/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see .
/** @file script_station.hpp Everything to query and build stations. */
#include "script_road.hpp"
#include "script_basestation.hpp"
#include "../../station_type.h"
* Class that handles all station related functions.
* @api ai game
class ScriptStation : public ScriptBaseStation {
* All station related error messages.
enum ErrorMessages {
/** Base for station related errors */
/** The station is build too close to another station, airport or dock */
/** There are too many stations, airports and docks in the game */
/** There are too many stations, airports of docks in a town */
* Type of stations known in the game.
enum StationType {
/* Note: these values represent part of the in-game StationFacility enum */
STATION_TRAIN = (int)::FACIL_TRAIN, ///< Train station
STATION_TRUCK_STOP = (int)::FACIL_TRUCK_STOP, ///< Truck station
STATION_BUS_STOP = (int)::FACIL_BUS_STOP, ///< Bus station
STATION_DOCK = (int)::FACIL_DOCK, ///< Dock
* Checks whether the given station is valid and owned by you.
* @param station_id The station to check.
* @return True if and only if the station is valid.
static bool IsValidStation(StationID station_id);
* Get the owner of a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the owner of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @return The owner the station has.
* @api -ai
static ScriptCompany::CompanyID GetOwner(StationID station_id);
* Get the StationID of a tile, if there is a station.
* @param tile The tile to find the stationID of
* @return StationID of the station.
* @post Use IsValidStation() to see if the station is valid.
static StationID GetStationID(TileIndex tile);
* See how much cargo there is waiting on a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of units waiting at the station.
static int32 GetCargoWaiting(StationID station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo with a specific source station there is waiting on a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @param from_station_id The source station of the cargo. Pass STATION_INVALID to get cargo of which the source has been deleted.
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(from_station_id) || from_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of units waiting at the station originating from from_station_id.
* @note source station means, the station where cargo was first loaded.
static int32 GetCargoWaitingFrom(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo with a specific via-station there is waiting on a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @param via_station_id The next station the cargo is going to. Pass STATION_INVALID to get waiting cargo for "via any station".
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(via_station_id) || via_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of units waiting at the station with via_station_id as next hop.
* @note if ScriptCargo.GetCargoDistributionType(cargo_id) == ScriptCargo.DT_MANUAL, then all waiting cargo will have STATION_INVALID as next hop.
static int32 GetCargoWaitingVia(StationID station_id, StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo with a specific via-station and source station there is waiting on a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @param from_station_id The source station of the cargo. Pass STATION_INVALID to get cargo of which the source has been deleted.
* @param via_station_id The next station the cargo is going to. Pass STATION_INVALID to get waiting cargo for "via any station".
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-waiting of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(from_station_id) || from_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidStation(via_station_id) || via_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of units waiting at the station with from_station_id as source and via_station_id as next hop.
* @note if ScriptCargo.GetCargoDistributionType(cargo_id) == ScriptCargo.DT_MANUAL, then all waiting cargo will have STATION_INVALID as next hop.
static int32 GetCargoWaitingFromVia(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id, StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo was planned to pass (including production and consumption) this station per month.
* @param station_id The station to get the planned flow for.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type to get the planned flow for.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of cargo units planned to pass the station per month.
static int32 GetCargoPlanned(StationID station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo from the specified origin was planned to pass (including production and consumption) this station per month.
* @param station_id The station to get the planned flow for.
* @param from_station_id The station the cargo originates at.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type to get the planned flow for.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(from_station_id) || from_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of cargo units from the specified origin planned to pass the station per month.
static int32 GetCargoPlannedFrom(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo was planned to pass (including production and consumption) this station per month, heading for the specified next hop.
* @param station_id The station to get the planned flow for.
* @param via_station_id The next station the cargo will go on to.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type to get the planned flow for.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(via_station_id) || via_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of cargo units planned to pass the station per month, going via the specified next hop.
* @note Cargo planned to go "via" the same station that's being queried is actually planned to be consumed there.
static int32 GetCargoPlannedVia(StationID station_id, StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how much cargo from the specified origin was planned to pass this station per month,
* heading for the specified next hop.
