unit lowlevelunit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses math, Classes, SysUtils, RegExpr, process, FPimage, Graphics; type generic tArray = array of t; tInt64Array = specialize tArray; tLongintArray = specialize tArray; pTLongintArray = ^tLongintArray; tSingleArray = specialize tArray; pTSingleArray = ^tSingleArray; tInt64Point = array['x'..'y'] of int64; tIntPoint = array['x'..'y'] of longint; tExtPoint = array['x'..'y'] of extended; t2x2Longint = array['x'..'y','x'..'y'] of longint; t2x2Extended = array['x'..'y','x'..'y'] of extended; t2x2Int64 = array['x'..'y','x'..'y'] of int64; tExtPointArray = specialize tArray; pTExtPointArray = ^tExtPointArray; tExtendedArray = specialize tArray; pTExtendedArray = ^tExtendedArray; tDoubleArray = specialize tArray; tInt32Array = specialize tArray; tByteArray = specialize tArray; tStringArray = specialize tArray; tIntPointArray = specialize tArray; tInt64PointArray = specialize tArray; tBooleanArray = specialize tArray; tRGB = record rgbBlue : byte; rgbGreen: byte; rgbRed : byte; end; tRGBArray = specialize tArray; tKodierung = (kUnbekannt,k32BitSignedInteger); tWarnstufe = (wsStreng,wsLasch); tGenauigkeit = (gSingle,gDouble,gExtended); tKantenFilterTyp = (kfTiefpass,kfHochpass); operator = (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): boolean; operator = (x1,x2: t2x2Int64): boolean; operator = (x1,x2: tInt64Point): boolean; operator = (x1,x2: tIntPoint): boolean; operator = (x1,x2: tExtPoint): boolean; operator + (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; operator + (x1,x2: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; operator + (x1,x2: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; operator + (x1,x2: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; operator - (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; operator - (x1,x2: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; operator - (x1,x2: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; operator - (x1,x2: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; operator * (a: extended; x: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; operator * (a: int64; x: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; operator * (a: extended; x: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; operator * (a: longint; x: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; operator * (a: extended; x: tIntPoint): tExtPoint; operator * (a: extended; x: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; function round(x: tExtPoint): tInt64Point; overload; function symmetrischModulo(x,m: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; overload; function symmetrischModulo(x: tExtPoint; m: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; overload; function modulo(x,m: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; function signSqr(x: extended): extended; inline; function myTimeToStr(t: extended): string; function cmpStr(s1,s2: string): longint; function mitte(s1,s2: string): string; function myFloatToStr(x: extended): string; overload; function myFloatToStr(x: extended; ex: string): string; overload; function myStrToFloat(s: string): extended; function myIntToStr(i,dg: longint): string; overload; function myIntToStr(i,dg: longint; fill: string): string; overload; function max(g1,g2: tGenauigkeit): tGenauigkeit; inline; overload; function wertGroesze(g: tGenauigkeit): longint; function floatToStrTrunc(f: extended; dig: longint; laessig: boolean): string; function binOpPos(op: char; s: string): integer; function fktPos(fkt,s: string): integer; procedure gibAus(s: string; ausgaben: byte); function strToGen(out gen: tGenauigkeit; s: string): boolean; function mischeFarben(a,b: tRGB; x: extended): tRGB; inline; function orFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; inline; function andFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; inline; function wertZuFarbe(x: extended; p: tRGBArray): tRGB; function tFPColor2tRgb(c: tFPColor): tRGB; inline; function tRgb2tFPColor(c: tRGB): tFPColor; inline; function tColor2tRgb(c: tColor): tRGB; inline; function tRgb2tColor(c: tRGB): tColor; inline; function rgb(r,g,b: byte): tRGB; inline; function strToTRGB(s: string; out rgb: tRGB): boolean; procedure myDebugLnThreadLog(s: string); procedure cleanupLogs; procedure cleanupLog(tid: ptrUInt); procedure raiseAndDumpExceptionCallStack(msg: string); procedure dumpExceptionCallStack(e: exception); function startetMit(start: string; var s: string; trimmen: boolean = true): boolean; function endetMit(ende: string; var s: string): boolean; function trimAll(s: string): string; function erstesArgument(var s: string; trenner: string = ' '; trimmen: boolean = true): string; inline; function umbrechen(s,trenner: string; klammernBeachten: boolean = false; zeilenanfang: string = ''): string; inline; function unEscape(s: string): string; function myDateTimeToStr(t: tDateTime): string; function t2x2ExtendedToStr(p: t2x2Extended): string; function t2x2LongintToStr(p: t2x2Longint): string; function tExtPointToStr(p: tExtPoint): string; function tIntPointToStr(p: tIntPoint): string; function tInt64PointToStr(p: tInt64Point): string; procedure fehler(s: string); function intPoint(x,y: longint): tIntPoint; function int64Point(x,y: int64): tInt64Point; function extPoint(x,y: extended): tExtPoint; overload; function extPoint(x: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; overload; function _2x2Longint(xx,xy,yx,yy: longint): t2x2Longint; function _2x2Extended(xx,xy,yx,yy: extended): t2x2Extended; function hexDump(p: pointer; cnt: longint): string; function base64ToBin(var s: string): boolean; function base64Decode(const s: string; out i: qword): boolean; overload; function base64Decode(const s: string; out i: longword): boolean; overload; function base64Encode(i: longword): string; overload; function base64Encode(i,siz: longword): string; overload; function mirrorBits(qw: qword): qword; overload; function mirrorBits(lw: longword): longword; overload; function mirrorBits(w: word): word; overload; function mirrorBits(b: byte): byte; overload; function zusammenFassen(s1,s2: string): string; function intervallAusrollen(s: string): string; function myUtf8Encode(s: string): string; function permutation(len: longint): tLongintArray; overload; function permutation(len,rest,maxBasis: longint; basen: tLongintArray): tLongintArray; overload; procedure llPermutation(len,offset: longint; var ar: tLongintArray); inline; procedure fuegeSortiertHinzu(x: extended; var xa: tExtendedArray); procedure readALine(var f: file; out s: string); procedure readAnAndorString(var f: file; out s: string; const len: int64; checkEOL: boolean); overload; procedure readAnAndorString(var f: file; out s: string; checkEOL: boolean); overload; procedure splitStrToInt(s: string; out ia: tLongintArray); function unterVerzeichnisRegex(dateien: array of const): string; var base64Chars: array[0..63] of char; base64CharsInvers: array[char] of byte; const __ausgabenMaske: byte = 0; implementation uses matheunit, systemunit; // überladene operatoren ******************************************************* operator = (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): boolean; var c,d: char; begin result:=true; for c:='x' to 'y' do for d:='x' to 'y' do result:=result and (x1[c,d]=x2[c,d]); end; operator = (x1,x2: t2x2Int64): boolean; var c,d: char; begin result:=true; for c:='x' to 'y' do for d:='x' to 'y' do result:=result and (x1[c,d]=x2[c,d]); end; operator = (x1,x2: tInt64Point): boolean; var c: char; begin result:=true; for