# Sparkline PHP script to generate sparklines, with browser cachine with ETag. ## Usage ```html ``` ## Examples EG1
`sparkline.php` EG2
`sparkline.php?data=5` EG3
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16` EG4
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16&line=5bb763&fill=d5f7d8` EG5
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16&line=fd8626&fill=ffedde` EG6
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16&line=ed5565&fill=ffe2e2` EG7
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16&line=444&fill=eee` EG8
`sparkline.php?data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16&line=31475c&fill=fff` EG9
`sparkline.php?size=185x40&data=2,4,5,6,10,7,8,5,7,7,11,8,6,9,11,9,13,14,12,16` ## Query Parameters
Key Example Value Default Description
size 100x25, 100 80x20 Width must be between 50 and 80
Height must be between 20 and 800
data 10,20,50,20,30,40,50,120,90 Comma separated list of values to plot
back eeeeee, ddd ffffff Hexadecimal code for background colour
line 555555, 222 1388db Hexadecimal code for line colour
fill cccccc, bbb e6f2fa Hexadecimal code for fill colour
## Size Parameter
Value Description
100 Creates a square image 100px in width and 100px in height
80x20 Creates an image 80px in width and 20px in height
## License Sparkline is licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/jamiebicknell/Sparkline/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details.