prefs['default_entry']); if ($do == 'admin' && Req::has('switch') && Req::val('project') != '0') { $do = 'pm'; } elseif ($do == 'pm' && Req::has('switch') && Req::val('project') == '0') { $do = 'admin'; } elseif (Req::has('show') || (Req::has('switch') && $do == 'details') || ($do == 'newtask' && Req::val('project') == '0')) { $do = 'index'; } elseif (Req::has('code')) { $_SESSION['oauth_provider'] = 'microsoft'; $do = 'oauth'; } elseif( Req::has('do') && Req::val('do') == 'tasklist') { $do='index'; } // supertask_id for add new sub-task $supertask_id = 0; if (Req::has('supertask')) { $supertask_id = Req::val('supertask'); } /* permission stuff */ if (Cookie::has('flyspray_userid') && Cookie::has('flyspray_passhash')) { $user = new User(Cookie::val('flyspray_userid'), $proj); $user->check_account_ok(); $user->save_search($do); } else { $user = new User(0, $proj); } if (Get::val('getfile')) { // If a file was requested, deliver it $result = $db->query("SELECT t.project_id, a.orig_name, a.file_name, a.file_type, t.* FROM {attachments} a INNER JOIN {tasks} t ON a.task_id = t.task_id WHERE attachment_id = ?", array(Get::val('getfile'))); $task = $db->fetchRow($result); list($proj_id, $orig_name, $file_name, $file_type) = $task; // Check if file exists, and user permission to access it! if (!is_file(BASEDIR . "/attachments/$file_name")) { header('HTTP/1.1 410 Gone'); echo 'File does not exist anymore.'; exit(); } if($user->can_view_task($task)){ $path = BASEDIR . "/attachments/$file_name"; $csp->emit(); # only default-src 'none' header("Content-type: $file_type"); # image view/download difference if(isset($_GET['dl'])){ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$orig_name.'"'); }else{ header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$orig_name.'"'); } header('Content-transfer-encoding: binary'); header('Content-length: ' . filesize($path)); readfile($path); exit(); }else{ Flyspray::show_error(1); } exit; } // Load translations load_translations(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Here begins the deep flyspray : html rendering */ /*******************************************************************************/ # no cache headers are now in header.php! // see header('Content-Style-Type: text/css'); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $csp->add('img-src', "'self'"); # a bit unsure if * is ok (data: http: https:) #$csp->add('img-src', "*"); $csp->add('font-src', "'self'"); $csp->add('style-src', "'self'"); $csp->add('style-src', "'unsafe-inline'"); $csp->add('script-src', "'self'"); $csp->add('script-src', "'unsafe-inline'"); $csp->add('connect-src', "'self'"); if(isset($conf['general']['syntax_plugin']) && $conf['general']['syntax_plugin']=='dokuwiki'){ # unsafe-eval for tabs.js :-/ (can be replaced by a css only solution) $csp->add('script-src', "'unsafe-eval'"); } else{ # unsafe-eval for tabs.js and flyspray's version of ckeditor :-/ $csp->add('script-src', "'unsafe-eval'"); } # maybe a future 'beforehttpheader' event position for extension/plugins to add their own exceptions/modifications if(isset($fs->prefs['gravatars']) && $fs->prefs['gravatars'] == 1){ $csp->add('img-src', ''); } # example calculation .. if($user->isAnon()){ $needcaptcha=1; } if(isset($needcaptcha) && $needcaptcha && isset($fs->prefs['captcha_recaptcha']) && $fs->prefs['captcha_recaptcha']==1){ $csp->add('script-src', ''); $csp->add('script-src', ''); $csp->add('frame-src', ''); $csp->add('style-src', "'unsafe-inline'"); # currently redundant, but handled ok by ContentSecurityPolicy::get() method. } $csp->emit(); #echo $csp->get(); # debug #print_r($csp); # debug if ($conf['general']['output_buffering'] == 'gzip' && extension_loaded('zlib')) { // Start Output Buffering and gzip encoding if setting is present. ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } else { ob_start(); } $page = new FSTpl(); // make sure people are not attempting to manually fiddle with projects they are not allowed to play with if (Req::has('project') && Req::val('project') != 0 && !