c:='x' to 'y' do result:=result and (x1[c]=x2[c]); end; operator = (x1,x2: tIntPoint): boolean; var c: char; begin result:=true; for c:='x' to 'y' do result:=result and (x1[c]=x2[c]); end; operator = (x1,x2: tExtPoint): boolean; var c: char; begin result:=true; for c:='x' to 'y' do result:=result and (x1[c]=x2[c]); end; operator + (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; var c,d: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do for d:='x' to 'y' do result[c,d]:=x1[c,d]+x2[c,d]; end; operator + (x1,x2: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]+x2[c]; end; operator + (x1,x2: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]+x2[c]; end; operator + (x1,x2: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]+x2[c]; end; operator - (x1,x2: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; var c,d: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do for d:='x' to 'y' do result[c,d]:=x1[c,d]-x2[c,d]; end; operator - (x1,x2: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]-x2[c]; end; operator - (x1,x2: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]-x2[c]; end; operator - (x1,x2: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=x1[c]-x2[c]; end; operator * (a: extended; x: t2x2Extended): t2x2Extended; var c,d: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do for d:='x' to 'y' do result[c,d]:=a*x[c,d]; end; operator * (a: int64; x: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=a*x[c]; end; operator * (a: extended; x: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=a*x[c]; end; operator * (a: longint; x: tIntPoint): tIntPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=a*x[c]; end; operator * (a: extended; x: tIntPoint): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=a*x[c]; end; operator * (a: extended; x: tExtPoint): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=a*x[c]; end; // allgemeine Funktionen ******************************************************* function round(x: tExtPoint): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do result[c]:=round(x[c]); end; function symmetrischModulo(x,m: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do begin result[c]:=x[c]; while 2*result[c]<-m[c] do result[c]:=result[c]+m[c]; while 2*result[c]>=m[c] do result[c]:=result[c]-m[c]; end; end; function symmetrischModulo(x: tExtPoint; m: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do begin result[c]:=x[c]; while 2*result[c]<-m[c] do result[c]:=result[c]+m[c]; while 2*result[c]>=m[c] do result[c]:=result[c]-m[c]; end; end; function modulo(x,m: tInt64Point): tInt64Point; var c: char; begin for c:='x' to 'y' do begin result[c]:=x[c]; while result[c]<0 do result[c]:=result[c]+m[c]; while result[c]>=m[c] do result[c]:=result[c]-m[c]; end; end; function signSqr(x: extended): extended; begin result:=sign(x)*sqr(x); end; function myTimeToStr(t: extended): string; var tim: int64; begin tim:=floor(t*24*60*60); result:=intToStr(tim mod 10)+'s'; tim:=tim div 10; if tim=0 then exit; result:=intToStr(tim mod 6)+result; tim:=tim div 6; if tim=0 then exit; result:=intToStr(tim mod 10)+'min '+result; tim:=tim div 10; if tim=0 then exit; result:=intToStr(tim mod 6)+result; tim:=tim div 6; if tim=0 then exit; result:=intToStr(tim mod 24)+'h '+result; tim:=tim div 24; if tim=0 then exit; result:=' '+result; if (tim mod 7)<>1 then result:='e'+result; result:=intToStr(tim mod 7)+'Tag'+result; tim:=tim div 7; if tim=0 then exit; result:=' '+result; if tim<>1 then result:='n'+result; result:=intToStr(tim)+'Woche'+result; end; function cmpStr(s1,s2: string): longint; var i: longint; begin for i:=1 to min(length(s1),length(s2)) do if s1[i]<>s2[i] then begin result:=2*byte(s1[i]>s2[i])-1; exit; end; if length(s1)<>length(s2) then begin