path: root/Schrankgriff.scad
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Schrankgriff.scad')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/Schrankgriff.scad b/Schrankgriff.scad
index 275f87e..8d14aa4 100644
--- a/Schrankgriff.scad
+++ b/Schrankgriff.scad
@@ -1,31 +1,38 @@
- difference(){
- scale([6/4.5,1,1])
+ union(){
+ translate([-32.5,0,0])
+ scale([6/4.5,1,1])
cylinder(h = 16, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
- translate([0,0,-10])
- cylinder(h = 20, r = 1.25, $fn = 100);
- };
- difference(){
- scale([6/4.5,1,1])
+ translate([32.5,0,0])
+ scale([6/4.5,1,1])
cylinder(h = 16, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
- translate([0,0,-10])
- cylinder(h = 20, r = 1.25, $fn = 100);
+ intersection(){
+ hull(){
+ translate([-32.5,0,5])
+ scale([6/4.5,1,1])
+ cylinder(h = 100, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
+ translate([32.5,0,5])
+ scale([6/4.5,1,1])
+ cylinder(h = 100, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
+ };
+ difference(){
+ translate([0,0,-70])
+ sphere(r = 95, $fn = 100);
+ translate([0,0,-70])
+ sphere(r = 90, $fn = 100);
+ };
+ };
- hull(){
- translate([-32.5,0,5])
- scale([6/4.5,1,1])
- cylinder(h = 100, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
- translate([32.5,0,5])
- scale([6/4.5,1,1])
- cylinder(h = 100, r = 4.5, $fn = 100);
+ translate([-32.5,0,-2]){
+ cylinder(h = 18, r = 1, $fn = 100);
+ linear_extrude(height = 18, center = false, convexity = 10, twist = -9*360, slices = 9*100, $fn = 100) {
+ square(3/sqrt(2)/2);
+ };
- difference(){
- translate([0,0,-70])
- sphere(r = 95, $fn = 100);
- translate([0,0,-70])
- sphere(r = 90, $fn = 100);
+ translate([32.5,0,-2]){
+ cylinder(h = 18, r = 1, $fn = 100);
+ linear_extrude(height = 18, center = false, convexity = 10, twist = -9*360, slices = 9*100, $fn = 100) {
+ square(3/sqrt(2)/2);
+ };
}; \ No newline at end of file