path: root/ori_Unit1.pas
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2016-07-15 21:12:30 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2016-07-15 21:12:30 +0200
commit69310448c9bec42541def7813c3019d8cab0724c (patch)
tree9923eb183eacd59cded266c82d82d1ad4784784b /ori_Unit1.pas
initial Commit - nicht lauffähig, enthält aber auch noch das Original
Diffstat (limited to 'ori_Unit1.pas')
1 files changed, 2384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ori_Unit1.pas b/ori_Unit1.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b05de6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ori_Unit1.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2384 @@
+unit Unit1;
+//{$DEFINE Buchstabenraetsel} // sonst Hochhausraetsel
+//{$DEFINE debug}
+{$DEFINE loesungsoptimierung}
+//{$DEFINE keinRandomize}
+//{$DEFINE alternativLoesung}
+{$DEFINE preLoesung}
+//{$DEFINE debugFileExport}
+{$DEFINE datei}
+{$DEFINE Speichermoegl}
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Dialogs, Spin, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Math,
+{$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ RaetselFileUnit,
+ ComCtrls, ExtDlgs;
+const ProgVers = 0;
+ TIntArray = array of integer;
+ TZug = record
+ Position: integer;
+ Vorher: integer;
+ VorherFarbe,
+ VorherMalFarbe: TColor;
+ end;
+ TButtonWithArrowKeys = class(TButton)
+ private
+ procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE;
+ end;
+ TForm1 = class(TForm)
+ procedure SpinEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure Image1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure Image2MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure Image2MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
+ X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure Image2MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ procedure preStart;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ NBuchst,
+ NLeer,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ NGes,NSqrt: integer;
+ Rand: array of Integer;
+ Feld: array of Integer;
+ FeldFarben: array of TColor;
+ Startfeld: array of Boolean;
+ Position: integer;
+ Zuege: array of TZug;
+ Button1,
+ Button2,
+ Button3: TButtonWithArrowKeys;
+ Checkbox1,Checkbox2: TCheckbox;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit2,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit1,
+ Spinedit3: TSpinedit;
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
+ SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
+ Button4,Button5: TButtonWithArrowKeys;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Progressbar1: TProgressbar;
+ Image1,Image2,
+ SchreibeImage: TImage;
+ Leertaste_aktiviert: TDateTime;
+ aktuelleFarbe,
+ letzteFarbe: TColor;
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ {$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+ Maxima,Minima: array of Byte;
+ procedure gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF preLoesung}
+ AMoeglich,EMoeglich: array of Boolean;
+ procedure gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ function passtZumZeichnen(Spalte,Zeile: integer): boolean;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure Zeichnen;
+ procedure schreibe(was: String; Spalte,Zeile: integer);
+ function passt(Spalte,Zeile: integer): boolean;
+ function Loesen(lPos: integer): boolean;
+ function geloest: boolean;
+ procedure leeren;
+ procedure RandErzeugen;
+ function anzLoesungen(lPos: integer): integer;
+ procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TMessage);// message WM_GETDLGCODE;
+ procedure Image2Bemalen;
+ end;
+ Form1: TForm1;
+const Groesse = 32;
+function Permutation(n: integer): TIntArray;
+function farbverlauf(Wo: extended): TColor;
+function RGB2TColor(R,G,B: Extended): TColor;
+function Vers2Str(C: Cardinal): string;
+{$IFDEF datei}
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+const dat_name = 'Buchstabenraetsel.dat';
+const dat_name = 'Hochhausraetsel.dat';
+{$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+const dat_kennung = 'BuchstRaetsel';
+const dat_kennung = 'HochHRaetsel';
+const I1_top = 64+24;
+const I2_top = 48+24;
+const I1_top = 64;
+const I2_top = 48;
+{$R *.dfm}
+function Vers2Str(C: Cardinal): string;
+var i: integer;
+ result:='';
+ for i:=0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ result:='.'+inttostr(C and $3)+result;
+ C:=C shr 2;
+ end;
+ delete(result,1,1);
+procedure TButtonWithArrowkeys.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TWMGetDLGCODE);// message WM_GETDLGCODE;
+ inherited;
+ Msg.Result := Msg.Result or DLGC_WANTARROWS;
+procedure TForm1.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TMessage);// message WM_GETDLGCODE;
+ inherited;
+ Msg.Result := Msg.Result or DLGC_WANTARROWS;
+procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF Debug}
+var F,G: File;
+ A: Array of Byte;
+ SchreibeImage:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ {$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+ Setlength(Maxima,0);
+ Setlength(Minima,0);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFNDEF Debug}
+ if Uppercase(Extractfilename(application.ExeName))='RAETSEL.EXE' then
+ begin
+ assignfile(F,application.exename);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ assignfile(G,extractfilepath(application.exename)+'Buchstabenraetsel.exe');
+ {$ELSE}
+ assignfile(G,extractfilepath(application.exename)+'Hochhausraetsel.exe');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Filemode:=fmOpenRead;
+ Reset(F,1);
+ Rewrite(G,1);
+ Setlength(A,FileSize(F));
+ Blockread(F,A[0],length(A));
+ Blockwrite(G,A[0],length(A));
+ Closefile(G);
+ Closefile(F);
+ halt;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit1:=TSpinedit.create(Form1);
+ Spinedit1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Spinedit1.Left:=0;
+ Spinedit1.Top:=0;
+ Spinedit1.Height:=22;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit1.Hint:='Anzahl Buchstaben';
+ {$ELSE}
+ Spinedit1.Hint:='Anzahl Zahlen';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit1.MaxValue:=0;
+ Spinedit1.MinValue:=0;
+ Spinedit1.ShowHint:=true;
+ Spinedit1.Value:=5;
+ Spinedit1.Width:=57;
+ Spinedit1.OnChange:=SpinEdit1Change;
+ Spinedit1.OnKeyDown:=FormKeyDown;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Form1.Caption:='Buchstabenrätsel';
+ {$ELSE}
+ Form1.Caption:='Hochhausrätsel';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit3:=TSpinedit.Create(Form1);
+ Spinedit3.Parent:=Form1;
+ Spinedit3.Top:=0;
+ Spinedit3.Left:=100;
+ Spinedit3.MinValue:=0;
+ Spinedit3.MaxValue:=99999;
+ Spinedit3.MaxLength:=5;
+ Spinedit3.Width:=66;
+ Spinedit3.ShowHint:=true;
+ Spinedit3.Hint:='Spielnummer';
+ Spinedit3.OnKeyDown:=FormKeyDown;
+ Checkbox1:=TCheckbox.Create(Form1);
+ Checkbox1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Checkbox1.Caption:='Diagonalen';
+ Checkbox1.Height:=17;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Checkbox1.Left:=117;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Checkbox1.Left:=64;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Checkbox1.TabStop:=false;
+ Checkbox1.Top:=3;
+ Checkbox1.Width:=76;
+ Checkbox1.OnKeyDown:=FormKeyDown;
+ Checkbox1.OnClick:=SpinEdit1Change;
+ Checkbox2:=TCheckbox.Create(Form1);
+ Checkbox2.Parent:=Form1;
+ Checkbox2.Caption:='Sudoku';
+ Checkbox2.Height:=17;
+ Checkbox2.Left:=Checkbox1.Left+Checkbox1.Width;
+ Checkbox2.TabStop:=false;
+ Checkbox2.Top:=3;
+ Checkbox2.Width:=61;
+ Checkbox2.OnKeyDown:=FormKeyDown;
+ Checkbox2.OnClick:=SpinEdit1Change;
+ Checkbox2.Enabled:=false;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit2:=TSpinedit.create(Form1);
+ Spinedit2.Parent:=Form1;
+ Spinedit2.Height:=22;
+ Spinedit2.Hint:='Anzahl Leerzeichen';
+ Spinedit2.Left:=56;
+ Spinedit2.MaxValue:=0;
+ Spinedit2.MinValue:=0;
+ Spinedit2.ShowHint:=true;
+ Spinedit2.Top:=0;
+ Spinedit2.Value:=1;
+ Spinedit2.Width:=57;
+ Spinedit2.OnChange:=SpinEdit1Change;
