# This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . # # Awk script to automatically generate the enums in script_window.hpp # # The file is scanned for @enum and @endenum tokens, and the content between them is replaced by an enum from a different file. # # Example: # // @enum enumname filename # ... content here is replaced ... # // @endenum # # The parameter "enumname" specifies the enumeration to extract. This can also be a regular expression. # The parameter "filename" specifies the relative path to the file, where the enumeration is extracted from. This can also be a glob expression. # # BEGIN { skiptillend = 0; } { CR = (match($0, "\\r$") > 0 ? "\r" : "") } /@enum/ { print; add_indent = gensub("[^ ]*", "", "g"); sub(".*@enum *", ""); enum = $1; pattern = $2; files = "echo " pattern; files | getline filelist; close(files); split(filelist, filearray); count = asort(filearray); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { active = 0; active_comment = 0; comment = ""; file = filearray[i]; print add_indent "/* automatically generated from " file " */" CR while ((getline < file) > 0) { sub(rm_indent, ""); # Remember possible doxygen comment before enum declaration if ((active == 0) && (match($0, "/\\*\\*") > 0)) { comment = add_indent $0; active_comment = 1; } else if (active_comment == 1) { comment = comment "\n" add_indent $0; } # Check for enum match if (match($0, "^ *enum *" enum " *\\{") > 0) { rm_indent = $0; gsub("[^ ]*", "", rm_indent); active = 1; if (active_comment > 0) print comment; active_comment = 0; comment = ""; } # Forget doxygen comment, if no enum follows if (active_comment == 2 && $0 != "" CR) { active_comment = 0; comment = ""; } if (active_comment == 1 && match($0, "\\*/") > 0) active_comment = 2; if (active != 0) { if (match($0, "^ *[A-Za-z0-9_]* *[,=]") > 0) { # Transform enum values sub(" *=[^,]*", ""); sub(" *//", " //"); match($0, "^( *)([A-Za-z0-9_]+),(.*)", parts); if (parts[3] == "" CR) { printf "%s%s%-45s= ::%s\n", add_indent, parts[1], parts[2], (parts[2] "," CR) } else { printf "%s%s%-45s= ::%-45s%s\n", add_indent, parts[1], parts[2], (parts[2] ","), (parts[3]); } } else if ($0 == "" CR) { print "" CR; } else { print add_indent $0; } } if (match($0, "^ *\\};") > 0) { if (active != 0) print "" CR; active = 0; } } close(file); } skiptillend = 1; next; } /@endenum/ { print; skiptillend = 0; next; } { if (skiptillend == 0) print; }