unit lowlevelunit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses math, Classes, SysUtils, gmp, RegExpr, process, FPimage, agg_basics; type generic tArray = array of T; tLongintArray = specialize tArray; pTLongintArray = ^tLongintArray; tSingleArray = specialize tArray; pTSingleArray = ^tSingleArray; tIntPoint = array['x'..'y'] of longint; tExtPoint = array['x'..'y'] of extended; t2x2Longint = array['x'..'y','x'..'y'] of longint; t2x2Extended = array['x'..'y','x'..'y'] of extended; tExtPointArray = specialize tArray; pTExtPointArray = ^tExtPointArray; tExtendedArray = specialize tArray; pTExtendedArray = ^tExtendedArray; tDoubleArray = specialize tArray; tInt32Array = specialize tArray; tByteArray = specialize tArray; tStringArray = specialize tArray; tIntPointArray = specialize tArray; tRGB = record rgbBlue : byte; rgbGreen: byte; rgbRed : byte; end; tRgbArray = specialize tArray; tKodierung = (kUnbekannt,k32BitSignedInteger); tWarnstufe = (wsStreng,wsLasch); tGenauigkeit = (gSingle,gDouble,gExtended); function signSqr(x: extended): extended; inline; function mpfToStr(f: mpf_t): string; function myTimeToStr(t: extended): string; function cpuUtilization: extended; function numCpus: int64; function momentanFreieCpus: int64; function mpfMyRoot(rad: mpf_t; wzlExp: int64): extended; function belegterSpeicher: int64; function minCache: int64; function cmpStr(s1,s2: string): longint; function mitte(s1,s2: string): string; function myFloatToStr(x: extended): string; overload; function myFloatToStr(x: extended; ex: string): string; overload; function myStrToFloat(s: string): extended; function max(g1,g2: tGenauigkeit): tGenauigkeit; overload; function floattostrtrunc(f: extended; dig: longint; laessig: boolean): string; function binOpPos(op: char; s: string): integer; function fktPos(fkt,s: string): integer; procedure gibAus(s: string; ausgaben: byte); function strToGen(out gen: tGenauigkeit; s: string): boolean; function orFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; function andFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; function wertZuFarbe(x: extended; p: tRGBArray): tRGB; function tFPColor2tRgb(c: tFPColor): tRGB; function tRgb2tFPColor(c: tRGB): tFPColor; procedure myDebugLnThreadLog(s: string); function belegterSpeicher: longint; procedure cleanupLogs; procedure cleanupLog(tid: PtrUInt); procedure raiseAndDumpExceptionCallStack(msg: string); procedure dumpExceptionCallStack(E: Exception); function startetMit(start: string; var s: string): boolean; function endetMit(ende: string; var s: string): boolean; function trimAll(s: string): string; function erstesArgument(var s: string): string; overload; function erstesArgument(var s: string; Trenner: string): string; overload; function mydatetimetostr(t: tDateTime): string; function tExtPointToStr(p: tExtPoint): string; function tIntPointToStr(p: tIntPoint): string; procedure fehler(s: string); implementation var _cpuLastUsed,_cpuLastIdle: int64; // allgemeine Funktionen ******************************************************* function signSqr(x: extended): extended; begin result:=sign(x)*sqr(x); end; function mpfToStr(f: mpf_t): string; var ex: int64; off: byte; begin result:=mpf_get_str(nil,ex,10,0,f); off:=1+byte(pos('-',result)=1); if result='' then result:='0' else if ex=1 then result:=copy(result,1,off)+','+copy(result,off+1,length(result)-off) else result:=copy(result,1,off)+','+copy(result,off+1,length(result)-off)+' * 10^'+inttostr(ex-1); end; function myTimeToStr(t: extended): string; var tim: int64; begin tim:=floor(t*24*60*60); result:=inttostr(tim mod 10)+'s'; tim:=tim div 10; if tim=0 then exit; result:=inttostr(tim mod 6)+result; tim:=tim div 6; if tim=0 then exit; result:=inttostr(tim mod 10)+'min '+result; tim:=tim div 10; if tim=0 then exit; result:=inttostr(tim