+ Spinedit2.OnKeyDown:=FormKeyDown;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Progressbar1:=TProgressbar.create(Form1);
+ Progressbar1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Progressbar1.Height:=21;
+ Progressbar1.Left:=0;
+ Progressbar1.Smooth:=true;
+ Progressbar1.Step:=1;
+ Progressbar1.Top:=I2_top+1;
+ Progressbar1.Visible:=false;
+ Progressbar1.Width:=473;
+ Image1:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ Image1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Image1.Height:=465;
+ Image1.Left:=0;
+ Image1.Top:=I1_top;
+ Image1.Width:=473;
+ Image1.OnMouseDown:=Image1MouseDown;
+ Image1.OnDblClick:=Image1DblClick;
+ Image2:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ Image2.Parent:=Form1;
+ Image2.Height:=16;
+ Image2.Left:=0;
+ Image2.Top:=I2_top;
+ Image2.Width:=473;
+ Image2.OnMouseDown:=Image2MouseDown;
+ Image2.OnMouseMove:=Image2MouseMove;
+ Image2.OnMouseUp:=Image2MouseUp;
+ Image2Bemalen;
+ Leertaste_aktiviert:=-1;
+ Button1:=TButtonWithArrowKeys.create(Form1);
+ Button1.Caption:='Start!';
+ Button1.Height:=25;
+ Button1.Width:=49;
+ Button1.Left:=0;
+ Button1.Top:=23;
+ Button1.TabOrder:=3;
+ Button1.OnClick:=Button1Click;
+ Button1.OnKeyDown:=Form1.OnKeyDown;
+ Button1.OnKeyUp:=Form1.OnKeyUp;
+ Button1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Button2:=TButtonWithArrowKeys.create(Form1);
+ Button2.Enabled:=False;
+ Button2.Caption:='Feldgröße ändern!';
+ Button2.Height:=25;
+ Button2.Width:=109;
+ Button2.Left:=48;
+ Button2.Top:=23;
+ Button2.TabOrder:=3;
+ Button2.OnClick:=Button2Click;
+ Button2.OnKeyDown:=Form1.OnKeyDown;
+ Button2.OnKeyUp:=Form1.OnKeyUp;
+ Button2.Parent:=Form1;
+ Button3:=TButtonWithArrowKeys.create(Form1);
+ Button3.Enabled:=False;
+ Button3.Caption:='Neu starten!';
+ Button3.Height:=25;
+ Button3.Width:=79;
+ Button3.Left:=156;
+ Button3.Top:=23;
+ Button3.TabOrder:=3;
+ Button3.OnClick:=Button3Click;
+ Button3.OnKeyDown:=Form1.OnKeyDown;
+ Button3.OnKeyUp:=Form1.OnKeyUp;
+ Button3.Parent:=Form1;
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ Button4:=TButtonWithArrowKeys.create(Form1);
+ Button4.Enabled:=False;
+ Button4.Caption:='Speichern!';
+ Button4.Height:=25;
+ Button4.Width:=79;
+ Button4.Left:=0;
+ Button4.Top:=47;
+ Button4.TabOrder:=3;
+ Button4.OnClick:=Button4Click;
+ Button4.OnKeyDown:=Form1.OnKeyDown;
+ Button4.OnKeyUp:=Form1.OnKeyUp;
+ Button4.Parent:=Form1;
+ Button5:=TButtonWithArrowKeys.create(Form1);
+ Button5.Enabled:=True;
+ Button5.Caption:='Laden!';
+ Button5.Height:=25;
+ Button5.Width:=79;
+ Button5.Left:=78;
+ Button5.Top:=47;
+ Button5.TabOrder:=3;
+ Button5.OnClick:=Button5Click;
+ Button5.OnKeyDown:=Form1.OnKeyDown;
+ Button5.OnKeyUp:=Form1.OnKeyUp;
+ Button5.Parent:=Form1;
+ OpenDialog1:=TOpenDialog.Create(Form1);
+ OpenDialog1.InitialDir:=extractfilepath(application.exename);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ OpenDialog1.Filter:='Buchstabenraetsel (*.bsr)|*.bsr';
+ {$ELSE}
+ OpenDialog1.Filter:='Hochhausraetsel (*.hhr)|*.hhr';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SaveDialog1:=TSaveDialog.Create(Form1);
+ SaveDialog1.InitialDir:=extractfilepath(application.exename);
+ SaveDialog1.Filter:=OpenDialog1.Filter;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ setlength(Zuege,0);
+ setlength(Rand,0);
+ setlength(Feld,0);
+ setlength(FeldFarben,0);
+ setlength(Startfeld,0);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ NBuchst:=5;
+ NLeer:=1;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ NGes:=5;
+ NSqrt:=2;
+ Position:=0;
+ {$IFNDEF keinRandomize}
+ randomize;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ aktuelleFarbe:=$000000;
+ letzteFarbe:=$000000;
+ {$IFDEF preLoesung}
+ gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit3.Value:=random(Spinedit3.MaxValue+1);
+ Spinedit1.OnChange(Form1);
+ if (Paramcount>0) and fileexists(Paramstr(1)) then
+ begin
+ OpenDialog1.Tag:=1;
+ OpenDialog1.FileName:=Paramstr(1);
+ Button5Click(Sender);
+ end;
+procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ SchreibeImage.Free;
+ Button1.Free;
+ Button2.Free;
+ Button3.Free;
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ Button4.Free;
+ Button5.Free;
+ OpenDialog1.Free;
+ SaveDialog1.Free;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit1.Free;
+ Spinedit2.Free;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Checkbox1.Free;
+ Checkbox2.Free;
+ Progressbar1.Free;
+ Image1.Free;
+ setlength(Zuege,0);
+ setlength(Feld,0);
+ setlength(FeldFarben,0);
+ setlength(Startfeld,0);
+ setlength(Rand,0);
+procedure TForm1.SpinEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);
+var I: Integer;
+ if (Spinedit1.Value = 0)
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ and (Spinedit2.Value = 0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then exit;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ NBuchst:=Abs(Spinedit1.Value);
+ NLeer:=Abs(Spinedit2.Value);
+ NGes:=NBuchst+NLeer;
+ {$ELSE}
+ NGes:=Abs(Spinedit1.Value);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ NSqrt:=round(sqrt(NGes));
+ Checkbox2.Enabled:=Sqr(NSqrt)=NGes;
+ if (not Checkbox2.Enabled) and Checkbox2.Checked then
+ Checkbox2.Checked:=false;
+ Position:=0;
+ setlength(Zuege,0);
+ setlength(Rand,4*NGes);
+ For I:=0 to length(Rand)-1 do
+ Rand[I]:=0;
+ setlength(Feld,NGes*NGes);
+ setlength(FeldFarben,NGes*NGes);
+ setlength(Startfeld,NGes*NGes);
+ For I:=0 to length(Feld)-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Feld[I]:=-1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Feld[I]:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Feldfarben[I]:=$000000;
+ Startfeld[I]:=true;
+ end;
+ Image1.Free;
+ Image1:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ Image1.Parent:=Form1;
+ Image1.Left:=0;
+ Image1.Top:=I1_top;
+ Image1.Width:=Groesse*(NGes+2);
+ Image1.Height:=Groesse*(NGes+2);
+ Image1.OnMouseDown:=Image1MouseDown;
+ Image1.OnDblClick:=Image1DblClick;
+ Image1.Canvas.Font.Size:=Groesse;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Size:=Groesse;
+ Image2.Free;
+ Image2:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ Image2.Parent:=Form1;
+ Image2.Height:=16;
+ Image2.Left:=0;
+ Image2.Top:=I2_top;
+ Image2.Width:=Groesse*(NGes+2);
+ Image2.OnMouseDown:=Image2MouseDown;
+ Image2.OnMouseMove:=Image2MouseMove;
+ Image2.OnMouseUp:=Image2MouseUp;
+ Image2Bemalen;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ while Image1.Canvas.TextHeight('A')*2 >= Groesse*3 do
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.Font.Size:=Image1.Canvas.Font.Size-1;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Size:=Image1.Canvas.Font.Size;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ while Image1.Canvas.TextHeight('0')*2 >= Groesse*3 do
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.Font.Size:=Image1.Canvas.Font.Size-1;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Size:=Image1.Canvas.Font.Size;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Image1.OnMouseDown:=Image1MouseDown;
+ Image1.OnDblClick:=Image1DblClick;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Form1.Width:=Form1.Width-Form1.Clientwidth+
+ Max(Image1.Width+Image1.Left,
+ Checkbox2.Width+Checkbox2.Left+Spinedit3.Width);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Form1.Width:=Form1.Width-Form1.Clientwidth+
+ Max(Image1.Width+Image1.Left,
+ Max(Button3.Width+Button3.Left,
+ Checkbox2.Width+Checkbox2.Left+Spinedit3.Width));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Form1.Height:=Form1.Height-Form1.Clientheight+
+ Max(Image1.Height+Image1.Top,
+ Progressbar1.Height+Progressbar1.Top);
+ Zeichnen;
+procedure TForm1.Zeichnen;
+var I: Integer;
+ FeldGeloest,
+ passtHier: Boolean;
+ Image1.Canvas.Rectangle(-1,-1,Image1.Width+2,Image1.Height+2);
+ FeldGeloest:=Geloest;
+ if Checkbox1.Checked then
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$E7E7E7;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.Rectangle(Groesse*(I+1),Groesse*(I+1),
