path: root/hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
commit49d14358c33b7d0ba7e7c381f91943617c7723ea (patch)
treefd55f0d3900d53978587d2228553359f86e69bbe /hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_
parent646f69a657326ca8dd733dfa579a90f89823d677 (diff)
Hauke eingefügt
Diffstat (limited to 'hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_ b/hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83cb531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/michi/whitacre/haukify_
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# preamble
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# elbmaerp
+# program logic goes here
+ my %lines = ();
+ my %defs = ();
+ my %feds = ();
+ my @skeleton = ();
+ my @rhf = ();
+ my @current;
+sub { # sub def scope
+ my $DEN = 256; # shortest duration glyph
+ my $measure = 0;
+ #my @voices = map { $_ . "Melodie" } ("sopran", "alt", "tenor", "bass");
+ my $n = 0;
+ my $orig = 0;
+ my @chunks;
+ my @measures;
+ { # scope for reading in <>
+ my $lrd = 0;
+ my $inside = 0; # are we inside a definition?
+ my $num; # numerator
+ my $den; # denominator
+ open(FH, "<");
+ while (<FH>) {
+ next if (/^\s*%/ or /override/ or /partial/ or /alternative/);
+ /{/; #vim bug
+ s/{[^}]*}//g;
+ if (/{/) {
+ $lrd += 1;
+ if ($lrd == 1) {
+ @measures = ();
+ $inside = 1 - $inside;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless $inside;
+ if (/}/) {
+ $lrd -= 1;
+ if ($lrd == 0) {
+ if ($#measures == -1) {
+ } else {
+ my @bla = map $_, @measures;
+ push @chunks, \@bla;
+ }
+ $inside = 1 - $inside;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/time (\d+)\/(\d+)/) { # time signature change
+ $num = $1;
+ $den = $2;
+ while ($den < $DEN) {
+ $num *= 2; $den *= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^\s*s/) {
+ if (/s(\d+\.*)\*(\d+)\s*$/) { # multiple measures
+ #TODO: support s8*7*18 etc.
+ my $times = ($2 and ($2 ne "")) ? $2 : 1;
+ my $dur = &duration($1);
+ push @measures, $dur for (1 .. $times);
+ } else { # analogous to a melody
+ my @code = split /\s+/;
+ my $num = 0;
+ for (@code) {
+ $num += &duration($_);
+ }
+ push @measures, $num;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @fm = @{$chunks[0]}; # first @measures
+ my $idx = 0;
+ my $intimes = 0;
+ my $conc = 0;
+ { # scope for &conc (concurrent music)
+ my $cdur; # duration
+ my $crud; # same for second part
+ my $clev; # manage sequential construct level (nesting curlies)
+ sub conc() {
+ return $_ if (/%/); # ignore comments
+ if (/^\s*{\s*$/) {
+ $clev += 1;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*}\s*$/) {
+ $clev -= 1;
+ if ($cdur and $crud) {
+ $cdur = 0; $crud = 0;
+ }
+ return $_;
+ }
+ if ($clev == 1) { # ought to never be anything but 0 or 1
+ # -> TODO: don’t rely on that
+ my @code = split /\s*/;
+ my @tms = map { &duration($_) } @code;
+ if ($cdur) {
+ $crud += $_ for @code;
+ } else {
+ $cdur += $_ for @code;
+ }
+ if ($crud and $crud != $cdur) {
+ print STDERR "parallel parts don’t match: $.; $n\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "parallel parts don’t match dynArt: $.; $n\n"
+ if $cdur % $measures[$idx];
+ # TODO: don’t rely on the measure not to change inside conc music!
+ return $_;
+ # recursive call of haukified w/ local counter and state vars!
