/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file station_map.h Maps accessors for stations. */ #ifndef STATION_MAP_H #define STATION_MAP_H #include "rail_map.h" #include "road_map.h" #include "water_map.h" #include "station_func.h" #include "rail.h" typedef byte StationGfx; /** Get Station ID from a tile * @pre Tile \t must be part of the station * @param t Tile to query station ID from * @return Station ID of the station at \a t */ static inline StationID GetStationIndex(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return (StationID)_m[t].m2; } enum { GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART = 4, GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET = 4, }; /** * Get the station type of this tile * @param t the tile to query * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return the station type */ static inline StationType GetStationType(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return (StationType)GB(_m[t].m6, 3, 3); } /** * Get the road stop type of this tile * @param t the tile to query * @pre GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK || GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS * @return the road stop type */ static inline RoadStopType GetRoadStopType(TileIndex t) { assert(GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK || GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS); return GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS; } /** * Get the station graphics of this tile * @param t the tile to query * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return the station graphics */ static inline StationGfx GetStationGfx(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m5; } /** * Set the station graphics of this tile * @param t the tile to update * @param gfx the new graphics * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) */ static inline void SetStationGfx(TileIndex t, StationGfx gfx) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); _m[t].m5 = gfx; } /** * Get the station's animation frame of this tile * @param t the tile to query * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return the station's animation frame */ static inline uint8 GetStationAnimationFrame(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _me[t].m7; } /** * Set the station's animation frame of this tile * @param t the tile to update * @param frame the new frame * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) */ static inline void SetStationAnimationFrame(TileIndex t, uint8 frame) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); _me[t].m7 = frame; } /** * Is this station tile a rail station? * @param t the tile to get the information from * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return true if and only if the tile is a rail station */ static inline bool IsRailStation(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_RAIL; } /** * Is this tile a station tile and a rail station? * @param t the tile to get the information from * @return true if and only if the tile is a rail station */ static inline bool IsRailStationTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRailStation(t); } /** * Is this station tile a rail waypoint? * @param t the tile to get the information from * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return true if and only if the tile is a rail waypoint */ static inline bool IsRailWaypoint(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_WAYPOINT; } /** * Is this tile a station tile and a rail waypoint? * @param t the tile to get the information from * @return true if and only if the tile is a rail waypoint */ static inline bool IsRailWaypointTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRailWaypoint(t); } /** * Has this station tile a rail? In other words, is this station * tile a rail station or rail waypoint? * @param t the tile to check * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return true if and only if the tile has rail */ static inline bool HasStationRail(TileIndex t) { return IsRailStation(t) || IsRailWaypoint(t); } /** * Has this station tile a rail? In other words, is this station * tile a rail station or rail waypoint? * @param t the tile to check * @return true if and only if the tile is a station tile and has rail */ static inline bool HasStationTileRail(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && HasStationRail(t); } /** * Is this station tile an airport? * @param t the tile to get the information from * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return true if and only if the tile is an airport */ static inline bool IsAirport(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_AIRPORT; } bool IsHangar(TileIndex t); /** * Is the station at \a t a truck stop? * @param t Tile to check * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return \c true if station is a truck stop, \c false otherwise */ static inline bool IsTruckStop(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK; } /** * Is the station at \a t a bus stop? * @param t Tile to check * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return \c true if station is a bus stop, \c false otherwise */ static inline bool IsBusStop(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS; } /** * Is the station at \a t a road station? * @param t Tile to check * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) * @return \c true if station at the tile is a bus top or a truck stop, \c false otherwise */ static inline bool IsRoadStop(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return IsTruckStop(t) || IsBusStop(t); } /** * Is tile \a t a road stop station? * @param t Tile to check * @return \c true if the tile is a station tile and a road stop */ static inline bool IsRoadStopTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRoadStop(t); } /** * Is tile \a t a standard (non-drive through) road stop station? * @param t Tile to check * @return \c true if the tile is a station tile and a standard road stop */ static inline bool IsStandardRoadStopTile(TileIndex t) { return IsRoadStopTile(t) && GetStationGfx(t) < GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET; } /** * Is tile \a t a drive through road stop station? * @param t Tile to check * @return \c true if the tile is a station tile and a drive through road stop */ static inline bool IsDriveThroughStopTile(TileIndex t) { return IsRoadStopTile(t) && GetStationGfx(t) >= GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET; } /** * Gets the direction the road stop entrance points towards. * @param t the tile of the road stop * @pre IsRoadStopTile(t) * @return the direction