/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file strings.cpp Handling of translated strings. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "currency.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "town.h" #include "screenshot.h" #include "waypoint_base.h" #include "depot_base.h" #include "industry.h" #include "newgrf_text.h" #include "fileio_func.h" #include "group.h" #include "signs_base.h" #include "cargotype.h" #include "fontcache.h" #include "gui.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "rev.h" #include "core/alloc_type.hpp" #include "core/endian_func.hpp" #include "date_func.h" #include "vehicle_base.h" #include "engine_base.h" #include "language.h" #include "townname_func.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "smallmap_gui.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/control_codes.h" char _config_language_file[MAX_PATH]; ///< The file (name) stored in the configuration. LanguageList _languages; ///< The actual list of language meta data. const LanguageMetadata *_current_language = NULL; ///< The currently loaded language. TextDirection _current_text_dir; ///< Text direction of the currently selected language. #ifdef WITH_ICU Collator *_current_collator = NULL; ///< Collator for the language currently in use. #endif /* WITH_ICU */ static uint64 _global_string_params_data[20]; ///< Global array of string parameters. To access, use #SetDParam. static WChar _global_string_params_type[20]; ///< Type of parameters stored in #_decode_parameters StringParameters _global_string_params(_global_string_params_data, 20, _global_string_params_type); /** Reset the type array. */ void StringParameters::ClearTypeInformation() { assert(this->type != NULL); MemSetT(this->type, 0, this->num_param); } /** * Shift all data in the data array by the given amount to make * room for some extra parameters. */ void StringParameters::ShiftParameters(uint amount) { assert(amount <= this->num_param); MemMoveT(this->data + amount, this->data, this->num_param - amount); } /** * Copy \a num string parameters from array \a src into the global string parameter array. * @param offs Index in the global array to copy the first string parameter to. * @param src Source array of string parameters. * @param num Number of string parameters to copy. */ void CopyInDParam(int offs, const uint64 *src, int num) { MemCpyT(_global_string_params.GetPointerToOffset(offs), src, num); } /** * Copy \a num string parameters from the global string parameter array to the \a dst array. * @param dst Destination array of string parameters. * @param offs Index in the global array to copy the first string parameter from. * @param num Number of string parameters to copy. */ void CopyOutDParam(uint64 *dst, int offs, int num) { MemCpyT(dst, _global_string_params.GetPointerToOffset(offs), num); } static char *StationGetSpecialString(char *buff, int x, const char *last); static char *GetSpecialTownNameString(char *buff, int ind, uint32 seed, const char *last); static char *GetSpecialNameString(char *buff, int ind, StringParameters *args, const char *last); static char *FormatString(char *buff, const char *str, StringParameters *args, uint casei, const char *last, bool dry_run = false); struct LanguagePack : public LanguagePackHeader { char data[]; // list of strings }; static char **_langpack_offs; static LanguagePack *_langpack; static uint _langtab_num[32]; ///< Offset into langpack offs static uint _langtab_start[32]; ///< Offset into langpack offs static bool _keep_gender_data = false; ///< Should we retain the gender data in the current string? const char *GetStringPtr(StringID string) { switch (GB(string, 11, 5)) { /* GetGRFStringPtr doesn't handle 0xD4xx ids, we need to convert those to 0xD0xx. */ case 26: return GetStringPtr(GetGRFStringID(0, 0xD000 + GB(string, 0, 10))); case 28: return GetGRFStringPtr(GB(string, 0, 11)); case 29: return GetGRFStringPtr(GB(string, 0, 11) + 0x0800); case 30: return GetGRFStringPtr(GB(string, 0, 11) + 0x1000); default: return _langpack_offs[_langtab_start[string >> 11] + (string & 0x7FF)]; } } /** * The highest 8 bits of string contain the "case index". * These 8 bits will only be set when FormatString wants to print * the string in a different case. No one else except FormatString * should set those bits, therefore string CANNOT be StringID, but uint32. * @param buffr Pointer to a string buffer where the formatted string should be written to. * @param string * @param args Arguments for the string. * @param last Pointer just past the end of buffr. * @return Pointer to the final zero byte of the formatted string. */ char *GetStringWithArgs(char *buffr, uint string, StringParameters *args, const char *last) { if (GB(string, 0, 16) == 0) return GetStringWithArgs(buffr, STR_UNDEFINED, args, last); uint index = GB(string, 0, 11); uint tab = GB(string, 11, 5); switch (tab) { case 4: if (index >= 0xC0) { return GetSpecialTownNameString(buffr, index - 0xC0, args->GetInt32(), last); } break; case 14: if (index >= 0xE4) { return GetSpecialNameString(buffr, index - 0xE4, args, last); } break; case 15: /* Old table for custom names. This is no longer used */ error("Incorrect conversion of custom name string."); case 26: /* Include string within newgrf text (format code 81) */ if (HasBit(index, 10)) { StringID string = GetGRFStringID(0, 0xD000 + GB(index, 0, 10)); return GetStringWithArgs(buffr, string, args, last); } break; case 28: return FormatString(buffr, GetGRFStringPtr(index), args, GB(string, 24, 8), last); case 29: return FormatString(buffr, GetGRFStringPtr(index + 0x0800), args, GB(string, 24, 8), last); case 30: return FormatString(buffr, GetGRFStringPtr(index + 0x1000), args, GB(string, 24, 8), last); case 31: NOT_REACHED(); } if (index >= _langtab_num[tab]) { error("String 0x%X is invalid. You are probably using an old version of the .lng file.\n", string); } return FormatString(buffr, GetStringPtr(GB(string, 0, 16)), args, GB(string, 24, 8), last); } char *GetString(char *buffr, StringID string, const char *last) { _global_string_params.ClearTypeInformation(); _global_string_params.offset = 0; return GetStringWithArgs(buffr, string, &_global_string_params, last); } char *InlineString(char *buf, StringID string) { buf += Utf8Encode(buf, SCC_STRING_ID); buf += Utf8Encode(buf, string); return buf; } /** * This function is used to "bind" a C string to a OpenTTD dparam slot. * @param n slot of the string * @param str string to bind */ void SetDParamStr(uint n, const char *str) { SetDParam(n, (uint64)(size_t)str); } /** * Shift the string parameters in the global string parameter array by \a amount positions, making room at the beginning. * @param amount Number of positions to shift. */ void InjectDParam(uint amount) { _global_string_params.ShiftParameters(amount); } static char *FormatNumber(char *buff, int64 number, const char *last, const char *separator, int zerofill_from = 19) { uint64 divisor = 10000000000000000000ULL; if (number < 0) { buff += seprintf(buff, last, "-"); number = -number; } uint64 num = number; uint64 