/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file script_info.cpp Implementation of ScriptFileInfo. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "squirrel_helper.hpp" #include "script_info.hpp" #include "script_scanner.hpp" /** Number of operations to get the author and similar information. */ static const int MAX_GET_OPS = 1000; /** Number of operations to create an instance of an AI. */ static const int MAX_CREATEINSTANCE_OPS = 100000; ScriptFileInfo::~ScriptFileInfo() { free((void *)this->author); free((void *)this->name); free((void *)this->short_name); free((void *)this->description); free((void *)this->date); free((void *)this->instance_name); free((void *)this->url); free(this->main_script); free(this->SQ_instance); } bool ScriptFileInfo::CheckMethod(const char *name) const { if (!this->engine->MethodExists(*this->SQ_instance, name)) { char error[1024]; snprintf(error, sizeof(error), "your info.nut/library.nut doesn't have the method '%s'", name); this->engine->ThrowError(error); return false; } return true; } /* static */ SQInteger ScriptFileInfo::Constructor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptFileInfo *info) { /* Set some basic info from the parent */ info->SQ_instance = MallocT<SQObject>(1); Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, info->SQ_instance, 2); /* Make sure the instance stays alive over time */ sq_addref(vm, info->SQ_instance); ScriptScanner *scanner = (ScriptScanner *)Squirrel::GetGlobalPointer(vm); info->engine = scanner->GetEngine(); static const char * const required_functions[] = { "GetAuthor", "GetName", "GetShortName", "GetDescription", "GetVersion", "GetDate", "CreateInstance", }; for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthof(required_functions); i++) { if (!info->CheckMethod(required_functions[i])) return SQ_ERROR; } info->main_script = strdup(scanner->GetMainScript()); /* Cache the data the info file gives us. */ if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetAuthor", &info->author, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetName", &info->name, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetShortName", &info->short_name, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetDescription", &info->description, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetDate", &info->date, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallIntegerMethod(*info->SQ_instance, "GetVersion", &info->version, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "CreateInstance", &info->instance_name, MAX_CREATEINSTANCE_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; /* The GetURL function is optional. */ if (info->engine->MethodExists(*info->SQ_instance, "GetURL")) { if (!info->engine->CallStringMethodStrdup(*info->SQ_instance, "GetURL", &info->url, MAX_GET_OPS)) return SQ_ERROR; } return 0; }