diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2020-11-06 08:26:56 +0100
committerErich Eckner <>2020-11-06 08:26:56 +0100
commit57cdf41098c45a594b5811a1eb6932497ba625aa (patch)
parent24a0a1fc40b006a8673606afbc895b0abdcbbed4 (diff)
Binäruhr-Quelle neu - bisher noch falscher Code
4 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22acbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Binaeruhr.asm b/Binaeruhr.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af3a785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Binaeruhr.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ * Fernbedienung.asm
+ *
+ * Created: 08.10.2015 14:35:11
+ * Author: Erich
+ */
+.EQU sbuff0, 0 ; serieller Puffer 0 bis
+.EQU sbuff1, 1
+.EQU sbuff2, 2
+.EQU sbuff3, 3
+.EQU sbuff4, 4 ; 4
+.EQU lastB, 5 ; letzter Zustand von PINB
+.EQU lt1p0l, 6 ; letzte Flankenposition PINB0 (Timer 1) low
+.EQU lt1p0h, 7 ; dito high
+.EQU lt1p1l, 8 ; dito PINB1 low
+.EQU lt1p1h, 9 ; dito high
+.EQU bcnt0, 10 ; Bitzähler PINB0
+.EQU bcnt1, 11 ; Bitzähler PINB1
+.EQU t1moml, 12 ; momentane Position Timer 1 low
+.EQU t1momh, 13 ; dito high
+.EQU aender, 14 ; Änderungen in PINB
+ rjmp RESET
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ rjmp TIMER0COMPA ; Timer0 Compare Match A
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ reti
+ ldi r16,lo8(RAMEND) ; Stackpointer initialisieren
+ out SPL,r16
+ ldi r16,0x80
+ out CLKPR,r16
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ out CLKPR,r16 ; System-Vorteiler auf 1
+ ldi r16,0x03
+ out PRR,r16 ; Clocks: Timer/Counter 1 an, Timer/Counter 0 an, USI aus, ADC aus ... zum Stromsparen
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ out WDTCSR,r16 ; Watchdog aus
+ ldi r16,0x02
+ out PORTA,r16 ; 6x n.d., PORTA1 high (RS232-Sender), kein Pull-up an PORTA0 (RS232-Empfänger)
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ out PORTB,r16 ; 2x n.d., kein Pull-up an PORTB1 (IR-Empfänger 1) & PORTB0 (IR-Empfänger 0)
+ ldi r16,0x06
+ out DDRA,r16 ; Ausgänge: PORTA1 (RS232-Sender), PORTA2 (Test)
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ out DDRB,r16 ; keine Ausgänge auf PORTB
+ ldi r16,0x02 ; Timer0 Compare-Match-A Interrupt an
+ out TIMSK0,r16
+ ldi r16,104
+ out OCR0A,r16
+ ldi r16,0x02 ; CTC-Modus: Periode = OCR0A = 104 -> 9600 baud
+ out TCCR0A,r16
+ ldi r16,0x02 ; Vorteiler 8 für Timer 0
+ out TCCR0B,r16
+ ldi r16,0x02 ; Vorteiler 8 für Timer 1
+ out TCCR1B,r16
+ ldi r16,0x21 ; Start-Bit und
+ mov sbuff0,r16
+ ldi r16,0x15 ; 0x48 ('H') und Start-Bit und
+ mov sbuff1,r16
+ ldi r16,0x56 ; 0x61 ('a') und Start-Bit und
+ mov sbuff2,r16
+ ldi r16,0x48 ; 0x21 ('!') und Start-Bit
+ mov sbuff3,r16
+ ldi r16,0x0d ; und 0x0d (CR)
+ mov sbuff4,r16
+ in lt1p0l,TCNT1L
+ in lt1p0h,TCNT1H
+ movw lt1p1l,lt1p0l
+ in lastB,PINB
+ ldi r16,0x03
+ and lastB,r16
+ sei
+ in r16,PINB
+ andi r16,0x03
+ eor r16,lastB
+ breq MAINLOOP ; keine Änderung
+ eor lastB,r16 ; Änderung übernehmen
+ mov aender,r16 ; Änderungen merken
+ in t1moml,TCNT1L
+ in t1momh,TCNT1H ; Zählerstand holen
+ movw r16,t1moml ; und kopieren
+ sbrs aender,0
+ sub r16,lt1p0l
+ sbc r17,lt1p0h ; r17:r16 = TimeDiff
+ movw lt1p0l,t1moml ; aktuellen Zählerstand als alten setzen
+ subi r16,0xb1
+ sbci r17,0x01 ; - 865/2 = 0x01b1 = halbes Bit
+ brcs RESET0 ; zu kurzes Bit -> Fehler!
+ subi r16,0x61
+ sbci r17,0x03 ; - 865 = 0x0361 = kurzes Bit
+ clr r16 ; wird einfach gespeichert!
+ inc bcnt0
+ rjmp WEITER0
+ subi r16,0x61
+ sbci r17,0x03 ; - 865 = 0x0361 = (noch ein) kurzes Bit (= langes Bit)
+ brcc RESET0 ; zu langes Bit -> Fehler
+ inc bcnt0
+ inc bcnt0
+ ldi r16,0x01 ; wird doppelt gespeichert!
