/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file yapf_common.hpp Commonly used classes for YAPF. */ #ifndef YAPF_COMMON_HPP #define YAPF_COMMON_HPP /** YAPF origin provider base class - used when origin is one tile / multiple trackdirs */ template <class Types> class CYapfOriginTileT { public: typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class) typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables protected: TileIndex m_orgTile; ///< origin tile TrackdirBits m_orgTrackdirs; ///< origin trackdir mask /** to access inherited path finder */ FORCEINLINE Tpf& Yapf() { return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this); } public: /** Set origin tile / trackdir mask */ void SetOrigin(TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits trackdirs) { m_orgTile = tile; m_orgTrackdirs = trackdirs; } /** Called when YAPF needs to place origin nodes into open list */ void PfSetStartupNodes() { bool is_choice = (KillFirstBit(m_orgTrackdirs) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE); for (TrackdirBits tdb = m_orgTrackdirs; tdb != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE; tdb = KillFirstBit(tdb)) { Trackdir td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(tdb); Node& n1 = Yapf().CreateNewNode(); n1.Set(NULL, m_orgTile, td, is_choice); Yapf().AddStartupNode(n1); } } }; /** YAPF origin provider base class - used when there are two tile/trackdir origins */ template <class Types> class CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT { public: typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class) typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables protected: TileIndex m_orgTile; ///< first origin tile Trackdir m_orgTd; ///< first origin trackdir TileIndex m_revTile; ///< second (reversed) origin tile Trackdir m_revTd; ///< second (reversed) origin trackdir int m_reverse_penalty; ///< penalty to be added for using the reversed origin bool m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol; ///< in some cases (leaving station) we need to handle first two-way signal differently /** to access inherited path finder */ FORCEINLINE Tpf& Yapf() { return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this); } public: /** set origin (tiles, trackdirs, etc.) */ void SetOrigin(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, TileIndex tiler = INVALID_TILE, Trackdir tdr = INVALID_TRACKDIR, int reverse_penalty = 0, bool treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol = true) { m_orgTile = tile; m_orgTd = td; m_revTile = tiler; m_revTd = tdr; m_reverse_penalty = reverse_penalty; m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol = treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol; } /** Called when YAPF needs to place origin nodes into open list */ void PfSetStartupNodes() { if (m_orgTile != INVALID_TILE && m_orgTd != INVALID_TRACKDIR) { Node& n1 = Yapf().CreateNewNode(); n1.Set(NULL, m_orgTile, m_orgTd, false); Yapf().AddStartupNode(n1); } if (m_revTile != INVALID_TILE && m_revTd != INVALID_TRACKDIR) { Node& n2 = Yapf().CreateNewNode(); n2.Set(NULL, m_revTile, m_revTd, false); n2.m_cost = m_reverse_penalty; Yapf().AddStartupNode(n2); } } /** return true if first two-way signal should be treated as dead end */ FORCEINLINE bool TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL() { return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_twoway_eol && m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol; } }; /** YAPF destination provider base class - used when destination is single tile / multiple trackdirs */ template <class Types> class CYapfDestinationTileT { public: typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class) typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables protected: TileIndex m_destTile; ///< destination tile TrackdirBits m_destTrackdirs; ///< destination trackdir mask public: /** set the destination tile / more trackdirs */ void SetDestination(TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits trackdirs) { m_destTile = tile; m_destTrackdirs = trackdirs; } protected: /** to access inherited path finder */ Tpf& Yapf() { return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this); } public: /** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */ FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n) { bool bDest = (n.m_key.m_tile == m_destTile) && ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.GetTrackdir())) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE); return bDest; } /** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination * adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */ inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n) { static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0}; static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; if (PfDetectDestination(n)) { n.m_estimate = n.m_cost; return true; } TileIndex tile = n.GetTile(); DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.GetTrackdir()); int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir]; int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir]; int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile); int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile); int dx = abs(x1 - x2); int dy = abs(y1 - y2); int dmin = min(dx, dy); int dxy = abs(dx - dy); int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2); n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d; assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate); return true; } }; /** YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF * components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed. * For example classes consult: CYapfRail_TypesT template and its instantiations: * CYapfRail1, CYapfRail2, CYapfRail3, CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CYapfAnyDepotRail3 */ template <class Ttypes> class CYapfT : public Ttypes::PfBase ///< Instance of CYapfBaseT - main YAPF loop and support base class , public Ttypes::PfCost ///< Cost calculation provider base class , public Ttypes::PfCache ///< Segment cost cache provider , public Ttypes::PfOrigin ///< Origin (tile or two-tile origin) , public Ttypes::PfDestination ///< Destination detector and distance (estimate) calculation provider , public Ttypes::PfFollow ///< Node follower (stepping provider) { }; #endif /* YAPF_COMMON_HPP */