/* $Id$ */ /** @file openttd.cpp Functions related to starting OpenTTD. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define VARDEF #include "variables.h" #include "network/network_internal.h" #undef VARDEF #include "openttd.h" #include "driver.h" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "sound/sound_driver.hpp" #include "music/music_driver.hpp" #include "video/video_driver.hpp" #include "fontcache.h" #include "gfxinit.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "gui.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "zoom_func.h" #include "debug.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "player_func.h" #include "player_base.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "town.h" #include "industry.h" #include "news_func.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "fios.h" #include "airport.h" #include "aircraft.h" #include "console.h" #include "screenshot.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "signs_base.h" #include "signs_func.h" #include "waypoint.h" #include "ai/ai.h" #include "train.h" #include "yapf/yapf.h" #include "settings_func.h" #include "genworld.h" #include "player_face.h" #include "group.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "cheat_func.h" #include "animated_tile_func.h" #include "functions.h" #include "elrail_func.h" #include "rev.h" #include "newgrf.h" #include "newgrf_config.h" #include "newgrf_house.h" #include "newgrf_commons.h" #include "newgrf_station.h" #include "clear_map.h" #include "tree_map.h" #include "rail_map.h" #include "road_map.h" #include "station_map.h" #include "town_map.h" #include "industry_map.h" #include "unmovable_map.h" #include "tunnel_map.h" #include "bridge_map.h" #include "water_map.h" #include "tunnelbridge_map.h" #include "void_map.h" #include "water.h" #include #include "table/strings.h" StringID _switch_mode_errorstr; void CallLandscapeTick(); void IncreaseDate(); void DoPaletteAnimations(); void MusicLoop(); void ResetMusic(); void ResetOldNames(); void ProcessAsyncSaveFinish(); void CallWindowTickEvent(); extern void SetDifficultyLevel(int mode, GameOptions *gm_opt); extern Player* DoStartupNewPlayer(bool is_ai); extern void ShowOSErrorBox(const char *buf); extern void InitializeRailGUI(); /** * Error handling for fatal errors. * @param s the string to print. * @note Does NEVER return. */ void CDECL error(const char *s, ...) { va_list va; char buf[512]; va_start(va, s); vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), s, va); va_end(va); ShowOSErrorBox(buf); if (_video_driver != NULL) _video_driver->Stop(); assert(0); exit(1); } /** * Shows some information on the console/a popup box depending on the OS. * @param str the text to show. */ void CDECL ShowInfoF(const char *str, ...) { va_list va; char buf[1024]; va_start(va, str); vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), str, va); va_end(va); ShowInfo(buf); } /** * Show the help message when someone passed a wrong parameter. */ static void ShowHelp() { char buf[4096]; char *p = buf; p += snprintf(p, lengthof(buf), "OpenTTD %s\n", _openttd_revision); p = strecpy(p, "\n" "\n" "Command line options:\n" " -v drv = Set video driver (see below)\n" " -s drv = Set sound driver (see below) (param bufsize,hz)\n" " -m drv = Set music driver (see below)\n" " -b drv = Set the blitter to use (see below)\n" " -r res = Set resolution (for instance 800x600)\n" " -h = Display this help text\n" " -t year = Set starting year\n" " -d [[fac=]lvl[,...]]= Debug mode\n" " -e = Start Editor\n" " -g [savegame] = Start new/save game immediately\n" " -G seed = Set random seed\n" #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) " -n [ip:port#player] = Start networkgame\n" " -D [ip][:port] = Start dedicated server\n" " -l ip[:port] = Redirect DEBUG()\n" #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) && !defined(WIN32) " -f = Fork into the background (dedicated only)\n" #endif #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ " -i = Force to use the DOS palette\n" " (use this if you see a lot of pink)\n" " -c config_file = Use 'config_file' instead of 'openttd.cfg'\n" " -x = Do not automatically save to config file on exit\n", lastof(buf) ); /* List the drivers */ p = VideoDriverFactoryBase::GetDriversInfo(p, lastof(buf)); /* List the blitters */ p = BlitterFactoryBase::GetBlittersInfo(p, lastof(buf)); /* ShowInfo put output to stderr, but version information should go * to stdout; this is the only exception */ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN64) printf("%s\n", buf); #else ShowInfo(buf); #endif } struct MyGetOptData { char *opt; int numleft; char **argv; const char *options; const char *cont; MyGetOptData(int argc, char **argv, const char *options) { opt = NULL; numleft = argc; this->argv = argv; this->options = options; cont = NULL; } }; static int MyGetOpt(MyGetOptData *md) { const char *s,*r,*t; s = md->cont; if (s != NULL) goto md_continue_here; for (;;) { if (--md->numleft < 0) return -1; s = *md->argv++; if (*s == '-') { md_continue_here:; s++; if (*s != 0) { /* Found argument, try to locate it in options. */ if (*s == ':' || (r = strchr(md->options, *s)) == NULL) { /* ERROR! */ return -2; } if (r[1] == ':') { /* Item wants an argument. Check if the argument follows, or if it comes as a separate arg. */ if (!*(t = s + 1)) { /* It comes as a separate arg. Check if out of args? */ if (--md->numleft < 0 || *(t = *md->argv) == '-') { /* Check if item is optional? */ if (r[2] != ':') return -2; md->numleft++; t = NULL; } else { md->argv++; } } md->opt = (char*)t; md->cont = NULL; return *s; } md->opt = NULL; md->cont = s; return *s; } } else { /* This is currently not supported. */ return -2; } } } /** * Extract the resolution from the given string and store * it in the 'res' parameter. * @param res variable to store the resolution in. * @param s the string to decompose. */ static void ParseResolution(int res[2], const char *s) { const char *t = strchr(s, 'x'); if (t == NULL) { ShowInfoF("Invalid resolution '%s'", s); return; } res[0] = max(strtoul(s, NULL, 0), 64UL); res[1] = max(strtoul(t + 1, NULL, 0), 64UL); } static void InitializeDynamicVariables() { /* Dynamic stuff needs to be initialized somewhere... */ _town_sort = NULL; _industry_sort = NULL; _industry_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industile_mngr.ResetMapping(); } /** Unitializes drivers, frees allocated memory, cleans pools, ... * Generally, prepares the game for shutting down */ static void ShutdownGame() { /* stop the AI */ AI_Uninitialize(); IConsoleFree(); if (_network_available) NetworkShutDown(); // Shut down the network and close any open connections DriverFactoryBase::ShutdownDrivers(); UnInitWindowSystem(); /* Uninitialize airport state machines */ UnInitializeAirports(); /* Uninitialize variables that are allocated dynamically */ _Town_pool.CleanPool(); _Industry_pool.CleanPool(); _Station_pool.CleanPool(); _Vehicle_pool.CleanPool(); _Sign_pool.CleanPool(); _Order_pool.CleanPool(); _Group_pool.CleanPool(); _CargoPacket_pool.CleanPool(); _Engine_pool.CleanPool(); free((void*)_town_sort); free((void*)_industry_sort); free(_config_file); /* Close all and any open filehandles */ FioCloseAll(); } static void LoadIntroGame() { _game_mode = GM_MENU; _opt_ptr = &_opt_newgame; ResetGRFConfig(false); /* Setup main window */ ResetWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); /* Load the default opening screen savegame */ if (SaveOrLoad("opntitle.dat", SL_LOAD, DATA_DIR) != SL_OK) { GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 64, 64); // if failed loading, make empty world. WaitTillGeneratedWorld(); } _pause_game = 0; SetLocalPlayer(PLAYER_FIRST); /* Make sure you can't scroll in the menu */ _scrolling_viewport = 0; _cursor.fix_at = false; MarkWholeScreenDirty(); CheckForMissingGlyphsInLoadedLanguagePack(); /* Play main theme */ if (_music_driver->IsSongPlaying()) ResetMusic(); } byte _no_scroll; byte _savegame_sort_order; #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) extern void DedicatedFork(); #endif int ttd_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; const char *optformat; char musicdriver[32], sounddriver[32], videodriver[32], blitter[32]; int resolution[2] = {0, 0}; Year startyear = INVALID_YEAR; uint generation_seed = GENERATE_NEW_SEED; bool save_config = true; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) bool dedicated = false; bool network = false; char *network_conn = NULL; char *debuglog_conn = NULL; char *dedicated_host = NULL; uint16 dedicated_port = 0; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ musicdriver[0] = sounddriver[0] = videodriver[0] = blitter[0] = '\0'; _game_mode = GM_MENU; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = INVALID_STRING_ID; _dedicated_forks = false; _config_file = NULL; /* The last param of the following function means this: * a letter means: it accepts that param (e.g.: -h) * a ':' behind it means: it need a param (e.g.: -m) * a '::' behind it means: it can optional have a param (e.g.: -d) */ optformat = "m:s:v:b:hD::n::eit:d::r:g::G:c:xl:" #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) && !defined(WIN32) "f" #endif ; MyGetOptData mgo(argc - 1, argv + 