path: root/hr/michi/whitacre/both
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hr/michi/whitacre/both')
7 files changed, 1077 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a704f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+\version "2.14"
+\include ""
+\include ""
+ \header {
+ title = "A boy and a girl"
+ composer = "Eric Whitacre"
+ %opus = "<+Werk+>"
+ tagline = \markup {
+ \bold "studentenchor"
+ }
+ }
+ \paper {
+ line-width = \paper-width - 30
+ top-margin = 10
+ bottom-margin = 10
+ ragged-last-bottom = #'f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ \context {
+ \Staff
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3.5)
+ }
+ }
+ #(set-global-staff-size 17)
+ sop = <<
+ %\new Voice = "meta" { s1*<+Anzahl der Takte+> \bar "|." }
+ \new Voice = "soprane" { \global \sopranMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \sopranText }
+ >>
+ alt = <<
+ \new Voice = "alti" { \global \altMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \altText }
+ >>
+ ten = <<
+ \new Voice = "tenoere" { \global \tenorMelodie }
+ \addlyrics { \tenorText }
+ >>
+ bas = <<
+ \new Voice = "baesse" { \global \bassMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \bassText }
+ >>
+ \score {
+ \new ChoirStaff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f } <<
+ \new Staff = sopran { \sop }
+ \new Staff = alt { \alt }
+ \new Staff = tenor { \ten }
+ \new Staff = bass { \bas }
+ >>
+ %\midi {
+ %\context{
+ %\Score
+ %tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)
+ %}
+ %}
+ \layout {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd40e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ meta = {
+ %(dynamic) marks global to all voices
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \dynamicUp
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*6
+ \break
+ \time 3/4
+ s2.
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*4
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*3
+ \time 3/4
+ s2.
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*4
+ \time 3/4
+ s2.*2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*3
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*7
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*3
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1
+ \time 2/4
+ s2
+ \time 4/4
+ s1*10
+ \bar "|."
+ }
+% articulation
+ sopranArt = {
+ }
+ altArt = {
+ }
+ tenorArt = {
+ }
+ bassArt = {
+ }
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/haukify.log b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/haukify.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f928f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/haukify.log
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Use of uninitialized value $1 in split at ../haukify line 129, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value $2 in split at ../haukify line 130, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value $d in numeric ne (!=) at ../haukify line 134, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value $c in numeric ne (!=) at ../haukify line 134, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value $b in numeric lt (<) at ../haukify line 122, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value $a in numeric lt (<) at ../haukify line 122, <> line 249.
+Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ../haukify line 214, <> line 249.
+underfull measure at (orig) 130, measure 16 (local 16) g4( f4) << { \voiceOne f8 f8 } { \voiceTwo c8 f8 } >> ?
+128 out of 192
+underfull measure at (orig) 131, measure 19 (local 18) r4 e,4 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 21 (local 19) in (orig) 135, (result) 30
+320 out of 192
+(occurred after reading r4 e'8 e8 e2. )
+error at measure 25 (local 23) in (orig) 142, (result) 39
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading b4( d4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 } )
+error at measure 29 (local 27) in (orig) 143, (result) 43
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading a4 b4 f2. )
+error at measure 32 (local 30) in (orig) 143, (result) 46
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading g4 b4 f8 f8 d2 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 144, measure 41 (local 39) r4 e8 e8 ?
+128 out of 256
+ \tsilence
+error at measure 42 (local 1) in (orig) 113, (result) 59
+192 out of 128
+(occurred after reading a4 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 113, measure 43 (local 2) d,4 ?
+64 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 117, measure 44 (local 2) g4 d4 ?
+192 out of 256
+error at measure 45 (local 2) in (orig) 120, (result) 67
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r2 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 146, measure 46 (local 39) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+ \tsilence
+underfull measure at (orig) 117, measure 48 (local 2) g4 d4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 148, measure 50 (local 39) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 51 (local 39) in (orig) 152, (result) 86
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading a2.( )
+underfull measure at (orig) 152, measure 52 (local 40) d,4) ?
+64 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 156, measure 54 (local 41) d4) ?
+64 out of 256
+error at measure 55 (local 41) in (orig) 159, (result) 95
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r1 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 185, measure 15 (local 15) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 189, measure 18 (local 17) g2( f4) ?