+ clc
+ sbrs lastB,0 ; alten Pinzustand
+ sec ; nach C
+ lds r17,(0x0060) ; das erste der insgesamt vier Bytes von empfangenen Bits
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0060),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0061)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0061),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0062)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0062),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0063)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0063),r17
+ brcs RESET0 ; es kamen mehr als 32 Bits an -> Fehler!
+ subi r16,0x01
+ brcc WEITER0
+ ldi r16,0x1a
+ cp bcnt0,r16
+ brcs ENDE0 ; noch keine 26 klein-Bits angekommen -> Ende
+ ldi r16,0x1c
+ cp bcnt0,r16
+ brcc RESET0 ; mehr als 27 klein-Bits angekommen -> Fehler!
+ sbrs lastB,0 ; jetziger Zustand ist high?
+ rjmp ENDE0 ; nein -> dann ist es auch nicht fertig!
+ lds r16,(0x0063) ; das letzte Byte
+ ori r16,0x40 ; die übrigen Bits (also die Bits, die eben nicht empfangen wurden)
+ sts (0x0063),r16 ; des zuerst "empfangenen" Bytes werden alternierend auf 1 gesetzt
+ ldi r26,0x60
+ ldi r27,0x00 ; Startadresse in den Speicher,
+ mov r16,bcnt0 ; Bitanzahl in r16
+ rcall VERSENDEN ; und ab durch die serielle Schnittstelle
+ ldi r16,0x05 ; Startbit + '01'=0 (also 0. Empfänger)
+ sts (0x0060),r16
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ sts (0x0061),r16
+ sts (0x0062),r16
+ sts (0x0063),r16 ; empfangene Bits initialisieren
+ clr bcnt0 ; Bit-Zähler auf 0 setzen
+ sbrs aender,1
+ movw r16,t1moml ; Zählerstand rücksichern
+ sub r16,lt1p1l
+ sbc r17,lt1p1h ; r17:r16 = TimeDiff
+ movw lt1p1l,t1moml ; aktuellen Zählerstand als alten setzen
+ subi r16,0xb1
+ sbci r17,0x01 ; - 865/2 = 0x01b1 = halbes Bit
+ brcs RESET1 ; zu kurzes Bit -> Fehler!
+ subi r16,0x61
+ sbci r17,0x03 ; - 865 = 0x0361 = kurzes Bit
+ clr r16 ; wird einfach gespeichert!
+ inc bcnt1
+ rjmp WEITER1
+ subi r16,0x61
+ sbci r17,0x03 ; - 865 = 0x0361 = (noch ein) kurzes Bit (= langes Bit)
+ brcc RESET1 ; zu langes Bit -> Fehler
+ inc bcnt1
+ inc bcnt1
+ ldi r16,0x01 ; wird doppelt gespeichert!
+ clc
+ sbrs lastB,1 ; alten Pinzustand
+ sec ; nach C
+ lds r17,(0x0064) ; das erste der insgesamt vier Bytes von empfangenen Bits
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0064),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0065)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0065),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0066)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0066),r17
+ lds r17,(0x0067)
+ rol r17
+ sts (0x0067),r17
+ brcs RESET1 ; es kamen mehr als 32 Bits an -> Fehler!
+ subi r16,0x01
+ brcc WEITER1
+ ldi r16,0x1a
+ cp bcnt1,r16
+ brcs ENDE1 ; noch keine 26 klein-Bits angekommen -> Ende
+ ldi r16,0x1c
+ cp bcnt1,r16
+ brcc RESET1 ; mehr als 27 klein-Bits angekommen -> Fehler!
+ sbrs lastB,1 ; jetziger Zustand ist high?
+ rjmp ENDE1 ; nein -> dann ist es auch nicht fertig!
+ lds r16,(0x0067) ; das letzte Byte
+ ori r16,0x40 ; die übrigen Bits (also die Bits, die eben nicht empfangen wurden)
+ sts (0x0067),r16 ; des zuerst "empfangenen" Bytes werden alternierend auf 1 gesetzt
+ ldi r26,0x64
+ ldi r27,0x00 ; Startadresse in den Speicher,
+ mov r16,bcnt1 ; Bitanzahl in r16
+ rcall VERSENDEN ; und ab durch die serielle Schnittstelle
+ ldi r16,0x03 ; Startbit + '10'=0 (also 1. Empfänger)
+ sts (0x0064),r16
+ ldi r16,0x00
+ sts (0x0065),r16
+ sts (0x0066),r16
+ sts (0x0067),r16 ; empfangene Bits initialisieren
+ clr bcnt1 ; Bit-Zähler auf 0 setzen
+ push r16
+ in r16,SREG
+ push r16
+ sbrc sbuff0,0
+ sbi PORTA,1
+ sbrs sbuff0,0
+ cbi PORTA,1
+; clc ; so werden die Daten zyklisch gesendet
+; sbrc r0,0
+ sec
+ ror sbuff4
+ ror sbuff3
+ ror sbuff2
+ ror sbuff1
+ ror sbuff0
+ pop r16
+ out SREG,r16
+ pop r16
+ reti ; TIMER0COMPA
+WARTEAUFSENDBUFFER: ; wartet, bis der Sende-Puffer leer ist
+ ldi r16,0xff
+ cp sbuff4,r16
+ cp sbuff3,r16
+ cp sbuff2,r16
+ cp sbuff1,r16
+ cp sbuff0,r16
+VERSENDEN: ; versendet r16/2+1 Bit Manchester-kodierte Daten
+ ; aus DRAM, Adresse r27:r26 (=X), base64-kodiert
+ movw r18,r26 ; Speicheradresse merken
+ sbrc r16,0
+ sec
+ ld r17,X
+ rol r17
+ st X+,r17
+ ld r17,X
+ rol r17
+ st X+,r17
+ ld r17,X
+ rol r17
+ st X+,r17
+ ld r17,X
+ rol r17
+ st X+,r17
+ movw r26,r18
+ lsr r16
+ ldi r17,0x0d
+ cpse r16,r17 ; nicht 26 halb-Bits?
