/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file widget.cpp Handling of the default/simple widgets. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "debug.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "transparency.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "table/strings.h" static const char *UPARROW = "\xEE\x8A\xA0"; ///< String containing an upwards pointing arrow. static const char *DOWNARROW = "\xEE\x8A\xAA"; ///< String containing a downwards pointing arrow. /** * Compute the vertical position of the draggable part of scrollbar * @param sb Scrollbar list data * @param top Top position of the scrollbar (top position of the up-button) * @param bottom Bottom position of the scrollbar (bottom position of the down-button) * @return A Point, with x containing the top coordinate of the draggable part, and * y containing the bottom coordinate of the draggable part */ static Point HandleScrollbarHittest(const Scrollbar *sb, int top, int bottom) { Point pt; int height, count, pos, cap; top += 10; // top points to just below the up-button bottom -= 9; // bottom points to top of the down-button height = (bottom - top); pos = sb->GetPosition(); count = sb->GetCount(); cap = sb->GetCapacity(); if (count != 0) top += height * pos / count; if (cap > count) cap = count; if (count != 0) bottom -= (count - pos - cap) * height / count; pt.x = top; pt.y = bottom - 1; return pt; } /** * Compute new position of the scrollbar after a click and updates the window flags. * @param w Window on which a scroll was performed. * @param wtp Scrollbar widget type. * @param mi Minimum coordinate of the scroll bar. * @param ma Maximum coordinate of the scroll bar. * @param x The X coordinate of the mouse click. * @param y The Y coordinate of the mouse click. */ static void ScrollbarClickPositioning(Window *w, WidgetType wtp, int x, int y, int mi, int ma) { int pos; Scrollbar *sb; switch (wtp) { case WWT_SCROLLBAR: /* vertical scroller */ w->flags4 &= ~WF_HSCROLL; w->flags4 &= ~WF_SCROLL2; pos = y; sb = &w->vscroll; break; case WWT_SCROLL2BAR: /* 2nd vertical scroller */ w->flags4 &= ~WF_HSCROLL; w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL2; pos = y; sb = &w->vscroll2; break; case WWT_HSCROLLBAR: /* horizontal scroller */ w->flags4 &= ~WF_SCROLL2; w->flags4 |= WF_HSCROLL; pos = x; sb = &w->hscroll; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (pos <= mi + 9) { /* Pressing the upper button? */ w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_UP; if (_scroller_click_timeout == 0) { _scroller_click_timeout = 6; sb->UpdatePosition(-1); } _left_button_clicked = false; } else if (pos >= ma - 10) { /* Pressing the lower button? */ w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_DOWN; if (_scroller_click_timeout == 0) { _scroller_click_timeout = 6; sb->UpdatePosition(1); } _left_button_clicked = false; } else { Point pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(sb, mi, ma); if (pos < pt.x) { sb->UpdatePosition(-sb->GetCapacity()); } else if (pos > pt.y) { sb->UpdatePosition(sb->GetCapacity()); } else { _scrollbar_start_pos = pt.x - mi - 9; _scrollbar_size = ma - mi - 23; w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE; _scrolling_scrollbar = true; _cursorpos_drag_start = _cursor.pos; } } w->SetDirty(); } /** Special handling for the scrollbar widget type. * Handles the special scrolling buttons and other scrolling. * @param w Window on which a scroll was performed. * @param nw Pointer to the scrollbar widget. * @param x The X coordinate of the mouse click. * @param y The Y coordinate of the mouse click. */ void ScrollbarClickHandler(Window *w, const NWidgetCore *nw, int x, int y) { int mi, ma; switch (nw->type) { case WWT_SCROLLBAR: /* vertical scroller */ mi = nw->pos_y; ma = nw->pos_y + nw->current_y; break; case WWT_SCROLL2BAR: /* 2nd vertical scroller */ mi = nw->pos_y; ma = nw->pos_y + nw->current_y; break; case WWT_HSCROLLBAR: /* horizontal scroller */ mi = nw->pos_x; ma = nw->pos_x + nw->current_x; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } ScrollbarClickPositioning(w, nw->type, x, y, mi, ma); } /** Returns the index for the widget located at the given position * relative to the window. It includes all widget-corner pixels as well. * @param *w Window to look inside * @param x The Window client X coordinate * @param y The Window client y coordinate * @return A widget index, or -1 if no widget was found. */ int GetWidgetFromPos(const Window *w, int x, int y) { NWidgetCore *nw = w->nested_root->GetWidgetFromPos(x, y); return (nw != NULL) ? nw->index : -1; } /** * Draw frame rectangle. * @param left Left edge of the frame * @param top Top edge of the frame * @param right Right edge of the frame * @param bottom Bottom edge of the frame * @param colour Colour table to use. @see _colour_gradient * @param flags Flags controlling how to draw the frame. @see FrameFlags */ void DrawFrameRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Colours colour, FrameFlags flags) { uint dark = _colour_gradient[colour][3]; uint medium_dark = _colour_gradient[colour][5]; uint medium_light = _colour_gradient[colour][6]; uint light = _colour_gradient[colour][7]; if (flags & FR_TRANSPARENT) { GfxFillRect(left, top, right, bottom, PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT, FILLRECT_RECOLOUR); } else { uint interior; if (flags & FR_LOWERED) { GfxFillRect(left, top, left, bottom, dark); GfxFillRect(left + 1, top, right, top, dark); GfxFillRect(right, top + 1, right, bottom - 1, light); GfxFillRect(left + 1, bottom, right, bottom, light); interior = (flags & FR_DARKENED ? medium_dark : medium_light); } else { GfxFillRect(left, top, left, bottom - 1, light); GfxFillRect(left + 1, top, right - 1, top, light); GfxFillRect(right, top, right, bottom - 1, dark); GfxFillRect(left, bottom, right, bottom, dark); interior = medium_dark; } if (!(flags & FR_BORDERONLY)) { GfxFillRect(left + 1, top + 1, right - 1, bottom - 1, interior); } } } /** * Draw an image button. * @param r Rectangle of the button. * @param type Widget type (#WWT_IMGBTN or #WWT_IMGBTN_2). * @param colour Colour of the button. * @param clicked Button is lowered. * @param img Sprite to draw. */ static inline void DrawImageButtons(const Rect &r, WidgetType type, Colours colour, bool clicked, SpriteID img) { assert(img != 0); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); if ((type & WWT_MASK) == WWT_IMGBTN_2 && clicked) img++; // Show different image when clicked for #WWT_IMGBTN_2. DrawSprite(img, PAL_NONE, r.left + WD_IMGBTN_LEFT + clicked, r.top + WD_IMGBTN_TOP + clicked); } /** * Draw the label-part of a widget. * @param r Rectangle of the label background. * @param type Widget type (#WWT_TEXTBTN, #WWT_TEXTBTN_2, or #WWT_LABEL). * @param clicked Label is rendered lowered. * @param str Text to draw. */ static inline void DrawLabel(const Rect &r, WidgetType type, bool clicked, StringID str) { if (str == STR_NULL) return; if ((type & WWT_MASK) == WWT_TEXTBTN_2 && clicked) str++; Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(str); int offset = max(0, ((int)(r.bottom - r.top + 1) - (int)d.height) / 2); // Offset for rendering the text vertically centered DrawString(r.left + clicked, r.right + clicked, r.top + offset + clicked, str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } /** * Draw text. * @param r Rectangle of the background. * @param colour Colour of the text. * @param str Text to draw. */ static inline void DrawText(const Rect &r, TextColour colour, StringID str) { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(str); int offset = max(0, ((int)(r.bottom - r.top + 1) - (int)d.height) / 2); // Offset for rendering the text vertically centered if (str != STR_NULL) DrawString(r.left, r.right, r.top + offset, str, colour); } /** * Draw an inset widget. * @param r Rectangle of the background. * @param colour Colour of the inset. * @param str Text to draw. */ static inline void DrawInset(const Rect &r, Colours colour, StringID str) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, FR_LOWERED | FR_DARKENED); if (str != STR_NULL) DrawString(r.left + WD_INSET_LEFT, r.right - WD_INSET_RIGHT, r.top + WD_INSET_TOP, str); } /** * Draw a matrix widget. * @param r Rectangle of the matrix background. * @param colour Colour of the background. * @param clicked Matrix is rendered lowered. * @param data Data of the widget, number of rows and columns of the widget. */ static inline void DrawMatrix(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool clicked, uint16 data) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); int num_columns = GB(data, MAT_COL_START, MAT_COL_BITS); // Lower 8 bits of the widget data: Number of columns in the matrix. int column_width = (r.right - r.left + 1) / num_columns; // Width of a single column in the matrix. int num_rows = GB(data, MAT_ROW_START, MAT_ROW_BITS); // Upper 8 bits of the widget data: Number of rows in the matrix. int row_height = (r.bottom - r.top + 1) / num_rows; // Height of a single row in the matrix. int col = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][6]; int x = r.left; for (int ctr = num_columns; ctr > 1; ctr--) { x += column_width; GfxFillRect(x, r.top + 1, x, r.bottom - 1, col); } x = r.top; for (int ctr = num_rows; ctr > 1; ctr--) { x += row_height; GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, x, r.right - 1, x, col); } col = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][4]; x = r.left - 1; for (int ctr = num_columns; ctr > 1; ctr--) { x += column_width; GfxFillRect(x, r.top + 1, x, r.bottom - 1, col); } x = r.top - 1; for (int ctr = num_rows; ctr > 1; ctr--) { x += row_height; GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, x, r.right - 1, x, col); } } /** * Draw a vertical scrollbar. * @param r Rectangle of the scrollbar widget. * @param colour Colour of the scrollbar widget. * @param up_clicked Up-arrow is clicked. * @param bar_dragged Bar is dragged. * @param down_clicked Down-arrow is clicked. * @param scrollbar Scrollbar size, offset, and capacity information. */ static inline