+192 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 196, measure 23 (local 21) r4 a4 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 200, (result) 147
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 g'8 g8 e2. )
+error at measure 28 (local 25) in (orig) 200, (result) 150
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } \times 2/3 { g2 d4~ } )
+underfull measure at (orig) 200, measure 30 (local 27) e4( g4) ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 32 (local 28) in (orig) 204, (result) 157
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 c'8 c8 a2. )
+error at measure 35 (local 31) in (orig) 204, (result) 160
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 \times 2/3 { d4 d4 e4 } \times 2/3 { c2 g4~ } )
+underfull measure at (orig) 204, measure 37 (local 33) e'2 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 38 (local 33) in (orig) 207, (result) 165
+192 out of 128
+(occurred after reading r4 )
+error at measure 39 (local 34) in (orig) 207, (result) 166
+384 out of 256
+(occurred after reading a,4 d4 e4 b2. )
+error at measure 41 (local 36) in (orig) 207, (result) 168
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading c4 e4( f4) r2 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 207, measure 47 (local 42) c8 c8 r4 r4 ?
+192 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 211, measure 49 (local 43) c4 ?
+64 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 215, measure 50 (local 43) g8 a8 f4 ?
+192 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 218, measure 52 (local 44) g4 a4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 226, measure 54 (local 45) f,4 c'4 ?
+128 out of 256
+ \bsilence
+underfull measure at (orig) 169, measure 57 (local 1) c4 g4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 176, measure 59 (local 2) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+ \bsilence
+underfull measure at (orig) 169, measure 61 (local 1) c4 g4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 176, measure 63 (local 2) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 66 (local 50) in (orig) 241, (result) 233
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading f2.( g2) )
+underfull measure at (orig) 54, measure 15 (local 15) r4 g2 ?
+192 out of 256
+error at measure 16 (local 15) in (orig) 58, (result) 270
+256 out of 192
+(occurred after reading g4( )
+underfull measure at (orig) 58, measure 17 (local 16) a4 b4) a8 a8 ?
+192 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 61, measure 19 (local 17) a2 a8 a8 ?
+192 out of 256
+error at measure 20 (local 17) in (orig) 64, (result) 278
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading <c g>2( )
+error at measure 21 (local 18) in (orig) 64, (result) 279
+256 out of 192
+(occurred after reading <bes f>4) r4 r2 )
+error at measure 22 (local 19) in (orig) 64, (result) 280
+256 out of 192
+(occurred after reading r4 c,4 <e c>2 )
+error at measure 23 (local 20) in (orig) 64, (result) 281
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 g8 g8 <b a>2. )
+error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 64, (result) 283
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading d8( e8 f4) a4~ \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } )
+underfull measure at (orig) 68, measure 28 (local 25) b4( c4) ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 78, measure 44 (local 40) e4 c4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 88, measure 47 (local 42) e4 c4 ?
+128 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 19, measure 15 (local 15) r4 ?
+64 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 21, measure 18 (local 17) f2( e4) ?
+192 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 23, measure 22 (local 20) d4) ?
+64 out of 192
+error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 26, (result) 382
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r4 <g' e>8 q8 <g eis>2. )
+underfull measure at (orig) 27, measure 26 (local 23) r4 ?
+64 out of 128
+error at measure 28 (local 24) in (orig) 29, (result) 386
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading d4( cis4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 } )
+error at measure 34 (local 30) in (orig) 34, (result) 395
+192 out of 128
+(occurred after reading d2. )
+error at measure 36 (local 32) in (orig) 34, (result) 397
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading a4) r2 e2 )
+underfull measure at (orig) 34, measure 49 (local 45) r2 ?
+128 out of 256
+error at measure 50 (local 45) in (orig) 37, (result) 413
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading g2.( )
+underfull measure at (orig) 37, measure 51 (local 46) d4) ?
+64 out of 256
+underfull measure at (orig) 39, measure 53 (local 47) d4) ?