+ ret ; -> Fehler!
+; ld r18,X+
+; ld r18,X+
+; ld r18,X+
+; ld r17,X+
+; clr r16
+ ldi r20,0x03
+ ld r16,X+
+ mov r17,r16
+ lsr r16
+ eor r16,r17
+ andi r16,0x55
+ ldi r17,0x55
+ cpse r16,r17 ; Bits alternierend?
+ ret ; nein -> Ende!
+ subi r20,0x01
+ movw r26,r18
+ clr r18
+ clr r17
+ clr r16
+ ldi r19,0x10 ; 16 Bits zu lesen (13 reale Bits + 3 Geistbits)
+ ld r20,X+
+ ldi r21,0x04 ; 4 Bits je Byte
+ ror r20
+ ror r20
+ rol r18
+ rol r17
+ rol r16
+ subi r19,0x01
+ subi r21,0x01
+ ; die zu sendenden 18 Bit Informationen liegen in r16(2):r17(8):r18(8)
+ rol r18
+ rol r17
+ rol r16
+ rol r18
+ rol r17
+ rol r16
+ lsr r18
+ lsr r18
+ rol r17
+ rol r16
+ rol r17
+ rol r16
+ lsr r17
+ lsr r17
+ rcall TOBASE64
+ push r16
+ mov r16,r17
+ rcall TOBASE64
+ push r16
+ mov r16,r18
+ rcall TOBASE64
+ push r16
+ ; die zu sendenden Zeichen liegen auf dem Stack (3., 2., 1.)
+ cli
+ clc
+ ; aus logistischen Gründen füllen wir den Puffer von hinten nach vorne
+ ldi r16,0x0d ; 0x0d (CR)
+ mov sbuff4,r16
+ pop r17
+ ldi r16,0x40
+ sec
+ ror r17
+ ror r16
+ ror r17
+ ror r16
+ mov sbuff3,r17
+ pop r17
+ swap r17
+ mov r18,r17
+ andi r18,0x0f
+ or r16,r18
+ mov sbuff2,r16
+ andi r17,0xf0
+ ori r17,0x04
+ pop r18
+ clr r16
+ clc
+ rol r18
+ rol r16
+ sec
+ rol r18
+ rol r16
+ or r16,r17
+ mov sbuff1,r16
+ mov sbuff0,r18
+ sei
+TOBASE64: ; konvertiert Bit 0-5 von r16 in base64
+ ; 0-25: A-Z: +0x41 (=-0xbf)
+ ; 26-51: a-z: +0x47 (=-0xb9)
+ ; 52-61: 0-9: -0x04
+ ; 62: +: -0x13
+ ; 63: /: -0x10
+ andi r16,0x3f ; zur Sicherheit
+ cpi r16,26
+ brcc NICHT0BIS25
+ subi r16,0xbf
+ ret ; TOBASE64
+ cpi r16,52
+ brcc NICHT26BIS51
+ subi r16,0xb9
+ ret ; TOBASE64
+ cpi r16,62
+ brcc NICHT52BIS61
+ subi r16,0x04
+ ret ; TOBASE64
+ cpi r16,63
+ brcc NICHT62
+ subi r16,0x13
+ ret ; TOBASE64
+ subi r16,0x10
+ ret ; TOBASE64
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc800c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+all: Binaeruhr.hex
+install: all
+ avrdude -c avrispmkII -p t24 -U flash:w:Binaeruhr.hex:i
+ avrdude -c avrispmkII -p t24 -U flash:v:Binaeruhr.hex:i
+%.o: %.asm *.inc
+ avr-as $< -mmcu=attiny2313 -o $@
+%.elf: %.o
+ avr-ld -o $@ $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ avr-objcopy --output-target=ihex $< $@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30335a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+;***** THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ********************
+;***** Created: 2011-02-09 12:04 ******* Source: ATtiny2313.xml **********
+;* A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E F O R T H E A V R F A M I L Y
+;* Number : AVR000
+;* File Name : ""
+;* Title : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATtiny2313
+;* Date : 2011-02-09
+;* Version : 2.35
+;* Support E-mail :
+;* Target MCU : ATtiny2313
+;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register
+;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
+;* In addition, the six registers forming the three data pointers X, Y and
+;* Z have been assigned names XL - ZH. Highest RAM address for Internal
+;* SRAM is also defined
+;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
+;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
+;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
+;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc"
+;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
+;* this:
+;* in r16,PORTB ;read PORTB latch
+;* sbr r16,(1<<PB6)+(1<<PB5) ;set PB6 and PB5 (use masks, not bit#)
+;* out PORTB,r16 ;output to PORTB
+;* in r16,TIFR ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
+;* sbrc r16,TOV0 ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
+;* rjmp TOV0_is_set ;jump if set
+;* ... ;otherwise do something else
+#ifndef _TN2313DEF_INC_
+#define _TN2313DEF_INC_
+#pragma partinc 0
+; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
+.device ATtiny2313
+.equ SIGNATURE_000 = 0x1e
+.equ SIGNATURE_001 = 0x91
+.equ SIGNATURE_002 = 0x0a
+; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
+; NOTE:
+; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
+; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
+.equ SREG = 0x3f
+.equ SPL = 0x3d
+.equ OCR0B = 0x3c
+.equ GIMSK = 0x3b
+.equ EIFR = 0x3a
+.equ TIMSK = 0x39
+.equ TIFR = 0x38
+.equ SPMCSR = 0x37
+.equ OCR0A = 0x36
+.equ MCUCR = 0x35
+.equ MCUSR = 0x34
+.equ TCCR0B = 0x33
+.equ TCNT0 = 0x32
+.equ OSCCAL = 0x31
