#include "stdafx.h" #define VARDEF #include "ttd.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "gui.h" #include "station.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "window.h" #include "player.h" #include "command.h" #include "town.h" #include "industry.h" #include "news.h" #include "engine.h" #include "sound.h" #include "economy.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "hal.h" #include "airport.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "ai.h" #include "console.h" #include void GameLoop(); void IncreaseSpriteLRU(); void InitializeGame(); void GenerateWorld(int mode); void CallLandscapeTick(); void IncreaseDate(); void RunOtherPlayersLoop(); void DoPaletteAnimations(); void MusicLoop(); void ResetMusic(); void InitializeStations(); void DeleteAllPlayerStations(); extern void SetDifficultyLevel(int mode, GameOptions *gm_opt); extern void DoStartupNewPlayer(bool is_ai); extern void UpdateAllSignVirtCoords(); extern void ShowOSErrorBox(const char *buf); void redsq_debug(int tile); bool LoadSavegame(const char *filename); extern void HalGameLoop(); uint32 _pixels_redrawn; bool _dbg_screen_rect; bool disable_computer; void CDECL error(const char *s, ...) { va_list va; char buf[512]; va_start(va, s); vsprintf(buf, s, va); va_end(va); ShowOSErrorBox(buf); if (_video_driver) _video_driver->stop(); assert(0); exit(1); } void CDECL debug(const char *s, ...) { va_list va; char buf[1024]; va_start(va, s); vsprintf(buf, s, va); va_end(va); fprintf(stderr, "dbg: %s\n", buf); IConsoleDebug((byte *) &buf); } void CDECL ShowInfoF(const char *str, ...) { va_list va; char buf[1024]; va_start(va, str); vsprintf(buf, str, va); va_end(va); ShowInfo(buf); } char * CDECL str_fmt(const char *str, ...) { char buf[4096]; va_list va; int len; char *p; va_start(va, str); len = vsprintf(buf, str, va); va_end(va); p = malloc(len + 1); if (p) memcpy(p, buf, len + 1); return p; } // NULL midi driver static char *NullMidiStart(char **parm) { return NULL; } static void NullMidiStop() {} static void NullMidiPlaySong(const char *filename) {} static void NullMidiStopSong() {} static bool NullMidiIsSongPlaying() { return true; } static void NullMidiSetVolume(byte vol) {} const HalMusicDriver _null_music_driver = { NullMidiStart, NullMidiStop, NullMidiPlaySong, NullMidiStopSong, NullMidiIsSongPlaying, NullMidiSetVolume, }; // NULL video driver static void *_null_video_mem; static const char *NullVideoStart(char **parm) { _screen.width = _screen.pitch = _cur_resolution[0]; _screen.height = _cur_resolution[1]; _null_video_mem = malloc(_cur_resolution[0]*_cur_resolution[1]); return NULL; } static void NullVideoStop() { free(_null_video_mem); } static void NullVideoMakeDirty(int left, int top, int width, int height) {} static int NullVideoMainLoop() { int i = 1000; do { GameLoop(); _screen.dst_ptr = _null_video_mem; UpdateWindows(); } while (--i); return ML_QUIT; } static bool NullVideoChangeRes(int w, int h) { return false; } const HalVideoDriver _null_video_driver = { NullVideoStart, NullVideoStop, NullVideoMakeDirty, NullVideoMainLoop, NullVideoChangeRes, }; // NULL sound driver static char *NullSoundStart(char **parm) { return NULL; } static void NullSoundStop() {} const HalSoundDriver _null_sound_driver = { NullSoundStart, NullSoundStop, }; enum { DF_PRIORITY_MASK = 0xf, }; typedef struct { const DriverDesc *descs; const char *name; void *var; } DriverClass; static DriverClass _driver_classes[] = { {_video_driver_descs, "video", &_video_driver}, {_sound_driver_descs, "sound", &_sound_driver}, {_music_driver_descs, "music", &_music_driver}, }; static const DriverDesc *GetDriverByName(const DriverDesc *dd, const char *name) { do { if (!strcmp(dd->name, name)) return dd; } while ((++dd)->name); return