$user->can_select_project(Req::val('project'))) { Flyspray::show_error( L('nopermission') ); Flyspray::redirect($baseurl); exit; } if ($show_task = Get::val('show_task')) { // If someone used the 'show task' form, redirect them if (is_numeric($show_task)) { Flyspray::redirect( createURL('details', $show_task) ); } else { Flyspray::redirect( $baseurl . '?string=' . $show_task); } } if (Flyspray::requestDuplicated()) { // Check that this page isn't being submitted twice Flyspray::show_error(3); } # handle all forms request that modify data if (Req::has('action')) { # enforcing if the form sent the correct anti csrf token # only allow token by post if( !Post::has('csrftoken') ){ die('missingtoken'); }elseif( Post::val('csrftoken')==$_SESSION['csrftoken']){ require_once(BASEDIR . '/includes/'); }else{ die('wrongtoken'); } } # start collecting infos for the answer page if ($proj->id && $user->perms('manage_project')) { // Find out if there are any PM requests wanting attention $sql = $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {admin_requests} WHERE project_id = ? AND resolved_by = 0', array($proj->id)); list($count) = $db->fetchRow($sql); $page->assign('pm_pendingreq_num', $count); } if ($user->perms('is_admin')) { $sql = $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {admin_requests} WHERE request_type = 3 AND project_id = 0 AND resolved_by = 0'); list($count) = $db->fetchRow($sql); $page->assign('admin_pendingreq_num', $count); } # a bit hacky: First 3 MUST be project_id, project_title, project_is_active in this order! # This first 3 indexes are used by tpl_options currently.. # removed upper(project_title) for sorting, should be handled by database collation (utf8_general_ci) $sql = $db->query(' SELECT project_id, project_title, project_is_active, others_view, default_entry FROM {projects} ORDER BY project_is_active DESC, project_title' ); # new: project_id as index for easier access, needs testing and maybe simplification # similiar situation also includes/class.flyspray.php function listProjects() $sres=$db->fetchAllArray($sql); foreach($sres as $p){ $prs[$p['project_id']]=$p; } $fs->projects = array_filter($prs, array($user, 'can_select_project')); // Get e-mail addresses of the admins if ($user->isAnon() && !$fs->prefs['user_notify']) { $sql = $db->query('SELECT email_address FROM {users} u LEFT JOIN {users_in_groups} g ON u.user_id = g.user_id WHERE g.group_id = 1'); $page->assign('admin_emails', array_map(function($x) { return str_replace("@", "#", $x); }, $db->fetchCol($sql))); } // title tag if( $user->can_select_project($proj->id)){ $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title']); } else{ $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title']); } $page->assign('do', $do); $page->assign('supertask_id', $supertask_id); $page->pushTpl('header.tpl'); if (!defined('NO_DO')) { require_once(BASEDIR . "/scripts/$do.php"); } else{ # not nicest solution, NO_DO currently only used on register actions $page->pushTpl('register.ok.tpl'); } # 2016-07-29 peterdd: The following 2 optional install wide template assignments will make upgrading a Flyspray installation which needs to be integrated into an existing website a nobrainer in future. # Because the 2 variables are loaded from flyspray database, there is no need to change the default CleanFS template files and your own CSS style modifications is kept in your custom_*.css # You can keep stuff like a custom topbar that contains links to a sitewide wiki or CMS or whatever by storing it in flysprays database prefs table. # Project specific stuff like optional linking to a wiki for a project maybe be handled similiar by the project database table in future. # Open questions: Should we treat that as dokuwiki content (if dokuwiki is the 'syntax_plugin')? # Or even eval it as php-code, which can be dangerous, but gives the most freedom and creativity. # (For installs where all admin users are real admins of the hosting area, so they know what they are doing. Not intended for SaaS.)? if(isset($fs->prefs['general_integration'])){ # adds within the body before the footer div, but could appear as a whole or parts anywhere on the page by due custom CSS styling, for example as top linkbar. $page->assign('general_integration', $fs->prefs['general_integration']); } if(isset($fs->prefs['footer_integration'])){ # goes within the footer div, but still could appear as a whole or parts anywhere on the page by due custom CSS styling, for example as top linkbar. $page->assign('footer_integration', $fs->prefs['footer_integration']); } # 2016-07-29 end $page->pushTpl('footer.tpl'); $page->setTheme($proj->prefs['theme_style']); $page->render(); if(isset($_SESSION)) { // remove dupe data on error, since no submission happened if (isset($_SESSION['ERROR']) && isset($_SESSION['requests_hash'])) { $currentrequest = md5(serialize($_POST)); unset($_SESSION['requests_hash'][$currentrequest]); } unset($_SESSION['ERROR'], $_SESSION['ERRORS'], $_SESSION['SUCCESS']); }