+.equ TCCR0A = 0x30
+.equ TCCR1A = 0x2f
+.equ TCCR1B = 0x2e
+.equ TCNT1L = 0x2c
+.equ TCNT1H = 0x2d
+.equ OCR1AL = 0x2a
+.equ OCR1AH = 0x2b
+.equ OCR1BL = 0x28
+.equ OCR1BH = 0x29
+.equ CLKPR = 0x26
+.equ ICR1L = 0x24
+.equ ICR1H = 0x25
+.equ GTCCR = 0x23
+.equ TCCR1C = 0x22
+.equ WDTCR = 0x21
+.equ PCMSK = 0x20
+.equ EEAR = 0x1e
+.equ EEDR = 0x1d
+.equ EECR = 0x1c
+.equ PORTA = 0x1b
+.equ DDRA = 0x1a
+.equ PINA = 0x19
+.equ PORTB = 0x18
+.equ DDRB = 0x17
+.equ PINB = 0x16
+.equ GPIOR2 = 0x15
+.equ GPIOR1 = 0x14
+.equ GPIOR0 = 0x13
+.equ PORTD = 0x12
+.equ DDRD = 0x11
+.equ PIND = 0x10
+.equ USIDR = 0x0f
+.equ USISR = 0x0e
+.equ USICR = 0x0d
+.equ UDR = 0x0c
+.equ UCSRA = 0x0b
+.equ UCSRB = 0x0a
+.equ UBRRL = 0x09
+.equ ACSR = 0x08
+.equ UCSRC = 0x03
+.equ UBRRH = 0x02
+.equ DIDR = 0x01
+; ***** BIT DEFINITIONS **************************************************
+; ***** PORTB ************************
+; PORTB - Port B Data Register
+.equ PORTB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Register bit 0
+.equ PB0 = 0 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Register bit 1
+.equ PB1 = 1 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Register bit 2
+.equ PB2 = 2 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Register bit 3
+.equ PB3 = 3 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Register bit 4
+.equ PB4 = 4 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Register bit 5
+.equ PB5 = 5 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Register bit 6
+.equ PB6 = 6 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Register bit 7
+.equ PB7 = 7 ; For compatibility
+; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
+.equ DDB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
+.equ DDB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
+.equ DDB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
+.equ DDB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
+.equ DDB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
+.equ DDB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
+.equ DDB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
+.equ DDB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7
+; PINB - Port B Input Pins
+.equ PINB0 = 0 ; Port B Input Pins bit 0
+.equ PINB1 = 1 ; Port B Input Pins bit 1
+.equ PINB2 = 2 ; Port B Input Pins bit 2
+.equ PINB3 = 3 ; Port B Input Pins bit 3
+.equ PINB4 = 4 ; Port B Input Pins bit 4
+.equ PINB5 = 5 ; Port B Input Pins bit 5
+.equ PINB6 = 6 ; Port B Input Pins bit 6
+.equ PINB7 = 7 ; Port B Input Pins bit 7
+; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_0 **************
+; TIMSK - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
+.equ OCIE0A = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
+.equ TOIE0 = 1 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
+.equ OCIE0B = 2 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
+; TIFR - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
+.equ OCF0A = 0 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0A
+.equ TOV0 = 1 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
+.equ OCF0B = 2 ; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0B
+; OCR0B - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
+.equ OCR0_0 = 0 ;
+.equ OCR0_1 = 1 ;
+.equ OCR0_2 = 2 ;
+.equ OCR0_3 = 3 ;
+.equ OCR0_4 = 4 ;
+.equ OCR0_5 = 5 ;
+.equ OCR0_6 = 6 ;
+.equ OCR0_7 = 7 ;
+; OCR0A - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
+.equ OCR0A_0 = 0 ;
+.equ OCR0A_1 = 1 ;
+.equ OCR0A_2 = 2 ;
+.equ OCR0A_3 = 3 ;
+.equ OCR0A_4 = 4 ;
+.equ OCR0A_5 = 5 ;
+.equ OCR0A_6 = 6 ;
+.equ OCR0A_7 = 7 ;
+; TCCR0A - Timer/Counter Control Register A
+.equ WGM00 = 0 ; Waveform Generation Mode
+.equ WGM01 = 1 ; Waveform Generation Mode
+.equ COM0B0 = 4 ; Compare Match Output B Mode
+.equ COM0B1 = 5 ; Compare Match Output B Mode
+.equ COM0A0 = 6 ; Compare Match Output A Mode
+.equ COM0A1 = 7 ; Compare Match Output A Mode
+; TCNT0 - Timer/Counter0
+.equ TCNT0_0 = 0 ;
+.equ TCNT0_1 = 1 ;
+.equ TCNT0_2 = 2 ;
+.equ TCNT0_3 = 3 ;
+.equ TCNT0_4 = 4 ;
+.equ TCNT0_5 = 5 ;
+.equ TCNT0_6 = 6 ;
+.equ TCNT0_7 = 7 ;
+; TCCR0B - Timer/Counter Control Register B
+.equ TCCR0 = TCCR0B ; For compatibility
+.equ CS00 = 0 ; Clock Select
+.equ CS01 = 1 ; Clock Select
+.equ CS02 = 2 ; Clock Select
+.equ WGM02 = 3 ;
+.equ FOC0B = 6 ; Force Output Compare B
+.equ FOC0A = 7 ; Force Output Compare B
+; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_1 **************
+; TIMSK - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
+.equ ICIE1 = 3 ; Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable
+.equ TICIE = ICIE1 ; For compatibility
+.equ OCIE1B = 5 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable
+.equ OCIE1A = 6 ; Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable
+.equ TOIE1 = 7 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
+; TIFR - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
+.equ ICF1 = 3 ; Input Capture Flag 1
+.equ OCF1B = 5 ; Output Compare Flag 1B
+.equ OCF1A = 6 ; Output Compare Flag 1A
+.equ TOV1 = 7 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
+; TCCR1A - Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
+.equ WGM10 = 0 ; Pulse Width Modulator Select Bit 0
+.equ PWM10 = WGM10 ; For compatibility
+.equ WGM11 = 1 ; Pulse Width Modulator Select Bit 1
+.equ PWM11 = WGM11 ; For compatibility
+.equ COM1B0 = 4 ; Comparet Ouput Mode 1B, bit 0
+.equ COM1B1 = 5 ; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 1
+.equ COM1A0 = 6 ; Comparet Ouput Mode 1A, bit 0
+.equ COM1A1 = 7 ; Compare Output Mode 1A, bit 1
+; TCCR1B - Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
+.equ CS10 = 0 ; Clock Select bit 0
+.equ CS11 = 1 ; Clock Select 1 bit 1
+.equ CS12 = 2 ; Clock Select1 bit 2
+.equ WGM12 = 3 ; Waveform Generation Mode Bit 2
+.equ CTC1 = WGM12 ; For compatibility
+.equ WGM13 = 4 ; Waveform Generation Mode Bit 3
+.equ ICES1 = 6 ; Input Capture 1 Edge Select
+.equ ICNC1 = 7 ; Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler
+; TCCR1C - Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
+.equ FOC1B = 6 ; Force Output Compare for Channel B
+.equ FOC1A = 7 ; Force Output Compare for Channel A
+; ***** WATCHDOG *********************
+; WDTCR - Watchdog Timer Control Register
+.equ WDTCSR = WDTCR ; For compatibility
+.equ WDP0 = 0 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 0
+.equ WDP1 = 1 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 1
+.equ WDP2 = 2 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 2
+.equ WDE = 3 ; Watch Dog Enable
+.equ WDCE = 4 ; Watchdog Change Enable
+.equ WDTOE = WDCE ; For compatibility
+.equ WDP3 = 5 ; Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bit 3
+.equ WDIE = 6 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable
+.equ WDIF = 7 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag
+; ***** EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT ***********
+; GIMSK - General Interrupt Mask Register
+.equ PCIE = 5 ;
+.equ INT0 = 6 ; External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
+.equ INT1 = 7 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
+; EIFR - Extended Interrupt Flag Register
+.equ GIFR = EIFR ; For compatibility
+.equ PCIF = 5 ;
+.equ INTF0 = 6 ; External Interrupt Flag 0
+.equ INTF1 = 7 ; External Interrupt Flag 1
+; ***** USART ************************
+; UDR - USART I/O Data Register
+.equ UDR0 = 0 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 0
+.equ UDR1 = 1 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 1
+.equ UDR2 = 2 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 2
+.equ UDR3 = 3 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 3
+.equ UDR4 = 4 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 4
+.equ UDR5 = 5 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 5
+.equ UDR6 = 6 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 6
+.equ UDR7 = 7 ; USART I/O Data Register bit 7
+; UCSRA - USART Control and Status Register A
+.equ USR = UCSRA ; For compatibility
+.equ MPCM = 0 ; Multi-processor Communication Mode
+.equ U2X = 1 ; Double the USART Transmission Speed
+.equ UPE = 2 ; USART Parity Error
+.equ PE = UPE ; For compatibility
+.equ DOR = 3 ; Data overRun
+.equ FE = 4 ; Framing Error
+.equ UDRE = 5 ; USART Data Register Empty
+.equ TXC = 6 ; USART Transmitt Complete
+.equ RXC = 7 ; USART Receive Complete
+; UCSRB - USART Control and Status Register B
+.equ UCR = UCSRB ; For compatibility
+.equ TXB8 = 0 ; Transmit Data Bit 8
+.equ RXB8 = 1 ; Receive Data Bit 8
+.equ UCSZ2 = 2 ; Character Size
+.equ CHR9 = UCSZ2 ; For compatibility
+.equ TXEN = 3 ; Transmitter Enable
+.equ RXEN = 4 ; Receiver Enable
+.equ UDRIE = 5 ; USART Data register Empty Interrupt Enable
+.equ TXCIE = 6 ; TX Complete Interrupt Enable
+.equ RXCIE = 7 ; RX Complete Interrupt Enable