NULL; } static const DriverDesc *ChooseDefaultDriver(const DriverDesc *dd) { const DriverDesc *best = NULL; int best_pri = -1; do { if ((int)(dd->flags&DF_PRIORITY_MASK) > best_pri) { best_pri = dd->flags&DF_PRIORITY_MASK; best = dd; } } while ((++dd)->name); return best; } void ttd_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len) { assert(len > 0); while (--len && *src) *dst++=*src++; *dst = 0; } char *strecpy(char *dst, const char *src) { while ( (*dst++ = *src++) != 0) {} return dst - 1; } byte *ReadFileToMem(const char *filename, size_t *lenp, size_t maxsize) { FILE *in; void *mem; size_t len; in = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (in == NULL) return NULL; fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(in); fseek(in, 0, SEEK_SET); if (len > maxsize || (mem=(byte*)malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) { fclose(in); return NULL; } ((byte*)mem)[len] = 0; if (fread(mem, len, 1, in) != 1) { fclose(in); free(mem); return NULL; } fclose(in); *lenp = len; return mem; } void LoadDriver(int driver, const char *name) { const DriverClass *dc = &_driver_classes[driver]; const DriverDesc *dd; const void **var; const void *drv; const char *err; char *parm; char buffer[256]; char *parms[32]; parms[0] = NULL; if (!*name) { dd = ChooseDefaultDriver(dc->descs); } else { // Extract the driver name and put parameter list in parm ttd_strlcpy(buffer, name, sizeof(buffer)); parm = strchr(buffer, ':'); if (parm) { int np = 0; // Tokenize the parm. do { *parm++ = 0; if (np < lengthof(parms) - 1) parms[np++] = parm; while (*parm != 0 && *parm != ',') parm++; } while (*parm == ','); parms[np] = NULL; } dd = GetDriverByName(dc->descs, buffer); if (dd == NULL) error("No such %s driver: %s\n", dc->name, buffer); } var = dc->var; if (*var != NULL) ((HalCommonDriver*)*var)->stop(); *var = NULL; drv = dd->drv; if ((err=((HalCommonDriver*)drv)->start(parms)) != NULL) error("Unable to load driver %s(%s). The error was: %s\n", dd->name, dd->longname, err); *var = drv; } void PrintDriverList() { } static void showhelp() { char buf[4096], *p; const DriverClass *dc = _driver_classes; const DriverDesc *dd; int i; p = strecpy(buf, "Command line options:\n" " -v drv = Set video driver (see below)\n" " -s drv = Set sound driver (see below)\n" " -m drv = Set music driver (see below)\n" " -r res = Set resolution (for instance 800x600)\n" " -h = Display this help text\n" " -t date= Set starting date\n" " -d dbg = Debug mode\n" " -l lng = Select Language\n" " -e = Start Editor\n" " -g = Start new game immediately (can optionally take a game to load)\n" " -G seed= Set random seed\n" ); for(i=0; i!=lengthof(_driver_classes); i++,dc++) { p += sprintf(p, "List of %s drivers:\n", dc->name); dd = dc->descs; do { p += sprintf(p, "%10s: %s\n", dd->name, dd->longname); } while ((++dd)->name); } ShowInfo(buf); } char *GetDriverParam(char **parm, const char *name) { char *p; int len = strlen(name); while ((p = *parm++) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(p,name,len)) { if (p[len] == '=') return p + len + 1; if (p[len] == 0) return p + len; } } return NULL; } bool GetDriverParamBool(char **parm, const char *name) { char *p = GetDriverParam(parm, name); return p != NULL; } int GetDriverParamInt(char **parm, const char *name, int def) { char *p = GetDriverParam(parm, name); return p != NULL ? atoi(p) : def; } typedef struct { char *opt; int numleft; char **argv; const char *options; char *cont; } MyGetOptData; static void MyGetOptInit(MyGetOptData *md, int argc, char **argv, const char *options) { md->cont = NULL; md->numleft = argc; md->argv = argv; md->options = options; } static int MyGetOpt(MyGetOptData *md) { char *s,*r,*t; if ((s=md->cont) != NULL) goto md_continue_here; while(true) { if (--md->numleft < 0) return -1; s = *md->argv++; if (*s == '-') { md_continue_here:; s++; if (*s != 0) { // Found argument, try to locate it in options. if (*s == ':' || (r = strchr(md->options, *s)) == NULL) { // ERROR! return -2; } if (r[1] == ':') { // Item wants an argument. Check if the argument follows, or if it comes as a separate arg. if (!