+ Groesse*(I+2)+1,Groesse*(I+2)+1);
+ Image1.Canvas.Rectangle(Groesse*(NGes-I),Groesse*(I+1),
+ Groesse*(NGes-I+1)+1,Groesse*(I+2)+1);
+ end;
+ Image1.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$FFFFFF;
+ end;
+ For I:=0 to length(Feld)-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF preLoesung}
+ passtHier:=passtZumZeichnen(I mod NGes, I div NGes);
+ {$ELSE}
+ passtHier:=passt(I mod NGes, I div NGes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$FFFFFF - $181818*Byte(Checkbox1.Checked and ((I mod (NGes+1) = 0) or (I mod (NGes-1)=0)));
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Color:=
+ $0000FF*Byte(not passtHier) or
+ $007F00*Byte(FeldGeloest) or
+ $7F7F7F*Byte(Startfeld[I] and passtHier) or
+ Feldfarben[I]*Byte((not FeldGeloest) and (not Startfeld[I]) and passtHier);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ case Feld[I] of
+ -1: ;
+ 0: schreibe('-', I mod NGes, I div NGes);
+ else schreibe(char(ord('A')-1+Feld[I]), I mod NGes, I div NGes);
+ end{of Case};
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Feld[I]>0 then
+ schreibe(inttostr(Feld[I]), I mod NGes, I div NGes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Color:=$9F0000;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$FFFFFF;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ For I:=0 to length(Rand) div 4 - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Rand[I]>0 then
+ schreibe(char(ord('A')-1+Rand[I]), I,-1);
+ if Rand[I + length(Rand) div 4]>0 then
+ schreibe(char(ord('A')-1+Rand[I + length(Rand) div 4]), NGes, I);
+ if Rand[I + 2*(length(Rand) div 4)]>0 then
+ schreibe(char(ord('A')-1+Rand[I + 2*(length(Rand) div 4)]), I, NGes);
+ if Rand[I + 3*(length(Rand) div 4)]>0 then
+ schreibe(char(ord('A')-1+Rand[I + 3*(length(Rand) div 4)]), -1, I);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ For I:=0 to length(Rand) div 4 - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Rand[I]>0 then
+ schreibe(inttostr(Rand[I]), I,-1);
+ if Rand[I + length(Rand) div 4]>0 then
+ schreibe(inttostr(Rand[I + length(Rand) div 4]), NGes, I);
+ if Rand[I + 2*(length(Rand) div 4)]>0 then
+ schreibe(inttostr(Rand[I + 2*(length(Rand) div 4)]), I, NGes);
+ if Rand[I + 3*(length(Rand) div 4)]>0 then
+ schreibe(inttostr(Rand[I + 3*(length(Rand) div 4)]), -1, I);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Color:=$000000;
+ For I:=0 to NGes do
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.MoveTo(Groesse*(I+1),Groesse);
+ Image1.Canvas.LineTo(Groesse*(I+1),Image1.Height-Groesse+1);
+ Image1.Canvas.MoveTo(Groesse,Groesse*(I+1));
+ Image1.Canvas.LineTo(Image1.Width-Groesse+1,Groesse*(I+1));
+ end;
+ Image1.Canvas.Pen.Color:=$8080FF;
+ Image1.Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsClear;
+ Image1.Canvas.Pen.Width:=3;
+ Image1.Canvas.Rectangle((Position mod NGes+1)*Groesse,
+ (Position div NGes+1)*Groesse,
+ (Position mod NGes+2)*Groesse+1,
+ (Position div NGes+2)*Groesse+1);
+ Image1.Canvas.Pen.Color:=$000000;
+ Image1.Canvas.Pen.Width:=3;
+ Image1.Canvas.Rectangle(Groesse-1,Groesse-1,Groesse*(NGes+1)+2,Groesse*(NGes+1)+2);
+ if Checkbox2.Checked then
+ for I:=1 to NSqrt-1 do
+ begin
+ Image1.Canvas.MoveTo((I*NSqrt+1)*Groesse,Groesse);
+ Image1.Canvas.LineTo((I*NSqrt+1)*Groesse,Groesse*(NGes+1));
+ Image1.Canvas.MoveTo(Groesse,(I*NSqrt+1)*Groesse);
+ Image1.Canvas.LineTo(Groesse*(NGes+1),(I*NSqrt+1)*Groesse);
+ end;
+ Image1.Canvas.Pen.Width:=1;
+ Image1.Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsSolid;
+procedure TForm1.schreibe(was: String; Spalte,Zeile: integer);
+var bgcl,fcl: TColor;
+ w,h,x,y,fs: longint;
+ if (SchreibeImage.Width<Groesse) or
+ (SchreibeImage.Height<Groesse) then
+ begin
+ bgcl:=SchreibeImage.Canvas.Brush.Color;
+ fcl:=SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Color;
+ fs:=SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Size;
+ SchreibeImage.Free;
+ SchreibeImage:=TImage.Create(Form1);
+ SchreibeImage.Width:=Groesse;
+ SchreibeImage.Height:=Groesse;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Brush.Color:=bgcl;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Color:=fcl;
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Font.Size:=fs;
+ end;
+ w:=Image1.Canvas.TextWidth(was);
+ h:=Image1.Canvas.TextHeight(was);
+ x:=Groesse*(Spalte+1);
+ y:=Groesse*(Zeile+1);
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.Rectangle(-1,-1,Groesse+1,Groesse+1);
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas.TextOut(round(0.5*(Groesse-w+1)),round(0.5*(Groesse-h+1)),was);
+ Image1.Canvas.CopyRect(
+ Rect(x,y,x+Groesse-1,y+Groesse-1),
+ SchreibeImage.Canvas,
+ Rect(0,0,Groesse-1,Groesse-1));
+procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ if Spinedit1.Enabled then exit;
+ if ssCtrl in Shift then
+ begin
+ if (Key=ord('Z')) and (length(Zuege)>0) then
+ begin
+ Position:=Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position;
+ Feld[Position]:=Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher;
+ FeldFarben[Position]:=Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe;
+ aktuelleFarbe:=Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)-1);
+ Image2bemalen;
+ end;
+ Zeichnen;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case Key of
+ 37: Position:=Position-1 + Byte(Position mod NGes = 0);
+ 38: Position:=Position-NGes + NGes*Byte(Position div NGes = 0);
+ 39: Position:=Position+1 - Byte(Position mod NGes = NGes-1);
+ 40: Position:=Position+NGes - NGes*Byte(Position div NGes = NGes-1);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ 109,189:
+ if (not Startfeld[Position]) and
+ ((Feldfarben[Position]<>aktuelleFarbe) or
+ (Feld[Position]<>0)) then
+ begin
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)+1);
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position:=Position;
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher:=Feld[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe:=letzteFarbe;
+ Feld[Position]:=0;
+ Feldfarben[Position]:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ 8,32,46:
+ if (not Startfeld[Position]) and
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ (Feld[Position]<>-1) then
+ {$ELSE}
+ (Feld[Position]<>0) then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)+1);
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position:=Position;
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher:=Feld[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe:=letzteFarbe;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Feld[Position]:=-1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Feld[Position]:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ else
+ if not Startfeld[Position] then
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if (ord('A')<=Key) and
+ (ord('A')+NBuchst>Key) and
+ ((FeldFarben[Position]<>aktuelleFarbe) or
+ (Feld[Position]<>Key-ord('A')+1)) then
+ begin
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)+1);
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position:=Position;
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher:=Feld[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe:=LetzteFarbe;
+ Feld[Position]:=Key-ord('A')+1;
+ FeldFarben[Position]:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ begin
+ if (ord('1')<=Key) and
+ (ord('1')+NGes>Key) and
+ ((FeldFarben[Position]<>aktuelleFarbe) or
+ (Feld[Position]<>Key-ord('0'))) then
+ begin
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)+1);
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position:=Position;
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher:=Feld[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe:=LetzteFarbe;
+ Feld[Position]:=Key-ord('0');
+ FeldFarben[Position]:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ end;
+ if (97<=Key) and
+ (97+NGes>Key) and
+ ((FeldFarben[Position]<>aktuelleFarbe) or
+ (Feld[Position]<>Key-96)) then
