/* $Id$ */ /** @file oldloader.cpp Loading of old TTD(patch) savegames. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../openttd.h" #include "../station_map.h" #include "../town.h" #include "../industry.h" #include "../company_func.h" #include "../company_base.h" #include "../aircraft.h" #include "../roadveh.h" #include "../ship.h" #include "../train.h" #include "../signs_base.h" #include "../debug.h" #include "../depot_base.h" #include "../newgrf_config.h" #include "../ai/ai.hpp" #include "../zoom_func.h" #include "../functions.h" #include "../date_func.h" #include "../vehicle_func.h" #include "../variables.h" #include "../strings_func.h" #include "../effectvehicle_base.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include "../core/mem_func.hpp" #include "../core/alloc_type.hpp" #include "table/strings.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "saveload_internal.h" #include "oldloader.h" enum { HEADER_SIZE = 49, }; uint32 _bump_assert_value; static inline OldChunkType GetOldChunkType(OldChunkType type) {return (OldChunkType)GB(type, 0, 8);} static inline OldChunkType GetOldChunkVarType(OldChunkType type) {return (OldChunkType)(GB(type, 8, 8) << 8);} static inline OldChunkType GetOldChunkFileType(OldChunkType type) {return (OldChunkType)(GB(type, 16, 8) << 16);} static inline byte CalcOldVarLen(OldChunkType type) { static const byte type_mem_size[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8}; byte length = GB(type, 8, 8); assert(length != 0 && length < lengthof(type_mem_size)); return type_mem_size[length]; } /** * * Reads a byte from a file (do not call yourself, use ReadByte()) * */ static byte ReadByteFromFile(LoadgameState *ls) { /* To avoid slow reads, we read BUFFER_SIZE of bytes per time and just return a byte per time */ if (ls->buffer_cur >= ls->buffer_count) { /* Read some new bytes from the file */ int count = (int)fread(ls->buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, ls->file); /* We tried to read, but there is nothing in the file anymore.. */ if (count == 0) { DEBUG(oldloader, 0, "Read past end of file, loading failed"); ls->failed = true; } ls->buffer_count = count; ls->buffer_cur = 0; } return ls->buffer[ls->buffer_cur++]; } /** * * Reads a byte from the buffer and decompress if needed * */ byte ReadByte(LoadgameState *ls) { /* Old savegames have a nice compression algorithm (RLE) which means that we have a chunk, which starts with a length byte. If that byte is negative, we have to repeat the next byte that many times ( + 1). Else, we need to read that amount of bytes. Works pretty good if you have many zero's behind eachother */ if (ls->chunk_size == 0) { /* Read new chunk */ int8 new_byte = ReadByteFromFile(ls); if (new_byte < 0) { /* Repeat next char for new_byte times */ ls->decoding = true; ls->decode_char = ReadByteFromFile(ls); ls->chunk_size = -new_byte + 1; } else { ls->decoding = false; ls->chunk_size = new_byte + 1; } } ls->total_read++; ls->chunk_size--; return ls->decoding ? ls->decode_char : ReadByteFromFile(ls); } /** * * Loads a chunk from the old savegame * */ bool LoadChunk(LoadgameState *ls, void *base, const OldChunks *chunks) { const OldChunks *chunk = chunks; byte *base_ptr = (byte*)base; while (chunk->type != OC_END) { byte *ptr = (byte*)chunk->ptr; if ((chunk->type & OC_DEREFERENCE_POINTER) != 0) ptr = *(byte**)ptr; for (uint i = 0; i < chunk->amount; i++) { if (ls->failed) return false; /* Handle simple types */ if (GetOldChunkType(chunk->type) != 0) { switch (GetOldChunkType(chunk->type)) { /* Just read the byte and forget about it */ case OC_NULL: ReadByte(ls); break; case OC_CHUNK: /* Call function, with 'i' as