mod 6)+result; tim:=tim div 6; if tim=0 then exit; result:=inttostr(tim mod 24)+'h '+result; tim:=tim div 24; if tim=0 then exit; result:=' '+result; if (tim mod 7)<>1 then result:='e'+result; result:=inttostr(tim mod 7)+'Tag'+result; tim:=tim div 7; if tim=0 then exit; result:=' '+result; if tim<>1 then result:='n'+result; result:=inttostr(tim)+'Woche'+result; end; function cpuUtilization: extended; var procstat: textfile; s: string; used,idle: int64; i: integer; begin result:=0; s:=''; assignfile(procstat,'/proc/stat'); reset(procstat); while not eof(procstat) do begin readln(procstat,s); if pos('cpu ',s)=1 then break; end; closefile(procstat); if pos('cpu ',s)<>1 then exit; delete(s,1,pos(' ',s)); s:=trim(s); used:=0; idle:=0; for i:=0 to 3 do begin used:=used+idle; idle:=strtoint(copy(s,1,pos(' ',s)-1)); delete(s,1,pos(' ',s)); s:=trim(s); end; result:=(used-_cpuLastUsed)/max(1,used-_cpuLastUsed + idle-_cpuLastIdle); _cpuLastUsed:=used; _cpuLastIdle:=idle; end; function numCpus: int64; var procstat: textfile; s: string; begin result:=0; s:=''; assignfile(procstat,'/proc/stat'); reset(procstat); while not eof(procstat) do begin readln(procstat,s); if (pos('cpu',s)=1) and (pos('cpu ',s)<>1) then inc(result); end; closefile(procstat); end; function momentanFreieCpus: int64; begin result:=floor(numCpus*(1-cpuUtilization)); end; function mpfMyRoot(rad: mpf_t; wzlExp: int64): extended; var ex: int64; begin result:=power(mpf_get_d_2exp(ex,rad),1/wzlExp); result:=result*power(2,ex/wzlExp); end; function belegterSpeicher: int64; var f: textFile; s: string; begin s:='/proc/'+inttostr(getProcessId)+'/smaps'; result:=0; if not fileexists(s) then exit; assignfile(f,s); reset(f); while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); if (leftStr(s,4)='Rss:') and (rightStr(s,3)=' kB') then begin delete(s,1,4); delete(s,length(s)-2,3); s:=trim(s); result:=result+strtoint(s); end; end; closefile(f); end; function minCache: int64; var f: textFile; s: string; begin s:='/proc/cpuinfo'; result:=0; if not fileexists(s) then exit; assignfile(f,s); reset(f); while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); if (leftStr(s,10)='cache size') and (rightStr(s,3)=' kB') then begin delete(s,1,pos(':',s)); delete(s,length(s)-2,3); s:=trim(s); if result=0 then result:=strtoint(s) else result:=min(result,strtoint(s)); end; end; closefile(f); end; function cmpStr(s1,s2: string): longint; var i: longint; begin for i:=1 to min(length(s1),length(s2)) do if s1[i]<>s2[i] then begin result:=2*byte(s1[i]>s2[i])-1; exit; end; if length(s1)<>length(s2) then begin result:=2*byte(length(s1)>length(s2))-1; exit; end; result:=0; end; function mitte(s1,s2: string): string; var i: longint; w,nw: word; begin setlength(result,max(length(s1),length(s2))); w:=0; for i:=length(result) downto 1 do begin // result:= "s1+s2"; if i<=length(s1) then w:=w+byte(s1[i]); if i<=length(s2) then w:=w+byte(s2[i]); result[i]:=char(w and $ff); w:=w shr 8; end; result:=char(w)+result; w:=0; for i:=1 to length(result) do begin nw:=byte(odd(byte(result[i])+w)); result[i]:=char((byte(result[i])+w) div 2); w:=nw shl 8; end; if w<>0 then result:=result+char(w div 2); if result[1]<>#0 then begin writeln('Fehler bei der Mittenfindeung!'); halt; end; delete(result,1,1); end; function myFloatToStr(x: extended): string; begin result:=myFloatToStr(x,'E'); end; function myFloatToStr(x: extended; ex: string): string; var i,e: longint; begin e:=0; if x<0 then begin result:='-'; x:=-x; end else result:=''; if x=0 then begin result:='0'; exit; end; while x<1 do begin dec(e); x:=x*10; end; while x>=10 do begin inc(e); x:=x/10; end; result:=result+char(ord('0')+floor(x))+'.'; for i:=0 to 20 do begin x:=(x-floor(x))*10; result:=result+char(ord('0')+floor(x)); end; if e<>0 then