diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2024-07-19 12:22:24 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2024-07-19 12:22:24 +0200
commit88efe16215de89fcd03b5f0906f011b1447e4dc0 (patch)
parent9db14e615a7d872dd33984331092f0f94396cf7c (diff)
Spanische_Naechte neu
-rw-r--r--Spanische_Naechte/Spanische Nächte.ly318
2 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Spanische_Naechte/Makefile b/Spanische_Naechte/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93067fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Spanische_Naechte/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+CURDOC=$(shell basename "$(CURDIR)")
+DIRS=../Geh_aus_mein_Herz ../In_dieser_lieben_Sommerzeit
+all: $(CURDOC)$(EXTRAS).pdf
+ @echo $(CURDOC)$(EXTRAS).pdf
+ rm -f *.pre *.post
+Clean: clean
+ rm -f *.pdf *.midi
+include ../.meta/*.mk
+ cat "$<" > "$@"
+Geh_aus_mein_Herz_%.pre: ../Geh_aus_mein_Herz/
+ cat "$<" > "$@"
+In_dieser_lieben_Sommerzeit_%.pre: ../In_dieser_lieben_Sommerzeit/
+ cat "$<" > "$@"
+ %.pre $(patsubst,%.pre,$(shell find $(DIRS) -name '*.ly' | cut -d/ -f2,3 | tr '/' '_')) ../.meta/
+ cat ../.meta/ "$<" \
+ |m4 \
+ >"$@"
+ lilypond $<
+ pkill -SIGHUP -xf "mupdf(-x11)? $@" || true
diff --git a/Spanische_Naechte/Spanische Nä b/Spanische_Naechte/Spanische Nä
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2f6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Spanische_Naechte/Spanische Nä
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+\version "2.24.3"
+% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from Spanische Nächte.musicxml
+\header {
+ encodingsoftware = "MuseScore 4.3.2"
+ encodingdate = "2024-07-19"
+ }
+#(set-global-staff-size 17.37142857142857)
+\paper {
+ paper-width = 21.01\cm
+ paper-height = 29.69\cm
+ top-margin = 1.5\cm
+ bottom-margin = 1.5\cm
+ left-margin = 1.5\cm
+ right-margin = 1.5\cm
+ indent = 1.6161538461538463\cm
+ }
+\layout {
+ \context { \Score
+ autoBeaming = ##f
+ }
+ }
+PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative c' {
+ \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major |
+ c4 ^ "42" s2 c4 |
+ c4 ^\markup{ \bold\large {Spanische Nächte} } s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 \break |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c1~ |
+ c2 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break |
+ c4 d8 e8 f4 g8 f8 |
+ f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 |
+ f8 e4 d8 d4 c8 b8 |
+ a8 b8 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break |
+ c4 d8 e8 f8 s8 g8 f8 |
+ f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 |
+ f8 e4 d8 d4 c8 g'8 |
+ f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 \break |
+ f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4. d8 e8 f8 \break |
+ e4 g4 s8 c,8 ^ "43" c8 c8 |
+ c4 d8 e8 f4 g8 f8 |
+ f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 |
+ f8 e4 d8 d4 ^ "coda" c8 g'8 \pageBreak |
+ f4 s1 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c2 s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 \break |
+ c4 s4 c2 s4 f8 g8 f4 f8 g8 |
+ f4 s4 f2 \break s4 f8 g8 f4 f8 g8 |
+ f4 s4 g2 s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c2 \break s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 |
+ c4 s4 c2 s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 d8 \break |
+ c4 e8 e8 e4 e8 g8 |
+ f4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 ^ "44" \break |
+ c8 d8 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 |
+ f4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 \pageBreak |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c4 s2 c4 \break |
+ c4 s2 c4 |
+ c1~ |
+ c8 ( s8 e4 es2 ) | \bar "|."
+ }
+PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
+ "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!"
+ Se -- "nor!" \skip1 Das ist der Zau -- ber der spa -- ni -- schen Nä
+ -- "chte." Je -- der mö -- chte so gern ein To -- re -- ro "sein."