void DrawVerticalScrollbar(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool up_clicked, bool bar_dragged, bool down_clicked, const Scrollbar *scrollbar) { /* draw up/down buttons */ DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.top + 9, colour, (up_clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawString(r.left + up_clicked, r.right + up_clicked, r.top + up_clicked, UPARROW, TC_BLACK, SA_CENTER); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.bottom - 9, r.right, r.bottom, colour, (down_clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawString(r.left + down_clicked, r.right + down_clicked, r.bottom - 9 + down_clicked, DOWNARROW, TC_BLACK, SA_CENTER); int c1 = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][3]; int c2 = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][7]; /* draw "shaded" background */ GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top + 10, r.right, r.bottom - 10, c2); GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top + 10, r.right, r.bottom - 10, c1, FILLRECT_CHECKER); /* draw shaded lines */ GfxFillRect(r.left + 2, r.top + 10, r.left + 2, r.bottom - 10, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 3, r.top + 10, r.left + 3, r.bottom - 10, c2); GfxFillRect(r.left + 7, r.top + 10, r.left + 7, r.bottom - 10, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 8, r.top + 10, r.left + 8, r.bottom - 10, c2); Point pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(scrollbar, r.top, r.bottom); DrawFrameRect(r.left, pt.x, r.right, pt.y, colour, bar_dragged ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); } /** * Draw a horizontal scrollbar. * @param r Rectangle of the scrollbar widget. * @param colour Colour of the scrollbar widget. * @param left_clicked Left-arrow is clicked. * @param bar_dragged Bar is dragged. * @param right_clicked Right-arrow is clicked. * @param scrollbar Scrollbar size, offset, and capacity information. */ static inline void DrawHorizontalScrollbar(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool left_clicked, bool bar_dragged, bool right_clicked, const Scrollbar *scrollbar) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.left + 9, r.bottom, colour, left_clicked ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawSprite(SPR_ARROW_LEFT, PAL_NONE, r.left + 1 + left_clicked, r.top + 1 + left_clicked); DrawFrameRect(r.right - 9, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, right_clicked ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawSprite(SPR_ARROW_RIGHT, PAL_NONE, r.right - 8 + right_clicked, r.top + 1 + right_clicked); int c1 = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][3]; int c2 = _colour_gradient[colour & 0xF][7]; /* draw "shaded" background */ GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top, r.right - 10, r.bottom, c2); GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top, r.right - 10, r.bottom, c1, FILLRECT_CHECKER); /* draw shaded lines */ GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top + 2, r.right - 10, r.top + 2, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top + 3, r.right - 10, r.top + 3, c2); GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top + 7, r.right - 10, r.top + 7, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 10, r.top + 8, r.right - 10, r.top + 8, c2); /* draw actual scrollbar */ Point pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(scrollbar, r.left, r.right); DrawFrameRect(pt.x, r.top, pt.y, r.bottom, colour, bar_dragged ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); } /** * Draw a frame widget. * @param r Rectangle of the frame. * @param colour Colour of the frame. * @param str Text of the frame. */ static inline void DrawFrame(const Rect &r, Colours colour, StringID str) { int x2 = r.left; // by default the left side is the left side of the widget if (str != STR_NULL) x2 = DrawString(r.left + WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT, r.right - WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT, r.top, str); int c1 = _colour_gradient[colour][3]; int c2 = _colour_gradient[colour][7]; if (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_LTR) { /* Line from upper left corner to start of text */ GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top + 4, r.left + 4, r.top + 4, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 5, r.left + 4, r.top + 5, c2); /* Line from end of text to upper right corner */ GfxFillRect(x2, r.top + 4, r.right - 1, r.top + 4, c1); GfxFillRect(x2, r.top + 5, r.right - 2, r.top + 5, c2); } else { /* Line from upper left corner to start of text */ GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top + 4, x2 - 2, r.top + 4, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 5, x2 - 2, r.top + 5, c2); /* Line from end of text to upper right corner */ GfxFillRect(r.right - 5, r.top + 4, r.right - 1, r.top + 4, c1); GfxFillRect(r.right - 5, r.top + 5, r.right - 2, r.top + 5, c2); } /* Line from upper left corner to bottom left corner */ GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top + 5, r.left, r.bottom - 1, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 6, r.left + 1, r.bottom - 2, c2); /* Line from upper right corner to bottom right corner */ GfxFillRect(r.right - 1, r.top + 5, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 2, c1); GfxFillRect(r.right, r.top + 4, r.right, r.bottom - 1, c2); GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.bottom - 1, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 1, c1); GfxFillRect(r.left, r.bottom, r.right, r.bottom, c2); } /** * Draw a sticky box. * @param r Rectangle of the box. * @param colour Colour of the sticky box. * @param clicked Box is lowered. */ static inline void DrawStickyBox(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool clicked) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawSprite((clicked) ? SPR_PIN_UP : SPR_PIN_DOWN, PAL_NONE, r.left + WD_STICKYBOX_LEFT + clicked, r.top + WD_STICKYBOX_TOP + clicked); } /** * Draw a resize box. * @param r Rectangle of the box. * @param colour Colour of the resize box. * @param at_left Resize box is at left-side of the window, * @param clicked Box is lowered. */ static inline void DrawResizeBox(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool at_left, bool clicked) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); if (at_left) { DrawSprite(SPR_WINDOW_RESIZE_LEFT, PAL_NONE, r.left + WD_RESIZEBOX_RIGHT + clicked, r.top + WD_RESIZEBOX_TOP + clicked); } else { DrawSprite(SPR_WINDOW_RESIZE_RIGHT, PAL_NONE, r.left + WD_RESIZEBOX_LEFT + clicked, r.top + WD_RESIZEBOX_TOP + clicked); } } /** * Draw a close box. * @param r Rectangle of the box. * @param colour Colour of the close box. * @param str Cross to draw (#STR_BLACK_CROSS or #STR_SILVER_CROSS). */ static inline void DrawCloseBox(const Rect &r, Colours colour, StringID str) { assert(str == STR_BLACK_CROSS || str == STR_SILVER_CROSS); // black or silver cross DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, FR_NONE); DrawString(r.left + WD_CLOSEBOX_LEFT, r.right - WD_CLOSEBOX_RIGHT, r.top + WD_CLOSEBOX_TOP, str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } /** * Draw a caption bar. * @param r Rectangle of the bar. * @param colour Colour of the window. * @param owner 'Owner' of the window. * @param str Text to draw in the bar. */ static inline void DrawCaption(const Rect &r, Colours colour, Owner owner, StringID str) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, FR_BORDERONLY); DrawFrameRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 1, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 1, colour, (owner == INVALID_OWNER) ? FR_LOWERED | FR_DARKENED : FR_LOWERED | FR_DARKENED | FR_BORDERONLY); if (owner != INVALID_OWNER) { GfxFillRect(r.left + 2, r.top + 2, r.right - 2, r.bottom - 2, _colour_gradient[_company_colours[owner]][4]); } if (str != STR_NULL) DrawString(r.left + WD_CAPTIONTEXT_LEFT, r.right - WD_CAPTIONTEXT_RIGHT, r.top + WD_CAPTIONTEXT_TOP, str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } /** * Draw a button with a dropdown (#WWT_DROPDOWN and #NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN). * @param r Rectangle containing the widget. * @param colour Background colour of the widget. * @param clicked_button The button-part is lowered. * @param clicked_dropdown The drop-down part is lowered. * @param str Text of the button. * * @note Magic constants are also used in #NWidgetLeaf::ButtonHit. */ static inline void DrawButtonDropdown(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool clicked_button, bool clicked_dropdown, StringID str) { if (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_LTR) { DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right - 12, r.bottom, colour, clicked_button ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawFrameRect(r.right - 11, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, clicked_dropdown ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawString(r.right - (clicked_dropdown ? 10 : 11), r.right, r.top + (clicked_dropdown ? 2 : 1), STR_BLACK_ARROW_DOWN, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); if (str != STR_NULL) DrawString(r.left + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_LEFT + clicked_button, r.right - WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_RIGHT + clicked_button, r.top + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_TOP + clicked_button, str, TC_BLACK); } else { DrawFrameRect(r.left + 12, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, clicked_button ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.left + 11, r.bottom, colour, clicked_dropdown ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawString(r.left + clicked_dropdown, r.left + 11, r.top + (clicked_dropdown ? 