/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file squirrel.cpp the implementation of the Squirrel class. It handles all Squirrel-stuff and gives a nice API back to work with. */ #include #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../debug.h" #include "squirrel_std.hpp" #include "../fileio_func.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include #include <../squirrel/sqpcheader.h> #include <../squirrel/sqvm.h> /* Due to the different characters for Squirrel, the scsnprintf might be a simple * snprint which triggers the safeguard. But it isn't always a simple snprintf. * Likewise for scvsnprintf and scstrcat. */ #include "../safeguards.h" #undef snprintf #undef vsnprintf #undef strcat void Squirrel::CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *desc, const SQChar *source, SQInteger line, SQInteger column) { SQChar buf[1024]; seprintf(buf, lastof(buf), "Error %s:" SQ_PRINTF64 "/" SQ_PRINTF64 ": %s", source, line, column, desc); /* Check if we have a custom print function */ Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm); engine->crashed = true; SQPrintFunc *func = engine->print_func; if (func == NULL) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Squirrel] Compile error: %s", buf); } else { (*func)(true, buf); } } void Squirrel::ErrorPrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *s, ...) { va_list arglist; SQChar buf[1024]; va_start(arglist, s); scvsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), s, arglist); va_end(arglist); /* Check if we have a custom print function */ SQPrintFunc *func = ((Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm))->print_func; if (func == NULL) { scfprintf(stderr, _SC("%s"), buf); } else { (*func)(true, buf); } } void Squirrel::RunError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *error) { /* Set the print function to something that prints to stderr */ SQPRINTFUNCTION pf = sq_getprintfunc(vm); sq_setprintfunc(vm, &Squirrel::ErrorPrintFunc); /* Check if we have a custom print function */ SQChar buf[1024]; seprintf(buf, lastof(buf), "Your script made an error: %s\n", error); Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm); SQPrintFunc *func = engine->print_func; if (func == NULL) { scfprintf(stderr, _SC("%s"), buf); } else { (*func)(true, buf); } /* Print below the error the stack, so the users knows what is happening */ sqstd_printcallstack(vm); /* Reset the old print function */ sq_setprintfunc(vm, pf); } SQInteger Squirrel::_RunError(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const SQChar *sErr = 0; if (sq_gettop(vm) >= 1) { if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getstring(vm, -1, &sErr))) { Squirrel::RunError(vm, sErr); return 0; } } Squirrel::RunError(vm, _SC("unknown error")); return 0; } void Squirrel::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *s, ...) { va_list arglist; SQChar buf[1024]; va_start(arglist, s); scvsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf) - 2, s, arglist); va_end(arglist); scstrcat(buf, _SC("\n")); /* Check if we have a custom print function */ SQPrintFunc *func = ((Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm))->print_func; if (func == NULL) { scprintf(_SC("%s"), buf); } else { (*func)(false, buf); } } void Squirrel::AddMethod(const char *method_name, SQFUNCTION proc, uint nparam, const char *params, void *userdata, int size) { sq_pushstring(this->vm, method_name, -1); if (size != 0) { void *ptr = sq_newuserdata(vm, size); memcpy(ptr, userdata, size); } sq_newclosure(this->vm, proc, size != 0 ? 1 : 0); if (nparam != 0) sq_setparamscheck(this->vm, nparam, params); sq_setnativeclosurename(this->vm, -1, method_name); sq_newslot(this->vm, -3, SQFalse); } void Squirrel::AddConst(const char *var_name, int value) { sq_pushstring(this->vm, var_name, -1); sq_pushinteger(this->vm, value); sq_newslot(this->vm, -3, SQTrue); } void Squirrel::AddConst(const char *var_name, bool value) { sq_pushstring(this->vm, var_name, -1); sq_pushbool(this->vm, value); sq_newslot(this->vm, -3, SQTrue); } void Squirrel::AddClassBegin(const char *class_name) { sq_pushroottable(this->vm); sq_pushstring(this->vm, class_name, -1); sq_newclass(this->vm, SQFalse); } void Squirrel::AddClassBegin(const char *class_name, const char *parent_class) { sq_pushroottable(this->vm); sq_pushstring(this->vm, class_name, -1); sq_pushstring(this->vm, parent_class, -1); if (SQ_FAILED(sq_get(this->vm, -3))) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to initialize class '%s' based on parent class '%s'", class_name, parent_class); DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Make sure that '%s' exists before trying to define '%s'", parent_class, class_name); return; } sq_newclass(this->vm, SQTrue); } void Squirrel::AddClassEnd() { sq_newslot(vm, -3, SQFalse); sq_pop(vm, 1); } bool Squirrel::MethodExists(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name) { assert(!this->crashed); int top = sq_gettop(this->vm); /* Go to the instance-root */ sq_pushobject(this->vm, instance); /* Find the function-name inside the script */ sq_pushstring(this->vm, method_name, -1); if (SQ_FAILED(sq_get(this->vm, -2))) { sq_settop(this->vm, top); return false; } sq_settop(this->vm, top); return true; } bool Squirrel::Resume(int suspend) { assert(!this->crashed); /* Did we use more operations than we should have in the * previous tick? If so, subtract that from the current run. */ if (this->overdrawn_ops > 0 && suspend > 0) { this->overdrawn_ops -= suspend; /* Do we need to wait even more? */ if (this->overdrawn_ops >= 0) return true; /* We can now only run whatever is "left". */ suspend = -this->overdrawn_ops; } this->crashed = !sq_resumecatch(this->vm, suspend); this->overdrawn_ops = -this->vm->_ops_till_suspend; return this->vm->_suspended != 0; } void Squirrel::ResumeError() { assert(!this->crashed); sq_resumeerror(this->vm); } void Squirrel::CollectGarbage() { sq_collectgarbage(this->vm); } bool Squirrel::CallMethod(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name, HSQOBJECT *ret, int suspend) { assert(!this->crashed); /* Store the stack-location for the return value. We need to * restore this after saving or the stack will be corrupted * if we're in the middle of a DoCommand. */ SQInteger last_target = this->vm->_suspended_target; /* Store the current top */ int top = sq_gettop(this->vm); /* Go to the instance-root */ sq_pushobject(this->vm, instance); /* Find the function-name inside the script */ sq_pushstring(this->vm, method_name, -1); if (SQ_FAILED(sq_get(this->vm, -2))) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Could not find '%s' in the class", method_name); sq_settop(this->vm, top); return false; } /* Call the method */ sq_pushobject(this->vm, instance); if (SQ_FAILED(sq_call(this->vm, 1, ret == NULL ? SQFalse : SQTrue, SQTrue, suspend))) return false; if (ret != NULL) sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, ret); /* Reset the top, but don't do so for the script main function, as we need * a correct stack when resuming. */ if (suspend == -1 || !this->IsSuspended()) sq_settop(this->vm, top); /* Restore the return-value location. */ this->vm->_suspended_target = last_target; return true; } bool Squirrel::CallStringMethodStrdup(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name, const char **res, int suspend) { HSQOBJECT ret; if (!this->CallMethod(instance, method_name, &ret, suspend)) return false; if (ret._type != OT_STRING) return false; *res = stredup(ObjectToString(&ret)); ValidateString(*res); return true; } bool Squirrel::CallIntegerMethod(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name, int *res, int suspend) { HSQOBJECT ret; if (!this->CallMethod(instance, method_name, &ret, suspend)) return false; if (ret._type != OT_INTEGER) return false; *res = ObjectToInteger(&ret); return true; } bool Squirrel::CallBoolMethod(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name, bool *res, int suspend) { HSQOBJECT ret; if (!this->CallMethod(instance, method_name, &ret, suspend)) return false; if (ret._type != OT_BOOL) return false; *res = ObjectToBool(&ret); return true; } /* static */ bool Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *class_name, void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance, SQRELEASEHOOK release_hook, bool prepend_API_name) { Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm); int oldtop = sq_gettop(vm); /* First, find the class */ sq_pushroottable(vm); if (prepend_API_name) { size_t len = strlen(class_name) + strlen(engine->GetAPIName()) + 1; char *class_name2 = (char *)alloca(len); seprintf(class_name2, class_name2 + len - 1, "%s%s", engine->GetAPIName(), class_name); sq_pushstring(vm, class_name2, -1); } else { sq_pushstring(vm, class_name, -1); } if (SQ_FAILED(sq_get(vm, -2))) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to find class by the name '%s%s'", prepend_API_name ? engine->GetAPIName() : "", class_name); sq_settop(vm, oldtop); return false; } /* Create the instance */ if (SQ_FAILED(sq_createinstance(vm, -1))) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to create instance for class '%s%s'", prepend_API_name ? engine->GetAPIName() : "", class_name); sq_settop(vm, oldtop); return false; } if (instance != NULL) { /* Find our instance */ sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, instance); /* Add a reference to it, so it survives for ever */ sq_addref(vm, instance); } sq_remove(vm, -2); // Class-name sq_remove(vm, -2); // Root-table /* Store it in the class */ sq_setinstanceup(vm, -1, real_instance); if (release_hook != NULL) sq_setreleasehook(vm, -1, release_hook); if (instance != NULL) sq_settop(vm, oldtop); return true; } bool Squirrel::CreateClassInstance(const char *class_name, void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance) { return Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(this->vm, class_name, real_instance, instance, NULL); } Squirrel::Squirrel(const char *APIName) : APIName(APIName) { this->Initialize(); } void Squirrel::Initialize() { this->global_pointer = NULL; this->print_func = NULL; this->crashed = false; this->overdrawn_ops = 0; this->vm = sq_open(1024); /* Handle compile-errors ourself, so we can display it nicely */ sq_setcompilererrorhandler(this->vm, &Squirrel::CompileError); sq_notifyallexceptions(this->vm, SQTrue); /* Set a good print-function */ sq_setprintfunc(this->vm, &Squirrel::PrintFunc); /* Handle runtime-errors ourself, so we can display it nicely */ sq_newclosure(this->vm, &Squirrel::_RunError, 0); sq_seterrorhandler(this->vm); /* Set the foreign pointer, so we can always find this instance from within the VM */ sq_setforeignptr(this->vm, this); sq_pushroottable(this->vm); squirrel_register_global_std(this); } class SQFile { private: FILE *file; size_t size; size_t pos; public: SQFile(FILE *file, size_t size) : file(file), size(size), pos(0) {} size_t Read(void *buf, size_t elemsize, size_t count) { assert(elemsize != 0); if (this->pos + (elemsize * count) > this->size) { count = (this->size - this->pos) / elemsize; } if (count == 0) return 0; size_t ret = fread(buf, elemsize, count, this->file); this->pos += ret * elemsize; return ret; } }; static SQInteger _io_file_lexfeed_ASCII(SQUserPointer file) { char c; if (((SQFile *)file)->Read(&c, sizeof(c), 1) > 0) return c; return 0; } static SQInteger _io_file_lexfeed_UTF8(SQUserPointer file) { static const SQInteger utf8_lengths[16] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0000 to 0111 : 1 byte (plain ASCII) */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 1000 to 1011 : not valid */ 2, 2, /* 1100, 1101 : 2 bytes */ 3, /* 1110 : 3 bytes */ 4 /* 1111 : 4 bytes */ }; static unsigned char byte_masks[5] = {0, 0, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07}; unsigned char inchar; SQInteger c = 0; if (((SQFile *)file)->Read(&inchar, sizeof(inchar), 1) != 1) return 0; c = inchar; if (c >= 0x80) { SQInteger tmp; SQInteger codelen = utf8_lengths[c >> 4]; if (codelen == 0) return 0; tmp = c & byte_masks[codelen]; for (SQInteger n = 0; n < codelen - 1; n++) { tmp <<= 6; if (((SQFile *)file)->Read(&inchar, sizeof(inchar), 1) != 1) return 0; tmp |= inchar & 0x3F; } c = tmp; } return c; } static SQInteger _io_file_lexfeed_UCS2_no_swap(SQUserPointer file) { wchar_t c; if (((SQFile *)file)->Read(&c, sizeof(c), 1) > 0) return (SQChar)c; return 0; } static SQInteger _io_file_lexfeed_UCS2_swap(SQUserPointer file) { unsigned short c; if (((SQFile *)file)->Read(&c, sizeof(c), 1) > 0) { c = ((c >> 8) & 0x00FF)| ((c << 8) & 0xFF00); return (SQChar)c; } return 0; } static SQInteger _io_file_read(SQUserPointer file, SQUserPointer buf, SQInteger size) { SQInteger ret = ((SQFile *)file)->Read(buf, 1, size); if (ret == 0) return -1; return ret; } SQRESULT Squirrel::LoadFile(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *filename, SQBool printerror) { size_t size; FILE *file; SQInteger ret; unsigned