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub min() {
+ my $a = shift;
+ my $b = shift;
+ return $a < $b ? $a : $b;
+ }
+ my $par = ""; # parallel text inside &par
+ sub par() { # single line parallel music
+ /{{/; # vim bug
+ $par =~ /{([^}]*)}\s*\\\\\s*{([^}]*)}/;
+ my (@c, @d);
+ @c = split(/\s+/, $1);
+ @d = split(/\s+/, $2);
+ my ($c, $d);
+ $c += &duration($_) for @c;
+ $d += &duration($_) for @d;
+ print STDERR "parallel mismatch in\n>>>$par\n"
+ . ($c/$DEN) . " " . ($d/$DEN) . "\n" if ($c != $d);
+ return &min($c, $d);
+ }
+ { # scope for &times (old-style tuple declaration)
+ my $tnum; # numerator
+ my $tden; # denominator
+ my $tstr; # resulting string
+ my $tdur = 0; # aggregate sum of nominal duration
+ sub times() { # simulating a FSM w/ outside states
+ # (basically a dispatcher w/ local memory)
+ my $task = shift;
+ if ($task eq "start") {
+ $tnum = shift;
+ $tden = shift;
+ $tdur = 0;
+ $tstr = "\\times $tnum\/$tden ";
+ $intimes = 1 - $intimes;
+ }
+ if ($task eq "cont") {
+ my $code = shift;
+ $tstr .= $code . " ";
+ $tdur += &duration($code);
+ }
+ if ($task eq "stop") {
+ $intimes = 1 - $intimes;
+ return ($tstr, $tdur*$tnum/$tden);
+ #return ($tstr . "} ", $tdur*$tnum/$tden);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub duration() { # find a single note’s/a chord’s duration
+ return 0 unless(/\D*(\d+)(\.*).*/); # ignore anything w/o duration
+ my ($den, $dots, $num) = ($1, $2, 1);
+ $num = 0 if (/</); # chord -> TODO: just ignore
+ while ($dots) {
+ $num *= 2;
+ $den *= 2;
+ $num += 1;
+ chop($dots);
+ }
+ while ($den < $DEN) {
+ $num *= 2; $den *= 2;
+ }
+ print STDERR "bad duration: $1\n" unless ($den == $DEN);
+ return $num;
+ }
+ my $NUM = 0; # where am I in this measure?
+ # one func to rule them all
+ sub haukified() { # line-wise pretty-print definitions into arrays
+ if (/^\s*<<\s*$/) { # multi-line concurrent start
+ $conc += 1;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*>>\s*$/) { # multi-line concurrent stop
+ $conc -= 1;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ return &conc($_) if ($conc > 1);
+ #local $, = "|";
+ return $_ if (/%/ or /repeat/ or /time / or /clef/ or /partial/ or /version/); # pipe single-line instructions that don’t need to be matched
+ #if (/times/) {
+ # $idx += 1 unless ($#measures<2);
+ # return $_;
+ #}
+ # time key -> dynArt
+ chomp $_;
+ #times, repeat & bla = { … }; partial!
+ # -> tokenstream vorbereiten (trb -> hooks)
+ # -> repeat ought to occur in dynArt as well
+ s/times\s*/times/g; # this glues the numerator to 'times'
+ s/ ~/~/g; # this glues a tie to its left anchor, will be untied again
+ /^(\s*)(.*)/;
+ my $indent = $1;
+ my @code = split(/\s+/, $2);
+ my @parts; # prettified measures
+ my $part = ""; # current measure’s text
+ my $inpar = 0; # inside parallel section?
+ for (@code) {
+ if ($inpar) {
+ if (/>>/) { # parallel stop
+ $part .= "<< $par ";
+ $NUM += &par($par);
+ while ($NUM > $measures[$idx]) {
+ $NUM -= $measures[$idx];
+ $idx += 1 if($measures[$idx + 1]);
+ #$measures[$idx] //= $measures[$idx-1];
+ }
+ $par = "";
+ $inpar = 0;
+ } else {
+ $par .= "$_ ";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/<</) { # parallel start
+ $inpar = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($intimes) {
+ /{/; #vim bug
+ if (/}/) { # tuplet stop
+ # -> TODO: maybe support curlies inside tuplets
+ my ($text, $dur) = &times("stop");
+ $part .= $text;
+ $NUM += $dur;
+ } else {
+ &times("cont", $_);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/times(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { # tuplet start
+ &times("start", $1, $2);
+ next;
+ }
+ $part .= "$_ ";
+ if (/^\\(\S+)$/) { # definition start
+ &align($defs{$1}, $1);
+ next;
+ }
+ /{/; #vim bug
+ $NUM += &duration($_) unless /}/;
+ if ($NUM > $measures[$idx]) { # overfull measure
+ print STDERR "error at measure " . ($idx+1) . " (local $measure) in (orig) $orig, (result) $n\n";
+ print STDERR "$NUM out of $measures[$idx]\n";
+ print STDERR "(occurred after reading $part)\n";
+ }
+ unless ($NUM < $measures[$idx]) {
+ push @parts, $part;
+ $n += 1;
+ $idx += 1;
+ $measure += 1;
+ $measures[$idx] //= $measures[$idx-1]; # for most simplistic dynArt
+ # as well as for errors
+ $NUM = 0;
+ $part = $indent;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($part =~ /\S/) { # still sth read left?