*(t = s + 1)) { // It comes as a separate arg. Check if out of args? if (--md->numleft < 0 || *(t = *md->argv) == '-') { // Check if item is optional? if (r[2] != ':') return -2; md->numleft++; t = NULL; } else { md->argv++; } } md->opt = t; md->cont = NULL; return *s; } md->opt = NULL; md->cont = s; return *s; } } else { // This is currently not supported. return -2; } } } void SetDebugString(const char *s) { int v; char *end; const char *t; int *p; // global debugging level? if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { v = strtoul(s, &end, 0); s = end; _debug_spritecache_level = v; _debug_misc_level = v; _debug_grf_level = v; _debug_ai_level = v; _debug_net_level = v; } // individual levels for(;;) { // skip delimiters while (*s == ' ' || *s == ',' || *s == '\t') s++; if (*s == 0) break; t = s; while (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') s++; #define IS_LVL(x) (s - t == sizeof(x)-1 && !memcmp(t, x, sizeof(x)-1)) // check debugging levels if IS_LVL("misc") p = &_debug_misc_level; else if IS_LVL("spritecache") p = &_debug_spritecache_level; else if IS_LVL("grf") p = &_debug_grf_level; else if IS_LVL("ai") p = &_debug_ai_level; else if IS_LVL("net") p = &_debug_net_level; else { ShowInfoF("Unknown debug level '%.*s'", s-t, t); return; } #undef IS_LVL if (*s == '=') s++; v = strtoul(s, &end, 0); s = end; if (p) *p = v; } } void ParseResolution(int res[2], char *s) { char *t = strchr(s, 'x'); if (t == NULL) { ShowInfoF("Invalid resolution '%s'", s); return; } res[0] = (strtoul(s, NULL, 0) + 7) & ~7; res[1] = (strtoul(t+1, NULL, 0) + 7) & ~7; } int ttd_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MyGetOptData mgo; int i; int network = 0; char *network_conn = NULL; char *language = NULL; char musicdriver[32], sounddriver[32], videodriver[32]; int resolution[2] = {0,0}; uint startdate = -1; _ignore_wrong_grf = false; musicdriver[0] = sounddriver[0] = videodriver[0] = 0; _networking_override=false; _game_mode = GM_MENU; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = INVALID_STRING_ID; MyGetOptInit(&mgo, argc-1, argv+1, "m:s:v:hn::l:eit:d::r:g::G:cp:"); while ((i = MyGetOpt(&mgo)) != -1) { switch(i) { case 'm': ttd_strlcpy(musicdriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(musicdriver)); break; case 's': ttd_strlcpy(sounddriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(sounddriver)); break; case 'v': ttd_strlcpy(videodriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(videodriver)); break; case 'n': { network = 1; _networking_override=true; if (mgo.opt) { network_conn = mgo.opt; network++; } else network_conn = NULL; } break; case 'r': ParseResolution(resolution, mgo.opt); break; case 'l': { language = mgo.opt; } break; case 't': { startdate = atoi(mgo.opt); } break; case 'd': { #if defined(WIN32) CreateConsole(); #endif if (mgo.opt) SetDebugString(mgo.opt); } break; case 'e': _switch_mode = SM_EDITOR; break; case 'i': _ignore_wrong_grf = true; break; case 'g': if (mgo.opt) { strcpy(_file_to_saveload.name, mgo.opt); _switch_mode = SM_LOAD; } else _switch_mode = SM_NEWGAME; break; case 'G': _random_seeds[0][0] = atoi(mgo.opt); break; case 'p': { int i = atoi(mgo.opt); if (IS_INT_INSIDE(i, 0, MAX_PLAYERS)) _network_playas = i + 1; break; } case -2: case 'h': showhelp(); return 0; } } DeterminePaths(); LoadFromConfig(); // override config? if (musicdriver[0]) strcpy(_ini_musicdriver, musicdriver); if (sounddriver[0]) strcpy(_ini_sounddriver, sounddriver); if (videodriver[0]) strcpy(_ini_videodriver, videodriver); if (resolution[0]) { _cur_resolution[0] = resolution[0]; _cur_resolution[1] = resolution[1]; } if (startdate != -1) _patches.starting_date = startdate; // initialize network-core NetworkCoreInit(); // enumerate language files InitializeLanguagePacks(); // initialize screenshot formats InitializeScreenshotFormats(); // initialize airport state machines InitializeAirports(); // Sample catalogue DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Loading sound effects..."); MxInitialize(11025, "sample.cat"); // This must be done early, since functions use the InvalidateWindow* calls InitWindowSystem(); GfxLoadSprites(); LoadStringWidthTable(); DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Loading drivers..."); LoadDriver(SOUND_DRIVER, _ini_sounddriver); LoadDriver(MUSIC_DRIVER, _ini_musicdriver); LoadDriver(VIDEO_DRIVER, _ini_videodriver); // load video last, to prevent an empty window while sound and music loads MusicLoop(); _savegame_sort_order = 1; // default sorting of savegames is by date, newest first // Default difficulty level _opt_mod_ptr = &_new_opt; // ugly hack, if diff_level is 9, it means we got no setting from the config file, so we load the default settings. if (_opt_mod_ptr->diff_level == 9) SetDifficultyLevel(0, _opt_mod_ptr); if ((network) && (_network_available)) { NetworkLobbyInit(); if (network_conn!=NULL) { NetworkCoreConnectGame(network_conn,_network_server_port); } else { NetworkCoreConnectGame("auto",_network_server_port); } } // initialize the ingame console IConsoleInit(); InitPlayerRandoms(); while (_video_driver->main_loop() == ML_SWITCHDRIVER) {} IConsoleFree(); if (_network_available) { // shutdown network-core NetworkCoreShutdown(); } _video_driver->stop(); _music_driver->stop(); _sound_driver->stop(); SaveToConfig(); // uninitialize airport state machines UnInitializeAirports(); return 0; } static void ShowScreenshotResult(bool b) { if (b) { SET_DPARAM16(0, STR_SPEC_SCREENSHOT_NAME); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031B_SCREENSHOT_SUCCESSFULLY, 0, 0); } else { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031C_SCREENSHOT_FAILED, 0, 0); } } void LoadIntroGame() { char filename[256]; _game_mode = GM_MENU; _display_opt |= DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS; // don't make buildings transparent in intro _opt_mod_ptr = &_new_opt; GfxLoadSprites(); LoadStringWidthTable(); // Setup main window InitWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); // Generate a world. sprintf(filename, "%sopntitle.dat", _path.data_dir); if (SaveOrLoad(filename, SL_LOAD) != SL_OK) GenerateWorld(1); // if failed loading, make empty world. _opt.currency = _new_opt.currency; _pause = 0; _local_player = 0; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); // Play main theme if (_music_driver->is_song_playing()) ResetMusic(); } void MakeNewGame() { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; // Copy in game options _opt_mod_ptr = &_opt; memcpy(&_opt, &_new_opt, sizeof(_opt)); GfxLoadSprites(); // Reinitialize windows InitWindowSystem(); LoadStringWidthTable(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); // Randomize world GenerateWorld(0); // Create a single player DoStartupNewPlayer(false); _local_player = 0; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } void MakeNewEditorWorld() { _game_mode = GM_EDITOR; // Copy in game options _opt_mod_ptr = &_opt; memcpy(&_opt, &_new_opt, sizeof(_opt)); GfxLoadSprites(); // Re-init the windowing system InitWindowSystem(); // Create toolbars SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); // Startup