Event.observe(window,'load',tasklistInit); Event.observe(window,'load',searchInit); function tasklistInit() { Caret.init(); } function searchInit() { if (navigator.appVersion.match(/\bMSIE 6\.0\b/) && $('searchthisproject') && $('reset')) { Event.observe('searchthisproject','click',function() {$('reset').remove();}); } } var Caret = { init: function () { var task = sessionStorage.getItem('current_task') || 'top'; if (task == 'bottom' || task == 'top') { var tab = $('tasklist_table'); var rows = tab ? tab.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].getElementsByTagName('tr') : []; Caret.currentRow = (task == 'top' || rows.length == 0) ? rows[0] : rows[rows.length-1]; } else { Caret.currentRow = $('task'+task); } if (Caret.currentRow) { Element.addClassName(Caret.currentRow,'current_row'); Event.observe(document,'keydown',Caret.keypress); } }, keypress: function (e) { var src = Event.element(e); if (/input|select|textarea/.test(src.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { // don't do anything if key is pressed in input, select or textarea return; } if ((useAltForKeyboardNavigation && !e.altKey) || (!useAltForKeyboardNavigation && e.altKey) || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) { return; } switch (e.keyCode) { case 74: // user pressed "j" move down Element.removeClassName(Caret.currentRow,'current_row'); Caret.nextRow(); Element.addClassName(Caret.currentRow,'current_row'); Event.stop(e); break; case 75: // user pressed "k" move up Element.removeClassName(Caret.currentRow,'current_row'); Caret.previousRow(); Element.addClassName(Caret.currentRow,'current_row'); Event.stop(e); break; case 79: // user pressed "o" open task window.location = Caret.currentRow.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href; // FIXME ambiguous in future: if first a is not a link to the task, e.g. a column with link to task opener Event.stop(e); break; } }, nextRow: function () { var row = Caret.currentRow; while ((row = row.nextSibling)) { if ('tr' == row.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { Caret.currentRow = row; return; } } // we've reached the bottom of the list if ($('next')) { //Cookie.setVar('current_task','top'); // doesn't work well on multitab multiproject usage sessionStorage.setItem('current_task','top'); window.location = $('next').href; return; } }, previousRow: function () { var row = Caret.currentRow; while ((row = row.previousSibling)) { if ('tr' == row.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { Caret.currentRow = row; return; } } // we've reached the top of the list if ($('previous')) { //Cookie.setVar('current_task','bottom'); // doesn't work well on multitab multiproject usage sessionStorage.setItem('current_task','bottom'); window.location = $('previous').href; return; } } };