/* $Id$ */ /** @file newgrf_station.cpp Functions for dealing with station classes and custom stations. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "variables.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "debug.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "waypoint.h" #include "roadstop_base.h" #include "newgrf_commons.h" #include "newgrf_station.h" #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h" #include "newgrf_sound.h" #include "town.h" #include "newgrf_town.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "animated_tile_func.h" #include "functions.h" #include "tunnelbridge_map.h" #include "spritecache.h" #include "table/strings.h" static StationClass _station_classes[STAT_CLASS_MAX]; enum { MAX_SPECLIST = 255, }; enum TriggerArea { TA_TILE, TA_PLATFORM, TA_WHOLE, }; struct ETileArea : TileArea { ETileArea(const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, TriggerArea ta) { switch (ta) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case TA_TILE: this->tile = tile; this->w = 1; this->h = 1; break; case TA_PLATFORM: { TileIndex start, end; Axis axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile); TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(AxisToDiagDir(axis)); for (end = tile; IsRailwayStationTile(end + delta) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, end + delta); end += delta) { /* Nothing */ } for (start = tile; IsRailwayStationTile(start - delta) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start - delta); start -= delta) { /* Nothing */ } this->tile = start; this->w = TileX(end) - TileX(start) + 1; this->h = TileY(end) - TileY(start) + 1; break; } case TA_WHOLE: st->GetTileArea(this, Station::IsExpected(st) ? STATION_RAIL : STATION_WAYPOINT); this->w++; this->h++; break; } } }; /** * Reset station classes to their default state. * This includes initialising the Default and Waypoint classes with an empty * entry, for standard stations and waypoints. */ void ResetStationClasses() { for (StationClassID i = STAT_CLASS_BEGIN; i < STAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { _station_classes[i].id = 0; _station_classes[i].name = STR_EMPTY; _station_classes[i].stations = 0; free(_station_classes[i].spec); _station_classes[i].spec = NULL; } /* Set up initial data */ _station_classes[0].id = 'DFLT'; _station_classes[0].name = STR_STAT_CLASS_DFLT; _station_classes[0].stations = 1; _station_classes[0].spec = MallocT(1); _station_classes[0].spec[0] = NULL; _station_classes[1].id = 'WAYP'; _station_classes[1].name = STR_STAT_CLASS_WAYP; _station_classes[1].stations = 1; _station_classes[1].spec = MallocT(1); _station_classes[1].spec[0] = NULL; } /** * Allocate a station class for the given class id. * @param cls A 32 bit value identifying the class. * @return Index into _station_classes of allocated class. */ StationClassID AllocateStationClass(uint32 cls) { for (StationClassID i = STAT_CLASS_BEGIN; i < STAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { if (_station_classes[i].id == cls) { /* ClassID is already allocated, so reuse it. */ return i; } else if (_station_classes[i].id == 0) { /* This class is empty, so allocate it to the ClassID. */ _station_classes[i].id = cls; return i; } } grfmsg(2, "StationClassAllocate: already allocated %d classes, using default", STAT_CLASS_MAX); return STAT_CLASS_DFLT; } /** Set the name of a custom station class */ void SetStationClassName(StationClassID sclass, StringID name) { assert(sclass < STAT_CLASS_MAX); _station_classes[sclass].name = name; } /** Retrieve the name of a custom station class */ StringID GetStationClassName(StationClassID sclass) { assert(sclass < STAT_CLASS_MAX); return _station_classes[sclass].name; } /** * Get the number of station classes in use. * @return Number of station classes. */ uint GetNumStationClasses() { uint i; for (i = 0; i < STAT_CLASS_MAX && _station_classes[i].id != 0; i++) {} return i; } /** * Return the number of stations for the given station class. * @param sclass Index of the station class. * @return Number of stations in the class. */ uint GetNumCustomStations(StationClassID sclass) { assert(sclass < STAT_CLASS_MAX); return _station_classes[sclass].stations; } /** * Tie a station spec to its station class. * @param