of the entrance */ static inline DiagDirection GetRoadStopDir(TileIndex t) { StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(t); assert(IsRoadStopTile(t)); if (gfx < GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET) { return (DiagDirection)(gfx); } else { return (DiagDirection)(gfx - GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET); } } static inline bool IsOilRig(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_OILRIG; } static inline bool IsDock(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_DOCK; } static inline bool IsDockTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && GetStationType(t) == STATION_DOCK; } static inline bool IsBuoy(TileIndex t) { return GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUOY; } static inline bool IsBuoyTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsBuoy(t); } static inline bool IsHangarTile(TileIndex t) { return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsHangar(t); } static inline Axis GetRailStationAxis(TileIndex t) { assert(HasStationRail(t)); return HasBit(GetStationGfx(t), 0) ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X; } static inline Track GetRailStationTrack(TileIndex t) { return AxisToTrack(GetRailStationAxis(t)); } static inline TrackBits GetRailStationTrackBits(TileIndex t) { return AxisToTrackBits(GetRailStationAxis(t)); } static inline bool IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(TileIndex t1, TileIndex t2) { assert(IsRailStationTile(t2)); return IsRailStationTile(t1) && IsCompatibleRail(GetRailType(t1), GetRailType(t2)) && GetRailStationAxis(t1) == GetRailStationAxis(t2) && GetStationIndex(t1) == GetStationIndex(t2) && !IsStationTileBlocked(t1); } /** * Get the reservation state of the rail station * @pre HasStationRail(t) * @param t the station tile * @return reservation state */ static inline bool HasStationReservation(TileIndex t) { assert(HasStationRail(t)); return HasBit(_m[t].m6, 2); } /** * Set the reservation state of the rail station * @pre HasStationRail(t) * @param t the station tile * @param b the reservation state */ static inline void SetRailStationReservation(TileIndex t, bool b) { assert(HasStationRail(t)); SB(_m[t].m6, 2, 1, b ? 1 : 0); } /** * Get the reserved track bits for a waypoint * @pre HasStationRail(t) * @param t the tile * @return reserved track bits */ static inline TrackBits GetStationReservationTrackBits(TileIndex t) { return HasStationReservation(t) ? GetRailStationTrackBits(t) : TRACK_BIT_NONE; } static inline DiagDirection GetDockDirection(TileIndex t) { StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(t); assert(IsDock(t) && gfx < GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART); return (DiagDirection)(gfx); } static inline TileIndexDiffC GetDockOffset(TileIndex t) { static const TileIndexDiffC buoy_offset = {0, 0}; static const TileIndexDiffC oilrig_offset = {2, 0}; static const TileIndexDiffC dock_offset[DIAGDIR_END] = { {-2, 0}, { 0, 2}, { 2, 0}, { 0, -2}, }; assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); if (IsBuoy(t)) return buoy_offset; if (IsOilRig(t)) return oilrig_offset; assert(IsDock(t)); return dock_offset[GetDockDirection(t)]; } static inline bool IsCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m4 != 0; } static inline void SetCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t, byte specindex) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); _m[t].m4 = specindex; } static inline uint GetCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return _m[t].m4; } static inline void SetStationTileRandomBits(TileIndex t, byte random_bits) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); SB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4, random_bits); } static inline byte GetStationTileRandomBits(TileIndex t) { assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)); return GB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4); } static inline void MakeStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, StationType st, byte section) { SetTileType(t, MP_STATION); SetTileOwner(t, o); _m[t].m2 = sid; _m[t].m3 = 0; _m[t].m4 = 0; _m[t].m5 = section; SB(_m[t].m6, 2, 1, 0); SB(_m[t].m6, 3, 3, st); _me[t].m7 = 0; } static inline void MakeRailStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, Axis a, byte section, RailType rt) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_RAIL, section + a); SetRailType(t, rt); SetRailStationReservation(t, false); } static inline void MakeRailWaypoint(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, Axis a, byte section, RailType rt) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_WAYPOINT, section + a); SetRailType(t, rt); SetRailStationReservation(t, false); } static inline void MakeRoadStop(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, RoadStopType rst, RoadTypes rt, DiagDirection d) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, (rst == ROADSTOP_BUS ? STATION_BUS : STATION_TRUCK), d); SetRoadTypes(t, rt); SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_ROAD, o); SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_TRAM, o); } static inline void MakeDriveThroughRoadStop(TileIndex t, Owner station, Owner road, Owner tram, StationID sid, RoadStopType rst, RoadTypes rt, Axis a) { MakeStation(t, station, sid, (rst == ROADSTOP_BUS ? STATION_BUS : STATION_TRUCK), GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET + a); SetRoadTypes(t, rt); SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_ROAD, road); SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_TRAM, tram); } static inline void MakeAirport(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, byte section) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_AIRPORT, section); } static inline void MakeBuoy(TileIndex t, StationID sid, WaterClass wc) { /* Make the owner of the buoy tile the same as the current owner of the * water tile. In this way, we can reset the owner of the water to its * original state when the buoy gets removed. */ MakeStation(t, GetTileOwner(t), sid, STATION_BUOY, 0); SetWaterClass(t, wc); } static inline void MakeDock(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, DiagDirection d, WaterClass wc) { MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_DOCK, d); MakeStation(t + TileOffsByDiagDir(d), o, sid, STATION_DOCK, GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART + DiagDirToAxis(d)); SetWaterClass(t + TileOffsByDiagDir(d), wc); } static inline void MakeOilrig(TileIndex t, StationID sid, WaterClass wc) { MakeStation(t, OWNER_NONE, sid, STATION_OILRIG, 0); SetWaterClass(t, wc); } #endif /* STATION_MAP_H */