+ begin
+ setlength(Zuege,length(Zuege)+1);
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Position:=Position;
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].Vorher:=Feld[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ Zuege[length(Zuege)-1].VorherMalFarbe:=LetzteFarbe;
+ Feld[Position]:=Key-96;
+ FeldFarben[Position]:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end{of Case};
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ Form1.Caption:=inttostr(Key);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ zeichnen;
+procedure TForm1.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ X:=X div Groesse;
+ Y:=Y div Groesse;
+ if ssCtrl in Shift then
+ begin
+ if (X>0) and (X<=NGes) and
+ (Y>0) and (Y<=NGes) then
+ begin
+ Position:=(X-1) + (Y-1)*NGes;
+ inc(Feld[Position]);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if Feld[Position]>NBuchst then
+ Feld[Position]:=-1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Feld[Position]>NGes then
+ Feld[Position]:=-1;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ zeichnen;
+ end
+ else
+ if ((X>0) and (X<=NGes)) or
+ ((Y>0) and (Y<=NGes)) then
+ begin
+ X:=Byte(Y=0)*(X-1) +
+ Byte(Y=NGes+1)*(2*NGes+(X-1)) +
+ Byte(X=NGes+1)*(NGes+(Y-1)) +
+ Byte(X=0)*(3*NGes+(Y-1));
+ inc(Rand[X]);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if Rand[X]>NBuchst then
+ Rand[X]:=0;
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Rand[X]>NGes then
+ Rand[X]:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ zeichnen;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (X=0) and (Y=0) then
+ begin
+ GesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (X=0) and (Y<>0) then
+ begin
+ Form1.Caption:=inttostr(AnzLoesungen(-1));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (X<>0) and (Y<>0) then
+ begin
+ Form1.Caption:=inttostr(Byte(loesen(-1)));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if (X>0) and (X<=NGes) and
+ (Y>0) and (Y<=NGes) then
+ begin
+ Position:=(X-1) + (Y-1)*NGes;
+ zeichnen;
+ end;
+procedure TForm1.Image2MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ if Button<>mbLeft then exit;
+ aktuelleFarbe:=Farbverlauf(X/(Image2.Width+1));
+ Image2Bemalen;
+procedure TForm1.Image2MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
+ X, Y: Integer);
+ if not(ssLeft in Shift) then exit;
+ aktuelleFarbe:=Farbverlauf(X/(Image2.Width+1));
+ Image2Bemalen;
+procedure TForm1.Image2MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ if Button<>mbLeft then exit;
+ aktuelleFarbe:=Farbverlauf(X/(Image2.Width+1));
+ Image2Bemalen;
+function TForm1.geloest: boolean;
+var I,J: Integer;
+ Result:=False;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (not passt(I,J)) or (Feld[I+NGes*J]<0)
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ or (Feld[I+NGes*J]=0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then exit;
+ Result:=true;
+{$IFDEF preLoesung}
+function TForm1.passt(Spalte,Zeile: integer): boolean;
+var I,KZ,KS: Integer;
+ W,S,K: Longint;
+ W:=0;
+ S:=0;
+ K:=0;
+ if Checkbox2.Checked then
+ begin
+ KZ:=(Zeile div NSqrt)*NSqrt;
+ KS:=(Spalte div NSqrt)*NSqrt;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ W:=W*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]+1;
+ S:=S*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]+1;
+ K:=K*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[(KZ+(I div NSqrt))*NGes+KS+(I mod NSqrt)]+1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ W:=W*(NGes+1)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ S:=S*(NGes+1)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ K:=K*(NGes+1)+Feld[(KZ+(I div NSqrt))*NGes+KS+(I mod NSqrt)];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ Result:=
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ AMoeglich[K*(NBuchst+1)] and
+ EMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[Spalte]] and
+ AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] and
+ AMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] and
+ EMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]];
+ {$ELSE}
+ AMoeglich[K*(NGes+1)] and
+ EMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[Spalte]] and
+ AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] and
+ AMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] and
+ EMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ W:=W*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]+1;
+ S:=S*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]+1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ W:=W*(NGes+1)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ S:=S*(NGes+1)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ Result:=
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ EMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[Spalte]] and
+ AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] and
+ AMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] and
+ EMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]];
+ {$ELSE}
+ EMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[Spalte]] and
+ AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] and
+ AMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] and
+ EMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if checkbox1.checked then
+ begin
+ if Zeile=Spalte then
+ begin
+ W:=0;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ W:=W*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[I*(NGes+1)]+1;
+ Result:=Result and AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)];
+ {$ELSE}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ W:=W*(NGES+1)+Feld[I*(NGes+1)];
+ Result:=Result and AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Zeile+Spalte=NGes-1 then
+ begin
+ W:=0;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ W:=W*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[(I+1)*(NGes-1)]+1;
+ Result:=Result and AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)];
+ {$ELSE}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ W:=W*(NGes+1)+Feld[(I+1)*(NGes-1)];
+ Result:=Result and AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ end;
+function TForm1.passtZumZeichnen(Spalte,Zeile: integer): boolean;
+var I,KS,KZ: Integer;
+ W,S: Longint;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=-1 then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=0 then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result:=False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ W:=0;
+ S:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ W:=W*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]+1;
+ S:=S*(NBuchst+2)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]+1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ W:=W*(NGes+1)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ S:=S*(NGes+1)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ Result:=
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ (EMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[Spalte]] or not EMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)]) and
+ (AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] or not AMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)]) and
+ (AMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] or not AMoeglich[S*(NBuchst+1)]) and
+ (EMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]] or not EMoeglich[W*(NBuchst+1)]);
+ {$ELSE}
+ (EMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[Spalte]] or not EMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)]) and
+ (AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[NGes+Zeile]] or not AMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)]) and
+ (AMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)+Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]] or not AMoeglich[S*(NGes+1)]) and
+ (EMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)+Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]] or not EMoeglich[W*(NGes+1)]);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=0 then W:=NLeer