* @param station_id The station to get the planned flow for.
* @param from_station_id The station the cargo originates at.
* @param via_station_id The next station the cargo will go on to.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type to get the planned flow for.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidStation(from_station_id) || from_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidStation(via_station_id) || via_station_id == STATION_INVALID.
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return The amount of cargo units from the specified origin planned to pass the station per month, going via the specified next hop.
* @note Cargo planned to go "via" the same station that's being queried is actually planned to be consumed there.
* @note Cargo planned to pass "from" the same station that's being queried is actually produced there.
static int32 GetCargoPlannedFromVia(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id, StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* Check whether the given cargo at the given station a rating.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-rating state of.
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-rating state of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @return True if the cargo has a rating, otherwise false.
static bool HasCargoRating(StationID station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* See how high the rating is of a cargo on a station.
* @param station_id The station to get the cargo-rating of.
* @param cargo_id The cargo to get the cargo-rating of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
* @pre HasCargoRating(station_id, cargo_id).
* @return The rating in percent of the cargo on the station.
static int32 GetCargoRating(StationID station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
* Get the coverage radius of this type of station.
* @param station_type The type of station.
* @pre station_type != STATION_AIRPORT.
* @return The radius in tiles.
* @note Coverage radius of airports needs to be requested via ScriptAirport::GetAirportCoverageRadius(), as it requires AirportType.
static int32 GetCoverageRadius(ScriptStation::StationType station_type);
* Get the coverage radius of this station.
* @param station_id The station to get the coverage radius of.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @return The radius in tiles.
static int32 GetStationCoverageRadius(StationID station_id);
* Get the manhattan distance from the tile to the ScriptStation::GetLocation()
* of the station.
* @param station_id The station to get the distance to.
* @param tile The tile to get the distance to.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @return The distance between station and tile.
static int32 GetDistanceManhattanToTile(StationID station_id, TileIndex tile);
* Get the square distance from the tile to the ScriptStation::GetLocation()
* of the station.
* @param station_id The station to get the distance to.
* @param tile The tile to get the distance to.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @return The distance between station and tile.
static int32 GetDistanceSquareToTile(StationID station_id, TileIndex tile);
* Find out if this station is within the rating influence of a town.
* The service quality of stations with signs within this radius
* influences the rating of the town.
* @param station_id The station to check.
* @param town_id The town to check.
* @return True if the tile is within the rating influence of the town.
static bool IsWithinTownInfluence(StationID station_id, TownID town_id);
* Check if any part of the station contains a station of the type
* StationType
* @param station_id The station to look at.
* @param station_type The StationType to look for.
* @return True if the station has a station part of the type StationType.
static bool HasStationType(StationID station_id, StationType station_type);
* Check if any part of the station contains a station of the type
* RoadType.
* @param station_id The station to look at.
* @param road_type The RoadType to look for.
* @return True if the station has a station part of the type RoadType.
static bool HasRoadType(StationID station_id, ScriptRoad::RoadType road_type);
* Get the town that was nearest to the given station when the station was built.
* @param station_id The station to look at.
* @return The TownID of the town whose center tile was closest to the station
* at the time the station was built.
* @note There is no guarantee that the station is even near the returned town
* nor that the returns town is closest to the station now. A station that was
* 'walked' to the other end of the map will still return the same town. Also,
* towns grow, towns change. So don't depend on this value too much.
static TownID GetNearestTown(StationID station_id);
* Get the open/closed state of an airport.
* @param station_id The airport to look at.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre HasStationType(station_id, STATION_AIRPORT).
* @return True if the airport is currently closed to incoming traffic.
static bool IsAirportClosed(StationID station_id);
* Toggle the open/closed state of an airport.
* @param station_id The airport to modify.
* @pre IsValidStation(station_id).
* @pre HasStationType(station_id, STATION_AIRPORT).
* @return True if the state could be toggled.
static bool OpenCloseAirport(StationID station_id);
static bool IsCargoRequestValid(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id,
StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
static int32 CountCargoWaiting(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id,
StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);
static int32 CountCargoPlanned(StationID station_id, StationID from_station_id,
StationID via_station_id, CargoID cargo_id);