description of each in <A HREF="config.html#features-conf"><EM>Configuration Features</EM></A>. There is also a short on-line
+help explaining the effect of each of
+the features in the <EM>Setup/Config</EM> screen.
+When the cursor is highlighting
+a feature, the <EM>?</EM> command will show the help text for that feature.
+Features don't have values, they are just turned on or off. They are all
+off by default. <P>
+The <EM>feature-list</EM> variable is different from all other
+configuration variables in that its value is additive. That is, the
+system-wide configuration file can have some features turned on by
+default. The user can select other features in their personal
+configuration file and those features will be <STRONG>added</STRONG> to
+the set of features turned on in the system-wide configuration file.
+(With all other configuration variables, the user's values
+<STRONG>replace</STRONG> the system-wide values.) Likewise, additional
+features may be set on the command-line with the argument
+"-feature-list=". These will be added to the others. <P>
+The treatment of <EM>feature-list</EM> in the system-wide <EM>fixed</EM>
+configuration file is also different from other variables. The system
+management can fix the value of individual features by placing them in the
+fixed configuration file. Users will not be able to alter those features,
+but will still be able to set the other non-restricted features the way
+they like. <P>
+Because <EM>feature-list</EM> is additive, there is a way to turn features
+off as well as on. Prepending the prefix "no-" to any feature sets it to
+off. This is useful for over-riding the system-wide default in the
+personal configuration file or for over-riding the system-wide default or
+the personal configuration value on the command line. For example, if the
+system-wide default configuration has the <EM>quit-without-confirm</EM>
+feature set, the user can over-ride that (and turn it off) by including
+<EM>no-quit-without-confirm</EM> in the personal configuration file or by
+giving the command line argument
+<EM>-feature-list=no-quit-without-confirm.</EM> More features (options)
+will no doubt continue to be added. <P>
+<H2><A NAME="config-inheritance">Configuration Inheritance</A></H2>
+We start with an explanation of how configuration works in hopes of making
+it easier to describe how inheritance works.
+<EM>Alpine</EM> uses a hierarchy of configuration values from different locations.
+There are five ways in which each configuration option (configuration
+variable) can be set.
+In increasing order of precedence they are:
+<LI> the system-wide configuration file.
+<LI> the personal configuration file
+<LI> the personal exceptions file
+<LI> a command line argument
+<LI> the system-wide <EM>fixed</EM> configuration file (Unix <EM>Alpine</EM> only)
+The fixed configuration file is normally
+The system-wide configuration file is normally
+<CODE>/usr/local/lib/pine.conf</CODE> for Unix <EM>Alpine</EM> and is normally not
+set for <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>.
+For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>, if the environment variable <EM>$PINECONF</EM> is set, that
+is used for the system-wide configuration.
+This location can be set or changed on the command line with the -P flag.
+The system-wide configuration file can be either a local file or a
+remote configuration folder.
+For Unix <EM>Alpine</EM>, the personal configuration file is normally the file
+<CODE>.pinerc</CODE> in the user's home directory.
+This can be changed with the -p command line flag.
+For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>, the personal configuration file is in
+<CODE>$PINERC</CODE> or <CODE>&lt;PineRC registry value&gt;</CODE> or
+This can be changed with the -p command line flag.
+If -p or <CODE>$PINERC</CODE> is used, the configuration data may be in
+a local file or a remote config folder.
+For Unix <EM>Alpine</EM>, the personal exceptions configuration file is
+specified with the &quot;-x exceptions_config&quot; command line argument.
+&quot;Exceptions_config&quot; may be either a local file or a remote
+configuration folder.
+If there is no &quot;-x&quot; command line option,
+<EM>Alpine</EM> will look for the file &quot;<CODE>.pinercex</CODE>&quot;
+in the same local directory that the regular config file is located in.
+If the regular config file is remote then Unix <EM>Alpine</EM> looks in the home
+directory for &quot;<CODE>.pinercex</CODE>&quot;.
+For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>, the personal exceptions configuration file is
+specified with the &quot;-x exceptions_config&quot; command line argument.