+ else W:=1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ W:=1;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if checkbox1.checked then
+ begin
+ if Zeile=Spalte then
+ begin
+ S:=W;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Zeile) and (Feld[I*(NGes+1)]=Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ dec(S);
+ Result:=Result and (S>0);
+ end;
+ if Zeile+Spalte=NGes-1 then
+ begin
+ S:=W;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Zeile) and (Feld[(I+1)*(NGes-1)]=Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ dec(S);
+ Result:=Result and (S>0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if checkbox2.checked then
+ begin
+ KZ:=(Zeile div NSqrt)*NSqrt;
+ KS:=(Spalte div NSqrt)*NSqrt;
+ S:=W+1;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[(KZ+(I div NSqrt))*NGes+KS+(I mod NSqrt)]=Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte] then
+ dec(S);
+ Result:=Result and (S>0);
+ end;
+ S:=W;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Zeile) and (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ dec(S);
+ Result:=Result and (S>0);
+ S:=W;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Spalte) and (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ dec(S);
+ Result:=Result and (S>0);
+(* {$ELSE}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Result:=Result and ((I=Zeile) or (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]<>Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]));
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Result:=Result and ((I=Spalte) or (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]<>Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]));
+ {$ENDIF} *)
+function TForm1.passt(Spalte,Zeile: integer): boolean;
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+var I,Z: Integer;
+ Frei: Integer;
+ result:=true;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=-1 then exit;
+ Frei:=1;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=0 then Frei:=NLeer;
+ Z:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[NGes*Zeile+I]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes] then inc(Z);
+ Result:=Result and (Frei>=Z);
+ if not result then exit;
+ Z:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[NGes*I+Spalte]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes] then inc(Z);
+ Result:=Result and (Frei>=Z);
+ if not result then exit;
+ if Checkbox1.checked then
+ begin
+ if Zeile=Spalte then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[I*(NGes+1)]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes] then inc(Z);
+ Result:=Result and (Frei>=Z);
+ if not result then exit;
+ end;
+ if Zeile+Spalte=NGes-1 then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[(I+1)*(NGes-1)]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes] then inc(Z);
+ Result:=Result and (Frei>=Z);
+ if not result then exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[Spalte]>0 then
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=Rand[Spalte]) or
+ (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]<0) then break;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=I<Zeile;
+ if result then break
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]>0 then
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]) or
+ (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]<0) then break;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=I>Zeile;
+ if result then break
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=Rand[NGes+Zeile]) or
+ (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]<0) then break;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=I>Spalte;
+ if result then break
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]) or
+ (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]<0) then break;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=I<Spalte;
+ if result then break
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+var I: Integer;
+{$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+ J: Longint;
+ Za,Zi,Ha,Hi: Integer;
+ result:=true;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+Spalte]=0 then exit;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Spalte) and (Feld[NGes*Zeile+I]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if (I<>Zeile) and (Feld[NGes*I+Spalte]=Feld[Spalte+Zeile*NGes]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+ if Rand[Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ J:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ J:=J*(NGes+1)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ if (Maxima[J]<Rand[Spalte]) or
+ (Minima[J]>Rand[Spalte]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ J:=0;
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ J:=J*(NGes+1)+Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ if (Maxima[J]<Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]) or
+ (Minima[J]>Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ begin
+ J:=0;
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ J:=J*(NGes+1)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ if (Maxima[J]<Rand[NGes+Zeile]) or
+ (Minima[J]>Rand[NGes+Zeile]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ begin
+ J:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ J:=J*(NGes+1)+Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ if (Maxima[J]<Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]) or
+ (Minima[J]>Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Rand[Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ Za:=0;
+ Zi:=0;
+ Ha:=0;
+ Hi:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=0) and
+ (Ha<NGes) then
+ begin
+ inc(Ha);
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=0) and
+ (Hi<NGes) then
+ begin
+ Hi:=NGes;
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>Ha then
+ begin
+ Ha:=Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>Hi then
+ begin
+ Hi:=Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Zi>Rand[Spalte]) or (Za<Rand[Spalte]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]>0 then
+ begin
+ Za:=0;
+ Zi:=0;
+ Ha:=0;
+ Hi:=0;
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=0) and
+ (Ha<NGes) then
+ begin
+ inc(Ha);
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if (Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]=0) and
+ (Hi<NGes) then
+ begin
+ Hi:=NGes;
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>Ha then
+ begin
+ Ha:=Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if Feld[I*NGes+Spalte]>Hi then
+ begin
+ Hi:=Feld[I*NGes+Spalte];
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Zi>Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]) or (Za<Rand[2*NGes+Spalte]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ begin
+ Za:=0;
+ Zi:=0;
+ Ha:=0;
+ Hi:=0;
+ For I:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=0) and
+ (Ha<NGes) then
+ begin
+ inc(Ha);
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=0) and
+ (Hi<NGes) then
+ begin
+ Hi:=NGes;
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>Ha then
+ begin
+ Ha:=Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>Hi then
+ begin
+ Hi:=Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Zi>Rand[NGes+Zeile]) or (Za<Rand[NGes+Zeile]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]>0 then
+ begin
+ Za:=0;
+ Zi:=0;
+ Ha:=0;
+ Hi:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=0) and
+ (Ha<NGes) then
+ begin
+ inc(Ha);
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if (Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]=0) and
+ (Hi<NGes) then
+ begin
+ Hi:=NGes;
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>Ha then
+ begin
+ Ha:=Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ inc(Za);
+ end;
+ if Feld[Zeile*NGes+I]>Hi then
+ begin
+ Hi:=Feld[Zeile*NGes+I];
