/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** * @file network_udp.cpp This file handles the UDP related communication. * * This is the GameServer <-> MasterServer and GameServer <-> GameClient * communication before the game is being joined. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../date_func.h" #include "../map_func.h" #include "../debug.h" #include "network_gamelist.h" #include "network_internal.h" #include "network_udp.h" #include "network.h" #include "../core/endian_func.hpp" #include "../company_base.h" #include "../thread/thread.h" #include "../rev.h" #include "../newgrf_text.h" #include "../strings_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "core/udp.h" #include "../safeguards.h" /** Mutex for all out threaded udp resolution and such. */ static ThreadMutex *_network_udp_mutex = ThreadMutex::New(); /** Session key to register ourselves to the master server */ static uint64 _session_key = 0; static const uint32 ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL = 15 * 60 * 1000; ///< interval between advertising in ms (15 minutes) static const uint32 ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000; ///< re-advertise when no response after this many ms (10 seconds) static const uint32 ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES = 3; ///< give up re-advertising after this much failed retries NetworkUDPSocketHandler *_udp_client_socket = NULL; ///< udp client socket NetworkUDPSocketHandler *_udp_server_socket = NULL; ///< udp server socket NetworkUDPSocketHandler *_udp_master_socket = NULL; ///< udp master socket /** Simpler wrapper struct for NetworkUDPQueryServerThread */ struct NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo : NetworkAddress { bool manually; ///< Did we connect manually or not? /** * Create the structure. * @param address The address of the server to query. * @param manually Whether the address was entered manually. */ NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo(const NetworkAddress &address, bool manually) : NetworkAddress(address), manually(manually) { } }; /** * Helper function doing the actual work for querying the server. * @param address The address of the server. * @param needs_mutex Whether we need to acquire locks when sending the packet or not. * @param manually Whether the address was entered manually. */ static void NetworkUDPQueryServer(NetworkAddress *address, bool needs_mutex, bool manually) { /* Clear item in gamelist */ NetworkGameList *item = CallocT(1); address->GetAddressAsString(item->info.server_name, lastof(item->info.server_name)); strecpy(item->info.hostname, address->GetHostname(), lastof(item->info.hostname)); item->address = *address; item->manually = manually; NetworkGameListAddItemDelayed(item); if (needs_mutex) _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); /* Init the packet */ Packet p(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER); if (_udp_client_socket != NULL) _udp_client_socket->SendPacket(&p, address); if (needs_mutex) _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); } /** * Threaded part for resolving the IP of a server and querying it. * @param pntr the NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo. */ static void NetworkUDPQueryServerThread(void *pntr) { NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo *info = (NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo*)pntr; NetworkUDPQueryServer(info, true, info->manually); delete info; } /** * Query a specific server. * @param address The address of the server. * @param manually Whether the address was entered manually. */ void NetworkUDPQueryServer(NetworkAddress address, bool manually) { NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo *info = new NetworkUDPQueryServerInfo(address, manually); if (address.IsResolved() || !ThreadObject::New(NetworkUDPQueryServerThread, info, NULL, "ottd:udp-query")) { NetworkUDPQueryServerThread(info); } } ///*** Communication with the masterserver ***/ /** Helper class for connecting to the master server. */ class MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler : public NetworkUDPSocketHandler { protected: virtual void Receive_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void Receive_MASTER_SESSION_KEY(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); public: /** * Create the socket. * @param addresses The addresses to bind on. */ MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler(NetworkAddressList *addresses) : NetworkUDPSocketHandler(addresses) {} virtual ~MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler() {} }; void MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { _network_advertise_retries = 0; DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] advertising on master server successful (%s)", NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(client_addr->GetAddress()->ss_family)); /* We are advertised, but we don't want to! */ if (!