the game system GenerateWorld(1); _local_player = OWNER_NONE; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } void StartupPlayers(); void StartupDisasters(); void StartScenario() { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; // invalid type if (_file_to_saveload.mode == SL_INVALID) { printf("Savegame is obsolete or invalid format: %s\n", _file_to_saveload.name); ShowErrorMessage(_error_message, STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED, 0, 0); _game_mode = GM_MENU; return; } // Copy in game options _opt_mod_ptr = &_opt; memcpy(&_opt, &_new_opt, sizeof(_opt)); GfxLoadSprites(); // Reinitialize windows InitWindowSystem(); LoadStringWidthTable(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); // Load game if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode) != SL_OK) { LoadIntroGame(); ShowErrorMessage(_error_message, STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED, 0, 0); } // Inititalize data StartupPlayers(); StartupEngines(); StartupDisasters(); // When starting a scenario, is it really a load.. // and in AfterLoad a player is started when it is // a scenario.. so we do not need it here. // DoStartupNewPlayer(false); _local_player = 0; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } bool SafeSaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, int newgm) { byte ogm = _game_mode; int r; _game_mode = newgm; r = SaveOrLoad(filename, mode); if (r == SL_REINIT) { if (ogm == GM_MENU) LoadIntroGame(); else if (ogm == GM_EDITOR) MakeNewEditorWorld(); else MakeNewGame(); return false; } else if (r != SL_OK) { _game_mode = ogm; return false; } else return true; } static void SwitchMode(int new_mode) { _in_state_game_loop = true; switch(new_mode) { case SM_EDITOR: // Switch to scenario editor MakeNewEditorWorld(); break; case SM_NEWGAME: if (_networking) { NetworkStartSync(true); } // UGLY HACK HACK HACK MakeNewGame(); break; normal_load: case SM_LOAD: { // Load game if (_networking) { NetworkStartSync(true); } // UGLY HACK HACK HACK _error_message = INVALID_STRING_ID; if (!SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_NORMAL)) { ShowErrorMessage(_error_message, STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED, 0, 0); } else { _opt_mod_ptr = &_opt; _local_player = 0; DoCommandP(0, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_PAUSE); // decrease pause counter (was increased from opening load dialog) } break; } case SM_LOAD_SCENARIO: { int i; if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) goto normal_load; if (SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_EDITOR)) { _opt_mod_ptr = &_opt; _local_player = OWNER_NONE; _generating_world = true; // delete all players. for(i=0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { ChangeOwnershipOfPlayerItems(i, 0xff); _players[i].is_active = false; } _generating_world = false; // delete all stations owned by a player DeleteAllPlayerStations(); } else ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED, 0, 0); break; } case SM_MENU: // Switch to game menu if ((_networking) && (!_networking_override)) NetworkCoreDisconnect(); _networking_override=false; LoadIntroGame(); break; case SM_SAVE: // Save game if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, SL_SAVE) != SL_OK) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_4007_GAME_SAVE_FAILED, 0, 0); else DeleteWindowById(WC_SAVELOAD, 0); break; case SM_GENRANDLAND: GenerateWorld(2); // XXX: set date _local_player = OWNER_NONE; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; } if (_switch_mode_errorstr!