PHP safe_mode is enabled. We currently don\'t know how to run the "php composer.phar install" from php web frontend under this circumstances.

But lets test if we can workaround it with Perl:

Test using Perl:'; } else { echo '

Step 3: Trying to install dependencies

'; # $argv=('install'); # chdir('..'); # echo '
			# require 'composer.phar';
			# echo '
'; # without chdir('..'); $phpexe='php'; # TODO: autodetect the matching commandline php on the host matching the php version of the webserver # Any idea? Using $_SERVER['PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR'] or $_SERVER['PHPRC'] for detecting can help a bit, but weak hints.. # This is just a temp hack for installing flyspray on xampp on Windows if (getenv('OS') == 'Windows_NT' && isset($_SERVER['PHPRC']) && strstr($_SERVER['PHPRC'], 'xampp')) { $phpexe=$_SERVER['PHPRC'].'\php.exe'; } $cmd2 = $phpexe.' composer.phar --working-dir=.. install'; # with chdir('..'); #$cmd2 = 'php composer.phar install'; echo $cmd2.'

'; shell_exec($cmd2); echo 'Done'; echo '

Step 4: Checking and cleaning:

'; if (is_readable('../vendor/autoload.php')) { echo 'Composer installation ok
'; } else { echo 'Composer installation failed
'; } if (is_file('composer.phar')) { unlink('composer.phar'); } echo 'Cleanup made

'; echo 'Go back'; } ?>