+64 out of 256
+error at measure 54 (local 47) in (orig) 42, (result) 420
+320 out of 256
+(occurred after reading r1 )
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/midi.lua b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/midi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aef7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/midi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ -- some settings -- vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+\version "2.12"
+\include ""
+ \score {
+ <<
+ \unfoldRepeats
+ >>
+ \midi {
+ \context{
+ %\Score
+ %tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+voices={ "s", "a", "t", "b" }
+expand = { s="sopran", a="alt", t="tenor", b="bass" }
+map = { sopran="soprane", alt="alti", tenor="tenoere", bass="baesse" }
+function text(stimme)
+ return
+ \new Staff = ]]..stimme..[[ <<
+ %\new Voice = "meta" { s1*<+Anzahl der Takte+> \bar "|." }
+ \new Voice = "]][stimme]..[[" { \global \]]..stimme..[[Melodie }
+ >>
+function err() print("oops") os.exit() end
+which=which or "satb"
+if type(which)~="string" then err() end
+for _,v in pairs(voices) do
+ if string.find(which, v) then pre=pre..text(expand[v]) end
+--os.execute(lilypond -...)
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ae764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ \include ""
+ global = {
+ %\autoBeamOff
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ sopranMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\sopranArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ e2 g4( a4) r2 g2 g4 a8 a8 bes4( a4) r2 r4 d,4 c2 r4 b'8 b8 a2( f2) ~ f4 e4 d8( g8) f8 f8 e4 r4 c'4( \times 2/3 { b4) b4 c4 } a8( f8) e4 ~ e4 r4 r4 c4 c2 r4 c4 d4 e4 b1 e2 g4( a4)
+ r4 <<
+ {
+ g4( c4 g'4) g2 f8 f8 f2( e4)
+ } \\ {
+ g,4( c2) c2 c8 f8 e2( d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 r2 r4 e,4 <g f>2 r4 <g' e>8 q8 <g eis>2.
+ r4 <<
+ {
+ d4 cis4 b8( e8) d4( cis4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 }
+ } \\ {
+ cis,4 b4 b8( e8) cis4( b4) r4 \times 2/3 { eis4 eis4 f4 }
+ }
+ >>
+ \times 2/3 { eis4( c4) b4 ~ } b2 r4 g4 e2 r4 cis4 fis4 gis4 dis2. ees4 ~ ees2 g4( aes4) r2 ees2 g4 d8 d8 c4( d4) r2 r4 c4 <c b>2 r4 e8 e8 <e d>2 r4 g8 g8 e4 c4 r4 b'8 c8 a8( f8) e8( c8 ~ c4. e8 g8 f4 c8 ~ c4 d4) r2 r4 c8 c8 <g' f>4 <d d>4 r2 r4 b8( c8) <g' f>4 <d d>4 r2 r2
+ <<
+ {
+ g2.( d4)
+ } \\ {
+ f2.( d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1 e2( g4 a4) r2 g2( ~ g4 a4 bes4 a4) r2 r4 c,4 ~ c1 r4 c4( d4 e4 b1 ~ b1)
+ \bar "|."
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\altArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ d2 f4( g4) r2 r4 d4 e4 g8 g8 a4( g4) r2 r4 c,4 bes2 r4 g'8 a8 g4( c,4 f4 e4) ~ e4 d4 r4 e8 e8 d4 d8( e8 f8 g8 \times 2/3 { a4) a4 b4 } g8( f8) d4 ~ d4 r4 r2 a4( b4) r4 a4 c4 d4 a1 d2 f4( g4) r4 g2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ g4( a4 bes4) a8 a8
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g4 a2 a8 a8
+ }
+ >>
+ <c g>2( <bes f>4) r4 r2 r4 c,4 <e c>2 r4 g8 g8 <b a>2. r4 d,8( e8) fis4 r4 d8( e8 fis4) a4 ~ \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } \times 2/3 { d4( c4) a4 ~ } a2 r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ b,4( cis4)
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ b2
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 b4 e4 fis4 cis2. r4 r4 d4 f4( g4) r2 r4 d4 f4 c8 c8 b4( c4) r2 r4 a4 <a g>2 r4 c8 c8 <c a>2 r4 fis8 fis8 d4 c4 r4 a'8 b8 g8( f8) d8( c8 b4. c8 ~ c8 f8 e8 c8 ~ c8 b8 c4) r2 r4 c8 c8
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4 c4
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2 r4 b8( c8)
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4 c4
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2 r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e2.( c4)
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c1
+ }
+ >>
+ r1 d2( f4 g4) r2 r4 d4( e4 g4 a4 g4) r1 a,2( b2) r4 a4( c4 d4 a1 ~ a1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ tsilence = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ {
+ a4 d,4
+ }
+ {
+ g4 d4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\tenorArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ g2 bes4( c4) r2 r4 e,4 g4 bes8 bes8 c4( bes4) r2 r4 f4 ees2 r4 d'8 d8 c2. r4 g4 f4 r4 g8 g8 f4 g4( c4 \times 2/3 { d4) d4 e4 } c4 g4 ~ g4 r4 r2 c,4( d4) r4 c4 f4 g4 d1 g2 bes4( c4) r2 c4( e4)
+ g4( f4) << { \voiceOne f8 f8 } { \voiceTwo c8 f8 } >>
+ e2( d4) r4 r2 r4 e,4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ g2 r4 e'8 e8 e2.