+ inc(Zi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Zi>Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]) or (Za<Rand[3*NGes+Zeile]) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFNDEF preLoesung}
+{$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+procedure TForm1.gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+var I,J,H,Z,Nullen,L: Integer;
+ K,NullStelle: Longint;
+ Nums: array of Integer;
+ Verwendet: array of Boolean;
+ B: Boolean;
+ if length(Maxima) = round(power(NGes+1,NGes)) then exit;
+ Setlength(Maxima,round(power(NGes+1,NGes)));
+ Setlength(Minima,round(power(NGes+1,NGes)));
+ For K:=0 to length(Maxima)-1 do
+ begin
+ Maxima[K]:=NGes;
+ Minima[K]:=1;
+ end;
+ Setlength(Nums,NGes);
+ Setlength(Verwendet,NGes);
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Nums[I]:=1;
+ repeat
+ B:=True;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>0);
+ For J:=0 to I-1 do
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>Nums[J]);
+ end;
+ if B then
+ begin
+ K:=0;
+ H:=0;
+ Z:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ K:=K*(NGes+1) + Nums[I];
+ if Nums[I]>H then
+ begin
+ H:=Nums[I];
+ inc(Z);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Maxima[K]:=Z;
+ Minima[K]:=Z;
+ end;
+ I:=0;
+ repeat
+ B:=true;
+ inc(Nums[I]);
+ if Nums[I]>NGes then
+ begin
+ Nums[I]:=1;
+ inc(I);
+ B:=false;
+ end;
+ until B or (I>=NGes);
+ until (not B) and (I>=NGes);
+ For Nullen:=1 to NGes do
+ begin
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Nums[I]:=0;
+ repeat
+ L:=0;
+ B:=True;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Nums[I]=0 then inc(L)
+ else
+ For J:=0 to I-1 do
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>Nums[J]);
+ end;
+ if B and (L=Nullen) then
+ begin
+ K:=0;
+ Nullstelle:=0;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Verwendet[I]:=false;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ K:=K*(NGes+1) + Nums[I];
+ Nullstelle:=Nullstelle*(NGes+1);
+ if Nums[I] = 0 then Nullstelle:=1
+ else Verwendet[Nums[I]-1]:=true;
+ end;
+ Maxima[K]:=1;
+ Minima[K]:=NGes;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if not Verwendet[I] then
+ begin
+ if (K>=length(Maxima)) or (K+Nullstelle*(I+1) >= length(Maxima)) then
+ halt;
+ Maxima[K]:=max(Maxima[K],Maxima[K+Nullstelle*(I+1)]);
+ Minima[K]:=min(Minima[K],Minima[K+Nullstelle*(I+1)]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ I:=0;
+ repeat
+ B:=true;
+ inc(Nums[I]);
+ if Nums[I]>NGes then
+ begin
+ Nums[I]:=0;
+ inc(I);
+ B:=false;
+ end;
+ until B or (I>=NGes);
+ until (not B) and (I>=NGes);
+ end;
+{$IFDEF preLoesung}
+procedure TForm1.gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+var I,J,K,Nullen: Integer;
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ AZ,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ AR: Integer;
+ AK,EK,NAK,NEK: Longint;
+ Nums: TIntArray;
+ B: Boolean;
+ Basis,Faktor: Integer;
+ Schritt: Longint;
+ {$IFDEF debugFileExport}
+ F: Textfile;
+ S: String;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF datei}
+ dat: File of Cardinal;
+ lw1,lw2,L: Cardinal;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function calcNums(I: Longint): TIntArray;
+var J: Integer;
+ Setlength(Result,NGes);
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ Result[J]:=I mod Basis;
+ I:=I div Basis;
+ end;
+function calcIndex(Nums: TIntArray): Longint;
+var J: Integer;
+ Result:=0;
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ Result:=Result*Basis + Nums[NGes-J-1];
+function swapIndex(I: Longint): Longint;
+var J: Integer;
+ Result:=0;
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ Result:=Result*Basis+(I mod Basis);
+ I:=I div Basis;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Basis:=NBuchst+2;
+ Faktor:=NBuchst+1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Basis:=NGes+1;
+ Faktor:=NGes+1;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ AK:=round(power(Basis,NGes)*Faktor);
+ if (length(AMoeglich) = AK) and
+ (length(EMoeglich) = AK) then exit;
+ {$IFDEF datei}
+ if fileexists(extractfilepath(application.exename)+dat_name) then
+ begin
+ assignfile(dat,extractfilepath(application.exename)+dat_name);
+ reset(dat);
+ while not eof(dat) do
+ begin
+ read(dat,lw1);
+ if lw1=AK then
+ begin
+ Setlength(AMoeglich,AK);
+ Setlength(EMoeglich,AK);
+ For L:=0 to length(AMoeglich)-1 do
+ begin
+ if L mod 32 = 0 then
+ if not eof(dat) then
+ read(dat,lw2)
+ else
+ begin
+ messageDlg('Frühzeitiges Dateiende!',mterror,[mbOk],0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ AMoeglich[L]:=odd(lw2 shr (L mod 32));
+ end;
+ For L:=0 to length(EMoeglich)-1 do
+ begin
+ if L mod 32 = 0 then
+ if not eof(dat) then
+ read(dat,lw2)
+ else
+ begin
+ messageDlg('Frühzeitiges Dateiende!',mterror,[mbOk],0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ EMoeglich[L]:=odd(lw2 shr (L mod 32));
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Seek(dat,Filepos(dat)+((lw1-1) div 32 +1)*2);
+ end;
+ closefile(dat);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Progressbar1.Visible:=true;
+ Progressbar1.Min:=0;
+ Progressbar1.Max:=1000;
+ Progressbar1.Position:=0;
+ Setlength(AMoeglich,AK);
+ Setlength(EMoeglich,AK);
+ For AK:=0 to length(AMoeglich)-1 do
+ begin
+ AMoeglich[AK]:=False;
+ EMoeglich[AK]:=False;
+ end;
+ Setlength(Nums,0);
+ Schritt:=max(1,round((length(AMoeglich) div Faktor) / Progressbar1.Max));
+ For AK:=0 to length(AMoeglich) div Faktor -1 do
+ begin
+ if AK mod Schritt = 0 then
+ Progressbar1.StepIt;
+ Nums:=calcNums(AK);
+ B:=true;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Nullen:=NLeer;
+ For I:=0 to length(Nums)-1 do
+ begin
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>0);
+ if Nums[I]=1 then dec(Nullen)
+ else
+ For J:=0 to I-1 do
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>Nums[J]);
+ end;
+ B:=B and (Nullen>=0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ For I:=0 to length(Nums)-1 do
+ begin
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>0);
+ For J:=0 to I-1 do
+ B:=B and (Nums[I]<>Nums[J]);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if B then
+ begin
+ EK:=swapIndex(AK);
+ AR:=0;
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ AZ:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if Nums[I]>1 then
+ begin
+ AR:=Nums[I]-1;
+ break;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Nums[I]>AZ then
+ begin
+ inc(AR);
+ AZ:=Nums[I];
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ AMoeglich[AK*Faktor+AR]:=true;
+ EMoeglich[EK*Faktor+AR]:=true;
+ AMoeglich[AK*Faktor]:=true;
+ EMoeglich[EK*Faktor]:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Progressbar1.Position:=0;
+ Schritt:=Max(round(((length(AMoeglich) div Faktor)*NGes) / Progressbar1.Max),1);
+ For Nullen:=1 to NGes do
+ For AK:=0 to length(AMoeglich) div Faktor -1 do
+ begin
+ if AK mod Schritt = 0 then
+ Progressbar1.StepIt;
+ Nums:=calcNums(AK);
+ J:=Nullen;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Nums[I]=0 then dec(J);
+ if J<>0 then continue;
+ EK:=swapIndex(AK);
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ if Nums[I]=0 then
+ begin
+ For J:=1 to Basis-1 do
+ begin
+ Nums[I]:=J;
+ NAK:=calcIndex(Nums);
+ NEK:=swapIndex(NAK);
+ For K:=0 to Faktor-1 do
+ begin
+ AMoeglich[AK*Faktor+K]:=AMoeglich[AK*Faktor+K] or AMoeglich[NAK*Faktor+K];
+ EMoeglich[EK*Faktor+K]:=EMoeglich[EK*Faktor+K] or EMoeglich[NEK*Faktor+K];
+ end;
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Progressbar1.Visible:=False;
+ {$IFDEF datei}
+ assignfile(dat,extractfilepath(application.exename)+dat_name);
+ if Fileexists(extractfilepath(application.exename)+dat_name) then
+ begin
+ reset(dat);
+ Seek(dat,Filesize(dat));
+ end
+ else
+ Rewrite(dat);
+ lw1:=length(AMoeglich);
+ write(dat,lw1);
+ lw1:=0;
+ For I:=0 to length(AMoeglich)-1 do
+ begin
+ lw1:=lw1 or (Byte(AMoeglich[I]) shl (I mod 32));
+ if ((I mod 32) = 31) or (I = length(AMoeglich)-1) then
+ begin
+ write(dat,lw1);