1, optformat); while ((i = MyGetOpt(&mgo)) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'm': ttd_strlcpy(musicdriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(musicdriver)); break; case 's': ttd_strlcpy(sounddriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(sounddriver)); break; case 'v': ttd_strlcpy(videodriver, mgo.opt, sizeof(videodriver)); break; case 'b': ttd_strlcpy(blitter, mgo.opt, sizeof(blitter)); break; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) case 'D': strcpy(musicdriver, "null"); strcpy(sounddriver, "null"); strcpy(videodriver, "dedicated"); strcpy(blitter, "null"); dedicated = true; if (mgo.opt != NULL) { /* Use the existing method for parsing (openttd -n). * However, we do ignore the #player part. */ const char *temp = NULL; const char *port = NULL; ParseConnectionString(&temp, &port, mgo.opt); if (!StrEmpty(mgo.opt)) dedicated_host = mgo.opt; if (port != NULL) dedicated_port = atoi(port); } break; case 'f': _dedicated_forks = true; break; case 'n': network = true; network_conn = mgo.opt; // optional IP parameter, NULL if unset break; case 'l': debuglog_conn = mgo.opt; break; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ case 'r': ParseResolution(resolution, mgo.opt); break; case 't': startyear = atoi(mgo.opt); break; case 'd': { #if defined(WIN32) CreateConsole(); #endif if (mgo.opt != NULL) SetDebugString(mgo.opt); } break; case 'e': _switch_mode = SM_EDITOR; break; case 'i': _use_dos_palette = true; break; case 'g': if (mgo.opt != NULL) { strcpy(_file_to_saveload.name, mgo.opt); _switch_mode = SM_LOAD; } else { _switch_mode = SM_NEWGAME; /* Give a random map */ generation_seed = InteractiveRandom(); } break; case 'G': generation_seed = atoi(mgo.opt); break; case 'c': _config_file = strdup(mgo.opt); break; case 'x': save_config = false; break; case -2: case 'h': ShowHelp(); return 0; } } #if defined(WINCE) && defined(_DEBUG) /* Switch on debug lvl 4 for WinCE if Debug release, as you can't give params, and you most likely do want this information */ SetDebugString("4"); #endif DeterminePaths(argv[0]); CheckExternalFiles(); #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) /* We must fork here, or we'll end up without some resources we need (like sockets) */ if (_dedicated_forks) DedicatedFork(); #endif LoadFromConfig(); CheckConfig(); LoadFromHighScore(); /* override config? */ if (!StrEmpty(musicdriver)) ttd_strlcpy(_ini_musicdriver, musicdriver, sizeof(_ini_musicdriver)); if (!StrEmpty(sounddriver)) ttd_strlcpy(_ini_sounddriver, sounddriver, sizeof(_ini_sounddriver)); if (!StrEmpty(videodriver)) ttd_strlcpy(_ini_videodriver, videodriver, sizeof(_ini_videodriver)); if (!StrEmpty(blitter)) ttd_strlcpy(_ini_blitter, blitter, sizeof(_ini_blitter)); if (resolution[0] != 0) { _cur_resolution[0] = resolution[0]; _cur_resolution[1] = resolution[1]; } if (startyear != INVALID_YEAR) _patches_newgame.starting_year = startyear; if (generation_seed != GENERATE_NEW_SEED) _patches_newgame.generation_seed = generation_seed; /* The width and height must be at least 1 pixel, this * way all internal drawing routines work correctly. */ if (_cur_resolution[0] == 0) _cur_resolution[0] = 1; if (_cur_resolution[1] == 0) _cur_resolution[1] = 1; #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) if (dedicated_host) snprintf(_network_server_bind_ip_host, NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH, "%s", dedicated_host); if (dedicated_port) _network_server_port = dedicated_port; if (_dedicated_forks && !dedicated) _dedicated_forks = false; #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ /* enumerate language files */ InitializeLanguagePacks(); /* initialize screenshot formats */ InitializeScreenshotFormats(); /* initialize airport state machines */ InitializeAirports(); /* initialize all variables that are allocated dynamically */ InitializeDynamicVariables(); /* start the AI */ AI_Initialize(); /* Sample catalogue */ DEBUG(misc, 1, "Loading sound effects..."); MxInitialize(11025); SoundInitialize("sample.cat"); /* Initialize FreeType */ InitFreeType(); /* This must be done early, since functions use the InvalidateWindow* calls */ InitWindowSystem(); /* Initialize game palette */ GfxInitPalettes(); DEBUG(misc, 1, "Loading blitter..."); if (BlitterFactoryBase::SelectBlitter(_ini_blitter) == NULL) StrEmpty(_ini_blitter) ? error("Failed to autoprobe blitter") : error("Failed to select requested blitter '%s'; does it exist?", _ini_blitter); DEBUG(driver, 1, "Loading drivers..."); _sound_driver = (SoundDriver*)SoundDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_sounddriver, Driver::DT_SOUND); if (_sound_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_sounddriver) ? error("Failed to autoprobe sound driver") : error("Failed to select requested sound driver '%s'", _ini_sounddriver); } _music_driver = (MusicDriver*)MusicDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_musicdriver, Driver::DT_MUSIC); if (_music_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_musicdriver) ? error("Failed to autoprobe music driver") : error("Failed to select requested music driver '%s'", _ini_musicdriver); } _video_driver = (VideoDriver*)VideoDriverFactoryBase::SelectDriver(_ini_videodriver, Driver::DT_VIDEO); if (_video_driver == NULL) { StrEmpty(_ini_videodriver) ? error("Failed to autoprobe video driver") : error("Failed to select requested video driver '%s'", _ini_videodriver); } _savegame_sort_order = SORT_BY_DATE | SORT_DESCENDING; /* Initialize the zoom level of the screen to normal */ _screen.zoom = ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL; /* restore saved music volume */ _music_driver->SetVolume(msf.music_vol); NetworkStartUp(); // initialize network-core #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) if (debuglog_conn != NULL && _network_available) { const char *not_used = NULL; const char *port = NULL; uint16 rport; rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_DEBUGLOG_PORT; ParseConnectionString(¬_used, &port, debuglog_conn); if (port != NULL) rport = atoi(port); NetworkStartDebugLog(debuglog_conn, rport); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ ScanNewGRFFiles(); _opt_ptr = &_opt_newgame; ResetGRFConfig(false); /* XXX - ugly hack, if diff_level is 9, it means we got no setting from the config file */ if (_opt_newgame.diff_level == 9) SetDifficultyLevel(0, &_opt_newgame); /* Make sure _patches is filled with _patches_newgame if we switch to a game directly */ if (_switch_mode != SM_NONE) { _opt = _opt_newgame; UpdatePatches(); } /* initialize the ingame console */ IConsoleInit(); _cursor.in_window = true; InitializeGUI(); IConsoleCmdExec("exec scripts/autoexec.scr 0"); GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 64, 64); // Make the viewport initialization happy WaitTillGeneratedWorld(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (network && _network_available) { if (network_conn != NULL) { const char *port = NULL; const char *player = NULL; uint16 rport; rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT; _network_playas = PLAYER_NEW_COMPANY; ParseConnectionString(&player, &port, network_conn); if (player != NULL) { _network_playas = (PlayerID)atoi(player); if (_network_playas != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) { _network_playas--; if (!IsValidPlayer(_network_playas)) return false; } } if (port != NULL) rport = atoi(port); LoadIntroGame(); _switch_mode = SM_NONE; NetworkClientConnectGame(network_conn, rport); } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ _video_driver->MainLoop(); WaitTillSaved(); /* only save config if we have to */ if (save_config) { SaveToConfig(); SaveToHighScore(); } /* Reset windowing system, stop drivers, free used memory, ... */ ShutdownGame(); return 0; } void HandleExitGameRequest() { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) { // do not ask to quit on the main screen _exit_game = true; } else if (_patches.autosave_on_exit) { DoExitSave(); _exit_game = true; } else { AskExitGame(); } } static void ShowScreenshotResult(bool b) { if (b) { SetDParamStr(0, _screenshot_name); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031B_SCREENSHOT_SUCCESSFULLY, 0, 0); } else { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_031C_SCREENSHOT_FAILED, 0, 0); } } static void MakeNewGameDone() { /* In a dedicated server, the server does not play */ if (_network_dedicated) { SetLocalPlayer(PLAYER_SPECTATOR); return; } /* Create a single player */ DoStartupNewPlayer(false); SetLocalPlayer(PLAYER_FIRST); _current_player = _local_player; DoCommandP(0, (_patches.autorenew << 15 ) | (_patches.autorenew_months << 16) | 4, _patches.autorenew_money, NULL, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); SettingsDisableElrail(_patches.disable_elrails); InitializeRailGUI(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* We are the server, we start a new player (not dedicated), * so set the default password *if* needed. */ if (_network_server && !StrEmpty(_network_default_company_pass)) { char *password = _network_default_company_pass; NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(1, &password); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void