statspec The station spec. */ void SetCustomStationSpec(StationSpec *statspec) { StationClass *station_class; int i; /* If the station has already been allocated, don't reallocate it. */ if (statspec->allocated) return; assert(statspec->sclass < STAT_CLASS_MAX); station_class = &_station_classes[statspec->sclass]; i = station_class->stations++; station_class->spec = ReallocT(station_class->spec, station_class->stations); station_class->spec[i] = statspec; statspec->allocated = true; } /** * Retrieve a station spec from a class. * @param sclass Index of the station class. * @param station The station index with the class. * @return The station spec. */ const StationSpec *GetCustomStationSpec(StationClassID sclass, uint station) { assert(sclass < STAT_CLASS_MAX); if (station < _station_classes[sclass].stations) return _station_classes[sclass].spec[station]; /* If the custom station isn't defined any more, then the GRF file * probably was not loaded. */ return NULL; } /** * Retrieve a station spec by GRF location. * @param grfid GRF ID of station spec. * @param localidx Index within GRF file of station spec. * @param index Pointer to return the index of the station spec in its station class. If NULL then not used. * @return The station spec. */ const StationSpec *GetCustomStationSpecByGrf(uint32 grfid, byte localidx, int *index) { uint j; for (StationClassID i = STAT_CLASS_BEGIN; i < STAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { for (j = 0; j < _station_classes[i].stations; j++) { const StationSpec *statspec = _station_classes[i].spec[j]; if (statspec == NULL) continue; if (statspec->grffile->grfid == grfid && statspec->localidx == localidx) { if (index != NULL) *index = j; return statspec; } } } return NULL; } /* Evaluate a tile's position within a station, and return the result a bitstuffed format. * if not centred: .TNLcCpP, if centred: .TNL..CP * T = Tile layout number (GetStationGfx), N = Number of platforms, L = Length of platforms * C = Current platform number from start, c = from end * P = Position along platform from start, p = from end * if centred, C/P start from the centre and c/p are not available. */ uint32 GetPlatformInfo(Axis axis, byte tile, int platforms, int length, int x, int y, bool centred) { uint32 retval = 0; if (axis == AXIS_X) { Swap(platforms, length); Swap(x, y); } /* Limit our sizes to 4 bits */ platforms = min(15, platforms); length = min(15, length); x = min(15, x); y = min(15, y); if (centred) { x -= platforms / 2; y -= length / 2; SB(retval, 0, 4, y & 0xF); SB(retval, 4, 4, x & 0xF); } else { SB(retval, 0, 4, y); SB(retval, 4, 4, length - y - 1); SB(retval, 8, 4, x); SB(retval, 12, 4, platforms - x - 1); } SB(retval, 16, 4, length); SB(retval, 20, 4, platforms); SB(retval, 24, 4, tile); return retval; } /* Find the end of a railway station, from the tile, in the direction of delta. * If check_type is set, we stop if the custom station type changes. * If check_axis is set, we stop if the station direction changes. */ static TileIndex FindRailStationEnd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff delta, bool check_type, bool check_axis) { bool waypoint; byte orig_type = 0; Axis orig_axis = AXIS_X; waypoint = IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY); if (waypoint) { if (check_axis) orig_axis = GetWaypointAxis(tile); } else { if (check_type) orig_type = GetCustomStationSpecIndex(tile); if (check_axis) orig_axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile); } while (true) { TileIndex new_tile = TILE_ADD(tile, delta); if (waypoint) { if (!IsRailWaypointTile(new_tile)) break; if (check_axis && GetWaypointAxis(new_tile) != orig_axis) break; } else { if (!IsRailwayStationTile(new_tile)) break; if (check_type && GetCustomStationSpecIndex(new_tile) != orig_type) break; if (check_axis && GetRailStationAxis(new_tile) != orig_axis) break; } tile = new_tile; } return tile; } static uint32 GetPlatformInfoHelper(TileIndex tile, bool check_type, bool check_axis, bool centred) { int tx = TileX(tile); int ty = TileY(tile); int sx = TileX(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY(-1, 0), check_type, check_axis)); int sy = TileY(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 0, -1), check_type, check_axis)); int ex = TileX(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 1, 0), check_type, check_axis)) + 1; int ey = TileY(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 0, 1), check_type, check_axis)) + 1; Axis axis = IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) ? GetWaypointAxis(tile) : GetRailStationAxis(tile); tx -= sx; ex -= sx; ty -= sy; ey -= sy; return GetPlatformInfo(axis, IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) ? 