result:=2*byte(length(s1)>length(s2))-1; exit; end; result:=0; end; function mitte(s1,s2: string): string; var i: longint; w,nw: word; begin setLength(result,max(length(s1),length(s2))); w:=0; for i:=length(result) downto 1 do begin // result:= "s1+s2"; if i<=length(s1) then w:=w+byte(s1[i]); if i<=length(s2) then w:=w+byte(s2[i]); result[i]:=char(w and $ff); w:=w shr 8; end; result:=char(w)+result; w:=0; for i:=1 to length(result) do begin nw:=byte(odd(byte(result[i])+w)); result[i]:=char((byte(result[i])+w) div 2); w:=nw shl 8; end; if w<>0 then result:=result+char(w div 2); if result[1]<>#0 then begin writeln('Fehler bei der Mittenfindeung!'); halt; end; delete(result,1,1); end; function myFloatToStr(x: extended): string; begin result:=myFloatToStr(x,'e'); end; function myFloatToStr(x: extended; ex: string): string; var i,e: longint; begin e:=0; if x<0 then begin result:='-'; x:=-x; end else result:=''; if x=0 then begin result:='0'; exit; end; while x<1 do begin dec(e); x:=x*10; end; while x>=10 do begin inc(e); x:=x/10; end; result:=result+char(ord('0')+floor(x))+'.'; for i:=0 to 20 do begin x:=(x-floor(x))*10; result:=result+char(ord('0')+floor(x)); end; if e<>0 then result:=result+ex+intToStr(e); end; function myStrToFloat(s: string): extended; var i,e: longint; neg: boolean; begin if pos('e',s)>0 then begin e:=strToInt(rightStr(s,length(s)-pos('e',s))); delete(s,pos('e',s),length(s)); end else e:=0; if pos('.',s)=0 then begin result:=strToInt(s)*power(10,e); exit; end; neg:=leftStr(s,1)='-'; if neg then delete(s,1,1); if pos('.',s)=2 then begin result:=0; for i:=length(s) downto 3 do result:=result/10 + ord(s[i])-ord('0'); result:=result/10 + ord(s[1])-ord('0'); end else result:=strToFloat(s); result:=result*power(10,e); if neg then result:=-result; end; function myIntToStr(i,dg: longint): string; begin result:=myIntToStr(i,dg,' '); end; function myIntToStr(i,dg: longint; fill: string): string; begin result:=intToStr(i); while length(result)g2 then result:=g1 else result:=g2; end; function wertGroesze(g: tGenauigkeit): longint; begin case g of gSingle: result:=sizeOf(single); gDouble: result:=sizeOf(double); gExtended: result:=sizeOf(extended); else fehler('Unbekannter Genauigkeitstyp!'); end; end; // allgemeine Funktionen ******************************************************* function floatToStrTrunc(f: extended; dig: longint; laessig: boolean): string; begin result:=intToStr(round(f*power(10,dig))); result:=copy(result,1,length(result)-dig)+'.'+copy(result,length(result)-dig+1,dig); if laessig then while result[length(result)]='0' do delete(result,length(result),1); if result[length(result)]='.' then delete(result,length(result),1); end; function zeitDarstellen(t: extended): string; var schreibe: boolean; begin result:='('; schreibe:=t>=1; if schreibe then begin result:=result+intToStr(floor(t))+' Tage '; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*24; schreibe:=schreibe or (t>=1); if schreibe then begin result:=intToStr(floor(t))+':'; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*60; schreibe:=schreibe or (t>=1); if schreibe then begin result:=intToStr(floor(t))+':'; t:=t-floor(t); end; t:=t*60; result:=result+intToStr(round(t))+' s)'; end; function binOpPos(op: char; s: string): integer; begin result:=0; repeat result:=result+max(1,pos(op,copy(s,result+1,length(s)-result))); until ((result>1) and not (s[result-1] in ['+','-','*','/','(','e','E','^'])) or (result>length(s)) or (s[result]<>op); if (result>length(s)) or (s[result]<>op) then result:=0; end; function fktPos(fkt,s: string): integer; var tmp: longint; begin result:=pos(fkt,s); while (result<>0) and ((result+length(fkt)>length(s)) or not (s[result+length(fkt)] in [' ','('])) do begin tmp:=pos(fkt,copy(s,result+1,length(s))); if tmp=0 then result:=0 else result:=result + tmp; end; end; procedure gibAus(s: string; ausgaben: byte); begin if odd(ausgaben) and not odd(__ausgabenMaske) then myDebugLnThreadLog(s); if odd(ausgaben div 2) and not odd(__ausgabenMaske div 2) then writeln(s); end; function strToGen(out gen: tGenauigkeit; s: string): boolean; begin result:=true; if (s='float') or (s='single') then begin gen:=gSingle; exit; end; if s='double' then begin gen:=gDouble; exit; end; if s='extended' then begin gen:=gExtended; exit; end; gibAus('Kenne Genauigkeitstyp '''+s+''' nicht!',3); result:=false; end; function mischeFarben(a,b: tRGB; x: extended): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbRed*(1-x)+b.rgbRed*x))); result.rgbGreen:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbGreen*(1-x)+b.rgbGreen*x))); result.rgbBlue:=min(255,max(0,round(a.rgbBlue*(1-x)+b.rgbBlue*x))); end; function orFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=a.rgbRed or b.rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=a.rgbGreen or b.rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=a.rgbBlue or b.rgbBlue; end; function andFarben(a,b: tRGB): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=a.rgbRed and b.rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=a.rgbGreen and b.rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=a.rgbBlue and b.rgbBlue; end; function wertZuFarbe(x: extended; p: tRGBArray): tRGB; var i: longint; begin x:=min(1,max(0,x))*(length(p)-1); i:=floor(x); if i>=(length(p)-1) then begin result.rgbRed:=p[length(p)-1].rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=p[length(p)-1].rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=p[length(p)-1].rgbBlue; exit; end; if i<0 then begin result.rgbRed:=p[0].rgbRed; result.rgbGreen:=p[0].rgbGreen; result.rgbBlue:=p[0].rgbBlue; exit; end; x:=x-i; result:=mischeFarben(p[i],p[i+1],x); end; function tFPColor2tRgb(c: tFPColor): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=c.red; result.rgbGreen:=c.green; result.rgbBlue:=c.blue; end; function tRgb2tFPColor(c: tRGB): tFPColor; begin result.red:=c.rgbRed; result.green:=c.rgbGreen; result.blue:=c.rgbBlue; end; function tColor2tRgb(c: tColor): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=c and $ff; result.rgbGreen:=(c shr 8) and $ff; result.rgbBlue:=(c shr 16) and $ff; end; function tRgb2tColor(c: tRGB): tColor; begin result:=c.rgbRed or (c.rgbGreen shl 8) or (c.rgbBlue shl 16); end; function rgb(r,g,b: byte): tRGB; begin result.rgbRed:=r; result.rgbGreen:=g; result.rgbBlue:=b; end; function strToTRGB(s: string; out rgb: tRGB): boolean; var i: longint; begin result:=false; if length(s)=6 then begin result:=true; for i:=1 to 6 do result:=result and (s[i] in ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F']); if result then begin i:=strToInt('$'+s); rgb.rgbRed:= (i and $ff0000) shr 16; rgb.rgbGreen:=(i and $00ff00) shr 8; rgb.rgbBlue:= i and $0000ff; exit; end; end; end; procedure myDebugLnThreadLog(s: string); var f: textFile; id: ptrUInt; begin id:=getThreadID; assignFile(f,'Log'+intToStr(id)); try if fileExists('Log'+intToStr(id)) then append(f) else rewrite(f); except exit; end; writeln(f,intToStr(id)+': '+s); closeFile(f); end; procedure cleanupLogs; var sR: tSearchRec; err: longint; begin err:=findFirst('Log*',$3f,sR); while err=0 do begin deleteFile(sR.name); err:=findnext(sR); end; findclose(sR); end; procedure cleanupLog(tid: ptrUInt); var s: string; zeit: extended; begin s:='Log'+intToStr(tid); zeit:=now+1/24/60/60; while (not fileExists(s)) and (zeit>now) do sleep(100); if fileExists(s) then deleteFile(s) else fehler('Datei '''+s+''' kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie nicht existiert!'); end; procedure raiseAndDumpExceptionCallStack(msg: string); var e: exception; begin e:=exception.create(msg); dumpExceptionCallStack(e); raise