path: root/valuesunit.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'valuesunit.pas')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/valuesunit.pas b/valuesunit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d960f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valuesunit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+unit valuesunit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, lowlevelunit;
+ tWert = record
+ time: int64; // unix timestamp * 1000
+ vec: array['x'..'z'] of extended;
+ end;
+ tValues = class
+ private
+ werte: array of tWert;
+ public
+ constructor create;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ procedure readFromFile(dat: string); overload;
+ procedure readFromFile(ti: tExtPoint; dat: string); overload;
+ procedure readFromFile(minT,maxT: extended; dat: string); overload;
+ function count: int64;
+ function timeInterval: tExtPoint;
+ procedure intersect(v: tValues);
+ end;
+function interpolate(w1,w2: tWert; x: extended): tWert; inline;
+function isoStrToDateTime(s: string): extended; inline;
+function timeToInt64(s: string): int64;
+ math, dateutils;
+constructor tValues.create;
+ inherited create;
+ setlength(werte,0);
+destructor tValues.destroy;
+ setlength(werte,0);
+ inherited destroy;
+procedure tValues.readFromFile(dat: string);
+ readFromFile(-infinity,infinity,dat);
+procedure tValues.readFromFile(ti: tExtPoint; dat: string);
+ readFromFile(ti['x'],ti['y'],dat);
+procedure tValues.readFromFile(minT,maxT: extended; dat: string);
+ f: textfile;
+ s: string;
+ i,delta,cnt: int64;
+ ws: tWert;
+ c: char;
+ isXml: boolean;
+ setlength(werte,0);
+ fillchar(ws,sizeOf(tWert),0);
+ cnt:=0;
+ assignFile(f,dat);
+ reset(f);
+ isXml:=false;
+ s:='';
+ while (s<>'') or not eof(f) do begin
+ if s='' then
+ readln(f,s);
+ if s='' then
+ continue;
+ if (not isXml) and (not (s[1] in ['0'..'9'])) then begin
+ if copy(s,1,6)='<?xml ' then
+ isXml:=true
+ else begin
+ s:='';
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if isXml then begin
+ if pos('<trkpt lat="',s)=0 then begin
+ s:='';
+ continue;
+ end;
+ delete(s,1,pos('<trkpt lat="',s));
+ delete(s,1,pos('"',s));
+ ws.vec['y']:=strtofloat(erstesArgument(s,'" '));
+ if pos('lon="',s)<>1 then
+ raise exception.create('Syntax error in '''+dat+''' (lon) - no valid gpx file.'#10'Hickup: '''+copy(s,1,40)+' ...''');
+ delete(s,1,pos('"',s));
+ ws.vec['x']:=strtofloat(erstesArgument(s,'"'));
+ if pos('><ele>',s)<>1 then
+ raise exception.create('Syntax error in '''+dat+''' (lat) - no valid gpx file.'#10'Hickup: '''+copy(s,1,40)+' ...''');
+ delete(s,1,pos('>',s));
+ delete(s,1,pos('>',s));
+ ws.vec['z']:=strtofloat(erstesArgument(s,'<'));
+ if pos('/ele><time>',s)<>1 then
+ raise exception.create('Syntax error in '''+dat+''' (ele) - no valid gpx file.'#10'Hickup: '''+copy(s,1,40)+' ...''');
+ delete(s,1,pos('>',s));
+ delete(s,1,pos('>',s));
+ ws.time:=timeToInt64(erstesArgument(s,'<'));
+ if pos('/time>',s)<>1 then
+ raise exception.create('Syntax error in '''+dat+''' (time) - no valid gpx file.'#10'Hickup: '''+copy(s,1,40)+' ...''');
+ end
+ else begin
+ ws.time:=strtoint64(erstesArgument(s,';'));
+ erstesArgument(s,';');
+ for c:='x' to 'z' do
+ ws.vec[c]:=strtofloat(erstesArgument(s,';'));
+ s:='';
+ end;
+ if cnt>0 then
+ delta:=ws.time-werte[cnt-1].time
+ else
+ delta:=1;
+ cnt:=cnt+delta;
+ if cnt>=length(werte) then
+ setlength(werte,cnt+64*1024);
+ if cnt>=length(werte) then
+ raise exception.create('Failed to enlarge array.');
+ if delta=1 then
+ move(ws,werte[cnt-1],sizeOf(tWert))
+ else
+ for i:=delta-1 downto 0 do
+ werte[cnt-i-1]:=
+ interpolate(
+ werte[cnt-delta-1],
+ ws,
+ (delta-i)/delta
+ );
+ if werte[0].time<minT then begin
+ delta:=cnt-1;
+ while (werte[delta].time>=minT) and (delta>0) do
+ dec(delta);
+ for i:=delta to cnt-1 do
+ move(werte[i],werte[i-delta],sizeOf(tWert));
+ cnt:=cnt-delta;
+ end;
+ if werte[cnt-1].time>maxT then begin
+ while (cnt>0) and (werte[cnt-2].time>maxT) do
+ dec(cnt);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ closeFile(f);
+ setlength(werte,cnt);
+function tValues.count: int64;
+ result:=length(werte);
+function tValues.timeInterval: tExtPoint;
+ result['x']:=werte[0].time;
+ result['y']:=werte[count-1].time;
+procedure tValues.intersect(v: tValues);
+ if
+// general functions ***********************************************************
+function interpolate(w1,w2: tWert; x: extended): tWert; inline;
+ c: char;
+ result.time:=
+ round(w1.time*(1-x) + w2.time*x);
+ for c:='x' to 'z' do begin
+ result.vec[c]:=
+ round(w1.vec[c]*(1-x) + w2.vec[c]*x);
+ end;
+function isoStrToDateTime(s: string): extended; inline;
+ if (length(s)<>19) or
+ (s[5]<>'-') or
+ (s[8]<>'-') or
+ (s[11]<>' ') or
+ (s[14]<>':') or
+ (s[17]<>':') then
+ raise exception.create(''''+s+''' is not a valid iso date-time');
+ result:=
+ encodeDate(
+ strToInt(copy(s,1,4)),
+ strToInt(copy(s,6,2)),
+ strToInt(copy(s,9,2))
+ ) +
+ encodeTime(
+ strToInt(copy(s,12,2)),
+ strToInt(copy(s,15,2)),
+ strToInt(copy(s,18,2)),
+ 0
+ );
+function timeToInt64(s: string): int64;
+ if (length(s)<>20) or
+ (s[5]<>'-') or
+ (s[8]<>'-') or
+ (s[11]<>'T') or
+ (s[14]<>':') or
+ (s[17]<>':') or
+ (s[20]<>'Z') then
+ raise exception.create(''''+s+''' is not a valid date-time');
+ delete(s,20,1);
+ s[11]:=' ';
+ result:=round(dateTimeToUnix(isoStrToDateTime(s))*1000);