+; UCSRC - USART Control and Status Register C
+.equ UCPOL = 0 ; Clock Polarity
+.equ UCSZ0 = 1 ; Character Size Bit 0
+.equ UCSZ1 = 2 ; Character Size Bit 1
+.equ USBS = 3 ; Stop Bit Select
+.equ UPM0 = 4 ; Parity Mode Bit 0
+.equ UPM1 = 5 ; Parity Mode Bit 1
+.equ UMSEL = 6 ; USART Mode Select
+.equ UBRR = UBRRL ; For compatibility
+; ***** ANALOG_COMPARATOR ************
+; ACSR - Analog Comparator Control And Status Register
+.equ ACIS0 = 0 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 0
+.equ ACIS1 = 1 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 1
+.equ ACIC = 2 ;
+.equ ACIE = 3 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
+.equ ACI = 4 ; Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
+.equ ACO = 5 ; Analog Compare Output
+.equ ACBG = 6 ; Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
+.equ ACD = 7 ; Analog Comparator Disable
+; DIDR - Digital Input Disable Register 1
+.equ AIN0D = 0 ; AIN0 Digital Input Disable
+.equ AIN1D = 1 ; AIN1 Digital Input Disable
+; ***** PORTD ************************
+; PORTD - Data Register, Port D
+.equ PORTD0 = 0 ;
+.equ PD0 = 0 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD1 = 1 ;
+.equ PD1 = 1 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD2 = 2 ;
+.equ PD2 = 2 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD3 = 3 ;
+.equ PD3 = 3 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD4 = 4 ;
+.equ PD4 = 4 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD5 = 5 ;
+.equ PD5 = 5 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTD6 = 6 ;
+.equ PD6 = 6 ; For compatibility
+; DDRD - Data Direction Register, Port D
+.equ DDD0 = 0 ;
+.equ DDD1 = 1 ;
+.equ DDD2 = 2 ;
+.equ DDD3 = 3 ;
+.equ DDD4 = 4 ;
+.equ DDD5 = 5 ;
+.equ DDD6 = 6 ;
+; PIND - Input Pins, Port D
+.equ PIND0 = 0 ;
+.equ PIND1 = 1 ;
+.equ PIND2 = 2 ;
+.equ PIND3 = 3 ;
+.equ PIND4 = 4 ;
+.equ PIND5 = 5 ;
+.equ PIND6 = 6 ;
+; ***** EEPROM ***********************
+; EEAR - EEPROM Read/Write Access
+.equ EEARL = EEAR ; For compatibility
+.equ EEAR0 = 0 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 0
+.equ EEAR1 = 1 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 1
+.equ EEAR2 = 2 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 2
+.equ EEAR3 = 3 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 3
+.equ EEAR4 = 4 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 4
+.equ EEAR5 = 5 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 5
+.equ EEAR6 = 6 ; EEPROM Read/Write Access bit 6
+; EEDR - EEPROM Data Register
+.equ EEDR0 = 0 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 0
+.equ EEDR1 = 1 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 1
+.equ EEDR2 = 2 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 2
+.equ EEDR3 = 3 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 3
+.equ EEDR4 = 4 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 4
+.equ EEDR5 = 5 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 5
+.equ EEDR6 = 6 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 6
+.equ EEDR7 = 7 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 7
+; EECR - EEPROM Control Register
+.equ EERE = 0 ; EEPROM Read Enable
+.equ EEPE = 1 ; EEPROM Write Enable
+.equ EEWE = EEPE ; For compatibility
+.equ EEMPE = 2 ; EEPROM Master Write Enable
+.equ EEMWE = EEMPE ; For compatibility
+.equ EERIE = 3 ; EEProm Ready Interrupt Enable
+.equ EEPM0 = 4 ;
+.equ EEPM1 = 5 ;
+; ***** PORTA ************************
+; PORTA - Port A Data Register
+.equ PORTA0 = 0 ; Port A Data Register bit 0
+.equ PA0 = 0 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTA1 = 1 ; Port A Data Register bit 1
+.equ PA1 = 1 ; For compatibility
+.equ PORTA2 = 2 ; Port A Data Register bit 2
+.equ PA2 = 2 ; For compatibility
+; DDRA - Port A Data Direction Register
+.equ DDA0 = 0 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 0
+.equ DDA1 = 1 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 1
+.equ DDA2 = 2 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 2
+; PINA - Port A Input Pins
+.equ PINA0 = 0 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 0
+.equ PINA1 = 1 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 1
+.equ PINA2 = 2 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 2
+; ***** CPU **************************
+; SREG - Status Register
+.equ SREG_C = 0 ; Carry Flag
+.equ SREG_Z = 1 ; Zero Flag
+.equ SREG_N = 2 ; Negative Flag
