'You need some required libraries installed by Composer.', 'installcomposer' => 'Run Composer', 'performupgrade' => 'Perform Upgrade', 'precautions' => 'Precautions', 'precautionbackup' => 'Create a backup of your database and all Flyspray related files before performing the upgrade.', 'preconditionchecks' => 'Precondition checks', 'upgrade' => 'Upgrade', 'upgradepossible' => 'Apparently, an upgrade is possible.', 'versioncompare' => 'Your current version is %s and the version we can upgrade to is %s.', 'writeaccessconf' => 'In order to upgrade Flyspray correctly it needs to be able to access and write flyspray.conf.php.', 'adminemail' => 'Admin Email Address', 'adminxmpp' => 'Admin Jabber Address', 'adminusername' => 'Admin Username', 'adminrealname' => 'Admin Realname', 'adminpassword' => 'Admin Password', 'slogan' => 'The bug Killer!', 'progress' => 'Progress', 'documents' => 'Docs', 'preinstallcheck' => 'Pre-installation Check', 'databasesetup' => 'Database Setup', 'administration' => 'Administration', 'installflyspray' => 'Install Flyspray', 'libcheck' => 'PHP and Supported Libraries', 'libchecktext' => 'To make setup possible, you must have a correct PHP version installed and at least one supported database.', 'recsettings' => 'Recommended Settings', 'recsettingstext1' => 'These settings are recommended for PHP in order to ensure full compatibility with Flyspray.', 'recsettingstext2' => 'However, Flyspray will still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended shown here.', 'dirandfileperms' => 'Directory and File Permissions', 'dirandfilepermstext'=> 'In order for Flyspray to function correctly it needs to be able to access or write to certain files or directories. If you see "Unwriteable" you need to change the permissions on the file or directory to allow Flyspray to write to it.', 'proceedtodbsetup' => 'Proceed to Database Setup', 'proceedtodbsetuptext'=>'All configurations seems to be in place. You may proceed to the Database Setup page.', 'library' => 'library', 'status' => 'status', 'database' => 'database', 'recommended' => 'Recommended', 'actual' => 'Actual', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'explainwhatandwhyheader' => 'Formatting of task descriptions and comments has changed', 'explainwhatandwhycontent' => 'Previously those installations of Flyspray that didn\'t use dokuwiki formatting engine stored data as plain text. ' . 'We now use HTML as the default and can try to add paragraph and line break tags to already existing data entries, so your data retains it\'s ' . 'structure. But if your existing data already contains manually added HTML tags something probably goes wrong and you have some corrupted ' . 'entries in your database that must be manually fixed. If unsure, answer "No", unless you can examine the situation before proceeding. ' . 'If you are fluent in programming with PHP, see also at the end of setup/upgrade.php, look at what it does and possibly modify according to ' . 'your needs. ', 'databaseconfiguration'=>'Database Configuration for ', 'proceedtoadmin'=>'Proceed to Administration setup', 'databasehostname'=>'database hostname', 'databasehostnamehint'=>'Enter the database hostname of the server Flyspray is to be installed on. This is usually "localhost" or an IP.', 'databasetype'=>'database type', 'databasetypehint'=>'Choose the database type. If you have both the choice between MySQL driver and MySQLi driver, use MySQLi. The old MySQL driver (mysql_*) is deprecated in PHP since a long time. If you have MariaDB as MySQL replacement, select MySQLi.', 'databasename'=>'database name', 'databasenamehint'=>'Insert a name of an existing database or a new name. If the database not exists, Flyspray tries to create that database for you. Use simple names like "flyspray".', 'databaseusername'=>'database username', 'databaseusernamehint'=>'Enter the database username and password. Flyspray requires that you have a database setup with a username and password to install the database schema. If you are not sure about these details, please consult with your administrator or web hosting provider. (Local xampp or wampp servers default installs could work with "root" and an empty password field)', 'databasepassword'=>'database password', 'databasepasswordhint'=>'', 'tableprefix'=>'table prefix', 'tableprefixhint'=>'Optional table prefix to avoid collisions with existing tables. "flyspray_" or "fs_" are good choices.', 'next'=>'Next', 'showpassword' => 'Show Password', 'lgpllicense' => 'LGPL License', 'installationguide' => 'Install Guide', 'developermanual' => "Developer's Manual", 'supported' => 'Supported', 'inphp' => 'in PHP', 'available' => 'Available', 'missing' => 'Missing', 'writeable' => 'Writeable', 'unwriteable' => 'Un-writeable', 'on' => 'ON', 'off' => 'OFF', 'x' => 'X', 'true' => 'True', 'false' => 'False', 'directive' => 'Directive', 'enable' => 'Enable', 'disable' => 'Disable', 'administrationsetup' => 'Administration setup', 'setupapplicationvalue' => 'Setup all the Application values', 'adminsetuptip1' => 'The Database schema has been populated. Please follow the instructions to complete the Admin configuration.', 'adminsetuptip2' => '1) Admin Email, Username, Password are values for the Administrator of your Flyspray Installation. You can change these values through the administration section of Flyspray.', 'adminsetuptip3' => 'Choosing a Syntax is a setting that cannot be simply changed and is set at install for the whole Flyspray installation. Choose Text/Dokuwiki if you are unsure which you choose.', 'syntax' => 'Syntax', 'syntaxtext' => 'If you are unsure choose Text/Dokuwiki. The switch from dokuwiki to HTML is easy. But a switch from HTML back to dokuwiki or another text format like markdown is nearly impossible without some information loss like deep nested HTML content or formatting.', 'scheduletitle' => 'You can setup a crontab entry that calls scheduler.php in a time interval. This setting can be switched on/off everytime in Flyspray admin section.', 'enablescheduling' => 'Enable scheduling', 'proceedtofinalsetup' => 'Proceed to final Setup', 'proceedtofinalsetuptext' => 'Proceed to complete Flyspray setup.', 'installstatus' => 'Install status', 'congratulations' => 'Congratulations! Flyspray is now installed and ready to use.', 'removesetupdirectory' => 'Please remove the setup directory now.', 'viewsite' => 'View Site', 'proceedtoindex' => 'Proceed to Flyspray index', ); ?>