+ push @parts, $part;
+ print STDERR "underfull measure at (orig) $orig, measure " . ($idx+1) . " (local $measure) ";
+ print STDERR "$part?\n";
+ print STDERR "$NUM out of $measures[$idx]\n";
+ $idx += 1 unless ($#measures < 1);
+ $measures[$idx] //= $measures[$idx-1];
+ } else {
+ $n -= 1;
+ #$idx -= 1 unless ($#measures<2);
+ }
+ my $res = $indent;
+ for (@parts) {
+ s/~/ ~/g; # undoing the gluing ;-)
+ $res .= $_ . "\n";
+ }
+ return $res;
+ #return $indent . join("\n", map s/~/ ~/g, @parts);
+ }
+ my %aligned = ();
+ sub align { # match a def against the dynArt definition’s measures
+ my $bla = shift;
+ my @out = ();
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $oldm = $measure;
+ $measure = 1; # measure inside this def
+ my $oldorig = $orig;
+ $orig = $lines{$name}; # actual input file position
+ for (@$bla) {
+ if (/^\s*\\(\S+)\s*$/) { # call to another def
+ # -> TODO: beware of recursive calls
+ # well, we assume a sane user anyway …
+ unless (/voice/) {
+ print STDERR "$_"; # tell the caller we’re handling this
+ &align($defs{$1}, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ $n += 1;
+ $orig += 1;
+ push @out, $_ unless (/\d/); # pipe non-duration lines
+ #print &haukified($_), "\n" if /\d/;
+ push @out, &haukified($_) if /\d/;
+ }
+ $measure = $oldm; # restoring values …
+ $orig = $oldorig;
+ if ($aligned{$name}) { # already aligned this def
+ my $match = 1;
+ for (0 .. &min(@out, @{$feds{$name}})) {
+ $match = 0 if $feds{$name}->[$_] != $out[$_];
+ }
+ print STDERR "inconsistent use of $name …" unless $match;
+ } else {
+ @{$feds{$name}} = map $_, @out;
+ }
+ }
+ my $i = 0; # index into @skeleton
+ sub align_voice() { # match a voice using &align
+ #print STDERR "dynart exhausted before stimmen done!\n" unless ($#chunks > -1);
+ @measures = ($#chunks == -1) ? @fm : @{pop @chunks};
+ $idx = 0;
+ $NUM = 0;
+ &align(@_);
+ $i += 1;
+ }
+ sub check() { # overall handling of everything read from <>
+ $orig += @{$skeleton[$i]};
+ for (keys %defs) {
+ &align_voice($defs{$_}, $_) if /Melodie/;
+ }
+ for (keys %defs) {
+ $feds{$_} //= $defs{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ sub flush() {
+ for (0 .. $#rhf) {
+ print for @{$skeleton[$_]};
+ print for @{$feds{$rhf[$_]}};
+ }
+ print for @{$skeleton[$#rhf+1]};
+ }
+} ();
+my $inddef = "";
+my $def = 0;
+while (<>) {
+ if ($def) {
+ /{/; #vim bug
+ if (/^$inddef}\s*$/) { # def stop
+ $def = 0;
+ my @bla = map $_, @current;
+ $defs{$rhf[$#rhf]} = \@bla;
+ @current = ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^(\s*)(\S*) = \\relative/) { # def start
+ push @current, $_;
+ my @bla = map $_, @current;
+ push @skeleton, \@bla;
+ @current = ();
+ $inddef = $1;
+ push @rhf, $2;
+ $lines{$2} = $.;
+ $def = 1; #TODO: def zoix -> %def, später einbinden
+ # ds chunk -> begin orig, begin hauked
+ next;
+ }
+ push @current, $_;
+{ # using the defs
+ my @bla = map $_, @current;
+ push @skeleton, \@bla;
+ &check();
+ &flush();
+# some settings # vim: et