+If there is no &quot;-x&quot; command line argument the environment
+variable <CODE>$PINERCEX</CODE> may be set to the name of the
+&quot;exceptions_config&quot; instead.
+&quot;Exceptions_config&quot; may be either a local file or a remote
+configuration folder.
+If there is no &quot;-x&quot; command line option and <CODE>$PINERCEX</CODE>
+is not set,
+<EM>PC-Alpine</EM> will look for the file &quot;<CODE>PINERCEX</CODE>&quot;
+in the same local directory that the regular config file is located in.
+If the regular config file is remote then <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> looks in the
+local directory specified by the &quot;-aux local_directory&quot; command
+line argument, or the directory <CODE>${HOME}&#92;ALPINE</CODE>, or
+in <CODE>&lt;ALPINE.EXE </CODE>directory<CODE>&gt;</CODE> for a file named
+To reiterate, the value of a configuration option is taken from the
+last location in the list above in which it is set.
+Or, thinking about it slightly differently, a default value for an option
+is established in the system-wide configuration file (or in the source
+code if there is no value in the system-wide file).
+That default remains in effect until and unless it is overridden by a value in a
+location further down the list, in which case a new &quot;default&quot;
+value is established.
+As we continue down the list of locations we either retain the
+value at each step or establish a new value.
+The value that is still set after going through the whole list of
+configuration locations is the one that is used.
+So, for example, if an option is set in the system-wide configuration
+file and in the personal configuration file, but is not set in the
+exceptions, on the command line, or in the fixed file; then the value
+from the personal configuration file is the one that is used.
+Or, if it is set in the system-wide config, in the personal config, not
+in the exceptions, but is set on the command line; then the value
+on the command line is used.
+Finally we get to inheritance.
+For configuration options which are lists, like &quot;smtp-server&quot; or
+the inheritance mechanism makes it possible to <EM>combine</EM>
+the values from different locations instead of <EM>replacing</EM> the value.
+This is true of all configuration lists other than the &quot;feature-list&quot;,
+for which you may already set whatever you want at
+any configuration location (by using the &quot;no-&quot; prefix if
+To use inheritance, set the first item in a configuration list to the
+token &quot;INHERIT&quot;.
+If the first item is &quot;INHERIT&quot;,
+then instead of replacing the default value established so far, the rest of
+the list is appended to the default value established so far and that is
+the new value.
+Here is an example which may make it clearer. Suppose we have:
+ System-wide config : smtp-server =,
+ Personal config : smtp-server = INHERIT, mysmtp.home
+ Exceptions config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Command line : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Fixed config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+This would result in an effective smtp-server option of
+ smtp-server =,, mysmtp.home
+The &quot;INHERIT&quot; token can be used in any of the configuration files
+and the effect cascades.
+For example, if we change the above example to:
+ System-wide config : smtp-server =,
+ Personal config : smtp-server = INHERIT, mysmtp.home
+ Exceptions config : smtp-server = INHERIT,
+ Command line : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Fixed config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+This would result in:
+ smtp-server =,, mysmtp.home,
+Unset variables are skipped over (the default value is carried forward) so
+that, for example:
+ System-wide config : smtp-server =,
+ Personal config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Exceptions config : smtp-server = INHERIT,
+ Command line : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Fixed config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ smtp-server =,,
+If any later configuration location has a value set (for a particular list
+option) which does <EM>not</EM> begin with &quot;INHERIT&quot;,
+then that value replaces whatever value has been defined up to that point.
+In other words, that cancels out any previous inheritance.
+ System-wide config : smtp-server =,
+ Personal config : smtp-server = INHERIT,
+ Exceptions config : smtp-server =
+ Command line : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+ Fixed config : smtp-server = &lt;No Value Set&gt;
+results in:
+ smtp-server =
+For some configuration options, like &quot;viewer-hdr-colors&quot; or
+&quot;patterns-roles&quot;, it is
+difficult to insert the value &quot;INHERIT&quot; into the list of values
+for the option using the normal Setup tools.
+In other words, the color setting screen (for example) does not
+provide a way to input the text &quot;INHERIT&quot; as the first
+item in the viewer-hdr-colors option.
