##name Ido ##ownname Ido ##isocode io_XX ##winlangid 0x0000 ##plural 0 # ##id 0x0000 STR_NULL : STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Exter la bordo del mapo STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP :{WHITE}Tro proxim la bordo del mapo STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES :{WHITE}Ne sat pekunio - requizitas {CURRENCY} STR_0004 :{WHITE}{CURRENCY} STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED :{WHITE}Plata tereno requizitita STR_0008_WAITING :{BLACK}Vartabas: {WHITE}{STRING} STR_0009 :{WHITE}{CARGO} STR_000C_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Aceptas: {WHITE} STR_000D_ACCEPTS :{BLACK}Aceptas: {GOLD} STR_000F_PASSENGERS :Pasajero STR_0010_COAL :Karbono STR_0011_MAIL :Posto STR_0012_OIL :Petrolo STR_0013_LIVESTOCK :Brutaro STR_0014_GOODS :Havaji STR_0015_GRAIN :Semino STR_0016_WOOD :Ligno STR_0017_IRON_ORE :Fer-erco STR_0018_STEEL :Stalo STR_0019_VALUABLES :Valoraji STR_001A_COPPER_ORE :Kupr-erco STR_001B_MAIZE :Maizo STR_001C_FRUIT :Frukto STR_001D_DIAMONDS :Diamanti STR_001E_FOOD :Nutrajo STR_001F_PAPER :Papero STR_0020_GOLD :Oro STR_0021_WATER :Aquo STR_0022_WHEAT :Frumento STR_0023_RUBBER :Kauchuko STR_0024_SUGAR :Sukro STR_0025_TOYS :Ludili STR_0026_CANDY :Bonboni STR_0028_COTTON_CANDY :Kandi-lanugo STR_0029_BUBBLES :Buli STR_002A_TOFFEE :Karamelo STR_002B_BATTERIES :Baterii STR_002C_PLASTIC :Plastiko STR_002D_FIZZY_DRINKS :Gasoza Drinkaji STR_002F_PASSENGER :Pasajero STR_0030_COAL :Karbono STR_0031_MAIL :Posto STR_0032_OIL :Petrolo STR_0033_LIVESTOCK :Brutaro STR_0034_GOODS :Havaji STR_0035_GRAIN :Semino STR_0036_WOOD :Ligno STR_0037_IRON_ORE :Fer-erco STR_0038_STEEL :Stalo STR_0039_VALUABLES :Valoraji STR_003A_COPPER_ORE :Kupr-erco STR_003B_MAIZE :Maizo STR_003C_FRUIT :Frukto STR_003D_DIAMOND :Diamanto STR_003E_FOOD :Nutrajo STR_003F_PAPER :Papero STR_0040_GOLD :Oro STR_0041_WATER :Aquo STR_0042_WHEAT :Frumento STR_0043_RUBBER :Kauchuko STR_0044_SUGAR :Sukro STR_0045_TOY :Ludilo STR_0046_CANDY :Bonbono STR_0048_COTTON_CANDY :Kandi-lanugo STR_0049_BUBBLE :Bulo STR_004A_TOFFEE :Karamelo STR_004B_BATTERY :Baterio STR_004C_PLASTIC :Plastiko STR_004D_FIZZY_DRINK :Gasoza Drinkajo STR_00AE :{WHITE}{DATE_SHORT} STR_00AF :{WHITE}{DATE_LONG} STR_00B0_MAP :{WHITE}Mapo - {STRING} STR_00B1_GAME_OPTIONS :{WHITE}Ludo Selekti STR_00B2_MESSAGE :{YELLOW}Sendajo STR_00B3_MESSAGE_FROM :{YELLOW}Sendajo de {STRING} STR_00B4_CAN_T_DO_THIS :{WHITE}Ne povas facas ca... STR_00B5_CAN_T_CLEAR_THIS_AREA :{WHITE}Ne povas netigas ca areo.... STR_00B7_VERSION :{BLACK}OpenTTD versiono {REV} STR_00BA_COPYRIGHT_OPENTTD :{BLACK}OpenTTD {COPYRIGHT}2002-2009 La kruo OpenTTD STR_00C5 :{BLACK}{CROSS} STR_00C6 :{SILVER}{CROSS} STR_00C7_QUIT :{WHITE}Livas STR_00C8_YES :{BLACK}Yes STR_00C9_NO :{BLACK}Ne STR_00CA_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO :{YELLOW}Kad tu esas certa ke tu volas livar OpenTTD ed rivenar a {STRING}? STR_00CB_1 :{BLACK}1 STR_00CC_2 :{BLACK}2 STR_00CD_3 :{BLACK}3 STR_00CE_4 :{BLACK}4 STR_00CF_5 :{BLACK}5 STR_00D0_NOTHING :Nulo STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE :Obskur-blua STR_00D2_PALE_GREEN :Pal-verda STR_00D3_PINK :Rozea STR_00D4_YELLOW :Flava STR_00D5_RED :Reda STR_00D6_LIGHT_BLUE :Klar-Blua STR_00D7_GREEN :Verda STR_00D8_DARK_GREEN :Obskur-verda STR_00D9_BLUE :Blua STR_00DA_CREAM :Kremea STR_00DB_MAUVE :Malva STR_00DC_PURPLE :Purpuro STR_00DD_ORANGE :Orangea STR_00DE_BROWN :Bruna STR_00DF_GREY :Griza STR_00E0_WHITE :Blanka STR_00E1_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME :{WHITE}Tro multa vehili en la ludo STR_00E2 :{BLACK}{COMMA} STR_00E3 :{RED}{COMMA} STR_00E4_LOCATION :{BLACK}Loko STR_00E5_CONTOURS :Konturi STR_00E6_VEHICLES :Vehili STR_00E7_INDUSTRIES :Industrii STR_00E8_ROUTES :Voyi STR_00E9_VEGETATION :Vejetado STR_00EA_OWNERS :Proprietanto STR_00EB_ROADS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Voyi STR_00EC_RAILROADS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fervoyo STR_00ED_STATIONS_AIRPORTS_DOCKS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Stacioni/Aeroportua/Doko STR_00EE_BUILDINGS_INDUSTRIES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Edifici/Industrii STR_00EF_VEHICLES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Vehili STR_00F0_100M :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}100m STR_00F1_200M :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}200m STR_00F2_300M :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}300m STR_00F3_400M :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}400m STR_00F4_500M :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}500m STR_00F5_TRAINS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Treni STR_00F6_ROAD_VEHICLES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Voy-Vehili STR_00F7_SHIPS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bateli STR_00F8_AIRCRAFT :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aeroplani STR_00F9_TRANSPORT_ROUTES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Transport-voyi STR_00FC_FOREST :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Foresto STR_011B_RAILROAD_STATION :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fervoyala Staciono STR_011C_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Kamiono-Kayo STR_011D_BUS_STATION :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Autobuso Staciono STR_011E_AIRPORT_HELIPORT :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aeroportuo/Heliportuo STR_011F_DOCK :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Portuo STR_0120_ROUGH_LAND :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Ruda Tereno STR_0121_GRASS_LAND :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Herbo STR_0122_BARE_LAND :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Nudiga Tereno STR_0123_FIELDS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Agri STR_0124_TREES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Arbori STR_0125_ROCKS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Roki STR_0126_WATER :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aquo STR_0127_NO_OWNER :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Ne proprietanto STR_0128_TOWNS :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Urbi STR_0129_INDUSTRIES :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Industrii STR_012A_DESERT :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Dezerto STR_012B_SNOW :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Nivo STR_012C_MESSAGE :{WHITE}Sendajo STR_012D :{WHITE}{STRING} STR_012E_CANCEL :{BLACK}Anular STR_012F_OK :{BLACK}OK STR_0130_RENAME :{BLACK}Rinomizar STR_013C_CARGO :{BLACK}Kargajo STR_013D_INFORMATION :{BLACK}Informo STR_013E_CAPACITIES :{BLACK}Kapacesi STR_013F_CAPACITY :{BLACK}Kapaceso: {LTBLUE}{CARGO} STR_0140_NEW_GAME :{BLACK}Nova Ludo STR_0141_LOAD_GAME :{BLACK}Charjas Ludo STR_0148_GAME_OPTIONS :{BLACK}Ludo Selekti STR_0150_SOMEONE :ulu{SKIP}{SKIP} ############ range for menu starts STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Revenuo grafiko STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Livrita kargajo grafiko ############ range for menu ends ############ range for months starts ############ range for months ends STR_0194_SHOW_TRANSPORT_ROUTES_ON :{BLACK}Montrar transport-voyi ad la mapo STR_0195_SHOW_VEGETATION_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Montrar vejetado ad la mapo STR_0196_SHOW_LAND_OWNERS_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Montrar proprietanti ad la mapo STR_0197_TOGGLE_TOWN_NAMES_ON_OFF :{BLACK}Montrar nam-urbi ad la mapo STR_0198_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Profito to yaro: {CURRENCY} (lasta yaro: {CURRENCY}) ############ range for service numbers starts ############ range for service numbers ends STR_019F_TRAIN :Treni STR_019C_ROAD_VEHICLE :Voy-vehili STR_019E_SHIP :Bateli STR_019D_AIRCRAFT :Aeroplani ############ range for days starts ############ range for days ends ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for menu starts ############ range ends here ############ start of townname region ############ end of townname region # Start of order review system. # DON'T ADD OR REMOVE LINES HERE # end of order system ############ generic strings for settings ############ network gui strings ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ end network gui strings ##### PNG-MAP-Loader ##id 0x0800 ##id 0x1000 ##id 0x1800 ##id 0x2000 ##id 0x2800 ##id 0x3000 ############ range for rating starts ############ range for rating ends ##id 0x3800 ##id 0x4000 ##id 0x4800 ############ range for requires starts ############ range for requires ends ############ range for produces starts ############ range for produces ends ##id 0x5000 ##id 0x5800 STR_5802_LIGHTHOUSE :Faro ############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 ############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 ############ range for difficulty levels starts ############ range for difficulty levels ends ############ range for difficulty settings starts STR_6813_ECONOMY :{LTBLUE}Ekonomio: {ORANGE}{STRING} STR_6815_DISASTERS :{LTBLUE}Dizastri: {ORANGE}{STRING} ############ range for difficulty settings ends STR_6816_LOW :Basa STR_6817_NORMAL :Normala STR_6818_HIGH :Alta STR_681C_SLOW :Lenta STR_681D_MEDIUM :Meza STR_681E_FAST :Rapida STR_6820_LOW :Basa STR_6821_MEDIUM :Meza STR_6822_HIGH :Alta ##id 0x7000 STR_7027_LOAN :{WHITE}Prest-ajo STR_7039_VEHICLES :{GOLD}Vehili: ##id 0x8000 ##id 0x8800 ##id 0x9000 ##id 0x9800 ##id 0xA000 ##id 0xB000 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_INT :{BLACK}{NUM} ############ Those following lines need to be in this order!! ############ End of order list ### depot strings ############ Lists rail types ############ End of list of rail types ########### For showing numbers in widgets ########### String for New Landscape Generator # Strings for map borders at game generation ########### String for new airports ############ Tooltip measurment ############ Date formatting ######## ##### Mass Order #### Improved sign GUI ######## ############ Face formatting ######## ############ signal GUI ######## ############ on screen keyboard ######## ############ AI GUI ######## ############ town controlled noise level ######## ############ Downloading of content from the central server ########