2 : 1), STR_BLACK_ARROW_DOWN, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); if (str != STR_NULL) DrawString(r.left + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_RIGHT + clicked_button, r.right - WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_LEFT + clicked_button, r.top + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_TOP + clicked_button, str, TC_BLACK); } } /** * Draw a dropdown #WWT_DROPDOWN widget. * @param r Rectangle containing the widget. * @param colour Background colour of the widget. * @param clicked The widget is lowered. * @param str Text of the button. */ static inline void DrawDropdown(const Rect &r, Colours colour, bool clicked, StringID str) { DrawButtonDropdown(r, colour, false, clicked, str); } /** * Paint all widgets of a window. */ void Window::DrawWidgets() const { this->nested_root->Draw(this); if (this->flags4 & WF_WHITE_BORDER_MASK) { DrawFrameRect(0, 0, this->width - 1, this->height - 1, COLOUR_WHITE, FR_BORDERONLY); } } /** * Draw a sort button's up or down arrow symbol. * @param widget Sort button widget * @param state State of sort button */ void Window::DrawSortButtonState(int widget, SortButtonState state) const { if (state == SBS_OFF) return; assert(this->nested_array != NULL); const NWidgetBase *nwid = this->GetWidget(widget); int offset = this->IsWidgetLowered(widget) ? 1 : 0; int base = offset + nwid->pos_x + (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_LTR ? nwid->current_x - WD_SORTBUTTON_ARROW_WIDTH : 0); int top = nwid->pos_y; DrawString(base, base + WD_SORTBUTTON_ARROW_WIDTH, top + 1 + offset, state == SBS_DOWN ? DOWNARROW : UPARROW, TC_BLACK, SA_CENTER); } /** * @defgroup NestedWidgets Hierarchical widgets * Hierarchical widgets, also known as nested widgets, are widgets stored in a tree. At the leafs of the tree are (mostly) the 'real' widgets * visible to the user. At higher levels, widgets get organized in container widgets, until all widgets of the window are merged. * * \section nestedwidgetkinds Hierarchical widget kinds * A leaf widget is one of * * The purpose of a leaf widget is to provide interaction with the user by displaying settings, and/or allowing changing the settings. * * A container widget is one of * * The purpose of a container widget is to structure its leafs and sub-containers to allow proper resizing. * * \section nestedwidgetscomputations Hierarchical widget computations * The first 'computation' is the creation of the nested widgets tree by calling the constructors of the widgets listed above and calling \c Add() for every child, * or by means of specifying the tree as a collection of nested widgets parts and instantiating the tree from the array. * * After the creation step, * - The leafs have their own minimal size (\e min_x, \e min_y), filling (\e fill_x, \e fill_y), and resize steps (\e resize_x, \e resize_y). * - Containers only know what their children are, \e fill_x, \e fill_y, \e resize_x, and \e resize_y are not initialized. * * Computations in the nested widgets take place as follows: *
  1. A bottom-up sweep by recursively calling NWidgetBase::SetupSmallestSize() to initialize the smallest size (\e smallest_x, \e smallest_y) and * to propagate filling and resize steps upwards to the root of the tree. *
  2. A top-down sweep by recursively calling NWidgetBase::AssignSizePosition() with #ST_ARRAY or #ST_SMALLEST to make the smallest sizes consistent over * the entire tree, and to assign the top-left (\e pos_x, \e pos_y) position of each widget in the tree. This step uses \e fill_x and \e fill_y at each * node in the tree to decide how to fill each widget towards consistent sizes. Also the current size (\e current_x and \e current_y) is set. * For generating a widget array (#ST_ARRAY), resize step sizes are made consistent. *
  3. After initializing the smallest size in the widget tree with #ST_SMALLEST, the tree can be resized (the current size modified) by calling * NWidgetBase::AssignSizePosition() at the root with #ST_RESIZE and the new size of the window. For proper functioning, the new size should be the smallest * size + a whole number of resize steps in both directions (ie you can only resize in steps of length resize_{x,y} from smallest_{x,y}). *
* After the second step, the current size of the widgets are set to the smallest size. * * To resize, perform the last step with the new window size. This can be done as often as desired. * When the smallest size of at least one widget changes, the whole procedure has to be redone from the start. * * @see NestedWidgetParts */ /** * Base class constructor. * @param tp Nested widget type. */ NWidgetBase::NWidgetBase(WidgetType tp) : ZeroedMemoryAllocator() { this->type = tp; } /* ~NWidgetContainer() takes care of #next and #prev data members. */ /** * @fn void NWidgetBase::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) * Compute smallest size needed by the widget. * * The smallest size of a widget is the smallest size that a widget needs to * display itself properly. In addition, filling and resizing of the widget are computed. * If \a w is not \c NULL, the function calls #Window::UpdateWidgetSize for each leaf widget and * background widget without child with a non-negative index. * * @param w Optional window owning the widget. * @param init_array Initialize the \c w->nested_array as well. Should only be set if \a w != NULL. * * @note After the computation, the results can be queried by accessing the #smallest_x and #smallest_y data members of the widget. */ /** * @fn void NWidgetBase::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) * Assign size and position to the widget. * @param sizing Type of resizing to perform. * @param x Horizontal offset of the widget relative to the left edge of the window. * @param y Vertical offset of the widget relative to the top edge of the window. * @param given_width Width allocated to the widget. * @param given_height Height allocated to the widget. * @param allow_resize_x Horizontal resizing is allowed (only used when \a sizing is #ST_ARRAY). * @param allow_resize_y Vertical resizing is allowed (only used when \a sizing in #ST_ARRAY). * @param rtl Adapt for right-to-left languages (position contents of horizontal containers backwards). * * Afterwards, \e pos_x and \e pos_y contain the top-left position of the widget, \e smallest_x and \e smallest_y contain * the smallest size such that all widgets of the window are consistent, and \e current_x and \e current_y contain the current size. */ /** * @fn void FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) * Fill the Window::nested_array array with pointers to nested widgets in the tree. * @param array Base pointer of the array. * @param length Length of the array. */ /** * Store size and position. * @param sizing Type of resizing to perform. * @param x Horizontal offset of the widget relative to the left edge of the window. * @param y Vertical offset of the widget relative to the top edge of the window. * @param given_width Width allocated to the widget. * @param given_height Height allocated to the widget. * @param allow_resize_x Horizontal resizing is allowed (only used when \a sizing is #ST_ARRAY). * @param allow_resize_y Vertical resizing is allowed (only used when \a sizing in #ST_ARRAY). */ inline void NWidgetBase::StoreSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y) { this->pos_x = x; this->pos_y = y; if (sizing == ST_ARRAY || sizing == ST_SMALLEST) { this->smallest_x = given_width; this->smallest_y = given_height; } this->current_x = given_width; this->current_y = given_height; if (sizing == ST_ARRAY && !allow_resize_x) this->resize_x = 0; if (sizing == ST_ARRAY && !allow_resize_y) this->resize_y = 0; } /** * @fn void Draw(const Window *w) * Draw the widgets of the tree. * The function calls #Window::DrawWidget for each widget with a non-negative index, after the widget itself is painted. * @param w Window that owns the tree. */ /** * Mark the widget as 'dirty' (in need of repaint). * @param w Window owning the widget. */ void NWidgetBase::SetDirty(const Window *w) const { int abs_left = w->left + this->pos_x; int abs_top = w->top + this->pos_y; SetDirtyBlocks(abs_left, abs_top, abs_left + this->current_x, abs_top + this->current_y); } /** * @fn NWidgetCore *NWidgetBase::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) * Retrieve a widget by its position. * @param x Horizontal position relative to the left edge of the window. * @param y Vertical position relative to the top edge of the window. * @return Returns the deepest nested widget that covers the given position, or \c NULL if no widget can be found. */ /** * Retrieve a widget by its type. * @param tp Widget type to search for. * @return Returns the first widget of the specified type, or \c NULL if no widget can be found. */ NWidgetBase *NWidgetBase::GetWidgetOfType(WidgetType tp) { return (this->type == tp) ? this : NULL; } /** * Constructor for resizable nested widgets. * @param tp Nested widget type. * @param fill_x Allow horizontal filling from initial size. * @param fill_y Allow vertical filling from initial size. */ NWidgetResizeBase::NWidgetResizeBase(WidgetType tp, bool fill_x, bool fill_y) : NWidgetBase(tp) { this->fill_x = fill_x; this->fill_y = fill_y; } /** * Set minimal size of the widget. * @param min_x Horizontal minimal size of the widget. * @param min_y Vertical minimal size of the widget. */ void NWidgetResizeBase::SetMinimalSize(uint min_x, uint min_y) { this->min_x = min_x; this->min_y = min_y; } /** * Set minimal text lines for the widget. * @param min_lines Number of text lines of the widget. * @param spacing Extra spacing (eg WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + _BOTTOM) of the widget. * @param size Font size of text. */ void NWidgetResizeBase::SetMinimalTextLines(uint8 min_lines, uint8 spacing, FontSize size) { this->min_y = min_lines * GetCharacterHeight(size) + spacing; } /** * Set the filling of the widget from initial size. * @param fill_x Allow horizontal filling from initial size. * @param fill_y Allow vertical filling from initial size. */ void NWidgetResizeBase::SetFill(bool fill_x, bool fill_y) { this->fill_x = fill_x; this->fill_y = fill_y; } /** * Set resize step of the widget. * @param resize_x Resize step in horizontal direction, value \c 0 means no resize, otherwise