2 : GetStationGfx(tile), ex, ey, tx, ty, centred); } static uint32 GetRailContinuationInfo(TileIndex tile) { /* Tile offsets and exit dirs for X axis */ static const Direction x_dir[8] = { DIR_SW, DIR_NE, DIR_SE, DIR_NW, DIR_S, DIR_E, DIR_W, DIR_N }; static const DiagDirection x_exits[8] = { DIAGDIR_SW, DIAGDIR_NE, DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_NW, DIAGDIR_SW, DIAGDIR_NE, DIAGDIR_SW, DIAGDIR_NE }; /* Tile offsets and exit dirs for Y axis */ static const Direction y_dir[8] = { DIR_SE, DIR_NW, DIR_SW, DIR_NE, DIR_S, DIR_W, DIR_E, DIR_N }; static const DiagDirection y_exits[8] = { DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_NW, DIAGDIR_SW, DIAGDIR_NE, DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_NW, DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_NW }; Axis axis = IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) ? GetWaypointAxis(tile) : GetRailStationAxis(tile); /* Choose appropriate lookup table to use */ const Direction *dir = axis == AXIS_X ? x_dir : y_dir; const DiagDirection *diagdir = axis == AXIS_X ? x_exits : y_exits; uint32 res = 0; uint i; for (i = 0; i < lengthof(x_dir); i++, dir++, diagdir++) { TileIndex neighbour_tile = tile + TileOffsByDir(*dir); TrackBits trackbits = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(neighbour_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)); if (trackbits != TRACK_BIT_NONE) { /* If there is any track on the tile, set the bit in the second byte */ SetBit(res, i + 8); /* With tunnels and bridges the tile has tracks, but they are not necessarily connected * with the next tile because the ramp is not going in the right direction. */ if (IsTileType(neighbour_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(neighbour_tile) != *diagdir) { continue; } /* If any track reaches our exit direction, set the bit in the lower byte */ if (trackbits & DiagdirReachesTracks(*diagdir)) SetBit(res, i); } } return res; } /* Station Resolver Functions */ static uint32 StationGetRandomBits(const ResolverObject *object) { const BaseStation *st = object->u.station.st; const TileIndex tile = object->u.station.tile; return (st == NULL ? 0 : st->random_bits) | (tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetStationTileRandomBits(tile) << 16); } static uint32 StationGetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object) { const BaseStation *st = object->u.station.st; return st == NULL ? 0 : st->waiting_triggers; } static void StationSetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object, int triggers) { BaseStation *st = const_cast(object->u.station.st); assert(st != NULL); st->waiting_triggers = triggers; } /** * Station variable cache * This caches 'expensive' station variable lookups which iterate over * several tiles that may be called multiple times per Resolve(). */ static struct { uint32 v40; uint32 v41; uint32 v45; uint32 v46; uint32 v47; uint32 v49; uint8 valid; } _svc; static uint32 StationGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available) { const BaseStation *st = object->u.station.st; TileIndex tile = object->u.station.tile; if (object->scope == VSG_SCOPE_PARENT) { /* Pass the request on to the town of the station */ const Town *t; if (st != NULL) { t = st->town; } else if (tile != INVALID_TILE) { t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, UINT_MAX); } else { *available = false; return UINT_MAX; } return TownGetVariable(variable, parameter, available, t); } if (st == NULL) { /* Station does not exist, so we're in a purchase list */ switch (variable) { case 0x40: case 0x41: case 0x46: case 0x47: case 0x49: return 0x2110000; // Platforms, tracks & position case 0x42: return 0; // Rail type (XXX Get current type from GUI?) case 0x43: return _current_company; // Station owner case 0x44: return 2; // PBS status case 