path: root/hr/stch/extra/froehlich
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
commit49d14358c33b7d0ba7e7c381f91943617c7723ea (patch)
treefd55f0d3900d53978587d2228553359f86e69bbe /hr/stch/extra/froehlich
parent646f69a657326ca8dd733dfa579a90f89823d677 (diff)
Hauke eingefügt
Diffstat (limited to 'hr/stch/extra/froehlich')
-rw-r--r--hr/stch/extra/froehlich/froehlich.midibin0 -> 845 bytes
-rw-r--r--hr/stch/extra/froehlich/froehlich.psbin0 -> 243964 bytes
7 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..756726f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+ meta = {
+ %(dynamic) marks global to all voices
+ \dynamicUp
+ }
+% articulation
+ sopranArt = {
+ }
+ altArt = {
+ }
+ tenorArt = {
+ }
+ bassArt = {
+ }
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c688113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+\version "2.12"
+\include ""
+\include ""
+ \header {
+ title = "Fröhlich fangt alle an"
+ %composer = "<+Komponist+>"
+ %opus = "<+Werk+>"
+ %tagline = ""
+ }
+ \paper {
+ line-width = \paper-width - 30
+ top-margin = 10
+ bottom-margin = 10
+ }
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ \context {
+ \Staff
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3.5)
+ }
+ }
+ #(set-global-staff-size 17)
+ \score {
+ \new ChoirStaff \with {} <<
+ \new Staff = sopran <<
+ %\new Voice = "meta" { s1*<+Anzahl der Takte+> \bar "|." }
+ \new Voice = "soprane" { \global \sopranMelodie }
+ \addlyrics { \sopranText }
+ >>
+ \new Staff = alt <<
+ %\new Voice = "alti" { \global \altMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \altText }
+ >>
+ \new Staff = tenor <<
+ %\new Voice = "tenoere" { \global \tenorMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \tenorText }
+ >>
+ \new Staff = bass <<
+ %\new Voice = "baesse" { \global \bassMelodie }
+ %\addlyrics { \bassText }
+ >>
+ >>
+ \midi {
+ \context{
+ \Score
+ tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 90 4)
+ }
+ }
+ \layout {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/froehlich.midi b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/froehlich.midi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4523a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/froehlich.midi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b43f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/midi.lua b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/midi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b2520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/midi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ -- some settings -- vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+\version "2.12"
+\include ""
+ \score {
+ \midi {
+ \context{
+ %\Score
+ %tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+voices={ "s", "a", "t", "b" }
+expand = { s="sopran", a="alt", t="tenor", b="bass" }
+map = { sopran="soprane", alt="alti", tenor="tenoere", bass="baesse" }
+function text(stimme)
+ return
+ \new Staff = ]]..stimme..[[ <<
+ %\new Voice = "meta" { s1*<+Anzahl der Takte+> \bar "|." }
+ \new Voice = "]][stimme]..[[" { \global \]]..stimme..[[Melodie }
+ >>
+function err() print("oops") os.exit() end
+which=which or "satb"
+if type(which)~="string" then err() end
+for _,v in pairs(voices) do
+ if string.find(which, v) then pre=pre..text(expand[v]) end
+--os.execute(lilypond -...)
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6639493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+ \version "2.12"
+ \include ""
+ global = {
+ \key c \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 3/4
+ %\autoBeamOff
+ \partial8
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ sopranMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\sopranArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ c8 ~
+ c8 c8 c8 d8 d8 c8 ~
+ c16 g16 a8 bes8 g4 a8
+ a8 g8 f8 f8.( g16 a16 bes16
+ c8 d8) d8 c4 c8
+ d8 e8 f4 e8 d8 ~
+ d16( c16 c4 b8) c8 e8
+ d8 c8 c8.( d16 e16 f16 g8
+ a8) a8 g4.
+ s8
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ schrott = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ {
+ %s8
+ f8 ~
+ f8 f8 f8 g8 g8 f8
+ d8 c8 bes8 bes8( c8) d8
+ %bes8( a8) bes8
+ d8 c8 bes8 bes4 c8 ~
+ c8 d4 r8 d8 ees8
+ d8 c8 f8 f8( e8) f8
+ f8 g4. a8 bes4 a4 g4.
+ f8 f8 e8 e8 r8
+ s8
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative c' {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\altArt
+ %the actual tune
+ {
+ a8
+ a8 g8 f8 f8.( g16 a16 bes16
+ c8 d8) d8 c4 c8
+ d8 e8 f4 e8 d8 ~
+ d16( c16 c4 b8) c8 e8
+ d8 c8 c8.( d16 e16 f16 g8
+ a8) a8 g4.
+ c,8 ~
+ c8 c8 c8 d8 d8 c8 ~
+ c16 g16 a8 bes8 g4% a8
+ s8
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative c {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\tenorArt
+ %the actual tune
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ {
+ c8
+ d8 e8 f4 e8 d8 ~
+ d16( c16 c4 b8) c8 e8
+ d8 c8 c8.( d16 e16 f16 g8
+ a8) a8 g4.
+ c,8 ~
+ c8 c8 c8 d8 d8 c8 ~
+ c16 g16 a8 bes8 g4 a8
+ a8 g8 f8 f8.( g16 a16 bes16
+ c8 d8) d8 c4 %c8
+ s8
+ }
+ >>
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative c {
+ <<
+ { \meta }
+ %\bassArt
+ %the actual tune
+ \clef bass
+ {
+ e8
+ d8 c8 c8.( d16 e16 f16 g8
+ a8) a8 g4.
+ c,8 ~
+ c8 c8 c8 d8 d8 c8 ~
+ c16 g16 a8 bes8 g4 a8
+ a8 g8 f8 f8.( g16 a16 bes16
+ c8 d8) d8 c4 c8
+ d8 e8 f4 e8 d8 ~
+ d16( c16 c4 b8) c8 %e8
+ s8
+ }
+ >>
+ }
diff --git a/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eae99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/stch/extra/froehlich/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu encoding=utf8 et
+% Abkürzungen
+ froehlich= \lyricmode {
+ Fröh -- lich fangt al -- le an,
+ mit mir zu sin -- gen
+ }
+ zum= \lyricmode {
+ zum Lob der mu -- si -- ca:
+ }
+ stimm= \lyricmode {
+ laßt Eu -- re Stimm‘ er -- klin -- gen
+ }
+ lob= \lyricmode {
+ zum Lob der mu -- si -- ca!
+ }
+ text= \lyricmode {
+ \froehlich \zum \stimm
+ }
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ sopranText = \lyrics {
+ \text \lob
+ }
+ altText = \lyrics {
+ %\text
+ %zum Lob der mu -- si -- ca,
+ %der mu -- si -- ca!
+ gen \zum \stimm \lob
+ Fröh -- lich fangt al -- le an,
+ mit mir zu sin
+ }
+ tenorText = \lyrics {
+ \stimm \lob \froehlich
+ zum Lob der mu -- si -- ca:
+ }
+ bassText = \lyrics {
+ \lob \froehlich \zum \stimm
+ }