# $Id$
# This file is part of OpenTTD.
# OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see .
# Awk script to automatically generate the code needed
# to export the script APIs to Squirrel.
# Note that arrays are 1 based...
# Simple insertion sort.
function array_sort(ARRAY, ELEMENTS, temp, i, j)
for (i = 2; i <= ELEMENTS; i++)
for (j = i; ARRAY[j - 1] > ARRAY[j]; --j) {
temp = ARRAY[j]
ARRAY[j] = ARRAY[j - 1]
ARRAY[j - 1] = temp
function dump_class_templates(name)
realname = name
gsub("^Script", "", realname)
print " template <> inline " name " *GetParam(ForceType<" name " *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return (" name " *)instance; }"
print " template <> inline " name " &GetParam(ForceType<" name " &>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" name " *)instance; }"
print " template <> inline const " name " *GetParam(ForceType, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return (" name " *)instance; }"
print " template <> inline const " name " &GetParam(ForceType, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" name " *)instance; }"
if (name == "ScriptEvent") {
print " template <> inline int Return<" name " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " name " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, \"" realname "\", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" name ">, true); return 1; }"
} else {
print " template <> inline int Return<" name " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " name " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } res->AddRef(); Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, \"" realname "\", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" name ">, true); return 1; }"
function dump_fileheader()
# Break the Id tag, so SVN doesn't replace it
print "/* $I" "d$ */"
print ""
print "/*"
print " * This file is part of OpenTTD."
print " * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2."
print " * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE."
print " * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see ."
print " */"
print ""
print ""
print "#include \"../" filename "\""
if (api != "Template") {
gsub("script_", "template_", filename)
print "#include \"../template/" filename ".sq\""
function reset_reader()
enum_size = 0
enum_value_size = 0
enum_string_to_error_size = 0
enum_error_to_string_size = 0
struct_size = 0
method_size = 0
static_method_size = 0
virtual_class = "false"
cls = ""
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "false"
cls_level = 0
cls_in_api = ""
enum_size = 0
enum_value_size = 0
enum_string_to_error_size = 0
enum_error_to_string_size = 0
const_size = 0
struct_size = 0
method_size = 0
static_method_size = 0
virtual_class = "false"
super_cls = ""
cls = ""
api_selected = ""
cls_in_api = ""
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "false"
has_fileheader = "false"
cls_level = 0
RS = "\r|\n"
apis = tolower(api)
if (apis == "gs") apis = "game"
/@file/ {
filename = $3
gsub("^" apis "_", "script_", filename)
# Ignore special doxygen blocks
/^#ifndef DOXYGEN_API/ { doxygen_skip = "next"; next; }
/^#ifdef DOXYGEN_API/ { doxygen_skip = "true"; next; }
/^#endif \/\* DOXYGEN_API \*\// { doxygen_skip = "false"; next; }
/^#else/ {
if (doxygen_skip == "next") {
doxygen_skip = "true";
} else {
doxygen_skip = "false";
{ if (doxygen_skip == "true") next }
/^([ ]*)\* @api/ {
# By default, classes are not selected
if (cls_level == 0) api_selected = "false"
gsub("^([ ]*)", "", $0)
gsub("* @api ", "", $0)
if (api == "Template") {
api_selected = "true"
if ($0 == "none" || $0 == "-all") api_selected = "false"
if ($0 == "none") {
api_selected = "false"
} else if ($0 == "-all") {
api_selected = "false"
} else if (match($0, "-" apis)) {
api_selected = "false"
} else if (match($0, apis)) {
api_selected = "true"
# Remove the old squirrel stuff
/#ifdef DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS/ { squirrel_stuff = "true"; next; }
/^#endif \/\* DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS \*\// { if (squirrel_stuff == "true") { squirrel_stuff = "false"; next; } }
{ if (squirrel_stuff == "true") next; }
# Ignore forward declarations of classes
/^( *)class(.*);/ { next; }
# We only want to have public functions exported for now
/^( *)class/ {
if (cls_level == 0) {
if (api_selected == "") {
print "Class '"$2"' has no @api. It won't be published to any API." > "/dev/stderr"
api_selected = "false"
public = "false"
cls_param[0] = ""
cls_param[1] = 1
cls_param[2] = "x"
cls_in_api = api_selected
api_selected = ""
cls = $2
if (match($4, "public") || match($4, "protected") || match($4, "private")) {
super_cls = $5
} else {
super_cls = $4
} else if (cls_level == 1) {
if (api_selected == "") api_selected = cls_in_api
if (api_selected == "true") {
structs[struct_size] = cls "::" $2
api_selected = ""
/^( *)public/ { if (cls_level == 1) public = "true"; next; }
/^( *)protected/ { if (cls_level == 1) public = "false"; next; }
/^( *)private/ { if (cls_level == 1) public = "false"; next; }
# Ignore the comments
/^#/ { next; }
/\/\*.*\*\// { comment = "false"; next; }
/\/\*/ { comment = "true"; next; }
/\*\// { comment = "false"; next; }
{ if (comment == "true") next }
# We need to make specialized conversions for structs
/^( *)struct/ {
# Check if we want to publish this struct
if (api_selected == "") api_selected = cls_in_api
if (api_selected == "false") {
api_selected = ""
api_selected = ""
if (public == "false") next
if (cls_level != 1) next
structs[struct_size] = cls "::" $2
# We need to make specialized conversions for enums
/^( *)enum/ {
# Check if we want to publish this enum
if (api_selected == "") api_selected = cls_in_api
if (api_selected == "false") {
api_selected = ""
api_selected = ""
if (public == "false") next
in_enum = "true"
enums[enum_size] = cls "::" $2
# Maybe the end of the class, if so we can start with the Squirrel export pretty soon
/};/ {
if (cls_level != 0) {
in_enum = "false";
if (cls == "") {
start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "true"