0xFA: return Clamp(_date - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 65535); // Build date, clamped to a 16 bit value } *available = false; return UINT_MAX; } switch (variable) { /* Calculated station variables */ case 0x40: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 0)) { _svc.v40 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(tile, false, false, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 0); } return _svc.v40; case 0x41: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 1)) { _svc.v41 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(tile, true, false, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 1); } return _svc.v41; case 0x42: return GetTerrainType(tile) | (GetRailType(tile) << 8); case 0x43: return st->owner; // Station owner case 0x44: if (IsRailWaypointTile(tile)) { return GetDepotWaypointReservation(tile) ? 7 : 4; } else { return GetRailwayStationReservation(tile) ? 7 : 4; // PBS status } case 0x45: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 2)) { _svc.v45 = GetRailContinuationInfo(tile); SetBit(_svc.valid, 2); } return _svc.v45; case 0x46: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 3)) { _svc.v46 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(tile, false, false, true); SetBit(_svc.valid, 3); } return _svc.v46; case 0x47: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 4)) { _svc.v47 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(tile, true, false, true); SetBit(_svc.valid, 4); } return _svc.v47; case 0x49: if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 5)) { _svc.v49 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(tile, false, true, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 5); } return _svc.v49; case 0x4A: // Animation frame of tile return GetStationAnimationFrame(tile); /* Variables which use the parameter */ /* Variables 0x60 to 0x65 are handled separately below */ case 0x66: // Animation frame of nearby tile if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile); return st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile) ? GetStationAnimationFrame(tile) : UINT_MAX; case 0x67: { // Land info of nearby tile Axis axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile); if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile); // only perform if it is required Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL); bool swap = (axis == AXIS_Y && HasBit(tileh, SLOPE_W) != HasBit(tileh, SLOPE_E)); return GetNearbyTileInformation(tile) ^ (swap ? SLOPE_EW : 0); } case 0x68: { // Station info of nearby tiles TileIndex nearby_tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile); if (!IsRailwayStationTile(nearby_tile)) return 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32 grfid = st->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(tile)].grfid; bool perpendicular = GetRailStationAxis(tile) != GetRailStationAxis(nearby_tile); bool same_station = st->TileBelongsToRailStation(nearby_tile); uint32 res = GB(GetStationGfx(nearby_tile), 1, 2) << 12 | !!perpendicular << 11 | !!same_station << 10; if (IsCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)) { const StationSpecList ssl = BaseStation::GetByTile(nearby_tile)->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)]; res |= 1 << (ssl.grfid != grfid ? 9 : 8) | ssl.localidx; } return res; } /* General station variables */ case 0x82: return 50; case 0x84: return st->string_id; case 0x86: return 0; case 0xF0: return st->facilities; case 0xFA: return Clamp(st->build_date - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 65535); } return st->GetNewGRFVariable(object, variable, parameter, available); } uint32 Station::GetNewGRFVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available) const { switch (variable) { case 0x48: { // Accepted cargo types CargoID cargo_type; uint32 value = 0; for (cargo_type = 0; cargo_type < NUM_CARGO; cargo_type++) { if (HasBit(this->goods[cargo_type].acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::PICKUP)) SetBit(value, cargo_type); } return value; } case 0x8A: return this->had_vehicle_of_type; case 0xF1: return this->airport_type; case 0xF2: return this->truck_stops->status; case 0xF3: return this->bus_stops->status; case 0xF6: return