+.equ SREG_V = 3 ; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
+.equ SREG_S = 4 ; Sign Bit
+.equ SREG_H = 5 ; Half Carry Flag
+.equ SREG_T = 6 ; Bit Copy Storage
+.equ SREG_I = 7 ; Global Interrupt Enable
+; SPMCSR - Store Program Memory Control and Status register
+.equ SPMEN = 0 ; Store Program Memory Enable
+.equ PGERS = 1 ; Page Erase
+.equ PGWRT = 2 ; Page Write
+.equ RFLB = 3 ; Read Fuse and Lock Bits
+.equ CTPB = 4 ; Clear Temporary Page Buffer
+; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
+.equ ISC00 = 0 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 bit 0
+.equ ISC01 = 1 ; Interrupt Sense Control 0 bit 1
+.equ ISC10 = 2 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 bit 0
+.equ ISC11 = 3 ; Interrupt Sense Control 1 bit 1
+.equ SM0 = 4 ; Sleep Mode Select Bit 0
+.equ SM = SM0 ; For compatibility
+.equ SE = 5 ; Sleep Enable
+.equ SM1 = 6 ; Sleep Mode Select Bit 1
+.equ PUD = 7 ; Pull-up Disable
+; CLKPR - Clock Prescale Register
+.equ CLKPS0 = 0 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 0
+.equ CLKPS1 = 1 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 1
+.equ CLKPS2 = 2 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 2
+.equ CLKPS3 = 3 ; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 3
+.equ CLKPCE = 7 ; Clock Prescaler Change Enable
+; MCUSR - MCU Status register
+.equ PORF = 0 ; Power-On Reset Flag
+.equ EXTRF = 1 ; External Reset Flag
+.equ BORF = 2 ; Brown-out Reset Flag
+.equ WDRF = 3 ; Watchdog Reset Flag
+; OSCCAL - Oscillator Calibration Register
+.equ CAL0 = 0 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 0
+.equ CAL1 = 1 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 1
+.equ CAL2 = 2 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 2
+.equ CAL3 = 3 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 3
+.equ CAL4 = 4 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 4
+.equ CAL5 = 5 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 5
+.equ CAL6 = 6 ; Oscillatro Calibration Value Bit 6
+; GTCCR - General Timer Counter Control Register
+.equ SFIOR = GTCCR ; For compatibility
+.equ PSR10 = 0 ;
+; PCMSK - Pin-Change Mask register
+.equ PCINT0 = 0 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 0
+.equ PCINT1 = 1 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 1
+.equ PCINT2 = 2 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 2
+.equ PCINT3 = 3 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 3
+.equ PCINT4 = 4 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 4
+.equ PCINT5 = 5 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 5
+.equ PCINT6 = 6 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 6
+.equ PCINT7 = 7 ; Pin-Change Interrupt 7
+; GPIOR2 - General Purpose I/O Register 2
+.equ GPIOR20 = 0 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 0
+.equ GPIOR21 = 1 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 1
+.equ GPIOR22 = 2 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 2
+.equ GPIOR23 = 3 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 3
+.equ GPIOR24 = 4 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 4
+.equ GPIOR25 = 5 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 5
+.equ GPIOR26 = 6 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 6
+.equ GPIOR27 = 7 ; General Purpose I/O Register 2 bit 7
+; GPIOR1 - General Purpose I/O Register 1
+.equ GPIOR10 = 0 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 0
+.equ GPIOR11 = 1 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 1
+.equ GPIOR12 = 2 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 2
+.equ GPIOR13 = 3 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 3
+.equ GPIOR14 = 4 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 4
+.equ GPIOR15 = 5 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 5
+.equ GPIOR16 = 6 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 6
+.equ GPIOR17 = 7 ; General Purpose I/O Register 1 bit 7
+; GPIOR0 - General Purpose I/O Register 0
+.equ GPIOR00 = 0 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 0
+.equ GPIOR01 = 1 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 1
+.equ GPIOR02 = 2 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 2
+.equ GPIOR03 = 3 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 3
+.equ GPIOR04 = 4 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 4
+.equ GPIOR05 = 5 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 5
