/* $Id$ */ #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../debug.h" #include "../openttd.h" #include "network_data.h" #include "core/tcp.h" #include "network_client.h" #include "network_gamelist.h" #include "network_gui.h" #include "../saveload.h" #include "../command_func.h" #include "../console.h" #include "../variables.h" #include "../ai/ai.h" #include "../core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "../fileio.h" #include "../md5.h" #include "../strings_func.h" #include "../window_func.h" #include "../string_func.h" #include "../player_func.h" #include "../player_base.h" #include "../player_gui.h" #include "../rev.h" #include "table/strings.h" // This file handles all the client-commands // So we don't make too much typos ;) #define MY_CLIENT DEREF_CLIENT(0) static uint32 last_ack_frame; /** One bit of 'entropy' used to generate a salt for the company passwords. */ static uint32 _password_game_seed; /** The other bit of 'entropy' used to generate a salt for the company passwords. */ static char _password_server_unique_id[NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH]; /** Make sure the unique ID length is the same as a md5 hash. */ assert_compile(NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH == 16 * 2 + 1); /** * Generates a hashed password for the company name. * @param password the password to 'encrypt'. * @return the hashed password. */ static const char *GenerateCompanyPasswordHash(const char *password) { if (StrEmpty(password)) return password; char salted_password[NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH]; memset(salted_password, 0, sizeof(salted_password)); snprintf(salted_password, sizeof(salted_password), "%s", password); /* Add the game seed and the server's unique ID as the salt. */ for (uint i = 0; i < NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH - 1; i++) salted_password[i] ^= _password_server_unique_id[i] ^ (_password_game_seed >> i); Md5 checksum; uint8 digest[16]; static char hashed_password[NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH]; /* Generate the MD5 hash */ checksum.Append((const uint8*)salted_password, sizeof(salted_password) - 1); checksum.Finish(digest); for (int di = 0; di < 16; di++) sprintf(hashed_password + di * 2, "%02x", digest[di]); hashed_password[lengthof(hashed_password) - 1] = '\0'; return hashed_password; } /** * Hash the current company password; used when the server 'player' sets his/her password. */ void HashCurrentCompanyPassword() { if (StrEmpty(_network_player_info[_local_player].password)) return; _password_game_seed = _patches.generation_seed; ttd_strlcpy(_password_server_unique_id, _network_unique_id, sizeof(_password_server_unique_id)); const char *new_pw = GenerateCompanyPasswordHash(_network_player_info[_local_player].password); ttd_strlcpy(_network_player_info[_local_player].password, new_pw, sizeof(_network_player_info[_local_player].password)); } // ********** // Sending functions // DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND has no parameters // ********** DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_COMPANY_INFO) { // // Packet: CLIENT_COMPANY_INFO // Function: Request company-info (in detail) // Data: // // Packet *p; _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_GETTING_COMPANY_INFO; InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_COMPANY_INFO); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_JOIN) { // // Packet: CLIENT_JOIN // Function: Try to join the server // Data: // String: OpenTTD Revision (norev000 if no revision) // String: Player Name (max NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH) // uint8: Play as Player id (1..MAX_PLAYERS) // uint8: Language ID // String: Unique id to find the player back in server-listing // Packet *p; _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_AUTHORIZING; InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_JOIN); p->Send_string(_openttd_revision); p->Send_string(_network_player_name); // Player name p->Send_uint8 (_network_playas); // PlayAs p->Send_uint8 (NETLANG_ANY); // Language p->Send_string(_network_unique_id); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED) { // // Packet: CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED // Function: Tell the server that we have the required GRFs // Data: // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_PASSWORD)(NetworkPasswordType type, const char *password) { // // Packet: CLIENT_PASSWORD // Function: Send a password to the server to authorize // Data: // uint8: NetworkPasswordType // String: Password // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_PASSWORD); p->Send_uint8 (type); p->Send_string(type == NETWORK_GAME_PASSWORD ? password : GenerateCompanyPasswordHash(password)); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_GETMAP) { // // Packet: CLIENT_GETMAP // Function: Request the map from the server // Data: // // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_GETMAP); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK) { // // Packet: CLIENT_MAP_OK // Function: Tell the server that we are done receiving/loading the map // Data: // // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_ACK) { // // Packet: CLIENT_ACK // Function: Tell the server we are done with this frame // Data: // uint32: current FrameCounter of the client // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_ACK); p->Send_uint32(_frame_counter); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } // Send a command packet to the server DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_COMMAND)(CommandPacket *cp) { // // Packet: CLIENT_COMMAND // Function: Send a DoCommand to the Server // Data: // uint8: PlayerID (0..MAX_PLAYERS-1) // uint32: CommandID (see