/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see .
/* @file midifile.cpp Parser for standard MIDI files */
#include "midifile.hpp"
#include "../fileio_func.h"
#include "../fileio_type.h"
#include "../core/endian_func.hpp"
#include "midi.h"
/* implementation based on description at: http://www.somascape.org/midi/tech/mfile.html */
* Owning byte buffer readable as a stream.
* RAII-compliant to make teardown in error situations easier.
class ByteBuffer {
byte *buf;
size_t buflen;
size_t pos;
* Construct buffer from data in a file.
* If file does not have sufficient bytes available, the object is constructed
* in an error state, that causes all further function calls to fail.
* @param file file to read from at current position
* @param len number of bytes to read
ByteBuffer(FILE *file, size_t len)
this->buf = MallocT(len);
if (fread(this->buf, 1, len, file) == len) {
this->buflen = len;
this->pos = 0;
} else {
/* invalid state */
this->buflen = 0;
* Destructor, frees the buffer.
* Return whether the buffer was constructed successfully.
* @return true is the buffer contains data
bool IsValid() const
return this->buflen > 0;
* Return whether reading has reached the end of the buffer.
* @return true if there are no more bytes available to read
bool IsEnd() const
return this->pos >= this->buflen;
* Read a single byte from the buffer.
* @param[out] b returns the read value
* @return true if a byte was available for reading
bool ReadByte(byte &b)
if (this->IsEnd()) return false;
b = this->buf[this->pos++];
return true;
* Read a MIDI file variable length value.
* Each byte encodes 7 bits of the value, most-significant bits are encoded first.
* If the most significant bit in a byte is set, there are further bytes encoding the value.
* @param[out] res returns the read value
* @return true if there was data available
bool ReadVariableLength(uint32 &res)
res = 0;
byte b = 0;
do {
if (this->IsEnd()) return false;
b = this->buf[this->pos++];
res = (res << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
} while (b & 0x80);
return true;
* Read bytes into a buffer.
* @param[out] dest buffer to copy info
* @param length number of bytes to read
* @return true if the requested number of bytes were available
bool ReadBuffer(byte *dest, size_t length)
if (this->IsEnd()) return false;
if (this->buflen - this->pos < length) return false;
memcpy(dest, this->buf + this->pos, length);
this->pos += length;
return true;
* Skip over a number of bytes in the buffer.
* @param count number of bytes to skip over
* @return true if there were enough bytes available
bool Skip(size_t count)
if (this->IsEnd()) return false;
if (this->buflen - this->pos < count) return false;
this->pos += count;
return true;
* Go a number of bytes back to re-read.
* @param count number of bytes to go back
* @return true if at least count bytes had been read previously
bool Rewind(size_t count)
if (count > this->pos) return false;
this->pos -= count;
return true;
static bool ReadTrackChunk(FILE *file, MidiFile &target)
byte buf[4];
const byte magic[] = { 'M', 'T', 'r', 'k' };
if (fread(buf, sizeof(magic), 1, file) != 1) {
return false;
if (memcmp(magic, buf, sizeof(magic)) != 0) {
return false;
/* read chunk length and then the whole chunk */
uint32 chunk_length;
if (fread(&chunk_length, 1, 4, file) != 4) {
return false;
chunk_length = FROM_BE32(chunk_length);
ByteBuffer chunk(file, chunk_length);
if (!chunk.IsValid()) {
return false;
MidiFile::DataBlock *block = &target.blocks.back();
byte last_status = 0;
bool running_sysex = false;
while (!chunk.IsEnd()) {
/* read deltatime for event, start new block */
uint32 deltatime = 0;
if (!chunk.ReadVariableLength(deltatime)) {
return false;
if (deltatime > 0) {
target.blocks.push_back(MidiFile::DataBlock(block->ticktime + deltatime));
block = &target.blocks.back();
/* read status byte */
byte status;
if (!chunk.ReadByte(status)) {
return false;
if ((status & 0x80) == 0) {
/* high bit not set means running status message, status is same as last
* convert to explicit status */
status = last_status;
goto running_status;
} else if ((status & 0xF0) != 0xF0) {
/* Regular channel message */
last_status = status;
byte *data;
switch (status & 0xF0) {
/* 3 byte messages */
data = block->data.Append(3);
data[0] = status;
if (!chunk.ReadBuffer(&data[1], 2)) {
return false;
/* 2 byte messages */
data = block->data.Append(2);
data[0] = status;
if (!chunk.ReadByte(data[1])) {
return false;
} else if (status == MIDIST_SMF_META) {
/* Meta event, read event type byte and data length */
if (!chunk.ReadByte(buf[0])) {
return false;
uint32 length = 0;
if (!chunk.ReadVariableLength(length)) {
return false;
switch (buf[0]) {
case 0x2F:
/* end of track, no more data (length != 0 is illegal) */
return (length == 0);
case 0x51:
/* tempo change */
if (length != 3) return false;
if (!chunk.ReadBuffer(buf, 3)) return false;
target.tempos.push_back(MidiFile::TempoChange(block->ticktime, buf[0] << 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[2]));
/* unimportant meta event, skip over it */
if (!chunk.Skip(length)) {
return false;
} else if (status == MIDIST_SYSEX || (status == MIDIST_SMF_ESCAPE && running_sysex)) {
/* System exclusive message */
uint32 length = 0;
if (!chunk.ReadVariableLength(length)) {