tot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { uint64 quot = 0; if (num >= divisor) { quot = num / divisor; num = num % divisor; } if (tot |= quot || i >= zerofill_from) { buff += seprintf(buff, last, "%i", (int)quot); if ((i % 3) == 1 && i != 19) buff = strecpy(buff, separator, last); } divisor /= 10; } *buff = '\0'; return buff; } static char *FormatCommaNumber(char *buff, int64 number, const char *last) { const char *separator = _settings_game.locale.digit_group_separator; if (separator == NULL) separator = _langpack->digit_group_separator; return FormatNumber(buff, number, last, separator); } static char *FormatNoCommaNumber(char *buff, int64 number, const char *last) { return FormatNumber(buff, number, last, ""); } static char *FormatZerofillNumber(char *buff, int64 number, int64 count, const char *last) { return FormatNumber(buff, number, last, "", 20 - count); } static char *FormatHexNumber(char *buff, uint64 number, const char *last) { return buff + seprintf(buff, last, "0x" OTTD_PRINTFHEX64, number); } /** * Format a given number as a number of bytes with the SI prefix. * @param buff the buffer to write to * @param number the number of bytes to write down * @param last the last element in the buffer * @return till where we wrote */ static char *FormatBytes(char *buff, int64 number, const char *last) { assert(number >= 0); /* 1 2^10 2^20 2^30 2^40 2^50 2^60 */ const char * const iec_prefixes[] = { "", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei" }; uint id = 1; while (number >= 1024 * 1024) { number /= 1024; id++; } const char *decimal_separator = _settings_game.locale.digit_decimal_separator; if (decimal_separator == NULL) decimal_separator = _langpack->digit_decimal_separator; if (number < 1024) { id = 0; buff += seprintf(buff, last, "%i", (int)number); } else if (number < 1024 * 10) { buff += seprintf(buff, last, "%i%s%02i", (int)number / 1024, decimal_separator, (int)(number % 1024) * 100 / 1024); } else if (number < 1024 * 100) { buff += seprintf(buff, last, "%i%s%01i", (int)number / 1024, decimal_separator, (int)(number % 1024) * 10 / 1024); } else { assert(number < 1024 * 1024); buff += seprintf(buff, last, "%i", (int)number / 1024); } assert(id < lengthof(iec_prefixes)); buff += seprintf(buff, last, " %sB", iec_prefixes[id]); return buff; } static char *FormatYmdString(char *buff, Date date, uint modifier, const char *last) { YearMonthDay ymd; ConvertDateToYMD(date, &ymd); int64 args[3] = { ymd.day + STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST - 1, STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JAN + ymd.month, ymd.year }; StringParameters tmp_params(args); return FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(STR_FORMAT_DATE_LONG), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); } static char *FormatMonthAndYear(char *buff, Date date, uint modifier, const char *last) { YearMonthDay ymd; ConvertDateToYMD(date, &ymd); int64 args[2] = { STR_MONTH_JAN + ymd.month, ymd.year }; StringParameters tmp_params(args); return FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(STR_FORMAT_DATE_SHORT), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); } static char *FormatTinyOrISODate(char *buff, Date date, StringID str, const char *last) { YearMonthDay ymd; ConvertDateToYMD(date, &ymd); char day[3]; char month[3]; /* We want to zero-pad the days and months */ snprintf(day, lengthof(day), "%02i", ymd.day); snprintf(month, lengthof(month), "%02i", ymd.month + 1); int64 args[3] = { (int64)(size_t)day, (int64)(size_t)month, ymd.year }; StringParameters tmp_params(args); return FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(str), &tmp_params, 0, last); } static char *FormatGenericCurrency(char *buff, const CurrencySpec *spec, Money number, bool compact, const char *last) { /* We are going to make number absolute for printing, so * keep this piece of data as we need it later on */ bool negative = number < 0; const char *multiplier = ""; number *= spec->rate; /* convert from negative */ if (number < 0) { if (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_RED) > last) return buff; buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_RED); buff = strecpy(buff, "-", last); number = -number; } /* Add prefix part, folowing symbol_pos specification. * Here, it can can be either 0 (prefix) or 2 (both prefix anf suffix). * The only remaining value is 1 (suffix), so everything that is not 1 */ if (spec->symbol_pos != 1) buff = strecpy(buff, spec->prefix, last); /* for huge numbers, compact the number into k or M */ if (compact) { /* Take care of the 'k' rounding. Having 1 000 000 k * and 1 000 M is inconsistent, so always use 1 000 M. */ if (number >= 1000000000 - 500) { number = (number + 500000) / 1000000; multiplier = "M"; } else if (number >= 1000000) { number = (number + 500) / 1000; multiplier = "k"; } } const char *separator = _settings_game.locale.digit_group_separator_currency; if (separator == NULL && !StrEmpty(_currency->separator)) separator = _currency->separator; if (separator == NULL) separator = _langpack->digit_group_separator_currency; buff = FormatNumber(buff, number, last, separator); buff = strecpy(buff, multiplier, last); /* Add suffix part, folowing symbol_pos specification. * Here, it can can be either 1 (suffix) or 2 (both prefix anf suffix). * The only remaining value is 1 (prefix), so everything that is not 0 */ if (spec->symbol_pos != 0) buff = strecpy(buff, spec->suffix, last); if (negative) { if (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_PREVIOUS_COLOUR) > last) return buff; buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_PREVIOUS_COLOUR); *buff = '\0'; } return buff; } /** * Determine the "plural" index given a plural form and a number. * @param count The number to get the plural index of. * @param plural_form The plural form we want an index for. * @return The plural index for the given form. */ static int DeterminePluralForm(int64 count, int plural_form) { /* The absolute value determines plurality */ uint64 n = abs(count); switch (plural_form) { default: NOT_REACHED(); /* Two forms, singular used for one only * Used in: * Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Estonian, Finnish, * Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Esperanto */ case 0: return n != 1; /* Only one form * Used in: * Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish */ case 1: return 0; /* Two forms, singular used for zero and one * Used in: * French, Brazilian Portuguese */ case 2: return n > 1; /* Three forms, special case for 0 and ending in 1, except those ending in 11 * Used in: * Latvian */ case 3: return n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2; /* Five forms, special case for one, two, 3 to 6 and 7 to 10 * Used in: * Gaelige (Irish) */ case 4: return n == 1 ? 0 : n == 2 ? 1 : n < 7 ? 2 : n < 11 ? 