_settings_client.network.server_advertise) NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise(false); } void MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_MASTER_SESSION_KEY(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { _session_key = p->Recv_uint64(); DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] received new session key from master server (%s)", NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(client_addr->GetAddress()->ss_family)); } ///*** Communication with clients (we are server) ***/ /** Helper class for handling all server side communication. */ class ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler : public NetworkUDPSocketHandler { protected: virtual void Receive_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void Receive_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void Receive_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); public: /** * Create the socket. * @param addresses The addresses to bind on. */ ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler(NetworkAddressList *addresses) : NetworkUDPSocketHandler(addresses) {} virtual ~ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler() {} }; void ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { /* Just a fail-safe.. should never happen */ if (!_network_udp_server) { return; } NetworkGameInfo ngi; /* Update some game_info */ ngi.clients_on = _network_game_info.clients_on; ngi.start_date = ConvertYMDToDate(_settings_game.game_creation.starting_year, 0, 1); ngi.server_lang = _settings_client.network.server_lang; ngi.use_password = !StrEmpty(_settings_client.network.server_password); ngi.clients_max = _settings_client.network.max_clients; ngi.companies_on = (byte)Company::GetNumItems(); ngi.companies_max = _settings_client.network.max_companies; ngi.spectators_on = NetworkSpectatorCount(); ngi.spectators_max = _settings_client.network.max_spectators; ngi.game_date = _date; ngi.map_width = MapSizeX(); ngi.map_height = MapSizeY(); ngi.map_set = _settings_game.game_creation.landscape; ngi.dedicated = _network_dedicated; ngi.grfconfig = _grfconfig; strecpy(ngi.map_name, _network_game_info.map_name, lastof(ngi.map_name)); strecpy(ngi.server_name, _settings_client.network.server_name, lastof(ngi.server_name)); strecpy(ngi.server_revision, GetNetworkRevisionString(), lastof(ngi.server_revision)); Packet packet(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE); this->SendNetworkGameInfo(&packet, &ngi); /* Let the client know that we are here */ this->SendPacket(&packet, client_addr); DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] queried from %s", client_addr->GetHostname()); } void ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { /* Just a fail-safe.. should never happen */ if (!_network_udp_server) return; Packet packet(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO); /* Send the amount of active companies */ packet.Send_uint8 (NETWORK_COMPANY_INFO_VERSION); packet.Send_uint8 ((uint8)Company::GetNumItems()); /* Fetch the latest version of the stats */ NetworkCompanyStats company_stats[MAX_COMPANIES]; NetworkPopulateCompanyStats(company_stats); /* The minimum company information "blob" size. */ static const uint MIN_CI_SIZE = 54; uint max_cname_length = NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH; if (Company::GetNumItems() * (MIN_CI_SIZE + NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH) >= (uint)SEND_MTU - packet.size) { /* Assume we can at least put the company information in the packets. */ assert(Company::GetNumItems() * MIN_CI_SIZE < (uint)SEND_MTU - packet.size); /* At this moment the company names might not fit in the * packet. Check whether that is really the case. */ for (;;) { int free = SEND_MTU - packet.size; Company *company; FOR_ALL_COMPANIES(company) { char company_name[NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH]; SetDParam(0, company->index); GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, company_name + max_cname_length - 1); free -= MIN_CI_SIZE; free -= (int)strlen(company_name); } if (free >= 0) break; /* Try again, with slightly shorter strings. */ assert(max_cname_length > 0); max_cname_length--; } } Company *company; /* Go through all the companies */ FOR_ALL_COMPANIES(company) { /* Send the information */ this->SendCompanyInformation(&packet, company, &company_stats[company->index], max_cname_length); } this->SendPacket(&packet, client_addr); } /** * A client has requested the names of some NewGRFs. * * Replying this can be tricky as we have a limit of SEND_MTU bytes * in the reply packet and we can send up to 100 bytes per NewGRF * (GRF ID, MD5sum and NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH bytes for the name). * As SEND_MTU is _much_ less than 100 * NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT, it * could be that a packet overflows. To stop this we only reply * with the first N NewGRFs so that if the first N + 1 NewGRFs * would be sent, the packet overflows. * in_reply and in_reply_count are used to keep a list of GRFs to * send in the reply. */ void ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { uint8 num_grfs; uint i; const GRFConfig *in_reply[NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT]; uint8 in_reply_count = 0; size_t packet_len = 0; DEBUG(net, 6, "[udp] newgrf data request from %s", client_addr->GetAddressAsString()); num_grfs = p->Recv_uint8 (); if (num_grfs > NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT) return; for (i = 0; i < num_grfs; i++) { GRFIdentifier