return false;
byte *data = block->data.Append(length + 1);
data[0] = 0xF0;
if (!chunk.ReadBuffer(data + 1, length)) {
return false;
if (data[length] != 0xF7) {
/* engage Casio weirdo mode - convert to normal sysex */
running_sysex = true;
*block->data.Append() = 0xF7;
} else {
running_sysex = false;
} else if (status == MIDIST_SMF_ESCAPE) {
/* Escape sequence */
uint32 length = 0;
if (!chunk.ReadVariableLength(length)) {
return false;
byte *data = block->data.Append(length);
if (!chunk.ReadBuffer(data, length)) {
return false;
} else {
/* Messages undefined in standard midi files:
* 0xF1 - MIDI time code quarter frame
* 0xF2 - Song position pointer
* 0xF3 - Song select
* 0xF4 - undefined/reserved
* 0xF5 - undefined/reserved
* 0xF6 - Tune request for analog synths
* 0xF8..0xFE - System real-time messages
return false;
bool TicktimeAscending(const T &a, const T &b)
return a.ticktime < b.ticktime;
static bool FixupMidiData(MidiFile &target)
/* Sort all tempo changes and events */
std::sort(target.tempos.begin(), target.tempos.end(), TicktimeAscending);
std::sort(target.blocks.begin(), target.blocks.end(), TicktimeAscending);
if (target.tempos.size() == 0) {
/* no tempo information, assume 120 bpm (500,000 microseconds per beat */
target.tempos.push_back(MidiFile::TempoChange(0, 500000));
/* add sentinel tempo at end */
target.tempos.push_back(MidiFile::TempoChange(UINT32_MAX, 0));
/* merge blocks with identical tick times */
std::vector merged_blocks;
uint32 last_ticktime = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < target.blocks.size(); i++) {
MidiFile::DataBlock &block = target.blocks[i];
if (block.ticktime > last_ticktime || merged_blocks.size() == 0) {
last_ticktime = block.ticktime;
} else {
byte *datadest = merged_blocks.back().data.Append(block.data.Length());
memcpy(datadest, block.data.Begin(), block.data.Length());
std::swap(merged_blocks, target.blocks);
/* annotate blocks with real time */
last_ticktime = 0;
uint32 last_realtime = 0;
size_t cur_tempo = 0, cur_block = 0;
while (cur_block < target.blocks.size()) {
MidiFile::DataBlock &block = target.blocks[cur_block];
MidiFile::TempoChange &tempo = target.tempos[cur_tempo];
MidiFile::TempoChange &next_tempo = target.tempos[cur_tempo+1];
if (block.ticktime <= next_tempo.ticktime) {
/* block is within the current tempo */
int64 tickdiff = block.ticktime - last_ticktime;
last_ticktime = block.ticktime;
last_realtime += uint32(tickdiff * tempo.tempo / target.tickdiv);
block.realtime = last_realtime;
} else {
/* tempo change occurs before this block */
int64 tickdiff = next_tempo.ticktime - last_ticktime;
last_ticktime = next_tempo.ticktime;
last_realtime += uint32(tickdiff * tempo.tempo / target.tickdiv); // current tempo until the tempo change
return true;
* Read the header of a standard MIDI file.
* @param[in] filename name of file to read from
* @param[out] header filled with data read
* @return true if the file could be opened and contained a header with correct format
bool MidiFile::ReadSMFHeader(const char *filename, SMFHeader &header)
FILE *file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", Subdirectory::BASESET_DIR);
if (!file) return false;
bool result = ReadSMFHeader(file, header);
return result;
* Read the header of a standard MIDI file.
* The function will consume 14 bytes from the current file pointer position.
* @param[in] file open file to read from (should be in binary mode)
* @param[out] header filled with data read
* @return true if a header in correct format could be read from the file
bool MidiFile::ReadSMFHeader(FILE *file, SMFHeader &header)
/* Try to read header, fixed size */
byte buffer[14];
if (fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, file) != 1) {
return false;
/* check magic, 'MThd' followed by 4 byte length indicator (always = 6 in SMF) */
const byte magic[] = { 'M', 'T', 'h', 'd', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06 };
if (MemCmpT(buffer, magic, sizeof(magic)) != 0) {
return false;
/* read the parameters of the file */
header.format = (buffer[8] << 8) | buffer[9];
header.tracks = (buffer[10] << 8) | buffer[11];
header.tickdiv = (buffer[12] << 8) | buffer[13];
return true;
* Load a standard MIDI file.
* @param filename name of the file to load
* @returns true if loaded was successful
bool MidiFile::LoadFile(const char *filename)
this->tickdiv = 0;
bool success = false;
FILE *file = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", Subdirectory::BASESET_DIR);
SMFHeader header;
if (!ReadSMFHeader(file, header)) goto cleanup;
/* Only format 0 (single-track) and format 1 (multi-track single-song) are accepted for now */
if (header.format != 0 && header.format != 1) goto cleanup;
/* Doesn't support SMPTE timecode files */
if ((header.tickdiv & 0x8000) != 0) goto cleanup;
this->tickdiv = header.tickdiv;
for (; header.tracks > 0; header.tracks--) {
if (!ReadTrackChunk(file, *this)) {
goto cleanup;
success = FixupMidiData(*this);
return success;
* Move data from other to this, and clears other.
* @param other object containing loaded data to take over
void MidiFile::MoveFrom(MidiFile &other)
std::swap(this->blocks, other.blocks);
std::swap(this->tempos, other.tempos);
this->tickdiv = other.tickdiv;
other.tickdiv = 0;