path: root/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2014-09-04 10:59:12 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2014-09-04 10:59:12 +0200
commitcd2759024b1ad36d3ac6e15e5a2bbe43d80bcfcd (patch)
tree25be2d35abeec51d18d0204e199f3bdbf66826b1 /Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen
initialer Commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen')
3 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934b090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(set! paper-alist (cons '("kindle" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))
+#(set-default-paper-size "kindle")
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+ print-all-headers = ##t
+\header {
+ title = ##f
+ composer = ##f
+ tagline = ##f
+\score {
+ \header {
+ title = "Das Lob soll laut erschallen"
+ }
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = frauen { \global \oneVoice \pausen }
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopran { \TextI }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopran { \TextII }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopran { \TextIII }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = maenner { \global \oneVoice \pausen }
+ \new Voice = tenor { \global \voiceOne \clef "bass" \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \global \voiceTwo \clef "bass" \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..201c242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+\version "2.18"
+global = {
+ \time 4/4
+ \key f \major
+ \autoBeamOff
+ \partial 4
+pausen = {
+ s4 |
+ s1*7 |
+ s2 r4 \bar "||" s |
+ s1*7 |
+ s2. \bar "||"
+sopranMelodie = \relative c' {
+ c4 |
+ f f8[( g]) a4 f |
+ c'2 a\breathe |
+ b4 c8[( b]) a[( b]) c4 |
+ g8[( f]) g[( a]) g4\breathe c, |
+ f f8[( g]) a4 f |
+ c'2 a4.\breathe a8 |
+ b8 c a b g4. f8 |
+ f2 s4 \bar "||" c'8[( b]) |
+ a4 f b b8[( a]) |
+ g4. f8 e4\breathe a |
+ g f8[( g]) e4 a |
+ f4. e8 d4\breathe d' |
+ d c c4. b8 |
+ a4. g8 f g a h |
+ c4. d8 h4. c8 |
+ c2. \bar "||"
+altMelodie = \relative c' {
+ c4 |
+ c c f f |
+ g2 f\breathe |
+ f4 f f f |
+ e8[( d]) e[( f]) e4\breathe c |
+ c c f f |
+ g2 f4.\breathe f8 |
+ f f f f f4 e |
+ c2 s4 \bar "||" g'4 |
+ f f f f |
+ e4. d8 c4\breathe c |
+ d d d cis |
+ d4. d8 d4\breathe d |
+ e e g g |
+ f4. f8 f f f f |
+ g4 a g f |
+ e2. \bar "||"
+tenorMelodie = \relative c' {
+ c4 |
+ a a8[( b]) c4 a |
+ c2 c\breathe |
+ d4 d c c |
+ c4. c8 c4\breathe c |
+ a a8[( b]) c4 a |
+ c2 c4.\breathe c8 |
+ d d c c c4 b |
+ a2 s4 \bar "||" c
+ c a d d |
+ c c c\breathe c |
+ b b a a |
+ a g f\breathe g |
+ g g c c |
+ c b a8 a a a |
+ c4 c g g |
+ g2. \bar "||"
+bassMelodie = \relative c {
+ c4 |
+ f f f f |
+ e2 f\breathe |
+ b,4 b f'8[( g]) a[( b]) |
+ c4. c8 c[( b])\breathe a[( g]) |
+ f4 f f f |
+ e2 f4.\breathe f8 |
+ b b f f c4 c |
+ f2 s4 \bar "||" e |
+ f f b, b |
+ c c c\breathe f |
+ g g a a |
+ d, d d\breathe b |
+ c c e e |
+ f f f8 f d d |
+ e4 f g g |
+ c,2. \bar "||"
diff --git a/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4271ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Das_Lob_soll_laut_erschallen/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+TextI = \lyricmode {
+ Das Lob soll laut er -- schal -- len! So -- li De -- o Glo -- ri -- a!
+ Und Got -- tes Grö -- ße prei -- sen im ju -- beln -- den Ha -- le -- lu -- ja!
+ \set stanza ="1."
+ Wir rüh -- men Got -- tes Freund -- lich -- keit,
+ mit der er täg -- lich uns um -- gibt,
+ und sei -- ne Gü -- te und Ge -- duld,
+ mit der er sei -- ne Kin -- der liebt.
+TextII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 29 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza ="2."
+ Wir rüh -- men Got -- tes Schöp -- fer -- kraft,
+ die einst die gan -- ze Welt ge -- macht,
+ die Tie -- re, Pflan -- zen und die Men -- schen,
+ al -- les hat er wohl be -- dacht.
+TextIII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 29 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza ="3."
+ Wir rüh -- men Got -- tes star -- ke Hand,
+ die al -- les fest in Hän -- den hält.
+ Er führt uns si -- cher auf dem Weg
+ und nie sind wir auf uns ge -- stellt.