c; const GRFConfig *f; this->ReceiveGRFIdentifier(p, &c); /* Find the matching GRF file */ f = FindGRFConfig(c.grfid, FGCM_EXACT, c.md5sum); if (f == NULL) continue; // The GRF is unknown to this server /* If the reply might exceed the size of the packet, only reply * the current list and do not send the other data. * The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename. */ packet_len += sizeof(c.grfid) + sizeof(c.md5sum) + min(strlen(f->GetName()) + 1, (size_t)NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH); if (packet_len > SEND_MTU - 4) { // 4 is 3 byte header + grf count in reply break; } in_reply[in_reply_count] = f; in_reply_count++; } if (in_reply_count == 0) return; Packet packet(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS); packet.Send_uint8(in_reply_count); for (i = 0; i < in_reply_count; i++) { char name[NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH]; /* The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename */ strecpy(name, in_reply[i]->GetName(), lastof(name)); this->SendGRFIdentifier(&packet, &in_reply[i]->ident); packet.Send_string(name); } this->SendPacket(&packet, client_addr); } ///*** Communication with servers (we are client) ***/ /** Helper class for handling all client side communication. */ class ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler : public NetworkUDPSocketHandler { protected: virtual void Receive_SERVER_RESPONSE(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void Receive_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void Receive_SERVER_NEWGRFS(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr); virtual void HandleIncomingNetworkGameInfoGRFConfig(GRFConfig *config); public: virtual ~ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler() {} }; void ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_RESPONSE(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { NetworkGameList *item; /* Just a fail-safe.. should never happen */ if (_network_udp_server) return; DEBUG(net, 4, "[udp] server response from %s", client_addr->GetAddressAsString()); /* Find next item */ item = NetworkGameListAddItem(*client_addr); ClearGRFConfigList(&item->info.grfconfig); this->ReceiveNetworkGameInfo(p, &item->info); item->info.compatible = true; { /* Checks whether there needs to be a request for names of GRFs and makes * the request if necessary. GRFs that need to be requested are the GRFs * that do not exist on the clients system and we do not have the name * resolved of, i.e. the name is still UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER. * The in_request array and in_request_count are used so there is no need * to do a second loop over the GRF list, which can be relatively expensive * due to the string comparisons. */ const GRFConfig *in_request[NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT]; const GRFConfig *c; uint in_request_count = 0; for (c = item->info.grfconfig; c != NULL; c = c->next) { if (c->status == GCS_NOT_FOUND) item->info.compatible = false; if (c->status != GCS_NOT_FOUND || strcmp(c->GetName(), UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) != 0) continue; in_request[in_request_count] = c; in_request_count++; } if (in_request_count > 0) { /* There are 'unknown' GRFs, now send a request for them */ uint i; Packet packet(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS); packet.Send_uint8(in_request_count); for (i = 0; i < in_request_count; i++) { this->SendGRFIdentifier(&packet, &in_request[i]->ident); } this->SendPacket(&packet, &item->address); } } if (item->info.hostname[0] == '\0') { seprintf(item->info.hostname, lastof(item->info.hostname), "%s", client_addr->GetHostname()); } if (client_addr->GetAddress()->ss_family == AF_INET6) { strecat(item->info.server_name, " (IPv6)", lastof(item->info.server_name)); } /* Check if we are allowed on this server based on the revision-match */ item->info.version_compatible = IsNetworkCompatibleVersion(item->info.server_revision); item->info.compatible &= item->info.version_compatible; // Already contains match for GRFs item->online = true; UpdateNetworkGameWindow(); } void ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { /* packet begins with the protocol version (uint8) * then an uint16 which indicates how many * ip:port pairs are in this packet, after that * an uint32 (ip) and an uint16 (port) for each pair. */ ServerListType type = (ServerListType)(p->Recv_uint8() - 1); if (type < SLT_END) { for (int i = p->Recv_uint16(); i != 0 ; i--) { sockaddr_storage addr_storage; memset(&addr_storage, 0, sizeof(addr_storage)); if (type == SLT_IPv4) { addr_storage.ss_family = AF_INET; ((sockaddr_in*)&addr_storage)->sin_addr.s_addr = TO_LE32(p->Recv_uint32()); } else { assert(type == SLT_IPv6); addr_storage.ss_family = AF_INET6; byte *addr = (byte*)&((sockaddr_in6*)&addr_storage)->sin6_addr; for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(in6_addr); i++) *addr++ = p->Recv_uint8(); } NetworkAddress addr(addr_storage, type == SLT_IPv4 ? sizeof(sockaddr_in) : sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); addr.SetPort(p->Recv_uint16()); /* Somehow we reached the end of the packet */ if (this->HasClientQuit()) return; NetworkUDPQueryServer(&addr, false, false); } } } /** The