/* $Id$ */ /** @file str.hpp String formating? */ #ifndef STR_HPP #define STR_HPP #include #include #include "../string_func.h" /** Blob based case sensitive ANSI/UTF-8 string */ struct CStrA : public CBlobT { typedef CBlobT base; ///< base class /** Create an empty CStrT */ FORCEINLINE CStrA() { } /** Take over ownership constructor */ FORCEINLINE CStrA(const OnTransfer& ot) : base(ot) { } /** Grow the actual buffer and fix the trailing zero at the end. */ FORCEINLINE char *GrowSizeNC(bsize_t count) { char *ret = base::GrowSizeNC(count); base::FixTail(); return ret; } /** Append zero-ended C string. */ FORCEINLINE void AppendStr(const char *str) { if (!StrEmpty(str)) { base::Append(str, strlen(str)); base::FixTail(); } } /** Assignment from C string. */ FORCEINLINE CStrA& operator = (const char *src) { base::Clear(); AppendStr(src); return *this; } /** Lower-than operator (to support stl collections) */ FORCEINLINE bool operator < (const CStrA &other) const { return strcmp(base::Data(), other.Data()) < 0; } /** Add formated string (like vsprintf) at the end of existing contents. */ int AddFormatL(const char *format, va_list args) { bsize_t addSize = max(strlen(format), 16); addSize += addSize / 2; int ret; int err = 0; for (;;) { char *buf = MakeFreeSpace(addSize); ret = vsnprintf(buf, base::GetReserve(), format, args); if (ret >= base::GetReserve()) { /* Greater return than given count means needed buffer size. */ addSize = ret + 1; continue; } if (ret >= 0) { /* success */ break; } err = errno; if (err != ERANGE && err != ENOENT && err != 0) { /* some strange failure */ break; } /* small buffer (M$ implementation) */ addSize *= 2; } if (ret > 0) { GrowSizeNC(ret); } else { base::FixTail(); } return ret; } /** Add formated string (like sprintf) at the end of existing contents. */ int AddFormat(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int ret = AddFormatL(format, args); va_end(args); return ret; } /** Assign formated string (like sprintf). */ int Format(const char *format, ...) { base::Free(); va_list args; va_start(args, format); int ret = AddFormatL(format, args); va_end(args); return ret; } }; #endif /* STR_HPP */