this->airport_flags; case 0xF7: return GB(this->airport_flags, 8, 8); } /* Handle cargo variables with parameter, 0x60 to 0x65 */ if (variable >= 0x60 && variable <= 0x65) { CargoID c = GetCargoTranslation(parameter, object->u.station.statspec->grffile); if (c == CT_INVALID) return 0; const GoodsEntry *ge = &this->goods[c]; switch (variable) { case 0x60: return min(ge->cargo.Count(), 4095); case 0x61: return ge->days_since_pickup; case 0x62: return ge->rating; case 0x63: return ge->cargo.DaysInTransit(); case 0x64: return ge->last_speed | (ge->last_age << 8); case 0x65: return GB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::ACCEPTANCE, 1) << 3; } } /* Handle cargo variables (deprecated) */ if (variable >= 0x8C && variable <= 0xEC) { const GoodsEntry *g = &this->goods[GB(variable - 0x8C, 3, 4)]; switch (GB(variable - 0x8C, 0, 3)) { case 0: return g->cargo.Count(); case 1: return GB(min(g->cargo.Count(), 4095), 0, 4) | (GB(g->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::ACCEPTANCE, 1) << 7); case 2: return g->days_since_pickup; case 3: return g->rating; case 4: return g->cargo.Source(); case 5: return g->cargo.DaysInTransit(); case 6: return g->last_speed; case 7: return g->last_age; } } DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled station variable 0x%X", variable); *available = false; return UINT_MAX; } uint32 Waypoint::GetNewGRFVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available) const { switch (variable) { case 0x48: return 0; // Accepted cargo types case 0x8A: return HVOT_TRAIN; case 0xF1: return 0; // airport type case 0xF2: return 0; // truck stop status case 0xF3: return 0; // bus stop status case 0xF6: return 0; // airport flags case 0xF7: return 0; // airport flags cont. } /* Handle cargo variables with parameter, 0x60 to 0x65 */ if (variable >= 0x60 && variable <= 0x65) { return 0; } /* Handle cargo variables (deprecated) */ if (variable >= 0x8C && variable <= 0xEC) { switch (GB(variable - 0x8C, 0, 3)) { case 3: return INITIAL_STATION_RATING; case 4: return INVALID_STATION; default: return 0; } } DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled station variable 0x%X", variable); *available = false; return UINT_MAX; } static const SpriteGroup *StationResolveReal(const ResolverObject *object, const RealSpriteGroup *group) { const BaseStation *bst = object->u.station.st; const StationSpec *statspec = object->u.station.statspec; uint set; uint cargo = 0; CargoID cargo_type = object->u.station.cargo_type; if (bst == NULL || statspec->sclass == STAT_CLASS_WAYP) { return group->loading[0]; } const Station *st = Station::From(bst); switch (cargo_type) { case CT_INVALID: case CT_DEFAULT_NA: case CT_PURCHASE: cargo = 0; break; case CT_DEFAULT: for (cargo_type = 0; cargo_type < NUM_CARGO; cargo_type++) { cargo += st->goods[cargo_type].cargo.Count(); } break; default: cargo = st->goods[cargo_type].cargo.Count(); break; } if (HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_DIV_BY_STATION_SIZE)) cargo /= (st->trainst_w + st->trainst_h); cargo = min(0xfff, cargo); if (cargo > statspec->cargo_threshold) { if (group->num_loading > 0) { set = ((cargo - statspec->cargo_threshold) * group->num_loading) / (4096 - statspec->cargo_threshold); return group->loading[set]; } } else { if (group->num_loaded > 0) { set = (cargo * group->num_loaded) / (statspec->cargo_threshold + 1); return group->loaded[set]; } } return group->loading[0]; } static void NewStationResolver(ResolverObject *res, const StationSpec *statspec, const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile) { res->GetRandomBits = StationGetRandomBits; res->GetTriggers = StationGetTriggers; res->SetTriggers = StationSetTriggers; res->GetVariable = StationGetVariable; res->ResolveReal = StationResolveReal; res->u.station.st = st; res->u.station.statspec = statspec; res->u.station.tile = tile; res->callback = CBID_NO_CALLBACK; res->callback_param1 = 0; res->callback_param2 = 0; res->last_value = 0; res->trigger = 0; res->reseed = 0; res->count = 0; res->grffile = (statspec != NULL ? statspec->grffile : NULL); } static const SpriteGroup *ResolveStation(ResolverObject *object) { const SpriteGroup *group; CargoID ctype = CT_DEFAULT_NA; if (object->u.station.st == NULL) { /* No station, so we are in a