3 : 4; /* Three forms, special case for numbers ending in 1[2-9] * Used in: * Lithuanian */ case 5: return n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2; /* Three forms, special cases for numbers ending in 1 and 2, 3, 4, except those ending in 1[1-4] * Used in: * Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian */ case 6: return n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2; /* Three forms, special case for one and some numbers ending in 2, 3, or 4 * Used in: * Polish */ case 7: return n == 1 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2; /* Four forms, special case for one and all numbers ending in 02, 03, or 04 * Used in: * Slovenian */ case 8: return n % 100 == 1 ? 0 : n % 100 == 2 ? 1 : n % 100 == 3 || n % 100 == 4 ? 2 : 3; /* Two forms; singular used for everything ending in 1 but not in 11. * Used in: * Icelandic */ case 9: return n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : 1; /* Three forms, special cases for one and 2, 3, or 4 * Used in: * Czech, Slovak */ case 10: return n == 1 ? 0 : n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : 2; /* Two forms, special 'hack' for Korean; singular for numbers ending * in a consonant and plural for numbers ending in a vowel. * Korean doesn't have the concept of plural, but depending on how a * number is pronounced it needs another version of a particle. * As such the plural system is misused to give this distinction. */ case 11: switch (n % 10) { case 0: // yeong case 1: // il case 3: // sam case 6: // yuk case 7: // chil case 8: // pal return 0; case 2: // i case 4: // sa case 5: // o case 9: // gu return 1; default: NOT_REACHED(); } /* Four forms: one, 0 and everything ending in 02..10, everything ending in 11..19. * Used in: * Maltese */ case 12: return (n == 1 ? 0 : n == 0 || (n % 100 > 1 && n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : (n % 100 > 10 && n % 100 < 20) ? 2 : 3); } } static const char *ParseStringChoice(const char *b, uint form, char **dst, const char *last) { /* {Length of each string} {each string} */ uint n = (byte)*b++; uint pos, i, mypos = 0; for (i = pos = 0; i != n; i++) { uint len = (byte)*b++; if (i == form) mypos = pos; pos += len; } *dst += seprintf(*dst, last, "%s", b + mypos); return b + pos; } /** Helper for unit conversion. */ struct UnitConversion { int multiplier; ///< Amount to multiply upon conversion. int shift; ///< Amount to shift upon conversion. /** * Convert value from OpenTTD's internal unit into the displayed value. * @param input The input to convert. * @param round Whether to round the value or not. * @return The converted value. */ int64 ToDisplay(int64 input, bool round = true) const { return ((input * this->multiplier) + (round && this->shift != 0 ? 1 << (this->shift - 1) : 0)) >> this->shift; } /** * Convert the displayed value back into a value of OpenTTD's internal unit. * @param input The input to convert. * @param round Whether to round the value or not. * @return The converted value. */ int64 FromDisplay(int64 input, bool round = true) const { return ((input << this->shift) + (round ? this->multiplier / 2 : 0)) / this->multiplier; } }; struct Units { UnitConversion c_velocity; ///< Conversion for velocity StringID velocity; ///< String for velocity UnitConversion c_power; ///< Conversion for power StringID power; ///< String for power UnitConversion c_weight; ///< Conversion for weight StringID s_weight; ///< Short string for weight StringID l_weight; ///< Long string for weight UnitConversion c_volume; ///< Conversion for volume StringID s_volume; ///< Short string for volume StringID l_volume; ///< Long string for volume UnitConversion c_force; ///< Conversion for force StringID force; ///< String for force UnitConversion c_height; ///< Conversion for height StringID height; ///< String for height }; /* Unit conversions */ static const Units _units[] = { { // Imperial (Original, mph, hp, metric ton, litre, kN, ft) { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_SHORT_METRIC, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_LONG_METRIC, {1000, 0}, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_SHORT_METRIC, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_METRIC, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI, { 3, 0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_IMPERIAL, // "Wrong" conversion factor for more nicer GUI values }, { // Metric (km/h, hp, metric ton, litre, kN, metre) { 103, 6}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC, {4153, 12}, STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_SHORT_METRIC, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_LONG_METRIC, {1000, 0}, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_SHORT_METRIC, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_METRIC, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI, }, { // SI (m/s, kilowatt, kilogram, cubic metre, kilonewton, metre) {1831, 12}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI, {6109, 13}, STR_UNITS_POWER_SI, {1000, 0}, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_SHORT_SI, STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_LONG_SI, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_SHORT_SI, STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_SI, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI, { 1, 0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI, }, }; /** * Convert the given (internal) speed to the display speed. * @param speed the speed to convert * @return the converted speed. */ uint ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed) { /* For historical reasons we don't want to mess with the * conversion for speed. So, don't round it and keep the * original conversion factors instead of the real ones. */ return _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_velocity.ToDisplay(speed, false); } /** * Convert the given display speed to the (internal) speed. * @param speed the speed to convert * @return the converted speed. */ uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed(uint speed) { return _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_velocity.FromDisplay(speed); } /** * Parse most format codes within a string and write the result to a buffer. * @param buff The buffer to write the final string to. * @param str The original string with format codes. * @param args Pointer to extra arguments used by various string codes. * @param casei * @param last Pointer to just past the end of the buff array. * @param dry_run True when the argt array is not yet initialized. */ static char *FormatString(char *buff, const char *str_arg, StringParameters *args, uint casei, const char *last, bool dry_run) { uint orig_offset = args->offset; /* When there is no array with types there is no need to do a dry run. */ if (!args->HasTypeInformation()) dry_run = true; if (!dry_run) { if (UsingNewGRFTextStack()) { /* Values from the NewGRF text stack are only copied to the normal * argv array at the time they are encountered. That means that if * another string command references a value later in the string it * would fail. We solve that by running FormatString twice. The first * pass makes sure the argv array is correctly filled and the second * pass can reference later values