return of the client's request of the names of some NewGRFs */ void ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_NEWGRFS(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr) { uint8 num_grfs; uint i; DEBUG(net, 6, "[udp] newgrf data reply from %s", client_addr->GetAddressAsString()); num_grfs = p->Recv_uint8 (); if (num_grfs > NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT) return; for (i = 0; i < num_grfs; i++) { char name[NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH]; GRFIdentifier c; this->ReceiveGRFIdentifier(p, &c); p->Recv_string(name, sizeof(name)); /* An empty name is not possible under normal circumstances * and causes problems when showing the NewGRF list. */ if (StrEmpty(name)) continue; /* Try to find the GRFTextWrapper for the name of this GRF ID and MD5sum tuple. * If it exists and not resolved yet, then name of the fake GRF is * overwritten with the name from the reply. */ GRFTextWrapper *unknown_name = FindUnknownGRFName(c.grfid, c.md5sum, false); if (unknown_name != NULL && strcmp(GetGRFStringFromGRFText(unknown_name->text), UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) == 0) { AddGRFTextToList(&unknown_name->text, name); } } } void ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler::HandleIncomingNetworkGameInfoGRFConfig(GRFConfig *config) { /* Find the matching GRF file */ const GRFConfig *f = FindGRFConfig(config->ident.grfid, FGCM_EXACT, config->ident.md5sum); if (f == NULL) { /* Don't know the GRF, so mark game incompatible and the (possibly) * already resolved name for this GRF (another server has sent the * name of the GRF already */ config->name->Release(); config->name = FindUnknownGRFName(config->ident.grfid, config->ident.md5sum, true); config->name->AddRef(); config->status = GCS_NOT_FOUND; } else { config->filename = f->filename; config->name->Release(); config->name = f->name; config->name->AddRef(); config->info->Release(); config->info = f->info; config->info->AddRef(); config->url->Release(); config->url = f->url; config->url->AddRef(); } SetBit(config->flags, GCF_COPY); } /** Broadcast to all ips */ static void NetworkUDPBroadCast(NetworkUDPSocketHandler *socket) { for (NetworkAddress *addr = _broadcast_list.Begin(); addr != _broadcast_list.End(); addr++) { Packet p(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER); DEBUG(net, 4, "[udp] broadcasting to %s", addr->GetHostname()); socket->SendPacket(&p, addr, true, true); } } /** Request the the server-list from the master server */ void NetworkUDPQueryMasterServer() { Packet p(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST); NetworkAddress out_addr(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); /* packet only contains protocol version */ p.Send_uint8(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); p.Send_uint8(SLT_AUTODETECT); _udp_client_socket->SendPacket(&p, &out_addr, true); DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] master server queried at %s", out_addr.GetAddressAsString()); } /** Find all servers */ void NetworkUDPSearchGame() { /* We are still searching.. */ if (_network_udp_broadcast > 0) return; DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] searching server"); NetworkUDPBroadCast(_udp_client_socket); _network_udp_broadcast = 300; // Stay searching for 300 ticks } /** * Thread entry point for de-advertising. * @param pntr unused. */ static void NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertiseThread(void *pntr) { DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] removing advertise from master server"); /* Find somewhere to send */ NetworkAddress out_addr(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); /* Send the packet */ Packet p(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER); /* Packet is: Version, server_port */ p.Send_uint8 (NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); p.Send_uint16(_settings_client.network.server_port); _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); if (_udp_master_socket != NULL) _udp_master_socket->SendPacket(&p, &out_addr, true); _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); } /** * Remove our advertise from the master-server. * @param blocking whether to wait until the removal has finished. */ void NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise(bool blocking) { /* Check if we are advertising */ if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server) return; if (blocking || !ThreadObject::New(NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertiseThread, NULL, NULL, "ottd:udp-advert")) { NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertiseThread(NULL); } } /** * Thread entry point for advertising. * @param pntr unused. */ static void NetworkUDPAdvertiseThread(void *pntr) { /* Find somewhere to send */ NetworkAddress out_addr(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] advertising to master server"); /* Add a bit more messaging when we cannot get a session key */ static byte session_key_retries = 0; if (_session_key == 0 && session_key_retries++ == 2) { DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] advertising to the master server is failing"); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] we are not receiving