+The way to do this is to either edit the pinerc file directly and manually
+insert it, or turn on the &quot;expose-hidden-config&quot; feature and insert it
+using the Setup/Config screen.
+<H2><A NAME="env-variables">Using Environment Variables</A></H2>
+The values of <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration options may include environment variables
+which are replaced by the value of the variable at the time <EM>Alpine</EM> is run
+(and also at the time the config option is changed).
+The syntax to use environment variables is a subset of the common Unix
+shell dollar-syntax.
+For example, if
+appears in the value of a <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration option it is looked up in the
+environent (using getenv(&quot;VAR&quot;)) and its
+looked-up value replaces the <SAMP>$VAR</SAMP> part of the option value.
+To include a literal dollar sign you may precede the dollar sign with another
+dollar sign.
+In other words, if the text
+is the value of a configuration option, it will be expanded to
+and no environment lookup will be done.
+For Unix <EM>Alpine</EM> it will also work to use a backslash character to
+escape the special meaning of the dollar sign, but $$ is preferable since
+it works for both <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> and Unix <EM>Alpine</EM>, allowing the configuration option
+to be in a shared configuration file.
+This all sounds more complicated than it actually is.
+An example may make it clearer.
+Unfortunately, the way in which environment variables are set is OS-dependent
+and command shell-dependent.
+In some Unix command shells you may use
+Now, if you use <EM>Alpine</EM>'s Setup/Config screen to set
+the <SAMP>$PERSNAME</SAMP> would be replaced by <SAMP>Fred Flintstone</SAMP>
+so that this would be equivalent to
+<P><CENTER><SAMP>personal-name=Fred Flintstone</SAMP></CENTER><P>
+Note, environment variable substitution happens after configuration
+options which are lists are split into the separate elements of the list,
+so a single environment variable can't contain a list of values.
+The environment variable doesn't have to be the only thing
+after the equal sign.
+However, if the name of the variable is not at the end of the line or
+followed by a space (so that you can tell where the variable name ends),
+it must be enclosed in curly braces like
+It is always ok to use the braces even if you don't need to.
+It is also possible to set a default value for an environment variable.
+This default value will be used if the environment variable is not
+set (that is, if getenv(&quot;VAR&quot;) returns NULL).
+The syntax used to set a default value is
+<P><CENTER><SAMP>${VAR:-default value}</SAMP></CENTER><P>
+If the config file contains
+<P><CENTER><SAMP>personal-name=${VAR:-Fred Flintstone}</SAMP></CENTER><P>
+then when <EM>Alpine</EM> is run <SAMP>VAR</SAMP> will be looked up in the environment.
+If <SAMP>VAR</SAMP> is found then <SAMP>personal-name</SAMP> will have
+the value that <SAMP>VAR</SAMP> was set to, otherwise,
+<SAMP>personal-name</SAMP> will be set to <SAMP>Fred Flintstone</SAMP>,
+the default value.
+An example where an environment variable might be useful is the
+variable <SAMP>inbox-path</SAMP> in the global configuration file.
+Suppose most users used the server
+but that there were some exceptions who used
+In this case, the system manager might include the following line in
+the systemwide default <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration file
+For the exceptional users adding
+to their environment should work.
+Another example might be the case where a user has to use a different
+SMTP server from work and from home.
+The setup might be something as simple as
+or perhaps a default value could be given.
+Note that, as mentioned above, the variable <SAMP>SMTP</SAMP> cannot contain
+a list of SMTP servers.
+<H2><A NAME="smtp-server">SMTP Servers</A></H2>
+It is sometimes desirable to set <CODE>smtp-server=localhost</CODE>
+instead of setting
+<A HREF="config.html#sendmail-path"><EM>sendmail-path</EM></A>
+to overcome the inability to
+negotiate ESMTP options when <EM>sendmail</EM> is invoked with the
+<EM>-t</EM> option. Sendmail can also be subject to unacceptable delays
+due to slow DNS lookups and other problems. <P>
+It is sometimes desirable to configure an SMTP server on a port other
+than the default port 25. This may be used to provide an alternate
+service that is optimized for a particular environment or provides
+different features from the port 25 server. An example would be a program
+that negotiates ESMTP options and queues a message, but does not attempt
+to deliver messages. This would avoid delays frequently encountered when
+invoking <EM>sendmail</EM> directly. <P>
+A typical configuration would consist of
+<LI> A program that implements the SMTP or ESMTP protocol via stdio.