the step size in pixels. * @param resize_y Resize step in vertical direction, value \c 0 means no resize, otherwise the step size in pixels. */ void NWidgetResizeBase::SetResize(uint resize_x, uint resize_y) { this->resize_x = resize_x; this->resize_y = resize_y; } void NWidgetResizeBase::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { StoreSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y); } /** * Initialization of a 'real' widget. * @param tp Type of the widget. * @param colour Colour of the widget. * @param fill_x Default horizontal filling. * @param fill_y Default vertical filling. * @param widget_data Data component of the widget. @see Widget::data * @param tool_tip Tool tip of the widget. @see Widget::tootips */ NWidgetCore::NWidgetCore(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, bool fill_x, bool fill_y, uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip) : NWidgetResizeBase(tp, fill_x, fill_y) { this->colour = colour; this->index = -1; this->widget_data = widget_data; this->tool_tip = tool_tip; } /** * Set index of the nested widget in the widget array. * @param index Index to use. */ void NWidgetCore::SetIndex(int index) { assert(index >= 0); this->index = index; } /** * Set data and tool tip of the nested widget. * @param widget_data Data to use. * @param tool_tip Tool tip string to use. */ void NWidgetCore::SetDataTip(uint16 widget_data, StringID tool_tip) { this->widget_data = widget_data; this->tool_tip = tool_tip; } void NWidgetCore::FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) { if (this->index >= 0 && (uint)(this->index) < length) array[this->index] = this; } NWidgetCore *NWidgetCore::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { return (IsInsideBS(x, this->pos_x, this->current_x) && IsInsideBS(y, this->pos_y, this->current_y)) ? this : NULL; } /** * @fn Scrollbar *NWidgetCore::FindScrollbar(Window *w, bool allow_next = true) * Find the scrollbar of the widget through the Window::nested_array. * @param w Window containing the widgets and the scrollbar, * @param allow_next Search may be extended to the next widget. * * @todo This implementation uses the constraint that a scrollbar must be the next item in the #Window::nested_array, and the scrollbar * data is stored in the #Window structure (#Window::vscroll, #Window::vscroll2, and #Window::hscroll). * Alternative light-weight implementations may be considered, eg by sub-classing a canvas-like widget, and/or by having * an explicit link between the scrollbar and the widget being scrolled. */ /** * Constructor container baseclass. * @param tp Type of the container. */ NWidgetContainer::NWidgetContainer(WidgetType tp) : NWidgetBase(tp) { this->head = NULL; this->tail = NULL; } NWidgetContainer::~NWidgetContainer() { while (this->head != NULL) { NWidgetBase *wid = this->head->next; delete this->head; this->head = wid; } this->tail = NULL; } NWidgetBase *NWidgetContainer::GetWidgetOfType(WidgetType tp) { if (this->type == tp) return this; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { NWidgetBase *nwid = child_wid->GetWidgetOfType(tp); if (nwid != NULL) return nwid; } return NULL; } /** * Append widget \a wid to container. * @param wid Widget to append. */ void NWidgetContainer::Add(NWidgetBase *wid) { assert(wid->next == NULL && wid->prev == NULL); if (this->head == NULL) { this->head = wid; this->tail = wid; } else { assert(this->tail != NULL); assert(this->tail->next == NULL); this->tail->next = wid; wid->prev = this->tail; this->tail = wid; } } void NWidgetContainer::FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) { for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->FillNestedArray(array, length); } } /** * Return the biggest possible size of a nested widget. * @param base Base size of the widget. * @param max_space Available space for the widget. * @param step Stepsize of the widget. * @return Biggest possible size of the widget, assuming that \a base may only be incremented by \a step size steps. */ static inline uint ComputeMaxSize(uint base, uint max_space, uint step) { if (base >= max_space || step == 0) return base; if (step == 1) return max_space; int increment = max_space - base; increment -= increment % step; return base + increment; } /** * Compute the offset of a widget due to not entirely using the available space. * @param space Space used by the widget. * @param max_space Available space for the widget. * @return Offset for centering widget. */ static inline uint ComputeOffset(uint space, uint max_space) { if (space >= max_space) return 0; return (max_space - space) / 2; } /** * Widgets stacked on top of each other. */ NWidgetStacked::NWidgetStacked() : NWidgetContainer(NWID_SELECTION) { this->index = -1; } void NWidgetStacked::SetIndex(int index) { this->index = index; } void NWidgetStacked::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { if (this->index >= 0 && init_array) { // Fill w->nested_array[] assert(w->nested_array_size > (uint)this->index); w->nested_array[this->index] = this; } /* Zero size plane selected */ if (this->shown_plane == STACKED_SELECTION_ZERO_SIZE) { this->fill_x = false; this->fill_y = false; Dimension size = {0, 0}; Dimension resize = {0, 0}; Dimension padding = {0, 0}; /* Here we're primarily interested in the value of resize */ w->UpdateWidgetSize(this->index, &size, padding, &resize); this->smallest_x = size.width; this->smallest_y = size.height; this->resize_x = resize.width; this->resize_y = resize.height; return; } /* First sweep, recurse down and compute minimal size and filling. */ this->smallest_x = 0; this->smallest_y = 0; this->fill_x = (this->head != NULL); this->fill_y = (this->head != NULL); this->resize_x = (this->head != NULL) ? 1 : 0; this->resize_y = (this->head != NULL) ? 1 : 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); this->smallest_x = max(this->smallest_x, child_wid->smallest_x + child_wid->padding_left + child_wid->padding_right); this->smallest_y = max(this->smallest_y, child_wid->smallest_y + child_wid->padding_top + child_wid->padding_bottom); this->fill_x &= child_wid->fill_x; this->fill_y &= child_wid->fill_y; this->resize_x = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_x, child_wid->resize_x); this->resize_y = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_y, child_wid->resize_y); } } void NWidgetStacked::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { assert(given_width >= this->smallest_x && given_height >= this->smallest_y); StoreSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y); if (this->shown_plane == STACKED_SELECTION_ZERO_SIZE) return; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint hor_step = child_wid->GetHorizontalStepSize(sizing); uint child_width = ComputeMaxSize(child_wid->smallest_x, given_width - child_wid->padding_left - child_wid->padding_right, hor_step); uint child_pos_x = (rtl ? child_wid->padding_right : child_wid->padding_left) + ComputeOffset(child_width, given_width - child_wid->padding_left - child_wid->padding_right); uint vert_step = child_wid->GetVerticalStepSize(sizing); uint child_height = ComputeMaxSize(child_wid->smallest_y, given_height - child_wid->padding_top - child_wid->padding_bottom, vert_step); uint child_pos_y = child_wid->padding_top + ComputeOffset(child_height, given_height - child_wid->padding_top - child_wid->padding_bottom); child_wid->AssignSizePosition(sizing, x + child_pos_x, y + child_pos_y, child_width, child_height, (this->resize_x > 0), (this->resize_y > 0), rtl); } } void NWidgetStacked::FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) { if (this->index >= 0 && (uint)(this->index) < length) array[this->index] = this; NWidgetContainer::FillNestedArray(array, length); } void NWidgetStacked::Draw(const Window *w) { if (this->shown_plane == STACKED_SELECTION_ZERO_SIZE) return; int plane = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; plane++, child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (plane == this->shown_plane) { child_wid->Draw(w); return; } } NOT_REACHED(); } NWidgetCore *NWidgetStacked::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { if (this->shown_plane == STACKED_SELECTION_ZERO_SIZE) return NULL; if (!IsInsideBS(x, this->pos_x, this->current_x) || !IsInsideBS(y, this->pos_y, this->current_y)) return NULL; int plane = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; plane++, child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (plane == this->shown_plane) { return child_wid->GetWidgetFromPos(x, y); } } return NULL; } /** Select which plane to show (for #NWID_SELECTION only). * @param plane Plane number to display. */ void NWidgetStacked::SetDisplayedPlane(int plane) { this->shown_plane = plane; } NWidgetPIPContainer::NWidgetPIPContainer(WidgetType tp, NWidContainerFlags flags) : NWidgetContainer(tp) { this->flags = flags; } /** * Set additional pre/inter/post space for the container. * * @param pip_pre Additional space in front of the first child widget (above * for the vertical container, at the left for the horizontal container). * @param pip_inter Additional space between two child widgets. * @param pip_post Additional space after the last child widget (below for the * vertical container, at the right for the horizontal container). */ void NWidgetPIPContainer::SetPIP(uint8 pip_pre, uint8 pip_inter, uint8 pip_post) { this->pip_pre = pip_pre; this->pip_inter = pip_inter; this->pip_post = pip_post; } void NWidgetPIPContainer::Draw(const Window *w) { for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->Draw(w); } } NWidgetCore *NWidgetPIPContainer::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { if (!IsInsideBS(x, this->pos_x, this->current_x) || !IsInsideBS(y, this->pos_y, this->current_y)) return NULL; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { NWidgetCore *nwid = child_wid->GetWidgetFromPos(x, y); if (nwid != NULL) return nwid; } return NULL; } /** Horizontal container widget. */ NWidgetHorizontal::NWidgetHorizontal(NWidContainerFlags flags) : NWidgetPIPContainer(NWID_HORIZONTAL, flags) { } void