without problems. */ struct TextRefStack *backup = CreateTextRefStackBackup(); FormatString(buff, str_arg, args, casei, last, true); RestoreTextRefStackBackup(backup); } else { FormatString(buff, str_arg, args, casei, last, true); } /* We have to restore the original offset here to to read the correct values. */ args->offset = orig_offset; } WChar b; uint modifier = 0; char *buf_start = buff; std::stack str_stack; str_stack.push(str_arg); for (;;) { while (!str_stack.empty() && (b = Utf8Consume(&str_stack.top())) == '\0') { str_stack.pop(); } if (str_stack.empty()) break; const char *&str = str_stack.top(); if (SCC_NEWGRF_FIRST <= b && b <= SCC_NEWGRF_LAST) { /* We need to pass some stuff as it might be modified; oh boy. */ //todo: should argve be passed here too? b = RemapNewGRFStringControlCode(b, buf_start, &buff, &str, (int64 *)args->GetDataPointer()); if (b == 0) continue; } switch (b) { case SCC_NEWGRF_STRINL: { StringID substr = Utf8Consume(&str); str_stack.push(GetStringPtr(substr)); break; } case SCC_NEWGRF_PRINT_STRING_ID: { StringID substr = args->GetInt32(SCC_NEWGRF_PRINT_STRING_ID); str_stack.push(GetStringPtr(substr)); break; } case SCC_SETX: // {SETX} if (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_SETX) + 1 < last) { buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_SETX); *buff++ = *str++; } break; case SCC_SETXY: // {SETXY} if (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_SETXY) + 2 < last) { buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_SETXY); *buff++ = *str++; *buff++ = *str++; } break; case SCC_STRING_ID: // {STRINL} buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, Utf8Consume(&str), args, last); break; case SCC_RAW_STRING_POINTER: { // {RAW_STRING} const char *str = (const char *)(size_t)args->GetInt64(); buff = FormatString(buff, str, args, casei, last); break; } case SCC_DATE_LONG: // {DATE_LONG} buff = FormatYmdString(buff, args->GetInt32(SCC_DATE_LONG), modifier, last); break; case SCC_DATE_SHORT: // {DATE_SHORT} buff = FormatMonthAndYear(buff, args->GetInt32(SCC_DATE_SHORT), modifier, last); break; case SCC_VELOCITY: { // {VELOCITY} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed(args->GetInt64(SCC_VELOCITY) * 10 / 16); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].velocity), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_HEIGHT: { // {HEIGHT} int64 args_array[1] = {_units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_height.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64())}; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].height), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_CURRENCY_COMPACT: // {CURRCOMPACT} buff = FormatGenericCurrency(buff, _currency, args->GetInt64(), true, last); break; case SCC_REVISION: // {REV} buff = strecpy(buff, _openttd_revision, last); break; case SCC_CARGO_SHORT: { // {SHORTCARGO} /* Short description of cargotypes. Layout: * 8-bit = cargo type * 16-bit = cargo count */ StringID cargo_str = CargoSpec::Get(args->GetInt32(SCC_CARGO_SHORT))->units_volume; switch (cargo_str) { case STR_TONS: { int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_weight.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].l_weight), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case STR_LITERS: { int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_volume.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].l_volume), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } default: /* Skip a single entry */ args->GetInt64(); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, cargo_str, args, last); break; } break; } case SCC_STRING1: { // {STRING1} /* String that consumes ONE argument */ uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING1); StringParameters sub_args(*args, 1); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &sub_args, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_STRING2: { // {STRING2} /* String that consumes TWO arguments */ uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING2); StringParameters sub_args(*args, 2); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &sub_args, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_STRING3: { // {STRING3} /* String that consumes THREE arguments */ uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING3); StringParameters sub_args(*args, 3); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &sub_args, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_STRING4: { // {STRING4} /* String that consumes FOUR arguments */ uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING4); StringParameters sub_args(*args, 4); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &sub_args, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_STRING5: { // {STRING5} /* String that consumes FIVE arguments */ uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING5); StringParameters sub_args(*args, 5); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &sub_args, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_STATION_FEATURES: { // {STATIONFEATURES} buff = StationGetSpecialString(buff, args->GetInt32(SCC_STATION_FEATURES), last); break; } case SCC_INDUSTRY_NAME: { // {INDUSTRY} const Industry *i = Industry::Get(args->GetInt32(SCC_INDUSTRY_NAME)); int64 args_array[2]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); /* industry not valid anymore? */ assert(i != NULL); /* First print the town name and the industry type name. */ args_array[0] = i->town->index; args_array[1] = GetIndustrySpec(i->type)->name; buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(STR_FORMAT_INDUSTRY_NAME), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_VOLUME: { // {VOLUME} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_volume.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64(SCC_VOLUME)); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].l_volume), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_GENDER_LIST: { // {G 0 Der Die Das} /* First read the meta data from the language file. */ uint offset = orig_offset + (byte)*str++; int gender = 0; if (!dry_run && args->GetTypeAtOffset(offset) != 0) { /* Now we need to figure out what text to resolve, i.e. * what do we need to draw? So get the actual raw string * first using the control code to get said string. */ char input[4 + 1]; char *p = input + Utf8Encode(input, args->GetTypeAtOffset(offset)); *p = '\0'; /* Now do the string formatting. */ char buf[256]; bool old_kgd = _keep_gender_data; _keep_gender_data = true; StringParameters tmp_params(args->GetPointerToOffset(offset), args->num_param - offset, NULL); p = FormatString(buf, input, &tmp_params, 0, lastof(buf)); _keep_gender_data = old_kgd; *p = '\0'; /* And determine the string. */ const char *s = buf; WChar c = Utf8Consume(&s); /* Does this string have a gender, if so, set it */ if (c == SCC_GENDER_INDEX) gender = (byte)s[0]; } str = ParseStringChoice(str, gender, &buff, last); break; } case SCC_DATE_TINY: { // {DATE_TINY} buff = FormatTinyOrISODate(buff, args->GetInt32(SCC_DATE_TINY), STR_FORMAT_DATE_TINY, last); break; } case SCC_DATE_ISO: { // {DATE_ISO} buff = FormatTinyOrISODate(buff, args->GetInt32(), STR_FORMAT_DATE_ISO, last); break; } case SCC_CARGO: { // {CARGO} /* First parameter is cargo type, second parameter is cargo count */ CargoID cargo = args->GetInt32(SCC_CARGO); StringID cargo_str = (cargo == CT_INVALID) ? STR_QUANTITY_N_A : CargoSpec::Get(cargo)->quantifier; StringParameters tmp_args(*args, 1); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, cargo_str, &tmp_args, last); break; } case SCC_POWER: { // {POWER} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_power.