+ Denn ein To -- re -- ro hat Glück bei den Frau -- "en." Al -- le
+ schau -- en auf ihn ganz al -- "lein." "\" Si," "si," Se -- "nor!\"
+ " ver -- nimmt sein Ohr " \"To" -- re -- a -- "dor," Ihr seid der re
+ -- "chte!\"
+ " Das ist der Zau -- ber der spa -- ni -- schen Näch -- " te." Je --
+ der Mann fühlt sich dann Ma -- ta -- "dor." "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng,"
+ "bäng," "bäng," bäng "Hm!" "bäng," ".." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ "Hm!" "Bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..."
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng,"
+ "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng,"
+ "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bang," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng,"
+ "bäng," "bäng!" Das ist der "dor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si,"
+ "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 "Hm!"
+ \skip1
+ }
+ PartPOneVoiceTwo = \relative a { \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ b4 s2 b4 |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ b4 s2 b4 \break |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ a1~ |
+ a2 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break |
+ c4 c8 c8 h4 h8 h8 |
+ b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 |
+ c8 b4 b8 b4 a8 g8 |
+ f8 g8 a4 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break |
+ c4 c8 c8 h8 s8 h8 h8 |
+ b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 |
+ c8 b4 b8 b4 b8 b8 |
+ a4 s4. es'8 es8 es8 \break |
+ d4 s4. cis8 cis8 cis8 |
+ c4 s4. c8 c8 c8 |
+ h4 s4. h8 h8 h8 \break |
+ c4 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 |
+ c4 c8 c8 h4 h8 h8 |
+ b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 |
+ c8 b4 b8 b4 b8 c8 \pageBreak |
+ a4 s1 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 |
+ c4 s4 b2 s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 \break |
+ a4 s4 a2 s4 d8 d8 d4 d8 d8 |
+ d4 s4 d2 \break s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 |
+ a4 s4 b2 s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 |
+ c4 s4 b2 \break s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 |
+ a4 s4 a2 s4 d8 d8 d4 d8 b8 \break |
+ b4 b8 b8 b4 b8 b8 |
+ a4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 \break |
+ a8 b8 a4 s8 c8 c8 c8 |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ b4 s2 b4 \pageBreak |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ b4 s2 b4 |
+ a4 s2 a4 \break |
+ a4 s2 a4 |
+ a1~ |
+ a8 s8 c4 c2 | \bar "|."
+ }
+PartPOneVoiceThree = \relative as { \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*4 \pageBreak s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*2 \break s1*4 \pageBreak s1*3 \break s4*9 as4 ( a2 ) | \bar "|."
+ }
+PartPTwoVoiceOne = \relative f { \clef "bass"\time 4/4 \key f \major |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 \break |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f8 f8 c8 d8 |
+ f2 s8 a8 a8 a8 \break |
+ a4 a8 a8 as4 as8 as8 |
+ g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 |
+ a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 |
+ c8 c8 f4 s8 a8 a8 a8 \break |
+ a4 a8 a8 as8 s8 as8 as8 |
+ g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 |
+ a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 |
+ f4 s4. a8 a8 a8 \break |
+ b4 s4. b8 b8 b8 |
+ a4 s4. a8 a8 a8 |
+ g4 s4. g8 g8 g8 \break |
+ g4 e4 s8 c'8 c8 c8 |
+ a4 a8 a8 as4 as8 as8 |
+ g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 |
+ a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 \pageBreak |
+ f4 s2 c4 |
+ a'1~ |
+ a4 g8 f8 g4 f8 e8 |
+ f1~ \break |
+ f4 f8 g8 f4 e8 es8 |
+ d4. f8 b2~ |
+ b4 b8 a8 c8 b8 f8 d8 \break |
+ c1~ |
+ c4 c8 d8 e4 f8 g8 |
+ a1~ |
+ a4 g8 f8 g4 f8 e8 \break |
+ f1~ |
+ f4 f8 g8 f4 e8 es8 |
+ d4. f8 b4. f8 \break |
+ e4. f8 c'4. e,8 |
+ f1~ \break |
+ f2 s8 c'8 c8 c8 |
+ f,4 s4 r2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 \pageBreak |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 \break |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 |
+ r8 f8 c8 d8 f8 f8 c8 d8 |
+ f8 s8 c4~ c2 | \bar "|."
