transferStrategy = $transferStrategy; $this->divisionStrategy = $divisionStrategy; $this->queue = new \SplQueue(); $this->queue->setIteratorMode(\SplQueue::IT_MODE_DELETE); $this->dividedBatches = array(); } public function add($item) { $this->queue->enqueue($item); return $this; } public function flush() { $this->createBatches(); $items = array(); foreach ($this->dividedBatches as $batchIndex => $dividedBatch) { while ($dividedBatch->valid()) { $batch = $dividedBatch->current(); $dividedBatch->next(); try { $this->transferStrategy->transfer($batch); $items = array_merge($items, $batch); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BatchTransferException($batch, $items, $e, $this->transferStrategy, $this->divisionStrategy); } } // Keep the divided batch down to a minimum in case of a later exception unset($this->dividedBatches[$batchIndex]); } return $items; } public function isEmpty() { return count($this->queue) == 0 && count($this->dividedBatches) == 0; } /** * Create batches for any queued items */ protected function createBatches() { if (count($this->queue)) { if ($batches = $this->divisionStrategy->createBatches($this->queue)) { // Convert arrays into iterators if (is_array($batches)) { $batches = new \ArrayIterator($batches); } $this->dividedBatches[] = $batches; } } } }