##name Ido ##ownname Ido ##isocode io_IO ##plural 0 ##textdir ltr ##digitsep . ##digitsepcur . ##decimalsep , ##winlangid 0x0000 ##grflangid 0x06 # $Id$ # This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . ##id 0x0000 STR_NULL : STR_JUST_NOTHING :Nulo # Cargo related strings # Plural cargo name STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PASSENGERS :Pasajero STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COAL :Karbono STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIL :Posto STR_CARGO_PLURAL_OIL :Petrolo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_LIVESTOCK :Brutaro STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GOODS :Havaji STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GRAIN :Semino STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WOOD :Ligno STR_CARGO_PLURAL_IRON_ORE :Fer-erco STR_CARGO_PLURAL_STEEL :Stalo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_VALUABLES :Valoraji STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COPPER_ORE :Kupr-erco STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIZE :Maizo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FRUIT :Frukto STR_CARGO_PLURAL_DIAMONDS :Diamanti STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FOOD :Nutrajo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PAPER :Papero STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GOLD :Oro STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WATER :Aquo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WHEAT :Frumento STR_CARGO_PLURAL_RUBBER :Kauchuko STR_CARGO_PLURAL_SUGAR :Sukro STR_CARGO_PLURAL_TOYS :Ludili STR_CARGO_PLURAL_CANDY :Bonboni STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COTTON_CANDY :Kandi-lanugo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_BUBBLES :Buli STR_CARGO_PLURAL_TOFFEE :Karamelo STR_CARGO_PLURAL_BATTERIES :Baterii STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PLASTIC :Plastiko STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FIZZY_DRINKS :Gasoza Drinkaji # Singular cargo name STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PASSENGER :Pasajero STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COAL :Karbono STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIL :Posto STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_OIL :Petrolo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_LIVESTOCK :Brutaro STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GOODS :Havaji STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GRAIN :Semino STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WOOD :Ligno STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_IRON_ORE :Fer-erco STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_STEEL :Stalo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_VALUABLES :Valoraji STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COPPER_ORE :Kupr-erco STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIZE :Maizo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FRUIT :Frukto STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_DIAMOND :Diamanto STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FOOD :Nutrajo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PAPER :Papero STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GOLD :Oro STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WATER :Aquo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WHEAT :Frumento STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_RUBBER :Kauchuko STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_SUGAR :Sukro STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_TOY :Ludilo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_CANDY :Bonbono STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COTTON_CANDY :Kandi-lanugo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_BUBBLE :Bulo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_TOFFEE :Karamelo STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_BATTERY :Baterio STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PLASTIC :Plastiko STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FIZZY_DRINK :Gasoza Drinkajo # Quantity of cargo # Two letter abbreviation of cargo name # 'Mode' of transport for cargoes # Colours, do not shuffle STR_COLOUR_DARK_BLUE :Obskur-blua STR_COLOUR_PALE_GREEN :Pal-verda STR_COLOUR_PINK :Rozea STR_COLOUR_YELLOW :Flava STR_COLOUR_RED :Reda STR_COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE :Klar-Blua STR_COLOUR_GREEN :Verda STR_COLOUR_DARK_GREEN :Obskur-verda STR_COLOUR_BLUE :Blua STR_COLOUR_CREAM :Kremea STR_COLOUR_MAUVE :Malva STR_COLOUR_PURPLE :Purpuro STR_COLOUR_ORANGE :Orangea STR_COLOUR_BROWN :Bruna STR_COLOUR_GREY :Griza STR_COLOUR_WHITE :Blanka # Units used in OpenTTD # Common window strings STR_BUTTON_LOCATION :{BLACK}Loko STR_BUTTON_RENAME :{BLACK}Rinomizar # Query window STR_BUTTON_CANCEL :{BLACK}Anular STR_BUTTON_OK :{BLACK}OK # On screen keyboard window # Measurement tooltip # The first three are also used as 'Sort by' buttons, the rest only in dropdowns # Tooltips for the main toolbar # Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar ############ range for SE file menu starts ############ range for SE file menu starts ############ range for settings menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for file menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for map menu starts ############ range for town menu starts, yet the town directory is shown in the map menu in the scenario editor ############ both ranges ends here ############ range for subsidies menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for graph menu starts STR_GRAPH_MENU_INCOME_GRAPH :Revenuo grafiko STR_GRAPH_MENU_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Livrita