'ltr', // ltr (Left-To-Right) or rtl (Right-To-Left) 'lang_identifier' => 'en', // Number formatting 'lang_decimal_point' => '.', 'lang_thousands_sep' => ',', // Notices 'Bad request' => 'Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.', 'No view' => 'You do not have permission to view these forums.', 'No permission' => 'You do not have permission to access this page.', 'Bad referrer' => 'Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that \'Base URL\' is correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More information regarding the referrer check can be found in the FluxBB documentation.', 'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.', 'No cookie' => 'You appear to have logged in successfully, however a cookie has not been set. Please check your settings and if applicable, enable cookies for this website.', 'Pun include extension' => 'Unable to process user include %s from template %s. "%s" files are not allowed', 'Pun include directory' => 'Unable to process user include %s from template %s. Directory traversal is not allowed', 'Pun include error' => 'Unable to process user include %s from template %s. There is no such file in neither the template directory nor in the user include directory', // Miscellaneous 'Announcement' => 'Announcement', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Submit' => 'Submit', // "Name" of submit buttons 'Ban message' => 'You are banned from this forum.', 'Ban message 2' => 'The ban expires at the end of', 'Ban message 3' => 'The administrator or moderator that banned you left the following message:', 'Ban message 4' => 'Please direct any inquiries to the forum administrator at', 'Never' => 'Never', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', 'Info' => 'Info', // A common table header 'Go back' => 'Go back', 'Maintenance' => 'Maintenance', 'Redirecting' => 'Redirecting', 'Click redirect' => 'Click here if you do not want to wait any longer (or if your browser does not automatically forward you)', 'on' => 'on', // As in "BBCode is on" 'off' => 'off', 'Invalid email' => 'The email address you entered is invalid.', 'Required' => '(Required)', 'required field' => 'is a required field in this form.', // For javascript form validation 'Last post' => 'Last post', 'by' => 'by', // As in last post by some user 'New posts' => 'New posts', // The link that leads to the first new post 'New posts info' => 'Go to the first new post in this topic.', // The popup text for new posts links 'Username' => 'Username', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Send email' => 'Send email', 'Moderated by' => 'Moderated by', 'Registered' => 'Registered', 'Subject' => 'Subject', 'Message' => 'Message', 'Topic' => 'Topic', 'Forum' => 'Forum', 'Posts' => 'Posts', 'Replies' => 'Replies', 'Pages' => 'Pages:', 'Page' => 'Page %s', 'BBCode' => 'BBCode:', // You probably shouldn't change this 'url tag' => '[url] tag:', 'img tag' => '[img] tag:', 'Smilies' => 'Smilies:', 'and' => 'and', 'Image link' => 'image', // This is displayed (i.e. ) instead of images when "Show images" is disabled in the profile 'wrote' => 'wrote:', // For [quote]'s 'Mailer' => '%s Mailer', // As in "MyForums Mailer" in the signature of outgoing emails 'Important information' => 'Important information', 'Write message legend' => 'Write your message and submit', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'Next' => 'Next', 'Spacer' => '…', // Ellipsis for paginate // Title 'Title' => 'Title', 'Member' => 'Member', // Default title 'Moderator' => 'Moderator', 'Administrator' => 'Administrator', 'Banned' => 'Banned', 'Guest' => 'Guest', // Stuff for include/parser.php 'BBCode error no opening tag' => '[/%1$s] was found without a matching [%1$s]', 'BBCode error invalid nesting' => '[%1$s] was opened within [%2$s], this is not allowed', 'BBCode error invalid self-nesting' => '[%s] was opened within itself, this is not allowed', 'BBCode error no closing tag' => '[%1$s] was found without a matching [/%1$s]', 'BBCode error empty attribute' => '[%s] tag had an empty attribute section', 'BBCode error tag not allowed' => 'You are not allowed to use [%s] tags', 'BBCode error tag url not allowed' => 'You are not allowed to post links', 'BBCode list size error' => 'Your list was too long to parse, please make it smaller!', // Stuff for the navigator (top of every page) 'Index' => 'Index', 'User list' => 'User list', 'Rules' => 'Rules', 'Search' => 'Search', 'Register' => 'Register', 'Login' => 'Login', 'Not logged in' => 'You are not logged in.', 'Profile' => 'Profile', 'Logout' => 'Logout', 'Logged in as' => 'Logged in as', 'Admin' => 'Administration', 'Last visit' => 'Last visit: %s', 'Topic searches' => 'Topics:', 'New posts header' => 'New', 'Active topics' => 'Active', 'Unanswered topics' => 'Unanswered', 'Posted topics' => 'Posted', 'Show new posts' => 'Find topics with new posts since your last visit.', 'Show active topics' => 'Find topics with recent posts.', 'Show unanswered topics' => 'Find topics with no replies.', 'Show posted topics' => 'Find topics you have posted to.', 'Mark all as read' => 'Mark all topics as read', 'Mark forum read' => 'Mark this forum as read', 'Title separator' => ' / ', // Stuff for the page footer 'Board footer' => 'Board footer', 'Jump to' => 'Jump to', 'Go' => ' Go ', // Submit button in forum jump 'Moderate topic' => 'Moderate topic', 'All' => 'All', 'Move topic' => 'Move topic', 'Open topic' => 'Open topic', 'Close topic' => 'Close topic', 'Unstick topic' => 'Unstick topic', 'Stick topic' => 'Stick topic', 'Moderate forum' => 'Moderate forum', 'Powered by' => 'Powered by %s', // Debug information 'Debug table' => 'Debug information', 'Querytime' => 'Generated in %1$s seconds, %2$s queries executed', 'Memory usage' => 'Memory usage: %1$s', 'Peak usage' => '(Peak: %1$s)', 'Query times' => 'Time (s)', 'Query' => 'Query', 'Total query time' => 'Total query time: %s', // For extern.php RSS feed 'RSS description' => 'The most recent topics at %s.', 'RSS description topic' => 'The most recent posts in %s.', 'RSS reply' => 'Re: ', // The topic subject will be appended to this string (to signify a reply) 'RSS active topics feed' => 'RSS active topics feed', 'Atom active topics feed' => 'Atom active topics feed', 'RSS forum feed' => 'RSS forum feed', 'Atom forum feed' => 'Atom forum feed', 'RSS topic feed' => 'RSS topic feed', 'Atom topic feed' => 'Atom topic feed', // Admin related stuff in the header 'New reports' => 'There are new reports', 'Maintenance mode enabled' => 'Maintenance mode is enabled!', // Units for file sizes 'Size unit B' => '%s B', 'Size unit KiB' => '%s KiB', 'Size unit MiB' => '%s MiB', 'Size unit GiB' => '%s GiB', 'Size unit TiB' => '%s TiB', 'Size unit PiB' => '%s PiB', 'Size unit EiB' => '%s EiB', );