MakeNewGame(bool from_heightmap) { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; ResetGRFConfig(true); _house_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industile_mngr.ResetMapping(); _industry_mngr.ResetMapping(); GenerateWorldSetCallback(&MakeNewGameDone); GenerateWorld(from_heightmap ? GW_HEIGHTMAP : GW_NEWGAME, 1 << _patches.map_x, 1 << _patches.map_y); } static void MakeNewEditorWorldDone() { SetLocalPlayer(OWNER_NONE); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void MakeNewEditorWorld() { _game_mode = GM_EDITOR; ResetGRFConfig(true); GenerateWorldSetCallback(&MakeNewEditorWorldDone); GenerateWorld(GW_EMPTY, 1 << _patches.map_x, 1 << _patches.map_y); } void StartupPlayers(); void StartupDisasters(); extern void StartupEconomy(); /** * Start Scenario starts a new game based on a scenario. * Eg 'New Game' --> select a preset scenario * This starts a scenario based on your current difficulty settings */ static void StartScenario() { _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; /* invalid type */ if (_file_to_saveload.mode == SL_INVALID) { DEBUG(sl, 0, "Savegame is obsolete or invalid format: '%s'", _file_to_saveload.name); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_012D, 0, 0); _game_mode = GM_MENU; return; } /* Reinitialize windows */ ResetWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); ResetGRFConfig(true); /* Load game */ if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, SCENARIO_DIR) != SL_OK) { LoadIntroGame(); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_012D, 0, 0); } _opt_ptr = &_opt; _opt_ptr->diff = _opt_newgame.diff; _opt.diff_level = _opt_newgame.diff_level; /* Inititalize data */ StartupEconomy(); StartupPlayers(); StartupEngines(); StartupDisasters(); SetLocalPlayer(PLAYER_FIRST); _current_player = _local_player; DoCommandP(0, (_patches.autorenew << 15 ) | (_patches.autorenew_months << 16) | 4, _patches.autorenew_money, NULL, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } /** Load the specified savegame but on error do different things. * If loading fails due to corrupt savegame, bad version, etc. go back to * a previous correct state. In the menu for example load the intro game again. * @param filename file to be loaded * @param mode mode of loading, either SL_LOAD or SL_OLD_LOAD * @param newgm switch to this mode of loading fails due to some unknown error * @param subdir default directory to look for filename, set to 0 if not needed */ bool SafeSaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, int newgm, Subdirectory subdir) { byte ogm = _game_mode; _game_mode = newgm; assert(mode == SL_LOAD || mode == SL_OLD_LOAD); switch (SaveOrLoad(filename, mode, subdir)) { case SL_OK: return true; case SL_REINIT: switch (ogm) { default: case GM_MENU: LoadIntroGame(); break; case GM_EDITOR: MakeNewEditorWorld(); break; } return false; default: _game_mode = ogm; return false; } } void SwitchMode(int new_mode) { #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* If we are saving something, the network stays in his current state */ if (new_mode != SM_SAVE) { /* If the network is active, make it not-active */ if (_networking) { if (_network_server && (new_mode == SM_LOAD || new_mode == SM_NEWGAME)) { NetworkReboot(); NetworkUDPCloseAll(); } else { NetworkDisconnect(); NetworkUDPCloseAll(); } } /* If we are a server, we restart the server */ if (_is_network_server) { /* But not if we are going to the menu */ if (new_mode != SM_MENU) { /* check if we should reload the config */ if (_network_reload_cfg) { LoadFromConfig(); _patches = _patches_newgame; _opt = _opt_newgame; ResetGRFConfig(false); } NetworkServerStart(); } else { /* This client no longer wants to be a network-server */ _is_network_server = false; } } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ switch (new_mode) { case SM_EDITOR: /* Switch to scenario editor */ MakeNewEditorWorld(); break; case SM_NEWGAME: /* New Game --> 'Random game' */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "Random Map"); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MakeNewGame(false); break; case SM_START_SCENARIO: /* New Game --> Choose one of the preset scenarios */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Loaded scenario)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ StartScenario(); break; case SM_LOAD: { /* Load game, Play Scenario */ _opt_ptr = &_opt; ResetGRFConfig(true); ResetWindowSystem(); if (!SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_NORMAL, NO_DIRECTORY)) { LoadIntroGame(); SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_012D, 0, 0); } else { if (_saveload_mode == SLD_LOAD_SCENARIO) { StartupEngines(); } /* Update the local player for a loaded game. It is either always * player #1 (eg 0) or in the case of a dedicated server a spectator */ SetLocalPlayer(_network_dedicated ? PLAYER_SPECTATOR : PLAYER_FIRST); /* Decrease pause counter (was increased from opening load dialog) */ DoCommandP(0, 0, 0, NULL, CMD_PAUSE); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Loaded game)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ } break; } case SM_START_HEIGHTMAP: /* Load a heightmap and start a new game from it */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK if (_network_server) { snprintf(_network_game_info.map_name, lengthof(_network_game_info.map_name), "%s (Heightmap)", _file_to_saveload.title); } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ MakeNewGame(true); break; case SM_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP: /* Load heightmap from scenario editor */ SetLocalPlayer(OWNER_NONE); GenerateWorld(GW_HEIGHTMAP, 1 << _patches.map_x, 1 << _patches.map_y); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; case SM_LOAD_SCENARIO: { /* Load scenario from scenario editor */ if (SafeSaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, _file_to_saveload.mode, GM_EDITOR, NO_DIRECTORY)) { _opt_ptr = &_opt; SetLocalPlayer(OWNER_NONE); _patches_newgame.starting_year = _cur_year; } else { SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_012D, 0, 0); } break; } case SM_MENU: /* Switch to game intro menu */ LoadIntroGame(); break; case SM_SAVE: /* Save game */ /* Make network saved games on pause compatible to singleplayer */ if (_networking && _pause_game == 1) _pause_game = 2; if (SaveOrLoad(_file_to_saveload.name, SL_SAVE, NO_DIRECTORY) != SL_OK) { SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString()); ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_012D, 0, 0); } else { DeleteWindowById(WC_SAVELOAD, 0); } if (_networking && _pause_game == 2) _pause_game = 1; break; case SM_GENRANDLAND: /* Generate random land within scenario editor */ SetLocalPlayer(OWNER_NONE); GenerateWorld(GW_RANDOM, 1 << _patches.map_x, 1 << _patches.map_y); /* XXX: set date */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; } if (_switch_mode_errorstr != INVALID_STRING_ID) { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, _switch_mode_errorstr, 0, 0); } } /** * State controlling game loop. * The state must not be changed from anywhere but here. * That check is enforced in DoCommand. */ void StateGameLoop() { /* dont execute the state loop during pause */ if (_pause_game) { CallWindowTickEvent(); return; } if (IsGeneratingWorld()) return; ClearStorageChanges(false); if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); ClearStorageChanges(true); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP_COMMANDS Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v != v->First()) continue; switch (v->type) { case VEH_ROAD: { extern byte GetRoadVehLength(const Vehicle *v); if (GetRoadVehLength(v) != v->u.road.cached_veh_length) { printf("cache mismatch: vehicle %i, player %i, unit number %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber); } } break; case VEH_TRAIN: { uint length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) length++; VehicleRail *wagons = MallocT(length); length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) wagons[length++] = u->u.rail; TrainConsistChanged(v); length = 0; for (Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) { if (memcmp(&wagons[length], &u->u.rail, sizeof(VehicleRail)) != 0) { printf("cache mismatch: vehicle %i, player %i, unit number %i, wagon %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber, length); } length++; } free(wagons); } break; case VEH_AIRCRAFT: { uint speed = v->u.air.cached_max_speed; UpdateAircraftCache(v); if (speed != v->u.air.cached_max_speed) { printf("cache mismatch: vehicle %i, player %i, unit number %i\n", v->index, (int)v->owner, v->unitnumber); } } break; default: break; } } #endif /* All these actions has to be done from OWNER_NONE * for multiplayer compatibility */ PlayerID p = _current_player; _current_player = OWNER_NONE; AnimateAnimatedTiles(); IncreaseDate(); RunTileLoop(); CallVehicleTicks(); CallLandscapeTick(); ClearStorageChanges(true); AI_RunGameLoop(); CallWindowTickEvent(); NewsLoop(); _current_player = p; } } /** Create an autosave. The default name is "autosave#.sav". However with * the patch setting 'keep_all_autosave' the name defaults to company-name + date */ static void DoAutosave() { char buf[MAX_PATH]; #if defined(PSP) /* Autosaving in networking is too time expensive for the PSP */ if (_networking) return; #endif /* PSP */ if (_patches.keep_all_autosave && _local_player != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) { SetDParam(0, _local_player); SetDParam(1, _date); GetString(buf, STR_4004, lastof(buf)); ttd_strlcat(buf, ".sav", lengthof(buf)); } else { /* generate a savegame name and number according to _patches.max_num_autosaves */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "autosave%d.sav", _autosave_ctr); if (++_autosave_ctr >= _patches.max_num_autosaves) _autosave_ctr = 0; } DEBUG(sl, 2, "Autosaving to '%s'", buf); if (SaveOrLoad(buf, SL_SAVE, AUTOSAVE_DIR) != SL_OK) { ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_AUTOSAVE_FAILED, 0, 0); } } static void ScrollMainViewport(int x, int y) { if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) { Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); assert(w); w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x += ScaleByZoom(x, w->viewport->zoom); w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y += ScaleByZoom(y, w->viewport->zoom); } } /** * Describes all the different arrow key combinations the game allows * when it is in scrolling mode. * The real arrow keys are bitwise numbered as * 1 = left * 2 = up * 4 = right * 8 = down */ static const int8 scrollamt[16][2] = { { 0, 0}, ///< no key specified {-2, 0}, ///< 1 : left { 0, -2}, ///< 2 : up {-2, -1}, ///< 3 : left + up { 2, 0}, ///< 4 : right { 0, 0}, ///< 5 : left + right = nothing { 2, -1}, ///< 6 : right + up { 0, -2}, ///< 7 : right + left + up = up { 0 ,2}, ///< 8 : down {-2 ,1}, ///< 9 : down + left { 0, 0}, ///< 10 : down + up = nothing {-2, 0}, ///< 11 : left + up + down = left { 2, 1}, ///< 12 : down + right { 0, 2}, ///< 13 : left + right + down = down { 2, 0}, ///< 14 : right + up + down = right { 0, 0}, ///< 15 : left + up + right + down = nothing }; static void HandleKeyScrolling() { if (_dirkeys && !_no_scroll) { int factor = _shift_pressed ? 50 : 10; ScrollMainViewport(scrollamt[_dirkeys][0] * factor, scrollamt[_dirkeys][1] * factor); } } void GameLoop() { ProcessAsyncSaveFinish(); /* autosave game? */ if (_do_autosave) { _do_autosave = false; DoAutosave(); RedrawAutosave(); } /* handle scrolling of the main window */ HandleKeyScrolling(); /* make a screenshot? */ if (IsScreenshotRequested()) ShowScreenshotResult(MakeScreenshot()); /* switch game mode? */ if (_switch_mode != SM_NONE) { SwitchMode(_switch_mode); _switch_mode = SM_NONE; } IncreaseSpriteLRU(); InteractiveRandom(); if (_scroller_click_timeout > 3) { _scroller_click_timeout -= 3; } else { _scroller_click_timeout = 0; } _caret_timer += 3; _palette_animation_counter += 8; CursorTick(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK /* Check for UDP stuff */ if (_network_available) NetworkUDPGameLoop(); if (_networking && !IsGeneratingWorld()) { /* Multiplayer */ NetworkGameLoop(); } else { if (_network_reconnect > 0 && --_network_reconnect == 0) { /* This means that we want to reconnect to the last host * We do this here, because it means that the network is really closed */ NetworkClientConnectGame(_network_last_host, _network_last_port); } /* Singleplayer */ StateGameLoop(); } #else StateGameLoop(); #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */ if (!_pause_game && HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION)) DoPaletteAnimations(); if (!_pause_game || _cheats.build_in_pause.value) MoveAllTextEffects(); InputLoop(); MusicLoop(); } void BeforeSaveGame() { const Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); if (w != NULL) { _saved_scrollpos_x = w->viewport->scrollpos_x; _saved_scrollpos_y = w->viewport->scrollpos_y; _saved_scrollpos_zoom = w->viewport->zoom; } } static void ConvertTownOwner() { for (TileIndex tile = 0; tile != MapSize(); tile++) { switch (GetTileType(tile)) { case MP_ROAD: if (GB(_m[tile].m5, 4, 2) == ROAD_TILE_CROSSING && HasBit(_m[tile].m4, 7)) { _m[tile].m4 = OWNER_TOWN; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: if (GetTileOwner(tile) & 0x80) SetTileOwner(tile, OWNER_TOWN); break; default: break; } } } /* before savegame version 4, the name of the company determined if it existed */ static void CheckIsPlayerActive() { Player *p; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { if (p->name_1 != 0) p->is_active = true; } } /* since savegame version 4.1, exclusive transport rights are stored at towns */ static void UpdateExclusiveRights() { Town *t; FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) { t->exclusivity = INVALID_PLAYER; } /* FIXME old exclusive rights status is not being imported (stored in s->blocked_months_obsolete) * could be implemented this way: * 1.) Go through all stations * Build an array town_blocked[ town_id ][ player_id ] * that stores if at least one station in that town is blocked for a player * 2.) Go through that array, if you find a town that is not blocked for * one player, but for all others, then give him exclusivity. */ } static const byte convert_currency[] = { 0, 1, 12, 8, 3, 10, 14, 19, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 6, 17, 16, 22, 21, 7, 15, 18, 2, 20, }; /* since savegame version 4.2 the currencies are arranged differently */ static void UpdateCurrencies() { _opt.currency = convert_currency[_opt.currency]; } /* Up to revision 1413 the invisible tiles at the southern border have not been * MP_VOID, even though they should have. This is fixed by this function */ static void UpdateVoidTiles() { uint i; for (i = 0; i < MapMaxY(); ++i) MakeVoid(i * MapSizeX() + MapMaxX()); for (i = 0; i < MapSizeX(); ++i) MakeVoid(MapSizeX() * MapMaxY() + i); } /* since savegame version 6.0 each sign has an "owner", signs without owner (from old games are set to 255) */ static void UpdateSignOwner() { Sign *si; FOR_ALL_SIGNS(si) si->owner = OWNER_NONE; } extern void UpdateOldAircraft(); static inline RailType UpdateRailType(RailType rt, RailType min) { return rt >= min ? (RailType)(rt + 1): rt; } /** * Initialization of the windows and several kinds of caches. * This is not done directly in AfterLoadGame because these * functions require that all saveload conversions have been * done. As people tend to add savegame conversion stuff after * the intialization of the windows and caches quite some bugs * had been made. * Moving this out of there is both cleaner and less bug-prone. * * @return true if everything went according to plan, otherwise false. */ static bool InitializeWindowsAndCaches() { /* Initialize windows */ ResetWindowSystem(); SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); w->viewport->scrollpos_x = _saved_scrollpos_x; w->viewport->scrollpos_y = _saved_scrollpos_y; w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_x = _saved_scrollpos_x; w->viewport->dest_scrollpos_y = _saved_scrollpos_y; ViewPort *vp = w->viewport; vp->zoom = min(_saved_scrollpos_zoom, ZOOM_LVL_MAX); vp->virtual_width = ScaleByZoom(vp->width, vp->zoom); vp->virtual_height = ScaleByZoom(vp->height, vp->zoom); DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_NONE, w); // update button status MarkWholeScreenDirty(); /* Update coordinates of the signs. */ UpdateAllStationVirtCoord(); UpdateAllSignVirtCoords(); UpdateAllTownVirtCoords(); UpdateAllWaypointSigns(); Player *p; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { /* For each player, verify (while loading a scenario) that the inauguration date is the current year and set it * accordingly if it is not the case. No need to set it on players that are not been used already, * thus the MIN_YEAR (which is really nothing more than Zero, initialized value) test */ if (_file_to_saveload.filetype == FT_SCENARIO && p->inaugurated_year != MIN_YEAR) { p->inaugurated_year = _cur_year; } } SetCachedEngineCounts(); return true; } bool AfterLoadGame() { TileIndex map_size = MapSize(); Player *p; /* in version 2.1 of the savegame, town owner was unified. */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(2, 1)) ConvertTownOwner(); /* from version 4.1 of the savegame, exclusive rights are stored at towns */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(4, 1)) UpdateExclusiveRights(); /* from version 4.2 of the savegame, currencies are in a different order */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(4, 2)) UpdateCurrencies(); /* from version 6.1 of the savegame, signs have an "owner" */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(6, 1)) UpdateSignOwner(); /* In old version there seems to be a problem that water is owned by * OWNER_NONE, not OWNER_WATER.. I can't replicate it for the current * (4.3) version, so I just check when versions are older, and then * walk through the whole map.. */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(4, 3)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) && GetTileOwner(t) >= MAX_PLAYERS) { SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_WATER); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(84)) { Player *p; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { p->name = CopyFromOldName(p->name_1); if (p->name != NULL) p->name_1 = STR_SV_UNNAMED; p->president_name = CopyFromOldName(p->president_name_1); if (p->president_name != NULL) p->president_name_1 = SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME; } Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { st->name = CopyFromOldName(st->string_id); if (st->name != NULL) st->string_id = STR_EMPTY; } Town *t; FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) { t->name = CopyFromOldName(t->townnametype); if (t->name != NULL) t->townnametype = SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START + _opt.town_name; } Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { wp->name = CopyFromOldName(wp->string); wp->string = STR_EMPTY; } } /* From this point the old names array is cleared. */ ResetOldNames(); /* convert road side to my format. */ if (_opt.road_side) _opt.road_side = 1; /* Check if all NewGRFs are present, we are very strict in MP mode */ GRFListCompatibility gcf_res = IsGoodGRFConfigList(); if (_networking && gcf_res != GLC_ALL_GOOD) { SetSaveLoadError(STR_NETWORK_ERR_CLIENT_NEWGRF_MISMATCH); return false; } switch (gcf_res) { case GLC_COMPATIBLE: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOAD_WARNING; break; case GLC_NOT_FOUND: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NEWGRF_DISABLED_WARNING; _pause_game = -1; break; default: break; } /* Update current year * must be done before loading sprites as some newgrfs check it */ SetDate(_date); /* Force dynamic engines off when loading older savegames */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(95)) _patches.dynamic_engines = 0; /* Load the sprites */ GfxLoadSprites(); LoadStringWidthTable(); /* Copy temporary data to Engine pool */ CopyTempEngineData(); /* Connect front and rear engines of multiheaded trains and converts * subtype to the new format */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(17, 1)) ConvertOldMultiheadToNew(); /* Connect front and rear engines of multiheaded trains */ ConnectMultiheadedTrains(); /* reinit the landscape variables (landscape might have changed) */ InitializeLandscapeVariables(true); /* Update all vehicles */ AfterLoadVehicles(true); /* Update all waypoints */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(12)) FixOldWaypoints(); /* in version 2.2 of the savegame, we have new airports */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(2, 2)) UpdateOldAircraft(); AfterLoadTown(); /* make sure there is a town in the game */ if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && !ClosestTownFromTile(0, (uint)-1)) { SetSaveLoadError(STR_NO_TOWN_IN_SCENARIO); return false; } /* in version 4.1 of the savegame, is_active was introduced to determine * if a player does exist, rather then checking name_1 */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(4, 1)) CheckIsPlayerActive(); /* The void tiles on the southern border used to belong to a wrong class (pre 4.3). * This problem appears in savegame version 21 too, see r3455. But after loading the * savegame and saving again, the buggy map array could be converted to new savegame * version. It didn't show up before r12070. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(87)) UpdateVoidTiles(); /* If Load Scenario / New (Scenario) Game is used, * a player does not exist yet. So create one here. * 1 exeption: network-games. Those can have 0 players * But this exeption is not true for non dedicated network_servers! */ if (!_players[0].is_active && (!_networking || (_networking && _network_server && !_network_dedicated))) DoStartupNewPlayer(false); if (CheckSavegameVersion(72)) { /* Locks/shiplifts in very old savegames had OWNER_WATER as owner */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { default: break; case MP_WATER: if (GetWaterTileType(t) == WATER_TILE_LOCK && GetTileOwner(t) == OWNER_WATER) SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_NONE); break; case MP_STATION: { if (HasBit(_m[t].m6, 3)) SetBit(_m[t].m6, 2); StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(t); StationType st; if ( IsInsideMM(gfx, 0, 8)) { // Railway station st = STATION_RAIL; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 0); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 8, 67)) { // Airport st = STATION_AIRPORT; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 8); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 67, 71)) { // Truck st = STATION_TRUCK; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 67); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 71, 75)) { // Bus st = STATION_BUS; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 71); } else if (gfx == 75) { // Oil rig st = STATION_OILRIG; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 75); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 76, 82)) { // Dock st = STATION_DOCK; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 76); } else if (gfx == 82) { // Buoy st = STATION_BUOY; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 82); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 83, 168)) { // Extended airport st = STATION_AIRPORT; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 83 + 67 - 8); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 168, 170)) { // Drive through truck st = STATION_TRUCK; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 168 + GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET); } else if (IsInsideMM(gfx, 170, 172)) { // Drive through bus st = STATION_BUS; SetStationGfx(t, gfx - 170 + GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET); } else { return false; } SB(_m[t].m6, 3, 3, st); } break; } } } for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_STATION: { Station *st = GetStationByTile(t); st->rect.BeforeAddTile(t, StationRect::ADD_FORCE); switch (GetStationType(t)) { case STATION_TRUCK: case STATION_BUS: if (CheckSavegameVersion(6)) { /* From this version on there can be multiple road stops of the * same type per station. Convert the existing stops to the new * internal data structure. */ RoadStop *rs = new RoadStop(t); if (rs == NULL) error("Too many road stops in savegame"); RoadStop **head = IsTruckStop(t) ? &st->truck_stops : &st->bus_stops; *head = rs; } break; case STATION_OILRIG: { /* Very old savegames sometimes have phantom oil rigs, i.e. * an oil rig which got shut down, but not completly removed from * the map */ TileIndex t1 = TILE_ADDXY(t, 0, 1); if (IsTileType(t1, MP_INDUSTRY) && GetIndustryGfx(t1) == GFX_OILRIG_1) { /* The internal encoding of oil rigs was changed twice. * It was 3 (till 2.2) and later 5 (till 5.1). * Setting it unconditionally does not hurt. */ GetStationByTile(t)->airport_type = AT_OILRIG; } else { DeleteOilRig(t); } break; } default: break; } break; } default: break; } } /* In version 6.1 we put the town index in the map-array. To do this, we need * to use m2 (16bit big), so we need to clean m2, and that is where this is * all about ;) */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(6, 1)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_HOUSE: _m[t].m4 = _m[t].m2; SetTownIndex(t, CalcClosestTownFromTile(t, (uint)-1)->index); break; case MP_ROAD: _m[t].m4 |= (_m[t].m2 << 4); if (IsTileOwner(t, OWNER_TOWN)) { SetTownIndex(t, CalcClosestTownFromTile(t, (uint)-1)->index); } else { SetTownIndex(t, 0); } break; default: break; } } } /* From version 9.0, we update the max passengers of a town (was sometimes negative * before that. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(9)) { Town *t; FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) UpdateTownMaxPass(t); } /* From version 16.0, we included autorenew on engines, which are now saved, but * of course, we do need to initialize them for older savegames. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(16)) { FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { p->engine_renew_list = NULL; p->engine_renew = false; p->engine_renew_months = -6; p->engine_renew_money = 100000; } /* When loading a game, _local_player is not yet set to the correct value. * However, in a dedicated server we are a spectator, so nothing needs to * happen. In case we are not a dedicated server, the local player always * becomes player 0, unless we are in the scenario editor where all the * players are 'invalid'. */ if (!