the session key from the server"); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] please allow udp packets from %s to you to be delivered", out_addr.GetAddressAsString(false)); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] please allow udp packets from you to %s to be delivered", out_addr.GetAddressAsString(false)); } if (_session_key != 0 && _network_advertise_retries == 0) { DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] advertising to the master server is failing"); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] we are not receiving the acknowledgement from the server"); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] this usually means that the master server cannot reach us"); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] please allow udp and tcp packets to port %u to be delivered", _settings_client.network.server_port); DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] please allow udp and tcp packets from port %u to be delivered", _settings_client.network.server_port); } /* Send the packet */ Packet p(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER); /* Packet is: WELCOME_MESSAGE, Version, server_port */ p.Send_string(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE); p.Send_uint8 (NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); p.Send_uint16(_settings_client.network.server_port); p.Send_uint64(_session_key); _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); if (_udp_master_socket != NULL) _udp_master_socket->SendPacket(&p, &out_addr, true); _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); } /** * Register us to the master server * This function checks if it needs to send an advertise */ void NetworkUDPAdvertise() { static uint32 _last_advertisement = 0; ///< The time of the last advertisement (used to check for wrapping of time) static uint32 _next_advertisement = 0; ///< The next time we should perform a normal advertisement. static uint32 _next_retry = 0; ///< The next time we should perform a retry of an advertisement. /* Check if we should send an advertise */ if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server || !_settings_client.network.server_advertise) return; if (_network_need_advertise || _realtime_tick < _last_advertisement) { /* Forced advertisement, or a wrapping of time in which case we determine the advertisement/retry times again. */ _network_need_advertise = false; _network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES; } else { /* Only send once every ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL ticks */ if (_network_advertise_retries == 0) { if (_realtime_tick <= _next_advertisement) return; _network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES; } else { /* An actual retry. */ if (_realtime_tick <= _next_retry) return; } } _network_advertise_retries--; _last_advertisement = _realtime_tick; _next_advertisement = _realtime_tick + ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL; _next_retry = _realtime_tick + ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL; /* Make sure we do not have an overflow when checking these; when time wraps, we simply force an advertisement. */ if (_next_advertisement < _last_advertisement) _next_advertisement = UINT32_MAX; if (_next_retry < _last_advertisement) _next_retry = UINT32_MAX; if (!ThreadObject::New(NetworkUDPAdvertiseThread, NULL, NULL, "ottd:udp-advert")) { NetworkUDPAdvertiseThread(NULL); } } /** Initialize the whole UDP bit. */ void NetworkUDPInitialize() { /* If not closed, then do it. */ if (_udp_server_socket != NULL) NetworkUDPClose(); DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] initializing listeners"); assert(_udp_client_socket == NULL && _udp_server_socket == NULL && _udp_master_socket == NULL); _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); _udp_client_socket = new ClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler(); NetworkAddressList server; GetBindAddresses(&server, _settings_client.network.server_port); _udp_server_socket = new ServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler(&server); server.Clear(); GetBindAddresses(&server, 0); _udp_master_socket = new MasterNetworkUDPSocketHandler(&server); _network_udp_server = false; _network_udp_broadcast = 0; _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); } /** Close all UDP related stuff. */ void NetworkUDPClose() { _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); _udp_server_socket->Close(); _udp_master_socket->Close(); _udp_client_socket->Close(); delete _udp_client_socket; delete _udp_server_socket; delete _udp_master_socket; _udp_client_socket = NULL; _udp_server_socket = NULL; _udp_master_socket = NULL; _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); _network_udp_server = false; _network_udp_broadcast = 0; DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] closed listeners"); } /** Receive the UDP packets. */ void NetworkBackgroundUDPLoop() { _network_udp_mutex->BeginCritical(); if (_network_udp_server) { _udp_server_socket->ReceivePackets(); _udp_master_socket->ReceivePackets(); } else { _udp_client_socket->ReceivePackets(); if (_network_udp_broadcast > 0) _network_udp_broadcast--; } _network_udp_mutex->EndCritical(); }