/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file sdl2_v.cpp Implementation of the SDL2 video driver. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../openttd.h" #include "../gfx_func.h" #include "../rev.h" #include "../blitter/factory.hpp" #include "../thread.h" #include "../progress.h" #include "../core/random_func.hpp" #include "../core/math_func.hpp" #include "../core/mem_func.hpp" #include "../core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "../fileio_func.h" #include "../framerate_type.h" #include "../window_func.h" #include "sdl2_v.h" #include #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ # include # include #endif #include "../safeguards.h" #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ /** Whether we just had a window-enter event. */ static bool _cursor_new_in_window = false; #endif void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::MakeDirty(int left, int top, int width, int height) { Rect r = {left, top, left + width, top + height}; this->dirty_rect = BoundingRect(this->dirty_rect, r); } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::CheckPaletteAnim() { if (_cur_palette.count_dirty == 0) return; this->local_palette = _cur_palette; this->MakeDirty(0, 0, _screen.width, _screen.height); } static const Dimension default_resolutions[] = { { 640, 480 }, { 800, 600 }, { 1024, 768 }, { 1152, 864 }, { 1280, 800 }, { 1280, 960 }, { 1280, 1024 }, { 1400, 1050 }, { 1600, 1200 }, { 1680, 1050 }, { 1920, 1200 } }; static void FindResolutions() { _resolutions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(0); i++) { SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, i, &mode); if (mode.w < 640 || mode.h < 480) continue; if (std::find(_resolutions.begin(), _resolutions.end(), Dimension(mode.w, mode.h)) != _resolutions.end()) continue; _resolutions.emplace_back(mode.w, mode.h); } /* We have found no resolutions, show the default list */ if (_resolutions.empty()) { _resolutions.assign(std::begin(default_resolutions), std::end(default_resolutions)); } SortResolutions(); } static void GetAvailableVideoMode(uint *w, uint *h) { /* All modes available? */ if (!_fullscreen || _resolutions.empty()) return; /* Is the wanted mode among the available modes? */ if (std::find(_resolutions.begin(), _resolutions.end(), Dimension(*w, *h)) != _resolutions.end()) return; /* Use the closest possible resolution */ uint best = 0; uint delta = Delta(_resolutions[0].width, *w) * Delta(_resolutions[0].height, *h); for (uint i = 1; i != _resolutions.size(); ++i) { uint newdelta = Delta(_resolutions[i].width, *w) * Delta(_resolutions[i].height, *h); if (newdelta < delta) { best = i; delta = newdelta; } } *w = _resolutions[best].width; *h = _resolutions[best].height; } static uint FindStartupDisplay(uint startup_display) { int num_displays = SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); /* If the user indicated a valid monitor, use that. */ if (IsInsideBS(startup_display, 0, num_displays)) return startup_display; /* Mouse position decides which display to use. */ int mx, my; SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(&mx, &my); for (int display = 0; display < num_displays; ++display) { SDL_Rect r; if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(display, &r) == 0 && IsInsideBS(mx, r.x, r.w) && IsInsideBS(my, r.y, r.h)) { Debug(driver, 1, "SDL2: Mouse is at ({}, {}), use display {} ({}, {}, {}, {})", mx, my, display, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); return display; } } return 0; } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::ClientSizeChanged(int w, int h, bool force) { /* Allocate backing store of the new size. */ if (this->AllocateBackingStore(w, h, force)) { /* Mark all palette colours dirty. */ _cur_palette.first_dirty = 0; _cur_palette.count_dirty = 256; this->local_palette = _cur_palette; BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->PostResize(); GameSizeChanged(); } } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::CreateMainWindow(uint w, uint h, uint flags) { if (this->sdl_window != nullptr) return true; flags |= SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (_fullscreen) { flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; } int x = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, y = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED; SDL_Rect r; if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(this->startup_display, &r) == 0) { x = r.x + std::max(0, r.w - static_cast(w)) / 2; y = r.y + std::max(0, r.h - static_cast(h)) / 4; // decent desktops have taskbars at the bottom } char caption[50]; seprintf(caption, lastof(caption), "OpenTTD %s", _openttd_revision); this->sdl_window = SDL_CreateWindow( caption, x, y, w, h, flags); if (this->sdl_window == nullptr) { Debug(driver, 0, "SDL2: Couldn't allocate a window to draw on: {}", SDL_GetError()); return false; } std::string icon_path = FioFindFullPath(BASESET_DIR, "openttd.32.bmp"); if (!icon_path.empty()) { /* Give the application an icon */ SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_LoadBMP(icon_path.c_str()); if (icon != nullptr) { /* Get the colourkey, which will be magenta */ uint32 rgbmap = SDL_MapRGB(icon->format, 255, 0, 255); SDL_SetColorKey(icon, SDL_TRUE, rgbmap); SDL_SetWindowIcon(this->sdl_window, icon); SDL_FreeSurface(icon); } } return true; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::CreateMainSurface(uint w, uint h, bool resize) { GetAvailableVideoMode(&w, &h); Debug(driver, 1, "SDL2: using mode {}x{}", w, h); if (!this->CreateMainWindow(w, h)) return false; if (resize) SDL_SetWindowSize(this->sdl_window, w, h); this->ClientSizeChanged(w, h, true); /* When in full screen, we will always have the mouse cursor * within the window, even though SDL does not give us the * appropriate event to know this. */ if (_fullscreen) _cursor.in_window = true; return true; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::ClaimMousePointer() { SDL_ShowCursor(0); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); #endif return true; } /** * This is called to indicate that an edit box has gained focus, text input mode should be enabled. */ void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::EditBoxGainedFocus() { if (!this->edit_box_focused) { SDL_StartTextInput(); this->edit_box_focused = true; } } /** * This is called to indicate that an edit box has lost focus, text input mode should be disabled. */ void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::EditBoxLostFocus() { if (this->edit_box_focused) { SDL_StopTextInput(); this->edit_box_focused = false; } } std::vector VideoDriver_SDL_Base::GetListOfMonitorRefreshRates() { std::vector rates = {}; for (int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); i++) { SDL_DisplayMode mode = {}; if (SDL_GetDisplayMode(i, 0, &mode) != 0) continue; if (mode.refresh_rate != 0) rates.push_back(mode.refresh_rate); } return rates; } struct SDLVkMapping { SDL_Keycode vk_from; byte vk_count; byte map_to; bool unprintable; }; #define AS(x, z) {x, 0, z, false} #define AM(x, y, z, w) {x, (byte)(y - x), z, false} #define AS_UP(x, z) {x, 0, z, true} #define AM_UP(x, y, z, w) {x, (byte)(y - x), z, true} static const SDLVkMapping _vk_mapping[] = { /* Pageup stuff + up/down */ AS_UP(SDLK_PAGEUP, WKC_PAGEUP), AS_UP(SDLK_PAGEDOWN, WKC_PAGEDOWN), AS_UP(SDLK_UP, WKC_UP), AS_UP(SDLK_DOWN, WKC_DOWN), AS_UP(SDLK_LEFT, WKC_LEFT), AS_UP(SDLK_RIGHT, WKC_RIGHT), AS_UP(SDLK_HOME, WKC_HOME), AS_UP(SDLK_END, WKC_END), AS_UP(SDLK_INSERT, WKC_INSERT), AS_UP(SDLK_DELETE, WKC_DELETE), /* Map letters & digits */ AM(SDLK_a, SDLK_z, 'A', 'Z'), AM(SDLK_0, SDLK_9, '0', '9'), AS_UP(SDLK_ESCAPE, WKC_ESC), AS_UP(SDLK_PAUSE, WKC_PAUSE), AS_UP(SDLK_BACKSPACE, WKC_BACKSPACE), AS(SDLK_SPACE, WKC_SPACE), AS(SDLK_RETURN, WKC_RETURN), AS(SDLK_TAB, WKC_TAB), /* Function keys */ AM_UP(SDLK_F1, SDLK_F12, WKC_F1, WKC_F12), /* Numeric part. */ AM(SDLK_KP_0, SDLK_KP_9, '0', '9'), AS(SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, WKC_NUM_DIV), AS(SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, WKC_NUM_MUL), AS(SDLK_KP_MINUS, WKC_NUM_MINUS), AS(SDLK_KP_PLUS, WKC_NUM_PLUS), AS(SDLK_KP_ENTER, WKC_NUM_ENTER), AS(SDLK_KP_PERIOD, WKC_NUM_DECIMAL), /* Other non-letter keys */ AS(SDLK_SLASH, WKC_SLASH), AS(SDLK_SEMICOLON, WKC_SEMICOLON), AS(SDLK_EQUALS, WKC_EQUALS), AS(SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, WKC_L_BRACKET), AS(SDLK_BACKSLASH, WKC_BACKSLASH), AS(SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, WKC_R_BRACKET), AS(SDLK_QUOTE, WKC_SINGLEQUOTE), AS(SDLK_COMMA, WKC_COMMA), AS(SDLK_MINUS, WKC_MINUS), AS(SDLK_PERIOD, WKC_PERIOD) }; static uint ConvertSdlKeyIntoMy(SDL_Keysym *sym, WChar *character) { const SDLVkMapping *map; uint key = 0; bool unprintable = false; for (map = _vk_mapping; map != endof(_vk_mapping); ++map) { if ((uint)(sym->sym - map->vk_from) <= map->vk_count) { key = sym->sym - map->vk_from + map->map_to; unprintable = map->unprintable; break; } } /* check scancode for BACKQUOTE key, because we want the key left of "1", not anything else (on non-US keyboards) */ if (sym->scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE) key = WKC_BACKQUOTE; /* META are the command keys on mac */ if (sym->mod & KMOD_GUI) key |= WKC_META; if (sym->mod & KMOD_SHIFT) key |= WKC_SHIFT; if (sym->mod & KMOD_CTRL) key |= WKC_CTRL; if (sym->mod & KMOD_ALT) key |= WKC_ALT; /* The mod keys have no character. Prevent '?' */ if (sym->mod & KMOD_GUI || sym->mod & KMOD_CTRL || sym->mod & KMOD_ALT || unprintable) { *character = WKC_NONE; } else { *character = sym->sym; } return key; } /** * Like ConvertSdlKeyIntoMy(), but takes an SDL_Keycode as input * instead of an SDL_Keysym. */ static uint ConvertSdlKeycodeIntoMy(SDL_Keycode kc) { const SDLVkMapping *map; uint key = 0; for (map = _vk_mapping; map != endof(_vk_mapping); ++map) { if ((uint)(kc - map->vk_from) <= map->vk_count) { key = kc - map->vk_from + map->map_to; break; } } /* check scancode for BACKQUOTE key, because we want the key left * of "1", not anything else (on non-US keyboards) */ SDL_Scancode sc = SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(kc); if (sc == SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE) key = WKC_BACKQUOTE; return key; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::PollEvent() { SDL_Event ev; if (!SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) return false; switch (ev.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ if (_cursor_new_in_window) { /* The cursor just moved into the window; this means we don't * know the absolutely position yet to move relative from. * Before this time, SDL didn't know it either, and this is * why we postpone it till now. Update the absolute position * for this once, and work relative after. */ _cursor.pos.x = ev.motion.x; _cursor.pos.y = ev.motion.y; _cursor.dirty = true; _cursor_new_in_window = false; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); } else { _cursor.UpdateCursorPositionRelative(ev.motion.xrel, ev.motion.yrel); } #else if (_cursor.UpdateCursorPosition(ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y, true)) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(this->sdl_window, _cursor.pos.x, _cursor.pos.y); } #endif HandleMouseEvents(); break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if (ev.wheel.y > 0) { _cursor.wheel--; } else if (ev.wheel.y < 0) { _cursor.wheel++; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (_rightclick_emulate && SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT; } switch (ev.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: _left_button_down = true; break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: _right_button_down = true; _right_button_clicked = true; break; default: break; } HandleMouseEvents(); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (_rightclick_emulate) { _right_button_down = false; _left_button_down = false; _left_button_clicked = false; } else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { _left_button_down = false; _left_button_clicked = false; } else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { _right_button_down = false; } HandleMouseEvents(); break; case SDL_QUIT: HandleExitGameRequest(); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: // Toggle full-screen on ALT + ENTER/F if ((ev.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_ALT | KMOD_GUI)) && (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_f)) { if (ev.key.repeat == 0) ToggleFullScreen(!