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f,2 r4 c'8 c8 cis2.
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 b4 d4 r4 b4( d4) r4 \times 2/3 { fis4 fis4 g4 } \times 2/3 { e2 b4 ~ } b2 r2
+ g4( a4) r4 e4 a4 b4 fis2. r4 r4 g4 bes4( c4) r2 r4 g4 bes4 f8 f8 d2 r2 r4 e4 c2 r4 e8 e8 fis2 r4 b8 b8 g8 g8 r4 b4 ~ b8 c8 a4 g4( d4 e4 a4 g4 d4 g4) r2
+ r4 e8 e8
+ \tsilence
+ r2
+ \tsilence
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ a2.( d,4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g2.( d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1
+ g2( bes4 c4) r2 r4 e,4( g4 bes4 c4 b4) r1 c,2( d2) r4 c4( f4 g4 d1 ~ d1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ bsilence = \relative c {
+ <<
+ {
+ c4 g4
+ }
+ {
+ f4 g4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative c {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\bassArt
+ %the actual tune
+ \clef bass
+ {
+ c2 ees4( f4) r2 r4 g,4 c4 ees8 ees8 f4( ees4) r2 r4 bes4 aes2 r4 g'8 g8 f2 r2 c4 bes4 r4 c8 c8 bes4 r2 \times 2/3 { g'4 g4 a4 } f4 c4 ~ c4 r4 r2 f,4( g4) r4 f4 bes4 c4 g1 c2 ees4( f4) r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4( g4) bes4( c4) a8 c8 g2( f4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g,4( c4) ees4( f4) a8 f8 c2( bes4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 r2 r4 a4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c2 r4 g'8 g8 e2. r4 d4 fis4 r4 d4( fis4) r4 \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } \times 2/3 { g2 d4 ~ } d2 r2 e4( g4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f,2 r4 c'8 c8 a2. r4 g4 b4 r4 g4( b4) r4 \times 2/3 { d4 d4 e4 } \times 2/3 { c2 g4 ~ } g2 r2 e'2
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 a,4 d4 e4 b2. r4 r4 c4 ees4( f4) r2 r4 c4 ees4 bes8 bes8 g2 r2 r4 a4 f2 r4 a8 a8 <d a>2 r4 e8 e8 c8 c8 r4 r4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ d8 e8 c4
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g8 a8 f4
+ }
+ >>
+ c'4( g4 a4
+ <<
+ {
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ {
+ f,4 c'4
+ }
+ >>
+ g4) r4 r2 r4 a8 a8
+ \bsilence
+ r2
+ \bsilence
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c2.( g4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f2.( g4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1 c2( ees4 f4) r2 r4 g,4( c4 ees4 f4 ees4)
+ r1 d,2( e2) r4 d4( ges4 a4 e1 ~ e1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b3c7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ \include ""
+ global = {
+ %\autoBeamOff
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ sopranMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\sopranArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ e2 g4( a4)
+ r2 g2
+ g4 a8 a8 bes4( a4)
+ r2 r4 d,4
+ c2 r4 b'8 b8
+ a2( f2) ~
+ f4 e4 d8( g8)
+ f8 f8 e4 r4 c'4(
+ \times 2/3 { b4) b4 c4 } a8( f8) e4 ~
+ e4 r4 r4 c4
+ c2 r4 c4
+ d4 e4
+ b1
+ e2 g4( a4)
+ r4
+ {
+ g4( c4
+ g'4) g2 f8 f8
+ f2( e4)
+ } \\ {
+ g,4(
+ c2) c2
+ c8 f8 e2(
+ d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 r2
+ r4 e,4 <g f>2
+ r4 <g' e>8 q8 <g eis>2.