# Empty/white lines. When we may do the Squirrel export, do that export.
/^([ ]*)$/ {
if (start_squirrel_define_on_next_line == "false") next
if (cls_in_api != "true") {
if (has_fileheader == "false") {
has_fileheader = "true"
spaces = " ";
public = "false"
namespace_opened = "false"
api_cls = cls
gsub("^Script", api, api_cls)
api_super_cls = super_cls
gsub("^Script", api, api_super_cls)
print ""
if (api == "Template") {
# First check whether we have enums to print
if (enum_size != 0) {
if (namespace_opened == "false") {
print "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = "true"
print " /* Allow enums to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
for (i = 1; i <= enum_size; i++) {
print " template <> inline " enums[i] " GetParam(ForceType<" enums[i] ">, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger(vm, index, &tmp); return (" enums[i] ")tmp; }"
print " template <> inline int Return<" enums[i] ">(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " enums[i] " res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32)res); return 1; }"
delete enums[i]
# Then check whether we have structs/classes to print
if (struct_size != 0) {
if (namespace_opened == "false") {
print "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = "true"
print " /* Allow inner classes/structs to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
for (i = 1; i <= struct_size; i++) {
delete structs[i]
if (namespace_opened == "false") {
print "namespace SQConvert {"
namespace_opened = "true"
} else {
print ""
print " /* Allow " cls " to be used as Squirrel parameter */"
print "} // namespace SQConvert"
print "";
print "template <> const char *GetClassName<" cls ", ST_" toupper(api) ">() { return \"" api_cls "\"; }"
print "";
# Then do the registration functions of the class. */
print "void SQ" api_cls "_Register(Squirrel *engine)"
print "{"
print " DefSQClass<" cls ", ST_" toupper(api) "> SQ" api_cls "(\"" api_cls "\");"
if (super_cls == "ScriptObject" || super_cls == "AIAbstractList::Valuator") {
print " SQ" api_cls ".PreRegister(engine);"
} else {
print " SQ" api_cls ".PreRegister(engine, \"" api_super_cls "\");"
if (virtual_class == "false" && super_cls != "ScriptEvent") {
print " SQ" api_cls ".AddConstructor(engine, \"" cls_param[2] "\");"
print ""
# Enum values
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= enum_value_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(enum_value[i])) mlen = length(enum_value[i])
for (i = 1; i <= enum_value_size; i++) {
print " SQ" api_cls ".DefSQConst(engine, " cls "::" enum_value[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_value[i])) "\"" enum_value[i] "\");"
delete enum_value[i]
if (enum_value_size != 0) print ""
# Const values
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= const_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(const_value[i])) mlen = length(const_value[i])
for (i = 1; i <= const_size; i++) {
print " SQ" api_cls ".DefSQConst(engine, " cls "::" const_value[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(const_value[i])) "\"" const_value[i] "\");"
delete const_value[i]
if (const_size != 0) print ""
# Mapping of OTTD strings to errors
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= enum_string_to_error_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i])) mlen = length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i])
for (i = 1; i <= enum_string_to_error_size; i++) {
print " ScriptError::RegisterErrorMap(" enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i])) cls "::" enum_string_to_error_mapping_error[i] ");"
delete enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i]
if (enum_string_to_error_size != 0) print ""