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].power), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_VOLUME_SHORT: { // {VOLUME_S} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_volume.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].s_volume), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_WEIGHT: { // {WEIGHT} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_weight.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64(SCC_WEIGHT)); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].l_weight), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_WEIGHT_SHORT: { // {WEIGHT_S} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_weight.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].s_weight), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_FORCE: { // {FORCE} int64 args_array[1]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); assert(_settings_game.locale.units < lengthof(_units)); args_array[0] = _units[_settings_game.locale.units].c_force.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64()); buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units[_settings_game.locale.units].force), &tmp_params, modifier >> 24, last); modifier = 0; break; } /* This sets up the gender for the string. * We just ignore this one. It's used in {G 0 Der Die Das} to determine the case. */ case SCC_GENDER_INDEX: // {GENDER 0} if (_keep_gender_data) { buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_GENDER_INDEX); *buff++ = *str++; } else { str++; } break; case SCC_STRING: {// {STRING} uint str = modifier + args->GetInt32(SCC_STRING); /* WARNING. It's prohibited for the included string to consume any arguments. * For included strings that consume argument, you should use STRING1, STRING2 etc. * To debug stuff you can set argv to NULL and it will tell you */ StringParameters tmp_params(args->GetDataPointer(), args->num_param - args->offset, NULL); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &tmp_params, last); modifier = 0; break; } case SCC_COMMA: // {COMMA} buff = FormatCommaNumber(buff, args->GetInt64(SCC_COMMA), last); break; case SCC_ARG_INDEX: { // Move argument pointer args->offset = orig_offset + (byte)*str++; break; } case SCC_PLURAL_LIST: { // {P} int plural_form = *str++; // contains the plural form for this string uint offset = orig_offset + (byte)*str++; int64 v = *args->GetPointerToOffset(offset); // contains the number that determines plural str = ParseStringChoice(str, DeterminePluralForm(v, plural_form), &buff, last); break; } case SCC_NUM: // {NUM} buff = FormatNoCommaNumber(buff, args->GetInt64(SCC_NUM), last); break; case SCC_ZEROFILL_NUM: { // {ZEROFILL_NUM} int64 num = args->GetInt64(); buff = FormatZerofillNumber(buff, num, args->GetInt64(), last); break; } case SCC_HEX: // {HEX} buff = FormatHexNumber(buff, (uint64)args->GetInt64(SCC_HEX), last); break; case SCC_BYTES: // {BYTES} buff = FormatBytes(buff, args->GetInt64(), last); break; case SCC_CURRENCY: // {CURRENCY} buff = FormatGenericCurrency(buff, _currency, args->GetInt64(SCC_CURRENCY), false, last); break; case SCC_WAYPOINT_NAME: { // {WAYPOINT} Waypoint *wp = Waypoint::Get(args->GetInt32(SCC_WAYPOINT_NAME)); assert(wp != NULL); if (wp->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, wp->name, last); } else { int64 args_array[2]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); args_array[0] = wp->town->index; args_array[1] = wp->town_cn + 1; StringID str = ((wp->string_id == STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY) ? STR_FORMAT_BUOY_NAME : STR_FORMAT_WAYPOINT_NAME); if (wp->town_cn != 0) str++; buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_STATION_NAME: { // {STATION} StationID sid = args->GetInt32(SCC_STATION_NAME); const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(sid); if (st == NULL) { /* The station doesn't exist anymore. The only place where we might * be "drawing" an invalid station is in the case of cargo that is * in transit. */ StringParameters tmp_params(NULL, 0, NULL); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_UNKNOWN_STATION, &tmp_params, last); break; } if (st->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, st->name, last); } else { StringID str = st->string_id; if (st->indtype != IT_INVALID) { /* Special case where the industry provides the name for the station */ const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(st->indtype); /* Industry GRFs can change which might remove the station name and * thus cause very strange things. Here we check for that before we * actually set the station name. */ if (indsp->station_name != STR_NULL && indsp->station_name != STR_UNDEFINED) { str = indsp->station_name; } } int64 args_array[3]; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); args_array[0] = STR_TOWN_NAME; args_array[1] = st->town->index; args_array[2] = st->index; buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_DEPOT_NAME: { // {DEPOT} VehicleType vt = (VehicleType)args->GetInt32(SCC_DEPOT_NAME); if (vt == VEH_AIRCRAFT) { int64 args_array[] = { args->GetInt32() }; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_AIRCRAFT, &tmp_params, last); break; } const Depot *d = Depot::Get(args->GetInt32()); if (d->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, d->name, last); } else { int64 args_array[] = { d->town->index, d->town_cn + 1 }; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_TRAIN + 2 * vt + (d->town_cn == 0 ? 