command.h) // uint32: P1 (free variables used in DoCommand) // uint32: P2 // uint32: Tile // string: text // uint8: CallBackID (see callback_table.c) // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_COMMAND); p->Send_uint8 (cp->player); p->Send_uint32(cp->cmd); p->Send_uint32(cp->p1); p->Send_uint32(cp->p2); p->Send_uint32((uint32)cp->tile); p->Send_string(cp->text); p->Send_uint8 (cp->callback); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } // Send a chat-packet over the network DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_CHAT)(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const char *msg) { // // Packet: CLIENT_CHAT // Function: Send a chat-packet to the serve // Data: // uint8: ActionID (see network_data.h, NetworkAction) // uint8: Destination Type (see network_data.h, DestType); // uint16: Destination Player // String: Message (max MAX_TEXT_MSG_LEN) // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_CHAT); p->Send_uint8 (action); p->Send_uint8 (type); p->Send_uint16(dest); p->Send_string(msg); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } // Send an error-packet over the network DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_ERROR)(NetworkErrorCode errorno) { // // Packet: CLIENT_ERROR // Function: The client made an error and is quiting the game // Data: // uint8: ErrorID (see network_data.h, NetworkErrorCode) // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_ERROR); p->Send_uint8(errorno); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_SET_PASSWORD)(const char *password) { // // Packet: PACKET_CLIENT_SET_PASSWORD // Function: Set the password for the clients current company // Data: // String: Password // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_SET_PASSWORD); p->Send_string(GenerateCompanyPasswordHash(password)); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_SET_NAME)(const char *name) { // // Packet: PACKET_CLIENT_SET_NAME // Function: Gives the player a new name // Data: // String: Name // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_SET_NAME); p->Send_string(name); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } // Send an quit-packet over the network DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_QUIT)(const char *leavemsg) { // // Packet: CLIENT_QUIT // Function: The client is quiting the game // Data: // String: leave-message // Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_QUIT); p->Send_string(leavemsg); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } DEF_CLIENT_SEND_COMMAND_PARAM(PACKET_CLIENT_RCON)(const char *pass, const char *command) { Packet *p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_CLIENT_RCON); p->Send_string(pass); p->Send_string(command); MY_CLIENT->Send_Packet(p); } // ********** // Receiving functions // DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND has parameter: Packet *p // ********** extern bool SafeSaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, int newgm, Subdirectory subdir); extern StringID _switch_mode_errorstr; DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_FULL) { // We try to join a server which is full _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SERVER_FULL; DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_FULL; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_BANNED) { // We try to join a server where we are banned _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SERVER_BANNED; DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_BANNED; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_COMPANY_INFO) { byte company_info_version; int i; company_info_version = p->Recv_uint8(); if (!MY_CLIENT->has_quit && company_info_version == NETWORK_COMPANY_INFO_VERSION) { byte total; PlayerID current; total = p->Recv_uint8(); // There is no data at all.. if (total == 0) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CLOSE_QUERY; current = (Owner)p->Recv_uint8(); if (!IsValidPlayer(current)) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CLOSE_QUERY; p->Recv_string(_network_player_info[current].company_name, sizeof(_network_player_info[current].company_name)); _network_player_info[current].inaugurated_year = p->Recv_uint32(); _network_player_info[current].company_value = p->Recv_uint64(); _network_player_info[current].money = p->Recv_uint64(); _network_player_info[current].income = p->Recv_uint64(); _network_player_info[current].performance = p->Recv_uint16(); _network_player_info[current].use_password = p->Recv_bool(); for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_VEHICLE_TYPES; i++) _network_player_info[current].num_vehicle[i] = p->Recv_uint16(); for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_STATION_TYPES; i++) _network_player_info[current].num_station[i] = p->Recv_uint16(); p->Recv_string(_network_player_info[current].players, sizeof(_network_player_info[current].players)); InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_WINDOW, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CLOSE_QUERY; } // This packet contains info about the client (playas and name) // as client we save this in NetworkClientInfo, linked via 'index' // which is always an unique number on a server. DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO) { NetworkClientInfo *ci; uint16 index = p->Recv_uint16(); PlayerID playas = (Owner)p->Recv_uint8(); char name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; char unique_id[NETWORK_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH]; p->Recv_string(name, sizeof(name)); p->Recv_string(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id)); if (MY_CLIENT->has_quit) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CONN_LOST; /* Do we receive a change of data? Most likely we changed playas */ if (index == _network_own_client_index) _network_playas = playas; ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(index); if (ci != NULL) { if (playas == ci->client_playas && strcmp(name, ci->client_name) != 0) { // Client name changed, display the change NetworkTextMessage(NETWORK_ACTION_NAME_CHANGE, 1, false, ci->client_name, "%s", name); } else if (playas != ci->client_playas) { // The player changed from client-player.. // Do not display that for now } ci->client_playas = playas; ttd_strlcpy(ci->client_name, name, sizeof(ci->client_name)); InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } // We don't have this index yet, find an empty index, and put the data there ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(NETWORK_EMPTY_INDEX); if (ci != NULL) { ci->client_index = index; ci->client_playas = playas; ttd_strlcpy(ci->client_name, name, sizeof(ci->client_name)); ttd_strlcpy(ci->unique_id, unique_id, sizeof(ci->unique_id)); InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } // Here the program should never ever come..... return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_ERROR) { NetworkErrorCode error = (NetworkErrorCode)p->Recv_uint8(); switch (error) { /* We made an error in the protocol, and our connection is closed.... */ case NETWORK_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED: case NETWORK_ERROR_NOT_EXPECTED: case NETWORK_ERROR_PLAYER_MISMATCH: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SERVER_ERROR; break; case NETWORK_ERROR_FULL: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SERVER_FULL; break; case NETWORK_ERROR_WRONG_REVISION: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_WRONG_REVISION; break; case NETWORK_ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD; break; case NETWORK_ERROR_KICKED: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_KICKED; break; case NETWORK_ERROR_CHEATER: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_CHEATER; break; default: _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_LOSTCONNECTION; } DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CHECK_NEWGRFS) { uint grf_count = p->Recv_uint8(); NetworkRecvStatus ret = NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; /* Check all GRFs */ for (; grf_count > 0; grf_count--) { GRFConfig c; MY_CLIENT->Recv_GRFIdentifier(p, &c); /* Check whether we know this GRF */ const GRFConfig *f = FindGRFConfig(c.grfid, c.md5sum); if (f == NULL) { /* We do not know this GRF, bail out of initialization */ char buf[sizeof(c.md5sum) * 2 + 1]; md5sumToString(buf, lastof(buf), c.md5sum); DEBUG(grf, 0, "NewGRF %08X not found; checksum %s", BSWAP32(c.grfid), buf); ret = NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_NEWGRF_MISMATCH; } } if (ret == NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY) { /* Start receiving the map */ SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED)(); } else { /* NewGRF mismatch, bail out */ _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_NEWGRF_MISMATCH; } return ret; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_NEED_PASSWORD) { NetworkPasswordType type = (NetworkPasswordType)p->Recv_uint8(); switch (type) { case NETWORK_COMPANY_PASSWORD: /* Initialize the password hash salting variables. */ _password_game_seed = p->Recv_uint32(); p->Recv_string(_password_server_unique_id, sizeof(_password_server_unique_id)); if (MY_CLIENT->has_quit) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET; case NETWORK_GAME_PASSWORD: ShowNetworkNeedPassword(type); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; default: return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET; } } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_WELCOME) { _network_own_client_index = p->Recv_uint16(); /* Initialize the password hash salting variables, even if they were previously. */ _password_game_seed = p->Recv_uint32(); p->Recv_string(_password_server_unique_id, sizeof(_password_server_unique_id)); // Start receiving the map SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_GETMAP)(); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_WAIT) { _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_WAITING; _network_join_waiting = p->Recv_uint8(); InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); // We are put on hold for receiving the map.. we need GUI for this ;) DEBUG(net, 1, "The server is currently busy sending the map to someone else, please wait..." ); DEBUG(net, 1, "There are %d clients in front of you", _network_join_waiting); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_MAP) { static FILE *file_pointer; byte maptype; maptype = p->Recv_uint8(); if (MY_CLIENT->has_quit) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CONN_LOST; // First packet, init some stuff if (maptype == MAP_PACKET_START) { file_pointer = FioFOpenFile("network_client.tmp", "wb", AUTOSAVE_DIR);; if (file_pointer == NULL) { _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SAVEGAMEERROR; return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SAVEGAME; } _frame_counter = _frame_counter_server = _frame_counter_max = p->Recv_uint32(); _network_join_kbytes = 0; _network_join_kbytes_total = p->Recv_uint32() / 1024; /* If the network connection has been closed due to loss of connection * or when _network_join_kbytes_total is 0, the join status window will * do a division by zero. When the connection is lost, we just return * that. If kbytes_total is 0, the packet must be malformed as a * savegame less than 1 kilobyte is practically impossible. */ if (MY_CLIENT->has_quit) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_CONN_LOST; if (_network_join_kbytes_total == 0) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET; _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_DOWNLOADING; InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); // The first packet does not contain any more data return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } if (maptype == MAP_PACKET_NORMAL) { // We are still receiving data, put it to the file if (fwrite(p->buffer + p->pos, 1, p->size - p->pos, file_pointer) != p->size - p->pos) { _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SAVEGAMEERROR; return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SAVEGAME; } _network_join_kbytes = ftell(file_pointer) / 1024; InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); } // Check if this was the last packet if (maptype == MAP_PACKET_END) { fclose(file_pointer); _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_PROCESSING; InvalidateWindow(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); /* The map is done downloading, load it */ if (!SafeSaveOrLoad("network_client.tmp", SL_LOAD, GM_NORMAL, AUTOSAVE_DIR)) { DeleteWindowById(WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, 0); _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SAVEGAMEERROR; return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SAVEGAME; } /* If the savegame has successfully loaded, ALL windows have been removed, * only toolbar/statusbar and gamefield are visible */ _opt_ptr = &_opt; // during a network game you are always in-game // Say we received the map and loaded it correctly! SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK)(); /* New company/spectator (invalid player) or company we want to join is not active * Switch local player to spectator and await the server's judgement */ if (_network_playas == PLAYER_NEW_COMPANY || !IsValidPlayer(_network_playas) || !GetPlayer(_network_playas)->is_active) { SetLocalPlayer(PLAYER_SPECTATOR); if (_network_playas != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) { /* We have arrived and ready to start playing; send a command to make a new player; * the server will give us a client-id and let us in */ _network_join_status = NETWORK_JOIN_STATUS_REGISTERING; ShowJoinStatusWindow(); NetworkSend_Command(0, 0, 0, CMD_PLAYER_CTRL, NULL); } } else { // take control over an existing company SetLocalPlayer(_network_playas); } } return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_FRAME) { _frame_counter_server = p->Recv_uint32(); _frame_counter_max = p->Recv_uint32(); #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK_SYNC_EVERY_FRAME // Test if the server supports this option // and if we are at the frame the server is if (p->pos < p->size) { _sync_frame = _frame_counter_server; _sync_seed_1 = p->Recv_uint32(); #ifdef NETWORK_SEND_DOUBLE_SEED _sync_seed_2 = p->Recv_uint32(); #endif } #endif DEBUG(net, 5, "Received FRAME %d", _frame_counter_server); // Let the server know that we received this frame correctly // We do this only once per day, to save some bandwidth ;) if (!_network_first_time && last_ack_frame < _frame_counter) { last_ack_frame = _frame_counter + DAY_TICKS; DEBUG(net, 4, "Sent ACK at %d", _frame_counter); SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_ACK)(); } return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_SYNC) { _sync_frame = p->Recv_uint32(); _sync_seed_1 = p->Recv_uint32(); #ifdef NETWORK_SEND_DOUBLE_SEED _sync_seed_2 = p->Recv_uint32(); #endif return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_COMMAND) { CommandPacket *cp = MallocT(1); cp->player = (PlayerID)p->Recv_uint8(); cp->cmd = p->Recv_uint32(); cp->p1 = p->Recv_uint32(); cp->p2 = p->Recv_uint32(); cp->tile = p->Recv_uint32(); p->Recv_string(cp->text, sizeof(cp->text)); cp->callback = p->Recv_uint8(); cp->frame = p->Recv_uint32(); cp->my_cmd = p->Recv_bool(); cp->next = NULL; // The server did send us this command.. // queue it in our own queue, so we can handle it in the upcoming frame! if (_local_command_queue == NULL) { _local_command_queue = cp; } else { // Find last packet CommandPacket *c = _local_command_queue; while (c->next != NULL) c = c->next; c->next = cp; } return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CHAT) { char name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH], msg[MAX_TEXT_MSG_LEN]; const NetworkClientInfo *ci = NULL, *ci_to; NetworkAction action = (NetworkAction)p->Recv_uint8(); uint16 index = p->Recv_uint16(); bool self_send = p->Recv_bool(); p->Recv_string(msg, MAX_TEXT_MSG_LEN); ci_to = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(index); if (ci_to == NULL) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; /* Did we initiate the action locally? */ if (self_send) { switch (action) { case NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT: /* For speaking to client we need the client-name */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", ci_to->client_name); ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(_network_own_client_index); break; /* For speaking to company or giving money, we need the player-name */ case NETWORK_ACTION_GIVE_MONEY: if (!IsValidPlayer(ci_to->client_playas)) return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; /* fallthrough */ case NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_COMPANY: { StringID str = IsValidPlayer(ci_to->client_playas) ? STR_COMPANY_NAME : STR_NETWORK_SPECTATORS; SetDParam(0, ci_to->client_playas); GetString(name, str, lastof(name)); ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(_network_own_client_index); } break; default: NOT_REACHED(); break; } } else { /* Display message from somebody else */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", ci_to->client_name); ci = ci_to; } if (ci != NULL) NetworkTextMessage(action, GetDrawStringPlayerColor(ci->client_playas), self_send, name, "%s", msg); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_ERROR_QUIT) { char