NWidgetHorizontal::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { this->smallest_x = 0; // Sum of minimal size of all childs. this->smallest_y = 0; // Biggest child. this->fill_x = false; // true if at least one child allows fill_x. this->fill_y = true; // true if all childs allow fill_y. this->resize_x = 0; // smallest non-zero child widget resize step. this->resize_y = 1; // smallest common child resize step /* 1. Forward call, collect biggest nested array index, and longest child length. */ uint longest = 0; // Longest child found. for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); longest = max(longest, child_wid->smallest_x); } /* 2. For containers that must maintain equal width, extend child minimal size. */ if (this->flags & NC_EQUALSIZE) { for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->fill_x) child_wid->smallest_x = longest; } } /* 3. Move PIP space to the childs, compute smallest, fill, and resize values of the container. */ if (this->head != NULL) this->head->padding_left += this->pip_pre; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->next != NULL) { child_wid->padding_right += this->pip_inter; } else { child_wid->padding_right += this->pip_post; } this->smallest_x += child_wid->smallest_x + child_wid->padding_left + child_wid->padding_right; this->smallest_y = max(this->smallest_y, child_wid->smallest_y + child_wid->padding_top + child_wid->padding_bottom); this->fill_x |= child_wid->fill_x; this->fill_y &= child_wid->fill_y; if (child_wid->resize_x > 0) { if (this->resize_x == 0 || this->resize_x > child_wid->resize_x) this->resize_x = child_wid->resize_x; } this->resize_y = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_y, child_wid->resize_y); } /* We need to zero the PIP settings so we can re-initialize the tree. */ this->pip_pre = this->pip_inter = this->pip_post = 0; } void NWidgetHorizontal::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { assert(given_width >= this->smallest_x && given_height >= this->smallest_y); uint additional_length = given_width - this->smallest_x; // Additional width given to us. StoreSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y); /* In principle, the additional horizontal space is distributed evenly over the available resizable childs. Due to step sizes, this may not always be feasible. * To make resizing work as good as possible, first childs with biggest step sizes are done. These may get less due to rounding down. * This additional space is then given to childs with smaller step sizes. This will give a good result when resize steps of each child is a multiple * of the child with the smallest non-zero stepsize. * * Since child sizes are computed out of order, positions cannot be calculated until all sizes are known. That means it is not possible to compute the child * size and position, and directly call child->AssignSizePosition() with the computed values. * Instead, computed child widths and heights are stored in child->current_x and child->current_y values. That is allowed, since this method overwrites those values * then we call the child. */ /* First loop: Find biggest stepsize, find number of childs that want a piece of the pie, handle vertical size for all childs, handle horizontal size for non-resizing childs. */ int num_changing_childs = 0; // Number of childs that can change size. uint biggest_stepsize = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint hor_step = child_wid->GetHorizontalStepSize(sizing); if (hor_step > 0) { num_changing_childs++; biggest_stepsize = max(biggest_stepsize, hor_step); } else { child_wid->current_x = child_wid->smallest_x; } uint vert_step = child_wid->GetVerticalStepSize(sizing); child_wid->current_y = ComputeMaxSize(child_wid->smallest_y, given_height - child_wid->padding_top - child_wid->padding_bottom, vert_step); } /* Second loop: Allocate the additional horizontal space over the resizing childs, starting with the biggest resize steps. */ while (biggest_stepsize > 0) { uint next_biggest_stepsize = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint hor_step = child_wid->GetHorizontalStepSize(sizing); if (hor_step > biggest_stepsize) continue; // Already done if (hor_step == biggest_stepsize) { uint increment = additional_length / num_changing_childs; num_changing_childs--; if (hor_step > 1) increment -= increment % hor_step; child_wid->current_x = child_wid->smallest_x + increment; additional_length -= increment; continue; } next_biggest_stepsize = max(next_biggest_stepsize, hor_step); } biggest_stepsize = next_biggest_stepsize; } assert(num_changing_childs == 0); /* Third loop: Compute position and call the child. */ uint position = 0; // Place to put next child relative to origin of the container. allow_resize_x = (this->resize_x > 0); NWidgetBase *child_wid = rtl ? this->tail : this->head; while (child_wid != NULL) { uint child_width = child_wid->current_x; uint child_x = x + position + (rtl ? child_wid->padding_right : child_wid->padding_left); uint child_y = y + child_wid->padding_top + ComputeOffset(child_wid->current_y, given_height - child_wid->padding_top - child_wid->padding_bottom); child_wid->AssignSizePosition(sizing, child_x, child_y, child_width, child_wid->current_y, allow_resize_x, (this->resize_y > 0), rtl); position += child_width + child_wid->padding_right + child_wid->padding_left; if (child_wid->resize_x > 0) allow_resize_x = false; // Widget array allows only one child resizing child_wid = rtl ? child_wid->prev : child_wid->next; } } /** Horizontal left-to-right container widget. */ NWidgetHorizontalLTR::NWidgetHorizontalLTR(NWidContainerFlags flags) : NWidgetHorizontal(flags) { this->type = NWID_HORIZONTAL_LTR; } void NWidgetHorizontalLTR::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { NWidgetHorizontal::AssignSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y, false); } /** Vertical container widget. */ NWidgetVertical::NWidgetVertical(NWidContainerFlags flags) : NWidgetPIPContainer(NWID_VERTICAL, flags) { } void NWidgetVertical::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { this->smallest_x = 0; // Biggest child. this->smallest_y = 0; // Sum of minimal size of all childs. this->fill_x = true; // true if all childs allow fill_x. this->fill_y = false; // true if at least one child allows fill_y. this->resize_x = 1; // smallest common child resize step this->resize_y = 0; // smallest non-zero child widget resize step. /* 1. Forward call, collect biggest nested array index, and longest child length. */ uint highest = 0; // Highest child found. for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { child_wid->SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); highest = max(highest, child_wid->smallest_y); } /* 2. For containers that must maintain equal width, extend child minimal size. */ if (this->flags & NC_EQUALSIZE) { for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->fill_y) child_wid->smallest_y = highest; } } /* 3. Move PIP space to the childs, compute smallest, fill, and resize values of the container. */ if (this->head != NULL) this->head->padding_top += this->pip_pre; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { if (child_wid->next != NULL) { child_wid->padding_bottom += this->pip_inter; } else { child_wid->padding_bottom += this->pip_post; } this->smallest_y += child_wid->smallest_y + child_wid->padding_top + child_wid->padding_bottom; this->smallest_x = max(this->smallest_x, child_wid->smallest_x + child_wid->padding_left + child_wid->padding_right); this->fill_y |= child_wid->fill_y; this->fill_x &= child_wid->fill_x; if (child_wid->resize_y > 0) { if (this->resize_y == 0 || this->resize_y > child_wid->resize_y) this->resize_y = child_wid->resize_y; } this->resize_x = LeastCommonMultiple(this->resize_x, child_wid->resize_x); } /* We need to zero the PIP settings so we can re-initialize the tree. */ this->pip_pre = this->pip_inter = this->pip_post = 0; } void NWidgetVertical::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { assert(given_width >= this->smallest_x && given_height >= this->smallest_y); int additional_length = given_height - this->smallest_y; // Additional height given to us. StoreSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y); /* Like the horizontal container, the vertical container also distributes additional height evenly, starting with the childs with the biggest resize steps. * It also stores computed widths and heights into current_x and current_y values of the child. */ /* First loop: Find biggest stepsize, find number of childs that want a piece of the pie, handle horizontal size for all childs, handle vertical size for non-resizing childs. */ int num_changing_childs = 0; // Number of childs that can change size. uint biggest_stepsize = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint vert_step = child_wid->GetVerticalStepSize(sizing); if (vert_step > 0) { num_changing_childs++; biggest_stepsize = max(biggest_stepsize, vert_step); } else { child_wid->current_y = child_wid->smallest_y; } uint hor_step = child_wid->GetHorizontalStepSize(sizing); child_wid->current_x = ComputeMaxSize(child_wid->smallest_x, given_width - child_wid->padding_left - child_wid->padding_right, hor_step); } /* Second loop: Allocate the additional vertical space over the resizing childs, starting with the biggest resize steps. */ while (biggest_stepsize > 0) { uint next_biggest_stepsize = 0; for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint vert_step = child_wid->GetVerticalStepSize(sizing); if (vert_step > biggest_stepsize) continue; // Already done if (vert_step == biggest_stepsize) { uint increment = additional_length / num_changing_childs; num_changing_childs--; if (vert_step > 1) increment -= increment % vert_step; child_wid->current_y = child_wid->smallest_y + increment; additional_length -= increment; continue; } next_biggest_stepsize = max(next_biggest_stepsize, vert_step); } biggest_stepsize = next_biggest_stepsize; } assert(num_changing_childs == 0); /* Third loop: Compute position and call the child. */ uint position = 0; // Place to put next child relative