result:=result+ex+inttostr(e); end; function myStrToFloat(s: string): extended; var i,e: longint; neg: boolean; begin if pos('E',s)>0 then begin e:=strtoint(rightStr(s,length(s)-pos('E',s))); delete(s,pos('E',s),length(s)); end else e:=0; if pos('.',s)=0 then begin result:=strtoint(s)*power(10,e); exit; end; neg:=leftStr(s,1)='-'; if neg then delete(s,1,1); if pos('.',s)=2 then begin result:=0; for i:=length(s) downto 3 do result:=result/10 + ord(s[i])-ord('0'); result:=result/10 + ord(s[1])-ord('0'); end else result:=strtofloat(s); result:=result*power(10,e); if neg then result:=-result; end; function max(g1,g2: tGenauigkeit): tGenauigkeit; begin if g1>g2 then result:=g1 else result:=g2; end; // allgemeine Funktionen ******************************************************* function floattostrtrunc(f: extended; dig: longint; laessig: boolean): string; begin result:=inttostr(round(f*power(10,dig))); result:=copy(result,1,length(result)-dig)+'.'+copy(result,length(result)-dig+1,dig); if laessig then while result[length(result)]='0' do delete(result,length(result),1); if result[length(result)]='.' then delete(result,length(result),1); end; function ZeitDarstellen(t: extended): string; var schreibe: boolean; begin result:='('; schreibe:=t>=1; if schreibe then begin result:=result+inttostr(floor(t))+' Tage '; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*24; schreibe:=schreibe or (t>=1); if schreibe then begin result:=inttostr(floor(t))+':'; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*60; schreibe:=schreibe or (t>=1); if schreibe then begin result:=inttostr(floor(t))+':'; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*60; result:=result+inttostr(round(t))+' s)'; end; function binOpPos(op: char; s: string): integer; begin result:=0; repeat result:=result+max(1,pos(op,copy(s,result+1,length(s)-result))); until ((result>1) and not (s[result-1] in ['+','-','*','/','(','E','e','^'])) or (result>length(s)) or (s[result]<>op); if (result>length(s)) or (s[result]<>op) then result:=0; end; function fktPos(fkt,s: string): integer; var tmp: longint; begin result:=pos(fkt,s); while (result<>0) and ((result+length(fkt)>length(s)) or not (s[result+length(fkt)] in [' ','('])) do begin tmp:=pos(fkt,copy(s,result+1,length(s))); if tmp=0 then result:=0 else result:=result + tmp; end; end; procedure gibAus(s: string; ausgaben: byte); begin if odd(ausgaben) then myDebugLnThreadLog(s); if odd(ausgaben div 2) then writeln(s); end; function strToGen(out gen: tGenauigkeit; s: string): boolean; begin result:=true; if (s='float') or (s='single') then begin gen:=gSingle; exit; end; if s='double' then begin gen:=gDouble; exit; end; if s='extended' then begin gen:=gExtended; exit; end; gibAus('Kenne Genauigkeitstyp '''+s+''' nicht!',3); result:=false; end; function mischeFarben(a,b: tRGB; x: extended): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbRed*(1-x)+b.rgbRed*x))); result.rgbGreen:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbGreen*(1-x)+b.rgbGreen*x))); result.rgbBlue:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbBlue*(1-x)+b.rgbBlue*x))); end; function orFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=a.rgbRed or b.rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=a.rgbGreen or b.rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=a.rgbBlue or b.rgbBlue; end; function andFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=a.rgbRed and b.rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=a.rgbGreen and b.rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=a.rgbBlue and b.rgbBlue; end; function wertZuFarbe(x: extended; p: tRGBArray): tRGB; var i: longint; begin x:=min(1,max(0,x))*(length(p)-1); i:=floor(x); if i>=(length(p)-1) then begin