e; end; procedure dumpExceptionCallStack(e: exception); var i: integer; frames: pPointer; report: string; begin report := 'Program exception! ' + lineEnding + 'Stacktrace:' + lineEnding + lineEnding; if e <> nil then begin report := report + 'Exception class: ' + e.className + lineEnding + 'Message: ' + e.message + lineEnding; end; report := report + backTraceStrFunc(exceptAddr); frames := exceptFrames; for i := 0 to exceptFrameCount - 1 do report := report + lineEnding + backTraceStrFunc(frames[i]); gibAus(report,3); end; function startetMit(start: string; var s: string; trimmen: boolean = true): boolean; begin result:=leftStr(s,length(start))=start; if result then begin s:=rightStr(s,length(s)-length(start)); if trimmen then s:=trim(s); end; end; function endetMit(ende: string; var s: string): boolean; begin result:=rightStr(s,length(ende))=ende; if result then s:=trim(leftStr(s,length(s)-length(ende))); end; function trimAll(s: string): string; begin result:=s; while pos(' ',result)>0 do delete(result,pos(' ',result),1); end; function erstesArgument(var s: string; trenner: string; trimmen: boolean): string; begin result:=copy(s,1,pos(trenner,s+trenner)-1); delete(s,1,length(result)+length(trenner)); if not trimmen then exit; s:=trim(s); result:=trim(result); end; function umbrechen(s,trenner: string; klammernBeachten: boolean = false; zeilenanfang: string = ''): string; inline; var i,kl: longint; begin result:=''; i:=1; kl:=0; while i<=length(s) do begin if klammernBeachten and (s[i] in ['(','[','{']) then inc(kl); if klammernBeachten and (s[i] in [')',']','}']) then dec(kl); if (kl=0) and (copy(s,i,length(trenner))=trenner) then begin result:=result+#13+zeilenanfang+copy(s,1,i-1); delete(s,1,i-1+length(trenner)); i:=0; end; inc(i); end; result:=result+#13+zeilenanfang+s; delete(result,1,1+length(zeilenanfang)); end; function unEscape(s: string): string; var i: longint; ec,qt: boolean; begin result:=''; ec:=false; qt:=false; for i:=1 to length(s) do if ec then begin result:=result+s[i]; ec:=false; end else case s[i] of '"','''': qt:=not qt; '\': ec:=true; else result:=result+s[i]; end{of case}; if qt then fehler('Anführungszeichen sind nicht ausgeglichen in '''+s+'''!'); if ec then fehler(''''+s+''' endet auf einen aktiven Deaktivierer!'); end; function myDateTimeToStr(t: tDateTime): string; begin result:=formatDateTime('YYYY.MM.DD_hh.mm.ss',t); end; function t2x2ExtendedToStr(p: t2x2Extended): string; begin result:= floattostr(p['x','x'])+' .. '+floattostr(p['x','y'])+' x '+ floattostr(p['y','x'])+' .. '+floattostr(p['y','y']); end; function t2x2LongintToStr(p: t2x2Longint): string; begin result:= intToStr(p['x','x'])+' .. '+intToStr(p['x','y'])+' x '+ intToStr(p['y','x'])+' .. '+intToStr(p['y','y']); end; function tExtPointToStr(p: tExtPoint): string; begin result:=floattostr(p['x'])+';'+floattostr(p['y']); end; function tIntPointToStr(p: tIntPoint): string; begin result:=intToStr(p['x'])+';'+intToStr(p['y']); end; function tInt64PointToStr(p: tInt64Point): string; begin result:=intToStr(p['x'])+';'+intToStr(p['y']); end; procedure fehler(s: string); begin gibAus(s,1); raise exception.create(s); end; function intPoint(x,y: longint): tIntPoint; begin result['x']:=x; result['y']:=y; end; function int64Point(x,y: int64): tInt64Point; begin result['x']:=x; result['y']:=y; end; function extPoint(x,y: extended): tExtPoint; begin result['x']:=x; result['y']:=y; end; function extPoint(x: tInt64Point): tExtPoint; begin result['x']:=x['x']; result['y']:=x['y']; end; function _2x2Longint(xx,xy,yx,yy: longint): t2x2Longint; begin result['x','x']:=xx; result['x','y']:=xy; result['y','x']:=yx; result['y','y']:=yy; end; function _2x2Extended(xx,xy,yx,yy: extended): t2x2Extended; begin result['x','x']:=xx; result['x','y']:=xy; result['y','x']:=yx; result['y','y']:=yy; end; function