+.equ GPIOR06 = 6 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 6
+.equ GPIOR07 = 7 ; General Purpose I/O Register 0 bit 7
+; ***** USI **************************
+; USIDR - USI Data Register
+.equ USIDR0 = 0 ; USI Data Register bit 0
+.equ USIDR1 = 1 ; USI Data Register bit 1
+.equ USIDR2 = 2 ; USI Data Register bit 2
+.equ USIDR3 = 3 ; USI Data Register bit 3
+.equ USIDR4 = 4 ; USI Data Register bit 4
+.equ USIDR5 = 5 ; USI Data Register bit 5
+.equ USIDR6 = 6 ; USI Data Register bit 6
+.equ USIDR7 = 7 ; USI Data Register bit 7
+; USISR - USI Status Register
+.equ USICNT0 = 0 ; USI Counter Value Bit 0
+.equ USICNT1 = 1 ; USI Counter Value Bit 1
+.equ USICNT2 = 2 ; USI Counter Value Bit 2
+.equ USICNT3 = 3 ; USI Counter Value Bit 3
+.equ USIDC = 4 ; Data Output Collision
+.equ USIPF = 5 ; Stop Condition Flag
+.equ USIOIF = 6 ; Counter Overflow Interrupt Flag
+.equ USISIF = 7 ; Start Condition Interrupt Flag
+; USICR - USI Control Register
+.equ USITC = 0 ; Toggle Clock Port Pin
+.equ USICLK = 1 ; Clock Strobe
+.equ USICS0 = 2 ; USI Clock Source Select Bit 0
+.equ USICS1 = 3 ; USI Clock Source Select Bit 1
+.equ USIWM0 = 4 ; USI Wire Mode Bit 0
+.equ USIWM1 = 5 ; USI Wire Mode Bit 1
+.equ USIOIE = 6 ; Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable
+.equ USISIE = 7 ; Start Condition Interrupt Enable
+; ***** LOCKSBITS ********************************************************
+.equ LB1 = 0 ; Lockbit
+.equ LB2 = 1 ; Lockbit
+; ***** FUSES ************************************************************
+; LOW fuse bits
+.equ CKSEL0 = 0 ; Select Clock Source
+.equ CKSEL1 = 1 ; Select Clock Source
+.equ CKSEL2 = 2 ; Select Clock Source
+.equ CKSEL3 = 3 ; Select Clock Source
+.equ SUT0 = 4 ; Select start-up time
+.equ SUT1 = 5 ; Select start-up time
+.equ CKOUT = 6 ; Clock output
+.equ CKDIV8 = 7 ; Divide clock by 8
+; HIGH fuse bits
+.equ BODLEVEL0 = 0 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
+.equ BODLEVEL1 = 1 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
+.equ BODLEVEL2 = 2 ; Brown-out Detector trigger level
+.equ EESAVE = 3 ; EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase
+.equ WDTON = 4 ; Watchdog Timer Always On
+.equ SPIEN = 5 ; Enable Serial programming and Data Downloading
+.equ DWEN = 6 ; debugWIRE Enable
+.equ RSTDISBL = 7 ; External reset disable
+; EXTENDED fuse bits
+.equ SELFPRGEN = 0 ; Self Programming Enable
+; ***** CPU REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
+.def XH = r27
+.def XL = r26
+.def YH = r29
+.def YL = r28
+.def ZH = r31
+.def ZL = r30
+; ***** DATA MEMORY DECLARATIONS *****************************************
+.equ FLASHEND = 0x03ff ; Note: Word address
+.equ IOEND = 0x003f
+.equ SRAM_START = 0x0060
+.equ SRAM_SIZE = 128
+.equ RAMEND = 0x00df
+.equ XRAMEND = 0x0000
+.equ E2END = 0x007f
+.equ EEPROMEND = 0x007f
+.equ EEADRBITS = 7
+; ***** BOOTLOADER DECLARATIONS ******************************************
+.equ NRWW_START_ADDR = 0x0
+.equ NRWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x3ff
+.equ RWW_START_ADDR = 0x0
+.equ RWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x0
+.equ PAGESIZE = 16
+; ***** INTERRUPT VECTORS ************************************************
+.equ INT0addr = 0x0001 ; External Interrupt Request 0
+.equ INT1addr = 0x0002 ; External Interrupt Request 1
+.equ ICP1addr = 0x0003 ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
+.equ OC1Aaddr = 0x0004 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
+.equ OC1addr = 0x0004 ; For compatibility
+.equ OVF1addr = 0x0005 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow
+.equ OVF0addr = 0x0006 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
+.equ URXCaddr = 0x0007 ; USART, Rx Complete
+.equ URXC0addr = 0x0007 ; For compatibility
+.equ UDREaddr = 0x0008 ; USART Data Register Empty
+.equ UDRE0addr = 0x0008 ; For compatibility
+.equ UTXCaddr = 0x0009 ; USART, Tx Complete
+.equ UTXC0addr = 0x0009 ; For compatibility
+.equ ACIaddr = 0x000a ; Analog Comparator
+.equ PCIaddr = 0x000b ;
+.equ OC1Baddr = 0x000c ;
+.equ OC0Aaddr = 0x000d ;
+.equ OC0Baddr = 0x000e ;
+.equ USI_STARTaddr = 0x000f ; USI Start Condition
+.equ USI_OVFaddr = 0x0010 ; USI Overflow
+.equ ERDYaddr = 0x0011 ;
+.equ WDTaddr = 0x0012 ; Watchdog Timer Overflow
+.equ INT_VECTORS_SIZE = 19 ; size in words
+#endif /* _TN2313DEF_INC_ */
+; ***** END OF FILE ******************************************************