=INVALID_STRING_ID) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID,_switch_mode_errorstr,0,0); _in_state_game_loop = false; } // State controlling game loop. // The state must not be changed from anywhere // but here. // That check is enforced in DoCommand. void StateGameLoop() { _in_state_game_loop = true; _frame_counter++; // store the random seed to be able to detect out of sync errors _sync_seed_1 = _random_seeds[0][0]; _sync_seed_2 = _random_seeds[0][1]; if (_networking) disable_computer=true; if (_savedump_path[0] && (uint)_frame_counter >= _savedump_first && (uint)(_frame_counter -_savedump_first) % _savedump_freq == 0 ) { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "%s%.5d.sav", _savedump_path, _frame_counter); SaveOrLoad(buf, SL_SAVE); if ((uint)_frame_counter >= _savedump_last) exit(1); } if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); } else { // All these actions has to be done from OWNER_NONE // for multiplayer compatibility uint p = _current_player; _current_player = OWNER_NONE; AnimateAnimatedTiles(); IncreaseDate(); RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); if (!disable_computer) RunOtherPlayersLoop(); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); _current_player = p; } _in_state_game_loop = false; } static void DoAutosave() { char buf[200]; if (_patches.keep_all_autosave && _local_player != OWNER_SPECTATOR) { Player *p; char *s; sprintf(buf, "%s%s", _path.autosave_dir, PATHSEP); p = DEREF_PLAYER(_local_player); SET_DPARAM16(0, p->name_1); SET_DPARAM32(1, p->name_2); SET_DPARAM16(2, _date); s= (char*)GetString(buf + strlen(_path.autosave_dir) + strlen(PATHSEP) - 1, STR_4004); strcpy(s, ".sav"); } else { int n = _autosave_ctr; _autosave_ctr = (_autosave_ctr + 1) & 15; sprintf(buf, "%s%sautosave%d.sav", _path.autosave_dir, PATHSEP, n); } if (SaveOrLoad(buf, SL_SAVE) != SL_OK) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_AUTOSAVE_FAILED, 0, 0); } void GameLoop() { int m; // autosave game? if (_do_autosave) { _do_autosave = false; DoAutosave(); RedrawAutosave(); } // make a screenshot? if ((m=_make_screenshot) != 0) { _make_screenshot = 0; switch(m) { case 1: // make small screenshot UndrawMouseCursor(); ShowScreenshotResult(MakeScreenshot()); break; case 2: // make large screenshot ShowScreenshotResult(MakeWorldScreenshot(-(TILE_X_MAX)*32, 0, TILE_X_MAX*32 + (TILE_X_MAX)*32, TILES_Y * 32, 0)); break; } } // switch game mode? if ((m=_switch_mode) != SM_NONE) { _switch_mode = SM_NONE; SwitchMode(m); } IncreaseSpriteLRU(); InteractiveRandom(); if (_scroller_click_timeout > 3) _scroller_click_timeout -= 3; else _scroller_click_timeout = 0; _caret_timer += 3; _timer_counter+=8; CursorTick(); // incomming packets NetworkCoreLoop(true); if (_networking_sync) { // client: make sure client's time is synched to the server by running frames quickly up to where the server is. if (!_networking_server) { while (_frame_counter < _frame_counter_srv) { StateGameLoop(); NetworkProcessCommands(); // need to process queue to make sure that packets get executed. } // client: don't exceed the max count told by the server if (_frame_counter < _frame_counter_max) { StateGameLoop(); NetworkProcessCommands(); } // client: send the ready packet NetworkSendReadyPacket(); } else { // server: work on to the frame max if (_frame_counter < _frame_counter_max) { StateGameLoop(); NetworkProcessCommands(); // to check if we got any new commands belonging to the current frame before we increase it. } // server: wait until all clients were ready for going on if (_frame_counter == _frame_counter_max) { if (NetworkCheckClientReady()) NetworkSendSyncPackets(); } } } else { // server/client/standalone: not synced --> state game loop if (!_pause) StateGameLoop(); // server/client: process queued network commands if (_networking) NetworkProcessCommands(); } if (!_pause && _display_opt&DO_FULL_ANIMATION) DoPaletteAnimations(); if (!