+<LI> An entry in <CODE>/etc/services</CODE> for the alternate service.
+<LI> An entry in <CODE>/etc/inetd.conf</CODE> for the alternate service.
+<LI> An entry in <CODE>/usr/local/lib/pine.conf</CODE>,
+<CODE>/usr/local/lib/pine.conf.fixed</CODE> or <CODE>~/.pinerc</CODE>.
+<H2><A NAME="mime.types">MIME.Types file</A></H2>
+<EM>Alpine</EM>'s MIME-TYPE support is based on code contributed by Hans Drexler
+&LT;;. <EM>Alpine</EM> assigns MIME Content-Types according
+to file name extensions found in the system-wide files
+<CODE>/usr/local/lib/mime.types</CODE> and <CODE>/etc/mime.types</CODE>,
+and a user specific <CODE>~/.mime.types</CODE> file. <P>
+In Windows,
+<EM>Alpine</EM> looks in the same directory as the PINERC file and
+the same dir as ALPINE.EXE. This is similar to the UNIX situation with
+personal config info coming before potentially shared config data. An
+alternate search path can be specified by setting the
+<A HREF="config.html#mimetype-search-path"><EM>mimetype-search-path</EM></A>
+variable in the user or system-wide
+configuration or by setting the <CODE>MIMETYPES</CODE> environment
+variable. <P>
+These files specify file extensions that will be connected to a mime type.
+Lines beginning with a '<CODE>#</CODE>' character are treated as comments
+and ignored. All other lines are treated as a mime type definition. The
+first word is a <EM>type/subtype</EM> specification. All following words
+are file <EM>extensions</EM> belonging to that type/subtype. Words are
+separated by whitespace characters. If a file extension occurs more than
+once, then the first definition determines the file type and subtype.
+A couple sample lines from a mime.types file follow: <P>
+image/gif gif
+text/html html htm
+video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe<BR>
+<H2><A NAME="color-config-notes">Color Details</A></H2>
+UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> may display color if the terminal or terminal emulator you
+are using is capable of displaying colors.
+If the terminal supports ANSI color escape sequences you will be able to
+turn color on using the <A HREF="config.html#color-style">color-style</A>
+option and setting it to the value <EM>force-ansi-8color</EM> or
+If instead you'd like <EM>Alpine</EM> to automatically detect whether or not
+you are on a color terminal, set <EM>color-style</EM> to <EM>use-termdef</EM>
+<EM>and</EM> configure the termcap entry to describe your terminal's
+color capabilities.
+If the <EM>color-style</EM> option is set to <EM>use-termdef</EM>,
+<EM>Alpine</EM> looks in
+the terminal capabilities database, TERMINFO or TERMCAP, depending on
+how <EM>Alpine</EM> was compiled, to decide whether or not your terminal is
+capable of color.
+For TERMINFO compiled <EM>Alpine</EM>s, the capabilities that are used for
+color are
+&quot;colors&quot;, &quot;setaf&quot;, &quot;setab&quot;,
+&quot;op&quot;, and &quot;bce&quot;.
+If you have a terminal with color capabilities described by
+the &quot;scp&quot; capability, <EM>Alpine</EM> does not support it.
+The capabilities
+&quot;setf&quot; and &quot;setb&quot; may be used instead of
+&quot;setaf&quot; and &quot;setab&quot;.
+The capability &quot;bce&quot; is optional and is used as an optimization,
+the other capabilities are required.
+For TERMCAP compiled <EM>Alpine</EM>s, the capabilities that are used for
+color are
+&quot;Co&quot;, &quot;AF&quot;, &quot;AB&quot;, &quot;op&quot;,
+and &quot;ut&quot;.
+The capabilities
+&quot;Sf&quot; and &quot;Sb&quot; may be used instead of
+&quot;AF&quot; and &quot;AB&quot;, though this isn't a useful feature.