+ r4
+ {
+ d4 c4 b8( e8)
+ d4( cis4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 }
+ } \\ {
+ cis,4 b4 b8( e8) cis4(
+ b4) r4 \times 2/3 { eis4 eis4 f4 }
+ }
+ >>
+ \times 2/3 { e4( c4) b4 ~ } b2
+ r4 g4 e2
+ r4 c4 f4 g4
+ d2.
+ e4 ~ e2 g4(
+ a4) r2 e2
+ g4 d8 d8 c4( d4)
+ r2
+ r4 c4 <c b>2
+ r4 e8 e8
+ <e d>2 r4 g8 g8
+ e4 c4
+ r4 b'8 c8 a8( f8) e8( c8 ~
+ c4. e8 g8 f4 c8 ~
+ c4 d4) r2
+ r4 c8 c8 <g' f>4 <d d>4
+ r2 r4 b8( c8)
+ <g' f>4 <d d>4 r2
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ g2.(
+ d4)
+ } \\ {
+ f2.(
+ d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1
+ e2( g4 a4)
+ r2 g2( ~
+ g4 a4 bes4 a4)
+ r2 r4 c,4 ~
+ c1
+ r4 c4( d4 e4
+ b1 ~
+ b1)
+ \bar "|."
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\altArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ d2 f4( g4)
+ r2 r4 d4
+ e4 g8 g8 a4( g4)
+ r2 r4 c,4
+ b2 r4 g'8 a8
+ g4( c,4 f4 e4) ~
+ e4 d4 r4
+ e8 e8 d4 d8( e8 f8 g8
+ \times 2/3 { a4) a4 b4 } g8( f8) d4 ~
+ d4 r4 r2
+ a4( b4) r4 a4
+ c4 d4
+ a1
+ d2 f4( g4)
+ r4 g2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ g4(
+ a4 b4) a8 a8
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g4
+ a2 a8 a8
+ }
+ >>
+ <c g>2(
+ <bes f>4) r4 r2
+ r4 c,4 <e c>2
+ r4 g8 g8 <b a>2.
+ r4 d,8( e8) f4 r4
+ d8( e8 f4) a4 ~ \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 }
+ \times 2/3 { d4( c4) a4 ~ }
+ a2 r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ b4( c4)
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ b2
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 b4 e4 f4
+ c2. r4
+ r4 d4 f4( g4)
+ r2 r4 d4
+ f4 c8 c8
+ b4( c4) r2
+ r4 a4 <a g>2
+ r4 c8 c8 <c a>2
+ r4 fis8 fis8
+ d4 c4 r4 a'8 b8
+ g8( f8) d8( c8
+ b4. c8 ~ c8 f8 e8 c8 ~
+ c8 b8 c4)
+ r2 r4 c8 c8
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4 c4
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2 r4 b8( c8)
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4 c4
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2 r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e2.( c4)
+ } \\ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ c1
+ }
+ >>
+ r1
+ d2( f4 g4)
+ r2 r4 d4(
+ e4 g4 a4 g4)
+ r1
+ a,2( b2)
+ r4 a4( c4 d4
+ a1 ~
+ a1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ tsilence = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ a4 d,4
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g4 d4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\tenorArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ g2 b4( c4)
+ r2 r4 e,4
+ g4 b8 b8 c4( b4)
+ r2 r4 f4
+ e2 r4 d'8 d8
+ c2. r4
+ g4 f4 r4
+ g8 g8 f4 g4( c4
+ \times 2/3 { d4) d4 e4 } c4 g4 ~
+ g4 r4 r2
+ c,4( d4) r4 c4
+ f4 g4
+ d1
+ g2 b4( c4)
+ r2 c4( e4)
+ g4( f4) << { \voiceOne f8 f8 } { \voiceTwo c8 f8 } >>
+ e2(
+ d4) r4 r2
+ r4 e,4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ g2
+ r4 e'8 e8 e2.