kargajo grafiko ############ range ends here ############ range for company league menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for industry menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for railway construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for road construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for waterways construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for airport construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for landscaping menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for music menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for message menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for about menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for days starts (also used for the place in the highscore window) ############ range for days ends ############ range for months starts ############ range for months ends # Graph window # Graph key window # Company league window # Performance detail window STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_INT :{BLACK}{NUM} ############ Those following lines need to be in this order!! ############ End of order list # Music window # Playlist window # Highscore window # Smallmap window STR_SMALLMAP_CAPTION :{WHITE}Mapo - {STRING} STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_CONTOURS :Konturi STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEHICLES :Vehili STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_INDUSTRIES :Industrii STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_ROUTES :Voyi STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEGETATION :Vejetado STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_OWNERS :Proprietanto STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TRANSPORT_ROUTES_ON :{BLACK}Montrar transport-voyi ad la mapo STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_VEGETATION_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Montrar vejetado ad la mapo STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAND_OWNERS_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Montrar proprietanti ad la mapo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROADS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Voyi STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_RAILROADS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Fervoyo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_STATIONS_AIRPORTS_DOCKS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Stacioni/Aeroportua/Doko STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_BUILDINGS_INDUSTRIES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Edifici/Industrii STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_VEHICLES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Vehili STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_100M :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}100m STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_200M :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}200m STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_300M :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}300m STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_400M :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}400m STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_500M :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}500m STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRAINS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Treni STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROAD_VEHICLES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Voy-Vehili STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_SHIPS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Bateli STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_AIRCRAFT :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Aeroplani STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRANSPORT_ROUTES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Transport-voyi STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_FOREST :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Foresto STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_RAILROAD_STATION :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Fervoyala Staciono STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Kamiono-Kayo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_BUS_STATION :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Autobuso Staciono STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_AIRPORT_HELIPORT :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Aeroportuo/Heliportuo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_DOCK :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Portuo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROUGH_LAND :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Ruda Tereno STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_GRASS_LAND :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Herbo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_BARE_LAND :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Nudiga Tereno STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_FIELDS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Agri STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TREES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Arbori STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROCKS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Roki STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_WATER :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Aquo STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_NO_OWNER :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Ne