_fullscreen); } else { WChar character; uint keycode = ConvertSdlKeyIntoMy(&ev.key.keysym, &character); // Only handle non-text keys here. Text is handled in // SDL_TEXTINPUT below. if (!this->edit_box_focused || keycode == WKC_DELETE || keycode == WKC_NUM_ENTER || keycode == WKC_LEFT || keycode == WKC_RIGHT || keycode == WKC_UP || keycode == WKC_DOWN || keycode == WKC_HOME || keycode == WKC_END || keycode & WKC_META || keycode & WKC_CTRL || keycode & WKC_ALT || (keycode >= WKC_F1 && keycode <= WKC_F12) || !IsValidChar(character, CS_ALPHANUMERAL)) { HandleKeypress(keycode, character); } } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: { if (!this->edit_box_focused) break; SDL_Keycode kc = SDL_GetKeyFromName(ev.text.text); uint keycode = ConvertSdlKeycodeIntoMy(kc); if (keycode == WKC_BACKQUOTE && FocusedWindowIsConsole()) { WChar character; Utf8Decode(&character, ev.text.text); HandleKeypress(keycode, character); } else { HandleTextInput(ev.text.text); } break; } case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED) { // Force a redraw of the entire screen. this->MakeDirty(0, 0, _screen.width, _screen.height); } else if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) { int w = std::max(ev.window.data1, 64); int h = std::max(ev.window.data2, 64); CreateMainSurface(w, h, w != ev.window.data1 || h != ev.window.data2); } else if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER) { // mouse entered the window, enable cursor _cursor.in_window = true; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ /* Disable relative mouse mode for the first mouse motion, * so we can pick up the absolutely position again. */ _cursor_new_in_window = true; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); #endif } else if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE) { // mouse left the window, undraw cursor UndrawMouseCursor(); _cursor.in_window = false; } break; } } return true; } static const char *InitializeSDL() { /* Explicitly disable hardware acceleration. Enabling this causes * UpdateWindowSurface() to update the window's texture instead of * its surface. */ SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_FRAMEBUFFER_ACCELERATION, "0"); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP, "1"); /* Check if the video-driver is already initialized. */ if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) return nullptr; if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) return SDL_GetError(); return nullptr; } const char *VideoDriver_SDL_Base::Initialize() { this->UpdateAutoResolution(); const char *error = InitializeSDL(); if (error != nullptr) return error; FindResolutions(); Debug(driver, 2, "Resolution for display: {}x{}", _cur_resolution.width, _cur_resolution.height); return nullptr; } const char *VideoDriver_SDL_Base::Start(const StringList ¶m) { if (BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() == 0) return "Only real blitters supported"; const char *error = this->Initialize(); if (error != nullptr) return error; this->startup_display = FindStartupDisplay(GetDriverParamInt(param, "display", -1)); if (!CreateMainSurface(_cur_resolution.width, _cur_resolution.height, false)) { return SDL_GetError(); } const char *dname = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(); Debug(driver, 1, "SDL2: using driver '{}'", dname); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); SDL_StopTextInput(); this->edit_box_focused = false; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ this->is_game_threaded = false; #else this->is_game_threaded = !GetDriverParamBool(param, "no_threads") && !GetDriverParamBool(param, "no_thread"); #endif return nullptr; } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::Stop() { SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == 0) { SDL_Quit(); // If there's nothing left, quit SDL } } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::InputLoop() { uint32 mod = SDL_GetModState(); const Uint8 *keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(nullptr); bool old_ctrl_pressed = _ctrl_pressed; _ctrl_pressed = !!(mod & KMOD_CTRL); _shift_pressed = !!