/* $Id$ */ /** @file dropdown.cpp Implementation of the dropdown widget. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../openttd.h" #include "../strings_type.h" #include "../window_gui.h" #include "../strings_func.h" #include "../strings_type.h" #include "../gfx_func.h" #include "../window_func.h" #include "../core/math_func.hpp" #include "dropdown_type.h" #include "dropdown_func.h" #include "../table/sprites.h" #include "table/strings.h" void DropDownListItem::Draw(int x, int y, uint width, uint height, bool sel, int bg_colour) const { int c1 = _colour_gradient[bg_colour][3]; int c2 = _colour_gradient[bg_colour][7]; GfxFillRect(x + 1, y + 3, x + width - 2, y + 3, c1); GfxFillRect(x + 1, y + 4, x + width - 2, y + 4, c2); } void DropDownListStringItem::Draw(int x, int y, uint width, uint height, bool sel, int bg_colour) const { DrawStringTruncated(x + 2, y, this->String(), sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK, width); } StringID DropDownListParamStringItem::String() const { for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(this->decode_params); i++) SetDParam(i, this->decode_params[i]); return this->string; } /** * Delete all items of a drop down list and the list itself * @param list List to delete. */ static void DeleteDropDownList(DropDownList *list) { for (DropDownList::iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { DropDownListItem *item = *it; delete item; } delete list; } static const Widget _dropdown_menu_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_NONE, COLOUR_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; struct DropdownWindow : Window { WindowClass parent_wnd_class; WindowNumber parent_wnd_num; byte parent_button; DropDownList *list; int selected_index; byte click_delay; bool drag_mode; int scrolling; DropdownWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, const Widget *widget) : Window(x, y, width, height, WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, widget) { this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(width, height); } ~DropdownWindow() { Window *w2 = FindWindowById(this->parent_wnd_class, this->parent_wnd_num); if (w2 != NULL) { w2->RaiseWidget(this->parent_button); w2->InvalidateWidget(this->parent_button); } DeleteDropDownList(this->list); } bool GetDropDownItem(int &value) { if (GetWidgetFromPos(this, _cursor.pos.x - this->left, _cursor.pos.y - this->top) < 0) return false; int y = _cursor.pos.y - this->top - 2; int width = this->widget[0].right - 3; int pos = this->vscroll.pos; const DropDownList *list = this->list; for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { /* Skip items that are scrolled up */ if (--pos >= 0) continue; const DropDownListItem *item = *it; int item_height = item->Height(width); if (y < item_height) { if (item->masked || !item->Selectable()) return false; value = item->result; return true; } y -= item_height; } return false; } virtual void OnPaint() { this->DrawWidgets(); int x = 1; int y = 2; int sel = this->selected_index; int width = this->widget[0].right - 2; int height = this->widget[0].bottom; int pos = this->vscroll.pos; DropDownList *list = this->list; for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { const DropDownListItem *item = *it; int item_height = item->Height(width); /* Skip items that are scrolled up */ if (--pos >= 0) continue; if (y + item_height < height) { if (sel == item->result) GfxFillRect(x + 1, y, x + width - 1, y + item_height - 1, 0); item->Draw(x, y, width, height, sel == item->result, (TextColour)this->widget[0].color); if (item->masked) { GfxFillRect(x, y, x + width - 1, y + item_height - 1, _colour_gradient[this->widget[0].color][5], FILLRECT_CHECKER ); } } y += item_height; } }; virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { if (widget != 0) return; int item; if (this->GetDropDownItem(item)) { this->click_delay = 4; this->selected_index = item; this->SetDirty(); } } virtual void OnTick() { if (this->scrolling == -1) { this->vscroll.pos = max(0, this->vscroll.pos - 1); this->SetDirty(); } else if (this->scrolling == 1) { this->vscroll.pos = min(this->vscroll.count - this->vscroll.cap, this->vscroll.pos + 1); this->SetDirty(); } this->scrolling = 0; } virtual void OnMouseLoop() { Window *w2 = FindWindowById(this->parent_wnd_class, this->parent_wnd_num); if (w2 == NULL) { delete this; return; } if (this->click_delay != 0 && --this->click_delay == 0) { w2->OnDropdownSelect(this->parent_button, this->selected_index); delete this; return; } if (this->drag_mode) { int item; if (!