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f,2 r4
+ c'8 c8 c2.
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 b4 d4 r4
+ b4( d4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 }
+ \times 2/3 { e2 b4 ~ }
+ b2 r2
+ g4( a4) r4 e4
+ a4 b4 f2.
+ r4 r4 g4 b4(
+ c4) r2 r4
+ g4 b4 f8 f8 d2
+ r2 r4 e4
+ c2
+ r4 e8 e8 f2
+ r4 b8 b8 g8 g8 r4
+ b4 ~ b8 c8 a4 g4(
+ d4 e4
+ a4 g4 d4 g4)
+ r2
+ r4 e8 e8
+ \tsilence
+ r2
+ \tsilence
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ a2.(
+ d,4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g2.(
+ d4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1
+ g2( b4 c4)
+ r2 r4 e,4(
+ g4 b4 c4 b4)
+ r1
+ c,2( d2)
+ r4 c4( f4 g4
+ d1 ~
+ d1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ bsilence = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c4 g4
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f4 g4
+ }
+ >>
+ r2
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative c {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\bassArt
+ %the actual tune
+ \clef bass
+ {
+ c2 e4( f4)
+ r2 r4 g,4
+ c4 e8 e8 f4( e4)
+ r2 r4 b4
+ a2 r4 g'8 g8
+ f2 r2
+ c4 b4 r4
+ c8 c8 b4 r2
+ \times 2/3 { g'4 g4 a4 } f4 c4 ~
+ c4 r4 r2
+ f,4( g4) r4 f4
+ b4 c4
+ g1
+ c2 e4( f4)
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ e4(
+ g4) b4( c4) a8 c8
+ g2( f4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g,4(
+ c4) e4( f4) a8 f8
+ c2( b4)
+ }
+ >>
+ r4 r2
+ r4 a4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c2
+ r4 g'8 g8 e2.
+ r4 d4
+ f4 r4 d4( f4)
+ r4 \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } \times 2/3 { g2 d4 ~ }
+ d2 r2
+ e4( g4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f,2
+ r4 c'8 c8 a2.
+ r4 g4 b4 r4
+ g4( b4)
+ r4 \times 2/3 { d4 d4 e4 } \times 2/3 { c2 g4 ~ }
+ g2 r2
+ e'2
+ }
+ >>
+ r4
+ a,4 d4 e4 b2.
+ r4 r4
+ c4 e4( f4) r2
+ r4 c4
+ e4 b8 b8 g2
+ r2 r4 a4
+ f2 r4 a8 a8
+ <d a>2 r4 e'8 e8
+ c8 c8 r4 r4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ d8 e8
+ c4
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ g8 a8 f4
+ }
+ >>
+ c'4(
+ g4 a4
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c4 c4
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f,4 c'4
+ }
+ >>
+ g4) r4
+ r2 r4 a8 a8
+ \bsilence
+ r2
+ \bsilence
+ r2
+ <<
+ {
+ \voiceOne
+ c2.( g4)
+ }
+ {
+ \voiceTwo
+ f2.( g2)
+ }
+ >>
+ r1
+ c2( e4 f4)
+ r2 r4 g,4(
+ c4 e4 f4 e4)
+ r1
+ d,2( e2)
+ r4 d4( g4 a4
+ e1 ~
+ e1)
+ }
+ >>
+ }
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/both/ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c9503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/both/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen % -- _
+ sopranText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Sopran eintragen+>
+ }
+ altText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Alt eintragen+>
+ }
+ tenorText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Tenor eintragen+>
+ Stretched out,
+ stretched out on the grass
+ a boy and a girl
+ sa -- vouring
+ or -- an -- ges
+ giv -- ing their kiss -- es
+ waves ex -- chang -- ing foam.
+ Stretched out,
+ stretched out on the beach
+ a boy and a girl
+ sa -- vouring limes
+ giv -- ing their kiss -- es
+ clouds ex -- chang -- ing foam.
+ Stretched out,
+ stretched out un -- der -- ground
+ a boy and a girl
+ say -- ing noth -- ing
+ nev -- er kiss -- ing
+ giv -- ing si -- lence. si -- lence.
+ (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
+ }
+ bassText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Baß eintragen+>
+ }