+ }
+PartPTwoVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
+ "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se --
+ "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si,"
+ Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- nor\skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 Wie schön\skip1 sind die
+ Fraun an -- zu -- sehn\skip1 Und es tönt wie ver -- lieb -- ter
+ Sang\skip1 der Gi -- tar -- ren lei -- ser "Klang." \skip1 Und der
+ Wein schmeckt so "gut," \skip1 geht wie Feu -- er ins "Blut." \skip1
+ Doch das kommt nur in Spa -- nien "vor." "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se
+ -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Si," "si," Se --
+ "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si,"
+ Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si,"
+ "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1
+ }
+ PartPTwoVoiceTwo = \relative f, { \clef "bass"\time 4/4 \key f \major |
+ f4 s2 c'4 |
+ g4 s2 c4 |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 |
+ g4 s2 c4 \break |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 |
+ f,1~ |
+ f2 s8 f'8 f8 f8 \break |
+ f4 f8 f8 d4 d8 d8 |
+ c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 |
+ c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 |
+ f,8 f8 f4 s8 f'8 f8 f8 \break |
+ f4 f8 f8 d8 s8 d8 d8 |
+ c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 |
+ c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 |
+ f,4 c'8 a8 f4 r4 \break |
+ r8 b8 f8 g8 b4 s4. f'8 c8 d8 f4 s4. d8 g,8 h8 d8 f8 e8 d8 \break |
+ c4 c4 s8 c'8 c8 c8 |
+ f,4 f8 f8 d4 d8 d8 |
+ c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 |
+ c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 \pageBreak |
+ f,4 c'8 a8 f4 s2 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c'2 s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 \break |
+ f4 s4 f2 s4 b8 b8 b4 b8 b8 |
+ b4 s4 b2 \break s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c'2 s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c'2 \break s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 |
+ f4 s4 c'2 s4 b8 b8 g4 g8 g8 \break |
+ c4 c8 c8 c4 c8 c8 |
+ f,4 r8 b8 f4 r8 b8 \break |
+ f4 s4. c''8 c8 c8 |
+ f,,4 c'8 a8 f4 r4 |
+ f4 s2 c'4 |
+ g4 s2 c4 \pageBreak |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 |
+ g4 s2 c4 |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 \break |
+ f,4 s2 c'4 |
+ f,1~ |
+ f8 s8 c'4 f,2 | \bar "|."
+ }
+PartPTwoVoiceTwoLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
+ "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- nor "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se
+ -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 "\" Si," "si," Se -- "nor!\" " ver -- nimmt sein Ohr "
+ \"To" -- re -- a -- "dor," Ihr seid der re -- chte\skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 Ma --
+ ta -- "dor." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
+ \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng,"
+ "bäng!" "Si," "si," Se -- nor\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "dor," Ma -- ta --
+ "tor." "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si,"
+ "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 "Hm!" \skip1
+ }
+% The score definition
+\score {
+ <<
+ \new StaffGroup
+ <<
+ \new Staff
+ <<
+ \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
+ \context Staff <<
+ \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn
+ \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \PartPOneVoiceOne }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne }
+ \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \PartPOneVoiceTwo }
+ \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceThree" { \voiceThree \PartPOneVoiceThree }
+ >>
+ >>
+ \new Staff
+ <<
+ \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass"
+ \context Staff <<
+ \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn
+ \context Voice = "PartPTwoVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \PartPTwoVoiceOne }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPTwoVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPTwoVoiceOneLyricsOne }
+ \context Voice = "PartPTwoVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \PartPTwoVoiceTwo }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPTwoVoiceTwo" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPTwoVoiceTwoLyricsOne }
+ >>
+ >>
+ >>
+ >>
+ \layout {}
+ % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line:
+ % \midi {\tempo 4 = 100 }
+ }