/* $Id$ */ /** @file openttd.cpp Functions related to starting OpenTTD. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define VARDEF #include "variables.h" #undef VARDEF #include "openttd.h" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "sound/sound_driver.hpp" #include "music/music_driver.hpp" #include "video/video_driver.hpp" #include "fontcache.h" #include "gfxinit.h" #include "gui.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "saveload/saveload.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "news_func.h" #include "fileio_func.h" #include "fios.h" #include "aircraft.h" #include "console_func.h" #include "screenshot.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_func.h" #include "signs_base.h" #include "ai/ai.hpp" #include "ai/ai_config.hpp" #include "settings_func.h" #include "genworld.h" #include "group.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "gamelog.h" #include "cheat_type.h" #include "animated_tile_func.h" #include "functions.h" #include "elrail_func.h" #include "rev.h" #include "highscore.h" #include "newgrf_commons.h" #include "town.h" #include "industry.h" #include #include "table/strings.h" StringID _switch_mode_errorstr; void CallLandscapeTick(); void IncreaseDate(); void DoPaletteAnimations(); void MusicLoop(); void ResetMusic(); void ProcessAsyncSaveFinish(); void CallWindowTickEvent(); extern void SetDifficultyLevel(int mode, DifficultySettings *gm_opt); extern Company *DoStartupNewCompany(bool is_ai); extern void ShowOSErrorBox(const char *buf, bool system); extern void InitializeRailGUI(); /** * Error handling for fatal user errors. * @param s the string to print. * @note Does NEVER return. */ void CDECL usererror(const char *s, ...) { va_list va; char buf[512]; va_start(va, s); vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), s, va); va_end(va); ShowOSErrorBox(buf, false); if (_video_driver != NULL) _video_driver->Stop(); exit(1); } /** * Error handling for fatal non-user errors. * @param s the string to print. * @note Does NEVER return. */ void CDECL error(const char *s, ...) { va_list va; char buf[512]; va_start(va, s); vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), s, va); va_end(va); ShowOSErrorBox(buf, true); if (_video_driver != NULL) _video_driver->Stop(); assert(0); exit(1); } /** * Shows some information on the console/a popup box depending on the OS. * @param str the text to show. */ void CDECL ShowInfoF(const char *str, ...) { va_list va; char buf[1024]; va_start(va, str); vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), str, va); va_end(va); ShowInfo(buf); } /** * Show the help message when someone passed a wrong parameter. */ static void ShowHelp() { char buf[8192]; char *p = buf; p += seprintf(p, lastof(buf), "OpenTTD %s\n", _openttd_revision); p = strecpy(p, "\n" "\n" "Command line options:\n" " -v drv = Set video driver (see below)\n" " -s drv = Set sound driver (see below) (param bufsize,hz)\n" " -m drv = Set music driver (see below)\n" " -b drv = Set the blitter to use (see below)\n" " -a ai = Force use of specific AI (see below)\n" " -r res = Set resolution (for instance 800x600)\n" " -h = Display this help text\n" " -t year = Set starting year\n" " -d [[fac=]lvl[,...]]= Debug mode\n" " -e = Start Editor\n" " -g [savegame] = Start new/save game immediately\n" " -G seed = Set random seed\n" #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) " -n [ip:port#company]= Start networkgame\n" " -D [ip][:port] = Start dedicated server\n" " -l ip[:port] = Redirect DEBUG()\n" #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) && !defined(WIN32) " -f = Fork into the background (dedicated only)\n" #endif #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ " -i palette = Force to use the DOS (0) or Windows (1) palette\n" " (defines default setting when adding newgrfs)\n" " Default value (2) lets OpenTTD use the palette\n" " specified in graphics set file (see below)\n" " -I graphics_set = Force the graphics set (see below)\n" " -c config_file = Use 'config_file' instead of 'openttd.cfg'\n" " -x = Do not automatically save to config file on exit\n" "\n", lastof(buf) ); /* List the graphics packs */ p = GetGraphicsSetsList(p, lastof(buf)); /* List the drivers */ p = VideoDriverFactoryBase::GetDriversInfo(p, lastof(buf)); /* List the blitters */ p = BlitterFactoryBase::GetBlittersInfo(p, lastof(buf)); /* We need to initialize the AI, so it finds the AIs */ AI::Initialize(); p = AI::GetConsoleList(p, lastof(buf)); AI::Uninitialize(true); /* ShowInfo put output to stderr, but version information should go * to stdout; this is the only exception */ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN64) printf("%s\n", buf); #else ShowInfo(buf); #endif } struct MyGetOptData { char *opt; int numleft; char **argv; const char *options; const char *cont; MyGetOptData(int argc, char **argv, const char *options) { opt = NULL; numleft = argc; this->argv = argv; this->options = options; cont = NULL; } }; static int MyGetOpt(MyGetOptData *md) { const char *s,*r,*t; s = md->cont; if (s != NULL) goto md_continue_here; for (;;) { if (--md->numleft < 0) return -1; s = *md->argv++; if (*s == '-') { md_continue_here:; s++; if (*s != 0) { /* Found argument, try to locate it in options. */ if (*s == ':' || (r = strchr(md->options, *s)) == NULL) { /* ERROR! */ return -2; } if (r[1] == ':') { /* Item wants an argument. Check if the argument follows, or if it comes as a separate arg. */ if (!*(t = s + 1)) { /* It comes as a separate arg. Check if out of args? */ if (--md->numleft < 0 || *(t = *md->argv) == '-') { /* Check if item is optional? */ if (r[2] != ':') return -2; md->numleft++; t = NULL; } else { md->argv++; } } md->opt = (char*)t; md->cont = NULL; return *s; } md->opt = NULL; md->cont = s; return *s; } } else { /* This is currently not supported. */ return -2; } } } /** * Extract the resolution from the given string and store * it in the 'res' parameter. * @param res variable to store the resolution in. * @param s the string to decompose. */ static void ParseResolution(Dimension *res, const char *s) { const char *t = strchr(s, 'x'); if (t == NULL) { ShowInfoF("Invalid resolution '%s'", s); return; } res->width = max(strtoul(s, NULL, 0), 64UL); res->height = max(strtoul(t + 1, NULL, 0), 64UL); } static void InitializeDynamicVariables() { /* Dynamic stuff needs to be initialized somewhere... */ _industry_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industile_mngr.ResetMapping(); _Company_pool.AddBlockToPool(); } /** Unitializes drivers, frees allocated memory, cleans pools, ... * Generally, prepares the game for shutting down */ static void ShutdownGame() { /* stop the AI */ AI::Uninitialize(false); IConsoleFree(); if (_network_available) NetworkShutDown(); // Shut down the network and close any open connections DriverFactoryBase::ShutdownDrivers(); UnInitWindowSystem(); /* Uninitialize airport state machines */ UnInitializeAirports(); /* Uninitialize variables that are allocated dynamically */ GamelogReset(); _Town_pool.CleanPool(); _Industry_pool.CleanPool(); _Station_pool.CleanPool(); _Vehicle_pool.CleanPool(); _Sign_pool.CleanPool(); _Order_pool.CleanPool(); _Group_pool.CleanPool(); _CargoPacket_pool.CleanPool(); _Engine_pool.CleanPool(); _Company_pool.CleanPool(); free(_config_file); /* Close all and any open filehandles */ FioCloseAll(); } static void LoadIntroGame() { _game_mode = GM_MENU; ResetGRFConfig(false); /* Setup main window */ ResetWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); /* Load the default opening screen savegame */ if (SaveOrLoad("opntitle.dat", SL_LOAD, DATA_DIR) != SL_OK) { GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 64, 64); // if failed loading, make empty world. WaitTillGeneratedWorld(); SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_SPECTATOR); } else { SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_FIRST); } _pause_game = 0; _cursor.fix_at = false; CheckForMissingGlyphsInLoadedLanguagePack(); /* Play main theme */ if (_music_driver->IsSongPlaying()) ResetMusic(); } void MakeNewgameSettingsLive() { for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { if (_settings_game.ai_config[c] != NULL) { delete _settings_game.ai_config[c]; } } _settings_game = _settings_newgame; for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { _settings_game.ai_config[c] = NULL; if (_settings_newgame.ai_config[c] != NULL) { _settings_game.ai_config[c] = new AIConfig(_settings_newgame.ai_config[c]); } } } byte _savegame_sort_order; #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) extern void DedicatedFork(); #endif int ttd_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; const char *optformat; char *musicdriver = NULL; char *sounddriver = NULL; char *videodriver = NULL; char *blitter = NULL; char *graphics_set = NULL; Dimension resolution = {0, 0}; Year startyear = INVALID_YEAR; uint generation_seed = GENERATE_NEW_SEED; bool save_config = true; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) bool dedicated = false; bool network = false; char *network_conn = NULL; char *debuglog_conn = NULL; char *dedicated_host = NULL; uint16 dedicated_port = 0; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ _game_mode = GM_MENU; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = INVALID_STRING_ID; _dedicated_forks = false; _config_file = NULL; /* The last param of the following function means this: * a letter means: it accepts that param (e.g.: -h) * a ':' behind it means: it need a param (e.g.: -m) * a '::' behind it means: it can optional have a param (e.g.: -d) */ optformat = "m:s:v:b:hD::n::ei::I:t:d::r:g::G:c:xl:" #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) && !defined(WIN32) "f" #endif ; MyGetOptData mgo(argc - 1, argv + 1, optformat); while ((i = MyGetOpt(&mgo)) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'I': free(graphics_set); graphics_set = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 'm': free(musicdriver); musicdriver = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 's': free(sounddriver); sounddriver = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 'v': free(videodriver); videodriver = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 'b': free(blitter); blitter = strdup(mgo.opt); break; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) case 'D': free(musicdriver); free(sounddriver); free(videodriver); free(blitter); musicdriver = strdup("null"); sounddriver = strdup("null"); videodriver = strdup("dedicated"); blitter = strdup("null"); dedicated = true; if (mgo.opt != NULL) { /* Use the existing method for parsing (openttd -n). * However, we do ignore the #company part. */ const char *temp = NULL; const char *port = NULL; ParseConnectionString(&temp, &port, mgo.opt); if (!StrEmpty(mgo.opt)) dedicated_host = mgo.opt; if (port != NULL) dedicated_port = atoi(port); } break; case 'f': _dedicated_forks = true; break; case 'n': network = true; network_conn = mgo.opt; // optional IP parameter, NULL if unset break; case 'l': debuglog_conn = mgo.opt; break; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ case 'r': ParseResolution(&resolution, mgo.opt); break; case 't': startyear = atoi(mgo.opt); break; case 'd': { #if defined(WIN32) CreateConsole(); #endif if (mgo.opt != NULL) SetDebugString(mgo.opt); } break; case 'e': _switch_mode = SM_EDITOR; break; case 'i': /* there is an argument, it is not empty, and it is exactly 1 char long */ if (!StrEmpty(mgo.opt) && mgo.opt[1] == '\0') { _use_palette = (PaletteType)(mgo.opt[0] - '0'); if (_use_palette <= MAX_PAL) break; } usererror("Valid value for '-i' is 0, 1 or 2"); case 'g': if (mgo.opt != NULL) { strecpy(_file_to_saveload.name, mgo.opt, lastof(_file_to_saveload.name)); _switch_mode = SM_LOAD; _file_to_saveload.mode = SL_LOAD; /* if the file doesn't exist or it is not a valid savegame, let the saveload code show an error */ const char *t = strrchr(_file_to_saveload.name, '.'); if (t != NULL) { FiosType ft = FiosGetSavegameListCallback(SLD_LOAD_GAME, _file_to_saveload.name, t, NULL, NULL); if (ft != FIOS_TYPE_INVALID) SetFiosType(ft); } break; } _switch_mode = SM_NEWGAME; /* Give a random map if no seed has been given */ if (generation_seed == GENERATE_NEW_SEED) { generation_seed = InteractiveRandom(); } break; case 'G': generation_seed = atoi(mgo.opt); break; case 'c': _config_file = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 'x': save_config = false; break; case -2: case 'h': /* The next two functions are needed to list the graphics sets. * We can't do them earlier because then we can't show it on * the debug console as that hasn't been configured yet. */ DeterminePaths(argv[0]); FindGraphicsSets(); ShowHelp(); return 0; } } #if defined(WINCE) && defined(_DEBUG) /* Switch on debug lvl 4 for WinCE if Debug release, as you can't give params, and you most likely do want this information */ SetDebugString("4"); #endif DeterminePaths(argv[0]); FindGraphicsSets(); #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) /* We must fork here, or we'll end up without some resources we need (like sockets) */ if (_dedicated_forks) DedicatedFork(); #endif AI::Initialize(); LoadFromConfig(); AI::Uninitialize(true); CheckConfig(); LoadFromHighScore(); /* override config? */ if (!StrEmpty(graphics_set)) { free(_ini_graphics_set); _ini_graphics_set = graphics_set; } if (!StrEmpty(musicdriver)) { free(_ini_musicdriver); _ini_musicdriver = musicdriver; } if (!StrEmpty(sounddriver)) { free(_ini_sounddriver); _ini_sounddriver = sounddriver; } if (!StrEmpty(videodriver)) { free(_ini_videodriver); _ini_videodriver = videodriver; } if (!StrEmpty(blitter)) { free(_ini_blitter); _ini_blitter = blitter; } if (resolution.width != 0) { _cur_resolution = resolution; } if (startyear != INVALID_YEAR) _settings_newgame.game_creation.starting_year = startyear; if (generation_seed != GENERATE_NEW_SEED) _settings_newgame.game_creation.generation_seed = generation_seed; /* The width and height must be at least 1 pixel, this * way all internal drawing routines work correctly. */ if (_cur_resolution.width <= 0) _cur_resolution.width = 1; if (_cur_resolution.height <= 0) _cur_resolution.height = 1; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) if (dedicated_host) snprintf(_settings_client.network.server_bind_ip, sizeof(_settings_client.network.server_bind_ip), "%s", dedicated_host); if (dedicated_port) _settings_client.network.server_port = dedicated_port; if (_dedicated_forks && !dedicated) _dedicated_forks = false; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ /* enumerate language files */ InitializeLanguagePacks(); /* initialize screenshot formats */ InitializeScreenshotFormats(); /* initialize airport state machines */ InitializeAirports(); /* initialize all variables that are allocated dynamically */ InitializeDynamicVariables(); /* Sample catalogue */ DEBUG(misc, 1, "Loading sound effects..."); MxInitialize(11025); SoundInitialize("sample.cat"); /* Initialize FreeType */ InitFreeType(); /* This must be done early, since functions use the InvalidateWindow* calls */ InitWindowSystem(); if (!SetGraphicsSet(_ini_graphics_set)) { StrEmpty(_ini_graphics_set) ? usererror("Failed to find a graphics set. Please acquire a graphics set for OpenTTD.") : usererror("Failed to select requested graphics set '%s'", _ini_graphics_set); } /* Initialize game palette */ GfxInitPalettes(); DEBUG(misc, 1, "Loading blitter..."); if (BlitterFactoryBase::SelectBlitter(_ini_blitter) == NULL) StrEmpty(_ini_blitter) ? usererror("Failed to autoprobe blitter") : usererror("Failed to select requested blitter '%s'; does it exist?", _ini_blitter); DEBUG(driver, 1, "Loading drivers..."); _sound_driver = (SoundDriver*)SoundDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_sounddriver, Driver::DT_SOUND); if (_sound_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_sounddriver) ? usererror("Failed to autoprobe sound driver") : usererror("Failed to select requested sound driver '%s'", _ini_sounddriver); } _music_driver = (MusicDriver*)MusicDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_musicdriver, Driver::DT_MUSIC); if (_music_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_musicdriver) ? usererror("Failed to autoprobe music driver") : usererror("Failed to select requested music driver '%s'", _ini_musicdriver); } _video_driver = (VideoDriver*)VideoDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_videodriver, Driver::DT_VIDEO); if (_video_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_videodriver) ? usererror("Failed to autoprobe video driver") : usererror("Failed to select requested video driver '%s'", _ini_videodriver); } _savegame_sort_order = SORT_BY_DATE | SORT_DESCENDING; /* Initialize the zoom level of the screen to normal */ _screen.zoom = ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL; /* restore saved music volume */ _music_driver->SetVolume(msf.music_vol); NetworkStartUp(); // initialize network-core #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) if (debuglog_conn != NULL && _network_available) { const char *not_used = NULL; const char *port = NULL; uint16 rport; rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_DEBUGLOG_PORT; ParseConnectionString(¬_used, &port, debuglog_conn); if (port != NULL) rport = atoi(port); NetworkStartDebugLog(NetworkAddress(debuglog_conn, rport)); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ ScanNewGRFFiles(); ResetGRFConfig(false); /* XXX - ugly hack, if diff_level is 9, it means we got no setting from the config file */ if (_settings_newgame.difficulty.diff_level == 9) SetDifficultyLevel(0, &_settings_newgame.difficulty); /* Copy the settings needed for creating a new map. */ _settings_game.game_creation = _settings_newgame.game_creation; /* initialize the ingame console */ IConsoleInit(); _cursor.in_window = true; InitializeGUI(); IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/autoexec.scr 0"); GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 64, 64); // Make the viewport initialization happy WaitTillGeneratedWorld(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (network && _network_available) { if (network_conn != NULL) { const char *port = NULL; const char *company = NULL; uint16 rport; rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT; _network_playas = COMPANY_NEW_COMPANY; ParseConnectionString(&company, &port, network_conn); if (company != NULL) { _network_playas = (CompanyID)atoi(company); if (_network_playas != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) { _network_playas--; if (_network_playas >= MAX_COMPANIES) return false; } } if (port != NULL) rport = atoi(port); LoadIntroGame(); _switch_mode = SM_NONE; NetworkClientConnectGame(NetworkAddress(network_conn, rport)); } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ _video_driver->MainLoop(); WaitTillSaved(); /* only save config if we have to */ if (save_config) { SaveToConfig(); SaveToHighScore(); } /* Reset windowing system, stop drivers, free used memory, ... */ ShutdownGame(); return 0; } void HandleExitGameRequest() { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) { // do not ask to quit on the main screen _exit_game = true; } else if (_settings_client.gui.autosave_on_exit) { DoExitSave(); _exit_game = true; } else { AskExitGame(); } } static void ShowScreenshotResult(bool b) { if (b) { SetDParamStr(0, _screenshot_name); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031B_SCREENSHOT_SUCCESSFULLY, 0, 0); } else { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031C_SCREENSHOT_FAILED, 0, 0); } } static void MakeNewGameDone() { SettingsDisableElrail(_settings_game.vehicle.disable_elrails); /* In a dedicated server, the server does not play */ if (BlitterFactoryBase::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() == 0) { SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_SPECTATOR); IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/game_start.scr 0"); return; } /* Create a single company */ DoStartupNewCompany(false); IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/game_start.scr 0"); SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_FIRST); _current_company = _local_company; DoCommandP(0, (_settings_client.gui.autorenew << 15 ) | (_settings_client.gui.autorenew_months << 16) | 4, _settings_client.gui.autorenew_money, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); InitializeRailGUI(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* We are the server, we start a new company (not dedicated), * so set the default password *if* needed. */ if (_network_server && !StrEmpty(_settings_client.network.default_company_pass)) { char *password = _settings_client.network.default_company_pass; NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(1, &password); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void MakeNewGame(bool from_heightmap) { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; ResetGRFConfig(true); _house_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industile_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industry_mngr.ResetMapping(); GenerateWorldSetCallback(&MakeNewGameDone); GenerateWorld(from_heightmap ? GW_HEIGHTMAP : GW_NEWGAME, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_x, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_y); } static void MakeNewEditorWorldDone() { SetLocalCompany(OWNER_NONE); } static void MakeNewEditorWorld() { _game_mode = GM_EDITOR; ResetGRFConfig(true); GenerateWorldSetCallback(&MakeNewEditorWorldDone); GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_x, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_y); } void StartupCompanies(); void StartupDisasters(); extern void StartupEconomy(); /** * Start Scenario starts a new game based on a scenario. * Eg 'New Game' --> select a preset scenario * This starts a scenario based on your current difficulty settings */ static void StartScenario() { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; /* invalid type */ if (_file_to_saveload.mode == SL_INVALID) { DEBUG(sl, 0, "Savegame is obsolete or invalid format: '%s'", _file_to_saveload.name); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0); _game_mode = GM_MENU; return; } /* Reinitialize windows */ ResetWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); ResetGRFConfig(true); /* Load game */ if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, SCENARIO_DIR) != SL_OK) { LoadIntroGame(); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0); } _settings_game.difficulty = _settings_newgame.difficulty; /* Inititalize data */ StartupEconomy(); StartupCompanies(); StartupEngines(); StartupDisasters(); SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_FIRST); _current_company = _local_company; DoCommandP(0, (_settings_client.gui.autorenew << 15 ) | (_settings_client.gui.autorenew_months << 16) | 4, _settings_client.gui.autorenew_money, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } /** Load the specified savegame but on error do different things. * If loading fails due to corrupt savegame, bad version, etc. go back to * a previous correct state. In the menu for example load the intro game again. * @param