0 : 1), &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_TOWN_NAME: { // {TOWN} const Town *t = Town::Get(args->GetInt32(SCC_TOWN_NAME)); assert(t != NULL); if (t->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, t->name, last); } else { buff = GetTownName(buff, t, last); } break; } case SCC_GROUP_NAME: { // {GROUP} const Group *g = Group::Get(args->GetInt32()); assert(g != NULL); if (g->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, g->name, last); } else { int64 args_array[] = { g->index }; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_FORMAT_GROUP_NAME, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_ENGINE_NAME: { // {ENGINE} EngineID engine = (EngineID)args->GetInt32(SCC_ENGINE_NAME); const Engine *e = Engine::Get(engine); assert(e != NULL); if (e->name != NULL && e->IsEnabled()) { buff = strecpy(buff, e->name, last); } else { StringParameters tmp_params(NULL, 0, NULL); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, e->info.string_id, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_VEHICLE_NAME: { // {VEHICLE} const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(args->GetInt32(SCC_VEHICLE_NAME)); assert(v != NULL); if (v->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, v->name, last); } else { int64 args_array[1]; args_array[0] = v->unitnumber; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); StringID str; switch (v->type) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case VEH_TRAIN: str = STR_SV_TRAIN_NAME; break; case VEH_ROAD: str = STR_SV_ROAD_VEHICLE_NAME; break; case VEH_SHIP: str = STR_SV_SHIP_NAME; break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: str = STR_SV_AIRCRAFT_NAME; break; } buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, str, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_SIGN_NAME: { // {SIGN} const Sign *si = Sign::Get(args->GetInt32()); if (si->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, si->name, last); } else { StringParameters tmp_params(NULL, 0, NULL); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_DEFAULT_SIGN_NAME, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_COMPANY_NAME: { // {COMPANY} const Company *c = Company::Get((CompanyID)args->GetInt32()); if (c->name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, c->name, last); } else { int64 args_array[1]; args_array[0] = c->name_2; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, c->name_1, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_COMPANY_NUM: { // {COMPANYNUM} CompanyID company = (CompanyID)args->GetInt32(); /* Nothing is added for AI or inactive companies */ if (Company::IsValidHumanID(company)) { int64 args_array[1]; args_array[0] = company + 1; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, STR_FORMAT_COMPANY_NUM, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_PRESIDENT_NAME: { // {PRESIDENTNAME} const Company *c = Company::Get((CompanyID)args->GetInt32(SCC_PRESIDENT_NAME)); if (c->president_name != NULL) { buff = strecpy(buff, c->president_name, last); } else { int64 args_array[1]; args_array[0] = c->president_name_2; StringParameters tmp_params(args_array); buff = GetStringWithArgs(buff, c->president_name_1, &tmp_params, last); } break; } case SCC_SETCASE: { // {SETCASE} /* This is a pseudo command, it's outputted when someone does {STRING.ack} * The modifier is added to all subsequent GetStringWithArgs that accept the modifier. */ modifier = (byte)*str++ << 24; break; } case SCC_SWITCH_CASE: { // {Used to implement case switching} /* <0x9E> * Each LEN is printed using 2 bytes in big endian order. */ uint num = (byte)*str++; while (num) { if ((byte)str[0] == casei) { /* Found the case, adjust str pointer and continue */ str += 3; break; } /* Otherwise skip to the next case */ str += 3 + (str[1] << 8) + str[2]; num--; } break; } default: if (buff + Utf8CharLen(b) < last) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, b); break; } } *buff = '\0'; return buff; } static char *StationGetSpecialString(char *buff, int x, const char *last) { if ((x & FACIL_TRAIN) && (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_TRAIN) < last)) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_TRAIN); if ((x & FACIL_TRUCK_STOP) && (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_LORRY) < last)) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_LORRY); if ((x & FACIL_BUS_STOP) && (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_BUS) < last)) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_BUS); if ((x & FACIL_DOCK) && (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_SHIP) < last)) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_SHIP); if ((x & FACIL_AIRPORT) && (buff + Utf8CharLen(SCC_PLANE) < last)) buff += Utf8Encode(buff, SCC_PLANE); *buff = '\0'; return buff; } static char *GetSpecialTownNameString(char *buff, int ind, uint32 seed, const char *last) { return GenerateTownNameString(buff, last, ind, seed); } static const char * const _silly_company_names[] = { "Bloggs Brothers", "Tiny Transport Ltd.", "Express Travel", "Comfy-Coach & Co.", "Crush & Bump Ltd.", "Broken & Late Ltd.", "Sam Speedy & Son", "Supersonic Travel", "Mike's Motors", "Lightning International", "Pannik & Loozit Ltd.", "Inter-City Transport", "Getout & Pushit Ltd." }; static const char * const _surname_list[] = { "Adams", "Allan", "Baker", "Bigwig", "Black", "Bloggs", "Brown", "Campbell", "Gordon", "Hamilton", "Hawthorn", "Higgins", "Green", "Gribble", "Jones", "McAlpine", "MacDonald", "McIntosh", "Muir", "Murphy", "Nelson", "O'Donnell", "Parker", "Phillips", "Pilkington", "Quigley", "Sharkey", "Thomson", "Watkins" }; static const char * const _silly_surname_list[] = { "Grumpy", "Dozy", "Speedy", "Nosey", "Dribble", "Mushroom", "Cabbage", "Sniffle", "Fishy", "Swindle", "Sneaky", "Nutkins" }; static const char _initial_name_letters[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'W', }; static char *GenAndCoName(char *buff, uint32 arg, const char *last) { const char * const *base; uint num; if (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape == LT_TOYLAND) { base = _silly_surname_list; num = lengthof(_silly_surname_list); } else { base = _surname_list; num = lengthof(_surname_list); } buff = strecpy(buff, base[num * GB(arg, 16, 8) >> 8], last); buff = strecpy(buff, " & Co.", last); return buff; } static char *GenPresidentName(char *buff, uint32 x, const char *last) { char initial[] = "?. "; const char * const *base; uint num; uint i; initial[0] = _initial_name_letters[sizeof(_initial_name_letters) * GB(x, 0, 8) >> 8]; buff = strecpy(buff, initial, last); i = (sizeof(_initial_name_letters) + 35) * GB(x, 8, 8) >> 8; if (i < sizeof(_initial_name_letters)) { initial[0] = _initial_name_letters[i]; buff = strecpy(buff, initial, last); } if (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape == LT_TOYLAND) { base = _silly_surname_list; num = lengthof(_silly_surname_list); } else { base = _surname_list; num = lengthof(_surname_list); } buff = strecpy(buff, base[num * GB(x, 16, 8) >> 8], last); return buff; } static char *GetSpecialNameString(char *buff, int ind, StringParameters *args, const char *last) { switch (ind) { case 1: // not used return strecpy(buff, _silly_company_names[args->GetInt32() & 0xFFFF], last); case 2: // used for Foobar & Co company names return GenAndCoName(buff, args->GetInt32(), last); case 3: // President name return GenPresidentName(buff, args->GetInt32(), last); } /* town name? */ if (IsInsideMM(ind - 6, 0, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_LAST - SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START + 1)) { buff = GetSpecialTownNameString(buff, ind - 6, args->GetInt32(), last); return strecpy(buff, " Transport", last); } /* language name? */ if (IsInsideMM(ind, (SPECSTR_LANGUAGE_START - 0x70E4), (SPECSTR_LANGUAGE_END - 0x70E4) + 1)) { int i = ind - (SPECSTR_LANGUAGE_START - 0x70E4); return strecpy(buff, &_languages[i] == _current_language ? _current_language->own_name : _languages[i].name, last); } /* resolution size? */ if (IsInsideMM(ind, (SPECSTR_RESOLUTION_START - 0x70E4), (SPECSTR_RESOLUTION_END - 0x70E4) + 1)) { int i = ind - (SPECSTR_RESOLUTION_START - 0x70E4); buff += seprintf( buff, last, "%ux%u", _resolutions[i].width, _resolutions[i].height ); return buff; } /* screenshot format name? */ if (IsInsideMM(ind, (SPECSTR_SCREENSHOT_START - 0x70E4), (SPECSTR_SCREENSHOT_END - 0x70E4) + 1)) { int i = ind - (SPECSTR_SCREENSHOT_START - 0x70E4); return strecpy(buff, GetScreenshotFormatDesc(i), last); } NOT_REACHED(); } #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK extern void SortNetworkLanguages(); #else /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ static inline void SortNetworkLanguages() {} #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ /** * Check whether the header is a valid header for OpenTTD. * @return true iff the header is deemed valid. */ bool LanguagePackHeader::IsValid() const { return this->ident == TO_LE32(LanguagePackHeader::IDENT) && this->version == TO_LE32(LANGUAGE_PACK_VERSION) && this->plural_form < LANGUAGE_MAX_PLURAL && this->text_dir <= 1 && this->newgrflangid < MAX_LANG && this->num_genders < MAX_NUM_GENDERS && this->num_cases < MAX_NUM_CASES && StrValid(this->name, lastof(this->name)) && StrValid(this->own_name, lastof(this->own_name)) && StrValid(this->isocode, lastof(this->isocode)) && StrValid(this->digit_group_separator, lastof(this->digit_group_separator)) && StrValid(this->digit_group_separator_currency, lastof(this->digit_group_separator_currency)) && StrValid(this->digit_decimal_separator, lastof(this->digit_decimal_separator)); } bool ReadLanguagePack(const LanguageMetadata *lang) { /* Current language pack */ size_t len; LanguagePack *lang_pack = (LanguagePack *)ReadFileToMem(lang->file, &len, 1U << 20); if (lang_pack == NULL) return false; /* End of read data (+ terminating zero added in ReadFileToMem()) */ const char *end = (char *)lang_pack + len + 1; /* We need at least one byte of lang_pack->data */ if (end <= lang_pack->data || !lang_pack->IsValid()) { free(lang_pack); return false; } #if TTD_ENDIAN == TTD_BIG_ENDIAN for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lang_pack->offsets[i] = ReadLE16Aligned(&lang_pack->offsets[i]); } #endif /* TTD_ENDIAN == TTD_BIG_ENDIAN */ uint count = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) { uint num = lang_pack->offsets[i]; _langtab_start[i] = count; _langtab_num[i] = num; count += num; } /* Allocate offsets */ char **langpack_offs = MallocT(count); /* Fill offsets */ char *s = lang_pack->data; len = (byte)*s++; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (s + len >= end) { free(lang_pack); free(langpack_offs); return false; } if (len >= 0xC0) { len = ((len & 0x3F) << 8) + (byte)*s++; if (s + len >= end) { free(lang_pack); free(langpack_offs); return false; } } langpack_offs[i] = s; s += len; len = (byte)*s; *s++ = '\0'; // zero terminate the string } free(_langpack); _langpack = lang_pack; free(_langpack_offs); _langpack_offs = langpack_offs; _current_language = lang; _current_text_dir = (TextDirection)_current_language->text_dir; const char *c_file = strrchr(_current_language->file, PATHSEPCHAR) + 1; strecpy(_config_language_file, c_file, lastof(_config_language_file)); SetCurrentGrfLangID(_current_language->newgrflangid); #ifdef WITH_ICU /* Delete previous collator. */ if (_current_collator != NULL) { delete _current_collator; _current_collator = NULL; } /* Create a collator instance for our current locale. */ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; _current_collator = Collator::createInstance(Locale(_current_language->isocode), status); /* Sort number substrings by their numerical value. */ if (_current_collator != NULL) _current_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION, UCOL_ON, status); /* Avoid using the collator if it is not correctly set. */ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { delete _current_collator; _current_collator = NULL; } #endif /* WITH_ICU */ /* Some lists need to be sorted again after a language change. */ InitializeSortedCargoSpecs(); SortIndustryTypes(); BuildIndustriesLegend(); SortNetworkLanguages(); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE); // Build vehicle window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TRAINS_LIST); // Train group window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_ROADVEH_LIST); // Road vehicle group window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SHIPS_LIST); // Ship group window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_AIRCRAFT_LIST); // Aircraft group window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY); // Industry directory window. InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_STATION_LIST); // Station list window. return true; } /* Win32 implementation in win32.cpp. * OS X implementation in os/macosx/macos.mm. */ #if !(defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)) /** * Determine the current charset based on the environment * First check some default values, after this one we passed ourselves * and if none exist return the value for $LANG * @param param environment variable to check conditionally if default ones are not * set. Pass NULL if you don't want additional checks. * @return return string containing current charset, or NULL if not-determinable */ const char *GetCurrentLocale(const char *param) { const char *env; env = getenv("LANGUAGE"); if (env != NULL) return env; env = getenv("LC_ALL"); if (env != NULL) return env; if (param != NULL) { env = getenv(param); if (env != NULL) return env; } return getenv("LANG"); } #else const char *GetCurrentLocale(const char *param); #endif /* !(defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)) */ int CDECL StringIDSorter(const StringID *a, const StringID *b) { char stra[512]; char strb[512]; GetString(stra, *a, lastof(stra)); GetString(strb, *b, lastof(strb)); return strcmp(stra, strb); } /** * Get the language with the given NewGRF language ID. * @param newgrflangid NewGRF languages ID to check. * @return The language's metadata, or NULL if it is not known. */ const LanguageMetadata *GetLanguage(byte newgrflangid) { for (const LanguageMetadata *lang = _languages.Begin(); lang != _languages.End(); lang++) { if (newgrflangid == lang->newgrflangid) return lang; } return NULL; } /** * Reads the language file header and checks compatability. * @param file the file to read * @param hdr the place to write the header information to * @return true if and only if the language file is of a compatible version */ static bool GetLanguageFileHeader(const char *file, LanguagePackHeader *hdr) { FILE *f = fopen(file, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return false; size_t read = fread(hdr, sizeof(*hdr), 1, f); fclose(f); bool ret = read == 1 && hdr->IsValid(); /* Convert endianness for the windows language ID */ if (ret) hdr->winlangid = FROM_LE16(hdr->winlangid); return ret; } /** * Gets a list of languages from the given directory. * @param path the base directory to search in */ static void GetLanguageList(const char *path) { DIR *dir = ttd_opendir(path); if (dir != NULL) { struct dirent *dirent; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { const char *d_name = FS2OTTD(dirent->d_name); const char *extension = strrchr(d_name, '.'); /* Not a language file */ if (extension == NULL || strcmp(extension, ".lng") != 0) continue; LanguageMetadata lmd; seprintf(lmd.file, lastof(lmd.file), "%s%s", path, d_name); /* Check whether the file is of the correct version */ if (!GetLanguageFileHeader(lmd.file, &lmd)) { DEBUG(misc, 3, "%s is not a valid language file", lmd.file); } else if (GetLanguage(lmd.newgrflangid) != NULL) { DEBUG(misc, 3, "%s's language ID is already known", lmd.file); } else { *_languages.Append() = lmd; } } closedir(dir); } } /** * Make a list of the available language packs. put the data in * _dynlang struct. */ void InitializeLanguagePacks() { Searchpath sp; FOR_ALL_SEARCHPATHS(sp) { char path[MAX_PATH]; FioAppendDirectory(path, lengthof(path), sp, LANG_DIR); GetLanguageList(path); } if (_languages.Length() == 0) usererror("No available language packs (invalid versions?)"); /* Acquire the locale of the current system */ const char *lang = GetCurrentLocale("LC_MESSAGES"); if (lang == NULL) lang = "en_GB"; const LanguageMetadata *chosen_language = NULL; ///< Matching the language in the configuartion file or the current locale const LanguageMetadata *language_fallback = NULL; ///< Using pt_PT for pt_BR locale when pt_BR is not available const LanguageMetadata *en_GB_fallback = _languages.Begin(); ///< Fallback when no locale-matching language has been found /* Find a proper language. */ for (const LanguageMetadata *lng = _languages.Begin(); lng != _languages.End(); lng++) { /* We are trying to find a default language. The priority is by * configuration file, local environment and last, if nothing found, * english. */ const char *lang_file = strrchr(lng->file, PATHSEPCHAR) + 1; if (strcmp(lang_file, _config_language_file) == 0) { chosen_language = lng; break; } if (strcmp (lng->isocode, "en_GB") == 0) en_GB_fallback = lng; if (strncmp(lng->isocode, lang, 5) == 0) chosen_language = lng; if (strncmp(lng->isocode, lang, 2) == 0) language_fallback = lng; } /* We haven't found the language in the config nor the one in the locale. * Now we set it to one of the fallback languages */ if (chosen_language == NULL) { chosen_language = (language_fallback != NULL) ? language_fallback : en_GB_fallback; } if (!ReadLanguagePack(chosen_language)) usererror("Can't read language pack '%s'", chosen_language->file); } /** * Get the ISO language code of the currently loaded language. * @return the ISO code. */ const char *GetCurrentLanguageIsoCode() { return _langpack->isocode; } /** * Check whether there are glyphs missing in the current language. * @param Pointer to an address for storing the text pointer. * @return If glyphs are missing, return \c true, else return \false. * @post If \c true is returned and str is not NULL, *str points to a string that is found to contain at least one missing glyph. */ static bool FindMissingGlyphs(const char **str) { #ifdef WITH_FREETYPE UninitFreeType(); InitFreeType(); #endif const Sprite *question_mark[FS_END]; FontSize size; for (size = FS_BEGIN; size < FS_END; size++) { question_mark[size] = GetGlyph(size, '?'); } for (uint i = 0; i != 32; i++) { for (uint j = 0; j < _langtab_num[i]; j++) { size = FS_NORMAL; const char *text = _langpack_offs[_langtab_start[i] + j]; if (str != NULL) *str = text; for (WChar c = Utf8Consume(&text); c != '\0'; c = Utf8Consume(&text)) { if (c == SCC_SETX) { /* SetX is, together with SetXY as special character that * uses the next (two) characters as data points. We have * to skip those, otherwise the UTF8 reading will go haywire. */ text++; } else if (c == SCC_SETXY) { text += 2; } else if (c == SCC_TINYFONT) { size = FS_SMALL; } else if (c == SCC_BIGFONT) { size = FS_LARGE; } else if (IsPrintable(c) && !IsTextDirectionChar(c) && c != '?' && GetGlyph(size, c) == question_mark[size]) { /* The character is printable, but not in the normal font. This is the case we were testing for. */ return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Check whether the currently loaded language pack * uses characters that the currently loaded font * does not support. If this is the case an error * message will be shown in English. The error * message will not be localized because that would * mean it might use characters that are not in the * font, which is the whole reason this check has * been added. */ void CheckForMissingGlyphsInLoadedLanguagePack() { bool bad_font = FindMissingGlyphs(NULL); #ifdef WITH_FREETYPE if (bad_font) { /* We found an unprintable character... lets try whether we can find * a fallback font that can print the characters in the current language. */ FreeTypeSettings backup; memcpy(&backup, &_freetype, sizeof(backup)); bad_font = !SetFallbackFont(&_freetype, _langpack->isocode, _langpack->winlangid, &FindMissingGlyphs); memcpy(&_freetype, &backup, sizeof(backup)); if (bad_font) { /* Our fallback font does miss characters too, so keep the * user chosen font as that is more likely to be any good than * the wild guess we made */ UninitFreeType(); InitFreeType(); } } #endif if (bad_font) { /* All attempts have failed. Display an error. As we do not want the string to be translated by * the translators, we 'force' it into the binary and 'load' it via a BindCString. To do this * properly we have to set the colour of the string, otherwise we end up with a lot of artefacts. * The colour 'character' might change in the future, so for safety we just Utf8 Encode it into * the string, which takes exactly three characters, so it replaces the "XXX" with the colour marker. */ static char *err_str = strdup("XXXThe current font is missing some of the characters used in the texts for this language. Read the readme to see how to solve this."); Utf8Encode(err_str, SCC_YELLOW); SetDParamStr(0, err_str); ShowErrorMessage(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_WARNING); /* Reset the font width */ LoadStringWidthTable(); return; } /* Update the font with cache */ LoadStringWidthTable(); #if !defined(WITH_ICU) /* * For right-to-left languages we need the ICU library. If * we do not have support for that library we warn the user * about it with a message. As we do not want the string to * be translated by the translators, we 'force' it into the * binary and 'load' it via a BindCString. To do this * properly we have to set the colour of the string, * otherwise we end up with a lot of artefacts. The colour * 'character' might change in the future, so for safety * we just Utf8 Encode it into the string, which takes * exactly three characters, so it replaces the "XXX" with * the colour marker. */ if (_current_text_dir != TD_LTR) { static char *err_str = strdup("XXXThis version of OpenTTD does not support right-to-left languages. Recompile with icu enabled."); Utf8Encode(err_str, SCC_YELLOW); SetDParamStr(0, err_str); ShowErrorMessage(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); } #endif }