_pause || _cheats.build_in_pause.value) MoveAllTextEffects(); MouseLoop(); // send outgoing packets. NetworkCoreLoop(false); if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) MusicLoop(); } void BeforeSaveGame() { Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); _saved_scrollpos_x = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x; _saved_scrollpos_y = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y; _saved_scrollpos_zoom = w->viewport->zoom; } void ConvertTownOwner() { uint tile; for(tile=0; tile!=TILES_X * TILES_Y; tile++) { if (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_STREET)) { if ((_map5[tile] & 0xF0) == 0x10 && _map3_lo[tile] & 0x80) _map3_lo[tile] = OWNER_TOWN; if (_map_owner[tile] & 0x80) _map_owner[tile] = OWNER_TOWN; } else if (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) { if (_map_owner[tile] & 0x80) _map_owner[tile] = OWNER_TOWN; } } } // before savegame version 4, the name of the company determined if it existed void CheckIsPlayerActive() { Player *p; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { if (p->name_1 != 0) { p->is_active = true; } } } // since savegame version 4.1, exclusive transport rights are stored at towns void UpdateExclusiveRights() { Town *t; FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) if (t->xy != 0) { t->exclusivity=(byte)-1; } /* FIXME old exclusive rights status is not being imported (stored in s->blocked_months_obsolete) could be implemented this way: 1.) Go through all stations Build an array town_blocked[ town_id ][ player_id ] that stores if at least one station in that town is blocked for a player 2.) Go through that array, if you find a town that is not blocked for one player, but for all others, then give him exclusivity. */ } extern void UpdateOldAircraft(); bool AfterLoadGame(uint version) { Window *w; ViewPort *vp; // in version 2.1 of the savegame, town owner was unified. if (version <= 0x200) { ConvertTownOwner(); } // from version 4.1 of the savegame, exclusive rights are stored at towns if (version <= 0x400) { UpdateExclusiveRights(); } // convert road side to my format. if (_opt.road_side) _opt.road_side = 1; // Load the sprites GfxLoadSprites(); // Update current year SetDate(_date); // reinit the landscape variables (landscape might have changed) InitializeLandscapeVariables(true); // Update all vehicles AfterLoadVehicles(); // in version 2.2 of the savegame, we have new airports if (version <= 0x201) { UpdateOldAircraft(); } UpdateAllStationVirtCoord(); // Setup town coords AfterLoadTown(); UpdateAllSignVirtCoords(); // make sure there is a town in the game if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && !ClosestTownFromTile(0, (uint)-1)) { _error_message = STR_NO_TOWN_IN_SCENARIO; return false; } // Initialize windows InitWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = _saved_scrollpos_x; WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = _saved_scrollpos_y; vp = w->viewport; vp->zoom = _saved_scrollpos_zoom; vp->virtual_width = vp->width << vp->zoom; vp->virtual_height = vp->height << vp->zoom; // in version 4.0 of the savegame, is_active was introduced to determine // if a player does exist, rather then checking name_1 if (version <= 0x400) { CheckIsPlayerActive(); } // If Load Scenario / New (Scenario) Game is used, // a player does not exist yet. So create one here. if (!_players[0].is_active) DoStartupNewPlayer(false); DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_NONE, w); // update button status MarkWholeScreenDirty(); return true; } void DebugProc(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: *(byte*)0 = 0; break; case 1: DoCommandP(0, -10000000, 0, NULL, CMD_MONEY_CHEAT); break; case 2: UpdateAllStationVirtCoord(); break; } }