short us; unsigned char uc; SQLEXREADFUNC func; if (strncmp(this->GetAPIName(), "AI", 2) == 0) { file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_DIR, &size); if (file == NULL) file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", AI_LIBRARY_DIR, &size); } else if (strncmp(this->GetAPIName(), "GS", 2) == 0) { file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", GAME_DIR, &size); if (file == NULL) file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", GAME_LIBRARY_DIR, &size); } else { NOT_REACHED(); } if (file != NULL) { SQFile f(file, size); ret = fread(&us, 1, sizeof(us), file); /* Most likely an empty file */ if (ret != 2) us = 0; switch (us) { case SQ_BYTECODE_STREAM_TAG: { // BYTECODE if (fseek(file, -2, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { FioFCloseFile(file); return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("cannot seek the file")); } if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_readclosure(vm, _io_file_read, &f))) { FioFCloseFile(file); return SQ_OK; } FioFCloseFile(file); return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Couldn't read bytecode")); } case 0xFFFE: /* Either this file is encoded as big-endian and we're on a little-endian * machine, or this file is encoded as little-endian and we're on a big-endian * machine. Either way, swap the bytes of every word we read. */ func = _io_file_lexfeed_UCS2_swap; break; case 0xFEFF: func = _io_file_lexfeed_UCS2_no_swap; break; case 0xBBEF: // UTF-8 case 0xEFBB: // UTF-8 on big-endian machine if (fread(&uc, 1, sizeof(uc), file) == 0) { FioFCloseFile(file); return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("I/O error")); } if (uc != 0xBF) { FioFCloseFile(file); return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Unrecognized encoding")); } func = _io_file_lexfeed_UTF8; break; default: // ASCII func = _io_file_lexfeed_ASCII; if (fseek(file, -2, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { FioFCloseFile(file); return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("cannot seek the file")); } break; } if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_compile(vm, func, &f, filename, printerror))) { FioFCloseFile(file); return SQ_OK; } FioFCloseFile(file); return SQ_ERROR; } return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("cannot open the file")); } bool Squirrel::LoadScript(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *script, bool in_root) { /* Make sure we are always in the root-table */ if (in_root) sq_pushroottable(vm); SQInteger ops_left = vm->_ops_till_suspend; /* Load and run the script */ if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(LoadFile(vm, script, SQTrue))) { sq_push(vm, -2); if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_call(vm, 1, SQFalse, SQTrue, 100000))) { sq_pop(vm, 1); /* After compiling the file we want to reset the amount of opcodes. */ vm->_ops_till_suspend = ops_left; return true; } } vm->_ops_till_suspend = ops_left; DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to compile '%s'", script); return false; } bool Squirrel::LoadScript(const char *script) { return LoadScript(this->vm, script); } Squirrel::~Squirrel() { this->Uninitialize(); } void Squirrel::Uninitialize() { /* Clean up the stuff */ sq_pop(this->vm, 1); sq_close(this->vm); } void Squirrel::Reset() { this->Uninitialize(); this->Initialize(); } void Squirrel::InsertResult(bool result) { sq_pushbool(this->vm, result); if (this->IsSuspended()) { // Called before resuming a suspended script? vm->GetAt(vm->_stackbase + vm->_suspended_target) = vm->GetUp(-1); vm->Pop(); } } void Squirrel::InsertResult(int result) { sq_pushinteger(this->vm, result); if (this->IsSuspended()) { // Called before resuming a suspended script? vm->GetAt(vm->_stackbase + vm->_suspended_target) = vm->GetUp(-1); vm->Pop(); } } /* static */ void Squirrel::DecreaseOps(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int ops) { vm->DecreaseOps(ops); } bool Squirrel::IsSuspended() { return this->vm->_suspended != 0; } bool Squirrel::HasScriptCrashed() { return this->crashed; } void Squirrel::CrashOccurred() { this->crashed = true; } bool Squirrel::CanSuspend() { return sq_can_suspend(this->vm); } SQInteger Squirrel::GetOpsTillSuspend() { return this->vm->_ops_till_suspend; }