+Here are some short descriptions of the capabilities listed
+The TERMINFO name is listed, followed by the TERMCAP name in parentheses.
+<DT> <EM>colors</EM> (<EM>Co</EM>)
+<DD> The number of different colors.
+<DT> <EM>setaf</EM> (<EM>AF</EM>)
+<DD> Set ANSI foreground color.
+<DT> <EM>setab</EM> (<EM>AB</EM>)
+<DD> Set ANSI background color.
+<DT> <EM>setf</EM> (<EM>Sf</EM>)
+<DD> Set foreground color. Alternate form of <EM>setaf</EM>.
+<DT> <EM>setb</EM> (<EM>Sb</EM>)
+<DD> Set background color. Alternate form of <EM>setab</EM>.
+<DT> <EM>op</EM> (<EM>op</EM>)
+<DD> Set default pair to its original value.
+<DT> <EM>bce</EM> (<EM>ut</EM>)
+<DD> Screen is erased with current background color instead
+of default background.
+A standard ANSI terminal which supports color will have
+a TERMINFO entry which contains:
+ colors#8
+ setaf=\E[3%p1%dm
+ setab=\E[4%p1%dm
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ bce
+or the TERMCAP equivalent:
+ Co#8
+ AF=\E[3%dm
+ AB=\E[4%dm
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ ut
+If there are eight colors, the program uses colors 0, 1, ..., 7.
+For an ANSI terminal, the foreground color is set by sending the escape
+sequence &quot;Escape LeftBracket 3 color_number m&quot; to the terminal.
+The background color is set by sending the sequence
+&quot;Escape LeftBracket 4 color_number m&quot;.
+ANSI colors zero through seven are defined to be &quot;black&quot;,
+&quot;red&quot;, &quot;green&quot;, &quot;yellow&quot;, &quot;blue&quot;,
+&quot;magenta&quot;, &quot;cyan&quot;, and &quot;white&quot;.
+Some terminal emulators will swap blue and red and swap yellow and cyan.
+The capabilities &quot;setf&quot; and &quot;setb&quot; are usually designed
+for those terminals so that they will flip the color numbers 1 and 4 and
+the numbers 3 and 6 to compensate for this.
+<EM>Alpine</EM> will use the ANSI versions of the capabilities if they exist,
+and will use the non-ANSI versions (setf and setb) if the ANSI versions
+don't exist.
+Here's a version which does the flipping.
+This can only be used with TERMINFO <EM>Alpine</EM>s, because of the arithmetic,
+which is not supported by TERMCAP.
+ colors#8
+ setf=\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m
+ setb=\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ bce
+Some terminal emulators are capable of displaying eight more colors when
+the foreground colors 30-37 are replaced with 90-97 and the background
+colors 40-47 are replaced with 100-107.
+These terminals require a fancy termcap entry which can take foreground
+colors 0, 1, ..., 15 and map that into 30, 31, ..., 37, 90, 91, ..., 97,
+and similarly for the background colors.
+Here is a terminfo entry which will do just that:
+ colors#16
+ setaf=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{3}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%dm
+ setab=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{4}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%dm
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ bce
+and here is the termcap equivalent:
+ Co#16
+ AF=\E[%i%i%>\001\034%>\045\064%dm
+ AB=\E[%i%i%>\001\046%>\057\064%dm
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ ut
+This is a terminfo entry for 16 colors that also does the color flipping:
+ colors#16
+ setf=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{3}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%Pa%?%ga%{1}%=%t4%e%ga%{3}%=%t6%e%ga%{4}%=%t1%e%ga%{6}%=%t3%e%ga%d%;m
+ setb=%p1%{8}%/%{6}%*%{4}%+\E[%d%p1%{8}%m%Pa%?%ga%{1}%=%t4%e%ga%{3}%=%t6%e%ga%{4}%=%t1%e%ga%{6}%=%t3%e%ga%d%;m
+ op=\E[39;49m
+ bce
+If you are always using the same display it probably won't matter to you
+if the color pairs red/blue and cyan/yellow are flipped, since you'll
+always be seeing them flipped.