_left_button_clicked) { this->drag_mode = false; if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) return; this->click_delay = 2; } else { if (_cursor.pos.y <= this->top + 2) { /* Cursor is above the list, set scroll up */ this->scrolling = -1; return; } else if (_cursor.pos.y >= this->top + this->height - 2) { /* Cursor is below list, set scroll down */ this->scrolling = 1; return; } if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) return; } this->selected_index = item; this->SetDirty(); } } }; void ShowDropDownList(Window *w, DropDownList *list, int selected, int button, uint width) { bool is_dropdown_menu_shown = w->IsWidgetLowered(button); DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0); if (is_dropdown_menu_shown) { DeleteDropDownList(list); return; } w->LowerWidget(button); w->InvalidateWidget(button); /* Our parent's button widget is used to determine where to place the drop * down list window. */ const Widget *wi = &w->widget[button]; /* The preferred position is just below the dropdown calling widget */ int top = w->top + wi->bottom + 1; /* Total length of list */ int list_height = 0; for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { DropDownListItem *item = *it; list_height += item->Height(width); } /* Height of window visible */ int height = list_height; /* Check if the status bar is visible, as we don't want to draw over it */ Window *w3 = FindWindowById(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0); int screen_bottom = w3 == NULL ? _screen.height : w3->top; bool scroll = false; /* Check if the dropdown will fully fit below the widget */ if (top + height + 4 >= screen_bottom) { w3 = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0); int screen_top = w3 == NULL ? 0 : w3->top + w3->height; /* If not, check if it will fit above the widget */ if (w->top + wi->top - height > screen_top) { top = w->top + wi->top - height - 4; } else { /* ... and lastly if it won't, enable the scroll bar and fit the * list in below the widget */ int avg_height = list_height / (int)list->size(); int rows = (screen_bottom - 4 - top) / avg_height; height = rows * avg_height; scroll = true; } } if (width == 0) width = wi->right - wi->left + 1; DropdownWindow *dw = new DropdownWindow( w->left + wi->left, top, width, height + 4, _dropdown_menu_widgets); dw->widget[0].color = wi->color; dw->widget[0].right = width - 1; dw->widget[0].bottom = height + 3; dw->SetWidgetHiddenState(1, !scroll); if (scroll) { /* We're scrolling, so enable the scroll bar and shrink the list by * the scrollbar's width */ dw->widget[1].color = wi->color; dw->widget[1].right = dw->widget[0].right; dw->widget[1].left = dw->widget[1].right - 11; dw->widget[1].bottom = dw->widget[0].bottom; dw->widget[0].right -= 12; /* Capacity is the average number of items visible */ dw->vscroll.cap = height * (uint16)list->size() / list_height; dw->vscroll.count = (uint16)list->size(); } dw->desc_flags = WDF_DEF_WIDGET; dw->flags4 &= ~WF_WHITE_BORDER_MASK; dw->parent_wnd_class = w->window_class; dw->parent_wnd_num = w->window_number; dw->parent_button = button; dw->list = list; dw->selected_index = selected; dw->click_delay = 0; dw->drag_mode = true; } void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, const StringID *strings, int selected, int button, uint32 disabled_mask, uint32 hidden_mask, uint width) { /* Don't create a new list if we're just closing an existing menu */ if (w->IsWidgetLowered(button)) { DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0); return; } uint result = 0; DropDownList *list = new DropDownList(); for (uint i = 0; strings[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID; i++) { if (!HasBit(hidden_mask, i)) { list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(strings[i], result, HasBit(disabled_mask, i))); } result++; } /* No entries in the list? */ if (list->size() == 0) { DeleteDropDownList(list); return; } ShowDropDownList(w, list, selected, button, width); } /** * Delete the drop-down menu from window \a pw * @param pw Parent window of the drop-down menu window */ void HideDropDownMenu(Window *pw) { Window **wz; FOR_ALL_WINDOWS(wz) { if ((*wz)->window_class != WC_DROPDOWN_MENU) continue; DropdownWindow *dw = dynamic_cast(*wz); if (pw->window_class == dw->parent_wnd_class && pw->window_number == dw->parent_wnd_num) { delete dw; break; } } }