# Mapping of errors to human 'readable' strings.
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= enum_error_to_string_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])) mlen = length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])
for (i = 1; i <= enum_error_to_string_size; i++) {
print " ScriptError::RegisterErrorMapString(" cls "::" enum_error_to_string_mapping[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])) "\"" enum_error_to_string_mapping[i] "\");"
delete enum_error_to_string_mapping[i]
if (enum_error_to_string_size != 0) print ""
# Static methods
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= static_method_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(static_methods[i, 0])) mlen = length(static_methods[i, 0])
for (i = 1; i <= static_method_size; i++) {
print " SQ" api_cls ".DefSQStaticMethod(engine, &" cls "::" static_methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(static_methods[i, 0])) "\"" static_methods[i, 0] "\", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(static_methods[i, 0])) "" static_methods[i, 1] ", \"" static_methods[i, 2] "\");"
delete static_methods[i]
if (static_method_size != 0) print ""
if (virtual_class == "false") {
# Non-static methods
mlen = 0
for (i = 1; i <= method_size; i++) {
if (mlen <= length(methods[i, 0])) mlen = length(methods[i, 0])
for (i = 1; i <= method_size; i++) {
if (methods[i, 2] == "v") {
print " SQ" api_cls ".DefSQAdvancedMethod(engine, &" cls "::" methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0]) - 8) "\"" methods[i, 0] "\");"
} else {
print " SQ" api_cls ".DefSQMethod(engine, &" cls "::" methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0])) "\"" methods[i, 0] "\", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0])) "" methods[i, 1] ", \"" methods[i, 2] "\");"
delete methods[i]
if (method_size != 0) print ""
print " SQ" api_cls ".PostRegister(engine);"
print "}"
# Skip non-public functions
{ if (public == "false") next }
# Add enums
if (in_enum == "true") {
sub(",", "", $1)
enum_value[enum_value_size] = $1
# Check if this a special error enum
if (match(enums[enum_size], ".*::ErrorMessages") != 0) {
# syntax:
# enum ErrorMessages {
# }
# Set the mappings
if (match($0, "\\[.*\\]") != 0) {
mappings = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);
gsub("([\\[[:space:]\\]])", "", mappings);
split(mappings, mapitems, ",");
for (i = 1; i <= length(mapitems); i++) {
enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[enum_string_to_error_size] = mapitems[i]
enum_string_to_error_mapping_error[enum_string_to_error_size] = $1
enum_error_to_string_mapping[enum_error_to_string_size] = $1
# Add a const (non-enum) value
/^[ ]*static const \w+ \w+ = -?\(?\w*\)?\w+;/ {
const_value[const_size] = $4
# Add a method to the list
/^.*\(.*\).*$/ {
if (cls_level != 1) next
if (match($0, "~")) {
if (api_selected != "") {
print "Destructor for '"cls"' has @api. Tag ignored." > "/dev/stderr"
api_selected = ""
is_static = match($0, "static")
if (match($0, "virtual")) {
virtual_class = "true"
gsub("virtual", "", $0)
gsub("static", "", $0)
gsub("const", "", $0)
gsub("{.*", "", $0)
param_s = $0
gsub("\\*", "", $0)
gsub("\\(.*", "", $0)
sub(".*\\(", "", param_s)
sub("\\).*", "", param_s)
funcname = $2
if ($1 == cls && funcname == "") {
if (api_selected != "") {
print "Constructor for '"cls"' has @api. Tag ignored." > "/dev/stderr"
api_selected = ""
cls_param[0] = param_s
if (param_s == "") next
} else if (funcname == "") next
split(param_s, params, ",")
if (is_static) {
types = "."
} else {
types = "x"
for (len = 1; params[len] != ""; len++) {
sub("^[ ]*", "", params[len])
if (match(params[len], "\\*") || match(params[len], "&")) {
if (match(params[len], "^char")) {
# Many types can be converted to string, so use '.', not 's'. (handled by our glue code)
types = types "."
} else if (match(params[len], "^void")) {
types = types "p"
} else if (match(params[len], "^Array")) {
types = types "a"
} else if (match(params[len], "^struct Array")) {
types = types "a"
} else {
types = types "x"
} else if (match(params[len], "^bool")) {
types = types "b"
} else if (match(params[len], "^HSQUIRRELVM")) {
types = "v"
} else {
types = types "i"
# Check if we want to publish this function
if (api_selected == "") api_selected = cls_in_api
if (api_selected == "false") {
api_selected = ""
api_selected = ""
if ($1 == cls && funcname == "") {
cls_param[1] = len;
cls_param[2] = types;
} else if (substr(funcname, 0, 1) == "_" && types != "v") {
} else if (is_static) {
static_methods[static_method_size, 0] = funcname
static_methods[static_method_size, 1] = len
static_methods[static_method_size, 2] = types
} else {
methods[method_size, 0] = funcname
methods[method_size, 1] = len
methods[method_size, 2] = types