(mod & KMOD_SHIFT); #if defined(_DEBUG) this->fast_forward_key_pressed = _shift_pressed; #else /* Speedup when pressing tab, except when using ALT+TAB * to switch to another application. */ this->fast_forward_key_pressed = keys[SDL_SCANCODE_TAB] && (mod & KMOD_ALT) == 0; #endif /* defined(_DEBUG) */ /* Determine which directional keys are down. */ _dirkeys = (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT] ? 1 : 0) | (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_UP] ? 2 : 0) | (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT] ? 4 : 0) | (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN] ? 8 : 0); if (old_ctrl_pressed != _ctrl_pressed) HandleCtrlChanged(); } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::LoopOnce() { if (_exit_game) { #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ /* Emscripten is event-driven, and as such the main loop is inside * the browser. So if _exit_game goes true, the main loop ends (the * cancel call), but we still have to call the cleanup that is * normally done at the end of the main loop for non-Emscripten. * After that, Emscripten just halts, and the HTML shows a nice * "bye, see you next time" message. */ emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); emscripten_exit_pointerlock(); /* In effect, the game ends here. As emscripten_set_main_loop() caused * the stack to be unwound, the code after MainLoop() in * openttd_main() is never executed. */ EM_ASM(if (window["openttd_syncfs"]) openttd_syncfs()); EM_ASM(if (window["openttd_exit"]) openttd_exit()); #endif return; } this->Tick(); /* Emscripten is running an event-based mainloop; there is already some * downtime between each iteration, so no need to sleep. */ #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ this->SleepTillNextTick(); #endif } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::MainLoop() { #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ /* Run the main loop event-driven, based on RequestAnimationFrame. */ emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(&this->EmscriptenLoop, this, 0, 1); #else this->StartGameThread(); while (!_exit_game) { LoopOnce(); } this->StopGameThread(); #endif } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::ChangeResolution(int w, int h) { return CreateMainSurface(w, h, true); } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::ToggleFullscreen(bool fullscreen) { int w, h; /* Remember current window size */ if (fullscreen) { SDL_GetWindowSize(this->sdl_window, &w, &h); /* Find fullscreen window size */ SDL_DisplayMode dm; if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &dm) < 0) { Debug(driver, 0, "SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode() failed: {}", SDL_GetError()); } else { SDL_SetWindowSize(this->sdl_window, dm.w, dm.h); } } Debug(driver, 1, "SDL2: Setting {}", fullscreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed"); int ret = SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(this->sdl_window, fullscreen ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN : 0); if (ret == 0) { /* Switching resolution succeeded, set fullscreen value of window. */ _fullscreen = fullscreen; if (!fullscreen) SDL_SetWindowSize(this->sdl_window, w, h); } else { Debug(driver, 0, "SDL_SetWindowFullscreen() failed: {}", SDL_GetError()); } InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 3); return ret == 0; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::AfterBlitterChange() { assert(BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() != 0); int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(this->sdl_window, &w, &h); return CreateMainSurface(w, h, false); } Dimension VideoDriver_SDL_Base::GetScreenSize() const { SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(this->startup_display, &mode) != 0) return VideoDriver::GetScreenSize(); return { static_cast(mode.w), static_cast(mode.h) }; } bool VideoDriver_SDL_Base::LockVideoBuffer() { if (this->buffer_locked) return false; this->buffer_locked = true; _screen.dst_ptr = this->GetVideoPointer(); assert(_screen.dst_ptr != nullptr); return true; } void VideoDriver_SDL_Base::UnlockVideoBuffer() { if (_screen.dst_ptr != nullptr) { /* Hand video buffer back to the drawing backend. */ this->ReleaseVideoPointer(); _screen.dst_ptr = nullptr; } this->buffer_locked = false; }