parameter to tell which item we * are going to read */ if (!chunk->proc(ls, i)) return false; break; case OC_ASSERT: DEBUG(oldloader, 4, "Assert point: 0x%X / 0x%X", ls->total_read, chunk->offset + _bump_assert_value); if (ls->total_read != chunk->offset + _bump_assert_value) ls->failed = true; default: break; } } else { uint64 res = 0; /* Reading from the file: bits 16 to 23 have the FILE type */ switch (GetOldChunkFileType(chunk->type)) { case OC_FILE_I8: res = (int8)ReadByte(ls); break; case OC_FILE_U8: res = ReadByte(ls); break; case OC_FILE_I16: res = (int16)ReadUint16(ls); break; case OC_FILE_U16: res = ReadUint16(ls); break; case OC_FILE_I32: res = (int32)ReadUint32(ls); break; case OC_FILE_U32: res = ReadUint32(ls); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } /* Sanity check */ assert(base_ptr != NULL || chunk->ptr != NULL); /* Writing to the var: bits 8 to 15 have the VAR type */ if (chunk->ptr == NULL) ptr = base_ptr + chunk->offset; /* Write the data */ switch (GetOldChunkVarType(chunk->type)) { case OC_VAR_I8: *(int8 *)ptr = GB(res, 0, 8); break; case OC_VAR_U8: *(uint8 *)ptr = GB(res, 0, 8); break; case OC_VAR_I16:*(int16 *)ptr = GB(res, 0, 16); break; case OC_VAR_U16:*(uint16*)ptr = GB(res, 0, 16); break; case OC_VAR_I32:*(int32 *)ptr = res; break; case OC_VAR_U32:*(uint32*)ptr = res; break; case OC_VAR_I64:*(int64 *)ptr = res; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } /* Increase pointer base for arrays when looping */ if (chunk->amount > 1 && chunk->ptr != NULL) ptr += CalcOldVarLen(chunk->type); } } chunk++; } return true; } /** * * Initialize some data before reading * */ static void InitLoading(LoadgameState *ls) { ls->chunk_size = 0; ls->total_read = 0; ls->failed = false; ls->decoding = false; ls->decode_char = 0; ls->buffer_cur = 0; ls->buffer_count = 0; memset(ls->buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); _bump_assert_value = 0; } /** * Verifies the title has a valid checksum * @param title title and checksum * @return true iff the title is valid * @note the title (incl. checksum) has to be at least 49 (HEADER_SIZE) bytes long! */ static bool VerifyOldNameChecksum(char *title) { uint16 sum = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < HEADER_SIZE - 2; i++) { sum += title[i]; sum = ROL(sum, 1); } sum ^= 0xAAAA; // computed checksum uint16 sum2 = title[HEADER_SIZE - 2]; // checksum in file SB(sum2, 8, 8, title[HEADER_SIZE - 1]); return sum == sum2; } bool LoadOldSaveGame(const char *file) { LoadgameState ls; DEBUG(oldloader, 3, "Trying to load a TTD(Patch) savegame"); InitLoading(&ls); /* Open file */ ls.file = fopen(file, "rb"); if (ls.file == NULL) { DEBUG(oldloader, 0, "Cannot open file '%s'", file); return false; } char temp[HEADER_SIZE]; if (fread(temp, 1, HEADER_SIZE, ls.file) != HEADER_SIZE || !VerifyOldNameChecksum(temp) || !LoadOldMain(&ls)) { SetSaveLoadError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED); fclose(ls.file); return false; } _pause_game = 2; return true; } void GetOldSaveGameName(const char *path, const char *file, char *title, const char *last) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; char temp[HEADER_SIZE]; snprintf(filename, lengthof(filename), "%s" PATHSEP "%s", path, file); FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); temp[0] = '\0'; // name is nul-terminated in savegame ... if (f == NULL) { *title = '\0'; return; } bool broken = (fread(temp, 1, HEADER_SIZE, f) != HEADER_SIZE || !VerifyOldNameChecksum(temp)); temp[HEADER_SIZE - 2] = '\0'; // ... but it's better to be sure if (broken) title = strecpy(title, "(broken) ", last); title = strecpy(title, temp, last); fclose(f); }