hexDump(p: pointer; cnt: longint): string; var i: longint; begin result:=''; for i:=cnt-1 downto 0 do result:=result+intToHex((pByte(p)+i)^,2); end; function base64ToBin(var s: string): boolean; var i,j: longint; t: string; b: byte; begin t:=''; result:=false; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin b:=base64CharsInvers[s[i]]; if b=255 then exit; for j:=5 downto 0 do t:=t+char(ord('0')+byte(odd(b shr j))); end; s:=t; result:=true; end; function base64Decode(const s: string; out i: qword): boolean; var j: longint; b: byte; begin i:=0; result:=false; for j:=1 to length(s) do begin b:=base64CharsInvers[s[j]]; if b=255 then exit; i:=(i shl 6) or b; end; result:=true; end; function base64Decode(const s: string; out i: longword): boolean; var j: qword; begin result:=base64Decode(s,j); if result then i:=j else i:=0; end; function base64Encode(i: longword): string; begin result:=base64Encode(i,(8*sizeOf(i)+7) div 6); end; function base64Encode(i,siz: longword): string; var j: longint; begin result:=''; for j:=0 to siz-1 do begin result:=base64Chars[i and $3f]+result; i:=i shr 6; end; end; function mirrorBits(qw: qword): qword; begin result:= (mirrorBits(longword(qw and $ffffffff)) shl 32) or mirrorBits(longword(qw shr 32)); end; function mirrorBits(lw: longword): longword; begin result:= (mirrorBits(word(lw and $ffff)) shl 16) or mirrorBits(word(lw shr 16)); end; function mirrorBits(w: word): word; begin result:= (mirrorBits(byte(w and $ff)) shl 8) or mirrorBits(byte(w shr 8)); end; function mirrorBits(b: byte): byte; begin result:= byte(odd(b shr 7)) or (byte(odd(b shr 6)) shl 1) or (byte(odd(b shr 5)) shl 2) or (byte(odd(b shr 4)) shl 3) or (byte(odd(b shr 3)) shl 4) or (byte(odd(b shr 2)) shl 5) or (byte(odd(b shr 1)) shl 6) or (byte(odd(b)) shl 7); end; function zusammenFassen(s1,s2: string): string; var i: longint; begin if istGanzZahl(s1) and istGanzZahl(s2) then begin i:=strToInt(s1)+strToInt(s2); result:=intToStr(i); if (startetMit('+',s1) or startetMit('+',s2)) and (i>=0) then result:='+'+result; end else if s1=s2 then result:=s1 else fehler('Ich kann '''+s1+''' und '''+s2+''' nicht zusammenfassen!'); end; function intervallAusrollen(s: string): string; var i: longint; begin i:=strToInt(erstesArgument(s,'..')); result:=''; while i<=strToInt(s) do begin result:=result+' '+myIntToStr(i,length(s),'0'); inc(i); end; result:=trim(result); end; function myUtf8Encode(s: string): string; const falsch: string = #$c4#$d6#$dc#$df#$e4#$f6#$fc; richtig: array[1..7] of string = ('Ä','Ö','Ü','ß','ä','ö','ü'); var i: longint; begin result:=s; for i:=1 to length(richtig) do while pos(falsch[i],result)>0 do result:=leftStr(result,pos(falsch[i],result)-1)+richtig[i]+rightStr(result,length(result)-pos(falsch[i],result)); end; function permutation(len: longint): tLongintArray; var basen: tLongintArray; rest,i,ilen,best,off: longint; const maxBasis = 8; begin rest:=len; ilen:=len; setLength(basen,0); repeat for i:=maxBasis downto 2 do while ((rest mod i) = 0) and (rest>maxBasis) do begin setLength(basen,length(basen)+1); basen[length(basen)-1]:=i; rest:=rest div i; end; if rest>maxBasis then begin best:=maxBasis; for i:=maxBasis-1 downto 2 do if i*((rest+i-1) div i)-rest < best*((rest+best-1) div best)-rest then best:=i; off:=best*((rest+best-1) div best)-rest; // Bedeutung von off: rest -> rest + off ilen:=(ilen div rest)*(rest+off); rest:=rest+off; end; until rest<=maxBasis; // len = rest * \prod_i basis[i] result:=permutation(ilen,rest,maxBasis,basen); if ilen>len then begin off:=0; i:=0; while i+off=len then inc(off) else begin result[i]:=result[i+off]; inc(i); end; setLength(result,len); end; end; function permutation(len,rest,maxBasis: longint; basen: tLongintArray): tLongintArray; var i,block,position,element: longint; mergePerm: tLongintArray; werte: array[boolean] of tLongintArray; aWerte: boolean; begin for aWerte:=false to true do setLength(werte[aWerte],len); aWerte:=false; for block:=0 to (len div rest)-1 do // Initialisierung der $\prod_i basis[i]$ Blöcke zu je $rest$ permutierten Zahlen llPermutation(rest,block*rest,werte[aWerte]); setLength(mergePerm,maxBasis); for i:=0 to length(basen)-1 do begin for block:=0 to (len div (rest*basen[i]))-1 do begin for position:=0 to rest-1 do begin llPermutation(basen[i],0,mergePerm); for element:=0 to basen[i]-1 do werte[not aWerte,block*rest*basen[i] + position*basen[i] + mergePerm[element]]:= werte[aWerte,block*rest*basen[i] + element*rest + position] + element*rest; end; end; aWerte:=not aWerte; rest:=rest*basen[i]; end; setLength(mergePerm,0); setLength(result,length(werte[aWerte])); if length(result)>0 then move(werte[aWerte][0],result[0],length(result)*sizeOf(result[0])); for aWerte:=false to true do setLength(werte[aWerte],0); end; procedure llPermutation(len,offset: longint; var ar: tLongintArray); var wert,i,j: longint; begin for i:=0 to len-1 do ar[i+offset]:=-1; for i:=0 to len-1 do begin wert:=random(len-i); j:=0; while j<=wert do begin wert:=wert + byte(ar[j+offset]>=0); inc(j); end; ar[wert+offset]:=i; end; for i:=0 to len-1 do if ar[i+offset]=-1 then fehler('permutation: '+intToStr(i)+' wurde nicht verteilt!'); end; procedure fuegeSortiertHinzu(x: extended; var xa: tExtendedArray); var mi,ma,i: longint; begin mi:=0; ma:=length(xa)-1; while mi<=ma do begin i:=(mi+ma) div 2; if xxa[i] then mi:=i+1 else exit; end; if mi<>ma+1 then fehler('Bisektion fehlgeschlagen! ('+intToStr(mi)+' = mi <> ma+1 = '+intToStr(ma+1)+')'); setLength(xa,length(xa)+1); for i:=length(xa)-1 downto mi+1 do xa[i]:=xa[i-1]; xa[mi]:=x; end; procedure readALine(var f: file; out s: string); var fPos,fSize,rLen: int64; begin fPos:=filePos(f); fSize:=fileSize(f); rLen:=0; s:=''; while (pos(#10,s)=0) and (rLen+fPos0 then begin rLen:=pos(#10,s); setLength(s,rLen-1); end; seek(f,fPos+rLen); end; procedure readAnAndorString(var f: file; out s: string; const len: int64; checkEOL: boolean); begin setLength(s,len+2*byte(checkEOL)); if length(s)>0 then blockRead(f,s[1],length(s)); if checkEOL then begin if rightStr(s,2)<>' '#10 then raise exception.create('readAnAndorString: EOL check failed: '''+s+'''!'); setLength(s,length(s)-2); end; end; procedure readAnAndorString(var f: file; out s: string; checkEOL: boolean); begin readALine(f,s); readAnAndorString(f,s,strToInt64(s),checkEOL); end; procedure splitStrToInt(s: string; out ia: tLongintArray); begin setLength(ia,0); while s<>'' do begin setLength(ia,length(ia)+1); ia[length(ia)-1]:=strToInt(erstesArgument(s,' ',false)); end; end; function unterVerzeichnisRegex(dateien: array of const): string; var i: longint; s: string; begin result:=''; for i:=0 to length(dateien)-1 do begin case dateien[i].vType of vtChar: s:=dateien[i].vChar; vtWideChar: s:=string(dateien[i].vWideChar); vtString: s:=string(dateien[i].vString); vtPChar: s:=dateien[i].vPChar; vtPWideChar: s:=dateien[i].vPWideChar; vtAnsiString: s:=string(dateien[i].vAnsiString); vtWideString: s:=string(dateien[i].vWideString); else fehler('unterVerzeichnisRegex Argument Nummer '+intToStr(i)+' ist kein String!'); end{of case}; s:=extractFilePath(s); while rightStr(s,1)='/' do delete(s,length(s),1); result:=result+'|'+s; end; delete(result,1,1); result:='('+result+')(/|$)'; end; var b: byte; begin for b:=0 to 25 do begin base64Chars[b]:= char(b+ord('A')); base64Chars[b+26]:=char(b+ord('a')); end; for b:=0 to 9 do base64Chars[52+b]:=char(b+ord('0')); base64Chars[62]:='+'; base64Chars[63]:='/'; for b:=0 to 255 do base64CharsInvers[char(b)]:=255; for b:=0 to 63 do base64CharsInvers[base64Chars[b]]:=b; end.