/* $Id$ */ #ifndef STATION_MAP_H #define STATION_MAP_H #include "station.h" static inline StationID GetStationIndex(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return (StationID)_m[t].m2; } static inline Station* GetStationByTile(TileIndex t) { return GetStation(GetStationIndex(t)); } enum { RAILWAY_BASE = 0x0, AIRPORT_BASE = 0x8, TRUCK_BASE = 0x43, BUS_BASE = 0x47, OILRIG_BASE = 0x4B, DOCK_BASE = 0x4C, DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART = 0x50, BUOY_BASE = 0x52, AIRPORT_BASE_EXTENDED = 0x53, BASE_END = 0x73 }; enum { RAILWAY_SIZE = AIRPORT_BASE - RAILWAY_BASE, AIRPORT_SIZE = TRUCK_BASE - AIRPORT_BASE, TRUCK_SIZE = BUS_BASE - TRUCK_BASE, BUS_SIZE = OILRIG_BASE - BUS_BASE, DOCK_SIZE_TOTAL = BUOY_BASE - DOCK_BASE, AIRPORT_SIZE_EXTENDED = BASE_END - AIRPORT_BASE_EXTENDED }; typedef enum HangarTiles { HANGAR_TILE_0 = 32, HANGAR_TILE_1 = 65, HANGAR_TILE_2 = 86 } HangarTiles; typedef enum StationType { STATION_RAIL, STATION_HANGAR, STATION_AIRPORT, STATION_TRUCK, STATION_BUS, STATION_OILRIG, STATION_DOCK, STATION_BUOY } StationType; StationType GetStationType(TileIndex); static inline RoadStopType GetRoadStopType(TileIndex t) { assert(GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK || GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS); return GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK ? RS_TRUCK : RS_BUS; } static inline bool IsRailwayStation(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m5 < RAILWAY_BASE + RAILWAY_SIZE; } static inline bool IsRailwayStationTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRailwayStation(t); } static inline bool IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(TileIndex t1, TileIndex t2) { assert(IsRailwayStationTile(t2)); return IsRailwayStationTile(t1) && GB(_m[t1].m3, 0, 4) == GB(_m[t2].m3, 0, 4) && // same rail type? GB(_m[t1].m5, 0, 1) == GB(_m[t2].m5, 0, 1); // same direction? } static inline bool IsHangar(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m5 == HANGAR_TILE_0 || _m[t].m5 == HANGAR_TILE_1 || _m[t].m5 == HANGAR_TILE_2; } static inline bool IsAirport(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return IS_INT_INSIDE(_m[t].m5, AIRPORT_BASE, AIRPORT_BASE + AIRPORT_SIZE) || IS_INT_INSIDE(_m[t].m5, AIRPORT_BASE_EXTENDED, AIRPORT_BASE_EXTENDED + AIRPORT_SIZE_EXTENDED); } static inline bool IsTruckStop(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return IS_INT_INSIDE(_m[t].m5, TRUCK_BASE, TRUCK_BASE + TRUCK_SIZE); } static inline bool IsBusStop(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return IS_INT_INSIDE(_m[t].m5, BUS_BASE, BUS_BASE + BUS_SIZE); } static inline bool IsRoadStop(TileIndex t) { return IsTruckStop(t) || IsBusStop(t); } static inline bool IsRoadStopTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRoadStop(t); } /** * Gets the direction the road stop entrance points towards. */ static inline DiagDirection GetRoadStopDir(TileIndex tile) { assert(IsRoadStopTile(tile)); return (_m[tile].m5 - TRUCK_BASE) & 3; } static inline bool IsOilRig(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m5 == OILRIG_BASE; } static inline bool IsDock(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return IS_INT_INSIDE(_m[t].m5, DOCK_BASE, DOCK_BASE + DOCK_SIZE_TOTAL); } static inline bool IsBuoy_(TileIndex t) // XXX _ due to naming conflict { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m5 == BUOY_BASE; } static inline bool IsBuoyTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsBuoy_(t); } static inline bool IsHangarTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsHangar(t); } static inline Axis GetRailStationAxis(TileIndex t) { assert(IsRailwayStation(t)); return HASBIT(_m[t].m5, 0) ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X; } static inline Track GetRailStationTrack(TileIndex t) { return GetRailStationAxis(t) == AXIS_X ? TRACK_X : TRACK_Y; } static inline DiagDirection GetDockDirection(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); assert(_m[t].m5 < DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART); return (DiagDirection)(_m[t].m5 - DOCK_BASE); } static inline bool IsCustomStationSprite(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return HASBIT(_m[t].m3, 4); } static inline void SetCustomStationSprite(TileIndex t, byte sprite) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); SETBIT(_m[t].m3, 4); _m[t].m4 = sprite; } static inline uint GetCustomStationSprite(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m4; } static inline void MakeStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, byte m5) { SetTileType(t, MP_STATION); SetTileOwner(t, o); _m[t].m2 = sid; _m[t].m3 = 0; _m[t].m4 = 0; _m[t].m5 = m5; } static inline void MakeRailStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, Axis a, byte section, RailType rt) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, section + a); SetRailType(t, rt); } static inline void MakeRoadStop(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, RoadStopType rst, DiagDirection d) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, (rst == RS_BUS ? BUS_BASE : TRUCK_BASE) + d); } static inline void MakeAirport(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, byte section) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, section); } static inline void MakeBuoy(TileIndex t, StationID sid) { MakeStation(t, OWNER_NONE, sid, BUOY_BASE); } static inline void MakeDock(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, DiagDirection d) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, DOCK_BASE + d); MakeStation(t + TileOffsByDir(d), o, sid, DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART + DiagDirToAxis(d)); } static inline void MakeOilrig(TileIndex t, StationID sid) { MakeStation(t, OWNER_NONE, sid, OILRIG_BASE); } #endif