_network_dedicated && IsValidPlayer(PLAYER_FIRST)) { p = GetPlayer(PLAYER_FIRST); p->engine_renew = _patches.autorenew; p->engine_renew_months = _patches.autorenew_months; p->engine_renew_money = _patches.autorenew_money; } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(48)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_RAILWAY: if (IsPlainRailTile(t)) { /* Swap ground type and signal type for plain rail tiles, so the * ground type uses the same bits as for depots and waypoints. */ uint tmp = GB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4); SB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4, GB(_m[t].m2, 0, 4)); SB(_m[t].m2, 0, 4, tmp); } else if (HasBit(_m[t].m5, 2)) { /* Split waypoint and depot rail type and remove the subtype. */ ClrBit(_m[t].m5, 2); ClrBit(_m[t].m5, 6); } break; case MP_ROAD: /* Swap m3 and m4, so the track type for rail crossings is the * same as for normal rail. */ Swap(_m[t].m3, _m[t].m4); break; default: break; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(61)) { /* Added the RoadType */ bool old_bridge = CheckSavegameVersion(42); for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch(GetTileType(t)) { case MP_ROAD: SB(_m[t].m5, 6, 2, GB(_m[t].m5, 4, 2)); switch (GetRoadTileType(t)) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case ROAD_TILE_NORMAL: SB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4, GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 4)); SB(_m[t].m4, 4, 4, 0); SB(_m[t].m6, 2, 4, 0); break; case ROAD_TILE_CROSSING: SB(_m[t].m4, 5, 2, GB(_m[t].m5, 2, 2)); break; case ROAD_TILE_DEPOT: break; } SetRoadTypes(t, ROADTYPES_ROAD); break; case MP_STATION: if (IsRoadStop(t)) SetRoadTypes(t, ROADTYPES_ROAD); break; case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: /* Middle part of "old" bridges */ if (old_bridge && IsBridge(t) && HasBit(_m[t].m5, 6)) break; if (((old_bridge && IsBridge(t)) ? (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 1, 2) : GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t)) == TRANSPORT_ROAD) { SetRoadTypes(t, ROADTYPES_ROAD); } break; default: break; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(42)) { Vehicle* v; for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(t)) ClearBridgeMiddle(t); if (IsBridgeTile(t)) { if (HasBit(_m[t].m5, 6)) { // middle part Axis axis = (Axis)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 1); if (HasBit(_m[t].m5, 5)) { // transport route under bridge? if (GB(_m[t].m5, 3, 2) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) { MakeRailNormal( t, GetTileOwner(t), axis == AXIS_X ? TRACK_BIT_Y : TRACK_BIT_X, GetRailType(t) ); } else { TownID town = IsTileOwner(t, OWNER_TOWN) ? ClosestTownFromTile(t, (uint)-1)->index : 0; MakeRoadNormal( t, axis == AXIS_X ? ROAD_Y : ROAD_X, ROADTYPES_ROAD, town, GetTileOwner(t), OWNER_NONE, OWNER_NONE ); } } else { if (GB(_m[t].m5, 3, 2) == 0) { MakeClear(t, CLEAR_GRASS, 3); } else { if (GetTileSlope(t, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT) { MakeShore(t); } else { if (GetTileOwner(t) == OWNER_WATER) { MakeWater(t); } else { MakeCanal(t, GetTileOwner(t), Random()); } } } } SetBridgeMiddle(t, axis); } else { // ramp Axis axis = (Axis)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 1); uint north_south = GB(_m[t].m5, 5, 1); DiagDirection dir = ReverseDiagDir(XYNSToDiagDir(axis, north_south)); TransportType type = (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 1, 2); _m[t].m5 = 1 << 7 | type << 2 | dir; } } } FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN && v->type != VEH_ROAD) continue; if (IsBridgeTile(v->tile)) { DiagDirection dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(v->tile); if (dir != DirToDiagDir(v->direction)) continue; switch (dir) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case DIAGDIR_NE: if ((v->x_pos & 0xF) != 0) continue; break; case DIAGDIR_SE: if ((v->y_pos & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) continue; break; case DIAGDIR_SW: if ((v->x_pos & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) continue; break; case DIAGDIR_NW: if ((v->y_pos & 0xF) != 0) continue; break; } } else if (v->z_pos > GetSlopeZ(v->x_pos, v->y_pos)) { v->tile = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(v->tile); } else { continue; } if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) { v->u.rail.track = TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE; } else { v->u.road.state = RVSB_WORMHOLE; } } } /* Elrails got added in rev 24 */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(24)) { Vehicle *v; RailType min_rail = RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) { RailType rt = RailVehInfo(v->engine_type)->railtype; v->u.rail.railtype = rt; if (rt == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) min_rail = RAILTYPE_RAIL; } } /* .. so we convert the entire map from normal to elrail (so maintain "fairness") */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_RAILWAY: SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail)); break; case MP_ROAD: if (IsLevelCrossing(t)) { SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail)); } break; case MP_STATION: if (IsRailwayStation(t)) { SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail)); } break; case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) { SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail)); } break; default: break; } } FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && (IsFrontEngine(v) || IsFreeWagon(v))) TrainConsistChanged(v); } } /* In version 16.1 of the savegame a player can decide if trains, which get * replaced, shall keep their old length. In all prior versions, just default * to false */ if (CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(16, 1)) { FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) p->renew_keep_length = false; } /* In version 17, ground type is moved from m2 to m4 for depots and * waypoints to make way for storing the index in m2. The custom graphics * id which was stored in m4 is now saved as a grf/id reference in the * waypoint struct. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(17)) { Waypoint *wp; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) { if (wp->deleted == 0) { const StationSpec *statspec = NULL; if (HasBit(_m[wp->xy].m3, 4)) statspec = GetCustomStationSpec(STAT_CLASS_WAYP, _m[wp->xy].m4 + 1); if (statspec != NULL) { wp->stat_id = _m[wp->xy].m4 + 1; wp->grfid = statspec->grffile->grfid; wp->localidx = statspec->localidx; } else { /* No custom graphics set, so set to default. */ wp->stat_id = 0; wp->grfid = 0; wp->localidx = 0; } /* Move ground type bits from m2 to m4. */ _m[wp->xy].m4 = GB(_m[wp->xy].m2, 0, 4); /* Store waypoint index in the tile. */ _m[wp->xy].m2 = wp->index; } } } else { /* As of version 17, we recalculate the custom graphic ID of waypoints * from the GRF ID / station index. */ AfterLoadWaypoints(); } /* From version 15, we moved a semaphore bit from bit 2 to bit 3 in m4, making * room for PBS. Now in version 21 move it back :P. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(21) && !CheckSavegameVersion(15)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { switch (GetTileType(t)) { case MP_RAILWAY: if (HasSignals(t)) { /* convert PBS signals to combo-signals */ if (HasBit(_m[t].m2, 2)) SetSignalType(t, TRACK_X, SIGTYPE_COMBO); /* move the signal variant back */ SetSignalVariant(t, TRACK_X, HasBit(_m[t].m2, 3) ? SIG_SEMAPHORE : SIG_ELECTRIC); ClrBit(_m[t].m2, 3); } /* Clear PBS reservation on track */ if (!IsRailDepotTile(t)) { SB(_m[t].m4, 4, 4, 0); } else { ClrBit(_m[t].m3, 6); } break; case MP_ROAD: /* Clear PBS reservation on crossing */ if (IsLevelCrossing(t)) ClrBit(_m[t].m5, 0); break; case MP_STATION: /* Clear PBS reservation on station */ ClrBit(_m[t].m3, 6); break; default: break; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(22)) UpdatePatches(); if (CheckSavegameVersion(25)) { Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_ROAD) { v->vehstatus &= ~0x40; v->u.road.slot = NULL; v->u.road.slot_age = 0; } } } else { Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_ROAD && v->u.road.slot != NULL) v->u.road.slot->num_vehicles++; } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(26)) { Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { st->last_vehicle_type = VEH_INVALID; } } YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK); if (CheckSavegameVersion(34)) FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) ResetPlayerLivery(p); FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { p->avail_railtypes = GetPlayerRailtypes(p->index); p->avail_roadtypes = GetPlayerRoadtypes(p->index); } if (!CheckSavegameVersion(27)) AfterLoadStations(); /* Time starts at 0 instead of 1920. * Account for this in older games by adding an offset */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(31)) { Station *st; Waypoint *wp; Engine *e; Player *player; Industry *i; Vehicle *v; _date += DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; _cur_year += ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) st->build_date += DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_WAYPOINTS(wp) wp->build_date += DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_ENGINES(e) e->intro_date += DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(player) player->inaugurated_year += ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_INDUSTRIES(i) i->last_prod_year += ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { v->date_of_last_service += DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; v->build_year += ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR; } } /* From 32 on we save the industry who made the farmland. * To give this prettyness to old savegames, we remove all farmfields and * plant new ones. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(32)) { Industry *i; for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_CLEAR) && IsClearGround(t, CLEAR_FIELDS)) { /* remove fields */ MakeClear(t, CLEAR_GRASS, 3); } else if (IsTileType(t, MP_CLEAR) || IsTileType(t, MP_TREES)) { /* remove fences around fields */ SetFenceSE(t, 0); SetFenceSW(t, 0); } } FOR_ALL_INDUSTRIES(i) { uint j; if (GetIndustrySpec(i->type)->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_ON_BUILT) { for (j = 0; j != 50; j++) PlantRandomFarmField(i); } } } /* Setting no refit flags to all orders in savegames from before refit in orders were added */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(36)) { Order *order; Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_ORDERS(order) { order->SetRefit(CT_NO_REFIT); } FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { v->current_order.SetRefit(CT_NO_REFIT); } } /* from version 38 we have optional elrails, since we cannot know the * preference of a user, let elrails enabled; it can be disabled manually */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(38)) _patches.disable_elrails = false; /* do the same as when elrails were enabled/disabled manually just now */ SettingsDisableElrail(_patches.disable_elrails); InitializeRailGUI(); /* From version 53, the map array was changed for house tiles to allow * space for newhouses grf features. A new byte, m7, was also added. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(53)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)) { if (GB(_m[t].m3, 6, 2) != TOWN_HOUSE_COMPLETED) { /* Move the construction stage from m3[7..6] to m5[5..4]. * The construction counter does not have to move. */ SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 2, GB(_m[t].m3, 6, 2)); SB(_m[t].m3, 6, 2, 0); /* The "house is completed" bit is now in m6[2]. */ SetHouseCompleted(t, false); } else { /* The "lift has destination" bit has been moved from * m5[7] to m7[0]. */ SB(_me[t].m7, 0, 1, HasBit(_m[t].m5, 7)); ClrBit(_m[t].m5, 7); /* The "lift is moving" bit has been removed, as it does * the same job as the "lift has destination" bit. */ ClrBit(_m[t].m1, 7); /* The position of the lift goes from m1[7..0] to m6[7..2], * making m1 totally free, now. The lift position does not * have to be a full byte since the maximum value is 36. */ SetLiftPosition(t, GB(_m[t].m1, 0, 6 )); _m[t].m1 = 0; _m[t].m3 = 0; SetHouseCompleted(t, true); } } } } /* Check and update house and town values */ UpdateHousesAndTowns(); if (CheckSavegameVersion(43)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_INDUSTRY)) { switch (GetIndustryGfx(t)) { case GFX_POWERPLANT_SPARKS: SetIndustryAnimationState(t, GB(_m[t].m1, 2, 5)); break; case GFX_OILWELL_ANIMATED_1: case GFX_OILWELL_ANIMATED_2: case GFX_OILWELL_ANIMATED_3: SetIndustryAnimationState(t, GB(_m[t].m1, 0, 2)); break; case GFX_COAL_MINE_TOWER_ANIMATED: case GFX_COPPER_MINE_TOWER_ANIMATED: case GFX_GOLD_MINE_TOWER_ANIMATED: SetIndustryAnimationState(t, _m[t].m1); break; default: /* No animation states to change */ break; } } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(44)) { Vehicle *v; /* If we remove a station while cargo from it is still enroute, payment calculation will assume * 0, 0 to be the source of the cargo, resulting in very high payments usually. v->source_xy * stores the coordinates, preserving them even if the station is removed. However, if a game is loaded * where this situation exists, the cargo-source information is lost. in this case, we set the source * to the current tile of the vehicle to prevent excessive profits */ FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { const CargoList::List *packets = v->cargo.Packets(); for (CargoList::List::const_iterator it = packets->begin(); it != packets->end(); it++) { CargoPacket *cp = *it; cp->source_xy = IsValidStationID(cp->source) ? GetStation(cp->source)->xy : v->tile; cp->loaded_at_xy = cp->source_xy; } v->cargo.InvalidateCache(); } /* Store position of the station where the goods come from, so there * are no very high payments when stations get removed. However, if the * station where the goods came from is already removed, the source * information is lost. In that case we set it to the position of this * station */ Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[c]; const CargoList::List *packets = ge->cargo.Packets(); for (CargoList::List::const_iterator it = packets->begin(); it != packets->end(); it++) { CargoPacket *cp = *it; cp->source_xy = IsValidStationID(cp->source) ? GetStation(cp->source)->xy : st->xy; cp->loaded_at_xy = cp->source_xy; } } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(45)) { Vehicle *v; /* Originally just the fact that some cargo had been paid for was * stored to stop people cheating and cashing in several times. This * wasn't enough though as it was cleared when the vehicle started * loading again, even if it didn't actually load anything, so now the * amount of cargo that has been paid for is stored. */ FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { const CargoList::List *packets = v->cargo.Packets(); for (CargoList::List::const_iterator it = packets->begin(); it != packets->end(); it++) { CargoPacket *cp = *it; cp->paid_for = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, 2); } ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, 2); v->cargo.InvalidateCache(); } } /* Buoys do now store the owner of the previous water tile, which can never * be OWNER_NONE. So replace OWNER_NONE with OWNER_WATER. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(46)) { Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { if (st->IsBuoy() && IsTileOwner(st->xy, OWNER_NONE) && TileHeight(st->xy) == 0) SetTileOwner(st->xy, OWNER_WATER); } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(50)) { Vehicle *v; /* Aircraft units changed from 8 mph to 1 km/h */ FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && v->subtype <= AIR_AIRCRAFT) { const AircraftVehicleInfo *avi = AircraftVehInfo(v->engine_type); v->cur_speed *= 129; v->cur_speed /= 10; v->max_speed = avi->max_speed; v->acceleration = avi->acceleration; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(49)) FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) p->face = ConvertFromOldPlayerFace(p->face); if (CheckSavegameVersion(52)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsStatueTile(t)) { _m[t].m2 = CalcClosestTownFromTile(t, (uint)-1)->index; } } } /* A patch option containing the proportion of towns that grow twice as * fast was added in version 54. From version 56 this is now saved in the * town as cities can be built specifically in the scenario editor. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(56)) { Town *t; FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) { if (_patches.larger_towns != 0 && (t->index % _patches.larger_towns) == 0) { t->larger_town = true; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(57)) { Vehicle *v; /* Added a FIFO queue of vehicles loading at stations */ FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if ((v->type != VEH_TRAIN || IsFrontEngine(v)) && // for all locs !(v->vehstatus & (VS_STOPPED | VS_CRASHED)) && // not stopped or crashed v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) { // loading GetStation(v->last_station_visited)->loading_vehicles.push_back(v); /* The loading finished flag is *only* set when actually completely * finished. Because the vehicle is loading, it is not finished. */ ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_LOADING_FINISHED); } } } else if (CheckSavegameVersion(59)) { /* For some reason non-loading vehicles could be in the station's loading vehicle list */ Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { std::list::iterator iter; for (iter = st->loading_vehicles.begin(); iter != st->loading_vehicles.end();) { Vehicle *v = *iter; iter++; if (!v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) st->loading_vehicles.remove(v); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(58)) { /* patch difficulty number_industries other then zero get bumped to +1 * since a new option (very low at position1) has been added */ if (_opt.diff.number_industries > 0) { _opt.diff.number_industries++; } /* Same goes for number of towns, although no test is needed, just an increment */ _opt.diff.number_towns++; } if (CheckSavegameVersion(64)) { /* copy the signal type/variant and move signal states bits */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignals(t)) { SetSignalStates(t, GB(_m[t].m2, 4, 4)); SetSignalVariant(t, INVALID_TRACK, GetSignalVariant(t, TRACK_X)); SetSignalType(t, INVALID_TRACK, GetSignalType(t, TRACK_X)); ClrBit(_m[t].m2, 7); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(69)) { /* In some old savegames a bit was cleared when it should not be cleared */ Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_ROAD && (v->u.road.state == 250 || v->u.road.state == 251)) { SetBit(v->u.road.state, RVS_IS_STOPPING); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(70)) { /* Added variables to support newindustries */ Industry *i; FOR_ALL_INDUSTRIES(i) i->founder = OWNER_NONE; } /* From version 82, old style canals (above sealevel (0), WATER owner) are no longer supported. Replace the owner for those by OWNER_NONE. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(82)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) && GetWaterTileType(t) == WATER_TILE_CLEAR && GetTileOwner(t) == OWNER_WATER && TileHeight(t) != 0) { SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_NONE); } } } /* * Add the 'previous' owner to the ship depots so we can reset it with * the correct values when it gets destroyed. This prevents that * someone can remove canals owned by somebody else and it prevents * making floods using the removal of ship depots. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(83)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) && IsShipDepot(t)) { _m[t].m4 = (TileHeight(t) == 0) ? OWNER_WATER : OWNER_NONE; } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(74)) { Station *st; FOR_ALL_STATIONS(st) { for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { st->goods[c].last_speed = 0; if (st->goods[c].cargo.Count() != 0) SetBit(st->goods[c].acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::PICKUP); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(78)) { Industry *i; uint j; FOR_ALL_INDUSTRIES(i) { const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(i->type); for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) { i->produced_cargo[j] = indsp->produced_cargo[j]; } for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) { i->accepts_cargo[j] = indsp->accepts_cargo[j]; } } } /* Before version 81, the density of grass was always stored as zero, and * grassy trees were always drawn fully grassy. Furthermore, trees on rough * land used to have zero density, now they have full density. Therefore, * make all grassy/rough land trees have a density of 3. */ if (CheckSavegameVersion(81)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (GetTileType(t) == MP_TREES) { TreeGround groundType = GetTreeGround(t); if (groundType != TREE_GROUND_SNOW_DESERT) SetTreeGroundDensity(t, groundType, 3); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(93)) { /* Rework of orders. */ Order *order; FOR_ALL_ORDERS(order) order->ConvertFromOldSavegame(); Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->orders != NULL && !v->orders->IsValid()) v->orders = NULL; v->current_order.ConvertFromOldSavegame(); if (v->type == VEH_ROAD && v->IsPrimaryVehicle() && v->prev_shared == NULL) { FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) order->SetNonStopType(ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS); } } } else if (CheckSavegameVersion(94)) { /* Unload and transfer are now mutual exclusive. */ Order *order; FOR_ALL_ORDERS(order) { if ((order->GetUnloadType() & (OUFB_UNLOAD | OUFB_TRANSFER)) == (OUFB_UNLOAD | OUFB_TRANSFER)) { order->SetUnloadType(OUFB_TRANSFER); order->SetLoadType(OLFB_NO_LOAD); } } Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if ((v->current_order.GetUnloadType() & (OUFB_UNLOAD | OUFB_TRANSFER)) == (OUFB_UNLOAD | OUFB_TRANSFER)) { v->current_order.SetUnloadType(OUFB_TRANSFER); v->current_order.SetLoadType(OLFB_NO_LOAD); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(84)) { /* Update go to buoy orders because they are just waypoints */ Order *order; FOR_ALL_ORDERS(order) { if (order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && GetStation(order->GetDestination())->IsBuoy()) { order->SetLoadType(OLF_LOAD_IF_POSSIBLE); order->SetUnloadType(OUF_UNLOAD_IF_POSSIBLE); } } /* Set all share owners to PLAYER_SPECTATOR for * 1) all inactive players * (when inactive players were stored in the savegame - TTD, TTDP and some * *really* old revisions of OTTD; else it is already set in InitializePlayers()) * 2) shares that are owned by inactive players or self * (caused by cheating players in earlier revisions) */ Player *p; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { if (!p->is_active) { for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { p->share_owners[i] = PLAYER_SPECTATOR; } } else { for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { PlayerID o = p->share_owners[i]; if (o == PLAYER_SPECTATOR) continue; if (!IsValidPlayer(o) || o == p->index || !GetPlayer(o)->is_active) p->share_owners[i] = PLAYER_SPECTATOR; } } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(86)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { /* Now all crossings should be in correct state */ if (IsLevelCrossingTile(t)) UpdateLevelCrossing(t, false); /* Move river flag and update canals to use water class */ if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER)) { if (GetWaterClass(t) != WATER_CLASS_RIVER) { if (IsWater(t)) { Owner o = GetTileOwner(t); if (o == OWNER_WATER) { MakeWater(t); } else { MakeCanal(t, o, Random()); } } else if (IsShipDepot(t)) { Owner o = (Owner)_m[t].m4; // Original water owner SetWaterClass(t, o == OWNER_WATER ? WATER_CLASS_SEA : WATER_CLASS_CANAL); } } } } /* Update locks, depots, docks and buoys to have a water class based * on its neighbouring tiles. Done after river and canal updates to * ensure neighbours are correct. */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (GetTileSlope(t, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT) continue; if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) && IsLock(t)) SetWaterClassDependingOnSurroundings(t); if (IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && (IsDock(t) || IsBuoy(t))) SetWaterClassDependingOnSurroundings(t); } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(87)) { for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { /* skip oil rigs at borders! */ if ((IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) || IsBuoyTile(t)) && (TileX(t) == 0 || TileY(t) == 0 || TileX(t) == MapMaxX() - 1 || TileY(t) == MapMaxY() - 1)) { /* Some version 86 savegames have wrong water class at map borders (under buoy, or after removing buoy). * This conversion has to be done before buoys with invalid owner are removed. */ SetWaterClass(t, WATER_CLASS_SEA); } if (IsBuoyTile(t) || IsDriveThroughStopTile(t) || IsTileType(t, MP_WATER)) { Owner o = GetTileOwner(t); if (IsValidPlayer(o) && !GetPlayer(o)->is_active) { _current_player = o; ChangeTileOwner(t, o, PLAYER_SPECTATOR); } if (IsBuoyTile(t)) { /* reset buoy owner to OWNER_NONE in the station struct * (even if it is owned by active player) */ GetStationByTile(t)->owner = OWNER_NONE; } } else if (IsTileType(t, MP_ROAD)) { /* works for all RoadTileType */ for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_ROAD; rt < ROADTYPE_END; rt++) { /* update even non-existing road types to update tile owner too */ Owner o = GetRoadOwner(t, rt); if (IsValidPlayer(o) && !GetPlayer(o)->is_active) SetRoadOwner(t, rt, OWNER_NONE); } if (IsLevelCrossing(t)) { Owner o = GetTileOwner(t); if (!GetPlayer(o)->is_active) { /* remove leftover rail piece from crossing (from very old savegames) */ _current_player = o; DoCommand(t, 0, GetCrossingRailTrack(t), DC_EXEC | DC_BANKRUPT, CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_RAIL); } } } } /* Convert old PF settings to new */ if (_patches.yapf.rail_use_yapf || CheckSavegameVersion(28)) { _patches.pathfinder_for_trains = VPF_YAPF; } else { _patches.pathfinder_for_trains = (_patches.new_pathfinding_all ? VPF_NPF : VPF_NTP); } if (_patches.yapf.road_use_yapf || CheckSavegameVersion(28)) { _patches.pathfinder_for_roadvehs = VPF_YAPF; } else { _patches.pathfinder_for_roadvehs = (_patches.new_pathfinding_all ? VPF_NPF : VPF_OPF); } if (_patches.yapf.ship_use_yapf) { _patches.pathfinder_for_ships = VPF_YAPF; } else { _patches.pathfinder_for_ships = (_patches.new_pathfinding_all ? VPF_NPF : VPF_OPF); } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(88)) { /* Profits are now with 8 bit fract */ Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { v->profit_this_year <<= 8; v->profit_last_year <<= 8; v->running_ticks = 0; } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(91)) { /* Increase HouseAnimationFrame from 5 to 7 bits */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < map_size; t++) { if (IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE) && GetHouseType(t) >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) { SetHouseAnimationFrame(t, GB(_m[t].m6, 3, 5)); } } } if (CheckSavegameVersion(62)) { /* Remove all trams from savegames without tram support. * There would be trams without tram track under causing crashes sooner or later. */ Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->type == VEH_ROAD && v->First() == v && HasBit(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) { if (_switch_mode_errorstr == INVALID_STRING_ID || _switch_mode_errorstr == STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOAD_WARNING) { _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_LOADGAME_REMOVED_TRAMS; } delete v; } } } return InitializeWindowsAndCaches(); } /** Reload all NewGRF files during a running game. This is a cut-down * version of AfterLoadGame(). * XXX - We need to reset the vehicle position hash because with a non-empty * hash AfterLoadVehicles() will loop infinitely. We need AfterLoadVehicles() * to recalculate vehicle data as some NewGRF vehicle sets could have been * removed or added and changed statistics */ void ReloadNewGRFData() { /* reload grf data */ GfxLoadSprites(); LoadStringWidthTable(); /* reload vehicles */ ResetVehiclePosHash(); AfterLoadVehicles(false); StartupEngines(); /* update station and waypoint graphics */ AfterLoadWaypoints(); AfterLoadStations(); /* Check and update house and town values */ UpdateHousesAndTowns(); /* redraw the whole screen */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); }