purchase list */ ctype = CT_PURCHASE; } else if (Station::IsExpected(object->u.station.st)) { const Station *st = Station::From(object->u.station.st); /* Pick the first cargo that we have waiting */ const CargoSpec *cs; FOR_ALL_CARGOSPECS(cs) { if (object->u.station.statspec->spritegroup[cs->Index()] != NULL && !st->goods[cs->Index()].cargo.Empty()) { ctype = cs->Index(); break; } } } group = object->u.station.statspec->spritegroup[ctype]; if (group == NULL) { ctype = CT_DEFAULT; group = object->u.station.statspec->spritegroup[ctype]; } if (group == NULL) return NULL; /* Remember the cargo type we've picked */ object->u.station.cargo_type = ctype; /* Invalidate all cached vars */ _svc.valid = 0; return SpriteGroup::Resolve(group, object); } SpriteID GetCustomStationRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile) { const SpriteGroup *group; ResolverObject object; NewStationResolver(&object, statspec, st, tile); group = ResolveStation(&object); if (group == NULL || group->type != SGT_RESULT) return 0; return group->GetResult() - 0x42D; } SpriteID GetCustomStationGroundRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile) { const SpriteGroup *group; ResolverObject object; NewStationResolver(&object, statspec, st, tile); if (HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_SEPARATE_GROUND)) { object.callback_param1 = 1; // Indicate we are resolving the ground sprite } group = ResolveStation(&object); if (group == NULL || group->type != SGT_RESULT) return 0; return group->GetResult() - 0x42D; } uint16 GetStationCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, const StationSpec *statspec, const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile) { const SpriteGroup *group; ResolverObject object; NewStationResolver(&object, statspec, st, tile); object.callback = callback; object.callback_param1 = param1; object.callback_param2 = param2; group = ResolveStation(&object); if (group == NULL) return CALLBACK_FAILED; return group->GetCallbackResult(); } /** * Allocate a StationSpec to a Station. This is called once per build operation. * @param statspec StationSpec to allocate. * @param st Station to allocate it to. * @param exec Whether to actually allocate the spec. * @return Index within the Station's spec list, or -1 if the allocation failed. */ int AllocateSpecToStation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, bool exec) { uint i; if (statspec == NULL || st == NULL) return 0; for (i = 1; i < st->num_specs && i < MAX_SPECLIST; i++) { if (st->speclist[i].spec == NULL && st->speclist[i].grfid == 0) break; } if (i == MAX_SPECLIST) { /* As final effort when the spec list is already full... * try to find the same spec and return that one. This might * result in slighty "wrong" (as per specs) looking stations, * but it's fairly unlikely that one reaches the limit anyways. */ for (i = 1; i < st->num_specs && i < MAX_SPECLIST; i++) { if (st->speclist[i].spec == statspec) return i; } return -1; } if (exec) { if (i >= st->num_specs) { st->num_specs = i + 1; st->speclist = ReallocT(st->speclist, st->num_specs); if (st->num_specs == 2) { /* Initial allocation */ st->speclist[0].spec = NULL; st->speclist[0].grfid = 0; st->speclist[0].localidx = 0; } } st->speclist[i].spec = statspec; st->speclist[i].grfid = statspec->grffile->grfid; st->speclist[i].localidx = statspec->localidx; } return i; } /** Deallocate a StationSpec from a Station. Called when removing a single station tile. * @param st Station to work with. * @param specindex Index of the custom station within the Station's spec list. * @return Indicates whether the StationSpec was deallocated. */ void DeallocateSpecFromStation(BaseStation *st, byte specindex) { /* specindex of 0 (default) is never freeable */ if (specindex == 0) return; ETileArea area = ETileArea(st, INVALID_TILE, TA_WHOLE); /* Check all tiles over the station to check if the specindex is still in use */ for (uint y = 0; y < area.h; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < area.w; x++) { if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(area.tile) && GetCustomStationSpecIndex(area.tile) == specindex) { return; } area.tile += TileDiffXY(1, 0); } area.tile += TileDiffXY(-area.w, 1); } /* This specindex is no longer in use, so deallocate