to origin of the container. allow_resize_y = (this->resize_y > 0); for (NWidgetBase *child_wid = this->head; child_wid != NULL; child_wid = child_wid->next) { uint child_x = x + (rtl ? child_wid->padding_right : child_wid->padding_left) + ComputeOffset(child_wid->current_x, given_width - child_wid->padding_left - child_wid->padding_right); uint child_height = child_wid->current_y; child_wid->AssignSizePosition(sizing, child_x, y + position + child_wid->padding_top, child_wid->current_x, child_height, (this->resize_x > 0), allow_resize_y, rtl); position += child_height + child_wid->padding_top + child_wid->padding_bottom; if (child_wid->resize_y > 0) allow_resize_y = false; // Widget array allows only one child resizing } } /** * Generic spacer widget. * @param length Horizontal size of the spacer widget. * @param height Vertical size of the spacer widget. */ NWidgetSpacer::NWidgetSpacer(int length, int height) : NWidgetResizeBase(NWID_SPACER, false, false) { this->SetMinimalSize(length, height); this->SetResize(0, 0); } void NWidgetSpacer::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { this->smallest_x = this->min_x; this->smallest_y = this->min_y; } void NWidgetSpacer::FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) { } void NWidgetSpacer::Draw(const Window *w) { /* Spacer widget is never visible. */ } void NWidgetSpacer::SetDirty(const Window *w) const { /* Spacer widget never need repainting. */ } NWidgetCore *NWidgetSpacer::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { return NULL; } /** * Constructor parent nested widgets. * @param tp Type of parent widget. * @param colour Colour of the parent widget. * @param index Index in the widget array used by the window system. * @param child Child container widget (if supplied). If not supplied, a * vertical container will be inserted while adding the first * child widget. */ NWidgetBackground::NWidgetBackground(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, NWidgetPIPContainer *child) : NWidgetCore(tp, colour, true, true, 0x0, STR_NULL) { this->SetIndex(index); assert(tp == WWT_PANEL || tp == WWT_INSET || tp == WWT_FRAME); assert(index >= 0); this->child = child; } NWidgetBackground::~NWidgetBackground() { if (this->child != NULL) delete this->child; } /** * Add a child to the parent. * @param nwid Nested widget to add to the background widget. * * Unless a child container has been given in the constructor, a parent behaves as a vertical container. * You can add several childs to it, and they are put underneath each other. */ void NWidgetBackground::Add(NWidgetBase *nwid) { if (this->child == NULL) { this->child = new NWidgetVertical(); } this->child->Add(nwid); } /** * Set additional pre/inter/post space for the background widget. * * @param pip_pre Additional space in front of the first child widget (above * for the vertical container, at the left for the horizontal container). * @param pip_inter Additional space between two child widgets. * @param pip_post Additional space after the last child widget (below for the * vertical container, at the right for the horizontal container). * @note Using this function implies that the widget has (or will have) child widgets. */ void NWidgetBackground::SetPIP(uint8 pip_pre, uint8 pip_inter, uint8 pip_post) { if (this->child == NULL) { this->child = new NWidgetVertical(); } this->child->SetPIP(pip_pre, pip_inter, pip_post); } void NWidgetBackground::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { if (init_array && this->index >= 0) { assert(w->nested_array_size > (uint)this->index); w->nested_array[this->index] = this; } if (this->child != NULL) { this->child->SetupSmallestSize(w, init_array); this->smallest_x = this->child->smallest_x; this->smallest_y = this->child->smallest_y; this->fill_x = this->child->fill_x; this->fill_y = this->child->fill_y; this->resize_x = this->child->resize_x; this->resize_y = this->child->resize_y; /* Account for the size of the frame's text if that exists */ if (w != NULL && this->type == WWT_FRAME) { if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); this->smallest_x = max(this->smallest_x, GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data).width + WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT + WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT); } } else { Dimension d = {this->min_x, this->min_y}; Dimension resize = {this->resize_x, this->resize_y}; if (w != NULL) { // A non-NULL window pointer acts as switch to turn dynamic widget size on. if (this->type == WWT_FRAME || this->type == WWT_INSET) { if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); Dimension background = GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data); background.width += (this->type == WWT_FRAME) ? (WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT + WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT) : (WD_INSET_LEFT + WD_INSET_RIGHT); d = maxdim(d, background); } if (this->index >= 0) { static const Dimension padding = {0, 0}; w->UpdateWidgetSize(this->index, &d, padding, &resize); } } this->smallest_x = d.width; this->smallest_y = d.height; this->resize_x = resize.width; this->resize_y = resize.height; } } void NWidgetBackground::AssignSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool allow_resize_x, bool allow_resize_y, bool rtl) { StoreSizePosition(sizing, x, y, given_width, given_height, allow_resize_x, allow_resize_y); if (this->child != NULL) { uint x_offset = (rtl ? this->child->padding_right : this->child->padding_left); uint width = given_width - this->child->padding_right - this->child->padding_left; uint height = given_height - this->child->padding_top - this->child->padding_bottom; this->child->AssignSizePosition(sizing, x + x_offset, y + this->child->padding_top, width, height, (this->resize_x > 0), (this->resize_y > 0), rtl); } } void NWidgetBackground::FillNestedArray(NWidgetBase **array, uint length) { if (this->index >= 0 && (uint)(this->index) < length) array[this->index] = this; if (this->child != NULL) this->child->FillNestedArray(array, length); } void NWidgetBackground::Draw(const Window *w) { if (this->current_x == 0 || this->current_y == 0) return; Rect r; r.left = this->pos_x; r.right = this->pos_x + this->current_x - 1; r.top = this->pos_y; r.bottom = this->pos_y + this->current_y - 1; const DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi; if (dpi->left > r.right || dpi->left + dpi->width <= r.left || dpi->top > r.bottom || dpi->top + dpi->height <= r.top) return; switch (this->type) { case WWT_PANEL: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, this->colour, this->IsLowered() ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); break; case WWT_FRAME: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawFrame(r, this->colour, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_INSET: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawInset(r, this->colour, this->widget_data); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (this->index >= 0) w->DrawWidget(r, this->index); if (this->child != NULL) this->child->Draw(w); if (this->IsDisabled()) { GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 1, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 1, _colour_gradient[this->colour & 0xF][2], FILLRECT_CHECKER); } } NWidgetCore *NWidgetBackground::GetWidgetFromPos(int x, int y) { NWidgetCore *nwid = NULL; if (IsInsideBS(x, this->pos_x, this->current_x) && IsInsideBS(y, this->pos_y, this->current_y)) { if (this->child != NULL) nwid = this->child->GetWidgetFromPos(x, y); if (nwid == NULL) nwid = this; } return nwid; } Scrollbar *NWidgetBackground::FindScrollbar(Window *w, bool allow_next) { if (this->index > 0 && allow_next && this->child == NULL && (uint)(this->index) + 1 < w->nested_array_size) { NWidgetCore *next_wid = w->GetWidget(this->index + 1); if (next_wid != NULL) return next_wid->FindScrollbar(w, false); } return NULL; } NWidgetBase *NWidgetBackground::GetWidgetOfType(WidgetType tp) { NWidgetBase *nwid = NULL; if (this->child != NULL) nwid = this->child->GetWidgetOfType(tp); if (nwid == NULL && this->type == tp) nwid = this; return nwid; } NWidgetViewport::NWidgetViewport(int index) : NWidgetCore(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, true, true, 0x0, STR_NULL) { this->SetIndex(index); } void NWidgetViewport::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { if (init_array && this->index >= 0) { assert(w->nested_array_size > (uint)this->index); w->nested_array[this->index] = this; } this->smallest_x = this->min_x; this->smallest_y = this->min_y; } void NWidgetViewport::Draw(const Window *w) { if (this->disp_flags & ND_NO_TRANSPARENCY) { TransparencyOptionBits to_backup = _transparency_opt; _transparency_opt = 0; // Disable all transparency w->DrawViewport(); _transparency_opt = to_backup; } else { w->DrawViewport(); } /* Optionally shade the viewport. */ if (this->disp_flags & (ND_SHADE_GREY | ND_SHADE_DIMMED)) { GfxFillRect(this->pos_x, this->pos_y, this->pos_x + this->current_x - 1, this->pos_y + this->current_y - 1, (this->disp_flags & ND_SHADE_DIMMED) ? PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT : PALETTE_TO_STRUCT_GREY, FILLRECT_RECOLOUR); } } Scrollbar *NWidgetViewport::FindScrollbar(Window *w, bool allow_next) { return NULL; } /** * Initialize the viewport of the window. * @param w Window owning the viewport. * @param follow_flags Type of viewport, see #InitializeViewport(). * @param zoom Zoom level. */ void NWidgetViewport::InitializeViewport(Window *w, uint32 follow_flags, ZoomLevel zoom) { InitializeWindowViewport(w, this->pos_x, this->pos_y, this->current_x, this->current_y, follow_flags, zoom); } /** * Update the position and size of the viewport (after eg a resize). * @param w Window owning the viewport. */ void NWidgetViewport::UpdateViewportCoordinates(Window *w) { ViewPort *vp = w->viewport; if (vp != NULL) { vp->left = w->left + this->pos_x; vp->top = w->top + this->pos_y; vp->width = this->current_x; vp->height = this->current_y; vp->virtual_width = ScaleByZoom(vp->width, vp->zoom); vp->virtual_height = ScaleByZoom(vp->height, vp->zoom); } } /** Reset the cached dimensions. */ /* static */ void NWidgetLeaf::InvalidateDimensionCache() { stickybox_dimension.width = stickybox_dimension.height = 0; resizebox_dimension.width = resizebox_dimension.height = 0; closebox_dimension.width = closebox_dimension.height = 0; } Dimension NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension = {0, 0}; Dimension NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension = {0, 0}; Dimension NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension = {0, 0}; /** * Nested leaf widget. * @param tp Type of leaf widget. * @param colour Colour of the leaf widget. * @param index Index in the widget array used by the window system. * @param data Data of the widget. * @param tip Tooltip of the widget. */ NWidgetLeaf::NWidgetLeaf(WidgetType tp, Colours colour, int index, uint16 data, StringID tip) : NWidgetCore(tp, colour, true, true, data, tip) { this->SetIndex(index); this->SetMinimalSize(0, 0); this->SetResize(0, 0); switch (tp) { case WWT_EMPTY: break; case WWT_PUSHBTN: this->SetFill(false, false); break; case WWT_IMGBTN: case WWT_PUSHIMGBTN: case WWT_IMGBTN_2: this->SetFill(false, false); break; case WWT_TEXTBTN: case WWT_PUSHTXTBTN: case WWT_TEXTBTN_2: case WWT_LABEL: case WWT_TEXT: case WWT_MATRIX: case WWT_EDITBOX: case NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN: this->SetFill(false, false); break; case WWT_SCROLLBAR: case WWT_SCROLL2BAR: this->SetFill(false, true); this->SetResize(0, 1); this->min_x = WD_VSCROLLBAR_WIDTH; this->SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_VSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST); break; case WWT_CAPTION: this->SetFill(true, false); this->SetResize(1, 0); this->min_y = WD_CAPTION_HEIGHT; this->SetDataTip(data, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS); break; case WWT_HSCROLLBAR: this->SetFill(true, false); this->SetResize(1, 0); this->min_y = WD_HSCROLLBAR_HEIGHT; this->SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST); break; case WWT_STICKYBOX: this->SetFill(false, true); this->SetMinimalSize(WD_STICKYBOX_WIDTH, 14); this->SetDataTip(STR_NULL, STR_TOOLTIP_STICKY); break; case WWT_RESIZEBOX: this->SetFill(false, false); this->SetMinimalSize(WD_RESIZEBOX_WIDTH, 12); this->SetDataTip(STR_NULL, STR_TOOLTIP_RESIZE); break; case WWT_CLOSEBOX: this->SetFill(false, false); this->SetMinimalSize(WD_CLOSEBOX_WIDTH, 14); this->SetDataTip(STR_BLACK_CROSS, STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW); break; case WWT_DROPDOWN: this->SetFill(false, false); this->min_y = WD_DROPDOWN_HEIGHT; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } void NWidgetLeaf::SetupSmallestSize(Window *w, bool init_array) { if (w == NULL) { // Conversion to widget array. this->smallest_x = this->min_x; this->smallest_y = this->min_y; /* All other data is already at the right place. */ return; } if (this->index >= 0 && init_array) { // Fill w->nested_array[] assert(w->nested_array_size > (uint)this->index); w->nested_array[this->index] = this; } /* A non-NULL window pointer acts as switch to turn dynamic widget sizing on. */ Dimension size = {this->min_x, this->min_y}; Dimension resize = {this->resize_x, this->resize_y}; /* Get padding, and update size with the real content size if appropriate. */ const Dimension *padding = NULL; switch (this->type) { case WWT_EMPTY: case WWT_SCROLLBAR: case WWT_SCROLL2BAR: case WWT_HSCROLLBAR: { static const Dimension extra = {0, 0}; padding = &extra; break; } case WWT_MATRIX: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_MATRIX_LEFT + WD_MATRIX_RIGHT, WD_MATRIX_TOP + WD_MATRIX_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; break; } case WWT_STICKYBOX: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_STICKYBOX_LEFT + WD_STICKYBOX_RIGHT, WD_STICKYBOX_TOP + WD_STICKYBOX_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension.width == 0) { NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension = maxdim(GetSpriteSize(SPR_PIN_UP), GetSpriteSize(SPR_PIN_DOWN)); NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension.width += extra.width; NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension.height += extra.height; } size = maxdim(size, NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension); break; } case WWT_RESIZEBOX: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_RESIZEBOX_LEFT + WD_RESIZEBOX_RIGHT, WD_RESIZEBOX_TOP + WD_RESIZEBOX_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension.width == 0) { NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension = maxdim(GetSpriteSize(SPR_WINDOW_RESIZE_LEFT), GetSpriteSize(SPR_WINDOW_RESIZE_RIGHT)); NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension.width += extra.width; NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension.height += extra.height; } size = maxdim(size, NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension); break; } case WWT_EDITBOX: size.height = max(size.height, GetStringBoundingBox("_").height + WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM); /* fall through */ case WWT_PUSHBTN: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; break; } case WWT_IMGBTN: case WWT_IMGBTN_2: case WWT_PUSHIMGBTN: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_IMGBTN_LEFT + WD_IMGBTN_RIGHT, WD_IMGBTN_TOP + WD_IMGBTN_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; Dimension d2 = GetSpriteSize(this->widget_data); if (this->type == WWT_IMGBTN_2) d2 = maxdim(d2, GetSpriteSize(this->widget_data + 1)); d2.width += extra.width; d2.height += extra.height; size = maxdim(size, d2); break; } case WWT_CLOSEBOX: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_CLOSEBOX_LEFT + WD_CLOSEBOX_RIGHT, WD_CLOSEBOX_TOP + WD_CLOSEBOX_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension.width == 0) { NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension = maxdim(GetStringBoundingBox(STR_BLACK_CROSS), GetStringBoundingBox(STR_SILVER_CROSS)); NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension.width += extra.width; NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension.height += extra.height; } size = maxdim(size, NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension); break; } case WWT_TEXTBTN: case WWT_PUSHTXTBTN: case WWT_TEXTBTN_2: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); Dimension d2 = GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data); d2.width += extra.width; d2.height += extra.height; size = maxdim(size, d2); break; } case WWT_LABEL: case WWT_TEXT: { static const Dimension extra = {0, 0}; padding = &extra; if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); size = maxdim(size, GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data)); break; } case WWT_CAPTION: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_CAPTIONTEXT_LEFT + WD_CAPTIONTEXT_RIGHT, WD_CAPTIONTEXT_TOP + WD_CAPTIONTEXT_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); Dimension d2 = GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data); d2.width += extra.width; d2.height += extra.height; size = maxdim(size, d2); break; } case WWT_DROPDOWN: case NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN: { static const Dimension extra = {WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_LEFT + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_RIGHT, WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_TOP + WD_DROPDOWNTEXT_BOTTOM}; padding = &extra; if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); Dimension d2 = GetStringBoundingBox(this->widget_data); d2.width += extra.width; d2.height += extra.height; size = maxdim(size, d2); break; } default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (this->index >= 0) w->UpdateWidgetSize(this->index, &size, *padding, &resize); this->smallest_x = size.width; this->smallest_y = size.height; this->resize_x = resize.width; this->resize_y = resize.height; /* this->fill_x and this->fill_y are already correct. */ } void NWidgetLeaf::Draw(const Window *w) { if (this->current_x == 0 || this->current_y == 0) return; Rect r; r.left = this->pos_x; r.right = this->pos_x + this->current_x - 1; r.top = this->pos_y; r.bottom = this->pos_y + this->current_y - 1; const DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi; if (dpi->left > r.right || dpi->left + dpi->width <= r.left || dpi->top > r.bottom || dpi->top + dpi->height <= r.top) return; bool clicked = this->IsLowered(); switch (this->type) { case WWT_EMPTY: break; case WWT_PUSHBTN: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, this->colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); break; case WWT_IMGBTN: case WWT_PUSHIMGBTN: case WWT_IMGBTN_2: DrawImageButtons(r, this->type, this->colour, clicked, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_TEXTBTN: case WWT_PUSHTXTBTN: case WWT_TEXTBTN_2: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, this->colour, (clicked) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); DrawLabel(r, this->type, clicked, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_LABEL: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawLabel(r, this->type, clicked, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_TEXT: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawText(r, (TextColour)this->colour, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_MATRIX: DrawMatrix(r, this->colour, clicked, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_EDITBOX: DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, this->colour, FR_LOWERED | FR_DARKENED); break; case WWT_SCROLLBAR: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawVerticalScrollbar(r, this->colour, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == WF_SCROLL_UP, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == WF_SCROLL_DOWN, &w->vscroll); break; case WWT_SCROLL2BAR: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawVerticalScrollbar(r, this->colour, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_SCROLL2), (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_SCROLL2), (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL | WF_SCROLL2)) == (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_SCROLL2), &w->vscroll2); break; case WWT_CAPTION: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawCaption(r, this->colour, w->owner, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_HSCROLLBAR: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawHorizontalScrollbar(r, this->colour, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL), (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL), (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL), &w->hscroll); break; case WWT_STICKYBOX: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawStickyBox(r, this->colour, !!