result.rgbRed:=p[length(p)-1].rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=p[length(p)-1].rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=p[length(p)-1].rgbBlue; exit; end; if i<0 then begin result.rgbRed:=p[0].rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=p[0].rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=p[0].rgbBlue; exit; end; x:=x-i; result:=mischeFarben(p[i],p[i+1],x); end; function tFPColor2tRgb(c: tFPColor): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=c.red; result.rgbGreen:=c.green; result.rgbBlue:=c.blue; end; function tRgb2tFPColor(c: tRGB): tFPColor; begin result.red:=c.rgbRed; result.green:=c.rgbGreen; result.blue:=c.rgbBlue; end; procedure myDebugLnThreadLog(s: string); var f: textfile; id: PtrUInt; begin id:=getThreadID; assignfile(f,'Log'+inttostr(id)); if fileexists('Log'+inttostr(id)) then append(f) else rewrite(f); writeln(f,inttostr(id)+': '+s); closefile(f); end; function belegterSpeicher: longint; var f: textFile; s: string; begin s:='/proc/'+inttostr(getProcessId)+'/smaps'; result:=0; if not fileexists(s) then exit; assignfile(f,s); reset(f); while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); if (leftStr(s,4)='Rss:') and (rightStr(s,3)=' kB') then begin delete(s,1,4); delete(s,length(s)-2,3); s:=trim(s); result:=result+strtoint(s); end; end; closefile(f); end; procedure cleanupLogs; var sr: tSearchRec; err: longint; begin err:=findfirst('Log*',$3f,sr); while err=0 do begin deletefile(sr.name); err:=findnext(sr); end; findclose(sr); end; procedure cleanupLog(tid: PtrUInt); var s: string; Zeit: extended; begin s:='Log'+inttostr(tid); Zeit:=now+1/24/60/60; while (not fileexists(s)) and (Zeit>now) do sleep(100); if fileexists(s) then deletefile(s) else begin gibAus('Datei '''+s+''' kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie nicht existiert!',3); raise exception.create('Datei '''+s+''' kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie nicht existiert!'); end; end; procedure raiseAndDumpExceptionCallStack(msg: string); var e: exception; begin e:=exception.create(msg); dumpExceptionCallStack(e); raise e; end; procedure dumpExceptionCallStack(E: Exception); var I: Integer; Frames: PPointer; Report: string; begin Report := 'Program exception! ' + LineEnding + 'Stacktrace:' + LineEnding + LineEnding; if E <> nil then begin Report := Report + 'Exception class: ' + E.ClassName + LineEnding + 'Message: ' + E.Message + LineEnding; end; Report := Report + BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr); Frames := ExceptFrames; for I := 0 to ExceptFrameCount - 1 do Report := Report + LineEnding + BackTraceStrFunc(Frames[I]); gibAus(Report,3); end; function startetMit(start: string; var s: string): boolean; begin result:=leftStr(s,length(start))=start; if result then s:=trim(rightStr(s,length(s)-length(start))); end; function endetMit(ende: string; var s: string): boolean; begin result:=rightStr(s,length(ende))=ende; if result then s:=trim(leftStr(s,length(s)-length(ende))); end; function trimAll(s: string): string; begin result:=s; while pos(' ',result)>0 do delete(result,pos(' ',result),1); end; function erstesArgument(var s: string): string; begin result:=erstesArgument(s,' '); end; function erstesArgument(var s: string; Trenner: string): string; begin result:=copy(s,1,pos(Trenner,s+Trenner)-1); delete(s,1,length(result)+length(Trenner)); s:=trim(s); result:=trim(result); end; function mydatetimetostr(t: tDateTime): string; begin result:=formatDateTime('YYYY.MM.DD_hh.mm.ss',t); end; function tExtPointToStr(p: tExtPoint): string; begin result:=floattostr(p['x'])+';'+floattostr(p['y']); end; function tIntPointToStr(p: tIntPoint): string; begin result:=inttostr(p['x'])+';'+inttostr(p['y']); end; procedure fehler(s: string); begin gibAus(s,1); raise exception.create(s); end; begin _cpuLastUsed:=0; _cpuLastIdle:=0; cpuUtilization; end.