+ lw1:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ For I:=0 to length(EMoeglich)-1 do
+ begin
+ lw1:=lw1 or (Byte(EMoeglich[I]) shl (I mod 32));
+ if ((I mod 32) = 31) or (I = length(EMoeglich)-1) then
+ begin
+ write(dat,lw1);
+ lw1:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ closefile(dat);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF debugFileExport}
+ Assignfile(F,'Test.txt');
+ Rewrite(F);
+ J:=0;
+ For AK:=0 to length(AMoeglich) div Faktor -1 do
+ begin
+ S:='';
+ B:=False;
+ Nums:=calcNums(AK);
+ For I:=0 to length(Nums)-1 do
+ S:=S+inttostr(Nums[I]);
+ S:=S+#9;
+ For I:=0 to Faktor-1 do
+ begin
+ S:=S+Char(Byte(AMoeglich[AK*Faktor+I])*(ord('x')-ord('.'))+ord('.'));
+ B:=B or AMoeglich[AK*Faktor+I];
+ end;
+ S:=S+#9;
+ For I:=0 to Faktor-1 do
+ begin
+ S:=S+Char(Byte(EMoeglich[AK*Faktor+I])*(ord('x')-ord('.'))+ord('.'));
+ B:=B or EMoeglich[AK*Faktor+I];
+ end;
+ if B then
+ begin
+ Writeln(F,S);
+ inc(J);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Writeln(F,J);
+ Closefile(F);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TForm1.preStart;
+ Spinedit1.Enabled:=false;
+ Spinedit3.Enabled:=false;
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit2.Enabled:=false;
+ Checkbox1.Enabled:=false;
+ Checkbox2.Enabled:=false;
+ Button2.Enabled:=true;
+ Button3.Enabled:=true;
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ Button4.Enabled:=true;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ RandSeed:=Spinedit3.Value;
+procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if Leertaste_aktiviert>=(now-1/24/60/60) then exit;
+ if not Spinedit1.Enabled then
+ begin
+ {$IFNDEF keinRandomize}
+ randomize;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit3.Value:=random(Spinedit3.maxValue+1);
+ end;
+ Spinedit1.OnChange(Sender);
+ preStart;
+{$IFDEF preLoesung}
+ gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ loesen(-1);
+ RandErzeugen;
+ leeren;
+ Zeichnen;
+procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if Leertaste_aktiviert>=(now-1/24/60/60) then exit;
+ Spinedit1.Enabled:=true;
+ Spinedit3.Enabled:=true;
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Spinedit2.Enabled:=true;
+ Checkbox1.Enabled:=true;
+ Checkbox2.Enabled:=sqr(NSqrt)=NGes;
+ Button1.Enabled:=true;
+ Button2.Enabled:=false;
+ Button3.Enabled:=false;
+ {$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+ Button4.Enabled:=false;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFNDEF keinRandomize}
+ Randomize;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Spinedit3.Value:=random(Spinedit3.MaxValue+1);
+ Spinedit1.OnChange(Sender);
+procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
+var I: integer;
+ if Leertaste_aktiviert>=(now-1/24/60/60) then exit;
+ For I:=0 to length(Feld)-1 do
+ if not Startfeld[I] then
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Feld[I]:=-1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Feld[I]:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ aktuelleFarbe:=$000000;
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ Setlength(Zuege,0);
+ Zeichnen;
+ Image2Bemalen;
+{$IFDEF Speichermoegl}
+procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
+var F: TRaetselFile;
+ C: Cardinal;
+ if Leertaste_aktiviert>=(now-1/24/60/60) then exit;
+ repeat
+ if not Savedialog1.Execute then exit;
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if uppercase(copy(SaveDialog1.FileName,length(SaveDialog1.FileName)-3,4))<>'.BSR' then
+ SaveDialog1.FileName:=SaveDialog1.FileName+'.bsr';
+ {$ELSE}
+ if uppercase(copy(SaveDialog1.FileName,length(SaveDialog1.FileName)-3,4))<>'.HHR' then
+ SaveDialog1.FileName:=SaveDialog1.FileName+'.hhr';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if fileexists(SaveDialog1.FileName) then
+ case Messagedlg('Die Datei existiert schon. Überschreiben?',mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort],0) of
+ mrYes: break;
+ mrAbort: exit;
+ end{of Case}
+ else
+ break;
+ until false;
+ F:=TRaetselFile.Create;
+ F.Kennung:=dat_Kennung;
+ F.FAssignFile(SaveDialog1.FileName);
+ F.FRewrite;
+ C:=ProgVers;
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,1);
+ C:=Byte(Checkbox1.Checked);
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,1);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ C:=Spinedit2.Value;
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,4);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ C:=Spinedit1.Value;
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,4);
+ C:=Spinedit3.Value;
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,4);
+ if length(Rand)>0 then
+ F.FBlockWrite(Rand[0],length(Rand)*sizeof(Rand[0]));
+ if length(Feld)>0 then
+ F.FBlockWrite(Feld[0],length(Feld)*sizeof(Feld[0]));
+ if length(FeldFarben)>0 then
+ F.FBlockWrite(FeldFarben[0],length(FeldFarben)*sizeof(FeldFarben[0]));
+ if length(StartFeld)>0 then
+ F.FBlockWrite(StartFeld[0],length(StartFeld)*sizeof(StartFeld[0]));
+ F.FBlockWrite(Position,4);
+ C:=length(Zuege);
+ F.FBlockWrite(C,4);
+ if length(Zuege)>0 then
+ F.FBlockWrite(Zuege[0],length(Zuege)*SizeOf(Zuege[0]));
+ F.FCloseFile;
+procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
+var F: TRaetselFile;
+ C: Cardinal;
+ if Leertaste_aktiviert>=(now-1/24/60/60) then exit;
+ if (Opendialog1.Tag=0) and (not Opendialog1.Execute) then exit;
+ Opendialog1.Tag:=0;
+ F:=TRaetselFile.Create;
+ F.Kennung:=dat_Kennung;
+ F.FAssignFile(OpenDialog1.FileName);
+ if not F.FReset then
+ begin
+ Messagedlg('Ungültiges Dateiformat!',mtError,[mbOk],0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ C:=0;
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,1) then exit;
+ if C>ProgVers then
+ begin
+ Messagedlg(
+ 'Diese Programmversion ('+Vers2Str(ProgVers)+') ist nicht mit der '+
+ 'ausgewählten Dateiversion ('+Vers2Str(C)+') kompatibel!',mterror,[mbOk],0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,1) then exit;
+ Checkbox1.Checked:=odd(C);
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,4) then exit;
+ Spinedit2.Value:=C;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,4) then exit;
+ Spinedit1.Value:=C;
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,4) then exit;
+ Spinedit3.Value:=C;
+ if length(Rand)>0 then
+ if not F.FBlockRead(Rand[0],length(Rand)*sizeof(Rand[0])) then exit;
+ if length(Feld)>0 then
+ if not F.FBlockRead(Feld[0],length(Feld)*sizeof(Feld[0])) then exit;
+ if length(FeldFarben)>0 then
+ if not F.FBlockRead(FeldFarben[0],length(FeldFarben)*sizeof(FeldFarben[0])) then exit;
+ if length(StartFeld)>0 then
+ if not F.FBlockRead(StartFeld[0],length(StartFeld)*sizeof(StartFeld[0])) then exit;
+ if not F.FBlockRead(Position,4) then exit;
+ if not F.FBlockRead(C,4) then exit;
+ Setlength(Zuege,C);
+ if length(Zuege)>0 then
+ if not F.FBlockRead(Zuege[0],length(Zuege)*SizeOf(Zuege[0])) then exit;
+ F.FCloseFile;
+ preStart;
+ gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ Zeichnen;
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+function TForm1.loesen(lPos: integer): boolean;
+var I,P: integer;
+ Perm: TIntArray;
+ result:=false;
+ setlength(Perm,0);
+ For P:=lPos+1 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[P]<0 then
+ begin
+ Perm:=Permutation(NBuchst+1);
+ For I:=0 to NBuchst do
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=Perm[I];
+ if passt(P mod NGes,P div NGes) then
+ if loesen(P) then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Feld[P]:=-1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=true;
+function TForm1.AnzLoesungen(lPos: integer): integer;
+var I,P: integer;
+ result:=0;
+ For P:=lPos+1 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[P]<0 then
+ begin
+ For I:=0 to NBuchst do
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=I;
+ if passt(P mod NGes,P div NGes) then
+ result:=result+Anzloesungen(P);
+ {$IFDEF loesungsoptimierung}
+ if result>=2 then