str[100]; uint16 index; NetworkClientInfo *ci; index = p->Recv_uint16(); GetNetworkErrorMsg(str, (NetworkErrorCode)p->Recv_uint8(), lastof(str)); ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(index); if (ci != NULL) { NetworkTextMessage(NETWORK_ACTION_LEAVE, 1, false, ci->client_name, "%s", str); // The client is gone, give the NetworkClientInfo free ci->client_index = NETWORK_EMPTY_INDEX; } InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_QUIT) { char str[100]; uint16 index; NetworkClientInfo *ci; index = p->Recv_uint16(); p->Recv_string(str, lengthof(str)); ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(index); if (ci != NULL) { NetworkTextMessage(NETWORK_ACTION_LEAVE, 1, false, ci->client_name, "%s", str); // The client is gone, give the NetworkClientInfo free ci->client_index = NETWORK_EMPTY_INDEX; } else { DEBUG(net, 0, "Unknown client (%d) is leaving the game", index); } InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); // If we come here it means we could not locate the client.. strange :s return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_JOIN) { uint16 index; NetworkClientInfo *ci; index = p->Recv_uint16(); ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(index); if (ci != NULL) NetworkTextMessage(NETWORK_ACTION_JOIN, 1, false, ci->client_name, ""); InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_SHUTDOWN) { _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_SERVER_SHUTDOWN; return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_NEWGAME) { // To trottle the reconnects a bit, every clients waits // his _local_player value before reconnecting // PLAYER_SPECTATOR is currently 255, so to avoid long wait periods // set the max to 10. _network_reconnect = min(_local_player + 1, 10); _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_SERVER_REBOOT; return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; } DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_RCON) { char rcon_out[NETWORK_RCONCOMMAND_LENGTH]; uint16 color_code; color_code = p->Recv_uint16(); p->Recv_string(rcon_out, sizeof(rcon_out)); IConsolePrint(color_code, rcon_out); return NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; } // The layout for the receive-functions by the client typedef NetworkRecvStatus NetworkClientPacket(Packet *p); // This array matches PacketType. At an incoming // packet it is matches against this array // and that way the right function to handle that // packet is found. static NetworkClientPacket* const _network_client_packet[] = { RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_FULL), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_BANNED), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_JOIN,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_ERROR), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_COMPANY_INFO,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_COMPANY_INFO), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_NEED_PASSWORD), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_PASSWORD,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_WELCOME), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_GETMAP,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_WAIT), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_MAP), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_JOIN), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_FRAME), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_SYNC), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_ACK,*/ NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_COMMAND,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_COMMAND), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_CHAT,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CHAT), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_SET_PASSWORD,*/ NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_SET_NAME,*/ NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_QUIT,*/ NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_ERROR,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_QUIT), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_ERROR_QUIT), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_SHUTDOWN), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_NEWGAME), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_RCON), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_RCON,*/ RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_CHECK_NEWGRFS), NULL, /*PACKET_CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED,*/ }; // If this fails, check the array above with network_data.h assert_compile(lengthof(_network_client_packet) == PACKET_END); // Is called after a client is connected to the server void NetworkClient_Connected() { // Set the frame-counter to 0 so nothing happens till we are ready _frame_counter = 0; _frame_counter_server = 0; last_ack_frame = 0; // Request the game-info SEND_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_JOIN)(); } // Reads the packets from the socket-stream, if available NetworkRecvStatus NetworkClient_ReadPackets(NetworkTCPSocketHandler *cs) { Packet *p; NetworkRecvStatus res = NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY; while (res == NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY && (p = cs->Recv_Packet(&res)) != NULL) { byte type = p->Recv_uint8(); if (type < PACKET_END && _network_client_packet[type] != NULL && !MY_CLIENT->has_quit) { res = _network_client_packet[type](p); } else { res = NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_MALFORMED_PACKET; DEBUG(net, 0, "[client] received invalid packet type %d", type); } delete p; } return res; } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */