diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2015-07-24 11:43:02 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2015-07-24 11:43:02 +0200
commita299d2f8989399f586ee0639b2918acb342af111 (patch)
parent8f079ff5e57abf644ba6e7dec38988b84d858f97 (diff)
exprtofloat aus ../epost/*.pas uebernommen
2 files changed, 174 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lowlevelunit.pas b/lowlevelunit.pas
index 8fc6fa0..4e8652d 100644
--- a/lowlevelunit.pas
+++ b/lowlevelunit.pas
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ type
tKodierung = (kUnbekannt,k32BitSignedInteger);
tWarnstufe = (wsStreng,wsLasch);
tGenauigkeit = (gSingle,gExtended);
+ tKnownValue = record
+ name: string;
+ value: extended;
+ end;
+ tKnownValueArray = array of tKnownValue;
function signSqr(x: extended): extended; inline;
function mpfToStr(f: mpf_t): string;
diff --git a/matheunit.pas b/matheunit.pas
index 3049ca5..6df1e83 100644
--- a/matheunit.pas
+++ b/matheunit.pas
@@ -5,17 +5,11 @@ unit matheunit;
- Classes, SysUtils, Gmp, Math;
+ Classes, SysUtils, Gmp, Math, lowlevelunit;
- tExtPoint = record
- x,y: extended;
- end;
- tExtPointArray = array of tExtPoint;
- pTExtPointArray = ^tExtPointArray;
- tLongintArray = array of longint;
- pTLongintArray = ^tLongintArray;
- tExtendedArray = array of extended;
+ tCallBackGetValue = function(name: string): extended of object;
+ tExprToFloat = function(syntaxtest: boolean; name: string): extended of object;
function plus(a,b: tExtPoint): tExtPoint;
function durch(a: tExtPoint; b: extended): tExtPoint;
@@ -32,19 +26,25 @@ procedure copyArray(i: tExtPointArray; out o: tExtPointArray); overload;
procedure copyArray(i: tLongintArray; out o: tLongintArray); overload;
procedure copyArray(i: tExtendedArray; out o: tExtendedArray); overload;
function nullfunktion(x: extended): extended;
+function exprtofloat(st: boolean; s: string; cbgv: tCallBackGetValue): extended; overload;
+function exprtofloat(st: boolean; s: string; kvs: tKnownValueArray; cbgv: tCallBackGetValue): extended; overload;
function plus(a,b: tExtPoint): tExtPoint;
+ c: char;
- result.x:=a.x+b.x;
- result.y:=a.y+b.y;
+ for c:='x' to 'y' do
+ result[c]:=a[c]+b[c];
function durch(a: tExtPoint; b: extended): tExtPoint;
+ c: char;
- result.x:=a.x/b;
- result.y:=a.y/b;
+ for c:='x' to 'y' do
+ result[c]:=a[c]/b;
function myFrac(x: extended): extended;
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@ end;
procedure copyArray(i: tExtPointArray; out o: tExtPointArray);
j: longint;
+ c: char;
- for j:=0 to length(o)-1 do begin
- o[j].x:=i[j].x;
- o[j].y:=i[j].y;
- end;
+ for j:=0 to length(o)-1 do
+ for c:='x' to 'y' do
+ o[j,c]:=i[j,c];
procedure copyArray(i: tLongintArray; out o: tLongintArray);
@@ -256,5 +256,157 @@ begin
+function exprtofloat(st: boolean; s: string; cbgv: tCallBackGetValue): extended;
+ kvs: tKnownValueArray;
+ setlength(kvs,0);
+ result:=exprtofloat(st,s,kvs,cbgv);
+function exprtofloat(st: boolean; s: string; kvs: tKnownValueArray; cbgv: tCallBackGetValue): extended;
+var i,j,k,l,m: longint;
+ inv,neg,cbv: boolean;
+ val1,val2: extended;
+ fkt1: array[0..5] of string = ('exp','sin','cos','tan','sqr','sqrt');
+ fkt2: array[0..1] of string = ('min','max');
+ s:=trimAll(s);
+ for i:=0 to length(fkt1)-1 do
+ while fktpos(fkt1[i],s)>0 do begin
+ j:=fktpos(fkt1[i],s)+length(fkt1[i]);
+ while (j<=length(s)) and (s[j]<>'(') do
+ inc(j);
+ m:=j+1; // erstes Zeichen innerhalb der Klammern
+ k:=1;
+ while (j<length(s)) and (k>0) do begin
+ inc(j);
+ case s[j] of
+ '(': inc(k);
+ ')': dec(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ k:=fktpos(fkt1[i],s); // erstes Zeichen des Funktionsnamens
+ val1:=exprtofloat(st,copy(s,m,j-m),cbgv);
+ case i of
+ 0: val1:=exp(val1);
+ 1: val1:=sin(val1);
+ 2: val1:=cos(val1);
+ 3: val1:=tan(val1);
+ 4: val1:=sqr(val1);
+ 5: val1:=sqrt(val1);
+ end{of case};
+ s:=copy(s,1,k-1) + floattostr(val1) + copy(s,j+1,length(s));
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to length(fkt2)-1 do
+ while fktpos(fkt2[i],s)>0 do begin
+ j:=fktpos(fkt2[i],s)+length(fkt2[i]);
+ while (j<=length(s)) and (s[j]<>'(') do
+ inc(j);
+ m:=j+1; // erstes Zeichen innerhalb der Klammern
+ k:=1;
+ l:=-1;
+ while (j<length(s)) and (k>0) do begin
+ if (k=1) and (s[j] in [',',';']) then
+ l:=j; // das Komma/Semikolon
+ inc(j);
+ case s[j] of
+ '(': inc(k);
+ ')': dec(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ k:=fktpos(fkt1[i],s); // erstes Zeichen des Funktionsnamens
+ val1:=exprtofloat(st,copy(s,m,l-m),cbgv);
+ val2:=exprtofloat(st,copy(s,l+1,j-l-1),cbgv);
+ case i of
+ 0: val1:=min(val1,val2);
+ 1: val1:=max(val1,val2);
+ end{of case};
+ s:=copy(s,1,k-1) + floattostr(val1) + copy(s,j+1,length(s));
+ end;
+ while pos('(',s)>0 do begin
+ i:=pos('(',s);
+ j:=1;
+ while j>0 do begin
+ inc(i);
+ case s[i] of
+ '(': inc(j);
+ ')': dec(j);
+ end;
+ end;
+ s:=copy(s,1,pos('(',s)-1)+
+ floattostr(exprtofloat(st,copy(s,pos('(',s)+1,i-pos('(',s)-1),cbgv))+
+ copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i);
+ end;
+ if (binOpPos('+',s)>0) or (binOpPos('-',s)>0) then begin
+ result:=0;
+ inv:=false;
+ repeat
+ i:=min(binOpPos('+',s),binOpPos('-',s));
+ if i=0 then i:=max(binOpPos('+',s),binOpPos('-',s));
+ if i=0 then i:=length(s)+1;
+ if inv then result:=result-exprtofloat(st,copy(s,1,i-1),cbgv)
+ else result:=result+exprtofloat(st,copy(s,1,i-1),cbgv);
+ inv:=s[i-byte(i>length(s))]='-';
+ delete(s,1,i);
+ until s='';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (binOpPos('*',s)>0) or (binOpPos('/',s)>0) then begin
+ result:=1;
+ inv:=false;
+ repeat
+ i:=min(binOpPos('*',s),binOpPos('/',s));
+ if i=0 then i:=max(binOpPos('*',s),binOpPos('/',s));
+ if i=0 then i:=length(s)+1;
+ if inv then result:=result/exprtofloat(st,copy(s,1,i-1),cbgv)
+ else result:=result*exprtofloat(st,copy(s,1,i-1),cbgv);
+ inv:=s[i-byte(i>length(s))]='/';
+ delete(s,1,i);
+ until s='';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if binOpPos('^',s)>0 then begin
+ i:=binOpPos('^',s);
+ result:=power(exprtofloat(st,copy(s,1,i-1),cbgv),
+ exprtofloat(st,copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i),cbgv));
+ exit
+ end;
+ neg:=startetMit('-',s);
+ cbv:=false;
+ for i:=1 to length(s) do
+ cbv:=cbv or not (s[i] in ['0'..'9','.',',','e','E']);
+ if not cbv then result:=strtofloat(s)
+ else begin
+ result:=nan;
+ for i:=0 to length(kvs)-1 do
+ if kvs[i].name=s then begin
+ result:=kvs[i].value;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if isNan(result) then begin
+ if st then result:=1
+ else if assigned(cbgv) then result:=cbgv(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+(* if s='np' then
+ else if s='maxw' then result:=params.maxW
+ else if s='minw' then result:=params.minW
+ else if s='beta' then result:=params.beta
+ else if s='xstart' then result:=params.xstart
+ else if s='xstop' then result:=params.xstop
+ else if s='tstart' then result:=params.tstart
+ else if s='tstop' then result:=params.tstop
+ else if st then result:=1
+ else if assigned(cbgv) then result:=cbgv(s)
+ else result:=nan; *)
+ result:=result*(2*byte(not neg)-1);