+You will get different defaults than on a display with them not flipped,
+but that's about all.
+If you are trying to use the same pinerc file from displays with different
+color characteristics, or from <EM>Alpine</EM> and <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>, you will
+have to be more careful.
+The colors numbered 0 through 7 may be used portably between different
+systems if you are careful to make them correspond to the ANSI order mentioned
+You can check this by looking at a color configuration screen for one of the
+The first eight colors should be in the order above.
+If they aren't, you could fix that by modifying your termcap entry on
+the UNIX system.
+This is not possible if your system uses TERMCAP instead of TERMINFO.
+<H2><A NAME="smime-general">S/MIME Overview</A></H2>
+UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> only.
+S/MIME is a standard for the public key encryption and signing of email.
+UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> contains a basic implementation of S/MIME based on
+the <A HREF="">OpenSSL</A> libraries.
+Some limitations:
+ <LI> There is no <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> implementation.
+ <LI> There is no provision for checking for CRLs
+ (Certificate Revocation Lists) in <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+ <LI> This built-in S/MIME implementation is not compatible with and does not help with PGP.
+ <LI> There is no mechanism available for feeding either an entire incoming
+ or an entire outgoing message to an external
+ filter and using that external filter to do S/MIME or PGP processing.
+ <LI> Because the implementation currently uses OpenSSL, there is only a very
+ limited integration with the Mac OS Keychain (the storing and access of
+ public certificates).
+ <LI> There is no way to view or manipulate the lists of certificates from
+ within <EM>Alpine</EM>.
+The S/MIME configuration screen is reached by going to the Main Menu and typing
+the &quot;S&nbsp;Setup&quot; command followed by &quot;M&nbsp;S/MIME&quot;.
+In order to digitally sign messages you send you must have a public/private key-pair.
+This may be obtained from a public Certificate Authority (CA) such as Thawte, Verisign, Comodo,
+or GoDaddy; or from a smaller CA such as a university which provides certificates for its
+users or a company which provides certificates for its workers.
+These certificates are bound to an email address, so the identity being verified is the
+email address not a person's name.
+Mail is signed by using the sender's private key, which only the owner of the private key
+has access to.
+The signature is verified using the signer's public key, which anyone can
+have access to.
+With <EM>Alpine</EM>, the first time you receive a signed message the public key of the
+sender will be stored for future use.
+Mail is encrypted using the recipient's public key and decrypted by
+the recipient with their private key.
+You need a key of your own in order to sign outgoing messages and to have others
+encrypt messages sent to you.
+You do not need a key of your own to verify signed messages sent by others or to
+encrypt messages sent to others.
+By default UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> stores the certificates it uses in a directory in your
+home directory.
+The directory name is
+Within that directory are three subdirectories.
+Each of the three subdirectories contains files with PEM-encoded contents,
+the default format for OpenSSL.
+The &quot;<SAMP>public</SAMP>&quot; directory contains public certificates.
+The files within that directory have names that are email addresses with the
+suffix &quot;<SAMP>.crt</SAMP>&quot; appended.
+An example filename is
+The &quot;<SAMP>private</SAMP>&quot; directory contains private keys, probably just one for
+your private key.
+These are also email addresses but with the suffix &quot;<SAMP>.key</SAMP>&quot; instead.
+The third directory is &quot;<SAMP>ca</SAMP>&quot; and it contains certificates for any Certificate
+Authorities that you want to trust but that aren't contained in the set of system CAs.
+Those files may have arbitrary names as long as they end with the
+suffix &quot;<SAMP>.crt</SAMP>&quot;.
+If you have a certificate you may sign outgoing messages.
+After typing the Ctrl-X command to send a message you will see the prompt
+<CENTER><SAMP>Send message?</SAMP></CENTER>
+Available subcommands include &quot;G&nbsp;Sign&quot; and &quot;E&nbsp;Encrypt&quot;.
+Typing the &quot;G&quot; command will change the prompt to
+<CENTER><SAMP>Send message (Signed)?</SAMP></CENTER>
+Typing the &quot;E&quot; command will change the prompt to
+<CENTER><SAMP>Send message (Encrypted)?</SAMP></CENTER>
+You may even type both to get
+<CENTER><SAMP>Send message (Encrypted, Signed)?</SAMP></CENTER>
+The reading of a signed message should not require any special action on
+your part.
