/* $Id$ */ /** @file track_land.h Sprites to use and how to display them for train depot/waypoint tiles. */ #define TILE_SEQ_LINE(img, dx, dy, sx, sy) { dx, dy, 0, sx, sy, 23, {img, PAL_NONE} }, #define TILE_SEQ_END() { (byte)0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0} } static const DrawTileSeqStruct _depot_gfx_NE[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_NE | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 2, 13, 13, 1) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSeqStruct _depot_gfx_SE[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_SE_1 | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 2, 2, 1, 13) TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_SE_2 | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 13, 2, 1, 13) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSeqStruct _depot_gfx_SW[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_SW_1 | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 2, 2, 13, 1) TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_SW_2 | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 2, 13, 13, 1) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSeqStruct _depot_gfx_NW[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE(SPR_RAIL_DEPOT_NW | (1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR), 13, 2, 1, 13) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSprites _depot_gfx_table[] = { { {SPR_FLAT_GRASS_TILE, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_NE }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_SE }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_SW }, { {SPR_FLAT_GRASS_TILE, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_NW } }; static const DrawTileSprites _depot_invisible_gfx_table[] = { { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_NE }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_SE }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_SW }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y, PAL_NONE}, _depot_gfx_NW } }; static const DrawTileSeqStruct _waypoint_gfx_X[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE((1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR) | SPR_WAYPOINT_X_1, 0, 0, 16, 5) TILE_SEQ_LINE((1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR) | SPR_WAYPOINT_X_2, 0, 11, 16, 5) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSeqStruct _waypoint_gfx_Y[] = { TILE_SEQ_LINE((1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR) | SPR_WAYPOINT_Y_1, 0, 0, 5, 16) TILE_SEQ_LINE((1 << PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR) | SPR_WAYPOINT_Y_2, 11, 0, 5, 16) TILE_SEQ_END() }; static const DrawTileSprites _waypoint_gfx_table[] = { { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X, PAL_NONE}, _waypoint_gfx_X }, { {SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y, PAL_NONE}, _waypoint_gfx_Y } }; #undef TILE_SEQ_LINE #undef TILE_SEQ_END