proprietanto STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TOWNS :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Urbi STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_INDUSTRIES :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Industrii STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_DESERT :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Dezerto STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_SNOW :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Nivo STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_TOWN_NAMES_ON_OFF :{BLACK}Montrar nam-urbi ad la mapo # Status bar messages # News message history # Message settings window STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_CAPTION :{WHITE}Sendajo # Start of order review system. # DON'T ADD OR REMOVE LINES HERE # end of order system # Extra view window # Game options window STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CAPTION :{WHITE}Ludo Selekti ############ start of currency region ############ end of currency region ############ start of measuring units region ############ end of measuring units region ############ start of townname region ############ end of townname region # Custom currency window # Difficulty level window ############ range for difficulty levels starts ############ range for difficulty levels ends ############ range for difficulty settings starts STR_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_SETTING_ECONOMY :{LTBLUE}Ekonomio: {ORANGE}{STRING} STR_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_SETTING_DISASTERS :{LTBLUE}Dizastri: {ORANGE}{STRING} ############ range for difficulty settings ends STR_NUM_LOW :Basa STR_NUM_NORMAL :Normala STR_NUM_HIGH :Alta STR_AI_SPEED_SLOW :Lenta STR_AI_SPEED_MEDIUM :Meza STR_AI_SPEED_FAST :Rapida STR_SEA_LEVEL_LOW :Basa STR_SEA_LEVEL_MEDIUM :Meza STR_SEA_LEVEL_HIGH :Alta # Advanced settings window # Intro window STR_INTRO_NEW_GAME :{BLACK}Nova Ludo STR_INTRO_LOAD_GAME :{BLACK}Charjas Ludo STR_INTRO_GAME_OPTIONS :{BLACK}Ludo Selekti # Quit window STR_QUIT_CAPTION :{WHITE}Livas STR_QUIT_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_EXIT_OPENTTD :{YELLOW}Kad tu esas certa ke tu volas livar OpenTTD ed rivenar a {STRING}? STR_QUIT_YES :{BLACK}Yes STR_QUIT_NO :{BLACK}Ne # Supported OSes # Abandon game # Cheat window # Livery window # Face selection window # Network server list # Start new multiplayer server # Network game languages ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network game lobby # Network connecting window ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network company list added strings # Network client list # Network set password # Network company info join/password # Network chat # Network messages ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network related errors ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Content downloading window # Order of these is important! # Content downloading progress window # Content downloading error messages # Transparency settings window # Base for station construction window(s) STR_STATION_BUILD_ACCEPTS_CARGO :{BLACK}Aceptas: {GOLD} # Join station window # Rail construction toolbar # Rail depot construction window # Rail waypoint construction window # Rail station construction window # Signal window # Bridge selection window # Road construction toolbar # Road depot construction window # Road vehicle station construction window # Waterways toolbar (last two for SE only) # Ship depot construction window # Dock construction window # Airport toolbar # Airport construction window # Landscaping toolbar # Tree planting window (last two for SE only) # Land generation window (SE) # Town generation window (SE) # Fund new industry window # Land area window # Description of land area of different tiles # Houses come directly from their building names # Industries come directly from their industry names STR_LAI_UNMOVABLE_DESCRIPTION_LIGHTHOUSE :Faro # About OpenTTD window STR_ABOUT_VERSION :{BLACK}OpenTTD versiono {REV} STR_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT_OPENTTD :{BLACK}OpenTTD {COPYRIGHT}2002-2009 La kruo OpenTTD # Save/load game/scenario # World generation # Strings for map borders at game generation # SE Map generation # Map generation progress # NewGRF settings # NewGRF add window # NewGRF (self) generated warnings/errors # NewGRF related 'general' warnings # NewGRF 'it's broken' warnings # Sign list window # Sign window # Town directory window # Town view window # Town local authority window # Subsidies window # Station list window # Station view window STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_TITLE :{BLACK}Vartabas: {WHITE}{STRING} STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_CARGO :{WHITE}{CARGO} STR_STATION_VIEW_ACCEPTS_CARGO :{BLACK}Aceptas: {WHITE} ############ range for rating starts ############ range for rating ends # Waypoint/buoy view window # Finances window STR_FINANCES_LOAN_TITLE :{WHITE}Prest-ajo # Company view STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VEHICLES_TITLE :{GOLD}Vehili: # Industry directory # Industry view ############ range for requires starts ############ range for requires ends ############ range for produces starts ############ range for produces ends # Vehicle lists STR_VEHICLE_LIST_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Profito to yaro: {CURRENCY} (lasta yaro: {CURRENCY}) # Group window # Build vehicle window # Depot window # Engine preview window # Autoreplace window STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_TRAIN :Treni STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE :Voy-vehili STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_SHIP :Bateli STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT :Aeroplani # Vehicle view # Messages in the start stop button in the vehicle view # Vehicle details # The next two need to stay in this order # Extra buttons for train details windows STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_CARGO :{BLACK}Kargajo STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_INFORMATION :{BLACK}Informo STR_VEHICLE_DETAIL_TAB_CAPACITIES :{BLACK}Kapacesi # Vehicle refit # Order view # Order bottom buttons # String parts to build the order string # Time table window # AI debug window # AI configuration window # Available AIs window # AI Parameters # Vehicle loading indicators # Income 'floats' # Saveload messages # Map generation messages # Screenshot related messages # Error message titles STR_ERROR_MESSAGE_CAPTION :{YELLOW}Sendajo STR_ERROR_MESSAGE_CAPTION_OTHER_COMPANY :{YELLOW}Sendajo de {STRING} # Generic construction errors STR_ERROR_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Exter la bordo del mapo STR_ERROR_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Tro proxim la bordo del mapo STR_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES_CURRENCY :{WHITE}Ne sat pekunio - requizitas {CURRENCY} STR_ERROR_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED :{WHITE}Plata tereno requizitita STR_ERROR_CAN_T_DO_THIS :{WHITE}Ne povas facas ca... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CLEAR_THIS_AREA :{WHITE}Ne povas netigas ca areo.... # Local authority errors # Leveling errors # Company related errors # Town related errors # Industry related errors # Station construction related errors # Station destruction related errors # Waypoint related errors # Depot related errors # Autoreplace related errors # Rail construction errors # Road construction errors # Waterway construction errors # Tree related errors # Bridge related errors # Tunnel related errors # Unmovable related errors # Group related errors # Generic vehicle errors STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME :{WHITE}Tro multa vehili en la ludo # Specific vehicle errors # Order related errors # Timetable related errors # Sign related errors ##id 0x2000 # Town building names ##id 0x4800 # industry names ############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 ##id 0x6020 ############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x8000 # Vehicle names ##id 0x8800 # Formatting of some strings STR_FORMAT_DATE_TINY :{STRING}-{STRING}-{NUM} STR_FORMAT_DATE_SHORT :{STRING} {NUM} STR_FORMAT_DATE_LONG :{STRING} {STRING} {NUM} STR_FORMAT_DATE_ISO :{2:NUM}-{1:STRING}-{0:STRING} STR_COMPANY_SOMEONE :ulu{SKIP}{SKIP} # Viewport strings STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_POP :{WHITE}{TOWN} ({COMMA}) STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN :{WHITE}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_TINY_BLACK :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_TINY_WHITE :{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_SIGN_SMALL_BLACK :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{SIGN} STR_VIEWPORT_SIGN_SMALL_WHITE :{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{SIGN} STR_VIEWPORT_STATION :{STATION} {STATIONFEATURES} STR_VIEWPORT_STATION_TINY :{TINYFONT}{STATION} STR_VIEWPORT_WAYPOINT :{WAYPOINT} STR_VIEWPORT_WAYPOINT_TINY :{TINYFONT}{WAYPOINT} # Simple strings to get specific types of data STR_COMPANY_NAME :{COMPANY} STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM :{COMPANY} {COMPANYNUM} STR_ENGINE_NAME :{ENGINE} STR_GROUP_NAME :{GROUP} STR_INDUSTRY_NAME :{INDUSTRY} STR_PRESIDENT_NAME :{PRESIDENTNAME} STR_SIGN_NAME :{SIGN} STR_STATION_NAME :{STATION} STR_TOWN_NAME :{TOWN} STR_VEHICLE_NAME :{VEHICLE} STR_WAYPOINT_NAME :{WAYPOINT} STR_JUST_CARGO :{CARGO} STR_JUST_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} STR_JUST_COMMA :{COMMA} STR_JUST_CURRCOMPACT :{CURRCOMPACT} STR_JUST_CURRENCY :{CURRENCY} STR_JUST_INT :{NUM} STR_JUST_DATE_TINY :{DATE_TINY} STR_JUST_DATE_SHORT :{DATE_SHORT} STR_JUST_DATE_LONG :{DATE_LONG} STR_JUST_DATE_ISO :{DATE_ISO} STR_JUST_STRING :{STRING} STR_JUST_RAW_STRING :{STRING} # Slightly 'raw' stringcodes with colour or size STR_BLACK_ARROW_DOWN :{BLACK}{DOWNARROW} STR_BLACK_ARROW_UP :{BLACK}{UPARROW} STR_BLACK_COMMA :{BLACK}{COMMA} STR_TINY_BLACK_COMA :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{COMMA} STR_TINY_COMMA :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} STR_BLUE_COMMA :{BLUE}{COMMA} STR_RED_COMMA :{RED}{COMMA} STR_COMPANY_MONEY :{WHITE}{CURRENCY} STR_BLACK_DATE_LONG :{BLACK}{DATE_LONG} STR_BLACK_CROSS :{BLACK}{CROSS} STR_SILVER_CROSS :{SILVER}{CROSS} STR_WHITE_DATE_SHORT :{WHITE}{DATE_SHORT} STR_WHITE_DATE_LONG :{WHITE}{DATE_LONG} STR_SHORT_DATE :{WHITE}{DATE_TINY} STR_DATE_LONG_SMALL :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{DATE_LONG} STR_TINY_GROUP :{TINYFONT}{GROUP} STR_WHITE_SIGN :{WHITE}{SIGN} STR_TINY_BLACK_STATION :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{STATION} STR_BLACK_STRING :{BLACK}{STRING} STR_BLACK_RAW_STRING :{BLACK}{STRING} STR_WHITE_STRING :{WHITE}{STRING} STR_TINY_BLACK_VEHICLE :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{VEHICLE} STR_BLACK_SMALL_ARROW_UP :{BLACK}{SMALLUPARROW} STR_BLACK_SMALL_ARROW_DOWN :{BLACK}{SMALLDOWNARROW} STR_TINY_RIGHT_ARROW :{TINYFONT}{RIGHTARROW} STR_BLACK_SMALL_ARROW_LEFT :{BLACK}{SMALLLEFTARROW} STR_BLACK_SMALL_ARROW_RIGHT :{BLACK}{SMALLRIGHTARROW} STR_BLACK_1 :{BLACK}1 STR_BLACK_2 :{BLACK}2 STR_BLACK_3 :{BLACK}3 STR_BLACK_4 :{BLACK}4 STR_BLACK_5 :{BLACK}5 STR_BLACK_6 :{BLACK}6 STR_BLACK_7 :{BLACK}7 STR_TRAIN :{BLACK}{TRAIN} STR_BUS :{BLACK}{BUS} STR_LORRY :{BLACK}{LORRY} STR_PLANE :{BLACK}{PLANE} STR_SHIP :{BLACK}{SHIP} STR_NUM_1 :{BLACK}{SKIP}{NUM} STR_NUM_2 :{BLACK}{SKIP}{SKIP}{NUM} STR_NUM_3 :{BLACK}{SKIP}{SKIP}{SKIP}{NUM}