_agent = $this->getMockery('Swift_Transport_SmtpAgent')->shouldIgnoreMissing(); } public function testKeywordIsPlain() { /* -- RFC 4616, 1. The name associated with this mechanism is "PLAIN". */ $login = $this->_getAuthenticator(); $this->assertEquals('PLAIN', $login->getAuthKeyword()); } public function testSuccessfulAuthentication() { /* -- RFC 4616, 2. The client presents the authorization identity (identity to act as), followed by a NUL (U+0000) character, followed by the authentication identity (identity whose password will be used), followed by a NUL (U+0000) character, followed by the clear-text password. */ $plain = $this->_getAuthenticator(); $this->_agent->shouldReceive('executeCommand') ->once() ->with('AUTH PLAIN '.base64_encode( 'jack'.chr(0).'jack'.chr(0).'pass' )."\r\n", array(235)); $this->assertTrue($plain->authenticate($this->_agent, 'jack', 'pass'), '%s: The buffer accepted all commands authentication should succeed' ); } public function testAuthenticationFailureSendRsetAndReturnFalse() { $plain = $this->_getAuthenticator(); $this->_agent->shouldReceive('executeCommand') ->once() ->with('AUTH PLAIN '.base64_encode( 'jack'.chr(0).'jack'.chr(0).'pass' )."\r\n", array(235)) ->andThrow(new Swift_TransportException('')); $this->_agent->shouldReceive('executeCommand') ->once() ->with("RSET\r\n", array(250)); $this->assertFalse($plain->authenticate($this->_agent, 'jack', 'pass'), '%s: Authentication fails, so RSET should be sent' ); } private function _getAuthenticator() { return new Swift_Transport_Esmtp_Auth_PlainAuthenticator(); } }