+There should be an editorial addition at the start of the message which
+says either
+<CENTER><SAMP>This message was cryptographically signed.</SAMP></CENTER>
+<CENTER><SAMP>This message was cryptographically signed but the signature could not be verified.</SAMP></CENTER>
+If an encrypted message is sent to you the encrypted text will not
+be shown.
+You will have to type the &quot;Ctrl-D&nbsp;Decrypt&quot; command (from the screen where
+you are viewing the message) and supply your passphrase when asked.
+For a signed or encrypted message there is also a &quot;Ctrl-E&nbsp;Security&quot; command
+which gives you some information about the certificate used to sign or encrypt the message.
+You may have access to a private certificate in the PKCS12 format,
+which would sometimes be in a file with a &quot;.p12&quot; suffix.
+The UNIX shell command
+<CENTER><SAMP>openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -out file.pem</SAMP></CENTER>
+may work to convert that from the PKCS12 format to the PEM format.
+Then that file could be placed in the &quot;<SAMP>private</SAMP>&quot;
+directory with a filename of your email address followed by the
+suffix &quot;<SAMP>.key</SAMP>&quot;.
+<H2><A NAME="pc-notes">Additional Notes on PC-Alpine</A></H2>
+Below are a few odds and ends worth mentioning about <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>. They have
+to do with DOS-specific behavior that is either necessary or useful (and
+sometimes both!). <P>
+As <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> runs in an environment with limited access control, accounting
+or auditing, an additional line is automatically inserted into the header
+of mail messages generated by <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>:
+ X-Sender: &lt;userid&gt;@&lt;;<BR>
+By popular demand of system administrators, <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> has been modified to
+prevent sending messages until the user has successfully logged into a
+remote mail server. Even though <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> cannot prevent users from
+changing the apparent identity of the sender of a message, the IMAP server
+login name and host name included in the <EM>X-Sender</EM> line
+provide some level of traceability by the recipient.
+However, this should not be considered a
+rigorous form of authentication. It is extremely lightweight, and is not
+a replacement for true authentication. <P>
+Hand in hand with authentication and accounting is user information.
+Since <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> has no user database to consult for <EM>user-id</EM>,
+<EM>personal-name</EM>, etc., necessary information must be provided by
+the user/installer before <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> can properly construct the "From"
+address required for outbound messages. <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> will, by default, prompt
+for the requisite pieces as they are needed. This information corresponds
+to the <EM>PINERC</EM> variables
+<A HREF="config.html#user-id"><EM>user-id</EM></A>,
+<A HREF="config.html#personal-name"><EM>personal-name</EM></A>,
+<A HREF="config.html#user-domain"><EM>user-domain</EM></A>,
+and <A HREF="config.html#smtp-server"><EM>smtp-server</EM></A>. <P>
+The user is then asked whether or not this information should
+automatically be saved to the <EM>PINERC</EM>. This is useful behavior in
+general, but can lead to problems in a lab or other shared environment.
+Hence, these prompts and automatic saving of configuration can be turned
+off on an entry by entry basis by setting any of the above values in the
+<EM>PINERC</EM> to the null string (i.e., a pair of double quotes). This
+means that the user will be prompted for the information once during each
+<EM>Alpine</EM> session, and no opportunity to save them in the <EM>PINERC</EM> will
+be offered. <P>
+Another feature of DOS is the lack of standard scratch area for temporary
+files. During the course of a session, <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> may require numerous
+temporary files (large message texts, various caches, etc.). Where to
+create them can be a problem, particularly when running under certain
+network operating systems. <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> observes the
+<EM>TMPDIR</EM>, <EM>TMP</EM>, and
+<EM>TEMP</EM> environment variables, and creates temporary files in the
+directory specified by either. In their absence, <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> creates these
+files in the root of the current working drive.
+Some temporary files have to be created in the same directory as the file
+they are a temporary copy of. For example, a pinerc file or a address book
+<!-- pnuts -->