(w->flags4 & WF_STICKY)); break; case WWT_RESIZEBOX: assert(this->widget_data == 0); DrawResizeBox(r, this->colour, this->pos_x < (uint)(w->width / 2), !!(w->flags4 & WF_SIZING)); break; case WWT_CLOSEBOX: DrawCloseBox(r, this->colour, this->widget_data); break; case WWT_DROPDOWN: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawDropdown(r, this->colour, clicked, this->widget_data); break; case NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN: if (this->index >= 0) w->SetStringParameters(this->index); DrawButtonDropdown(r, this->colour, clicked, (this->disp_flags & ND_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE) != 0, this->widget_data); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (this->index >= 0) w->DrawWidget(r, this->index); if (this->IsDisabled()) { GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 1, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 1, _colour_gradient[this->colour & 0xF][2], FILLRECT_CHECKER); } } Scrollbar *NWidgetLeaf::FindScrollbar(Window *w, bool allow_next) { if (this->type == WWT_SCROLLBAR) return &w->vscroll; if (this->type == WWT_SCROLL2BAR) return &w->vscroll2; if (this->index > 0 && allow_next && (uint)(this->index) + 1 < w->nested_array_size) { NWidgetCore *next_wid = w->GetWidget(this->index + 1); if (next_wid != NULL) return next_wid->FindScrollbar(w, false); } return NULL; } /** * For a #NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN, test whether \a pt refers to the button or to the drop-down. * @param pt Point in the widget. * @return The point refers to the button. * * @note The magic constants are also used at #DrawButtonDropdown. */ bool NWidgetLeaf::ButtonHit(const Point &pt) { if (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_LTR) { int button_width = this->pos_x + this->current_x - 12; return pt.x < button_width; } else { int button_left = this->pos_x + 12; return pt.x >= button_left; } } /* == Conversion code from NWidgetPart array to NWidgetBase* tree == */ /** * Construct a single nested widget in \a *dest from its parts. * * Construct a NWidgetBase object from a #NWidget function, and apply all * settings that follow it, until encountering a #EndContainer, another * #NWidget, or the end of the parts array. * * @param parts Array with parts of the nested widget. * @param count Length of the \a parts array. * @param dest Address of pointer to use for returning the composed widget. * @param fill_dest Fill the composed widget with child widgets. * @param biggest_index Pointer to biggest nested widget index in the tree encountered so far. * @return Number of widget part elements used to compose the widget. * @precond \c biggest_index != NULL. */ static int MakeNWidget(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count, NWidgetBase **dest, bool *fill_dest, int *biggest_index) { int num_used = 0; *dest = NULL; *fill_dest = false; while (count > num_used) { switch (parts->type) { case NWID_SPACER: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetSpacer(0, 0); break; case NWID_HORIZONTAL: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetHorizontal(parts->u.cont_flags); *fill_dest = true; break; case NWID_HORIZONTAL_LTR: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetHorizontalLTR(parts->u.cont_flags); *fill_dest = true; break; case WWT_PANEL: case WWT_INSET: case WWT_FRAME: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetBackground(parts->type, parts->u.widget.colour, parts->u.widget.index); *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, (int)parts->u.widget.index); *fill_dest = true; break; case NWID_VERTICAL: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetVertical(parts->u.cont_flags); *fill_dest = true; break; case WPT_FUNCTION: { if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; /* Ensure proper functioning even when the called code simply writes its largest index. */ int biggest = -1; *dest = parts->u.func_ptr(&biggest); *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, biggest); *fill_dest = false; break; } case WPT_RESIZE: { NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwrb != NULL) { assert(parts->u.xy.x >= 0 && parts->u.xy.y >= 0); nwrb->SetResize(parts->u.xy.x, parts->u.xy.y); } break; } case WPT_MINSIZE: { NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwrb != NULL) { assert(parts->u.xy.x >= 0 && parts->u.xy.y >= 0); nwrb->SetMinimalSize(parts->u.xy.x, parts->u.xy.y); } break; } case WPT_MINTEXTLINES: { NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwrb != NULL) { assert(parts->u.text_lines.size >= FS_BEGIN && parts->u.text_lines.size < FS_END); nwrb->SetMinimalTextLines(parts->u.text_lines.lines, parts->u.text_lines.spacing, parts->u.text_lines.size); } break; } case WPT_FILL: { NWidgetResizeBase *nwrb = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwrb != NULL) nwrb->SetFill(parts->u.xy.x != 0, parts->u.xy.y != 0); break; } case WPT_DATATIP: { NWidgetCore *nwc = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwc != NULL) { nwc->widget_data = parts->u.data_tip.data; nwc->tool_tip = parts->u.data_tip.tooltip; } break; } case WPT_PADDING: if (*dest != NULL) (*dest)->SetPadding(parts->u.padding.top, parts->u.padding.right, parts->u.padding.bottom, parts->u.padding.left); break; case WPT_PIPSPACE: { NWidgetPIPContainer *nwc = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwc != NULL) nwc->SetPIP(parts->u.pip.pre, parts->u.pip.inter, parts->u.pip.post); NWidgetBackground *nwb = dynamic_cast(*dest); if (nwb != NULL) nwb->SetPIP(parts->u.pip.pre, parts->u.pip.inter, parts->u.pip.post); break; } case WPT_ENDCONTAINER: return num_used; case NWID_VIEWPORT: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; *dest = new NWidgetViewport(parts->u.widget.index); *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, (int)parts->u.widget.index); break; case NWID_SELECTION: { if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; NWidgetStacked *nws = new NWidgetStacked(); *dest = nws; *fill_dest = true; nws->SetIndex(parts->u.widget.index); *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, (int)parts->u.widget.index); break; } default: if (*dest != NULL) return num_used; assert((parts->type & WWT_MASK) < WWT_LAST || parts->type == NWID_BUTTON_DRPDOWN); *dest = new NWidgetLeaf(parts->type, parts->u.widget.colour, parts->u.widget.index, 0x0, STR_NULL); *biggest_index = max(*biggest_index, (int)parts->u.widget.index); break; } num_used++; parts++; } return num_used; } /** * Build a nested widget tree by recursively filling containers with nested widgets read from their parts. * @param parts Array with parts of the nested widgets. * @param count Length of the \a parts array. * @param parent Container to use for storing the child widgets. * @param biggest_index Pointer to biggest nested widget index in the tree. * @return Number of widget part elements used to fill the container. * @postcond \c *biggest_index contains the largest widget index of the tree and \c -1 if no index is used. */ static int MakeWidgetTree(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count, NWidgetBase *parent, int *biggest_index) { /* Given parent must be either a #NWidgetContainer or a #NWidgetBackground object. */ NWidgetContainer *nwid_cont = dynamic_cast(parent); NWidgetBackground *nwid_parent = dynamic_cast(parent); assert((nwid_cont != NULL && nwid_parent == NULL) || (nwid_cont == NULL && nwid_parent != NULL)); int total_used = 0; while (true) { NWidgetBase *sub_widget = NULL; bool fill_sub = false; int num_used = MakeNWidget(parts, count - total_used, &sub_widget, &fill_sub, biggest_index); parts += num_used; total_used += num_used; /* Break out of loop when end reached */ if (sub_widget == NULL) break; /* Add sub_widget to parent container. */ if (nwid_cont) nwid_cont->Add(sub_widget); if (nwid_parent) nwid_parent->Add(sub_widget); /* If sub-widget is a container, recursively fill that container. */ WidgetType tp = sub_widget->type; if (fill_sub && (tp == NWID_HORIZONTAL || tp == NWID_HORIZONTAL_LTR || tp == NWID_VERTICAL || tp == WWT_PANEL || tp == WWT_FRAME || tp == WWT_INSET || tp == NWID_SELECTION)) { int num_used = MakeWidgetTree(parts, count - total_used, sub_widget, biggest_index); parts += num_used; total_used += num_used; } } if (count == total_used) return total_used; // Reached the end of the array of parts? assert(total_used < count); assert(parts->type == WPT_ENDCONTAINER); return total_used + 1; // *parts is also 'used' } /** * Construct a nested widget tree from an array of parts. * @param parts Array with parts of the widgets. * @param count Length of the \a parts array. * @param biggest_index Pointer to biggest nested widget index collected in the tree. * @param container Container to add the nested widgets to. In case it is NULL a vertical container is used. * @return Root of the nested widget tree, a vertical container containing the entire GUI. * @ingroup NestedWidgetParts * @pre \c biggest_index != NULL * @post \c *biggest_index contains the largest widget index of the tree and \c -1 if no index is used. */ NWidgetContainer *MakeNWidgets(const NWidgetPart *parts, int count, int *biggest_index, NWidgetContainer *container) { *biggest_index = -1; if (container == NULL) container = new NWidgetVertical(); MakeWidgetTree(parts, count, container, biggest_index); return container; }