it */ st->speclist[specindex].spec = NULL; st->speclist[specindex].grfid = 0; st->speclist[specindex].localidx = 0; /* If this was the highest spec index, reallocate */ if (specindex == st->num_specs - 1) { for (; st->speclist[st->num_specs - 1].grfid == 0 && st->num_specs > 1; st->num_specs--) {} if (st->num_specs > 1) { st->speclist = ReallocT(st->speclist, st->num_specs); } else { free(st->speclist); st->num_specs = 0; st->speclist = NULL; st->cached_anim_triggers = 0; return; } } StationUpdateAnimTriggers(st); } /** Draw representation of a station tile for GUI purposes. * @param x Position x of image. * @param y Position y of image. * @param axis Axis. * @param railtype Rail type. * @param sclass, station Type of station. * @param station station ID * @return True if the tile was drawn (allows for fallback to default graphic) */ bool DrawStationTile(int x, int y, RailType railtype, Axis axis, StationClassID sclass, uint station) { const StationSpec *statspec; const DrawTileSprites *sprites; const DrawTileSeqStruct *seq; const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(railtype); SpriteID relocation; SpriteID image; SpriteID palette = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(_local_company); uint tile = 2; statspec = GetCustomStationSpec(sclass, station); if (statspec == NULL) return false; relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, NULL, INVALID_TILE); if (HasBit(statspec->callbackmask, CBM_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT)) { uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT, 0x2110000, 0, statspec, NULL, INVALID_TILE); if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) tile = callback; } if (statspec->renderdata == NULL) { sprites = GetStationTileLayout(STATION_RAIL, tile + axis); } else { sprites = &statspec->renderdata[(tile < statspec->tiles) ? tile + axis : (uint)axis]; } image = sprites->ground.sprite; SpriteID pal = sprites->ground.pal; if (HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_USE_OFFSET)) { image += GetCustomStationGroundRelocation(statspec, NULL, INVALID_TILE); image += rti->custom_ground_offset; } else { image += rti->total_offset; } DrawSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette), x, y); Point child_offset = {0, 0}; foreach_draw_tile_seq(seq, sprites->seq) { image = seq->image.sprite; if (HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_USE_OFFSET)) { image += rti->total_offset; } else { image += relocation; } pal = SpriteLayoutPaletteTransform(image, seq->image.pal, palette); if ((byte)seq->delta_z != 0x80) { Point pt = RemapCoords(seq->delta_x, seq->delta_y, seq->delta_z); DrawSprite(image, pal, x + pt.x, y + pt.y); const Sprite *spr = GetSprite(image & SPRITE_MASK, ST_NORMAL); child_offset.x = pt.x + spr->x_offs; child_offset.y = pt.y + spr->y_offs; } else { /* For stations and original spritelayouts delta_x and delta_y are signed */ DrawSprite(image, pal, x + child_offset.x + seq->delta_x, y + child_offset.y + seq->delta_y); } } return true; } const StationSpec *GetStationSpec(TileIndex t) { if (IsRailwayStationTile(t)) { if (!IsCustomStationSpecIndex(t)) return NULL; const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(t); uint specindex = GetCustomStationSpecIndex(t); return specindex < st->num_specs ? st->speclist[specindex].spec : NULL; } if (IsRailWaypointTile(t)) { const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(t); return st->num_specs != 0 ? st->speclist[0].spec : NULL; } return NULL; } /* Check if a rail station tile is traversable. * XXX This could be cached (during build) in the map array to save on all the dereferencing */ bool IsStationTileBlocked(TileIndex tile) { const StationSpec *statspec = GetStationSpec(tile); return statspec != NULL && HasBit(statspec->blocked, GetStationGfx(tile)); } /* Check if a rail station tile is electrifiable. * XXX This could be cached (during build) in the map array to save on all the dereferencing */ bool IsStationTileElectrifiable(TileIndex tile) { const StationSpec *statspec = GetStationSpec(tile); return statspec == NULL || HasBit(statspec->pylons, GetStationGfx(tile)) || !HasBit(statspec->wires, GetStationGfx(tile)); } void AnimateStationTile(TileIndex tile) { const StationSpec *ss = GetStationSpec(tile); if (ss == NULL) return; const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile); uint8 animation_speed = ss->anim_speed; if (HasBit(ss->callbackmask, CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED)) { uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED, 0, 0, ss, st, tile); if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) animation_speed = Clamp(callback & 0xFF, 0, 16); } if (_tick_counter % (1 << animation_speed) != 0) return; uint8 frame = GetStationAnimationFrame(tile); uint8 num_frames = ss->anim_frames; bool frame_set_by_callback = false; if (HasBit(ss->callbackmask, CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME)) { uint32 param = HasBit(ss->flags, SSF_CB141_RANDOM_BITS) ? Random() : 0; uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME, param, 0, ss, st, tile); if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) { frame_set_by_callback = true; switch (callback & 0xFF) { case 0xFF: DeleteAnimatedTile(tile); break; case 0xFE: frame_set_by_callback = false; break; default: frame = callback & 0xFF; break; } /* If the lower 7 bits of the upper byte of the callback * result are not empty, it is a sound effect. */ if (GB(callback, 8, 7) != 0) PlayTileSound(ss->grffile, GB(callback, 8, 7), tile); } } if (!frame_set_by_callback) { if (frame < num_frames) { frame++; } else if (frame == num_frames && HasBit(ss->anim_status, 0)) { /* This animation loops, so start again from the beginning */ frame = 0; } else { /* This animation doesn't loop, so stay here */ DeleteAnimatedTile(tile); } } SetStationAnimationFrame(tile, frame); MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile); } static void ChangeStationAnimationFrame(const StationSpec *ss, const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint16 random_bits, StatAnimTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type) { uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_ANIM_START_STOP, (random_bits << 16) | Random(), (uint8)trigger | (cargo_type << 8), ss, st, tile); if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED) return; switch (callback & 0xFF) { case 0xFD: /* Do nothing. */ break; case 0xFE: AddAnimatedTile(tile); break; case 0xFF: DeleteAnimatedTile(tile); break; default: SetStationAnimationFrame(tile, callback); AddAnimatedTile(tile); break; } /* If the lower 7 bits of the upper byte of the callback * result are not empty, it is a sound effect. */ if (GB(callback, 8, 7) != 0) PlayTileSound(ss->grffile, GB(callback, 8, 7), tile); } void StationAnimationTrigger(const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, StatAnimTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type) { /* List of coverage areas for each animation trigger */ static const TriggerArea tas[] = { TA_TILE, TA_WHOLE, TA_WHOLE, TA_PLATFORM, TA_PLATFORM, TA_PLATFORM, TA_WHOLE }; /* Get Station if it wasn't supplied */ if (st == NULL) st = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile); /* Check the cached animation trigger bitmask to see if we need * to bother with any further processing. */ if (!HasBit(st->cached_anim_triggers, trigger)) return; uint16 random_bits = Random(); ETileArea area = ETileArea(st, tile, tas[trigger]); /* Check all tiles over the station to check if the specindex is still in use */ for (uint y = 0; y < area.h; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < area.w; x++) { if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(area.tile)) { const StationSpec *ss = GetStationSpec(area.tile); if (ss != NULL && HasBit(ss->anim_triggers, trigger)) { CargoID cargo; if (cargo_type == CT_INVALID) { cargo = CT_INVALID; } else { cargo = GetReverseCargoTranslation(cargo_type, ss->grffile); } ChangeStationAnimationFrame(ss, st, area.tile, random_bits, trigger, cargo); } } area.tile += TileDiffXY(1, 0); } area.tile += TileDiffXY(-area.w, 1); } } /** * Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station. * @param st Station to update. */ void StationUpdateAnimTriggers(BaseStation *st) { st->cached_anim_triggers = 0; /* Combine animation trigger bitmask for all station specs * of this station. */ for (uint i = 0; i < st->num_specs; i++) { const StationSpec *ss = st->speclist[i].spec; if (ss != NULL) st->cached_anim_triggers |= ss->anim_triggers; } }