filename file to be loaded * @param mode mode of loading, either SL_LOAD or SL_OLD_LOAD * @param newgm switch to this mode of loading fails due to some unknown error * @param subdir default directory to look for filename, set to 0 if not needed */ bool SafeSaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, int newgm, Subdirectory subdir) { byte ogm = _game_mode; _game_mode = newgm; assert(mode == SL_LOAD || mode == SL_OLD_LOAD); switch (SaveOrLoad(filename, mode, subdir)) { case SL_OK: return true; case SL_REINIT: switch (ogm) { default: case GM_MENU: LoadIntroGame(); break; case GM_EDITOR: MakeNewEditorWorld(); break; } return false; default: _game_mode = ogm; return false; } } void SwitchMode(int new_mode) { #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* If we are saving something, the network stays in his current state */ if (new_mode != SM_SAVE) { /* If the network is active, make it not-active */ if (_networking) { if (_network_server && (new_mode == SM_LOAD || new_mode == SM_NEWGAME)) { NetworkReboot(); } else { NetworkDisconnect(); } } /* If we are a server, we restart the server */ if (_is_network_server) { /* But not if we are going to the menu */ if (new_mode != SM_MENU) { /* check if we should reload the config */ if (_settings_client.network.reload_cfg) { LoadFromConfig(); MakeNewgameSettingsLive(); ResetGRFConfig(false); } NetworkServerStart(); } else { /* This client no longer wants to be a network-server */ _is_network_server = false; } } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ /* Make sure all AI controllers are gone at quiting game */ if (new_mode != SM_SAVE) AI::KillAll(); switch (new_mode) { case SM_EDITOR: /* Switch to scenario editor */ MakeNewEditorWorld(); break; case SM_NEWGAME: /* New Game --> 'Random game' */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "Random Map"); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MakeNewGame(false); break; case SM_START_SCENARIO: /* New Game --> Choose one of the preset scenarios */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Loaded scenario)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ StartScenario(); break; case SM_LOAD: { /* Load game, Play Scenario */ ResetGRFConfig(true); ResetWindowSystem(); if (!SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_NORMAL, NO_DIRECTORY)) { LoadIntroGame(); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0); } else { if (_saveload_mode == SLD_LOAD_SCENARIO) { StartupEngines(); } /* Update the local company for a loaded game. It is either always * company #1 (eg 0) or in the case of a dedicated server a spectator */ SetLocalCompany(_network_dedicated ? COMPANY_SPECTATOR : COMPANY_FIRST); /* Execute the game-start script */ IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/game_start.scr 0"); /* Decrease pause counter (was increased from opening load dialog) */ DoCommandP(0, 0, 0, CMD_PAUSE); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Loaded game)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ } break; } case SM_START_HEIGHTMAP: /* Load a heightmap and start a new game from it */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Heightmap)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MakeNewGame(true); break; case SM_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP: /* Load heightmap from scenario editor */ SetLocalCompany(OWNER_NONE); GenerateWorld(GW_HEIGHTMAP, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_x, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_y); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; case SM_LOAD_SCENARIO: { /* Load scenario from scenario editor */ if (SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_EDITOR, NO_DIRECTORY)) { SetLocalCompany(OWNER_NONE); _settings_newgame.game_creation.starting_year = _cur_year; } else { SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0); } break; } case SM_MENU: /* Switch to game intro menu */ LoadIntroGame(); break; case SM_SAVE: /* Save game */ /* Make network saved games on pause compatible to singleplayer */ if (_networking && _pause_game == 1) _pause_game = 2; if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, SL_SAVE, NO_DIRECTORY) != SL_OK) { SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0); } else { DeleteWindowById(WC_SAVELOAD, 0); } if (_networking && _pause_game == 2) _pause_game = 1; break; case SM_GENRANDLAND: /* Generate random land within scenario editor */ SetLocalCompany(OWNER_NONE); GenerateWorld(GW_RANDOM, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_x, 1 << _settings_game.game_creation.map_y); /* XXX: set date */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; } if (_switch_mode_errorstr != INVALID_STRING_ID) { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, _switch_mode_errorstr, 0, 0); } } /** * State controlling game loop. * The state must not be changed from anywhere but here. * That check is enforced in DoCommand. */ void StateGameLoop() { /* dont execute the state loop during pause */ if (_pause_game) { CallWindowTickEvent(); return; } if (IsGeneratingWorld()) return; ClearStorageChanges(false); if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); ClearStorageChanges(true); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); } else { if (_debug_desync_level > 1) { Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v != v->First()) continue; switch (v->type) { case VEH_ROAD: { extern byte GetRoadVehLength(const Vehicle *v); if (GetRoadVehLength(v) != v->u.road.cached_veh_length) { DEBUG(desync, 2, "cache mismatch: vehicle %i, company %i, unit number %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber); } } break; case VEH_TRAIN: { uint length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) length++; VehicleRail *wagons = MallocT(length); length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) wagons[length++] = u->u.rail; TrainConsistChanged(v, true); length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) { if (memcmp(&wagons[length], &u->u.rail, sizeof(VehicleRail)) != 0) { DEBUG(desync, 2, "cache mismatch: vehicle %i, company %i, unit number %i, wagon %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber, length); } length++; } free(wagons); } break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: { uint speed = v->u.air.cached_max_speed; UpdateAircraftCache(v); if (speed != v->u.air.cached_max_speed) { DEBUG(desync, 2, "cache mismatch: vehicle %i, company %i, unit number %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber); } } break; default: break; } } } /* All these actions has to be done from OWNER_NONE * for multiplayer compatibility */ CompanyID old_company = _current_company; _current_company = OWNER_NONE; AnimateAnimatedTiles(); IncreaseDate(); RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); ClearStorageChanges(true); AI::GameLoop(); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); _current_company = old_company; } } /** Create an autosave. The default name is "autosave#.sav". However with * the patch setting 'keep_all_autosave' the name defaults to company-name + date */ static void DoAutosave() { char buf[MAX_PATH]; #if defined(PSP) /* Autosaving in networking is too time expensive for the PSP */ if (_networking) return; #endif /* PSP */ if (_settings_client.gui.keep_all_autosave && _local_company != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) { GenerateDefaultSaveName(buf, lastof(buf)); strecat(buf, ".sav", lastof(buf)); } else { /* generate a savegame name and number according to _settings_client.gui.max_num_autosaves */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "autosave%d.sav", _autosave_ctr); if (++_autosave_ctr >= _settings_client.gui.max_num_autosaves) _autosave_ctr = 0; } DEBUG(sl, 2, "Autosaving to '%s'", buf); if (SaveOrLoad(buf, SL_SAVE, AUTOSAVE_DIR) != SL_OK) { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_AUTOSAVE_FAILED, 0, 0); } } void GameLoop() { ProcessAsyncSaveFinish(); /* autosave game? */ if (_do_autosave) { _do_autosave = false; DoAutosave(); RedrawAutosave(); } /* make a screenshot? */ if (IsScreenshotRequested()) ShowScreenshotResult(MakeScreenshot()); /* switch game mode? */ if (_switch_mode != SM_NONE) { SwitchMode(_switch_mode); _switch_mode = SM_NONE; } IncreaseSpriteLRU(); InteractiveRandom(); _caret_timer += 3; _palette_animation_counter += 8; CursorTick(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* Check for UDP stuff */ if (_network_available) NetworkUDPGameLoop(); if (_networking && !IsGeneratingWorld()) { /* Multiplayer */ NetworkGameLoop(); } else { if (_network_reconnect > 0 && --_network_reconnect == 0) { /* This means that we want to reconnect to the last host * We do this here, because it means that the network is really closed */ _network_playas = COMPANY_SPECTATOR; NetworkClientConnectGame(NetworkAddress(_settings_client.network.last_host, _settings_client.network.last_port)); } /* Singleplayer */ StateGameLoop(); } #else StateGameLoop(); #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ if (!_pause_game && HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION)) DoPaletteAnimations(); if (!_pause_game || _cheats.build_in_pause.value) MoveAllTextEffects(); InputLoop(); _sound_driver->MainLoop(); MusicLoop(); }