diff options
5 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/The_blessing_of_Aaron/Makefile b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c18d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+CURDOC=$(shell basename "$(CURDIR)")
+ifeq ($(FUER),ewe)
+ SPEZIFISCH=\#(set! paper-alist (cons '(\"kindle\" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))\n\#(set-default-paper-size \"kindle\")
+ # \#(set-global-staff-size 14)
+ifeq ($(MIDI),1)
+ MIDI_REGEX=/\\\\midi/{ :a; s/\\\\midi[^{}]*{/\\\\midi/; tb; N; ba; :b; s/{[^{}]*}//; tb; s/\\\\midi[^{}]*}//; t; N; bb; };
+ifeq ($(KLAVIER),1)
+ KLAVIER_REGEX=/%Klavier%/d;
+all: $(CURDOC).pdf
+ pkill -SIGHUP -xf 'mupdf(-x11)? (.*/)?$<'
+ rm -f *.pre
+Clean: clean
+ rm -f *.pdf *.midi
+ sed " \
+ s@%spezifisch%@$(SPEZIFISCH)@ ; \
+ " "$<" > "$@"
+%.pdf: %.pre *.ly
+ lilypond $<
diff --git a/The_blessing_of_Aaron/ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1aed47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\include ""
+#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #f)
+\version "2.19.80"
+\header {
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+ print-all-headers = ##t
+\score {
+ \header {
+ title = "The blessing of Aaron"
+ composer = "Norman Ramsey"
+ poet = "Walter Rodby"
+ }
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = pFrauen { \global \pausen }
+ \new Voice = sopran { \voiceOne \global << \dynamik \sopranMelodie >> }
+ \new Voice = alt { \voiceTwo \global \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \text }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = pMaenner { \clef "bass" \global \pausen }
+ \new Voice = tenor { \voiceOne \clef "bass" \global \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \voiceTwo \clef "bass" \global \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ }
diff --git a/The_blessing_of_Aaron/ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3743a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+dynamik = {
+ s4^\pp^\< |
+ s2 s^\> |
+ s8 s^\! s2. |
+ s1 |
+ s2. s4^\p |
+ s1 |
+ s4 s^\< s2 |
+ s4. s^\> s4 |
+ s s^\! s s^\mp^\< |
+ s2. s4^\! |
+ s1 |
+ s4^\> s2 s4^\! |
+ s2. s4^\pp |
+ s1 |
+ s2. s4^\ppp |
+ s1*2 |
+ s1^\mf |
+ s4^\< s2 s4^\! |
+ s^\> s2 s4^\! |
+ s1 |
+ s^\p |
+ s1*3 |
+ s1^\f |
+ s1 |
+ s4^\> s2 s4^\! |
+ s1^\ppp |
diff --git a/The_blessing_of_Aaron/ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..486f39a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \autoBeamOff
+ \partial 4
+pausen = {
+ s4 |
+ s1*15 |
+ s2. r4 |
+ s1*3 |
+ s2. r4 |
+ s1*8 | \bar "|."
+sopranMelodie = \relative g' {
+ g4 |
+ g1 |
+ a4 g2 e4 |
+ e1 |
+ f4 e2 e8 e |
+ f4 f f f |
+ f e2 g8 g |
+ g4 g a fis |
+ g2. g4 |
+ h a g f |
+ f4. e8 e4 g |
+ a2( d,) |
+ d2. d4 |
+ e2 e |
+ d2. e4 |
+ f2 f |
+ e2. s4 |
+ a1 |
+ g2. g4 |
+ f1 |
+ e2. s4 |
+ e2( f4 g) |
+ a1 |
+ a2( h4 c) |
+ d1 |
+ e2( d4 c |
+ h a) g2 |
+ f1 |
+ e | \bar "|."
+altMelodie = \relative e' {
+ e4 |
+ e1 |
+ f4 e2 c4 |
+ c1 |
+ c4 c2 c8 c |
+ d4 h c d |
+ c c2 e8 e |
+ d4 d d d |
+ d2. h4 |
+ h h h h |
+ c4. c8 c4 c |
+ c1 |
+ h2. h4 |
+ c2 c |
+ c2. cis4 |
+ d2 h |
+ c2. s4 |
+ c1 |
+ c2. cis4 |
+ c2( h) |
+ c2. s4 |
+ r1 |
+ c2( d4 e) |
+ f1 |
+ d2( a'4 g) |
+ g2( f4 e) |
+ d2 e |
+ c( h) |
+ c1 | \bar "|."
+tenorMelodie = \relative c' {
+ c4 |
+ c1 |
+ c4 c2 g4 |
+ g1 |
+ a4 g2 g8 c |
+ h4 g a h |
+ a g2 c8 c |
+ h4 h c a |
+ h2. g4 |
+ g f e d |
+ a' g g e |
+ e2( fis) |
+ g2. g4 |
+ g2 a |
+ a2. a4 |
+ a2 g |
+ g2. s4 |
+ f1 |
+ g2. a4 |
+ a2( g) |
+ g2. s4 |
+ r1 |
+ a2( h4 c) |
+ d2.( c4) |
+ h1 |
+ c4( h a2) |
+ h h4( c) |
+ a2( g) |
+ g1 | \bar "|."
+bassMelodie = \relative c {
+ c4 |
+ c1 |
+ c4 c2 c4 |
+ c1 |
+ c4 c2 c8 c |
+ g4 g g g |
+ c c2 c8 c |
+ d4 d d d |
+ g,2. g4 |
+ g g g g |
+ c c c c |
+ a2( d) |
+ g,2. g4 |
+ c2 a |
+ f'2. e4 |
+ d2 g, |
+ c2. s4 |
+ f1 |
+ e2. a,4 |
+ d2( g,) |
+ c2. s4 |
+ c2( d4 e) |
+ f2.( e4) |
+ d1 |
+ g2( f) |
+ e( f |
+ g4 f) e2 |
+ d( g,) |
+ c1 | \bar "|."
diff --git a/The_blessing_of_Aaron/ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cea706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/The_blessing_of_Aaron/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+text = \lyrics {
+ The lord bless you, the lord keep you,
+ make his face to shine u -- pon you,
+ an be gra -- cious un -- to you,
+ the lord lift up his coun -- te -- nance u -- pon you,
+ and give you peace, and give you peace.
+ A -- men, and A -- men. A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.