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=-1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ Feld[P]:=-1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=1;
+function TForm1.loesen(lPos: integer): boolean;
+var I,P: integer;
+ Perm: TIntArray;
+ result:=false;
+ setlength(Perm,0);
+ For P:=lPos+1 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[P]=0 then
+ begin
+ Perm:=Permutation(NGes);
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=Perm[I]+1;
+ if passt(P mod NGes,P div NGes) then
+ if loesen(P) then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Feld[P]:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=true;
+function TForm1.AnzLoesungen(lPos: integer): integer;
+var I,P: integer;
+ result:=0;
+ For P:=lPos+1 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[P]=0 then
+ begin
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=I+1;
+ if passt(P mod NGes,P div NGes) then
+ result:=result+Anzloesungen(P);
+ {$IFDEF loesungsoptimierung}
+ if result>=2 then
+ begin
+ Feld[P]:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ Feld[P]:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=1;
+procedure TForm1.leeren;
+var Perm: TIntArray;
+ tmp,i: integer;
+{$IFDEF debug}
+ anz,ges: integer;
+ start,
+ ende: double;
+ Progressbar1.Position:=0;
+ Progressbar1.Max:=(NGes+4)*NGes-1;
+ Progressbar1.Width:=Form1.ClientWidth-Progressbar1.Left;
+ Progressbar1.Visible:=true;
+ setlength(Perm,0);
+ Perm:=Permutation(NGes*NGes);
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ ges:=0;
+ start:=now;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ For I:=0 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ if Feld[Perm[I]]=0 then
+ begin
+ Feld[Perm[I]]:=-1;
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ anz:=AnzLoesungen(-1);
+ ges:=ges+anz-1;
+ if anz>1 then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if AnzLoesungen(-1)>1 then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Feld[Perm[I]]:=0
+ else
+ Startfeld[Perm[I]]:=false;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF alternativLoesung}
+ gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF preLoesung}
+ gesamtRaenderErzeugen;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ For I:=0 to NGes*NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[Perm[I]]>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=Feld[Perm[I]];
+ {$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ Feld[Perm[I]]:=-1;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Feld[Perm[I]]:=0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ anz:=AnzLoesungen(-1);
+ ges:=ges+anz-1;
+ if anz>1 then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if AnzLoesungen(-1)>1 then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Feld[Perm[I]]:=tmp
+ else
+ Startfeld[Perm[I]]:=false;
+ end;
+ Progressbar1.StepIt;
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ end;
+ Perm:=Permutation(4*NGes);
+ For I:=0 to 4*NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Rand[Perm[I]]<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=Rand[Perm[I]];
+ Rand[Perm[I]]:=0;
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ anz:=AnzLoesungen(-1);
+ ges:=ges+anz-1;
+ if anz>1 then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if AnzLoesungen(-1)>1 then
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Rand[Perm[I]]:=tmp;
+ end;
+ Progressbar1.Stepit;
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ end;
+ Progressbar1.Visible:=False;
+ {$IFDEF debug}
+ ende:=now;
+ Messagedlg(floattostr((ende-start)*24*3600)+' Sekunden und'#13+
+ inttostr(ges)+' zusäzliche Möglichkeiten!',mtinformation,[mbok],0);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function Permutation(n: integer): TIntArray;
+var I,J,K: Integer;
+ setlength(Result,n);
+ For I:=0 to n-1 do
+ Result[I]:=-1;
+ For I:=0 to n-1 do
+ begin
+ J:=random(n-I);
+ K:=0;
+ while K<=J do
+ begin
+ if Result[K]<>-1 then inc(J);
+ inc(K);
+ end;
+ Result[J]:=I;
+ end;
+{$IFDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+procedure TForm1.RandErzeugen;
+var I,J: Integer;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=-1 then break;
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=0 then continue;
+ Rand[I]:=Feld[I+NGes*J];
+ break;
+ end;
+ For J:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=-1 then break;
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=0 then continue;
+ Rand[2*NGes+I]:=Feld[I+NGes*J];
+ break;
+ end;
+ For J:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=-1 then break;
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=0 then continue;
+ Rand[NGes+I]:=Feld[J+NGes*I];
+ break;
+ end;
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=-1 then break;
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=0 then continue;
+ Rand[3*NGes+I]:=Feld[J+NGes*I];
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TForm1.RandErzeugen;
+var I,J,H,Z: Integer;
+ For I:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ H:=0;
+ Z:=0;
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=-1 then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]>H then
+ begin
+ H:=Feld[I+NGes*J];
+ inc(Z);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Rand[I]:=Z;
+ H:=0;
+ Z:=0;
+ For J:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]=-1 then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if Feld[I+NGes*J]>H then
+ begin
+ H:=Feld[I+NGes*J];
+ inc(Z);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Rand[2*NGes+I]:=Z;
+ H:=0;
+ Z:=0;
+ For J:=NGes-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=-1 then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]>H then
+ begin
+ H:=Feld[J+NGes*I];
+ inc(Z);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Rand[NGes+I]:=Z;
+ H:=0;
+ Z:=0;
+ For J:=0 to NGes-1 do
+ begin
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]=-1 then
+ begin
+ Z:=0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if Feld[J+NGes*I]>H then
+ begin
+ H:=Feld[J+NGes*I];
+ inc(Z);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Rand[3*NGes+I]:=Z;
+ end;
+procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ if Key=32 then
+ Leertaste_aktiviert:=now;
+procedure TForm1.Image2Bemalen;
+var I: Integer;
+ Image2.Canvas.Pen.Color:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ Image2.Canvas.Brush.Color:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ Image2.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,Image2.Width,Image2.Height div 2);
+ For I:=0 to Image2.Width do
+ begin
+ Image2.Canvas.Pen.Color:=farbverlauf(I/(Image2.Width+1));
+ Image2.Canvas.Moveto(I,Image2.Height div 2);
+ Image2.Canvas.Lineto(I,Image2.Height);
+ end;
+function farbverlauf(Wo: extended): TColor;
+const R: array[0..6] of Extended = (0.5,0.9,0.9, 0, 0,0.2,0);
+ G: array[0..6] of Extended = ( 0,0.5,0.9,0.7,0.7,0.2,0);
+ B: array[0..6] of Extended = (0.7, 0, 0, 0,0.7, 1,0);
+var I: Integer;
+ Wo:=Wo*(length(R)-1);
+ I:=floor(Wo);
+ Wo:=Wo-I;
+ if I<0 then
+ begin
+ result:=RGB2TColor(R[0],G[0],B[0]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if I>=(length(R)-1) then
+ begin
+ result:=RGB2TColor(R[length(R)-1],G[length(R)-1],B[length(R)-1]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=RGB2TColor(R[I+1]*Wo+R[I]*(1-Wo),
+ G[I+1]*Wo+G[I]*(1-Wo),
+ B[I+1]*Wo+B[I]*(1-Wo));
+procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+ Spinedit3.Left:=Form1.ClientWidth-Spinedit3.Width;
+ Progressbar1.Width:=Form1.ClientWidth;
+function RGB2TColor(R,G,B: Extended): TColor;
+ Result:=max(0,min($FF,round(R*$100))) or
+ (max(0,min($FF,round(G*$100))) shl 8) or
+ (max(0,min($FF,round(B*$100))) shl 16);
+procedure TForm1.Image1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if Startfeld[Position] or
+ (Feld[Position]<0)
+ {$IFNDEF Buchstabenraetsel}
+ or (Feld[Position]=0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then exit;
+ aktuelleFarbe:=FeldFarben[Position];
+ letzteFarbe:=aktuelleFarbe;
+ Image2Bemalen;